A Science Wiz Damsel (F/FF)

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A Science Wiz Damsel (F/FF)

Post by bondageboy87 »

This was a request by me fulfilled by DuckStewStories. Thanks, man!

Corine was so focused on tightening the final screws on her science fair project she failed to hear the approaching footsteps. It was her first college science fair and she wanted to ensure everything was perfect. So far college hadn’t been what she’d expected. She wasn’t entirely sure what she’d expected, but knew the past few months weren’t it.

She was eighteen and had never been on her own before moving into the dorms. Her roommate, Kristy, was a science major too. She’d hoped they’d be friends. Unfortunately, Kristy was ‘far too driven’ for friends.

She’d said they could be frenemies at best. Corine had taken what she could get. They were roommates, after all.

She let out her held breath once the screwdriver refused to budge further. Then tension released from her muscles and she dropped the tool onto the table next to her finished contraption.

A pair of hands grabbed her from behind. “What’re you doing in here?” they demanded.

Corine shrieked. She kicked her legs and reached for the screwdriver. Industrial espionage already?

“Whoa! It’s just me,” a familiar voice said.

Corine spun around, her lab coat billowed like a cape and she felt her skirt lifting slightly. Angie, her friend from one of her numerous math classes, stood a few feet away. She wore her usual sheepish grin, along with a pair of short cut overalls over a green t-shirt and a pair of grey chucks with black and white argyle knee socks. Her hazel eyes showed a mixture of shame and laughter.

Corine often envied her short brown spiked hair. It looked like a beaker had exploded in her face. Her favorite joke was telling people she was a chemistry major.

Especially because it was true.

“You scared me,” Corine said, pushing her glasses up. She always wore her thick-rimmed black ones to the lab. Although she claimed it was so she didn’t have to worry if they broke, it was mostly because they added to her scientist aesthetic. Her brown eyes glared from behind them.

She paused for a moment to fix her ponytail, gathering her long blonde hair and securing it again with a hair tie. That one was a necessity. She despised looking too nerdy but also didn’t want her hair singed.

“What’re you doing here so late?” Angie said.

“Seriously? Me? What are you doing?”

“I followed you.”

“I’ve been here over an hour.”

“Well I knew better than to scare you while you were working. So I went and got a snack.”


“So, is it done?”

“All finished,” Corine said, stepping aside to reveal her creation.

The moment was unfortunately short lived.

“Ugh…” an annoyed voice said. “What’re you two doing here?”

They both turned to find Kristy sneering from the doorway. She brushed her jet black hair from over her eye to get a better look at Corine’s machine.

“What…is that?” She asked in a tone of a rich snob asking about a drive through burger.

“It’s for the science fair,” Corine replied.

“Does it do anything?”

Corine sighed. She really didn’t want to tell Kristy about it. But the desire to practice her speech for tomorrow’s fair outweighed her disdain for her roommate.

“It converts wind to energy.”

“Oooh…” Angie said.

“Never heard of anything that does that before,” Kristy said.

“It requires less wind and creates more power. You can even blow it with your A/C.”

“Blowing your own sail? Ha!”

“That’s so cool,” Angie said before the argument began. “I want one. Can I just have this one?”

“Do you ever shut up?”

“Do you ever smile?”

Corine wanted to stop them but was unsure how. As she lowered her eyes, she spotted what appeared to be a roll of neon pink duct tape clutched in Kristy’s hand. It stood out like a sore thumb against her black outfit. She always wore black, claiming to be like Einstein. Although her outfits were always different. Today she wore tight pants with knee high boots and a V-neck shirt which hinted at her cleavage.

“What’s with the tape?” Corine asked.

Kristy looked down at it as if she’d forgotten it was there. “You wouldn’t understand…” she muttered.

“I wouldn’t understand tape?”

“This isn’t just ordinary tape. Do you think I just use regular duct tape?”

“I mean, I figured you used Gorilla Tape,” Angie said. “That shit holds everything.”

“Not as well as this,” she snapped, holding up the tape for emphasis.

Everyone paused. An awkward silence descended in the room.

“I like the color,” Corine said.

“Yeah. I figured you’d make it black like your soul or whatever.”

“It was supposed to be vantablack, but Arthur spilled some of his potion on it. And now it looks like this.”

Angie snickered.


“That was supposed to be a love potion. I guess it didn’t work.”

“No. It didn’t.”

“Is that your project?” Corine asked, genuinely curious.

Kristy glared at her. “Yes.”

“Oooh… Here you’re making fun of Corine’s windmill and you made fancy pink tape? Wow.”


“I mean, seriously. What’re you going to tape that’ll impress the judges? Because I watch Mythbusters. I’ve seen them duct tape a whole car back together.”

“Maybe I’ll tape your mouth shut.”

Angie stopped. Corine looked horrified but she began to smirk.

“You think your cute pink tape will shut me up?”

“I don’t feel like wasting it on—“

“Guess it isn’t that strong.”

Kristy tossed her the roll. Angie looked down at it and gulped slightly.

“Come on,” Corine said.

“No, no. Let’s see if her wonder tape actually works.”

“Have you tried it on…skin?”

Kristy shrugged. “I’ve been meaning to.”

“Angie, just—“

Angie peeled the tape back. The other two girls stared transfixed as she tore a long piece free and pressed it over her lips. She pressed it firmly and then smoothed it down onto her cheeks.

“Thm. Ym hmphm?”

“What?” Kristy said.

“Nvm mnd. Mnt wrmgs.”

A devious grin spread across Kristy’s lips. Angie looked to Corine and shrugged. The tape kept her quiet. It wasn’t much in terms of science but worked as a practical joke.

Angie reached up to peel the tape free. Her fingers couldn’t find the edges. Corine sighed and reached out to help her. Her hand froze on her friend’s cheek.

The tape seemed to have fused with her skin.

Corine looked to Kristy and her villainous grin. “What did you do?”


“Okay. I did lie…”

“Gmt thms shmt mnff mn!”

“I tried it on my skin. And that does happen. But it comes off with the peeler.”

“Okay,” Corine said, holding out her hand. “Then give it to me.”

“I don’t have it with me. Besides, I like her better like this.”

“What the hell Kristy? This isn’t funny.”

“For you maybe.”

Corine opened her mouth to speak but instead returned to Angie. The tape really had fused to her. It’d become her mouth.

“Hey,” Kristy whispered.


Corine turned to find Kristy holding a hammer over her windmill. The color drained from Corine’s face.

“You wouldn’t.”

“Maybe not. But do you want to chance it?”

Corine’s shoulders dropped. “What do you want?”

“First I want you to gag yourself.”

“No way.”

Kristy loosened her grip on the hammer. “The nice thing is, I don’t actually have to smash it. I just need to ‘accidentally’ drop this.”

“Okay! Okay.”

Corine pulled the tape back and tore off a tiny square.



“You know, for that…” Kristy said, swinging the hammer as she spoke. “…I want you to wrap it all the way around.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“Because I want to win. Now start wrapping or the windmill gets it.” She raised the hammer high to emphasize.

“If we do this, you’ve got to promise not to hurt my project.”

Kristy firmly gripped the hammer. “Deal. I’ll even make sure it ends up on the competition floor.”

“Then what’s the—“

“Because it’s fun. Wrap time.” She twirled her finger.

Corine sighed, pulled the tape, and pressed it against her cheek. She made sure to pause and lift her ponytail over as she completed the circumference and tore the tape. She even made a point to smooth it down.

“Good. Now tape Angie’s wrists.”

“Grrrmph…” Angie grunted into her gag. She held her wrists out to Corine, who proceeded to wrap a single layer of tape over them. It immediately fused to itself and her skin.

Angie tested the tape. It refused to budge.

“Have a seat,” Kristy said.

Angie’s eyes shot daggers but she complied.

“Now her legs.”

“Cmn mn Krmstm!”

“Just do it.”

Corine knelt and wrapped a layer of tape around Angie’s ankles. The pink stood out against her black and white argyle socks.

“Above her knees too.”


“Because I said so. Stop with the idiotic questions.”

Corine shook her head as she wrapped the tape just above her friend’s knees, pinning them together.

“Now watch this. Put your wrists against your knees.”

Angie looked puzzled. She glanced toward the hammer and then her friend’s pleading face. She did as told. Trying to raise her bound wrists once more, they refused to budge. The two sections of tape has fused together.


“I was curious if that would work. I admittedly hadn’t had a chance to test that yet.”


“Your turn,” Kristy said.

Corine frowned. She handed over the tape and dutifully put her wrists together and held them out.

“No. Yours are getting taped behind you.”

“Mmph? Whm frm?”

Kristy twirled her finger again. Corine turned around and crossed her wrists behind her back. Kristy immediately lashed them together with her tape.

“Your turn. Have a seat. Back to back with Angie.”

Corine crossed her legs and slowly lowered her body down to the floor. She let out small grunts as she scooted toward Angie’s back.


The moment she reached it, Kristy taped her ankles. The tape fused with her black tights. Then Kristy taped both above and below her knees. Corine’s Mary Janes squeaked along the floor as she extended her legs.

Kristy stood triumphantly over the two girls. She glanced at the tape to see what remained. She’d barely used half. With a shrug, she yanked it wide and pulled it snugly beneath Corine’s breasts. She wrapped it around and did the same for Angie before returning to Corine. She wrapped it above for both girls on the second pass.

She snickered as she tore it free.

“Don’t you two just look adorable? I think you’ll be perfect for selling how amazing my tape is.”

“Hm?!” Corine said.

“Well it’s not like you’re going anywhere. But don’t worry. I’ll be back for you, and that…” she motioned a hand towards Corine’s windmill. “…in the morning.”

Corine and Angie struggled against the tape. It continued to hold strong. Corine hoped Kristy really did have a remover. Although, the thought of her being expelled was also nice.

Kristy stepped out of the lab and closed the door behind her. She didn’t lock it, but nobody would be coming this late.

“Mmph…hmph…” Angie grunted, twisting her hands and trying to pull them free of her legs.

“Phm…grmph…” Corine moaned, struggling against her friend. She tried sliding down beneath the tape but it refused to budge. She kicked her legs out, wildly flailing her Mary Janes.

The two girls struggled, twisted, and moaned. When one moved, it yanked the other. They both leaned forward but only managed to squeeze their chests and heaved for air. Both paused to suck in breaths through their nostrils.

Angie pulled and yanked her wrists. Corine felt them beginning to tip and tried to turn away to hold them up. It was no use. The girls toppled onto their side.

“Mmph…phmph…hrmph…” they moaned and grunted, kicking their legs but unable to do anything else.

They were stuck until Kristy returned.

Kristy arrived early in the morning. Corine and Angie remained bound together and slept peacefully on their sides.

True to her word, she wheeled Corine’s windmill out and displayed it properly at her booth. She even put a fan on the table to make it work.

Then she returned for her project. The girls struggled and moaned as she forced them onto the flat dolly. She covered them with a sheet and wheeled them over to the auditorium.

Her pitch to the judges was simple. Corine wouldn’t let anything get between her and presenting her invention. But the tape held strong.

Although Corine struggled and moaned through the presentation, she had only one thing on her mind. She’d have plenty of time alone with her roommate to get revenge. With her own invention nonetheless.
Last edited by bondageboy87 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Thank you for sharing this story. Please be sure to gender tag it as soon as possible.
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