Femdom! (FM-MF)

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Femdom! (FM-MF)

Post by jailmechanic »

Story Complete, all chapters now added


Chapter 1


“I wonder what Raymond will think when he sees the top of our wedding cake on the table”, Penny thought. Penny and Raymond had saved the top of their wedding cake to have at their 1 year anniversary dinner and Raymond would be home in just half an hour, Penny had a long way to go before having dinner ready. Penny and Raymond had been lovers since their junior year in high school and nothing had shaken either ones devotion to the other. Penny loved Raymond very much and was committed to the marriage even if it meant altering any preconceived notions she had had before the union. She was sure Raymond felt the same way about her, the way he looked at her, the glow he had after they made love and the little things he would do for her were all reassuring to her conclusion of mutual love.

Lately though Penny had sensed a change in their love life or at least Raymond's satisfaction level. Penny being the conventional wife and lover was aware of the means of spicing up ones love life but never actually was interested or explored any of those practices. As a matter of fact she wasn't really sure of all the avenues available to those willing and able to participate in alternative sexual games. Should she look at some of these choices as a way to please Raymond she thought to herself,.....which one though........would he go along or just think she was becoming a weirdo..........is my intuition wrong or does he really want to try something else? Unsure what way to go Penny decided to put the problem on the back burner and concentrate on the anniversary dinner and maybe bring it up later in the bedroom where the anniversary would really be celebrated.

Raymond arrived home early, and Penny was not surprised because she knew that he was looking forward to this evening just as she was . Raymond came into the kitchen and kissed Penny on the back of the neck while she was laboring at the stove preparing the celebration feast. “Ready for dinner Hun”, Penny asks. “Yeah I'm starved, didn't have much lunch today. What's for dinner? This is a special night you know.” Penny a little disappointed that Raymond didn't even notice the cake on the table answered back “Your favorite, pork chops and beans....didn't you even see the cake on the table?” Raymond heading off to the bathroom to wash up “Yeah, where did you get it?” as he continuing marching off to the wash room not really expecting an answer. Penny now a little irritated by his lack of attention to the cake gave no answer.

After washing up Raymond opened up a little box and walked into the bedroom, in his hand was a pair of handcuffs which he tossed on the bed and then went back to the dining room. Upon entering he examined the cake and noted that it was the top of the wedding cake he and his wife cut together 1 year ago tonight. Oh what a night he thought to himself and tonight he was even going to make things better for both of them, he hoped, by revealing his deep sexual desires to his bride of 1 year. He knew that Penny was naive about such things as bondage and domination but he thought maybe she would be open minded enough to try it at least, especially if he asked for her co-operation.

As dinner played out the couple made small talk about the events of the day and exchanged glances. Penny placed her foot on top of Raymond's immediately sending the signal to her partner that she was playful. As usual when Penny came home from the law office where she worked she kicked off her dress shoes giving her bare feet room to move, and now they were working their way up under Raymond's pants and on his ankle. Raymond smiled and let out a “mmmmmmmm” while swallowing a mouth full of beans. After a few minutes of rubbing her toes up and down his ankle and shin Penny put her foot back under her own chair. Raymond enjoyed the foot play as was evident by the large bulge forming in his pants. Penny's bare foot returned to her husbands leg on the outside of his pants but gently going up further to the crotch area, her toes surveying the area, she knew by feel that she had been successful in awakening Raymond's member. Raymond was having trouble finishing his dinner and was now thinking of what was to come after the dinner ritual was complete. He thought of the handcuffs and hoped Penny would cooperate, but if she didn't he knew at least they would make love the way they always had, after all it was their anniversary.

After they each had a piece of the wedding cake (that neither one finished because it tasted so bad after one year in the freezer) they picked up the dishes and loaded the dishwasher. The task took extra long because by this time they both were unable to keep their hands off of each other incessantly teasing each other working up their sexual desires to a near fever pitch.

Raymond announced suddenly that he was headed to take a shower and maybe Penny should join him in the bedroom when she finished the dishwasher duty. She thought that was a good idea and said she would be there in a minute. Raymond left and Penny finished up with the dishwasher and headed for the bedroom, but Raymond in his haste and sporting a big woodie ran off to the shower and forgot the handcuffs on the bed, or maybe he didn't. Perhaps he subconsciously wanted Penny to find them. Penny entered the bedroom thinking of joining Raymond in the shower when suddenly a she caught a glint of steel out of the corner of her eye, Sure enough there it was, a brand new pair of handcuffs on the bed, “so that's what it's going to be” she said quietly to herself. “Now it's all starting to make sense, he's into kinky stuff and he wants to handcuff me during sex.” Just then Raymond emerged from the en-suite shower and saw Penny staring at the cuffs. Raymond was a bit panicked and his reaction to what he saw left him in the deer in the headlights mode. Not knowing just what to say he fumbled for the words to explain his new desires but he stopped abruptly when Penny turned around to address him about the new toy. He could see she was troubled about the surprise and as she started removing her clothes to head to the shower she simply said “don't say anything now, just wait until I get done in the shower.”

Penny somewhat disturbed and taken aback by what she found began to wonder in the shower what his intentions actually were, would the handcuffs evolve into something else? Did he have more equipment hidden away somewhere? How long has he had those handcuffs? The more she thought about it the more convinced she was that they should have a long talk about it before they go any further. She was a little apprehensive about being incapacitated while being naked even though she was sure Raymond would do nothing to hurt or embarrass her, still the thought of that was a little more than she could handle right now.

Meanwhile Raymond was wringing his hands hoping that Penny wasn't mad or freaked out by the sight of the handcuffs. Still kicking himself for leaving the restraints out in plain view he needed to do some planning. With the few minutes he had left before she returned he went over in his mind just what he was gong to say to Penny when she was face to face with him. He rehearsed it several times in his mind, he wasn't going to let Penny speak or get the upper hand before he was done saying his piece. Just then he heard the shower door close.

Penny entered the room clad in only a towel, the large bath towel covered her from the tops of her ample breasts to her mid thighs. She immediately took command of the situation and told Raymond that they needed to speak. It was obvious what the conversation was going to be about so she never even mentioned the hardware she had found on the bed but launched into a query about what his intentions were regarding her being handcuffed during sex, and just how far did he think he was going with that? “How often do you want to handcuff me, and how long do you expect me to be in those things?”

Raymond was stunned, this isn't at all how he thought this would go down, and worse yet he had let Penny speak first and get the upper hand and she demanded answers. Raymond paused for what seemed like 10 minutes but actually was only seconds and then said calmly “The handcuffs were for me, they are to be put on me.” Penny cocked her head looking confused and said “Wait.........what.........you want me to put you in handcuffs?” “That's right” Raymond said as he meekly looked Penny in the eyes. For the next five minutes neither one said a word, each trying to process what just happened, for this conversation had yielded results that neither one expected. Slowly Raymond came around and started to show Penny how they worked, the key and how to lock them so they can't get tighter after they are put on. Penny caught on quickly and showed genuine interest in how to put them on, and how they worked, for her goal in all of this was to make Raymond happy. Raymond said that he even had a spare key so that there wouldn't be any surprises with a lost key, and if the cuffs failed to open there was always a hack saw in the garage, all said to reassure Penny that it was all safe. Penny agreed to handcuff Raymond and try the new kink at least for tonight, but she cautioned “I'm not making any promises about this.”


Chapter 2

Six Weeks Later

“How's your day going?” Penny asked in an upbeat voice. She was on the phone to Raymond. “Did it come yet honey?” she asked, pretending to be only casually interested. In reality she was eager to see the package arrive, even though Amazon guarantees next day delivery this has already been the third day and Penny could hardly wait any longer. Penny leaned forward in her chair burying her head in the the cubicle keeping her conversation a little more quiet and private, her thin frame stretched over the desk, her legs folded under her chair exposing the soles of her bare feet. Even though the dress code of the office required employees to dress professionally Penny had a hard time keeping her shoes on and often took them off when working at her cubicle. “Well call me if it comes” was the last thing she said before hanging up the phone. She put her feet back under her desk and fumbled around for her shoes eventually finding them and slipping them back on. It was time for a break, she had been working on a case for several hours now and needed some caffeine and a cigarette. She got a cup of coffee and headed for the door to the courtyard where there was several tables.

At one of the tables were some of the other paralegals who worked at the office, they spotted her and flagged her over to come sit with them. The three women apparently had been discussing some bed room experiences Penny gathered as she walked up and sat at their table hearing the the tail end of their ongoing conversation. She decided to listen rather than contribute thinking that maybe she could pick up a few pointers. Marge, an older woman of about 40 ish with dark hair and large breasts blurted out “I don't think my husband is interested in me anymore and maybe he has another woman.” “Does he still jump you” asked another woman with red hair named Shirley. “Yeah, whenever I let him” Marge replied. “Then why do you think he's not interested in you?” asked Becky a 23 year old attractive blonde also sitting at the table. “What the hell would you know about it, you don't even have a husband.” Retorted Marge “Yeah but I got a boyfriend who loves me and we have sex all the time. Same thing right?” Penny broke her silence “No not the same, your boyfriend could leave any time and many do, so you always have to find a way to keep him interested. Free pussy might not be the answer all the time. Some times you got to spice it up a bit”. “What do you know that we don't know? What are you keeping from us?” Shirley asked with a wink and a grin. “I gotta go back to work, I got a lot to do.” Becky said as she gulped the rest of her coffee after she realized she was in way over her head on this conversation. She smiled and then stubbed out her cigarette and said” It's cold out here I'm going in”.

Shirley “Come on Penny, quit holding out on us, what kind of spicy stuff are you talking about? Anyway don't you think you owe it to Marge to give her information that might help her marriage?”

Penny “Well........it's just that things can get a little stale after a while, doing the same things over and over........sometimes you got to think out of the box.........play a different role sometimes. Penny turned to Marge and made a suggestion. “Maybe you should talk to your husband and see if he is getting what he wants in the bed room, maybe there's something he want's to try but is afraid or embarrassed to bring it up. You have to be open to new or kinky ideas, in the end you might like it.

Shirley “I think I like where this is going, I've got to go back to work but you and I” looking directly at Penny, “we're going to talk later, I have an idea for you I think you're going to like.”
With that Shirley left, Marge said nothing else about the matter and Penny with the notion that she had said too much already was eager to change the subject. Soon the two remaining women got up and shuffled back into the building.

Penny went back and Looked at her desk phone while she slid into her chair and pulled herself up to the desk, the little light for message indication was not on. With frustration mounting Penny eased off her shoes and went back to work. At 5 PM, quitting time Shirley came around and slipped an envelope into Penny's purse. “Read that after you get home and make sure you are alone when you do” She said in a low subdued voice. Penny stared at the envelope in her purse for a few seconds and when she looked up Shirley was gone.

It was 5:45 when Penny got home, she hung up her frock and went to the couch and called for Raymond. With a weak voice he replied from the kitchen, “home already hun?” He had been home on a vacation day and hadn't kept track of the time while cooking dinner. Penny threw herself on the couch and said “come take off my shoes and rub my feet” sounding more like an order than a request she added “make me a drink too” Raymond said nothing but soon appeared with a cocktail and sat at the end of the couch and removed her footwear, she was not in the habit of wearing stockings, not many women do anymore. Raymond began rubbing her bare feet “Not too hard, or you will pay for that later!” Raymond rubbed her feet softer and paid particular attention to her soles where her toes ended. “You know it sucks walking on those heels all day” Penny reminded Raymond who replied with “I wouldn't know.” “Maybe you should find out, I should have you walk around in them all day” she giggled making a joke of it. Raymond complimented her “but you look so sexy in them” even though he didn't quite know himself where he was going with that, and he did like it when Penny wore heels around the apartment. Penny came back with “Guess what, Saturday you'll be walking around in them all day” this time there was no giggle. Raymond sensed he had gone too far and quickly changed the subject knowing that there was no way he could fit in her size 6 shoes even if he wanted to, and he did a little bit. “A box came for you today.” Penny “Get it for me now.” Penny tore open the box to reveal a bright red ball gag.

It seems that Penny really took to the B&D experience from six weeks ago and has been expanding on the experiment and even though she didn't know it, she was turning it into a lifestyle. Raymond who's dream was to be dominated by a live in mistress was quite happy at the way things were turning out and didn't have to make suggestions any more because Penny was ready willing and able to satisfy Raymond's needs and had plenty ideas of her own. Life at Raymond and Penny's home during the weekdays was as normal as life in Mayberry with Aunt Bea and Andy, but on the weekends things changed completely and everything went according to the whims and desires of Mistress Penny. This began on Friday night after work was done and lasted until Sunday some time usually determined by the mistress. Penny was the mistress and Raymond did what he was told, except the mistress was never pleased and was always handing out punishments and keeping Raymond in various bondage predicaments for his mistakes and incompetence for most of the weekend. Penny was really turned on by the bondage and didn't mind at all ordering Raymond about especially when it was to her benefit. She learned that she could sexually benefit from this arrangement by having Raymond bring her to orgasm as many times as she wanted during the weekend while withholding sex from him because of some bad behavior she would dream up. Sex for him was used as a reward but was awarded sparingly, usually only once during the weekend and almost always at the end of the ordeal so as to keep Raymond's sexual hunger peaked all the time. Penny has now gone way past just handcuffs and has moved on to rope allowing her to get into a more complicated bondage scenario. Being inexperienced in rigging though, some of the bondage predicaments penny came up with were somewhat pain-full leaving Raymond with numb limbs, hands and feet at times. But she was getting better and even researched the internet on knot tying and bondage techniques so as to improve her package tying abilities.

Now Penny had something new to experiment with, she was going to try out that new ball gag on Raymond tonight. She had the weekend all planned and was looking forward to more of Raymond performing trivial subservient acts for her such as the care and pampering of her feet as well as testing his ability to be obedient. She needed a cigarette “Raymond bring my handbag here” he stopped rubbing her feet and immediately brought the bag to her. “I gave you an order, I expect an acknowledgment”, “YES MISTRESS” Raymond responded. While Penny rummaged through her bag for her smokes she came across the envelope Shirley had placed in there. She had forgotten about it and figured that it must be some silly insignificant note that Shirley would think was important advice for her.

She remembered Shirley's warning (make sure you are alone when you open the envelope and read the note.) “Raymond, stop rubbing my feet now, wash your hands and finish making dinner.” Raymond “Yes Mistress” and off he went to the kitchen leaving Mistress Penny alone, she quickly stuck a nail file into the end of the envelope and slit the top open revealing a one page note hand written on half a sheet of white paper. Penny began reading the note: Penny, today I realized by your comments that you and I may have some things in common concerning our bedroom activities. I can't be sure just what you are into but if it involves rope or handcuffs we need to talk because I have an interesting idea for you. If you're not interested and I guessed wrong then toss this letter and consider it case closed (lawyer talk). If not though and you can't stop thinking about this offer then call me and we'll meet for a drink, just the two of us.

Mistress Penny was taken aback by the note saying to herself, “how could she know what I was doing, is there some way this had gotten out?” She remembered the conversation in the courtyard and didn't think she gave away what was going on during the weekends at her apartment. She was convinced though that somehow Shirley knew what her and Raymond were up to. One thing was for sure though, she had to meet Shirley and find out for sure what she knew and shut this thing down, tonight. She picked up her phone and punched up her number, Shirley answered immediately as if she was waiting for Penny to call. Penny”I want to meet you tonight and discuss this note”. Shirley “I thought you would but I can't meet you tonight, I've got stuff going on let's say tomorrow night instead, Saturday 8 PM at Benny's on Day St.” Penny “Great I'll see you there then at 8.” Shirley “Oh......and leave your husband at home, we don't need the guys for this.” Penny “you bet, he wouldn't be coming even if you had wanted him to.” One moment later Raymond's voice from the kitchen “Dinners ready”. With that Penny said “I'll see you tomorrow then, good bye” and ended the call. Still puzzled by the unusual interest in her sex life by Shirley, Penny got up and cruised into the kitchen where Raymond was putting the food on the table for the two of them to consume.

Penny said nothing and sat down with a befuddled look on her face. Raymond didn't notice and tried to make conversation asking Penny “hard day at work dear?” Penny was about to come clean but at the last second held back and said “yeah, I had a lot of work for one of the partners in the law firm today and didn't get much time to take a break. Why are you asking so many questions anyway.” Penny's demeanor changed noticeably as she reverted back to Mistress Penny. “You know you aren't supposed to be asking me personal questions, the mistress' business is her own and not public information, I'm afraid you will be spending a half an hour in a hog tie for that, with five strokes across the soles of your feet just to make sure you remember not to do it again! It's a good thing I got that ball gag today so I won't have to listen to your crying and whining when you are serving out your punishments.” Raymond said no more, he already had enough on his plate for tonight.

Chapter 3 to follow


Chapter 3

The Meeting

Raymond's eyes snapped open and he strained to see the alarm clock from his vantage point at the foot of the bed which was where the mistress ordered him to sleep. His attempt to sit up was hampered by his hands being cuffed to a chain around his neck, a situation he had temporarily forgotten about in his half sleep state and since it wasn't awfully restricting but cumbersome just the same. Mistress Penny came up with the overnight special bondage to keep Raymond from jerking off in the middle of the night so as not to deplete his natural desires. He lay naked and chained at the bottom of the bed next to the Mistress' feet awaiting her next command. His movements caused the Mistress to stir a bit but she remained in a position to limit the light to her eyes still trying to get in a few winks of shut eye in, Raymond knew better than to wake her before she was ready.

After a few minutes it seemed obvious that her sleep cycle was ending and was getting ready to arise after poking her head up and looking at the alarm clock just as it closed in on 8:30 AM. In a low subdued voice she said “Raymond rub my feet before you get up to make coffee” “Yes Mistress” Raymond whispered “shouldn't you give me the key for the handcuffs then?” “Just do what I tell you and don't ask questions” Penny piped back. Raymond slipped his hands under the covers feeling around for Penny's peds, sure enough he found a set of toes then the other foot, he slid in closer to better position himself for the foot massage since his hands were still cuffed and chained to his neck. The soles of Penny's feet were only inches from his face which was the only way he could accomplish her orders. Penny knew this and found it entertaining for her and demeaning for him which seems to have entered into her engineering of the handcuff necklace. After about 15 minutes of this she threw him the key “enough, go and make coffee and bring a cup in here for me when it's done. Oh and don't put on any clothes either. I tell you when you can get dressed.” Raymond fumbled with the keys and eventually opened the handcuffs and the padlocked chain around his neck.

Since Raymond was there to serve the Mistress on the weekends, it was his duty to do the housework and the cooking during that time. The Mistress allowed him to dress for the day before cooking breakfast except for footwear, it was the order of the Mistress that he remain barefoot for the weekend from now on, after all what would he ever need shoes, he's in the apartment all weekend anyway. After breakfast Penny went to work out and she had been back about an hour now and was hungry for lunch. He had done well on breakfast with pancakes and bacon and was just starting lunch, his menu consisted of fried ham sandwiches, potato chips and a pickle. Penny announced to Raymond she was horny and after lunch he had the privileged duty to please her, only she had a new way for him to do that and of course it involved him being in bondage.

Penny took a shower after lunch and ordered Raymond to do the same, after all there was no reason for Raymond not to be clean especially when sex was to be had. Raymond left the bathroom toweling off to find the Mistress had laid out the ropes out on the bed that she needed for a hog tie. Penny ordered Raymond to lay face down in the middle of the bed and to leave his lower legs and feet hang off the foot end of the bed. Raymond did as he was told and before long Penny had his wrists and elbows tied behind his back, another rope encircled his arms and chest holding them down tightly to his body. She bound his knees and then his ankles then ordered Raymond to turn over, only to reveal that his flagpole was at full staff. The Mistress took notice of this and commented “I'm glad you are having such a good time but I have to do a little work here so that you don't shoot off to early, you are not allowed this pleasure at least until tomorrow due to your inadequate behavior.” With that she pulled out a smaller quarter inch thick rope about 5 feet long, she looped it around the ropes surrounding his body at his breast bone leaving two 2 1/2 foot long separate ropes which were carefully wound around his ball sack in opposite directions then tied together under his sack and twisted to from one rope for about 3 inches, then drawn up to his cock separating his balls the cord separates again so as to be able to wind around his cock again in opposite directions, then tied together near the tip of his cock. Now his manhood was completely encircled with rope depriving him of any feeling that would give him any pleasure. During this tying process Raymond tried to sit up so he could see what she was doing shortening the rope between his breast bone and his balls. Penny orders Raymond to return to laying on his stomach which now tightens the rope to his balls causing increased stress. The Mistress finished up by completing a hog tie linking his ankles to the middle of his back, applying even more stress on his cock and ball rope. This left him in a neat package in the middle lower part of the bed. Penny who had been naked the whole time informed Raymond she had to make a phone call, donned her bathrobe and left the room.

Penny went to the kitchen and dialed Shirley's number, Shirley answers “ What's up my kinky friend?” Penny “Can you tell me what this is about?” Shirley “ What, you know what this is, we went over this.” Penny “Well...........can we meet sooner, I'm have to know what's going on here, do you know something about me that I should know about?” Shirley “Don't worry honey I don't know anything for sure, I'm just reading reading the tea leaves here, but so far it seems I've read them right. Oh......and no I can't meet any sooner, it's tonight at 8 PM or nothing.” Penny “Alright then it's 8 o-clock, see you then.” Penny seemed to enjoy some relief that Shirley didn't know anything about her sex life which seemed to be enough for Penny to wait until the 8 PM meeting.

Back in the bedroom Raymond was wondering just what was going on, who was she talking to, when was she coming back, what was this complicated tie about? Just then the mistress enters the room peeling off her robe. “You better get ready to do your duty slave” Penny announces to Raymond. “You know that thing you do with your tongue that I like so much......well that's what your duty is right now, only difference is that you're tied up now.” Penny climbed on the bed and straddled Raymond with her legs, sliding her body down soon she was unable to see Raymond's smile, only the top of his head.

The afternoons activities seemed to really work up an apatite for both Penny and Raymond it was dinner time now and the Mistress has ordered up steaks for both her and the slave. Raymond had removed the steaks from the freezer in the morning and they were both thawed out now so Raymond had the broiler nearly up to temperature. Raymond “Didn't I do good Mistress.....four orgasms for you should have earned at least one for me tonight.” “Better think again slave, I really wanted 5 and you didn't get there so it's more time in ropes for you and no pleasure for you tonight. Raymond's balls ached and he needed relief and his ears were not pleased to hear those words, he thought to himself such is the life of a sex slave.

Raymond is a terrific cook so dinner was perfect, even the Mistress gave Raymond extra points for the fantastic meal. While Raymond was cleaning up and loading the dishwasher Penny went to the bedroom to prepare for Raymond's next endurance, before she did she told Raymond “Come to the bedroom when you are done in the kitchen.” Ten minutes later Raymond entered the room to find that Mistress Penny had the ropes laid out again. “Alright slave, time for you to get naked again. We can't have you wearing clothes when you need to be humiliated and punished.” She tied his hands behind his back, elbows drawn together, knees and ankles together. She had him lay on his back while she wound a thin cord around his balls and cock several times tying it so as to leave a 3 foot piece dangling, now she tied a small cord around his big toes cinching them together leaving another 3 foot piece. “OK slave lay face down across the bed after he did she tied the cord from his toes to the bed frame near the floor pulling his feet down as far as she could. Moving to the other side of the bed she took the cord connected to his scrotum and wound it around the bed frame tightening it up as Raymond inched toward her seeking relief until the cord attached to his toes was taut and gave no more. With that penny tied off his scrotum cord and announced “There you're all set for the night, I'm going out, I'll see you in a couple of hours” Raymond in an exasperated voice “Wait.....you can't leave me here like this while you go out!” Penny “Yea you're right, you might decide to holler out and I can't have people coming in here finding you like this, where's that ball gag.”

It was ten to eight when Penny walked into Benny's and sat at the end of the bar facing the door, this would allow her to see Shirley when she came in. Penny ordered a drink and then another as she waited. It was 8:15 When Shirley arrived, she was never known for her promptness but Penny was glad to see her just the same, she was beginning to wonder if she was going to be stood up. Penny “Lets get a table away from the bar.” “I was just going to say the same thing, we don't want unwanted ears overhearing our private discussion.” Shirley got a drink and the the pair headed off to a corner table in the lounge. Penny “So what is this big proposition you are pushing?” Shirley “It's not a proposition but an opportunity.” Penny has a puzzled look on her face. “Look honey, I know just by what we talked about already that you are into the kinky stuff, BDSM........you know. What I don't know is if you are the top or the bottom.” Penny was lost now, “top......top of what?” Shirley “I figure by the way you are acting that you and hubby just got into this and what I want to know is who's getting tied up and who's doing the tying?” Penny starred at her and didn't answer. Shirley “Penny, your secret is safe with me, I do the same stuff, why I couldn't come last night cause I was tied to the bed all night. Here's the deal, my husband and I belong to a bondage club and I'm wondering if you want to join. If you are interested I can set you and your hubby up for a visit to a meeting.” Penny was again taken aback, she had no idea such a thing even existed “A bondage club?” Penny uttered. “Yeah it's great once a month we get together and we trade partners and different bottoms get tied up by other tops.” By this time Penny was putting together the meaning of tops and bottoms but she was uncomfortable with the notion of taking her newfound fetish to this public level. “Is there sex involved in this?” Penny asked. “If you want there to be, but no one is forcing you to do anything. You go as far as you want to, but the basic bondage part, that is sort of expected since it is a bondage club and we don't really promote people just standing around watching.” Penny told Shirley that she would think it over and talk to her husband about it and get back to her. The pair exchanged some office gossip and bid each other adieu after they finished their drinks.

Penny arrived home and immediately put her Mistress hat on and was heading straight for the bedroom. She found Raymond waiting still stretched out on the bed in the exact same place where she left him an hour and a half ago. A wet spot had formed on the bed where he drooled from his ball gag. The Mistress relaxed the rope that snared his balls as well as the one that lashed his big toes to the bottom of the bed, she untied his arms then told him to finish untying himself and put the ropes away. Raymond was still erect when he finally got to roll over. It was nearly time for bed so she told Raymond to get his neck cuffs out, but he could take a little break from his servant duties and bondage for now.

After a few minutes and when Raymond was partially recovered from his extended bondage he got the nerve up to ask Penny where she went. Penny “I had an interesting meeting that I went to” Raymond “What kind of meeting?” Penny “Well.......it could be about our future and our little weekend hobby, you see I have this friend at work and well she's into the same kind of stuff we are except she's the one getting tied up and her husband is doing the tying. Well she and her husband belong to this sort of club......a club where they do tying up all the time, sometimes with other people.” Raymond distressed to hear this breaks character and barks back “Penny what have you gone and done.....you're telling your friends about our little sex game, you want to join a bondage club?” Penny “I made a kinky comment at work and one of the girls picked up on it, I didn't tell anyone about our weekend arrangement, she guessed what we were doing, besides she thinks I'm the one getting tied up.” “Oh well that's a relief, now strangers are thinking I'm tying you up.” Raymond retorts. Penny feeling more like a child who did something wrong rather than the authoritarian mistress she portrayed earlier in the evening finished explaining the offer that Shirley suggested. Raymond asked a couple of questions and then they both lay on the bed, Penny and the unrestrained but still naked Raymond spooning as they covered up and went to sleep.

When Penny awoke Sunday morning she found herself alone in the bed, rubbing her eyes and finishing a large yawn she was about to call for Raymond when suddenly he appeared in the doorway holding two cups of coffee. Penny looked him over as he sat on the hope chest near the bed and remarked “who told you that you could put clothes on?” Raymond had slipped on a pair of underwear and jeans to make coffee “I'm sorry mistress, I will remove them immediately.” Penny “Yes do that and then come here.” When Raymond went to the mistress at the head of the bed she ordered him to turn around “Ok hands behind your back so I can snap these on.” Penny was referring to the handcuffs or course and once she had them on she turned him around “Alright you seem to think that you can ignore my will and do whatever you want like getting dressed this morning without my permission. I can see that I have to put you in your place and make you understand how insignificant you are and where you belong. I want you to kneel at the foot of the bed and kiss the soles of my feet.” Raymond immediately knelt at the foot of the bed while Penny threw the covers off and eased down so that her feet were near the edge of the bed. After 5 min of kissing her soles........Penny says “ you know I had my boots on last night and I haven't had a shower so you have to tell me if my feet smell.” Raymond sniffed the soles of both feet and reported that they were OK no smell. Penny “Get your nose between my toes and check there Raymond did as she said and was about to report back when Penny said “Check between all of them.” So Raymond spent the next five minutes sniffing between all of Penny's toes. She asks again “still OK?” “Yes mistress” Raymond says in a strong voice. With that the mistress produces a pleasure sleeve and some lubricant. Penny replies to Raymond still in handcuffs “Good come here and get your reward for being a good boy. “


Chapter 4
The Proposal

Raymond and Penny did not speak of the club offer by Shirley for three days, finally Penny had to know what Raymond thought of it, clearly she was excited by the offer but somehow she didn't think this would appeal to Raymond, she thought he would see it as too open and could lead to infidelity and threaten their still perfect marriage. Penny “Ramond.....have you thought over Penny's offer?” “I have.......but I'm somewhat uncomfortable with it, for one thing you are asking me to be tied up naked in front of a lot of strangers? And why should I be the only one subjected to that, how about you? Are you willing to get naked and tied up yourself?” Penny was unprepared for Raymond's response, since he was the one that asked for this lifestyle she was befuddled that he was now voicing objections the club offer. She never asked for this and after all she was the one that went the extra mile to quench his thirst for the B&D experience, it seemed only fair that she should have a little fun too.

Penny decided to let it rest for a while as she mulled over Raymond's reaction and suggestions. His suggestion about her being bound naked in front of and by strangers somehow sent a thrill through her body like she had never experienced before. While she was intrigued by the notion she had no idea if she had the courage to go through with that, yet that is what she was asking Raymond to do. Could the mistress become the slave and be subservient to someone that was at one time her slave? Maybe she should try it, but not in front of an audience naked, maybe with Raymond naked, but not at the club. I don't think Shirley said anyone had to be naked, as a matter of fact she said you are not forced to do anything you don't want to, except participate in the bondage games, she never said anything about naked bondage.

After a couple of hours Penny brought it up again, “Shirley said that no one has to be naked or have sex. You just have to participate in the bondage stuff. I think I'd like to go and try it but I have to bring a partner, can't go by myself.” “Or what? You get tied up yourself if you don't.” Raymond chuckled. Penny “maybe that wouldn't be so bad, you know I can take it.” Raymond “No I don't know that, I've never seen you tied up before.” Penny “OK I've got a deal for you, If you tie me up and I can take it, then can we go to the gathering at the club?” “When are you willing to do this? This coming weekend?” Raymond asks. “When ever you want.....this weekend is great, lets say we reverse roles this weekend and you become the master and I will be your slave.” Penny offers. Raymond conditionally agrees as long as he does not have to get naked in public, and also Penny has to confirm this with Shirley before the reverse role weekend, or the whole deal is off.

Raymond awoke on Thursday morning with a woodie after dreaming about spending another weekend in bondage, soon he came to his senses and realized that he was going to be the bondage giver this weekend and the pretty young Penny would be the bondage receiver, his manhood grew even larger as he thought it over. Since he never expected this offer to ever be made he was caught off guard and realized he was unprepared for what was coming. He needed to think it over, what was he going to do, how would he tie her, he had never considering this outcome before and didn't have the slightest idea how to bind her so she could experience the same pleasure as he regularly enjoys. Would she even be turned on by this or is she only looking to fulfill a challenge made by him in the middle of a somewhat heated discussion. He wasn't sure but he thought he better make a good attempt at pleasing her if he wanted anything to be successful again. He had some ideas but he thought he better make a stop at the local adult book store before the weekend comes to pick up a few essentials. After he finalized the shopping list in his mind his male member had not yet taken a break and was still at full mast. He reasoned that if this experiment worked they could both enjoy bondage, switching rolls on a regular basis.

Penny's return to the office that morning was fraught with anticipation, there was the club meeting next week and as if that wasn't enough she needed to confirm the thing about optional nudity, and she thought she might ask Shirley about her (Penny) switching rolls thing since Shirley always is the bottom in her relationship. This last thing was for her own benefit since she didn't know what at all to expect and at this point just wanted to get through it so she and Raymond could go to the club. After about 10 min Shirley came strolling in giving a wink to Penny as she walked near the desk. She stopped and looked at Penny and in a low direct voice she asked “Come to any decisions yet about the meeting next week?” “I have to talk to you about that later, can we have a private meeting outside by the table say a little after break time? Lets wait till everyone else leaves so it' just you and I, I.....I have some questions.” Penny said as she kept typing on her keyboard without looking at Shirley. “Wellllll what do ya know, look who wants advice.” Shirley said lowering her voice with a smirk. Penny “Not so much advice but what the perimeters are, we' ll talk later.” Penny was still typing never looking up at Shirley, as if not looking would hide the fact that they are conversing about something secretly.

It was a few minutes after 10:30 and Penny looked over to the other side of the room at Shirley several times finally their eyes met and Penny gave a nod while slipping on her shoes and grabbing her soda can. This was it, she got up and Shirley grabbed her coffee cup and they both headed for the door.

Raymond left work on his lunch break to do his shopping, there were several shops that could fullfill his shopping list within walking distance from his office. He had done a little research online and knew just what he wanted. He didn't find one of the items at the first shop so he had to make a second stop to visit another shop where he was able to complete his shopping for the weekend. He got back just in time to go back to work without a bite of lunch, he would get a sandwich he thought at his next break time, it would be worth it as he thought it over for Penny would be screaming this weekend. By early afternoon everything was in place for the weekend switch, Raymond had his special instruments and Penny had been reassured from Shirley about the nudity, everything was go.

Friday was the day of anticipation and both were preoccupied all day with the upcoming experience they were both to have this evening. Penny had become comfortable with the mistress role and performed well at every session. She had only a little interest in seeing Raymond naked in bondage but she knew it aroused and pleased him heightening his orgasms and it didn't hurt that he served as her foot slave for the weekends as she had a bit of a foot fetish and loved to have him pamper, rub and kiss the soles of her feet. She wondered if Raymond would continue to offer special attention to her peds in her role as the slave. Wonderment stayed with her all day making it hard for her to concentrate on her work. She wondered if the bondage would hurt, and what ways would Raymond tie her, since she had never experienced bondage before on the receiving end should she make suggestions?

Raymond too was consumed by this weekends upcoming sexcapades, he had never imagined seeing Penny in bondage because it never seemed likely that she would consent to that, especially when she almost popped a gasket when he first suggested bondage and she thought she was getting tied up. Now he was given the opportunity to place her in bondage, a privilege somehow he felt he didn't deserve. He now felt obligated to give her a good bondage experience and as many good orgasms as she can stand.

Penny arrived home just before 5:30 PM and slipped in the door quietly and quickly turned and locked it before she removed her coat. Raymond heard the door and glided into the room as Penny was locking the door and when she turned Raymond gave the first order: “Remove your shoes and put them is that box”. He pointed to a large wooden box next to hallway already three fourths full of her other shoes “you will wear no shoes unless I tell you and I will select the shoes for you, in other words you will remain barefoot until I grant you permission to put on footwear of my choice.” Penny expected orders when she got home so she was not surprised by the shoe demand and being barefoot was not a great hardship for her as she hardly wore shoes at the office most of the day, what she needed to do was find a way to make suggestions about her upcoming bondage. She began to speak “You know I was thinking” “Silence, you will only speak when spoken to” Raymond barked. This was unexpected and she didn't realize she would be plunged into the slave role this quick, but she complied and remained silent.

Raymond had picked up Chinese on the way home and had the table set for two all ready. As they sat and ate Raymond explained how the night would go. “After dinner you will shower while I put away the left overs and clean up. Then you will undergo your first bondage punishment, and this is for thinking I would agree to be tied up in front of your friends naked. By the way did you talk to your friend about that?” Finally Penny could talk “Yes I did.....and no one has to be naked at the gathering unless they want to. As I said the only requirement is that you agree to be tied up by someone else and I will tie someone else up. I was thinking” Raymond cuts her off “ That's enough, I only asked about the club, I don't care what you were thinking about slave.” Penny remembered her place and remained silent.

After dinner Raymond went about picking up and putting away the leftovers. Penny tried to help but Raymond ordered: “Take a shower and come back here, don't put on any clothes and come out here naked.” Ten minutes later Penny emerged from the bathroom and entered the living room with only a bath towel. Raymond grabbed the towel and stripped it away exposing her soft parts, Penny gasped but refrained from screaming. Raymond sitting on the sofa gave an order “Come here and stand with your back to me” So far Penny was not enjoying servitude but did as she was told standing with her back to Raymond. He pulled her arms together in back of her and snapped on a pair of handcuffs. Raymond “Lay on the floor and put your feet on the couch” As Penny made her way to the floor first sitting, then laying on her back the handcuffs digging into her back a series ouches and ahhhs escaped from her mouth. Raymond knew about Penny's little foot fetish so he hardly noticed her anguish as he snapped a small pair of toe cuffs on her big toes. This was one of his purchases today at the adult book store. There she was, helpless, naked and at her husbands mercy, she didn't have to wonder any more what it was like to be in bondage naked, she was there, furthermore she felt herself getting wet. She was self lubricating and this was only the beginning, oh yes she thought to herself, this might be something she enjoys. The toe cuffs she thought to herself, that's probably what did it. Raymond watched one of his favorite shows on Netflix while Penny's feet were cradled in his lap as he occasionally rubs her bare soles.

After an hour of TV Raymond got up and went to the bedroom leaving Penny behind “I'll be right back.” Penny of course was unable to go anywhere with the hand cuffs and toe cuffs on so she lay still on the floor naked and wondering what comes next. When Raymond returned he removed all the cuffs and told Penny to get a drink if she wanted and visit the bathroom and then to come right to the bedroom.

Penny meekly wandered into the bedroom after her break careful not to speak, she knew now that Raymond had carefully planned out her ordeal and trying to change things now would not go over well. Raymond pointed to a spot on the bed “lay down here face down” Penny did as she was told and Raymond went to work. Since he had been the subject of the bondage experiment for some time now he had first hand knowledge of how things are to be done even though he had never done them himself. At first he had some trouble with the knot tying but he soon caught on, and what he was especially good at was where to place the ropes and how many wraps to make on each body part. He had placed Penny in a very effective hog tie, her arms folded behind her back, shoulders wrapped and carefully cris-crossing and encircling her ample breasts with the same ropes. Her tied ankles held her size 6 feet side by side and enough rope remained to pull her ankles up toward her neck as the rope was tied off to ropes pulling her arms together. Raymond was nearly done and was stuffing the ball gag that he himself had bitten on so many times in her mouth even though she had not said a word so far. Penny had not realized until this moment just how immobile the hogtie bondage recipient is until she herself now undergoes the challenge. She tried to move around but found it all but impossible, unable to speak all she could do was grunt and wiggle her toes and feet about. But wait, she felt something......Raymond was wrapping small twine around her big toes, in moments he had tied her big toes together and pulled them up and tied them to the rope behind her neck. Penny thought to herself; I can't even wiggle my toes now.

Raymond was pleased with his handy work, he looked Penny over very carefully, her toes were turning purple, and pulled the way they were her soles were arched in an appealing shape, her breasts were escaping from under her as her back was arched from the hog tie. It all looked somewhat painful but as Raymond rolled her from her belly to her side he noticed she was wet in her love spot, she was apparently enjoying this as much as Raymond was. This is going very well Raymond thought to himself as he got his other purchase out of the drawer, a small vibrator/stimulator for Penny. It was't long and Penny was moaning through her gag, as a matter of fact she moaned like that 4 more times before Raymond untied her and let her go to sleep.

Saturday was much more of the same for Penny, more bondage, more positions and always naked and enjoying an orgasm or two. By Saturday night Penny was shot, tired out from all the struggling, all the positions, and all the orgasms, but even though she would probably never say it she wouldn't have traded it for the world. Sunday morning would be the last time Penny would be tied this weekend. Raymond had taken all he could and now it's his turn, even though he couldn't be tied he could take advantage to Penny's situation for his own pleasure. Raymond put Penny in a strict hog tie again and this time put her up on her knees on a small stool. He asked if she could pleasure him orally and she nodded and so he got his.


Chapter 5
The Club

It's been almost a week since Penny and Raymond had experimented with switching roles and little had been said until today when Raymond mentioned just before bedtime that he really enjoyed his new role as the dominant. Penny had such a good time playing the sub that she couldn't disagree with his performance but she also pointed out that she enjoys playing the dom just as much, since she gets much satisfaction watching Raymond struggle to sexually please her in his bondage. Now armed with the knowledge that each of them enjoyed the bondage experience from both perspectives Penny made the judgment that it was time to make the pitch and move on to the future.

Penny “What do you think about the gathering at Shirley's B&D club tomorrow night, will you attend with me?” firing the question at point blank range hoping to avoid any attempt by Raymond to dodge the direct question. Raymond “Yes, on one condition.” Penny “Oh you and your conditions!” Raymond “This one shouldn't be too hard for you. You have to agree that every other meeting you will be the sub and let me be the dom.” Penny did not initially agree to his condition but also she did not say no. She knew from what Shirley had told her about the club that sometimes couples switched roles and some couples were both either subs or dom's of course this was tolerated within reason, obviously three fourths of the club couldn't be dom's leaving a disproportionate number as subs. They didn't have to be evenly balanced but they tried to keep it as close as possible. If things starting getting out of hand someone would be asked to revert to their previous status. Shirley's statement was “ I know this sounds like a circus but it all works out very well in the end.” Shirley told Penny something else that Raymond was never told. Every year the club would meet at an out of town location in summer for a theme weekend involving participation by all club members and 4 people each day were chosen to be the victims. Penny didn't say too much about it but she thought it would be great fun. Penny decided to sleep on it and give her answer in the morning.

Thursday morning came faster than Penny wanted and as she wiped the sleep from her eyes she remembered her dilemma, should she say yes and allow herself to be bound and gagged by strangers or should she just forget the whole thing. She made her toast and coffee and made the decision......how bad could it be she thought, it can only last a couple of hours at the most and who knows maybe I'll learn something........ Just then Raymond entered the kitchen, Penny “Yes”. Raymond “What......what did you say.......yes?” Raymond was caught off guard and didn't understand Penny's abrupt remark. “I want to go to the club.....so yes I will agree to be the sub every other week.” Penny said without mincing words agreeing to Raymond's demand. “ The meeting is at 8 O Clock tonight so be ready cuz you are the first to be the sub.

Penny and Raymond were both consumed by thoughts of the upcoming club meeting all day causing them to daydream and making it hard to concentrate on their work. Penny met up with Shirley in the bathroom and when no one else was around she told Shirley they were coming and wanted details on where to go. One of the members had a good sized home in the suburbs and the gatherings were in their basement. They had it all fixed up and it was sound proof so it was a great place to meet. Shirley “It's a small group, only 8 couples and you guys will make 9, it'll be fun you'll see. It'll be great to see you there, I can hardly wait.”
Penny pumped her for more information until one of the other girls walked in and they both clamed up and went back to their desks.

When Penny got home she got their clothes ready for the night, she had acquired a little skimpy outfit over the last months befitting a mistress along with a pair of high zippered open toed boots while Raymond would don a small loin cloth and nothing else. She stuffed it all in a gym bag and was placing it by the door when Raymond walked in. “I've got our clothes all ready to go we just have to get our equipment ready and we'll be ready when the time comes to leave” Penny said with a smile. Raymond wasn't particularly happy with joining a bondage club but it seems to make Penny happy and after all she made quite a few concessions to get them there, he figured as she did it can't be that bad and it's advancing their bondage experience. “I'll get the equipment bag dear.” he said as he gathered up odds and ends they had used over the weekend and put them in a small zippered cloth bag. They were both so excited that Instead of making dinner they decided to stop somewhere on the way and get a couple of burgers. “The thought of someone else tying me up tonight is got me rather nervous and excited at the same time” Raymond confided in Penny “I know I feel the same way I'm so nervous I almost wish it was all over.” Penny said with sort of a grimace. They decided to stop somewhere where they could get food, and a drink to calm them down.

They arrived at the address at about 5 minutes before 8 Shirley and her husband Dave were just getting out of their car when they walked up the sidewalk. Oh good thing Penny thought, now at least we know someone we can walk in with. Introductions were made on the sidewalk and the two couples entered the domicile. Five other couples were scattered about the living room and the host couple Frank and Deana were seated near the doorway to the kitchen where they could easily dash in to get someone a drink or more ice or whatever they needed. Shirley introduced them to a few people and then Frank took over and called the meeting to order.

Frank “Thank you all for coming, as most of you know every month we meet here for some informal bondage games and a few drinks. Tonight there will only be 7 couples Betty and Jim couldn't make it and regrettably Lindsy and Fred have left the club because they are moving to a different city. But we have a replacement for Lindsy and Fred please meet Penny and Raymond. Please let's go around the room and introduce yourself to them by saying your name and your preference as to whether you are a dom or a sub. Penny wanted to say wait a minute I don't know if we are joining your club but Frank never gave her a chance to speak and everyone was so nice, Penny decided not to say anything. After a few drinks when everyone was loosened up a bit Frank announced “lets all go to the dungeon”, in single file they all headed for the staircase leading to the basement.

The lights were dim and blue and as everyone gathered in the larger room in the basement Frank described how the evenings exorcises would progress.
Frank “ The rules are as usual and I will go over them again for Penny and Raymond and for anyone else who has forgotten. Everyone shares a safe word, tonight's is hairspray. Doms, if you hear that word you must stop immediately and untie your partner. Nudity is permitted but not required. Sexual stimulation and masturbation is permitted if requested by the sub and the dom agrees to it. There will be NO FORNICATION. Every sub will be given a number, the doms will draw numbers from a hat. If a dom draws their partner they are allowed to draw again if they wish or they may keep their partner. The doms will each be assigned a room of the house to practice and they will pick up their subs after the drawing and head to that area. Each dom has brought their own equipment such as ropes, cuffs, and subs their own personal things gags, outfits, vibrators, etc. Please take them with you when you go to your rooms as we will not permit you to leave your area once there until tonight's exorcise is complete and everyone is through.

Wow Penny thought this is pretty liberal.........they stop only at insertion, everything else is on the table. As the dom she was not agreeing to stimulate and please any other sub than Raymond. Things moved quickly after that, she got her number, grabbed her sub and dragged him off to her assigned room. She had gotten a complete stranger as her first victim and she was glad that she did so she didn't have to choose between Raymond or someone else had she drew his name. She completed several different bondage's on her partner that night and luckily he never asked for stimulation nor was he naked he had a nice pair of swimming trunks on the whole time. Before she knew it Frank was going around and announcing it was 10 o-clock, time to quit and go home. She wondered how Raymond made out, she didn't even see who got him as their partner for the night. Neither one of them knew about the stimulation and masturbation thing and there was sure to be a discussion about it in the car.

After everyone got their clothes on and things together they all met in the living room to say good night and Frank announced when the next bondage party was. Shirley said good bye to Penny in a low volume voice as if she were exhausted, Penny thought she probably is all wore out judging by all the loud moaning and shrieking coming from her part of the house. That was a little bit comforting to Penny seeing as how she had not heard Raymond making any cum noises from his area, then again he never does make noise when he's pleasured anyway.

Penny and Raymond walked silently to the car, they had driven three miles before Raymond broke the ice and said “Well, what did you think, was it what you thought it would be?” Penny took a long time to answer, I mean like a minute, 60 seconds is a long time to wait when you are waiting for an answer to a question. Finally she spoke “It's not quite what I thought it would be, I didn't know there was going to be any sexual activity.” Raymond took quite a while before he spoke as well but when he finally did he was positive about the situation. “I liked it overall, I mean I thought it was good to see this lifestyle from a different prospective.” Penny seemed bothered by the whole masturbation thing and after a while she said “Did you get jacked off by your dom? I mean if you did that's OK, I just need to know.” Raymond immediately came back with a resounding “NO” explaining that he was taken by surprise by the masturbation offer and without talking it over with Penny first he was not comfortable receiving that sexual satisfaction. Penny seemed relieved by his answer but continued to contemplate the situation. She didn't really think he was lying but she thought how can a man turn down free sex of any kind, don't they just live for that?” Raymond wondered if Penny had given her partner a hand job or if she would even agree to it but was too afraid to ask, not that he didn't want to know, he just wanted the discussion to end for tonight.


Chapter 6
Mutual Subs
Life Ever After

Raymond and Penny continued to attend the club gatherings for months, each time picking up a new technique or learning about a new piece of equipment or safety rule. Up until their first meeting neither one had used or even known about a safe word, and after discussing it before their next private weekend they began to use it from then on. They both became master riggers and were able to complete almost any tie, even some suspension ties. They were a favorite at the club with everyone secretly hoping to get one or the other as their partner. They became more relaxed there and after a few meetings they were both allowing themselves to be bound and gagged naked, taking turns as master and sub just as they agreed in the beginning.

After the first meeting they both agreed that neither one would enjoy any sexual satisfaction while in bondage at the club and up to this point they had been true to their word. Ironically however they both agreed that they could dispense sexual satisfaction in the form of masturbation to anyone that requested it. That skill was not in high demand strangely enough as both found out, it seems Shirley and her husband Dave were the only two that went that far. Raymond had her once and said “she's a sex machine, she just couldn't get enough, I almost went through two sets of batteries on her.” Penny never got Dave as a partner but heard from the other girls that he needed a lot of stimulation to get off. From the first time they went to a meeting they never missed the once a month gathering at Frank and Deana's house.

When the July meeting came around Raymond and Penny were there just as always and Frank welcomed another couple to the group “everyone I'd like you to meet Chris and Barb our new members.” They were up to 10 couples in the group. Frank “With Chris and Barb on board now our roster is full. When we started this club we always said it would stay small with no more than 20 people. We will remain true to our founding and cut off welcoming anyone new. Therefore I am asking you all to refrain from recruiting any new members.”

The usual round of introductions progressed and as everyone got to know the new members the subject turned to the summer retreat in August. Penny knew about the gathering but really didn't know any details, she was however eager to learn. Raymond was taken completely by surprise with the news and wondered if Penny knew about the event scheduled for the weekend of the 15th and 16th. He was interested and since it was on a weekend he didn't need to ask for any time off, it's all good he thought.

It was Raymond's turn to be the dom and Penny's turn for the sub for this week and Raymond drew Shirley's name as his partner and ironically Penny's name was drawn by Dave for his partner. This was the first time since joining the club that this had happened and since the couples had become such good friends outside the club and work, it was a bit awkward. But no shame Shirley, as Penny called her, had no problem getting naked before being bound by Raymond and what was Raymond going to do, stop her? He simply said nothing and appeared to remain calm but the bulge in his pants suggested otherwise as he eyed up Shirley's nubile breasts and shapely body. Shirley pretended not to notice but she saw his excitement building. Shirley and Penny were the most coveted chicks in the club and all the men hoped that they would draw their names, for they were the most shapely, not that the others were bad but you know, everyone gains a few pounds, gets a little outa shape, develops a few wrinkles. These two seemed to be able to keep themselves looking as good as when they graduated high school.

Dave seemed just as happy with the beautiful blond haired Penny on his plate for the evening. Dave was a talkative sort of guy and liked to make casual conversation during his bondage hobby. He told this to Penny explaining that it helped him break the ice between him and his subs. Penny remained silent at first but later she began to open up, asking him “what are your favorite positions?” Since he was always the dom and never the sub, he had to have a lot of predicaments in his repertoire, and he listed them one by one, explaining why one was better than the other. All the talk delayed the placement of the ball gag planned for Penny's perfect mouth, once Dave realized the delay he immediately placed it where it belonged silencing Penny and allowing her only to grunt her would be comments. Dave had no trouble filling the remaining time with talk extolling the benefits of the club and the hobby as it were, and how much Shirley enjoyed it as well, as a matter of fact Shirley just couldn't get enough he said. He said he had done just about every bondage predicament there was and there was only one he had not done because he lacked the equipment to perform his wife's dream fantasy. After everyone else came by to check out Dave's handy work it was time to let Penny out of her strict hog tie, as Penny removed her ball gag Raymond came by and made some casual conversation with Dave as Penny got dressed and got ready to leave.

Good byes were said and everyone said they were looking forward to the getaway weekend in the country. Raymond had a curious grin on his face as the couple walked to their car each carrying their personal bondage go-bags. Once on their way Penny had to know what Raymond was smirking about. “OK what's going on, what's with that look and why the smirk?”
Raymond “It's Shirley” he said in a lighthearted mannor “ She's really got some ideas. She talked the whole time, and she didn't bring a gag either” It was the policy at the club that if subs were to be gagged they would bring their own, sanitary purposes and personal preference were the reasons. While Shirley always brought and preferred a gag she purposely left it in her bag so she could put out her ideas hoping she could get Raymond to play along with her plan for the weekend.

Raymond began to explain Shirley's fantasy for the upcoming weekend “She has this whole thing worked out and even had equipment built for it and you and I are a part of it.” “Whaaat” Penny shrieked. Raymond “Yeah she says we are the perfect couple for her to fulfill her fantasy with, and I guess Dave is ready to go if we are.” Penny “Well what are her fantasy's about, are they weird? Oh boy, listen to me.......I should talk about being weird, look at us. Go ahead and tell me what it's about so I have time to think it over. It might be fun.” Raymond “I'm not sure what you'll think of her plan, but I'm sure it would make her very happy, why it's all she talked about all night. Frankly I'm on board with it too, as she explained it to me I felt myself getting hard just thinking about the predicament I would be in.” Raymond explained in detail Shirley's idea and plan and after a few moments Penny, who would play the dom in this scenario, agreed that it would be great for both of them.

Just as Frank and Deana welcomed everyone to their home for regular meetings they had set up the summer retreat at their get away home far out in the country. The drive was several hours with the last 30 minutes spent on a lonely uninhabited road far out in near desert conditions. When they arrived they were greeted by several club members who had already arrived several hours before them on the late friday afternoon of the 14th. A large white farm house which had recently been renovated awaited them as they carried their luggage up the cobblestone walkway. A quick glance toward the driveway confirmed what their peripheral vision could not, two more couples were pulling in with campers to join the other 3 that were already on site. It looked like everyone was going to be attending the summer bondage retreat this year with ten people sleeping in their own accommodations while the remainder were to be Frank and Deana's guests in the farm house.

The property also had other buildings, the old barn and a newer machine shed type building made out of metal. All of the buildings would be used for bondage games with part of the metal shed being used for Shirley's fantasy bondage. As a matter of fact much of the weekend was devoted to members bondage fantasy's. Usually after everyone experienced their favorite bondage fantasy others would be intrigued by it and have to try it as well.

Friday evening was spent settling in and visiting and submitting their bondage intentions to Frank and Deana for the next morning. Dinner and an early bedtime was encouraged because the next morning would be taxing to say the least.

Saturday morning was a surprise awakening for Shirley and as she wiped the sleep from her eyes club members pulled her from the bed and tied her hands behind her back while she was still in her nightgown. A collar was installed on her slender neck and a lead attached to it. She was then lead downstairs and while being led through the house she asked “Am I going to get breakfast at least?” to which a ball gag was swiftly stuffed in her mouth and buckled securly behind her neck. She looked to her left and a naked Raymond was getting the same treatment from a group of women. They were both led outside MMFing through their gags, and when they got to the well house Shirleys night gown was cut and ripped from her thin frame and she now joined Raymond in total nudity.

The pair heard a door click and as they looked to the well house Penny and Dave emerged looking complete in their leather dom outfits. Dave had on a leather vest and pants and high boots while Penny had what could be described as a very brief leather bikini, a leather deep vee neck vest and open toed high side boots. Shirley had not even noticed that Dave had left the bedroom that morning and Raymond thought that penny was just using the bath room when she got up early, neither realized that their day was to begin with such a surprise even though both knew what was awaiting them in the metal shed on the other end of the yard.

For a moment the crew that brought the prisoners from their beds disappeared and had now reappeared with two 4X4's 6 feet in length. Each beam had a notch cut in the middle in the back as well as several grooves which lined up with the prisoners elbows and wrists which became obvious as the victims were lashed to them by their doms as the crew assisted. Now each dom took the leash of their spouse and began the walk of shame to the metal shed some 200 yards away. Each naked barefoot slave was led through the gravel driveway and as they moved away from the house it became clear they were to be given a tour of the other victims and their plight. MMFFing and grunting Shirley and Raymond were marched in front of a young couple staked out in the yard naked of course, the sharp stones adding to their discomfort. As if this wasn't enough misery their spouses had a jar of honey ready to coat the pair for added misery. After about 5 minutes and some casual talk among doms the order was barked out by Penny “Alright slaves lets go, head for the barn” When the foursome got to the barn Shirley as she was being led forgot to turn sideways in time and her 4X4 crashed into the sides of the barn door, she let out a loud grunt because this must have hurt. Raymond who was the second bound prisoner to be led through the door realized now what his strategy was while entering the barn. Now inside as their eyes adjusted to the lack of light other club members were seen enduring their bondages. One large breasted older woman was tied in a stall while a milking machine grabbed at her nipples, another naked woman hung upside down, her head a few feet from the floor of the hay mow. Still another naked woman was tied to the ladder leading to the straw loft. Raymond and Shirley realized now that almost everyone else from the club had already begun their weekend of bondage, soon these members would all be released and brought to their building to watch them suffer in their bondage. Dave “OK you two lets go. ”

The Prisoners feet hurt a lot as they moved from the hot sharp stones of the yard to the sand floor of the metal shed. As the four entered the machine shed the object of Shirley's fantasy and machinery of their torturous experience to come came into view. Two machines sat bolted down on a freshly poured concrete pad each containing a cluster of belts, pullies, chains, and sprockets. Each had an electric motor and a control box with two buttons clearly labeled up and down. Protruding from each machine was another 4X4 in a horizontal position, both had a notch near the top and grooves cut into the back similar to the ones on the 4X4 behind their wrists and elbows. An electric cord from each machine led to a receptacle on the wall 25 feet away.

Frank and Deana who had been waiting there approached and the four converged on Raymond forcing him to the ground, then the same for Shirley. Once laying on the ground the gagged couple found in difficult to get up as the weight of the 4X4 prevented them from achieving balance while rising. This of course worked to the advantage of the doms who assembled once again near Raymond, one at each end of the beam he now lays on and the other two at his feet. Raymond watched as they carefully laid him on the beam laying across the machinery, he could feel the wood bound to his wrists and elbows drop into place as the notches lined up allowing the members to form a cross, someone slid a bolt through the middle and tightened the cross piece to the upright. Yes Raymond and Shirley were to be crucified, naked, in front of all the other members who had been streaming in as preparations had been taking place. Shirley was next to be placed on her cross. Now one of the members Joe, who was known for creating fixtures for bondage came and seemed to be measuring near the feet of the subs, he left and returned with a sort of bracket with a lever on it, before anyone knew he and his screw gun had strategically fastened both mechanisms to each cross near the victims feet. Clearly this man was the builder of the cross devices that seemed to be a more modern and automatic crucifixion device unlike the crude assemblies of ancient days. He left again returning with what looked like a small shelf, it was a foot rest for each of the crucifixion victims that snapped into place on the previous piece already attached to the cross, Raymond's was a bit larger because of his larger foot size. Both of the rests were not long enough however for the victims toes to plant on the shelf with the platform ending slightly behind the little toe, this would later prove to be by design.

Once the foot rests were in place all the others backed off and let the doms do their jobs. Penny and Dave worked efficiently tying the legs of their victims to the long part of the crosses. Ankles first, then their thighs making sure to loop lots of rope around the thighs as that would bear the brunt of the victims weight, and a wide band of rope would be less likely to cut off the circulation to the lower legs. The loops of rope all mated with notches cut in the back of the cross. Both doms finished almost in time with each other with the last rope under the breasts of their captives to be the last to be tied.

“Are you ready?” Penny said to Dave. With a “Yup” Dave nodded his head. Each dom went to their control box and pressed the up botton and each cross began to rise. With the crosses fully raised they would face each others naked body, slowly each of the crucified began to see their other bondage partner come into view, at first each only saw the others soles of their feet but soon enough each of their entire bodies came into view. Once the crosses were vertical it became apparent that the crosses weren't the only things that were erect, Raymond's member was as hard as the wood he and Shirley were tied to. It was also apparent that Shirley was having a good time as well with liquid seeping down in between her legs and what seemed to be a smile appearing around her ball gag.

Penny and Daves work was not yet complete as each approached the crosses and began tying the big toes of the victims together which were now at eye level making their feet about 5 feet above the floor, this job was made easier due to the aforementioned shortened foot support fixture. After tying was complete, a loop was left in the fine cord where a weight was hung pulling on their toes giving them something else to think about. The added torment on their toes was not enough however to diminish Raymond's hard on or dry Shirley's crotch area, as a matter of fact both of the crucified were drooling profusely from their gags and the drool running down their bellies combining with their sexual emissions were beginning to make a mess of both of them. Now both of the crucified were allowed to languish on their crosses for about an hour, not really in pain but with a lot of sexual tension. Raymond surly had blue balls by now and Shirley was writhing around in a very suggestive wanting manner.
Shirley and Raymond looked at their partners longingly for relief.

Dave and Penny were not done yet as they each walked to the foot of each cross and pulled the levers near the feet of the crucified. Instantly each victim had a new crisis to deal with as the small shelf supporting their feet detached from the upright leaving the pair to be supported entirely by their bondage. “How about that! You didn't know that was coming......did you?” Penny said. Shirley's little doll feet bent up and down as if she was trying to find the support that was no longer there which was made more difficult for her with the weight tied to her toes. Before this the bondaged pair would dance around on their little stands and twist right and then left, but this new predicament gave them little wiggle room, literally. Many if not all the members came by to examine the crucified and maybe offer a little tickle to their feet or tug on the rope and weight attached to their toes. By now the occupants of the crosses were covered in drool and sexual leakage. After another hour their sexual excitement was now turning into endurance of the pain as the ropes cut into their thighs and the weight on their toes was beginning to be a complete annoyance. They were now concentrating more on survival rather than satisfaction and to distract himself Raymond was spending a lot of time looking up in the air when all of a sudden he felt something on his cock. Penny was shoving a lubricated jelly sleeve over his manhood and beginning to move it in that pleasurable rhythm he knew so well. It only took a few strokes and Raymond was shooting across the way almost hitting Shirley squirming on her cross as she was enjoying the vibrator penetrating her womanhood compliments of Dave. After the sex was complete the crosses were lowered and the subs were allowed to recover. It was late afternoon now and Shirley and Raymond were exhausted so their day of bondage was over. But tomorrow was another day and it was Penny's turn to be the sub.

There was no talk between Raymond and Penny as they broke their agreement not to have any sexual satisfaction during their club games. Everyone was happy and who knows, maybe in the future their old agreement would be scrapped and they would allow themselves the pleasure of satisfaction at the club all the time. The crucifixion machines were a big hit with the rest of the club and many would try them out in the future and they became a regular feature at the bondage club. Penny and Shirley became best friends and you could always find them sneaking away at work to talk about the club. After the weekend at the farm Raymond and Penny returned to their regular routine perhaps a little more intense with Penny becoming the model Femdom.


We will leave Raymond and Penny for now and give them a chance to hone their BDSM skills and perhaps we will look in on them in the distant future. Hope you enjoyed the tale of Femdom!
Last edited by jailmechanic 1 year ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Mommy's Naughty Boy
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Post by Mommy's Naughty Boy »

Whoa! This is awesome! I love the way you took note from the original story. Great job!
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Post by LunaDog »

Absolutely SUPERB! Can't wait for more of THIS! Well done.
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Post by Ak610 »

jailmechanic wrote: 1 year ago Femdom!

Chapter 1


“I wonder what Raymond will think when he sees the top of our wedding cake on the table”, Penny thought. Penny and Raymond had saved the top of their wedding cake to have at their 1 year anniversary dinner and Raymond would be home in just half an hour, Penny had a long way to go before having dinner ready. Penny and Raymond had been lovers since their junior year in high school and nothing had shaken either ones devotion to the other. Penny loved Raymond very much and was committed to the marriage even if it meant altering any preconceived notions she had had before the union. She was sure Raymond felt the same way about her, the way he looked at her, the glow he had after they made love and the little things he would do for her were all reassuring to her conclusion of mutual love.

Lately though Penny had sensed a change in their love life or at least Raymond's satisfaction level. Penny being the conventional wife and lover was aware of the means of spicing up ones love life but never actually was interested or explored any of those practices. As a matter of fact she wasn't really sure of all the avenues available to those willing and able to participate in alternative sexual games. Should she look at some of these choices as a way to please Raymond she thought to herself,.....which one though........would he go along or just think she was becoming a weirdo..........is my intuition wrong or does he really want to try something else? Unsure what way to go Penny decided to put the problem on the back burner and concentrate on the anniversary dinner and maybe bring it up later in the bedroom where the anniversary would really be celebrated.

Raymond arrived home early, and Penny was not surprised because she knew that he was looking forward to this evening just as she was . Raymond came into the kitchen and kissed Penny on the back of the neck while she was laboring at the stove preparing the celebration feast. “Ready for dinner Hun”, Penny asks. “Yeah I'm starved, didn't have much lunch today. What's for dinner? This is a special night you know.” Penny a little disappointed that Raymond didn't even notice the cake on the table answered back “Your favorite, pork chops and beans....didn't you even see the cake on the table?” Raymond heading off to the bathroom to wash up “Yeah, where did you get it?” as he continuing marching off to the wash room not really expecting an answer. Penny now a little irritated by his lack of attention to the cake gave no answer.

After washing up Raymond opened up a little box and walked into the bedroom, in his hand was a pair of handcuffs which he tossed on the bed and then went back to the dining room. Upon entering he examined the cake and noted that it was the top of the wedding cake he and his wife cut together 1 year ago tonight. Oh what a night he thought to himself and tonight he was even going to make things better for both of them, he hoped, by revealing his deep sexual desires to his bride of 1 year. He knew that Penny was naive about such things as bondage and domination but he thought maybe she would be open minded enough to try it at least, especially if he asked for her co-operation.

As dinner played out the couple made small talk about the events of the day and exchanged glances. Penny placed her foot on top of Raymond's immediately sending the signal to her partner that she was playful. As usual when Penny came home from the law office where she worked she kicked off her dress shoes giving her bare feet room to move, and now they were working their way up under Raymond's pants and on his ankle. Raymond smiled and let out a “mmmmmmmm” while swallowing a mouth full of beans. After a few minutes of rubbing her toes up and down his ankle and shin Penny put her foot back under her own chair. Raymond enjoyed the foot play as was evident by the large bulge forming in his pants. Penny's bare foot returned to her husbands leg on the outside of his pants but gently going up further to the crotch area, her toes surveying the area, she knew by feel that she had been successful in awakening Raymond's member. Raymond was having trouble finishing his dinner and was now thinking of what was to come after the dinner ritual was complete. He thought of the handcuffs and hoped Penny would cooperate, but if she didn't he knew at least they would make love the way they always had, after all it was their anniversary.

After they each had a piece of the wedding cake (that neither one finished because it tasted so bad after one year in the freezer) they picked up the dishes and loaded the dishwasher. The task took extra long because by this time they both were unable to keep their hands off of each other incessantly teasing each other working up their sexual desires to a near fever pitch.

Raymond announced suddenly that he was headed to take a shower and maybe Penny should join him in the bedroom when she finished the dishwasher duty. She thought that was a good idea and said she would be there in a minute. Raymond left and Penny finished up with the dishwasher and headed for the bedroom, but Raymond in his haste and sporting a big woodie ran off to the shower and forgot the handcuffs on the bed, or maybe he didn't. Perhaps he subconsciously wanted Penny to find them. Penny entered the bedroom thinking of joining Raymond in the shower when suddenly a she caught a glint of steel out of the corner of her eye, Sure enough there it was, a brand new pair of handcuffs on the bed, “so that's what it's going to be” she said quietly to herself. “Now it's all starting to make sense, he's into kinky stuff and he wants to handcuff me during sex.” Just then Raymond emerged from the en-suite shower and saw Penny staring at the cuffs. Raymond was a bit panicked and his reaction to what he saw left him in the deer in the headlights mode. Not knowing just what to say he fumbled for the words to explain his new desires but he stopped abruptly when Penny turned around to address him about the new toy. He could see she was troubled about the surprise and as she started removing her clothes to head to the shower she simply said “don't say anything now, just wait until I get done in the shower.”

Penny somewhat disturbed and taken aback by what she found began to wonder in the shower what his intentions actually were, would the handcuffs evolve into something else? Did he have more equipment hidden away somewhere? How long has he had those handcuffs? The more she thought about it the more convinced she was that they should have a long talk about it before they go any further. She was a little apprehensive about being incapacitated while being naked even though she was sure Raymond would do nothing to hurt or embarrass her, still the thought of that was a little more than she could handle right now.

Meanwhile Raymond was wringing his hands hoping that Penny wasn't mad or freaked out by the sight of the handcuffs. Still kicking himself for leaving the restraints out in plain view he needed to do some planning. With the few minutes he had left before she returned he went over in his mind just what he was gong to say to Penny when she was face to face with him. He rehearsed it several times in his mind, he wasn't going to let Penny speak or get the upper hand before he was done saying his piece. Just then he heard the shower door close.

Penny entered the room clad in only a towel, the large bath towel covered her from the tops of her ample breasts to her mid thighs. She immediately took command of the situation and told Raymond that they needed to speak. It was obvious what the conversation was going to be about so she never even mentioned the hardware she had found on the bed but launched into a query about what his intentions were regarding her being handcuffed during sex, and just how far did he think he was going with that? “How often do you want to handcuff me, and how long do you expect me to be in those things?”

Raymond was stunned, this isn't at all how he thought this would go down, and worse yet he had let Penny speak first and get the upper hand and she demanded answers. Raymond paused for what seemed like 10 minutes but actually was only seconds and then said calmly “The handcuffs were for me, they are to be put on me.” Penny cocked her head looking confused and said “Wait.........what.........you want me to put you in handcuffs?” “That's right” Raymond said as he meekly looked Penny in the eyes. For the next five minutes neither one said a word, each trying to process what just happened, for this conversation had yielded results that neither one expected. Slowly Raymond came around and started to show Penny how they worked, the key and how to lock them so they can't get tighter after they are put on. Penny caught on quickly and showed genuine interest in how to put them on, and how they worked, for her goal in all of this was to make Raymond happy. Raymond said that he even had a spare key so that there wouldn't be any surprises with a lost key, and if the cuffs failed to open there was always a hack saw in the garage, all said to reassure Penny that it was all safe. Penny agreed to handcuff Raymond and try the new kink at least for tonight, but she cautioned “I'm not making any promises about this.”


Chapter 2

Six Weeks Later

“How's your day going?” Penny asked in an upbeat voice. She was on the phone to Raymond. “Did it come yet honey?” she asked, pretending to be only casually interested. In reality she was eager to see the package arrive, even though Amazon guarantees next day delivery this has already been the third day and Penny could hardly wait any longer. Penny leaned forward in her chair burying her head in the the cubicle keeping her conversation a little more quiet and private, her thin frame stretched over the desk, her legs folded under her chair exposing the soles of her bare feet. Even though the dress code of the office required employees to dress professionally Penny had a hard time keeping her shoes on and often took them off when working at her cubicle. “Well call me if it comes” was the last thing she said before hanging up the phone. She put her feet back under her desk and fumbled around for her shoes eventually finding them and slipping them back on. It was time for a break, she had been working on a case for several hours now and needed some caffeine and a cigarette. She got a cup of coffee and headed for the door to the courtyard where there was several tables.

At one of the tables were some of the other paralegals who worked at the office, they spotted her and flagged her over to come sit with them. The three women apparently had been discussing some bed room experiences Penny gathered as she walked up and sat at their table hearing the the tail end of their ongoing conversation. She decided to listen rather than contribute thinking that maybe she could pick up a few pointers. Marge, an older woman of about 40 ish with dark hair and large breasts blurted out “I don't think my husband is interested in me anymore and maybe he has another woman.” “Does he still jump you” asked another woman with red hair named Shirley. “Yeah, whenever I let him” Marge replyed. “Then why do you think he's not interested in you?” asked Becky a 23 year old attractive blonde also sitting at the table. “What the hell would you know about it, you don't even have a husband.” Retorted Marge “Yeah but I got a boyfriend who loves me and we have sex all the time. Same thing right?” Penny broke her silence “No not the same, your boyfriend could leave any time and many do, so you always have to find a way to keep him interested. Free pussy might not be the answer all the time. Some times you got to spice it up a bit”. “What do you know that we don't know? What are you keeping from us?” Shirley asked with a wink and a grin. “I gotta go back to work, I got a lot to do.” Becky said as she gulped the rest of her coffee after she realized she was in way over her head on this conversation. She smiled and then stubbed out her cigarette and said” It's cold out here I'm going in”.

Shirley “Come on Penny, quit holding out on us, what kind of spicy stuff are you talking about? Anyway don't you think you owe it to Marge to give her information that might help her marriage?”

Penny “Well........it's just that things can get a little stale after a while, doing the same things over and over........sometimes you got to think out of the box.........play a different role sometimes. Penny turned to Marge and made a suggestion. “Maybe you should talk to your husband and see if he is getting what he wants in the bed room, maybe there's something he want's to try but is afraid or embarrassed to bring it up. You have to be open to new or kinky ideas, in the end you might like it.

Shirley “I think I like where this is going, I've got to go back to work but you and I” looking directly at Penny, “we're going to talk later, I have an idea for you I think you're going to like.”
With that Shirley left, Marge said nothing else about the matter and Penny with the notion that she had said too much already was eager to change the subject. Soon the two remaining women got up and shuffled back into the building.

Penny went back and Looked at her desk phone while she slid into her chair and pulled herself up to the desk, the little light for message indication was not on. With frustration mounting Penny eased off her shoes and went back to work. At 5 PM, quitting time Shirley came around and slipped an envelope into Penny's purse. “Read that after you get home and make sure you are alone when you do” She said in a low subdued voice. Penny stared at the envelope in her purse for a few seconds and when she looked up Shirley was gone.

It was 5:45 when Penny got home, she hung up her frock and went to the couch and called for Raymond. With a weak voice he replied from the kitchen, “home already hun?” He had been home on a vacation day and hadn't kept track of the time while cooking dinner. Penny threw herself on the couch and said “come take off my shoes and rub my feet” sounding more like an order than a request she added “make me a drink too” Raymond said nothing but soon appeared with a cocktail and sat at the end of the couch and removed her footwear, she was not in the habit of wearing stockings, not many women do anymore. Raymond began rubbing her bare feet “Not too hard, or you will pay for that later!” Raymond rubbed her feet softer and paid particular attention to her soles where her toes ended. “You know it sucks walking on those heels all day” Penny reminded Raymond who replied with “I wouldn't know.” “Maybe you should find out, I should have you walk around in them all day” she giggled making a joke of it. Raymond complimented her “but you look so sexy in them” even though he didn't quite know himself where he was going with that, and he did like it when Penny wore heels around the apartment. Penny came back with “Guess what, Saturday you'll be walking around in them all day” this time there was no giggle. Raymond sensed he had gone too far and quickly changed the subject knowing that there was no way he could fit in her size 6 shoes even if he wanted to, and he did a little bit. “A box came for you today.” Penny “Get it for me now.” Penny tore open the box to reveal a bright red ball gag.

It seems that Penny really took to the B&D experience from six weeks ago and has been expanding on the experiment and even though she didn't know it, she was turning it into a lifestyle. Raymond who's dream was to be dominated by a live in mistress was quite happy at the way things were turning out and didn't have to make suggestions any more because Penny was ready willing and able to satisfy Raymond's needs and had plenty ideas of her own. Life at Raymond and Penny's home during the weekdays was as normal as life in Mayberry with Aunt Bea and Andy, but on the weekends things changed completely and everything went according to the whims and desires of Mistress Penny. This began on Friday night after work was done and lasted until Sunday some time usually determined by the mistress. Penny was the mistress and Raymond did what he was told, except the mistress was never pleased and was always handing out punishments and keeping Raymond in various bondage predicaments for his mistakes and incompetence for most of the weekend. Penny was really turned on by the bondage and didn't mind at all ordering Raymond about especially when it was to her benefit. She learned that she could sexually benefit from this arrangement by having Raymond bring her to orgasm as many times as she wanted during the weekend while withholding sex from him because of some bad behavior she would dream up. Sex for him was used as a reward but was awarded sparingly, usually only once during the weekend and almost always at the end of the ordeal so as to keep Raymond's sexual hunger peaked all the time. Penny has now gone way past just handcuffs and has moved on to rope allowing her to get into a more complicated bondage scenario. Being inexperienced in rigging though, some of the bondage predicaments penny came up with were somewhat pain-full leaving Raymond with numb limbs, hands and feet at times. But she was getting better and even researched the internet on knot tying and bondage techniques so as to improve her package tying abilities.

Now Penny had something new to experiment with, she was going to try out that new ball gag on Raymond tonight. She had the weekend all planned and was looking forward to more of Raymond performing trivial subservient acts for her such as the care and pampering of her feet as well as testing his ability to be obedient. She needed a cigarette “Raymond bring my handbag here” he stopped rubbing her feet and immediately brought the bag to her. “I gave you an order, I expect an acknowledgment”, “YES MISTRESS” Raymond responded. While Penny rummaged through her bag for her smokes she came across the envelope Shirley had placed in there. She had forgotten about it and figured that it must be some silly insignificant note that Shirley would think was important advice for her.

She remembered Shirley's warning (make sure you are alone when you open the envelope and read the note.) “Raymond, stop rubbing my feet now, wash your hands and finish making dinner.” Raymond “Yes Mistress” and off he went to the kitchen leaving Mistress Penny alone, she quickly stuck a nail file into the end of the envelope and slit the top open revealing a one page note hand written on half a sheet of white paper. Penny began reading the note: Penny, today I realized by your comments that you and I may have some things in common concerning our bedroom activities. I can't be sure just what you are into but if it involves rope or handcuffs we need to talk because I have an interesting idea for you. If you're not interested and I guessed wrong then toss this letter and consider it case closed (lawyer talk). If not though and you can't stop thinking about this offer then call me and we'll meet for a drink, just the two of us.

Mistress Penny was taken aback by the note saying to herself, “how could she know what I was doing, is there some way this had gotten out?” She remembered the conversation in the courtyard and didn't think she gave away what was going on during the weekends at her apartment. She was convinced though that somehow Shirley knew what her and Raymond were up to. One thing was for sure though, she had to meet Shirley and find out for sure what she knew and shut this thing down, tonight. She picked up her phone and punched up her number, Shirley answered immediately as if she was waiting for Penny to call. Penny”I want to meet you tonight and discuss this note”. Shirley “I thought you would but I can't meet you tonight, I've got stuff going on let's say tomorrow night instead, Saturday 8 PM at Benny's on Day St.” Penny “Great I'll see you there then at 8.” Shirley “Oh......and leave your husband at home, we don't need the guys for this.” Penny “you bet, he wouldn't be coming even if you had wanted him to.” One moment later Raymond's voice from the kitchen “Dinners ready”. With that Penny said “I'll see you tomorrow then, good bye” and ended the call. Still puzzled by the unusual interest in her sex life by Shirley, Penny got up and cruised into the kitchen where Raymond was putting the food on the table for the two of them to consume.

Penny said nothing and sat down with a befuddled look on her face. Raymond didn't notice and tried to make conversation asking Penny “hard day at work dear?” Penny was about to come clean but at the last second held back and said “yeah, I had a lot of work for one of the partners in the law firm today and didn't get much time to take a break. Why are you asking so many questions anyway.” Penny's demeanor changed noticeably as she reverted back to Mistress Penny. “You know you aren't supposed to be asking me personal questions, the mistress' business is her own and not public information, I'm afraid you will be spending a half an hour in a hog tie for that, with five strokes across the soles of your feet just to make sure you remember not to do it again! It's a good thing I got that ball gag today so I won't have to listen to your crying and whining when you are serving out your punishments.” Raymond said no more, he already had enough on his plate for tonight.

Chapter 3 to follow
Great Story. Please continue soon.
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Post by Bondageboi »

[mention]jailmechanic[/mention] absolutely wonderful story. The only thing was that Raymond ad Penny never got the chance to be tied up together. My favourite part? The double crucifixion of course.
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Post by Syko Sith »

Fantastic story!! Well written too. 8-)
Hogtied and loving it
flannel teddy bear
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Post by flannel teddy bear »

Awesome story. Loved how vivid the bondage was.
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