Capture Club (F/M, FM/F, FM/F, M/F, F/M, M/F, MM/FF, F/F...etc.)

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Post by tickletied84 »

Wonderful update. Such a simple game, until you bind, gag and blindfold the participants. Love it!
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 16: "This is some first class B.S." (F/FF, M/FFF) [Part 3 of 4]

Erica began hopping back towards the beds. She apparently didn’t need direction. Her sense of spatial reasoning was pretty good. She’d dropped the softball in Bag 8. Bag 6 was correct. A single softball is more expensive than you think. Certainly more expensive than a generic stapler. So I was off the hook. The girls wouldn’t be tying me up. But the game was still afoot. And they didn’t know that they hadn’t scored the point. When Erica got back to the bed her competitive juices appeared to have been activated. She felt for the edge of the bed to make sure that she wouldn’t hurt herself, but gave a little jump and backwards hop onto the bed. It honestly did seem like she was getting INTO the game. And I was going to be very pleased if that was the case. Erica always seemed miserable when she was tied up. I did want her to enjoy it. I was starting to enjoy being tied up. It might not be her thing. But I wanted to be better friends with her than I was.

Erica felt around on the bed and grabbed the nearest item that her hands could. It was the stick of deodorant. She then rolled back onto her shoulders kicking her feet in the air and giving Abbie and I a great view of her butt (Jackie had her back to her) before using that momentum to scoot towards the edge of the bed and plant her feet on the ground. Jackie was going to have to remake her bed after this was over.

Erica: Alright. I’ve got something small and plastic. It’s ridged. It’s rounded on one end. It’s difficult for me to tell.

Jackie: Mmmmppphhhhh hhhhhmmmmpppphhhh mmmmppphhhhhh!!!

Erica: You know what it is?

Jackie and Abbie: Mmmmmppppphhhhhh hhhmmmppppphhhhhhhh!!

Erica: Aright. Is the bag closer to Jackie or Abbie?

Abbie and Jackie stared at each other. This one was a little devious. The Degree for Men deodorant actually belonged to Elisa. That was the brand that she used. Dale used Right Guard. The “For Men” part implied that it was Dale’s. Since Elisa was decidedly NOT a man. But since Jackie played volleyball with Elisa for years I figured that she might know. She had no way of knowing at present that Abbie’s list was a list of items stolen from Dale. Because I imagined she might know what kind of deodorant Dale wears. Clearly Jackie was not familiar with Elisa’s deodorant preferences. Because she shook her head to Abbie that it wasn’t hers. Abbie stared down at her list and was probably trying to decide whether it was cheaper than a softball or not. It was. Not that that mattered. Abbie also decided that it might be cheaper. But she couldn’t see the bag that said 10 on it. That was facing Jackie. So as not to confuse Erica she decided to just nod her head up and down 10 times. Jackie got the message but Erica was growing impatient waiting.

Erica: Are you guys there? Are you still trying to figure it out?

Abbie and Jackie: Mmmmmppppphhhh hhhhhhmmmmpppphhhhh!!!!

Erica: OK. Let me know when you’re ready.

Abbie and Jackie gave a series of head flicks and eye darts to each other to signify that they were agreeing that they wanted Bag #10 and that this big was in the far corner, closer to Jackie and facing Jackie. Then they decided they were ready.

Jackie: Mmmmmmppppphhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

Erica: Closer to you.

Jackie: Mmmmmmppppphhhh hhhhhhhhmmmmmppppphhh!!!!

Through a series of grunts and groans Jackie proceeded to guide Erica over to Bag #10 where she was able to deposit the deodorant. The girls were actually using quite effective communication. I felt a little bad that they were currently 0-2.

That changed though on Erica’s next item. She found the handcuffs. Jackie knew immediately that those belonged to Elisa and also that they were easily the most expensive of all ten items. Whether they belonged to Dale or Elisa. Elisa doesn’t skimp on fetish gear. Those handcuffs are the real deal. They successfully maneuvered Erica to Bag #9. Somebody was now going to go free at the conclusion of this game.

They proceeded to whiff on the Rubber Duck though. That rubber duck sits on Elisa’s desk and I was sure that Jackie should have probably seen it dozens of times. But they thought that it was Dale’s and put it in Bag #6.

The funniest moment of the game probably came when Erica returned and flopped herself back on to the bed and started rolling around to grab another object. Her hands found the gel pad and she gave it a squeeze.

Erica: Ewwwww!!!!! Gross!! Gross!! Gross!! Is this some sort of sex toy!?!? This feels weird?!?! Is this something perverted?!?! You pervert!!

Jackie and Abbie: Mmmmmppphhhh hhhhmmmmpppphhhh mmmmpphhhhh mmmppphhhh mmppphhhhhh!!!!!!

Jackie and Abbie were both laughing hysterically into their gags. They knew that it was something entirely benign but Erica’s distress was real. I also was laughing hysterically. And Erica took this to be towards the fact that I’d tricked her into touching something untoward rather than that we were all just amused at her exasperated confusion.

Erica: Seriously, idiot!! Is this like a fucking fleshlight or something?!?!

Me (still laughing): A fleshlight!?!? You clearly have no clue what a fleshlight is, do you?

Erica: No. But I know it’s gross!!

Me: There is nothing gross about what you grabbed. It’s a perfectly normal, non-perverted object.

Erica rolled back to the gel pad, handled it gingerly and then was directed by the gagged girls to drop it into Bag #4. That was the correct bag. Two points for the players.

Erica’s next item that she found was the Music and Lyrics DVD. This was an item that I was SHOCKED to find in Elisa’s closet. First, I was shocked that a college student in the Year or our Lord 2021 would own DVDs. And I was even more shocked that she’d own THIS DVD. Elisa was not a rom-com chick flick type of girl. Her favorite movies were all adventure or action or drama. Her favorite movie was Jurassic Park. She’d quote from it religiously. Major quotes. Minor quotes. Obscure references. “Hold on to your butts.” “Dinosaur eats man. Woman inherits the Earth.” “You spent so long thinking about whether you could, you didn’t stop to think if you should.” She loved it. But given her revulsion for sap and sweetness…I couldn’t believe that she owned Music and Lyrics. Clearly Elisa was hiding a part of herself from me. Elisa might be out of the closet. But her secret love of Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore movies was still firmly in the closet. I was interested to see if it was something that the other girls did know about her. Clearly Jackie did. She got very animated when Erica picked it up.

Jackie: Mmmmmmmpppppphhhhhh!!!!!! Mmmmmppppphhhhhh!!!!! Mmmmmpppppphhhhh!!!!!

Erica: You know where it goes?

Jackie: Mmmmmppppphhhhh hhhhhmmmmpppphhhhh!!!!!

She gestured her head towards Bag #7. And Abbie and her successfully guided Erica there through a series of questions and grunted responses. They were correct. And they were now 3 for 6. But it was time to enter the next phase of the game.

Me: Alright, ladies. It’s time for a little switcheroo.

Erica: Switcheroo? What do you mean?

Me: You’ll see.

Erica: That’s what I’m afraid of. And No. I won’t be SEEING anything.

Me: Sure you will. We’re going to be taking that nasty blindfold off.

Erica: OK. That I can get behind.

Erica began to hop back towards the bed. Her tautly bound body rose and fell rhythmically with each hop. I’d told her that I wasn’t going to stare and I was currently a liar. She looked fucking phenomenal as her ample bosom bounced up and down and her tight butt flexed and twitched with each hop. I put my hand on her shoulder to stop her after her last hop and pulled the sleep mask off of her eyes. She blinked rapidly as her eyes began to dilate again. She immediately started taking in the scene around her. She looked at the location of the bags. She looked at the remaining items on the bed. Her eyes settled on the tray that made large oversized ice cubes for whiskey glasses. She immediately recognized it as belonging to Elisa. None of us were 21 yet, but none of us really respected the drinking laws of the great state of Tennessee either. Erica and Elisa regularly drank cocktails in their room on the weekend.

Erica: Hey! You little thief. We were looking for that! You jacked Elisa’s – Mmmmmmmmmppppppphhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

I clamped my hand firmly over Erica’s mouth muffling her outburst into a long, drawn out, and ever so angry muffled grumble.

Erica: Mmmmmpmpppphhhhhhhhrrrrrmmmmmppppphhhhmmmmm!!!!! Hhhhhmmmppppphhhhmmmmmmmmrrrmmmpppphhhhh!!!!!!!

Erica was not a fan of being gagged. Most of us weren’t. But somehow she hated being hand gagged even more. The rough and firm force of my palm pressing against her exposed lips and stifling her speech was certainly not sitting well with her. Any ground that we had been making on the road towards friendship was slipping backwards. She really didn’t like being touched. As much as I was enjoying her frustration on a certain level, I knew that I had better release her mouth or the long-term animosity would boil over.

Me: No spoilers, ‘Rica.

Erica: Hhhmmmmmpppphhhhhh mmmmpmppphhhhhmmmmmmm!!!!!!!

She glowered at me menacingly. I removed my hand from her mouth.

Erica: Don’t do that!! I don’t know where your filthy hands have been. Well…I’m actually afraid of where your filthy hands have been after you watched me hop around with my tits bouncing up and down for the last half hour.

Her assertion drew muffled giggles from the two chair tied and gagged girls. I had been staring. I just can’t help myself. There is almost nothing sexier than a bound and gagged woman hopping around.

Me: Sorry.

Erica: You’re the one who took the blindfold off. Did you think I wasn’t going to say anything?

Me: We’re switching now. Jackie’s getting the blindfold. You’re getting a gag.

Erica: Is she going to be doing the hopping around?

Me: No. That’s still you.

Erica: That’s what I thought.

Me: Because you tied her to a chair!!! And you don’t have time for me to swap her out. Not because I LOVE staring at your “tits bouncing up and down”.

I used air quotes. I wanted it to be known that I was just re-quoting her rather than talking about her anatomy with vulgarity. She blushed anyway. Apparently it still sounded worse coming out of my mouth. When she said it, she was owning it. When I said it, it sounded tawdry.

Erica: Ugh. Fine.

Me: Your choice. Ball gag or duct tape?

Erica: Is the tape going around my head?

Me: No.

Erica: Is anything unpleasant going in my mouth?

Me: Define unpleasant.

Erica: You know what I mean.

Me: No.

Erica: Duct tape.

I went to my backpack and withdraw a moderate sized cloth. Erica opened her mouth willingly and I pressed the cloth into her mouth, poking it back with my fingers until it was fully recessed inside. I then picked up the roll of duct tape that I had used previously and tore off a sizeable strip. I pressed it firmly over her lips as she stared at me unenthusiastically. I repeated this process a few more times as she waited patiently for the game to resume. Once I was done she again eyed the objects on the bed with interest. She just now couldn’t share that interest with her teammates. I pulled a bottle of water out of my bag, took the sleep mask, and approached Jackie. I slowly began to peel off the tape on her mouth and then plucked the damp rag that I had jammed in earlier out.

Jackie: Blegh!! Thanks.

Me: Water?

Jackie: You know me. Gotta stay hydrated.

I unscrewed the cap and held the bottle up to her mouth. Again she drank. Not much this time. Just enough to wet her whistle.

Jackie: Thanks.

Me: No problem. Time to go dark.

Jackie: Oooohhh. Exciting. I can’t remember the last time I was blindfolded while I was tied up.

Me: Sad. Dale doesn’t blindfold you and feed you strawberries when I leave you two alone?

Jackie gave me a mischievous smile.

Jackie: Well he will now!

I slid the sleep mask over her eyes.

Me: Alright. Proceed as before. Same rules apply. The dynamics are just a little different.

Jackie: OK. Erica. Here’s what we couldn’t tell you before. We’re sorting these objects into bags. My list is all objects that were stolen from your room. Specifically probably stolen from Elisa.

Erica: HHmmmmmmpppphhhhh?!?!?!?! Nnmmmmppphhhhhhhh mmmmmmpppphhhhh hhhhhrrmmmmppppphhhhhhh.

Erica gave me a glare that she was clearly non-plussed that I’d stolen from them.

Jackie: We’ve already discovered at least two of those items. Somehow Trent got ahold of Elisa’s handcuffs. We’d recognize those. He also took her Music and Lyrics DVD.

Erica: Hhhhhhmmmmmppppphhhhhh????

Jackie: Yeah. She probably hides it in the back of her closet. But she has a soft spot for that movie. It’s DEFINITELY hers.

Erica: Mmmmpppphhhh hhhmmmmpppphhh.

Erica just kind of shrugged. She was apparently unaware that Elisa’s general vitriol for rom-coms didn’t quite extend to this particular Hugh Grant / Drew Barrymore flick.

Jackie: That should leave three of those items as being from your room. We thought the other four weren’t. There was a softball. We assumed it wasn’t you guys. The “gross” thing that you were grabbing was just Dale’s gel wrist rest for his computer. Then there was a stick of Degree for Men deodorant. Obviously not yours.

Erica: HHhmmmmmmppphhhhhh?!?!!?! Nnnnnmmmmmmppppphhhhhhhh!!!!! Mmmmpppphhhh mmmmmppphhhh hhhrrmmpphhhmmmmmmm.

Jackie seemed shocked.

Jackie: That is yours?!?!

Erica: Nnnnnnnnmmmmmmpppphhhhh. Mmmmmppphhhhrrrmmmmmm mmmmppphhhhhhh.

Jackie: It’s Elisa’s?!?!

Erica: Mmmmmmmppppphhhhh hhhhhhmmmmpppphhhhhh.

Erica nodded eagerly. It seemed like there was a touch of dismay that they’d obviously missed one mixed with a little bit of self-satisfaction that she knew something about Elisa that Jackie didn’t.

Jackie: Well. You learn something new every day. I’ve played volleyball with her for a decade and I have no clue what deodorant she uses. Then there was a rubber duck with a sombrero and maracas. Like some Cinco de Mayo tchotchke.

Erica: Mmmmmmmmpppppphhh hhhhhhmmmmpppphhhh!!!

Erica was nodding vigorously that she recognized it.

Jackie: That’s yours too??

Erica: Mmmmmpppphhh hhhhhmmmmpppphhhhh.

Jackie: OK. That’s not good. We’ve missed at least two. And only ONE of those items is likely to be from your room. Do you recognize anything?

Erica: Mmmmmmpppphhhhh hhhhhhmmmmpppphhhhh!!!!

Again Erica nodded eagerly. The items were spread out on the bed enough now and I could see her eyeing the ice cube tray.

Jackie: Go ahead and grab it if you can.

Erica scooted herself up on the bed. She was able to do so with less recklessness now that she had her sight. She rolled herself over towards the ice cube tray, grabbed it in her bound hands and then rolled herself off the opposite side of the bed.

Jackie: What did you grab?

Erica: Mmmmmppppppphhhh hhhhhmmmmmmmpppphhhhhhrrmmmmmmm.

Jackie: Oh. Right. Yes or no is probably preferrable. Did you grab the flashlight?

Erica: Nnnnnnmmmmmpppppphhhhhhh.

Jackie: The ice cube tray?

Erica: Mmmmmmppppphhhh hhhhhhhhmmmmppppphhhhh.

Jackie: OK. So that’s going to go in an odd numbered bag. And it’s related to retail price of the item. Do you think we can assume that that whiskey cube tray costs more than deodorant and novelty rubber duck but less than a DVD and handcuffs?

Erica thought about it for a second. She seemed like she was doing a little Price is Right math in her head. Eventually she agreed.

Erica: Mmmmmmmppppphhhhhh hhhhhhmmmmpppppphhhhhh.

Jackie: OK. Bag #5 then. I don’t know where it is. Even if I could see. It’s not facing me. Abbie will direct you.

Abbie perked up at this…not having had much to do for the last couple of minutes.

Abbie: Mmmmmmmmpppphhhhhh mmmmmpppphhhhhhh.

Abbie jerked her head to the left, letting Erica know that the #5 bag was on the edge of the formation near the closet. Erica began to hop in that direction. This game was going to get substantially easier for the girls now that Erica knew what was happening and different people were able to share information. She could also see the bag, which was a big help. She hopped her cute little butt over to the bag. The difference was that she could now see me watching her cute little butt hope over the bag as her legs tensed and relaxed and her delectable anatomy jounced and jolted up and down. She no longer needed to do weird contortions to make sure that she was hitting the bag. She just hovered over it, centered the object over the opening, and dropped it in. It was a success.

Erica: Mmmmmmmmppppppphhhhhhh mmmmmppppppphhhhhhh!!!!

Jackie: You got it?

Erica: Mmmmpppphhhhh hhhhhhmmmmpppphhhhhh.

Jackie: Alright. Let’s work with the stapler. Can you go and grab that?

Erica: Mmmmmppppphhhhh hhhhhmmmppppphhhhhhh.

Erica began her aesthetically pleasing hop back over the bed, grunting and squeaking as she went. The stapler was near the back edge. So since she could see it now and wasn’t flopping on from one side, she could easily just go to the opposite edge and pick it up. She then began hopping back towards the bags.

Erica: Mmmmmmpppppppphhhhh hhhhhhhmmmppppphhhhh.

Jackie: Alright. Abbie has the code for the even numbered bags. Abbie can I assume that yours are also sorted by price.

Abbie: Mmmmmpppphhh hhhhhmmmmpppphhhhhhh. Mmmmmmpppphhhrrrmmmpppphhhh hhhhmmmpppphhh nnnnnnmmmppphhhhh mmmmmppphhhhhhh.

Abbie was clearly trying her best to enunciate that her price chart was in REVERSE order. I sincerely doubted that Jackie or Erica had picked up on that with how garbled her speech was with the tape gag. But they’d picked up on her initial affirmation.

Jackie: OK. I’m guessing that a stapler costs more than an orange and a softball but less than a gel wrist rest and a flashlight. Does that sound fair?

Erica: Mmmmmpppphhhhhhhhh hhhhhhmmmpppphhhhhh.

Abbie: Mmmmmpppphhhhhh hhhhhhhmmmmpppppphhhhh.

Jackie: So would that make it the middle one, Abbie? Bag #6?

Abbie: Mmmmmppppphhhhhh hhhhhhmmmmpppphhhhh.

Since they thought that it was the middle bag it was irrelevant that the numbers were reversed. They just vastly underestimated how much a single regulation softball can cost. $9.99. So Erica dropped it in Bag 6 instead of Bag 8.

Me: Alright, ladies. It’s time for the final switch. Jackie, your gag is going back in. Abbie gets the blindfold now.

Abbie: Mmmmmppppphhhhhhhhh. Mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm.

Abbie was giddy with delight. She hated being gagged. Apparently she was less reticent about being blindfolded.

Jackie: Works for me.

I made quick work of the change over this time. Jackie opened her mouth expectantly before I’d even removed the blindfold. I was planning on taking the blindfold off first, but there was a girl waiting expectantly with her mouth agape expecting me to stick something in it. So how could I not oblige? Jackie is Jackie, but you never really get used to such an eager invitation. I balled a sizeable handkerchief and pressed it firmly into her mouth as she eagerly accepted it and closed her lips around it. I then tore off several strips of tape plastered them over her lower face to seal it in.

Jackie: Mmmmmpppphhh mmmpppphhhh.

I was pretty sure that that was “Thank You”. I felt like we were all learning about submission and adjusting our feelings on it within the game. But Jackie Garrett was still the only player who was going to thank somebody for gagging her. I took the sleep mask off her eyes and brought it over to Abbie. Abbie watched me with rapt attention as I slid the sleep mask down over her eyes.

Me: OK. Ladies. You may continue.

Abbie: Hhhhhhhhmmmmmpppppppppphhhhhhhh?!?!?! Mmmmmpppphhhhhh nnnnnnnmmmmmppppphhhhhh mmmmmmppppphhhhhhh!!!!!!

Abbie was clearly distraught that I had not ungagged her. Jackie and Erica couldn’t help but chuckle a little bit into their gags at Abbie’s clear distress. Even though Jackie was very protective of Abbie, I could tell that she was having trouble suppressing her giggles.

Me: What? I said Abbie gets the blindfold. I never said that the gag comes off.

Abbie: Mmmmmpppphhhhhh Nnnnnmmmmmpppphhhhh nnnnmmmppphhhhh mmmpppprrrrrmmmmmmmmm!!!!

Abbie was fuming at me. I couldn’t see her eyes, but I was pretty sure that they’d cut me deep if I could see them.

Me: Alright. I suppose it’s only fair. Hold on one sec. I’ll get the tape off.

Abbie: Mmmmmmmmpppphhhhhhhrrrmmmmmmppphhhhh hhhhhmmmmpppppphhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

I had no clue what she had said. But I pretended like I had.

Me: Of course. Since when am I NOT careful.

I carefully peeled the tape off her mouth, letting the sticky adhesive come off smoothly and mostly painlessly. She spat the wet rag in her mouth down onto her lap before I’d even fully removed the tape from her cheek.

Abbie: How did you know what I said? Are you becoming fluent in gag speak?

I was a little surprised myself that I’d correctly guessed what she said. But when somebody’s giving you credit for something, I’ve found that it’s fun to just take it.

Me: Context clues. Also….you’re very predictable.

Abbie: We’ll see about that.

Me: Alright, ladies. Now you may continue.
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Lucky Lottie
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Post by Lucky Lottie »

So nice reading these little light hearted games. The characters are really being fleshed out in their own ways. Trent truly has found his own unique style, in my own opinion.
In her natural habitat is:
-Giddy when approached
-Passive when suspended
-Bratty when loose
-Obedient when cuddled
-Cheeky when gagged
-Truly happy when tickled
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Post by GreyLord »

The games are brilliant.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 16: "This is some first class B.S." (F/FF, M/FFF) [Part 4 of 4]

As the ungagged player, Abbie now attempted to take on the leadership role.

Abbie: Alright. My list is items stolen from Dale. And my objects are listed in the opposite price order from Jackie’s. Most expensive is lowest. Least expensive is highest. Erica can you grab the orange?

Erica: Mmmmmppppphhhhhh hhhhhhhmmmmpppppphhhh.

Abbie: I mean what could an orange possibly cost?

Abbie grinned to nobody in particular since her blindfold was still on.

Abbie: $10?

I audibly chuckled at the reference. I could hear Jackie chuckling into her gag. Erica not so much.

Erica: Hhhhmmmmmpppppphhhhhhhh?!?!!? Nnnnnnmmmmppppppphhhhhhh mmmmmmppppphhhhh nnnnnnmmmmmmppppphhhh mmmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!!

OK. So apparently Erica didn’t watch Arrested Development. Or wasn’t a big enough fan to get the reference. She was staring at Abbie like Abbie was an absolute idiot. If there is one thing that I’d learned about Abbie up until now, it was that she wasn’t the most confident person. So it was probably for the best that she was blindfolded and couldn’t see the look that Erica was giving her. I decided to help them out.

Me: Erica. It’s a reference to the show Arrested Development. She wasn’t being serious.

Now Abbie apparently understood that she had been misinterpreted.

Abbie: Oh. Lordie. No. Erica, I don’t pay $10 for my oranges. It was a joke. Bag #10. I think it’s the one right in front of Jackie.

Jackie: Mmmmmmmpppphhhhh mmmmpppphhhhhhh.

Jackie motioned with her head to the bag that Abbie was referring to. Erica grabbed the orange off of the bed and deposited it in the correct bag.

Abbie: Alright. That leaves just the flashlight. It looked like a pretty nice flashlight. I don’t know whether it costs more or less than the wrist rest. But I think that we either put in Bag #2 or #4. We already put the wrist rest in #4 so I think it’s a matter of hedging our bets and making sure that we get one right. OR we go double or nothing. Thoughts? Feelings?

Erica: Mmmmmpppphhhhrrrmmmpppphhh hhhhhmmmmpppphhhhhhhh.

Jackie: Nnnnnmmmpppphhh hhhhmmppphhh mmmmppphhhhh nnnmmpppphhhhhh.

Abbie: I didn’t get any of that. I’ll leave it up to you, Erica. But I think we hedge our bets. We’re not getting 10/10. We’re not tying him up. All we need is 4/10 to get two of us out. I say we take the points and run.

Erica: Mmmmmmmppppphhhh hhhhhhmmmmpppphhhhh.

That seemed like a pretty agreeable position to Erica. She had already picked up the flashlight and was hopping towards Bag #4. The bag was positioned facing her current position. She didn’t need directions. I enjoyed what would probably be her last few hops for today as she made her way towards the bag. She turned her back to the bag and let go of the flashlight which I expected to make a very loud clunk on the floor but apparently was cushioned on it’s impact by the gel wrist rest that was already in the bag.

Erica: Mmmmmmmmpppppphhhhhh hhhhhhhmmmmpppphhhhhh?

Erica looked at me expectantly. Were they done? Was I a man of my word?

Me: Alright, ladies. That’s it. Would you like to know how you did?

Erica: Mmmmmpppphhhhhh hhhhhhmmmppppphhhhh.

Abbie: Yes please.

Me: You got 5/10. You know what that means?

Abbie: You’re going to untie two of us right now?

Me: That’s correct. But which two? How will we decide this?

Abbie: Oh brother.

Me: Well, let’s see. Do I have any volunteers to stay bound?

Erica shook her head vigorously that she had little interest in volunteering as tribute. Abbie also stayed decidedly quiet. Jackie eyed them both and then piped up.

Jackie: Mmmmmmmpppppphhhhhhh hhhhhhhmmmmmppppphhhhhhhh.

Me: Ms. Garrett, are you agreeing to stay bound and gagged?

Jackie: Mmmmmppppphhhhh hhhhhhmmmmppppphhhhh.

She nodded.

Abbie: I love you, Jackie. You’re the best roommate a girl could ask for.

Erica: Hhhmmmmmppphhhh mmmmpphhhhh.

I guessed that Erica was also saying “Thank you”.

Me: Alright. That settles it then. Erica, if you’re not all hopped out already and you want to hop over the bed…I’ll be with you in a second. I’m going to untie Abbie first.

Erica: Mmmppphhhh mmmmppphhhh mmmpppphhhhh.

Erica gave me a sing-songly little sarcastic moan and then turned so that I could see that her bound hands were giving me the finger before she proceeded to hop off in the direction of Abbie’s bed. I slid the sleep mask off of Abbie’s face and then began to untie her hands.

Abbie: All things considered. Not too shabby. That game was going to be impossible to get 10/10. I think we did pretty darn good.

Me: Yeah. Team work makes the dream work.

Abbie: How many were you expecting us to get?

Me: About five. I knew it would get easier once Erica lost the blindfold and one of you was able to specify what exactly you were doing with the bags. But you got a couple early that were pretty impressive.

Abbie: I think we did great.

Once I had Abbie’s hands and arms untied she was able to pull her arms in front of her and I left her to untie her legs while I attended to Erica. She was waiting patiently for me on the bed. I sat down next to her and she turned her face to me so that I could carefully peel the tape off of her lips before extracting the wad of cloth that I had stuffed in her mouth previously.

Me: So…Ms. Callahan, what did you think?

Erica: What did I think?

Me: Yeah. How would you rate it?

Erica: You did a good job tying me. You always do. You don’t need me to tell you that. I’m not getting any better at escaping from your ties or Elisa’s.

Me: That’s not what I meant. I mean how did you like the experience?

Erica: The experience? Let’s just say it’s not something that I’m not going to be signing up for again. You guys can play your games, but I still prefer being unbound.

Me: Are you glad you played?

Erica: Define “glad”. I’m happy that I’m getting released now and don’t have to stay tied up for another 90 minutes. I’m glad about that.

Me: OK. I’m sorry that you hated the game. I’ll try and come up with something a little more up your alley next time. I just thought that it might be fun to have a little team bonding activity for the females. I know I enjoyed watching it.

Erica: I’ll bet you did.

Me: I guess I hoped that you’d enjoy competing and working with your fellow captives.

Erica looked at me bemusedly.

Erica: Ugh. Fine. Are you going to make me say it?

I wanted to play it cool. But I couldn’t help the fact that a smile was starting to creep across my face. Erica saw it and clearly started to regret whatever she was about to say. I focused myself on untying her wrists so that she couldn’t focus on my grin.

Erica: I didn’t have the worst time.

Me: Didn’t have the worst time?

Erica: I mean that I’ve spent 90 minutes tied up in worse ways. That’s all you’re getting. I’m not telling you that it was “fun” or “enjoyable”. Just that it wasn’t as bad as I was expecting.

Me: No. No. Of course not. I’ll take what I can get. I’d never expect the Mighty Erica Callahan to enjoy a time in ropes. That’s precious time that she can’t spend conquering others.

Erica smirked slightly.

Erica: I’m glad we have an understanding on that.

I finished untying her upper body shortly and let her untie her legs.

Erica: There’s one other thing that you owe me, Trent.

Me: Oh really. What is that?

Erica: The first time that I ever tied you up you escaped obscenely quickly.

Me: I did.

Erica: And I asked you to tell me what I did wrong.

Me: You did.

Erica: You said that you’d “show” me what I did wrong.

Me: I see. So you want me to tie you up AGAIN to teach you that lesson? What a glutton for punishment you are, Ms. Callahan.

Erica: Of course not. But you have yourself a captive here who was tied up by me almost identically to how I tied you. So you should have no problem showing me.

Me: You think I should just give up state secrets that easily?

Erica: Yep. I played your little game. I’d call that a show of good faith. If you want future cooperation from me, I’m going to need a little info from you. A similar show of good faith. I’m not Elisa. I have no problem openly admitting that you’re better at this than me. And I want you to show me where I went wrong.

She was right. Teaching her where her mistake was might make things harder to escape from in the future. But in the spirit of the game I should help her get better. Like I was helping Abbie.

Me: Fair enough. Right this way.

She hastily untied the last of her leg bindings and we walked over to Jackie, who was still tightly bound and gagged. Just as we’d left her. She eyed us wearily as we approached. I walked Erica around to the back of Jackie’s chair and we examined her wrist bindings and the still taut tether that was pulling her arms down and securing them to the chair.

Me: OK. The wrist tie still looks tight, right?

Erica: Yes. I don’t see the problem.

Me: It’s been about 90 minutes and she’s not managed to do anything.

Jackie: Hhhhmmmmmmpppppphhhhrrrmmmmpppphhhh mmmmpppphhhhhh mmmppppppphhhhhhhhh.

Erica: Yeah. It’s Jackie. I don’t think she’s trying that hard. She was into the game.

Me: Fair. But I agree. The tie still looks good. Now why don’t you try and tickle her like you did to me.

Jackie: Hhhhhmmmmpppppphhhhhhh?!?!?!?! Nnnnnnnnnnnmmmmmmmpppppppphhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!

Erica: Sure. You don’t have to ask me twice.

Erica walked around to the front of Jackie who did not look too pleased that she was going to be accosted with tickling. Erica sat down on the floor criss cross in front of her and positioned her wiggling fingers underneath Jackie’s bare vulnerable soles which were secured to the legs of the chair about a foot off the ground.

Erica: I don’t see what this has to do with anything but…here goes.

She began to tickle Jackie as Jackie thrashed and yelped into her gag.

Jackie: Mmmmmmmppppppphhhhhhh mmmmmpppphhhhhh hhhhhmmmmpppphhhhh mmmmppppphhhhhh!!!!!

I let this continue for between 10 to 15 seconds before I stopped her by putting my hand on her shoulder.

Me: Erica, that’s NOT how you tickled me.

Erica: What do you mean?

Me: HOW did you tickle me?

Erica thought back to that day in late October considering what had happened. Finally it appeared that she recognized what I was talking about as her eyebrows raised and her eyes shone with recognition as to what I was referring to.

Erica: Oh. I know what you mean. But you’re like a half foot taller than Jackie. Your feet were too low to the ground. I don’t need to do that for her.

Me: OK. But you needed to do it for me. Now let’s try THAT.

Jackie: Hhhmmmmmppppphhhhhhh?!?!?!? Mmmmmppppphhhhhh mmmmmppphhhhhmmmmmmm?????

Me: Don’t worry, Jackie. You’ll see.

Erica: Can you move her for me?

Me: Sure.

I walked around behind Jackie and tipped the back of her chair downward so that she was now leaned back at a 45 degree angle.

Jackie: Hhhhhhmmmmmppppppphhhhhhh?????? Mmmmmmmmpppphhhhhh mmmmpppphhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

I ignored her panicked protests and simply dragged her chair back towards Abbie’s bed. I tipped her back further and leaned her against the bed at an angle where she wouldn’t slip. Her bare, vulnerable feet were thrust higher into the air, where they could be reasonably tickled by somebody who was standing up.

Erica: OK. You want me to tickle her now?

Me: No. I want you to have a look at her wrist bindings now.

Erica: Underneath her?

Erica eyed me wearily but lowered herself onto the ground, lay down, and slid her head underneath the chair.

Erica: You’d better not let her fall on me.

Me: I won’t.

Erica: I see what you mean. The tether has slack in it now. How?

Me: Gravity pushing the weight of her body against the frame of the chair. And Jackie probably weighs 60 pounds less than me. So I probably had even more slack.

Erica: I see. You sneaky little bugger.

Me: There you go. Now you know the secret to my escape.

Erica: I’ll have to find a way to fix this.

Me: Not that difficult. You could just tie people’s feet together. And not lash them to the chair legs.

Erica: I tried that a few times back when the club was just me, Elisa, and Sam. It’s all fun and games until you get kicked in the face by a bucking captive.

Me: Ooof. Elisa or Sam?

Erica: I wish I could say that it only happened once. Hence why I lash them to the chair legs now.

Me: You’re an enterprising kidnapper. I’m sure you’ll figure something out.

Erica: I most certainly will. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to be taking my leave.

Me: You’re not going to stick around and play with this one?

I gestured to Jackie, who didn’t seem to mind that Erica was about to depart.

Erica: No. I’ll leave that to you. And Jackie, darling, please don’t thank that I’m not grateful that you took one for the team. I really do appreciate it. But I’m still going to get out of here and leave you in his clutches.

She gave Jackie a condescending little stroke on the chin and pat on the head that caused Jackie to glower at her. She said she was grateful…but she still enjoyed turning the knife a little bit on Jackie.

Me: Can I ask you to return all of the shit that I stole from Elisa’s room for me?

Erica: Eh, you can take it back yourself. Walk right into our clutches, why don’t you?

Me: Fine. Works for me. Any excuse to spend time with you two.

Erica: I wish I could say the same. If anybody outside of this room asks…I had an absolutely terrible time.

She gave me a little smile to imply that while she was kind of serious…she wasn’t entirely serious. And that was good enough for me. Erica exited the room as I contemplated on the day’s events. Erica was the person that I had the frostiest relationship with of all the club members…but I couldn’t help but wonder if maybe it was starting to thaw. Maybe just a little bit.

Jackie: Mmmmmppppphhhhhhh mmmmmppphhhhhhhhh.

I’m not sure how long I’d been standing alone with my thoughts. But Jackie’s muffled grunts pulled me back into the present.

Me: You want to be tipped back upright, I suppose?

Jackie: Mmmmpppphhhh mmmmppphhhhhhmmmmmm.

She gave me a little non-committal shrug.

Abbie: Are we going to untie her?

Me: Nah. If I just untied all three of you even though you didn’t score seven points…what lesson would that teach you for future games? You want a couple pointers on things Erica does well and doesn’t do well?

Abbie: Sure.

Abbie approached me so I could show her a couple of tricks that Erica had used with her knots. I was always ready to give Abbie a lesson and she was quite the eager student. Her practice had been going quite well and I was thinking that the rest of the club probably shouldn’t be sleeping on her as a competitor for long.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Very nice finish! And Trent is merciful :) I guess though that Erica harbours a strong desire to get back at him. Let the games continue :)
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Post by Lucky Lottie »

Yay! Another wonderful end to a chapter. Fun, engaging and we even got a bit of tickling to round it off. I think everyone enjoyed themselves to a certain extent, at the very least Erica is warming up, even if only a little.
In her natural habitat is:
-Giddy when approached
-Passive when suspended
-Bratty when loose
-Obedient when cuddled
-Cheeky when gagged
-Truly happy when tickled
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Post by charliesmith »

A nice end to the chapter! I wonder if Trent would be getting captured in the next one when he returns Elisa’s stolen stuff.
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
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Post by tickletied84 »

Fantastic. Loving that Trent is getting the chance to play his games, and that he's also willing to share some of his tips. Also - Jackie is a wonderful character - Dale is a lucky guy!
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Post by GreyLord »

Trent is doing well. And I agree that Erica is thawing a little. This continues to be a wonderful story.
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Post by Rtj65 »

Some nice development for Erica there, seems like that's given her some food for thought. There was a lot to enjoy in this chapter, I like that Trent really let his creativity shine through here, and I liked how all three of the girls threw themselves into it - especially Erica. If Trent is smart, he'll return Elisa's stuff on one of his off days (unless he wouldn't mind getting captured, that is).
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by S-BabyO »

Another Great installation into your story Fandango, loved the variation of the bondage, the inclusion of sensory deprivation, and the absolutely incredible character development throughout the parts of this chapter, especially Erica's "thawing".
This story/series (I don't know the right word for this sorry) is AMAZING and continues to impress me with every new chapter, I eagerly await the next part & where and how this story will go with Trent now facing a decision to return the stolen items, and how.
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Post by Fandango »

Hello. I was doing some travelling in the last week that has delayed my posting schedule. Chapter 17 will begin tomorrow. Thank you very much for all of the kind comments.
charliesmith wrote: 1 year ago Yay! My favourite story of the site is back! I wonder what game Trent has in his mind this time around. Good work [mention]Fandango[/mention]
That's some very high praise. There are a lot of great stories on this site. I appreciate your readership.
Rtj65 wrote: 1 year ago Fantastic start to the chapter! Trent is lucky to have a friend like Jackie who is so quick to help him get what he wants. Whatever game he has planned I'm sure is going to be fun, though maybe not for all the participants. I can imagine that Elisa will be pretty envious when she finds out about this, as I'm sure she will.

I'm also interested to see how Abbie manages in this situation - I'm not sure whether her apparent enthusiasm so far is because of a desire to win and be released, or because she's beginning to come around to the idea that being tied up doesn't have to suck.
Elisa will find out about this and it will probably have an interesting effect on her. As far as Abbie's's a little bit of both of those things. More of the former than the latter, but it's notable that she does enjoy being captured more by Trent than by Erica. Out of the frying pan and into...a more temperate frying pan.
DommeKirsten wrote: 1 year ago Great stuff. I play a similar cuff game where they have to find there cuff keys x
Thanks. That's always a fun game. Capture Club doesn't really use cuffs...yet. But I think that they're a lot of fun and a cuff key game with multiple players does allow for the captor to hide the cuff keys in some enticing places.
tickletied84 wrote: 1 year ago Wonderful update. Such a simple game, until you bind, gag and blindfold the participants. Love it!
Thanks. I was worried that the game was a little too complicated even without the restraints. I was trying to make it nuanced but avoid spending too much time with explanation.
Lucky Lottie wrote: 1 year ago So nice reading these little light hearted games. The characters are really being fleshed out in their own ways. Trent truly has found his own unique style, in my own opinion.
Thank you very much. Light hearted is the tone that I'm currently going for. Every character's motivations can be augmented by their mood and current circumstances. But at his default setting Trent isn't really going to be having fun as a captor unless his captives are also "kind of" having fun. There's a positive correlation between those two things for him.
GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago The games are brilliant.
Thank you. Games will feature regularly throughout the series but we're currently in what I would call the "games arc". From here through Chapter 25 there will be a lot of different games played with different participants and different penalties for failure.
tickletied84 wrote: 1 year ago Fantastic. Loving that Trent is getting the chance to play his games, and that he's also willing to share some of his tips. Also - Jackie is a wonderful character - Dale is a lucky guy!
Dale certainly is a lucky guy. And believe me, he knows it.
Rtj65 wrote: 1 year ago Some nice development for Erica there, seems like that's given her some food for thought. There was a lot to enjoy in this chapter, I like that Trent really let his creativity shine through here, and I liked how all three of the girls threw themselves into it - especially Erica. If Trent is smart, he'll return Elisa's stuff on one of his off days (unless he wouldn't mind getting captured, that is).
S-BabyO wrote: 1 year ago Another Great installation into your story Fandango, loved the variation of the bondage, the inclusion of sensory deprivation, and the absolutely incredible character development throughout the parts of this chapter, especially Erica's "thawing".
This story/series (I don't know the right word for this sorry) is AMAZING and continues to impress me with every new chapter, I eagerly await the next part & where and how this story will go with Trent now facing a decision to return the stolen items, and how.
Thank you for the enthusiasm and the comments. I just wanted to temper expectations and let both of you know that Trent returning the stolen items is going to happen between chapters and won't have any major plot associated with it. You're welcome to assume that it was a very routine or unremarkable exchange where Elisa was maybe a little annoyed but nothing came of it. Or you're welcome to assume that she was fueled to enact an epic revenge that I didn't write about and that the characters never reference again in future chapters. The choice is yours.
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 17: "Tanqueray Can Crack Your Vault of Secrets" (F/MF, F+M+/M) [Part 1 of 5]

Me: So how do you think you’re doing so far?

Abbie: Honestly, I REALLY don’t want to be overconfident…but I think I’m doing pretty well.

She gave me a sheepish grin and even though I told her to follow her gut and not worry about my approval, it was clear that she wanted some sort of validation or rejection of her assessment. So I relented.

Me: Yeah. I’d say you’re doing pretty damn well also, but you’re not finished are you?

Abbie: No. Not quite yet. I still see how you and Jackie could potentially squirm your way out of this.

Jackie: Funny. Because I sure don’t. You’ve done a phenomenal job.

I flexed my wrists and ankles and had to admit that this was a sticky situation. I was stuck. I took stock of the full predicament. My wrists were bound tightly behind my back. My elbows were also securely tied together and my upper body was expertly constrained into a fairly inescapable package. My legs were likewise trussed at the thighs, knees, and ankles. The knots had been secured out of my reach and the ropework had been precise and meticulous. Nothing had been tied in a way that it would endanger me, but the slack had been thoroughly pulled out of every binding. The inescapability was reminiscent of one of Elisa’s ties without the casual savagery and discomfort that she liked to make a hallmark of her captures. And this tie had been courtesy of Abbie. I really was proud of her.

Abbie: Hey! No fair trying to escape yet. I said I’m NOT done.

Me: Apologies. Just trying to appraise things. I’m not trying to escape early.

I looked across The Penthouse at Jackie. She was laying on the ground watching us in a very strict hogtie and was even more stuck than I was, if only because Abbie had not hogtied me yet. Today was hopefully Abbie’s final exam. And the girl was absolutely ACING it. Obviously Jackie and I had been sympathetic to the fact that Abbie had started to grow frustrated with the game. Erica, Sam, myself, and especially Elisa had been able to tie her up pretty unescapably for months. She’d had every right to seek revenge or even “prevenge” against us, but just didn’t have the skills and mechanics to properly keep us from getting out. So I’d volunteered to teach her. And I had been doing so for the last few weeks. It had been more than three weeks since I’d offered to teach her how to become better at tying people up. Jackie had volunteered to let us practice on her. I’d gotten together with them twice a week and Abbie was really starting to get the hang of things. She’d had a lot of the basic necessary knowledge to tie people up already. But now she was really starting to put it all together. We’d analyzed how people escaped from certain ties and what precautions to take to prevent that from happening. We’d talked about anatomy and physiology and why certain ties are preferable for the way that they can prevent certain ranges of motion. Courtney had even stopped in once and helped us out with the lessons. I’d even learned a couple of things that day. And today was hopefully going to be Abbie’s final test. She would tie Jackie and I up and see if she could keep us both restrained for a full 90 minutes. That was the passing grade.

Abbie: OK. I think I’m going to try something. My main concern is that you and Jackie are going to be able to squirm to each other and pick each other’s bonds. I think I’d like to try and take that outcome off the table if I can.

Jackie: Sadly Abbie, I’m fairly confident that I’m not going to be able to get anywhere close to Trent. He’d have to meet me significantly more than halfway.

Abbie: That’s what I’m concerned about. He’s a pretty wriggly fellow. So I think I’d like to keep him over here.

Abbie had a couple more lengths of rope left and she’d just finished cinching one around my already bound ankles. I was prepared to be hogtied in a similar manner to Jackie now that Abbie knew how to secure a proper hogtie. But that wasn’t her plan. She pulled my feet back with the other end of the rope and began to tie the rope around the leg at the head of her bed. She was physically tethering me to the bed. If I wanted to squirm over to Jackie, I’d either have to get the tether untied first or drag the whole bed with me. The former seemed like the only practical option.

Me: Smart. I like the improvisation.

Abbie: Thank you. I thought that might be a useful touch. But we’re not quite done yet. One more rope left to use.

Abbie picked up a final rope and started tying it into the harness that she had tied. I could feel her threading it through some bands of rope that were securing my arms to my side near my shoulder blades. I couldn’t see her handiwork. But when she had completed the tie I felt her give the rope a couple sharp tugs and she seemed satisfied that it would hold.

Abbie: OK. Right this way, honey.

Me: What?

Abbie dragged my upper body back so that I was lying on her carpet, but was now parallel with her bed frame. She pulled the excess rope that she had just tied and began to loop it around leg at the foot of her bed. I was now going to be secured to her bed at both ends and stretched along the base of her bed so that I wouldn’t be able to get to either rope.

Me: Oh. That’s devious.

Abbie: Thank you. I’m assuming that you mean that as a positive.

Me: Of course.

Abbie: Yeah. Sorry, Jackie. I’m afraid that you’ll probably have to be meeting Trent MORE than halfway now.

Jackie: Ugh. Woof.

Abbie: Alright. Now for the fun part. Gags. Do I have any requests?

Jackie: Sure. I think you need to gag Trent REALLY thoroughly. We all know that he’s a dexterous and energetic escape artist. But his real power lies in his silver tongue and his ability to communicate with his partner. If I know what he’s telling me to do then you’re done for, Wolfe.

Me: Gee. Thanks, Jackie. I guess my request is that you gag us the same then.

Jackie: I wouldn’t have it any other way…but you already knew that.

I did know that. Jackie liked her gags tight and cumbersome…me, not so much.

Abbie: Alright. Thorough and secure it is. Let’s see how much we can fit in that gob, Trent. Open up.

I obediently opened my mouth and Abbie pulled out a hodge podge of handkerchiefs, bandanas, rags, and other cloths. She selected two to start and stuffed them into my mouth. She used her nimble little fingers to poke them back into the sides of my cheeks and fill the entirety of my oral cavity. My cheeks began to bulge as she worked them down and back. She then picked up a third cloth and started shoving that into my mouth. It didn’t fit all the way. There were wisps of it hanging out of my mouth as my cheeks swelled. I couldn’t fully close my lips around it but that didn’t seem to perturb her. She tried to poke the last vestiges of it in with her finger, but she wasn’t getting any more cloth in there.

Abbie: OK. Good enough for government work.

Abbie then proceeded to pick up a roll of duct tape. She used her nail to pry up an edge of the tape and then used her teeth to pull a little bit off of the roll. She had to awkwardly straddle me as I was pressed up against her bed. However, she was able to press the tape down firmly over my mouth and began to wind it tightly around my head. She did so several times and I grunted and groaned as she lifted and dropped my head to facilitate her gagging of me. The tape pressed firmly into my bulging cheeks as she sealed all of that cloth inside my mouth. Finally after about seven or eight rotations she tore the tape off and pressed it down firmly onto the side of my head. She stood up and admired her handiwork.

Abbie: OK. Time to give it a little test. Say “I’m not going anywhere, Abbie.”

Me: Mmmmpphhhhhmmmm mmmppphhhh mmmpppphhhhmmmmmm mmmmpppppphhhhhhrrrrrrmmmmmmmm Mmmmppphhhhhhhmmmmmppphhhh.

Abbie: That’s what I like to hear. Alright. I think it’s time to start this challenge.

Abbie picked up my phone and set the timer. She pressed for it to begin and then casually tossed my phone onto her bed, out of my view. She then went over to her desk chair and sat down with her feet up on her desk as she reclined backward in the chair to watch us struggle. It was not lost on either myself nor Jackie that Jackie had not been gagged yet.

Jackie: Ummmmm…Abbie dear. Aren’t you forgetting something?

Abbie smiled mischievously as if to convey to the both of us that she knew exactly what Jackie was referring to, but answered coyly in the opposite direction.

Abbie: Nope. I think I’ve done everything.

Jackie: Surely. You’re going to gag me, right?

Abbie: No. I think you deserve a nice little reprieve for this challenge.

Jackie: I’d prefer if you did.

Abbie: Perhaps I don’t care WHAT you prefer.

I had to crane my head backwards to properly see Jackie’s reaction…but when I saw her face it was like looking at a textbook example of the classic McKayla Maroney meme. She appeared thoroughly non-plussed.

Jackie: We both heard what Courtney told you. We know WHY you’re doing this and it’s not going to work once we know your motivation. Trent isn’t going to fall for that nonsense.

Courtney had given Abbie some pointers during one of our earlier sessions. They’d talked about how they manage multiple captives and Courtney had said that if she has two captives she likes to gag one of them and not the other. She’ll gag the more disruptive and unruly person and leave the more obedient and subservient one ungagged. It oftentimes will make the gagged captive envious of their fellow prisoner and contemptuous of them for being such a kiss ass or suck up. She finds that she’s able to divide two people that should ideally be working together. But Jackie’s right. I don’t blame Jackie for my plight, even though she asked for it. I blame Abbie.

Abbie: Maybe it’s not about Trent. Maybe it’s about YOU. I know you well enough to know that you’re still going to feel guilty whether Trent holds it against you or not. You asked me to give him that gag.

Jackie: Maybe you’re right. But why do you want me to feel guilty? Just gag me already. Courtney does this as an inducement of obedience. You’re just doing it to be a brat.

Abbie: See. My plan is already working. You’re not focused on escaping. You’re focusing on arguing with me. I’ve managed to piss both of you off.

Abbie had a point. So I decided to get to work on trying to get out of this situation, but it seemed pretty hopeless at the moment. Her knots were precise and nuanced. Her understanding of how to tactically prevent somebody from getting to them had grown exponentially during our lessons. I grunted and bucked but I couldn’t imagine that we’d be getting free unless Jackie was able to get to me…because I wasn’t going to be able to get to her.

Jackie: Is that how you want me? Pissed off?

Abbie: Maybe.

Me: Mmmmmmpppphhhhhhhrrrrrmmmppppphhhhh mmmmmmppphhhhh mmmmppppphhhhhhh.

I was trying to convey that there was no point arguing with Abbie and that we should just get to work. I’m pretty sure that none of that came across in translation.

Jackie: Don’t worry, Trent. She’s going to give me my just desserts in a couple minutes. Then I’ll be just as incoherent as you.

Abbie: You’re welcome to try. I’d love to hear you beg me for one.

Jackie: I’m not going to beg. I’m not above begging. I’ll beg Dale if I feel he deserves it. But I’m not going to beg you to gag me. You’re just going to do it.

Abbie: I’m having difficulty seeing how you plan on facilitating that. I’m in control now, Jackie.

I took a quick break from my torrid struggles to glance back at Jackie. I saw an all too familiar look cross her face. It was a version of a smile. A grin really. Dale called it "The Buzzsaw". It was a pleasant face. It didn’t show any really explicit signs of ill-intent. But it meant that her wheels had decided upon a course of action that you weren’t going to enjoy. Abbie was about to be in for something.

Jackie: Abbie, darling. Trent and Courtney have obviously done a GREAT job of teaching you how to restrain people. I think Trent and I are more than a little screwed as far as escaping goes.

Abbie: Thank you.

Jackie: I obviously haven’t been able to offer you much advice as far as knot tying goes. I’m garbage at it.

Abbie: That’s fine. You’ve still been a big help.

Jackie: Oh. I know I have. But now I’m going to teach you a lesson that maybe Trent and Courtney are less able to impart. And that’s that the person who is doing the tying is not always in control.

Abbie: Oh really? Is that so?

Jackie: Of course. You hate being tied up because you think it means that somebody has control over you. And they will, if you permit that. Dale ties me up all the time. Way more often than I tie him up. Sometimes he’s in total control. And sometimes I’m in total control. It’s all about leverage.

Abbie: So you think that you’re in control right now? It certainly doesn’t look like it. If you’re in control, then why don’t you go ahead and escape that hogtie?

Jackie: That’s not what I mean. I’m not interested in escaping this hogtie.

Me: Hhhhmmmppphhhh mmmmmpppphhhhhh mmmpppphhhhhrrrrmmmmmm????

I was trying to remind her that she SHOULD be interested in that. This time I think the gist of the translation did come across.

Jackie: Don’t worry, Trent. I’m going to try and escape. But right now, I’m going to convince Abbie that she needs to gag me.

Abbie: Good luck.

Jackie: I don’t need luck. Trent and I are pretty boned right now. We’ve got a tough 90 minutes ahead of us and you’ve done such a good job that I fear that we might get bored by our plight.

Abbie: Thank you.

Jackie: So I was thinking that maybe I could regale Trent with some stories to pass the time.

Abbie: Be my guest. See. This is where me not gagging you is actually quite a gift. You’re welcome.

Jackie: I’ve got some great stories for him. I remember you told me some really good ones during our margarita night on Monday. That was quite a session.

The drop in Abbie's expression was palpable. A flash of utter terror crossed her eyes. You'd think that I'd be too far away to see it...but it was that noticeable of a shift. Jackie had hit her with quite a dart.

Abbie: Jackie, that’s not fucking funny. You swore me that you’d go to your grave with that stuff.

Jackie: Did I?

Abbie: Yes. You did. I never would have shared any of that with even you if I wasn’t drunk as all get out. I know that you’re not going to go back on your agreement.

Jackie: I mean. I’m fine with keeping that stuff just between us. But…

Abbie: No. No buts. Zip it. I don’t even want his interest getting peaked.

Too late. My interest was peaked.

Jackie: I’ll tell you what. I’m going to keep your secrets…for the most part.

Abbie: For the most part!?!? That’s not the deal.

Jackie: Relax. I’m only going to tell Trent. And I’m only going to tell him in the next 90 minutes.

Abbie: No!! Those comments were private and they’re humiliating.

It was too late, Abbie. My interest was through the roof. What was she so interested in keeping from everybody? Humiliating?

Jackie: Gee. If only there was some way that you could stop me from telling him.

Abbie: I see what you’re doing. And it’s a nice play. But it’s not going to work.

Jackie: Interesting. Why not?

Abbie: Because you’re the nicest person I know. And I don’t think that you’re twisted enough to betray me like that.

Jackie: Ah. Calling my bluff, are we? A bold strategy.

Abbie: Fortune favors the bold.

Jackie: We’ll see about that. Trent, are you familiar with the groundbreaking 1980s musical fantasy comedy television series Fraggle Rock?

Me: Mmmmmpppppphhhhhh hhhhhmmmmpppppphhhhhh.

Fraggle Rock? Where was she going with this. I was intrigued to find out.

Abbie: Jesus Christ! OK. OK. You can have you stupid gag. You win.

Jackie: Thank you.

Abbie started rummaging through her backpack for additional gagging supplies. Jackie was a master of getting what she wanted.

Abbie: What kind do you want?

Jackie: Ideally the same as Trent. Just so we’re even stevens. But you just need to make sure that it’s anything tight enough that no secrets slip out over the next 90 minutes.
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Post by GreyLord »

Go, Abbie, go! And go, Jackie, go!. That was extraordinary. Very well done. Thank you. I really enjoyed reading that.
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Post by Lucky Lottie »

Already loving this interaction.
In her natural habitat is:
-Giddy when approached
-Passive when suspended
-Bratty when loose
-Obedient when cuddled
-Cheeky when gagged
-Truly happy when tickled
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Post by Rtj65 »

What a start to the chapter! The battle for control between Jackie and Abbie is fascinating, and it's great to see them being assertive here. We're starting to see a different side to Abbie now, which I really like as it seems like she's coming into her own now. As for Jackie, this isn't the first time that she's used her good natured reputation among the group to her advantage, so she's definitely one to watch out for from now on.

I love your descriptions of the bindings, and especially Trent's gag in this chapter, and the dialogue was as snappy as ever - I really liked the attitude Abbie showed in particular.
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by charliesmith »

Fantastic start to a new chapter! Trent, Jackie and Abbie are a very interesting trio!
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 17: "Tanqueray Can Crack Your Vault of Secrets" (F/MF, F+M+/M) [Part 2 of 5]

It appeared as though Jackie had successfully negotiated her way into being gagged. And Abbie seemed none to please about having lost the stare down.

Abbie: Ugh. Fine. Were you really going to tell him those things?

Jackie: I don’t know. Fuck around and find out. To fuck around is human…but to find out is divine.

Abbie: I’ve decided I’d rather not. Now open up.

Jackie: Wise choice, you -mmmmmmppppppphhhhhh.

I had resumed my energetic struggling. It was getting me nowhere aside from helping to form a nice sheen of sweat over my body. But I took another quick break because there are few things that I enjoy more than watching somebody get gagged. It doesn’t matter if I’m doing it or somebody else. It’ll never get old. So I flexed my neck as best I could and was treated to the sight of Abbie forcefully stuffing a rag into her roommate’s mouth. I didn’t have the best view as Abbie was partially obstructing my view of Jackie, but I could see well enough. Whereas, Courtney was a proper show woman when it came to treating an audience to a captive being tied up, Abbie either didn’t care or just believed in being withholding. I’d have to ask her.

Abbie followed the first rag with another cloth that looked like a bandana until Jackie’s mouth was stuffed to the brim. She then picked up the tape and began to wind it around it around Jackie’s mouth several times.

Abbie: Alright, Jackie. This is the gag that YOU asked for. So we’re going to treat this like the parmesan grater at Olive Garden. You tell me when to stop. OK?

Abbie continued winding the tape tightly around Jackie’s head. There appeared to be little regard for her hair. Her hair was in her French braid and was being pinned firmly to her head. Eventually after about seven rotations Jackie let her know that she could stop.

Jackie: Mmmmpppphhhhh!!!!

Abbie: I’m sorry. I can’t understand you. Was that a STOP?

Abbie wound the tape around her head an additional rotation.

Jackie: Mmmmppphhhh hhhhmmmppphhhhh!!!!!

Abbie: I’m sorry. You’ll have to speak up, dear. You’re a little hard to understand.

Jackie: Mmmmppppphhhhh!!!!!! NNnnmmmmpppphhhhh!!!!!!!

Abbie: I know. I know. You want me to stop. But I have to make sure that all of those secrets stay packed inside that bratty little mouth of yours. I wouldn’t want any of them slipping out.

Abbie gave the tape a few more rotations until she was clearly in overkill mode. Jackie started mewling pleadingly into her gag.

Jackie: Mmmmpppphhhhhh mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Abbie: OK. We can stop. One question though. Am I finally in control, now?

Jackie: Mmmmpppphhhh hhhhmmmmppppphhhhh.

Jackie nodded her head as best she could.

Abbie: Good. I just needed to make sure. You’re right, Jackie. That was a valuable lesson you taught me.

Abbie finally ripped the tape off of the roll and smoothed it down against her roommate’s cheek and gave her a cheeky little pat on the head. It was fun to hear Abbie bringing the dominant tough talk to this endeavor…even if doing it to Jackie was the equivalent of practicing in the mirror. I still had no doubt that she wasn’t ready to go full domme on Elisa or Courtney for fear of what they might do when the tables had turned. Jackie on the other hand, would be all hugs and smiles when released. Abbie was still undoubtedly the panicky, paranoid girl that she’d been since the day I met her. However, it was nice to see her practicing the side of her personality that she WANTED to harness.

Abbie: So if I’m in control then I’d like for you to start struggling like Trent over there. As much as I LOVE seeing you like this…I do want to know that my improvement is valid. So get going.

Jackie nodded demurely and began to put up a pretty ferocious struggle. My attention returned to my own struggles. Here we were in the thick of things. I was tightly trussed and anchored to the legs of Abbie’s bed at my ankles and shoulder blades. I was wearing a blue T-Shirt with the Mad Tree Brewing logo on it (a brewery from back home in Cincinnati) and Dockers shorts. I’d been stripped of my shoes and socks and was barefoot. Jackie actually had a fairly similar outfit on. Her T-Shirt was a lighter shade of blue and her shorts were plaid. She was tightly hogtied a few meters away from me though using some of the tricks that I’d taught Abbie over the last few weeks.

I continued to flex my wrists with absolutely no luck whatsoever. I was thoroughly screwed. Our best chance at escape was for Jackie to somehow make her way over to me, whether it be via rolling, squirming, or magic, and somehow relieve me of some of the restraints. My hands were pinned behind my back and ostensibly pushed under Abbie’s bed so I wouldn’t be able to really use them to free her. A lot of this was going to be on Jackie…who was not the best at escaping. Abbie had planned things out pretty well.

Me: Mmmmmmmmpppppphhhhhhh Hhhhrrrrrrmmmmpppppphhhhhhhh Mmmmmmpppppphhhhhh mmmmmmpppphhhhhh!!!!!

I grunted completely nonsensical directions at Jackie and waved my head to let her know that she had to make some sort of effort to get to me. She clearly understood what I was trying to tell her because she made a concerted effort to rock herself onto her side. She grunted energetically as she tried to roll on her side, but she was having a lot of trouble doing so. She tried to build up momentum and thrust her body onto her right side, but she’d invariably not make it all the way and rock back down onto her stomach.

Abbie: Awwwwwww. Are you having trouble, roomie. We’ve all been there.

Jackie: Mmmmmpppphhhhh nnnnnmmmmmppppphhhhhrrrrrrmmmmmmm mmmmpppphhhhhhh.

Jackie gave a little dismissive backtalk to her taunting roommate who was watching us intently from her desk chair as she continued her struggles. Eventually she just sort of took a break and started huffing. She’d made less than a foot of progress. I was already convinced that Abbie was going to have passed her test with flying colors. But I decided that we needed to make at least some semblance of an effort. It was insane to expect that I’d be able to get to Jackie given my predicament, but I figured I’d at least give it a shot.

I pushed my butt back as far as I could and tensed my upper body, pressing it into the side of Abbie’s bed. I then kicked out and flailed my legs as hard as I could against the tether. I was pulled pretty taut but the tether was actually about nine inches and pushing myself into the bed gave it a little slack. To my shock most of all, the bed actually moved. It was only an inch or two, and it was hard to hear since the floor was carpeted but the bed did budge. This was not lost on Abbie who I could see had a momentary look of panic on her face before she realized that dragging her bed across the room was lunacy and not a viable escape option. A grin returned to her face and she just taunted me further while applauding my effort.

Abbie: You keep up with that, Trent. Looks like all that work in the rec center is really paying off.

I just kind of glowered at her and continued my struggles. I tried this tact a few more times over the next several minutes, but the bed never budged more than an inch or two. However, I had apparently inspired Jackie to try her hand at reaching me. Rolling towards me had not been working. She was a talented volleyball player. But as a smaller libero she just had a different muscle set than girls like Elisa and Courtney. She just really didn’t have the upper body strength necessary. But she did start squirming towards me. She’d shake her shoulders back and forth and did her best to slide her hips along the carpet. It was clearly a slog but over the next impossibly long while, she did make some progress.

I had kept up trying to wriggle free of my bonds to predominantly frustrating results as Jackie finally reached me. An hour at least had to have elapsed at this point and we were running out of time. We still weren’t even close to getting out. But at least now we had proximity. Once Jackie had squirmed up to me, she used my body to brace herself so that she would have leverage to push herself over. She pressed her hip and side into my ribcage and started to tip herself so that her bound hands would be able to get their fingers on my ropes. It took a decent amount of struggling and shimmying as she awkwardly grinded up against me, but eventually she’d tipped herself onto her side.

I glanced at Abbie who didn’t seem worried in the slightest…and Abbie ALWAYS seemed worried. We must have almost no time left on the clock. Jackie was on her side facing away from me trying to wiggle her fingers into the ropes of my chest harness. I’m not sure how much good that was going to do. Her feet were awkwardly close to my face. If not for the fact that I was acutely aware that this was my roommate’s girlfriend, I would have enjoyed that. The residual guilt that I’d feel for lusting over Jackie usually took me out of it pretty quickly. Dale had a big thing for girl’s feet. He was very open with Jackie about it and they loved that about each other. I swear that I didn’t have a foot fetish when I came to college. And I still didn’t know entirely how I felt about them, but I’m pretty sure that I was developing one. A lot of girls in the group had really nice feet. The position of Jackie’s feet was not lost on Abbie.

Abbie: Jackie, dear, I think Trent is getting quite a whiff right now.

I couldn’t see Jackie smile but I imagined that she was as she flexed and wiggled her toes in my face. God, she could be such a tease sometimes. Guilt be damned, this was kind of hot. Abbie rose from her chair and walked over to the bed. I thought she might be coming to interfere for some reason, but she simply walked up to the foot of the bed and snatched my phone.

Abbie: Three minutes left, kiddos. Better get a move on.

Jackie: Hhhhhmmmmpppppphhhhhhh!?!?!!? Mmmmppppphhhhhh mmmmpppphhhhhhh nnnnnmmmmpppphhhhh mmmmmmmmm!!!!!

Apparently the elapsed time was news to Jackie. My internal clock is decent. And I had known that we were running out of time. Jackie slid her fingers into the ropes of my chest harness and started pulling randomly and without much direction. She really wasn’t doing much aside from jostling me around. All of the knots were around back. After a few final minutes of frantic struggling from both of us I heard my phone give off it’s little Time’s Up chime. It’s a little ditty called “By the Seaside”. I’m pretty sure that Abbie picked it because it’s annoying and it sounds like failure. She’d kept us restrained for 90 minutes. And who knows how much longer we could have been tied up. We’d helped create a monster. Abbie had skills now.

Abbie: Well, well, well. I’d say I did pretty good, don’t you think?

Jackie: Mmmmmpppphhhh hhhhhmmmmmppphhhhh mmmmmpppphhhhhrrrrrmmmmmmm!!!!!

Me: Mmmmmppphhhhhhhh mmmmmmppphhhhmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!

We both nodded in agreement as best we could as Abbie beamed proudly.

Abbie: Thank you. Thank you. I’m not going to lie. It feels good.

Abbie knelt down next to Jackie and began to untie her hogtie. I was just going to have to wait my turn. As Abbie undid the rope that was holding Jackie into her hogtie, Jackie slumped down to the floor and let out an exhausted sigh of relief.

Abbie: I’m actually going to get a scissors for that gag. I MAY have gotten a little carried away.

Jackie: Mmmmppphhhh hhhhmmmmppphhhmmmm??

I couldn’t really tell what Jackie had said but I imagined it was a sarcastic “you think?”. Abbie returned with a pair of scissors from her desk and began to carefully cut the tape that was wound around Jackie’s face. When she was done she pulled it back from Jackie’s lips and gingerly pulled the wads of cloth that had been stuffed into her mouth out.

Jackie: Ugh. Blech!!

Abbie: Sorry. Too much?

Jackie: I’ve had worse. That was SOOOO good, Abbie. You’re a proper pro now.

Abbie: Thanks. I really couldn’t have done it without you guys. It’s not that this ropework thing is THAT difficult, it’s just not always intuitive. I really appreciate you being my practice buddy all these weeks.

Jackie: Of course. I promise you that I was having just as much fun as you were. I was even learning some stuff myself. I don’t think I could do THIS (she waved her head in the general direction of her bonds) but I might be getting better myself through osmosis.

Abbie: Any interest in going to celebrate with some lunch?

Jackie: Absolutely. I am STARVING.

Abbie: Great. Me too.

Abbie proceeded to untie Jackie’s wrists and elbows and once she had her upper body free Jackie helped her make quick work of her lower body bindings. Jackie had been tightly trussed. But together they were able to free her in about five to seven minutes. I was glad when they finally did because I was also interested in getting out of my restraints. My body was getting a little stiff from the way that it was stretched out and I hadn’t eaten in almost 24 hours. I’d had a long game night the previous evening and had skipped dinner. Grabbing a burger and fries to celebrate Abbie’s newfound mastery of the rope sounded great to me.

Jackie: Alright. Help me get Trent untied. He’s pushed up against the bed and I’m confused as to where you put the knots. They’re all on his back side.

Abbie grinned devilishly at Jackie and I knew that some cogs were cranking in a direction that wasn’t good before she did.

Abbie: What if we DIDN’T do that?

Jackie: Didn’t do what?

Abbie: Free Trent. What if we just left him here and the two of us had a nice little one-on-one girls lunch?

Me: Mmmmmppppphhhhh!!!!! Nnnnnmmmpppphhhhhhrrrrrmmmmmmpppphhhhhh!!!!!

I could deal with her mischief on most days, but I’d really only prepared myself for a half portion of captivity on this occasion and I was starving. Luckily, I knew that Jackie was a bleeding heart and she wouldn’t let this slide.

Jackie: Works for me.

Me: Hhhhmmmmppppphhhhhh?????? Nnnnnnmmmmmppppphhhhhhh!!!!!!

That hurt. Jackie was in on leaving me here also. She gave me her own wicked grin. These girls were in lock step with each other now.

Jackie: Sorry, Trent. To the victor goes the spoils. And YOU'RE the spoils at this point.

Abbie: I mean, how many people have managed to keep the great Trent Banks bound and gagged for the full three hours. I have to try. Releasing him now just seems like it’s not taking advantage of evaluating my full prowess.

Jackie: You know. He volunteered for this. Today is technically his off day and this isn’t an official club capture. So there’s nothing that says that you need to adhere to the club rules. You can release him after five hours if you see fit.

Me: Mmmmmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!!!!

Jackie was really twisting the knife now. I didn’t believe that she’d actually support that, and if they did…I’d make them regret it. But it was starting to look like they’d at least be going to lunch without me.

Abbie: Interesting. I’ll take his indefinite captivity under advisement. So, I’d try REALLY hard to escape if I was you, Trent. Because this isn’t an official club capture. That means there are no rules to protect you. And when we come back, I’m going to take advantage of the fact that there aren’t any rules to have some fun with you.

Oh boy. What the hell did that mean? There were rules that I found cumbersome and there were rules that I found very necessary and I’m hoping that as my friend Abbie knew what she could and couldn’t do. This was really taking advantage of my helpful nature, but I was also intrigued by her sinister side. I’d probably have preferred to see it directed elsewhere, but presently I was the target of this gambit. I saw Abbie go to her dresser and open one of the drawers. She rifled through the drawer and pulled a black cloth item out of the back of the drawer. She returned and knelt next to me with her same mischievous grin. She pulled a sleep mask over my head and affixed it over my eyes. I was now totally blind. What was the point of this?!?! I couldn’t see any of my knots anyway. This was just some extra horseshit to have to put up with while these girls lunched.

Abbie: You’re really not going to like the surprise that I have waiting for you when we come back Trent. So I hope that you’ve been properly incentivized to escape. You should know how. You taught me after all.

Me: Mmmmmppppphhhhhh mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmpppphhhhrrrrmmmmmmmmmmm!!

Abbie: Don’t worry, darling. We’ll be back before you know it and we’ll continue this session then. See you soon.

Me: Mmmmmmppppphhhhhhhh?!?!!?

My protests stopped as I heard the door open. I really didn’t want anybody outside hearing me and then potentially seeing me. So I ceased making too much noise and then heard them close the door. I couldn’t see anything but I could sense that the room was empty. This was not some ploy. They had really left. And I was on my own.

I really didn’t know how to proceed at this point. I was stuck. I’d been trying to escape from Abbie’s tie for over 90 minutes. And escape was futile. I just couldn’t see it happening. She’d done too good of a job. And if I wanted to pat myself on the back…I’d taught her too well. I was competitive and I certainly didn’t like being thought of as a quitter. So I did want to try and escape. But I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t slightly intrigued to see what Abbie’s idea of a punishment was. She thought that this tie fell outside the bounds of normal club rules? That seemed like a little bit of a dubious jump. But what liberties would she take? It wasn’t like I wasn’t ever going to be able to capture her again. Actions had consequences in this club. And I figured that that should also be enough to stop anybody from going to far.

I did struggle to break free over the course of the next hour or so. But I don’t know that I was fully committed to it or that I ever expected my struggles to pay dividends. I continued to flex my wrist bonds and twist them trying to find some level of give. I’d buck back and forth against the tethers trying to see if I could pull anything loose. The knots were simply too good. Eventually a sense of impending inevitability fell over me. It was half calming and half dreadful. But I decided just to relax and save my strength and see what my captor had in store for me.

I’d said that I thought I had a pretty good internal clock. I don’t know whether it was the blindfold or being left alone or settling into my thoughts without having a task, but I had clearly thrown it off. I didn’t really have a good gauge for how long Abbie and Jackie had been gone for. I’d guess it was an hour. But it could have been forty minutes. It could have been an hour and a half. I was really using context clues like how stiff I was getting and how dried out my mouth was becoming to try and gauge things. Finally, after an excruciating wait I heard the door open and I heard multiple sets of footsteps enter the room.

Abbie: Disappointing, Trent. You’re right where I’ve left you.

Jackie: What can I say, Abbie, you’re a superstar now. Trent had better get used to this. Messing with you comes with a heavy price tag now.

Unknown girl: Oh my God, Abbie girl, you were not joking. I thought you were pulling one over on me.

Me: Hhhhmmmmppppphhhhhhhh?!?!?!?

I heard a third girl’s voice. It was coming from an area of the room that was not occupied by Abbie or Jackie. And it was one that I didn’t recognize. Our university is in Nashville, Tennessee. So there are numerous girls on campus that speak with a Southern twang. But Abbie is the only girl in the club that has any sort of Southern accent to her speech. Elisa and Jackie are from Colorado. Courtney is from Phoenix. And even though Erica is a local to Nashville, she has a very non regional accent. Abbie grew up the first half of her life in Texas before her family moved to Memphis…so she does speak with a subtle, but noticeable southern twang and lilt to her voice. This new girl was something COMPLETELY different. She had a deep southern accent. I’d guess Louisiana, but I was nowhere near good enough linguistically to really put my finger on it. It was somewhat high-pitched, but also charming and alluring. There wasn’t that Southern belle affectation to it. It sounded a little more blue collar. But there was also a sultriness to it. I was shook. I was being paraded about in front of a stranger.

Abbie: I wouldn’t lie to you, Astrid. When I tell you that I’ve got something for you to see…I’m going to deliver. I knew he wouldn’t be able to squirm his pathetic little butt loose while we were gone. He’s staying right where his mistress left him.

Me: Mmmmmmppppphhhhh!!!!! HHhmmmppphhhhhhhh mmmmmppppphhhhhh?!?!?

Astrid: He’s quite a cutie. When you told me that you had a submissive, I don’t know what I was expecting. What a perfect little pet. You’re quite impressive.

Abbie: Thank you. He’s alright. I guess.
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Post by GreyLord »

I did say "go, Abbie, go." I do hope that she hasn't gone overboard. Especially by bringing Astrid into the game. That doesn't seem to be in the spirit of the game. But it is making it lively.
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Post by charliesmith »

Wow! This chapter was packed with fun. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I am loving the fact Abbie is a good with ropes now and she is doing good for herself. I also enjoyed the little scene where Trent’s foot fetish is developing and Jackie teases him about it. That’s a nice character arc for Trent. Finally, it fun to see Abbie calling herself as Trent’s mistress to the new girl, Astrid. I wonder what she has planned in her mind.
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Post by tickletied84 »

Wonderful update - great interplay between Jackie and Abbie, and then Abbie does seem to have found her dominant streak. Poor Trent - now being paraded in front of a new character :D
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Post by Rtj65 »

I loved this part, there's a lot to unpack here. Abbie has clearly come a long way from where she was at the beginning, and I really like this side of her. Once again though, Jackie isn't as innocent as she seems - she's complicit in the new direction this has taken. We're starting to see the characters play a bit more fast and loose with the rules now, which is sure to shake things up. I wouldn't have expected Abbie to be the first one to do something like this, though.

The ending of this part leaves me plenty of questions about what went on at Abbie and Jackie's lunch, and what will happen next. Was bringing back Astrid premeditated, or a spur of the moment thing? Given how she spoke about Trent, what did they tell Astrid? This is probably the first time since the very first chapter that Trent has found himself in a completely unpredictable situation that he can't control, so I'm looking forward to seeing how he reacts.
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by lauragagged »

Caught up with the latest chapter. It’s been very good so far!
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 17: "Tanqueray Can Crack Your Vault of Secrets" (F/MF, F+M+/M) [Part 3 of 5]

OK. Now I was fucking LIVID. I knew that Abbie had thought that since this wasn’t a club capture that she was allowed to break rules, but this was a pretty important one for me. Outsiders weren’t allowed to know about the club. But I suppose that they hadn’t said a word about the club. As far as Astrid knew…there was no club. She just knew that Abbie kept a submissive little pet in her room to play with when she saw fit. That’s all I was to Astrid. I didn’t know an Astrid. The voice didn’t sound familiar and I’d never met anybody with that name on campus. But I didn’t want to assume that that meant that this girl didn’t run in any circles that I knew. We almost certainly had some friends in common.

This was such a MONUMENTAL breach of trust. Astrid had not been vetted. She’d been fed lies about my relationship with Abbie. I had no proper way of ensuring that I wasn’t going to get some sort of reputational transformation out of this. I didn’t want to get weird looks in the halls from people that I didn’t care to know about my kinky nature. I was going to rip Abbie a new one when I got out of this. And Jackie was going to feel it too if she thought that this was something that was acceptable.

Astrid: Awww. Look. He’s turning red. Like a little shame monster.

I wasn’t entirely sure whether I was turning red due to anger or humiliation, but I was pretty sure that it was some combination of both.

Abbie: Yeah. I think little Trent here is embarrassed. He’s not properly socialized for when I bring over guests. It’s normally just me and Jackie here to take care of him.

Astrid: How often is he like this?

Abbie: I mean…I let him out to go to classes and get some exercise. The poor guy has to eat. But he just really loves being tightly bound. I’d say he’s usually like this for six to eight hours a day. Sometimes I’ll even let him sleep down there if he’s been a good boy.

Astrid: I guess that explains why I’ve never seen him around campus. He’s spending all his time under your firm foot in this room. Nice room, by the way. This is way bigger than most rooms.

Abbie: Thanks.

Me: Mmmmmpppphhhhhhhrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmm.

I simply gave out a little growl into my gag. There was no point in making protests or rebuttals at this time. I’d have to set Astrid straight later. I’d figure out where she lived and I’d drop by with a little slideshow of Abbie tightly trussed and gagged with the dirtiest socks I could find. If Abbie thought that this was acceptable behavior…I was going to make her re-think this grievous error.

Astrid: I know that this might be a little forward of a question, but I was wondering…ummm. No. It’s too forward. I’m afraid to ask.

Abbie: Don’t be. I’m showing you my little bound and gagged slave boy. We’re way past being shy and coy at this point.

Astrid: I know. I know. But he’s YOUR bound and gagged slave boy. I didn’t want to overstep. I was going to ask if I could pet him.

Abbie: Of course, girl. I mean I know that he’s my pet, but if you come back to Memphis with me…I’d let you pet Dapper (Abbie’s family dog). This isn’t that much different.

Astrid: Are you sure?

Abbie: Of course. He’s not going to bite. I’ve made sure of that. My dirty panties that are in his mouth certainly won’t allow for that.

Me: Mmmmpppphhhhhh!!!!! Mmmmppphhhhhrrrrmmmmmppphhhh!!!!!!

I know I said that I was done with protesting. But she kept turning the knife on my humiliation and I was NOT having this horse shit.

Astrid: Oh, girl. You are bad!! I love it. How did you swing this deal? I have GOT to get me one of these.

Abbie: I can be very persuasive. The initial negotiation was apprehensive on his part. But after a week with me…he was begging to stay.

I felt somebody rest themselves down right in front of me. I then felt a long delicate hand brush itself over my torso. Not tickling, not poking, not prodding. Just deftly stroking and grazing me. The light hand brushed across my nipples and then down my side. Tracing my ribs and making sensual little circles when it reached the hollow of my hip.

Astrid: Hey there, pretty little baby boy. Are you having a good time?

I’d been asked a question. I figured I’d answer it. I’d get a head start on explaining myself. I shook my head No. I wanted to let Astrid know that this was NOT my idea of a good time. Her hand didn’t stop rubbing me down though.

Astrid: It would appear as though he’s not to keen on ME. I’m sorry, Abbie girl.

Abbie: No. He shouldn’t be so rude to my guests. He’s just a little shy. Trust me…he enjoys this. He really enjoys this.

Astrid: Is that so?

Astrid traced her hand off the hollow of my hip and around to my back side. She palmed my butt and gave it a firm squeeze. I helplessly yelped into my gag. I was trying hard not to react too much but it was an almost autonomic response.

Me: Mmmmmpppphhhhhh!!!!!

Astrid: Oooohhhh. That got him going. How do you know he enjoys this? Like what does he say about it.

Abbie: Oh. I don’t let him speak too much. But I just KNOW that he enjoys it. It’s all about body language.

I was really getting pissed now. Abbie was supposed to be my friend and she was taking this way too far. And Jackie was in the room. She’s somebody that I trusted above almost anybody else. I thought that she always a very responsible person and a solid decision maker. And all she had done this whole time was giggle and snort as Abbie and Astrid humiliated me. Some friend she was. I wasn’t letting her off the hook for this either.

Astrid: OK. But I think there’s only one way to really make sure that he’s enjoying it. Do you mind if we check it out?

Abbie: Astrid, I know you say that I’m bad. But you’re worse.

I didn’t like where this was going.

Abbie: Go ahead. Let’s see.

Me: Hhhhmmmmppppphhhh??!?!!?

I felt Astrid’s hands move to my belt buckle. She threaded the belt from the loop and was starting to unbuckle it. Un-Fucking-Believable!! This could not be happening. They thought it was OK to check if I had an erection. The worst part was…I did have an erection. I’d just been stroked down by a girl with a sultry, soothing voice while I was helplessly bound and gagged. The erection had come without my permission. That did not mean that I was enjoying myself. It was time for my protest to begin in earnest. If this girl whipped out my cock for Abbie and Jackie to see and they LET it happen…I was going to burn this fucking dorm room to the ground when I got out. They’d almost have no choice but to never release me. Astrid finally finished unthreading the belt and began to pull it out through the loops. I went wild. I bucked back and forth and let her know that she needed to get her filthy hands off of me.

Me: Mmmmmmmpppppphhhhhhhhh mmmmmmmpppppphhhhhhhrrrrmmmmmmmmm hhhhhmmmmmpppphhhhhhhmmmmmmmm mmmmppppphhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

I was furious and I was going to let them know. This was not consensual. This was not OK. They were to leave my private parts alone. As I bucked and writhed desperately protesting into my gag, I heard something weird. I heard laughter. But not just the laughter of Abbie and Jackie. I heard the laughter of more people than I thought had been in the room. Astrid was laughing. Abbie was laughing. Jackie was straight up cackling. And I also heard some male laughter coming from the corner of the room.

Me: MMmmppphhhhhh!!!!! Hhhmmmmpppphhhhhhhh?!?!?!

Finally, the sleep mask was pulled up onto my forehead and light flooded back into my eyes, dilating my pupils quickly and awkwardly. I blinked several times before the picture before me came into focus. I first looked to Astrid. It wasn’t Astrid. It was Courtney. She smiled at me broadly and teased me with her gaze as though she’d just pulled a huge one over on me. She had. They all had. I was relieved, but also a little flustered at how I had been so thoroughly duped. Her accent and character work were amazing. Astrid sounded NOTHING like her. And she’d gone into the voice so seamlessly. I was impressed. Jackie’s hand was covering her mouth trying to stifle her furious laughter and Abbie was beaming with a little shit eating grin. I looked to corner of the room and saw Dale and Sam standing there. They were blushing. But also smiling menacingly at me.

Courtney: Awwww. Poor guy. I’ll admit that was pretty mean. But it was also TERRIBLY fun.

Me: Mmmmppppphhhhhhh hhhhhmmmmmpppphhhhrrrrmmmmmmmm.

Courtney: This is phenomenal Abbie. This is top notch work.

Abbie: Thanks. That means a lot.

I saw Abbie start to blush. I clearly had more than a slight crush on Courtney. I always tried to play it cool and casual and hoped that it wasn’t as obvious to everybody as I’m sure that it was. But Abbie also had more than a little bit of a "girl crush" on Courtney. All of the girls in the club, aside from Elisa, were fully heterosexual as far as I was aware. But Abbie was smitten with how “cool” and “awesome” Courtney was. I agreed. Courtney oozed cool. And Abbie wanted Courtney to like her SO BAD. So I could see how much hearing this compliment from Courtney meant to her.

Jackie: Watch out, Courtney. She’ll be coming for you before long.

Courtney: I hope.

Sam: Wait…has Abbie not captured Courtney yet?

Abbie: I will…eventually. You’re one to talk, Sam. It’s not like you’ve captured Dale or Trent yet.

Sam: Hold your tongue. I captured Dale just this past weekend.

Abbie: Really?

Jackie: Barely. He bound Dale’s wrists while they played video games to make it more of a fair fight. It wasn’t a real capture.

Courtney: Lame!!! Booo!!!!!!!

Sam: Hey. Don’t hate. It was official. We made it an official capture. We don’t all need insane gags and hogties to have a good time.

Courtney: You always gag and hogtie me. So I kind of think you do.

Sam: OK. OK. Next time we play Dungeons and Dragons I’ll capture you and just tie your hands and feet so that you can play the campaign with us.

Courtney: Ugh. Never mind. Hogtie and gag me. That sounds more humane.

Dale: I think you’re ready to capture Courtney now, Abbie. If you can do this to Trent then Courtney is easy pickings.

Courtney: Hey. Fuck you too.

Dale grinned sheepishly at her and returned the finger that she was giving him.

Abbie: In my own time. It’s a little terrifying.

Courtney: Terrifying? How is capturing me terrifying?

Abbie: You don’t fuck around. I just need to ready myself for the consequences.

Courtney: Abbie, sweetheart, I’ve told you before…I save my really vicious stuff for the boys. I’ll take it easy on you. Well…the boys and Elisa. But she has it coming. Ask your roomie, I always take it easy on my girls.

Jackie: Interesting. I recall your last capture being a little less “casual”.

Courtney: You still enjoyed it.

Jackie: I always do. I’m just saying.

Courtney: OK. That was different. I had to teach you a lesson about what happens when you betray your dearest friend in the game, to Squirmy over here.

She motioned to me. Clearly I was “Squirmy”. And clearly Courtney had gotten Jackie back for handing her to me as a present.

Jackie: Oh come on. You enjoyed our little shared capture session. I thought he treated us to a pretty good time.

Courtney: Just because YOU enjoy being tied up…doesn’t mean that I do, Jackie.

Jackie: Not even a little?

Courtney: Alright. It wasn’t the worst.

Jackie: I see.

Courtney: That’s not the same as enjoying it!!

Jackie: I’m just saying. Abbie’s going to have to hand you over to Trent as a present sooner or later. How do you think she’s going to pay him back for all these lessons he’s given her?

Courtney started laughing and Abbie went beet red. Abbie started stammering.

Abbie: N-No. I-I promise. That’s not the deal. I would never do that.

Courtney continued laughing.

Courtney: Relax, Abbie. Relax. I know you didn’t sell your soul for lessons. But don’t promise that you’ll never do something. I take promises seriously. And you shouldn’t limit your options by making me a promise that you might have to break.

Abbie: But I can’t imagine myself ever betraying you to the boys.

Courtney: Well I can. And by that I mean that I can imagine betraying you. For the right deal I’d hand you over to Dale, Trent, Elisa, Erica. No questions ask. This game is about deals and betrayals. Don’t limit yourself. Use whatever currency you can. Got it?

Abbie: Sure. I get it.

Courtney: Now how much time does home boy here have on his timer?

Abbie: He’s not on a timer.

Courtney: What? Why?

Abbie: This isn’t an official club capture. This was an exam for me. He and Jackie were helping me practice.

Courtney: Wow. I knew this was his off day. I was wondering what the deal was. So he’s off the clock?

Abbie: Yes.

Courtney: I guess no good deed goes unpunished.

Abbie: I know. I feel a little bad.

Courtney: How long has he been tied up for?

Abbie: Right about three hours. Maybe a couple minutes longer. We should probably untie him.

Courtney: Nah. Let’s have a little more fun first.

Me: Hhhmmmmpppppphhhhhh??? Mmmmmppppphhhhhh.

I groaned into my gag. This was probably the longest that anybody had ever been tied up. We were over the three hour limit. I was tired. I was sore. And most of all…I was hungry.

Courtney: Relax, Trent. 30 more minutes. You like to play games. We’ve got six people here. I thought we could play a game. What an opportunity. We should give you a little taste of your own medicine.
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