The Files of Art. Inc.: Anna Romanova and the Cross of Romanov Chapter 21 (13.09.2023) (M+F/FF)

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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]Shotrow[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention] [mention]Fandango[/mention] [mention]LunaDog[/mention]

Bandit666 wrote: 1 year ago @Caesar73, you are as always both welcome and deserving of my words, and it’s clearly a story you like to tell, while one we all like to read
Well, dear [mention]Bandit666[/mention], then have fun reading Chapter 7

Chapter 7

“Some like it hot”


“If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen”

(Harry S. Truman)

Unknown Location, around the same time:

Chris starred at the ceiling. On a large LECD Screen she could watch a movie “El Cid” starring Sophia Loren and Charlton Heston. She could do little else. The way she was confined was interesting – from a professional point of view. Perfectly secure on one hand – but really comfortable on the other hand:

True, her body was compressed on all sides, she could not move an inch - of course she was gagged … what had Natasha told her grinning? “You will love it!” “I would call that an exaggeration” Chris mused but on a certain level she was intrigued.

After breakfast she had been wheeled down in the Spa. Of course she had been gagged with one of those large panel gags, she had been blindfolded – and earbuds robbed her of her hearing.

Truth to be told? Chris had only been too willing, to let the blonde and the red haired maids do their magic – and in fact she enjoyed it. Since she did not know, what would be coming her way in the next days, she had to ensure to stay in shape as best as she could: Massages and other treatments wouldn´t hurt.

Politely she had asked her handlers if she was allowed to do her usual training regimen consisting of Tai Chi Exercise and several martial arts kata. Push ups, sit ups and the like. After a short whispered discussion the maids had given their consent.

Exercise clothes had been provided – and Chris could tell that Jelena and Ivanka watched with some fascination as the blonde did her exercise. But they had never let their guard down – and Chris knew well enough that she was under surveillance the whole time. So she just focused on doing her Katas, tried to blend out everything else. It costed her some energy – but she pulled through.

The reminder of midmorning Chris had enjoyed the administrations of the maids. As she was brought back to her quarters in the early afternoon the blonde felt as good as she had not felt since she had been kidnapped.

The next surprise awaited her in her quarters: On the centre of her bed laid some sort of gigantic contraption, which looked like an oversized blue mummy bag. “This thing is truly massive” Chris mused “It has to be heavily down filled.

Only now the blonde registered that the mummy bag was held by a system of broad straps in centre of the bed. Two more smaller contraptions laid on the floor … next to it a rubber mattress laid. She was released from the wheel chair – but her handlers left the large panel gag in place.

“Undress please Chris!” the red haired Ivanka bade her – and the blonde – who did not consider herself a prude, was thankful that the guards waited outside. With a sigh, she kicked the fluffy slippers of her feet pulled her hose down, and took off the upper part of her PJ´s. She stood just in Panties and Bra on the floor. Jelena pointed to her bra and panties. Chris understood the hint and unhooked her bra, and rolled her panties down.

“If you would do lie down on the Mattress, please?” Ivanka instructed her. And ever being the model captive, Chris did as she was told. The rubbery surface felt cold under her skin. Chris felt a pat on her hips and took that as her cue to lift her butt.

The blonde had been sure, that after yesterday she could not feel humiliated any more … but she was wrong. She felt that cool cream was applied on her butt – and her most sensitive parts. Chris felt her face redden. “This cream helps to avoid diaper rash” Jelena helpfully explained – which did not help the blonde to feel less embarrassed.

And only now Chris realized what was about to happen, and her face turned even redder. Something soft and thick was laid under her butt – and another pat on her hips signalled her to lower her butt on the diaper.

But before Jelena closed the taps of the diaper, she inserted something in Chris´ Vagina …. “Notice to myself” the pianist thought “What is the ultimate humiliation? Being diapered or having a vibrator put in my pussy on a regular basis – and being diapered?”

The feeling of the thick diaper around her groin was strange … the blonde had not much time to think about that, because the two maids helped her to stand: Jelena handed her one of those down filled suits, she already knew. Chris put it on. The next part of her restrains she already knew too: Heavily padded bondage mittens. Also familiar the equally heavily padded manacles which held her wrists before her body.

Chris could not hide a smile under her gag “Who would have thought that I would be a model prisoner” Two straps held her arms against her body. Five more straps secured her legs together. Two smaller one around her insteps – and her big toes were cuffed. Slightly swaying Chris stood on the rubbery mattress.

Gently Jelena and Ivanka helped Chris to lie down on the first restraining bag. After the two maids had manhandled her into the first two bags, Jelena called for the assistance of two of her guards, to help them to lift Chris´ cocooned body into the third bag. It was a strange feeling as the zipper of the third bag was closed … she felt her body compressed on all sides. Then she was alone – and suddenly the vibrator had sprung to life!

To watch “El Cid” had been a welcomed distraction … to stop the wheels spinning in her head. The worst was the forced inactivity. Chris was just not the type to sit idly on her hands. That she had to do exactly that now, gnawed at her.

Sensei Nakamura would have without a doubt chided her for her impatience “But Sensei I am only human” she apologized – and banged her head in frustration on the soft pillow under her head …..and strained against her restraints – with all her might. Tears stroked down her cheeks – and she screamed into her gag. Her pulse accelerated, her breast was heaving.

Natasha watched with interest – and a smile curled her lips. If the pianist only knew, what Entertainment she had planned in the late afternoon …. To say it would be steamy hot would be an understatement.

Saint Petersburg: Early Afternoon: Somewhere near theVilla of Olga Samsonova around 0700 PM:

A small smile curled Anna´s lips under her full visor helmet as she sneaked stealthily through the park which surrounded the Samsonov Estate. The Estate itself was surrounded by a high wall, with a state of the art security system. Anna´s target was a small Pavilion, roughly in 100 metres distance from northern wall.

It´s door was made of metal, by the look of it the door had not been opened for decades: A thick layer of rust encrusted it. Picking its lock was the easy part, to open it, without making too much noise was the difficult one.

After every centimetre Anna waited and listened. This was one of the situations when it paid off to possess the absolute pitch of a professional musician. To her it seemed, as if it took hours till the opening was large enough so that she could slip stealthily inside. The air inside was stale and damp – and smelled of decay.

Carefully Anna searched the walls till she found what she was looking for: At the northern wall of the Pavilion stood the statue of a Faun who seemed to look right at her. How Vasyli had dug out that information she did not know. She stepped in front of the statue, and pressed her fingers in the eyes of the Faun.

A soft click – and the Faun glided aside. There was a gaping hole now in the floor and stairs led into the darkness. Anna took a deep breath and began her descent into the darkness. Her AK 12 Rifle at the ready. Carefully she stepped on the first stair ….

Inside the Villa: Olga Samsonova´s private study

Olga Samsonova smiled haughtily down at Anastasia who was still tightly tied and gagged – but not hooded anymore. From bleary eyes the young historian stared up at her captor. Her beautiful features bore the marks of a beating, administered by Samsonova´s Personal Assistant “She is at least mad as Samsonova herself” Anastasia thought – to keep her face straight was difficult, not to show her despair …. Anna could not come ….Anna would not come ….

Samsonova was impressed though: the younger woman had shown much more resilience than she had expected. In the end she had talked – they always did. Jelena Issinbajewa was very skilled in persuading unwilling guests – without causing too much obvious damage.

Now Anastasia sat here in Samsonova´s private study: Tied to a chair: Elbows and wrists still welded together, her mouth stuffed to the bursting point while her lower face had been vanished behind a wall of tape, which compressed the historian´s face.

Gleefully the older woman had explained to her that she had worn the socks which had been stuffed in Anastasia´s mouth in the Gym “They were soaking wet when I pulled them off” Samsonova had not been finished though. She pinched the historian´s nipples firmly.

Anastasia´s protests were heavily muffled “You are still making too much noise” the black haired woman told her victim and covered the tape across the brown haired woman´s mouth with a complete Ace Bandage. After another test of the gag´s efficiency Samsonova was obviously pleased.

Now the mad woman explained what fate she had planned for Anastasia: “Later in the evening we will make a boat tour together on the Neva, there you will take bath. Don´t worry, you will be frozen to death before you drown - eventually!” Anastasia´s eye´s grew wider still “It will be over quickly!” Samsonova told her – but Anastasia´s eyes had not widened out of fear. No, she registered the door to the study opened centimetre for centimetre. A figure entirely clad in black slid inside as stealthily as a cat.

“And nobody will ever know, what happened to you!” Samsonova was very pleased with herself. “I beg to disagree” a melodious alto voice spoke behind her. The Lawyer whirled around – and froze: Three metres before her stood a figure entirely clad in black: A black full visor helmet, black body armour, black combat boots. An evil looking automatic rifle aimed rightly between Samsonova´s eyes, firm and steady.

Samsonova regained her composure “Who are you, and what are you doing in my house!” she demanded. The intruder chuckled mirthlessly “Who I am? Your worst nightmare!” “What am I doing in your house? Rescuing a damsel in distress! And now you move your fat backside away from the girl! Now!”

The Lawyer made a swift move to Anastasia. The Assailant pulled the trigger once, one single shot only – and Samsonova felt as if hot iron graced the crown of her head. She stood shock still, her eyes wide with shock now “The next one goes between your eyes” the black clad woman, and Anastasia was sure by now that her rescuer was female, informed Samsonova coolly. She made a motion with the gun: “Now, undress Comrade Samsonova!” the woman in black taunted her opponent “And quickly! Don´t test my patience!”

Samsonova fumed – but complied “You will pay for this!” she hissed “You bore me to death!” her nemesis replied perfectly disdainful “Who should come to your aid?” Never leaving the other woman out of her sight, the intruder threw something before her on the floor “Your Personal Assistant has a rather conservative taste regarding underwear” Samsonova looked incredulously on the floor.

There lay a pair of white fullback panties “Jelena won´t need them anymore!” the woman in black chuckled “Stuff them in your mouth! Now!” As Samsonova hesitated a second shot barely missed her left ear lobe – she shot her assailant another malevolent look but began to stuff the worn garment in her mouth, she wretched at the foul taste.

The older woman starred daggers at the black clad intruder “Don´t dare to spit them out – or I stuff your panties in your mouth too!” Now strip! You can keep your panties and bra – for your hose I will find use though!” Samsonova´s nemesis had not raised her voice much, but her tone made it clear she meant business.

The black haired Russian glared at her opponent, but stepped out of her expensive black Louboutin Heels.

20 Minutes later Samsonova found herself dancing on the balls of her feet in a very strict strappado. Her upper body was almost parallel to the floor. Anastasia had watched with some fascination as the woman in black had effortlessly controlled the blonde and tied her up. As a finishing touch, she had adorned Samsonov nipples with evil looking clamps – or so the latter had thought … she was wrong:

Her Assailant took Samsonova´s nude pantyhose and pulled it over her head, so that the crotch panel rested firmly over her nose. The legs she wound around her head and knotted them so the smelly feet rested under her victim´s nose.

Samsonova mumbled curses in her fully packed mouth. Casually Anastasia´s saviour slapped her on her ample buttocks “Shut up!”

Only then the black clothed assailant turned her attention to the young historian. Anastasia felt keen eyes resting on her. The woman crossed the distance and looked at her bruised face.

Gently she stroked her left cheek “Those pieces of filth, if we had more time, I would teach these two a lesson they will never forget! Anyway let us get you out of this!” With precise motions the woman in black cut through Anastasia´s bonds with an ancient looking blade.

Finally she cut carefully through the many layers of the historian´s gag, while Anastasia rubbed her chafed wrists. The cruelly tight ropes had left deep indentations. Gently her saviour pulled the soggy socks out of her mouth and gave a water bottle to her “Drink in small sips!” she admonished the historian.

“Thank you!” Anastasia croaked “Who are you?” she whispered. The woman in black chuckled “You really do not recognize me, do you?” and took her helmet off. Anna smiled at Anastasia “Your face is priceless!” “But how did you find me? And how did you get in here?” Anastasia blurted out.

Anna smiled “I will tell you all – but in due time – can you walk?” “I reckon I can” the historian shrugged “Then get your shoes, your stuff, your laptop – and the item you borrowed from the Archives!” Anna pressed her. Anastasia´s face turned red “You know?” “I do” Anna confirmed, not angry in the slightest – “but grab your things, while I have a talk with Samsonova!”

She grabbed the older woman firmly by the hair, so that she had to look up at her “Listen very carefully old hag! If you show your ugly face again, or any of your goons – I will shoot first and ask questions later – and a nice dossier will go viral. Ruining you once and for all! Did you understand me?” The last words Anna had spoken very quietly.

Samsonovs eyes conveyed pure hate – she stared at her nemesis “I said did you understand me?” Anna´s voice was low. Low and dangerous. Samsonova stared back. Whack! The tied up woman almost jumped. Anna had hit her hard on her rump. Whack! It took five more slaps, till Samsonova nodded, sobbing now “I am glad we understand each other!” Anna smiled ominously “Remember everything I said! Every word!”

The violinist turned to Anastasia, who had grabbed her things “Ready?” The brown haired woman nodded “Then let´s go! But now we take the front door!” she smiled. Confidently she strode to the front door, but stopped in her tracks. Her gaze fell onto the pair of Louboutin Heels – and a devious smile crossed lips.

Out of one of her pockets she produced a role of tape. Anna stooped down and took on of the heels “I have a parting gift for you Samsonova!” and pressed the heel on the Russians nose with one hand and taped it with the other hand. At least 20 passes made sure the other woman could not dislodge it “Enjoy!” she grinned and patted her captive on the head “And forget not a word I said!” the violinist added.

“For the second one I have use as well” Anna explained to Anastasia “Wait here for me!” She left for the cellars. The violinist hurried down the steps to cellar, to the room, where Anastasia had been held captive. Anna typed in the code and opened the door “Listen b*tch!” she told the tightly hogtied woman on the floor coolly “I have a parting gift for you!” She had stripped Issinbajewa down to her panties. The chicken wing hogtie was as strict as it could get. The nipple clamps were nasty affairs, but after Anna had seen what that hag had done to Anastasia, any regrets were gone.

The Russian turned the older woman on her side: From one of her many pockets she produced a small box with powder. Anna inserted a healthy dose into Issinbajewa´s panties. The reaction was instantaneous: Samsonova´s PA howled into her gag and screamed into her fully packed mouth. Anna had gagged her with the soggy socks Anastasia had been gagged with.

“You like that do you?” she asked gleefully “Three times concentrated itching powder mixed with strong chili powder” Anna grinned and added “The powder is made from the Carolina Reaper. It delivers an average of 1,569,300 Scoville Heat Units (SHU)The more you struggle the more intense the stuff gets!” Anna explained loftily.

Before she taped the shoe of her boss to her face she filled some of the powder in it. Anna switched off the light and left the struggling and howling woman.

Anastasia waited at the door and looked expectantly at her “What did you do to her?” The violinist grinned “Some like it hot you know!” and added “Come!”

The drive back was a quiet affair – but the silence was not uncomfortable. Anastasia was still processing what had happened a short while before, while Anna was already thinking ahead. Ragna had sent her a most intriguing message …

Geneva, Switzerland: Grand Theatre de Genève:

Ekaterina was excited! Dimitri Shostakovich´s second opera Lady Macbeth of Mtensk was one of her most favourite opera´s ever. Her father would have not approved, but that was one of the advantages of studying here in the open minded Geneva and not at home in Russia: Stalin was considered a hero again under the rule of the new Tsar and so Shostakovich´s work was not played by any Opera in Russia these days.

Her father would have disapproved her choice on principle. For starters: Shostakovich was a traitor to him, who had not recognized the ingenuity of Joseph Stalin. And secondly: She loved her father, but any of the “modernists” after Rachmaninov was a book with seven seals to him: Scriabin, Prokofiev – and god forbid – Stravinsky!

As for the present? Her father was among the current rulers most ardent followers. Ekaterina and her father had often debated about his admiration for the new Ruler of Russia. She did not share his beliefs – on the contrary.

But today was – well today.

For this evening she had chosen a low cut burgundy gown, which suited her perfectly – and showed a lot of skin: There was the long slit which showed her right leg to perfection, from ankle to thigh – and her back …. Ekaterina had felt many eyes resting on her.

Her place was perfect: Row five, direct in the middle, with a perfect view on the stage. Strangely enough the seat on her left was still empty. Madame Kuznetsova, member of the Russian community in Geneva had not shown up today.

Only five minutes now! Then a commotion: Ekaterina sighed, one of those snobs probably who came too late on principle – just to make an impression. “Excuse me, thank you!” Someone sat down next to her “I am sorry! But the traffic you know! Ekaterina looked up - the woman had spoken French perfectly – with the slightest trace of an accent only.

Ekaterina could not help but to stare at the newcomer. Ekaterina was tall, with 5´ 9´´ - but the blonde on her left was herculean, she estimated 6´ 2´´? Her turquoise gown left her muscular shoulders and upper arms bare. Her perfume was intoxicating. Accidently – it was accidently? – a muscular thigh brushed hers as the blonde sat down.

Ekaterina could not help but to look at the impressive décolleté. Out of sudden the air seemed to cackle with electricity and not just because the curtain would lift shortly. The lights went out – and Ekaterina concentrated on the Music. But she felt the presence of the blonde keenly.

During the intermission between Act 1 and 2 Ekaterina found herself standing at one of the small tables together with the blonde. Her platform sandals added to her already impressive height “Sorry I forgot my manners” the blonde smiled “Ragna!” “Ekaterina!” they clanked glasses. “Ragna, where does that name come from?” Ekaterina smiled “From Iceland!” the blonde smiled back.

She had a rich alto voice, which sent shivers through the Russians spine. “What is an Islandress doing so far South?” Ragna smiled, with a twinkle in her eyes “Business – mostly, and Entertainment” she batted her eyelashes coyly.

Ekaterina was impressed how well versed her new acquaintance was, when it came to Shostakovich. She was witty, intelligent and flirty. And now and then Ekaterina felt the warm hand of Ragna on her thigh –and returned the gesture. The Russian felt a bit dizzy and very intrigued.

When they filed out of the Opera Ekaterina laid her hand gently on Ragna´s left shoulder “Where are you staying Ragna?” and the glitter in the Russian´s brown eyes was unmistakable “I rented a small apartment” the blonde smiled “What do you have in mind Ekaterina?” “Something more intimate” the blonde Russian whispered huskily “I own an Apartment in the centre”

30 Minutes later they entered Ekaterina´s Apartment. The Russian kicked off her heels – and rubbed her left sole, Ragna shod her Sandals too - Ekaterina led her in the large living room, whose panoramic windows allowed for a fantastic view on Geneva “Make yourself comfortable!” the Russian spoke over her shoulder while she busied herself in the open kitchen and returned with two Champagne flutes “Cheers!” she said “Cheers!” Ragna returned. Their eyes met. Ekaterina drained her glass and kissed the Nordic beauty fully on the mouth – and Ragna the shield maiden responded in kind.

“Boy is she strong!” Ekaterina thought as Ragna hugged her. She felt the stone hard nipples of the Islandress pressing against her body – she was definitely wearing no Bra. The Russian broke the embrace and whispered hoarsely “Follow me! Ragna the Valkyrie!” and grabbed the blonde´s right hand “Come!” Ragna did not need a second invitation …..

Later in the night:

Ragna looked down at the angelic face of the sleeping Ekaterina her long blonde mane covered the pillows. Her left hand was resting on Ragna´s right breast. Gently the Islandress removed it. Ekaterina still slept deeply. The blonde sat up, put her bare feet on the floor and tapped to her small clutch, which laid somewhere on the floor. It had been quite the tumble.

First she went to Ekaterina´s phone, and inserted some sort of flash drive into the slot. The blonde looked at the small display and smiled. Sybil had explained how this gadget worked: It cloned the phone – and installed a small, but useful program.

Ekaterina was still sleeping soundly.

Ragna produced another device and inserted it into one USB slot of the MacBook. Cloning the MacBook took a bit longer. Finally Ragna returned to the bed and snuggled against Ekaterina´s body and set her inner clock.

Very early in the morning Ragna left the apartment on her stockinged feet, her Sandals in one hand, her clutch in the other. A smile curled her lips: “Sleep well Ekaterina! I hadn´t so much fun in ages!”

When the Russian awoke the next morning, she tapped on the mattress next to her. It was empty. She yawned and stretched and sat up. On the right pillow lay a card. She read “In for lunch? Beau Rivage? 0100 PM? Kisses Ragna” Below a Mobile number ….

The evening before: Saint Petersburg, Anna´s Apartment:

Anna and Anastasia sat in front of the fireplace, the fire was burning brightly. After their return to the Apartment the violinist had ordered Anastasia brusquely into the bathroom “Have a shower and then I want to see your injuries!” As she inspected the bruises and haematoma on the younger woman´s back and torso she cursed under her breath “Who did that? Samsonova or her Personal Assistant?” “Issinbajewa” Anastasia winced as the dark haired violinist touched one of the ugly haematoma on her back, right above the left kidney.

Anna had gently tended to her bruises with a salve “Get some rest!” the Russian spoke warmly, I will freshen up and prepare dinner! But remember!” “No conversation about business during dinner!” Anastasia intoned “You are a fast learner!” Anna smiled – and it was a genuine warm smile – one the historian had not seen very often: The Anna she had got to know so far had smiled seldom.

The living room was still filled by the spicy scents of Asian Cuisine: The Thai Curry had been delicious – and superhot. Beads of sweat formed on Anastasia´s forehead, her cheeks were slightly rosy.

The violinist made no effort to hide her amusement - the historian noted that Anna Romanova was much more relaxed than yesterday. She had redressed: A black turtleneck, white leggings, two pairs of black woollen socks on her feet – her mobile signalled an incoming message. Anna read it and smiled.

The violinist sat on her couch, her legs drawn under her – and scrutinized Anastasia “How are you?” she spoke gently – and the young historian registered the empathy in her tone and in her eyes “Better” she spoke softly “I thought I would die there” her voice trailed away “And then you showed up – I was so relieved ….” She paused again “Can you forgive me Anna? What I did was really stupid ….” Anxiously she watched Anna´s face, saw the conflicting emotions crossing it as quick as clouds driven by the storm.

Eventually the violinist spoke calmly “This morning I would gladly have throttled you with my bare hands, believe me” Anna spoke only half in jest. We were incredibly lucky you know: I found your post it – and draw my conclusions, thankfully the correct ones.

That Samsonova was arrogant enough to lie me in the face was sheer dumb luck, that Vasyli got the original plans of the Villa also” she smiled “He won´t let forget me that so soon. But we got you back in one piece! Cheers!” Anna raised her glass.

They drank – and the dark haired Russian grew serious “This was incredibly close, Anastasia – this must never, never happen again” Anna had spoken calmly and low – and that more than the words itself reached Anastasia.

The violinist took another sip of her wine “And now tell me Anastasia, what did you find out!” When Anastasia had finished her story Anna nodded “So we have finally a solid lead …” “You got that message” the historian interrupted her line of thought “It was from Ragna, she has probably hit Jackpot – if she really has, it would make our mission considerably easier …”

Anna looked into the flames - she seemed to be very far away …

“You worry about Christine” Anastasia said softly – and it was not a question. For a moment Anastasia thought, Anna had not heard her “Yes I do” the violinist said absentmindedly “Chris is strong, but even her strength has limits – and honestly what we learned about Oblomov is not exactly encouraging.

But if something happens to her – I will put a bullet between his eyes – after I shot him in the balls” Anna´s eyes blazed now “I will shoot him in the groin and then in the guts, so that he dies slowly and painfully – or I will take a blunt knife - and cut off his balls" "It hurts more" she added grimly.

Anastasia believed every word.
Last edited by Caesar73 1 year ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by LunaDog »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago But if something happens to her – I will put a bullet between his eyes – after I shot him in the balls” Anna´s eyes blazed now “I will shoot him in the groin and then in the guts, so that he dies slowly and painfully – or I will take a blunt knife”

Anastasia believed every word.
So do I, my friend, so do I!
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Post by Bandit666 »

Well Dear [mention]Caesar73[/mention] I did indeed read and most certainly enjoyed, hugely I must add, yet another classic we’ve all come to expect from a great story teller in full song
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Nice to see Chris get restrained in a manner befitting such a tremendous damsel in distress!

I can only echo all of the previous comments on this story. It is great! A must read.

Torn between wanting to find out what happens next and fearing the end.
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Post by Beaumains »

Ah, well, that solves at least two problems in one chapter. It already looks a little bit better for the gang.
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Post by GreyLord »

Anna in action is a wonder to behold, It appears that Anastasia is starting to learn. I am still learning the roles of Ekaterina and Ragna. As usual, completely fascinating.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Caesar73 »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago I am still learning the roles of Ekaterina and Ragna. As usual, completely fascinating.
Why Ragna is doing what she is doing and why she targets Ekaterina will become clear in time. To get on Anna´s bad side is not a good idea, and if Anastasia has really found something important, they might really make headway to find the treasure .....

And Chris has to stay strong and hold her ground. We know she is strong, but we don´t know if he intends to keep his side of the bargain. Even if Anna and Anastasia find the treasure.
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Post by Caesar73 »

The next Update is due today!
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]Shotrow[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention] [mention]Fandango[/mention] [mention]LunaDog[/mention]

Chapter 8

“Visible but invisible”


“So near and yet so far”

Russia: Unknown Location. Chris Quarters, after midnight:

Sleep did not come easily. Chris had tried a whole array of meditation techniques. But she did not know why, nothing worked. So she just stared at the ceiling in the darkness.

When the blonde had returned in the evening from the bathroom she found a book on her nightstand with a short handwritten note from Natasha “You might find this read profitable” – it was a modern German Translation of Sun Tzu´s “The Art of War” Chris frowned “What does she want to tell me?” Chris knew Sun Tzu´s work by heart, she could recite large parts of it from memory. Often she had discussed it with Sensei Nakamura.

To this day she remembered an animated discussion about a specific chapter:

“Thus we may know that there are five essentials for victory:
1 He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.
2 He will win who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces.
3 He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks.
4 He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared.
5 He will win who has military capacity and is not interfered with by the sovereign.”

Well, Chris had been animated. Sensei Nakamura had replied in is usual fashion: Cool, calm and collected. They had reasoned about the first sentence of the chapter: He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight – and maybe this was the lesson, Natasha wanted to teach her: Choose your battles wisely.

As a rule, Chris did not believe in no-win scenarios. Bold and courageous to a fault and blessed with a keen eye for her opponent´s weakness she tended to leap without looking. At the moment though fighting would get her nothing “I have to be flexible and to swallow my pride” – not a thought she liked.

She still was deep in thought when Dinner was served to her - it was indeed a real treat, after the previous events: A Foray into Japanese Cuisine on the highest level. Natasha had not exaggerated: A rich Udon noodle soup, a large plate of exquisite Sushi and a fine seaweed salad. Chris had to admit that even in Japan she would not have gotten better quality.

With it went warmed sake – and a fine white wine, a Sancerre from the Loire. It was excellent – and Chris enjoyed it. A small voice kept whispering in her head “This might be your meal of the damned”

Resolutely she shoved the thought aside.

But the doubt remained. A sense of dark foreboding manifested itself – Chris tried to lock it in into the most secluded chamber of her mind. But that costed energy. One thing was for sure: She would not go down like a sheep to slaughter. She would fight to the end. If she would go down, she would go down fighting – like Leonidas and the Spartans at the Thermophile’s
“I don´t get you Natasha” Chris mused drowsily hovering onto the threshold to dreamland ….

But before she dozed off, vivid pictures of the previous day whirled around in her tired mind.

Hours before:

Chris stared at the ceiling. The movie was over the vibrator had stopped the moment El Cid rode out of the gates of Valencia to eternal fame. She ever had loved Charlton Heston in this role. The vibrator had stopped after she had had one last powerful orgasm. Chris breathed heavily.

She had lost count, how often she had joined orgasm train in the last hours. Her jaws ached: The heavily padded panel gag with its very large foam ball was getting uncomfortable. In Frustration she banged her head on the restraining bag. Not for the first time.

A soft click told her someone, no, more than one person, entered her quarters. The blonde could make out the all too familiar sounds of the wheelchair “What is Natasha this time up too?” Chris groaned. The Russians beaming face appeared into her limited field of vision “Hello Chris I hope you are well rested, I have a nice surprise for you!” The blonde snorted into her gag “Fat chance I will like that surprise!” She mumbled something into her heavy gag.

“Listen” the still beaming Natasha told her “We will release you now, than it is time for a little trip” 10 Minutes later Chris was rolled strapped to the wheelchair, blind, gagged and deaf along the corridors. She had counted the time, till they reached the elevator: 15 Seconds.

Up with the elevator: Six seconds. So they were on the same level as she had met Oblomov the first time on the day of her abduction. She was wheeled down a long corridor. The air felt cool on her face – a feeling she enjoyed. The blonde missed fresh air and a clear sky so much. Cooped up indoors was depressing. They stopped – and entered another room. It was significantly warmer.

Chris squirmed on the wheelchair “I could use a diaper change” she thought and blushed - deeply. The Wheelchair stopped. Someone fumbled at the sleep mask – two other hands removed the ear buds. The blonde blinked and looked up the smiling Natasha “Let me guess” the Russian chuckled “Someone needs a diaper change” she told Yelena and Ivanka.

Chris cheeks turned flaming red and she mumbled an angry retort in her gag “Don´t get your panties in a twist” Natasha smiled down at the fuming and embarrassed pianist “Uups” the Russian smiled “You don´t wear any panties” – which did nothing to improve Chris mood.

Natasha bowed down laid her palms on Chris´ cheeks and forced her gently but firm to look her in the eyes. The blonde´s green eyes shot bolts of anger at her handler “Listen blondie” the Russian said “Yelena and Ivanka will take good care of you, clean you up, then prepare you for the surprise. You won´t give them any trouble right?

Chris did her best to calm down – and nodded, as best as she could “Good” Natasha looked her deep in the eye “You will be a good girl?” The blonde nodded again “Right” the dark haired Russian smiled “If you are obedient – you will get a special dinner later” She turned on her heels “We will see later I have to change. Bye, bye!” she winked at Chris. The blonde´s angry green eyes drilled holes into her handlers back.

Only now Chris registered that she was in some sort of private study, which was very similar to Boris Oblomov´s Study, where she had met the Oligarch at the day of her abduction. A bit smaller – but not less opulent: Natasha´s private study?

In the meantime Ivanka and Jelena had unstrapped her from her chair. Gently the blonde and the red head helped her up. They led their charge to a wooden door in one of the Walls, which were covered by crimson red tapestry.

As the she shuffled over the threshold she stopped in surprise: They were in a large spacious bath room, which matched the private Study in style. Someone had spared no effort to create a copy of the Tsar´s palace in the 18th century.

The large shower cubicle was large enough for three. The two maids unshackled Chris and removed the gag. She tried to work some feeling into her aching jaws – the two maids waited patiently till she was ready - “Should we help you Chris, or do you want undress yourself?” Jelena asked politely.

Chris could not help but to blush again and muttered something she would do it herself. “Right” the blonde Russian smiled warmly “Jelena and I will give you a few moments to undress and do your hygiene – we will be back in a few minutes to assist you”

“Thank you” Chris muttered and meant it – she was immensely grateful the two maids gave her some space and allowed her to remove the diaper and clean herself up alone – she was sure though that cameras where somewhere but Chris could not get out fast enough out of the down filled suit and rid of the diaper, so she didn´t mind.

She used the facilities to clean herself up. The blonde had just finished the business – as the two maids entered “We will help you shower” the red haired Ivanka smiled and began stripping out of her maid uniform: she kicked her heels of her feet. The blonde Jelena followed suit.

It did not happen often the Pianist was lost for words. But this was one of those moments. Perfectly untroubled by Chris´ presence the two maids stripped down – and Chris could not help but to admire the trained physique of the two younger women. Ivanka was an all-natural red head with all the curves in the right places. Jelena was more lithe but with full and firm breasts. Both maids were around 5´ 5´´?

With her lovely accentuated English Ivanka spoke “We will now shower together. Natasha ordered that you will be restrained – and ordered us to entertain you Chris” – and smiled mischievously.

Still a bit dumbfounded the blonde nodded “So let us get on with it then” and stretched her arms out. Jelena shackled her wrists with a pair of neoprene lined manacles. A second went around her ankles.

“Mistress ordered us to gag you” Ivanka explained “with our panties” Chris sighed but opened her mouth “Small favours” she mused: Both young women preferred rather skimpy panties: Jelena red ones, Ivanka blue. The red haired Russian gently pressed the used underwear in her mouth – and Chris had to admit that she had tasted much ripper and much more substantial underwear in the last days. Still she struggled to keep her gag reflex under control. To be honest? It was the situation which made Chris feel uncomfortable. The blonde was no prude, but this?

Of course Ivanka was not finished: At least the ball gag on top was only medium and the young woman pulled it tight, but not brutally tight “Come” she said warmly and led the blonde into the spacious cubicle and fastened her shackled wrists above her head to the tapware. Not very punishing, but secure. Chris enjoyed the warm tilts under her bare soles. She closed her eyes and wished herself to her own bathroom at Hamburg, at their Villa at Hamburg Blankenese. How she would enjoy that. Her mind drifted off.

What Chris could not see: Jelena produced a heavy blindfold made of neoprene. The sudden darkness made the blonde jump “Shhh” Ivanka whispered “We will take good care of you” and stroked the blonde gently above her head. Chris was thankful she was blindfolded: Ivanka´s simple gesture made her well up – and she chided herself for this weakness – but the strain of the last days had been enormous. Ivanka seemed to sense her discomfort and stroked her gently above her back.

What Chris could not see? The red head switched the shower on: Hot water drummed on Chris body. And she enjoyed the sensation: Strange how simple creature comforts could become so precious.

The blonde felt the heat of Jelena´s body behind her, her breasts pressed against the blonde´s back. The young Russian laid her palms on Chris full breasts and kneaded them. Kneaded them more and Chris could not help but to react, well, her body did react.

The blonde moaned into her gag. Ivanka began so soap her body massaging it – Chris relaxed as the red head soaped her and washed her with a cloth and a soft brush. She moaned. Jelena continued to massage her breasts and kissed her in the neck.

Chris shuddered as a hot moist tongue explored her labia, tantalizing, skillfully. The pianist just let it go as Ivanka´s magic tongue did its work. She moaned. And Jelena kissed her in the neck, massaged her breasts and planted one kiss to the next down her spine “You are so beautiful the Russian whispered in her left ear” and tended to her blond mane, massaging her scalp – and there was still Ivanka´s tongue ….

Thirty minutes later Chris was anything but pleased – she fumed: After the shower the two maids had prepared her. She had been dressed in a maid costume. So far so good – if that had been all, the pianist would have had no reason to complain – had it not been for the accessories and the general arrangements:

Chris shifted on the heavy chair she was tied to – the chair stood inside a cubicle from where the pianist could observe the whole room “Lord give me strength” she mused and chewed on the used hose filling her mouth: Two pairs of ripe worn hose. One was the pair she had worn when she had been abducted the other one belonged to Natasha. As the Russian had told her, she had worn it in the gym and masturbated on it and let it mature then at the bottom of her hamper.

But that was not the worst. Of course Chris had been plugged both ways and crotch roped. At least the Jelena and Ivanka had lubed the intruders properly. Her wrists and elbows had been welded together behind the Chair´s high back. She was held on the Chair by bands of translucent tape: Above and below her breasts, her waist and across her lap. Artificial arms had been added to her costume. To the observer it looked as if Chris´ Arms were resting on the Arm rests of the Chair.

Her legs were tied together by the same bands of translucent tape: At the ankles, around her calves, below her knees and above the joint. Chris fumed: she had a pretty good idea how she looked: Like the prim and proper maid, her legs placed modestly to each other. Her heels planted firmly on the floor.

Ah yes, the heels: sky high Louboutin Platform Pumps. But not the usual ones: Those had some unique features. Besides being a bit too small hundreds of small knobs pressed into her nyloned soles and between her toes.

But that was not the worse: Jelena and Ivanka had covered her head with a white discipline helmet. To any observer Chris´ artificial face looked perfectly normal – like a human face. On the top of her helmet a wig: False red locks fell down over her shoulders. On her head she wore a Maid´s cap. It costed Chris much to control herself. Her bonds were only visible at a close distance. Very close.

“Wow, you are really ill tempered” a voice broke her out of her reverie. It was Natasha and Chris was surprised: She had seen the Russian dressed only in Uniform or a Catsuit – till now. Natasha had braided her dark tresses in a ponytail and wore red heels and a matching costume.

She walked around Chris and touched her, felt up her breasts. Chris fumed. Yesterday she had been humiliated. Today she would be humiliated too. She was sure of it. Whatever Natasha had planned? It would involve hers, Chris, humiliation.

Natasha smiled. “My Master has me tasked with briefing four international journalists about his new charity project by video call” she paused “We will have a video conference. And they will see you! Isn´t that great? And they have no idea who you really are! Ingenious don´t you think?”

Chris agitated gag talk made it plain, that she disagreed. The blonde strained against her bonds. Natasha bowed down and took Chris´ helmeted cheeks in her hands “Calm down, this is not so bad – yesterday was worse” The blonde disagreed – but restrained herself “Good” Natasha padded her on her wigged head “Keep yourself together and you will not regret it!”

Chris fumed “Easier said than done”

What Natasha did not tell Chris: the scenario would unfold a bit differently. The blonde would hate her. The Russian smiled.

The blonde shifted on her seat, which was positioned in a cubicle on the left of Natasha´s working desk. Even moving her head was impossible: The Russian had applied a posture collar, which restricted the movement of her head severely.

It was just pure instinct, but Chris felt that Natasha had not told her the whole truth. The butt plug and the vibrator were working on a medium setting – enough to distract her, but nothing more. What tested her resilience more were the high heels. The knobs under her sensitive soles were pulsating, sometimes more intense then less.

There were sequences: Sometimes the knobs under her heels began to pulsate, then wandered slowly upwards under her arches, her fleshy heels and then between the toes. And back. The sensation caused Chris to giggle into her gag, to scream. But nobody saw that – thanks to the helmet. Oh that impotence! That helplessness! Tears of rage rolled down her cheeks, not that anybody saw them.

The door to the study opened and Ivanka and Jelena – now in her maid uniforms again– entered pulling a trolley with China on it: They were laying the large wooden table in the centre of the study. For five persons – now Chris knew something was off. Natasha returned. The blonde had to admit that the Russian looked hot – which did not improve her mood.

She walked over to Chris “The meeting will start soon!” she smiled. Chris´ “F*ck yourself” was heavily muffled “I am sorry I lied to you” Natasha apologized. Her eyes betrayed her though. The blonde grew tense. It costed her all her willpower to keep her composure. Natasha enjoyed herself very much. That was for sure.

Jelena and Ivanka interrupted them “Your guests have arrived” the blonde maid informed her Boss “Send them in!” Natasha commanded. Chris and her handler looked eyes “You will behave” the dark haired woman admonished the Pianist in a low voice. Chris bade her time before she nodded as best as she could.

Led by Ivanka four Women entered – and Chris grew tense: She knew two women personally: There was Neera Ratinjan, Anchor Woman of CNN: Chris had given her an Interview after a concert at Carnegie Hall. Friederike Gause she knew too. The red headed German was one of the leading music journalists and had made a very well received documentary about Chris. Normally the pianist avoided the Press when possible – but in that case her Agent had convinced her to make an exception, and to her Surprise Chris had not regretted it.

The third woman Chris did not know, of medium height the blonde wore a grey power suit. The fourth woman the pianist did know by reputation only: Andrea McKinnon worked as freelancer and investigative journalist.

Against her will Chris was fascinated how quick Natasha changed roles: from Oblomov´s Head of Security to the modern business woman. Her English was excellent. She bade her guests to sit. As Chris learned the other blonde woman was a polish Journalist: Anna Bogusiewicz.

Refreshments were served and Chris was ignored. If any of the Guests registered her, they did not show. Natasha and the Pole seemed to know each other. Chris did not escape the casual exchange of looks between them. Suddenly the butt plug delivered an electronic shock, the vibrator sprung into high gear and the knobs under soles pulsated strongly.

The blonde strained against her bonds. That had to be Natasha´s doing! Chris cursed. Stronger got the vibrations and stronger the impulses tormenting her soles. But nobody took notice of her. She was invisible in her cubicle.

This was worse than yesterday the blonde decided. Help was soo near and yet so far! Hot tears streaked down her cheeks – under the helmet.

The present:

Chris was hovering on the threshold to sleep. Truth to be told? If she was really really honest to herself: It could have been worse: She had been forced to watch Natasha´s meeting with the Journalists. She had orgasmed before strangers – again. After being the plaything for Oblomov´s cronies – this had been a small price to pay. If she had to swallow her pride to survive she would, even if it costed her much.

When the Journalists had left Natasha had gently padded her on her head “Well done Chris!” the blonde had fumed, a while later Jelena and Ivanka had released her bonds and helped her on the wheel chair. Chris would no tell that anybody, but she was glad she was steadied by the maids.

Deaf and blind she had been wheeled down to her quarters again – when the two maids had left her to her own devices, the first thing she did, was kicking off the torturous heels, her nyloned soles burned. Now? Getting rid of that helmet! It costed Chris some time. Getting rid of the gag some more. On her stockinged feet she had tapped into her bathroom. The tilts felt cool under her soles. For which she was grateful – she had undressed and showered.

As the hot water drummed on her back, she had pressed her palms against the tilts. Chris had closed her eyes and leaned her forehead against tilts. Not for the first time she prayed “Gods give me strength” She had no Idea how long she stood there in the cabin, before she stepped out, used one of the large towels and dressed in her green PJ´s and thick woollen socks on her feet only to find that fine Dinner.

And not for the first time Chris had grudgingly to admit how clever her captors handled her. They gave her time to recover from the heavy bondage, kept her fit to endure more.

Now she lay in the dark and sleep did not come easy – but the blonde was tired. Very tired – and so she finally fell asleep; they fourth day of her confinement had passed.

Around the same time: Natasha´s bedroom:

Anna Bogusiewicz was blind. Anna Bogusiewicz was deaf. Anna Bogusiewicz was tied up and gagged. Anna Bogusiewicz was horny as a randy kitten. How had she ended up here on the soft matrass of Natasha Bolgonskaya´s king size bed in her spacious bedroom? The polish Journalist who worked for one of the leading polish News outlets had met the Russian the first time three years ago in Krakow.

Natasha had accompanied her Boss on a Congress. At the evening of the first day had been a reception – Anna had been present for her broadcaster. One thing had led to another and the Russian and the Pole had ended in Natasha´s hotel room, Anna tightly bound and gagged. Since then they had seen each other occasionally.

Natasha´s invitation to this high profile briefing had come out of the blue, and Anna just could resist the temptation - after the end of the briefing: Natasha had taken the blonde aside and offered her a very private exclusive briefing at her quarters and dinner.

And now she lay tightly spread-eagled with heavily padded leather manacles on Natasha´s bed. So tight was the spread eagle that Anna´s toned muscles at arms and legs could be easily seen. Further ropes ensured that she stayed on the mattress:

Two broad white rope bands above and below her breasts, Ropes around her calves, her muscular thighs, her elbows too. The blonde wore nothing than thigh high black stockings, and lacy black bra and panties.

Anna tried to move her toes, but could not: The Russian had tied each to back to the manacles around her ankles. The tight knotted crotch rope held a torpedo styled vibrator in her pussy – now it pulsated on a medium setting, Anna grated her hips.

But she knew from experience that Natasha was very skilled in what she called “priming the pump” – she had explained Anna once that these Vibrators could be programmed – and she had programmed a nice long sequence of pleasure and denial - mostly denial till now.

The only thing Anna could hear was the blood pounding in her ears: She wore noise cancelling earbuds and a heavy leather helmet which was heavily padded above her hers, across her mouth and her eyes. One leather strap went around her eyes, one above her ears – and one over the crone of her blonde head: Forcing her jaws even more together. None of these enhancements was necessary. Anna was sure Natasha had done this just for fun.

The journalist´s mouth had been packed full – very full – before the Russian had put the helmet on her head: Two pairs of used hose. One belonged Natasha and the other one to “a special guest of my Boss” Anna could tell that the guest must have been very aroused, judging by the aroma, a whole role of translucent tape covered the journalists lower face from the tip of her chin right under her nose.

A posture collar ensured that movement of her head was impossible. Oh she wanted to cum so badly! The same second the vibrator switched into higher gear “Yes!!!” Anna grated her hips and strained against her bonds “Where are you Natasha you bloody Vixen!” the blonde journalist cursed into her gag.

Said Vixen was standing in the doorway of the spacious bathroom leaning in the door frame and enjoying the view. Natasha had piled her long dark hair on top of her head and changed into a silken red negligee, a rather skimpy affair, which barely reached down midthigh and graced the observer with a good view at “Ivan” and “Igor” – the colour of the negligee matched the nail polish of her feet, which shimmered through the thigh high nude nylon stockings. In her right hand she held a riding crop:

The Russian was a true believer in the principle of pleasure and pain – and she knew the polish journalist who was writhing and moaning on the bed was a pain slut. So she would deliver a lesson, nothing extreme, just enough to turn the blonde even more on. Natasha chuckled “I am favoured by the gods! I have two most gorgeous blondes at my hands”

She knew that Chris was anything but happy with her at the moment – but Natasha couldn´t resist the temptation to humiliate the proud blonde this way “I wonder” the Russian thought “If you understand what I want to tell you by presenting you with Sun Tzu, but you will you are clever”

She sauntered to her bed.

Anna could neither hear nor see. But she sensed the presence of another person. Zap! A sharp pain shot through her body. Natasha had hit her with the riding crop on her left heel. The Russian had hit hard but not brutal. As the dark haired Russian had her explained once “The art is to hit hard and precise, but not too hard. Precision is key!” As Anna knew Natasha was an artist in that discipline:

Zap! Her right heel. Skillfully her handler varied between her left and her right sole, moving upwards to the balls. Then down again. Suddenly the beating stopped. Anna grated her hips and moaned: Natasha had not said a word. Anna groaned with pleasure as she felt Natasha´s hot lips kissing her on the balls of the right toe.

Pleasure and pain, pain and Pleasure. The glow between her loins had become a raging fire by now, as the Russian kissed her on her feet and moved upwards. Anna was powerless to resist this assault – Orgasm station was not far now.

Natasha grinned as she looked down on the journalist. She straddled the blonde, sat unto her flat tummy and unclasped the black lacy bra. Natasha cupped her full and firm breasts with her palms, kneaded them. With a devious grin she pinched both rock-hard nipples. The Russian felt Anna´s body moving under her, the blonde Pole radiated heat in waves.

Natasha pulled her Negligee over her head – she wore no bra. She leaned down till her breasts touched Anna´s, rubbed hers against the blonde´s full firm mounds. Again, and again: This was enough to send the polish Journalist over the edge. Natasha felt the blonde´s body becoming rigid, her muscles tensed – it had to be the hell of an orgasm. Despite the heavy gag the Pole was very vocal.

Anna was still on her way back down to earth, but she felt the pressure around her head lessen: First the strap around the crown of her head, then the strap across her eyes and at last the one across her mouth.

As Natasha removed finally the heavy helmet Anna felt a cool rush of air on her face. With wide cloudy eyes she stared up at the smiling Natasha. The Russian said something but the Pole could not hear a thing – the ear buds were still active. Natasha bowed down and kissed her fully on her gagged mouth – long, and hard. Finally the Russian removed the ear buds.

“You did have fun” she stated and it was not a question – and grinned mischievously – “and the night is still young!” Natasha jumped from the bed and pulled her panties down “I have a present for you!” she smiled at Anna and tantalizing slow she rolled her nude stockings down. Her perfectly pedicured toes shimmered red.

The Russian jumped from the bed sauntered stark naked to a sideboard, rummaged through one drawer and returned with a heavy crimson red silk shawl. The Poles world became soon dark again as Natasha tied she shawl tightly over her eyes. What she could not see? The Russian took her red lacy panty and grinned deviously.

Anna was surprised as the Russian hooded her with it. With one stocking she covered the blonde´s face from chin to nose. The second one she used for a stocking cap. After the pain it was more time for pleasure now: Natasha straddled her victim, bowed down and began to suck at Anna´s left nipple ….

Day 5: Very early morning: Natasha´s bedroom:

“Any last words?” Natasha smiled down at the blonde Journalist “No, I think not” the Pole smiled and looked up at the Russian “That is unlike you!” The Russian grinned and looked down at the Pole: Anna´s body was enshrouded in heavy black leather from ankles to chin. Only her nyloned soles were not covered:

Natasha had effortlessly – not that Anna had resisted much – manhandled her upper body into a heavy leather straitjacket, after she had plugged her both ways. Next she had welded the Pole´s long legs together with six leather straps. Finishing touch had been the toe tie. The leather sheet on top covered her legs from the ankles upwards.

Anna flexed her feet and wiggled her toes “You do not forget to gag me right?” The Russian smiled back “Of course not” she produced another leather helmet, but a different model: It featured a built in pump gag, one central bladder and two smaller ones.

“Ready?” Natasha grinned the Russian wore already her customary outfit, of high heeled boots and black catsuit. Anna nodded – and opened her mouth. The bladder filled her mouth already pretty good. Soon the blonde´s head was enshrouded in black leather. Only her nyloned feet were uncovered. Anna felt the bladder expanding in her mouth pressing down her tongue and filling her oral captivity – the two small bladders pressed in her cheeks.

Natasha looked at the leather mummy on her bed: On her right side lay a large heavy mummy sleeping bag – with a few additional features. An array of straps from ankles to neck, almost effortlessly the Russian lifted the mummy into the sleeping bag and closed the zipper, then the straps.

Anna enjoyed the feeling of the leather on her skin. The down filled mummy bag was compressing her body even more. Natasha´s face appeared in her limited field of vision “Listen blondie” she smiled you will take a nice nap now, when you wake up you will be on your way home. My Boss allowed me to use his private plane. You will be entertained on the ride of course. Now be a good girl and take long and deep breaths!” Natasha pressed a chloroform doused cloth on Anna´s face “Till we meet again!”

Anna heeded the advice and inhaled the potent fumes. Soon she felts the effects of the drug. Finally darkness engulfed her. The Russian looked down at the peacefully sleeping journalist before she opened the door: Four guards entered took the handles of the mummy bag and carried the unconscious Pole away.

Natasha grinned “One blonde gone – but there is another one already waiting!”
Last edited by Caesar73 1 year ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

A long (no complaints) and intense chapter. We learn a little more about Chris's main handler.

The question remains however. What does she want from Chris? I sense a twist coming!
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Post by GreyLord »

As I read the first part of this great chapter, I could not help but think how wonderful it would be to shower with Jelena and Ivanka, naturally with them tied up. But as I continued reading, I knew that what I really want is to swap places with Natasha for a while.
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Post by Bandit666 »

Now that’s one hell of a chapter and seriously creative, you’ve got the mastery of torment and humiliation down to a fine art, let’s hope Chris really appreciates all you do to her ;)
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Post by slackywacky »

I am a little behind (chapter 3), so I am looking forward, based on the comments, to catching up.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by LunaDog »

Natasha just gets hotter and hotter!
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Post by Beaumains »

Wow, what a chapter! I loved the humiliatoon of Chris at the dinner. No chance to back out (although, maybe slightly more freedom would be interesting: if the journalists noticed something, then they would not be allowed to leave). That was sublime and creative. The shower scene was a delight as well. Earlier, a lot of this kind of torture often only for pain, like Anna's experience at the Reichenbach's. I like this a lot more: it is more diverse and just as evil. This Natasha is a true sadist, and luckily also one with style.
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]Beaumains[/mention] thank you for your review. I am happy you love the subtle way of humilation. I want to go more in that direction and vary Chris´ Predicaments. I can only recommend the two following chapters. I devised and exquisite scenario for Chris. Subtle and erotic. Keyparts in that scenario will be the Lamp of a Nightstand and Music, more specifically a song :) But I will say no more :) And your Assessment of Natasha is absolutely correct :) Contrary to Sieglinde she lets her feelings for Chris´ not come in the way with her duties.
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Post by Fandango »

I finally got back up to speed on the last three chapters this morning. It's entertaining as always. Both plotlines are intriguing and I find that the shifting back and forth is excellently paced. The last chapter swapped in one Anna for another. My opinions on Natasha are still congealing and it was interesting to see the differences and nuances of her attitudes when she's dealing with an unwilling captive versus a willing one. I like to see characters from a variety of vantage points and you do a great job with that. Stellar work.
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]Shotrow[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention] [mention]Fandango[/mention] [mention]LunaDog[/mention]

Fandango wrote: 1 year ago I like to see characters from a variety of vantage points and you do a great job with that. Stellar work.

Chapter 9

“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak”

(Sun Tzu)

Day 5: Hamburg, Neuer Jungfernstieg, early morning:

Sybil Schmidt left the Elevator at the topmost level of Number 12. Her sturdy, but elegant brown knee high boots with their thick Rubber Sole were perfect for this sunny but cold and windy February day – a sharp north-western breeze blew sharply across the Binnenalster. Sybil walked down the long corridor and stopped before a highly polished massive teak door. She read the bronze letters in its centre, perfectly crafted Italics:

Art Incorporated
Christine von der Marwitz and Anna Romanova

The Secretary always had loved that understatement which was so typically hanseatic: Just one word: “Investigations”. But it was enough. Chris and Anna had no reason to brag. Sybil paused before she typed in the Entry Code – and laid her right hand on the scanner. A soft click and without a noise the massive door swung open. The Hacker crossed the threshold stepped inside and closed the door behind her. On the left side to the Entrance was her working desk as Secretary of Art Incorporated.
Anybody who wanted to meet Chris or Anna had to get by past her. A thorough in depth screening of any client was mandatory and the brunette was very good at finding things their owners did want to hide “Sybil, you are my personal fire wall” Chris had teased her once.

Sybil took her green woollen cap off, hanged her matching coat on the rack behind her desk and listened. It was the stillness that irritated her. The lithe brunette, which looked so much like the famous model Chrissy Marie walked down the long corridor. The soft carpet swallowed the sounds of her heels.

Eventually she stood before another massive wooden door. Sybil tapped in another code and the door swung open – stepped in, and took a moment to enjoy the view:

Any visitor entering Christine von der Marwitz´ and Anna Romanova´s office was greeted by a spectacular sight: The large panorama windows allowed for an unobstructed view across the Binnenalster and the Skyline of Hamburg, next to the door - on the right side - stood two comfortable leather couches and a stylish round table for visitors, made of brown leather and metal

Near the panorama windows to the left and to the right stood two large work desks, made of the same polished teak wood as the doors, they had been made from the remains of a large Sailing Ship of the East-India-Company, which had been built in Calcutta in the 19th Century – using the local teak wood.

The Office´ complete interior breathed class, but in a discreet way, nothing was exaggerated – or even grandiose. Now Sybil sensed it again: the absence of sounds, of any sound. Both desks were empty yet as empty as they were, they told much about the personality of the individual normally sitting behind the desk.

The table on the left side belonged to Christine von der Marwitz. The working desk was almost pristine, except the large screen of an IMac. Everything was in place. On the right side the trained observer would have recognized the “treasures of a study” – the utensils a Japanese Scribe would use.

Sybil knew that Chris frequently jotted down thoughts on the always present sheet of mulberry paper, using the Japanese Kanji. Sometimes with her left hand, sometimes with her right. Sybil couldn´t tell the difference.

Behind the comfortable office chair stood a wooden sideboard: On it, in the centre, the daisho of a Samurai. Not the one, Chris had been presented with by her Sensei, but one made by the famous Hattori Hanzó. To the right the utensils necessary for the tea ceremony among them a pair of exquisite Chawan, the traditional bowls for that integral ceremony of Japanese culture.

The Wall above the sideboard was adorned by several original prints of Hokusai – and a framed sheet of mulberry. Sybil could not read the Kanji, but Chris had explained her once, this was a Haiku, composed by one of its masters.

The pianist had it read aloud in Japanese to her. Sybil had been fascinated. She had not understood a word – but the magic of the foreign words, their rhythm she had felt:

December night
full moon
snow on the snow

The brunette had known that Chris spoke, read and wrote Japanese like her own mother language but it had impressed her. On that day she had understood, really understood how deep Chris was rooted in the Japanese Culture.

Anna´s working desk resembled´ Chris, except the writing utensils. On the sideboard squarely in its centre rested a violin in its open case and a bow. It was not Anna´s Stradivarius, which she never let out of her sights, but a Guarneri, the one that Anna almost loved as much as her Stradivarius, the Lord-Dunn-Raven. Right to the violin a Samovar stood – and next to it a very delicate tea set in the traditional blue and white, made by the Russian Imperial Porcelain Manufactory.

On the wall above the sideboard hung a large portrait of Fyodor Dostoevsky – and the facsimile of an autograph, the first page of Bach´s chaconne. Above the painting hung a rifle – a Mosin-Nagant Sniper Rifle, her Grand Grandfather had presented it to her: he had fought as a sniper at Stalingrad – and killed 32 German Officers. The rank and file he had spared.

Sybil knew that Anna shot with that rifle still: Someday they had visited a shooting range on the outskirts of Hamburg – and with astonishment the Hacker had watched as Anna fired a complete magazine. Every shot had hit the target´s centre, at precisely the same spot ….

Sybil breathed in deeply. The faintest scent of Chris´ perfume still lingered in the air – and the brunette´s heart reached out to her friend and boss: In that order. She remembered only too well, when they had met first – but this is a story for another time.

The brunette had seen the pictures of the tormented Chris´ - and they had filled her with fear for the blonde´s wellbeing – but strengthened her resolve to do everything in her power to get the pianist out of that hellhole in one piece. Sybil was a kind and gentle soul – “the good soul of Art Incorporated” Anna had called her once in jest, but now? She felt an emotion uncommon for her: A hot fury.

And to get on the bad side of the Hacker was never a good idea – in the days, when it was easy to get access to the most shielded secrets – if one possessed the necessary skills. And Sybil possessed those skills. During the studies at the MIT the brunette had hacked the Pentagon, the CIA – and got away with it. No, getting on Sybil´s bad side was no good idea.

Sybil left the Office, closed the door gently behind her and went to her domain: She powered up all systems. In front of her half-moon shaped desk a wall of several large LECD monitors. Time to get a bit more comfortable she decided: The brunette pulled off her boots. She wore a thick pair of brown woollen Socks already, but put on a second pair - she tapped over to the Coffee Machine – Sybil thrived on the stuff.

In the meantime the Systems had booted up. Sybil logged herself in with a complex algorithm – and checked for incoming messages. A smile crossed her lips. Ragna had obviously been busy. Her fingers flew as fast over the keyboard as Chris´ when she played the Grand Piano at full Gallop “You have really done it!” she whispered: They had access now to the target´s laptop and mobile.

Sybil intended to make good use of that opportunity. And the herculean Islandress had uploaded a clone of the target´s hard drive and the mobile in the cloud. Her smile got devious “Now my love, I can listen to every call you make and read every message you send” And the target had no idea.

Sybil plunged into the virtual depths. Maybe she could find out, where Chris was held, locate Oblomov´s lair “You will rue the day you laid your hands on her!” she vowed to herself – and set to work, plunged into the vastness of the virtual reality. In this realm she was the huntress, a huntress not to be trifled with. A grim smile which was so untypical for the kind and gentle Sybil - curled her lips.

The Oligarch had made a mistake he would soon regret

Russia: Unknown location, Chris Quarters, early morning:

If she was right, it was the fifth day after her abduction now. Chris had to admit, she had trouble keeping track. The last time she had seen daylight had been the morning, when she had been abducted. Whenever she had left her “cell” she had been either blindfolded, unconscious or both – and deaf.

The only means to determine the time of day were her meals and the bondage sessions she had been subjected to. The frequent sensory deprivation, the severe bondage took its toll on her. Slowly, but inevitably, step by step, inch by inch. Every time it costed her a bit more energy.

Chris would not give in, but each morning it costed her more effort to motivate herself, to do her morning regimen, her lifelong training since childhood days helped. Too deep ingrained was the iron self-discipline, Sensei Nakamura had instilled in her. Just giving in was not in her nature.

So very early – it had to be around 0530 AM – she had got up, changed into her exercise gear: a black Sports Bra and black leggings with white stripes and begun her training. She had pushed her aching body to the maximum. The exercise helped her to keep her focus.

Whenever she executed a series of kata, she imagined who she would hit. And the burning desire to exact revenge on Boris Oblomov fuelled her, spurred her on. Chris vowed to herself that the man would rue the day he had touched her.

When her guards came for her after breakfast to wheel her down to the dungeons, she felt calm and composed. By now she did not heed anymore that she was gagged, blindfolded and deaf. Chris focused on one task only, to get through this day, one step at a time.

In the dungeons Natasha already waited for her “You look as if you got a good night´s sleep” the black haired woman stated with a small smile “You will need it” Chris decided to keep her silence and started to strip, as she stood stark naked before her handler, she folded her arms under her breasts and looked the other woman calmly in the eye.

Natasha walked around her till she stood directly behind Chris, so that the blonde could feel the hot breath of the other woman on her skin. The Russian cupped her breasts, kneaded them squeezed them “I could do this the whole day!” she whispered hoarsely – Chris bit her lip, but remained silent - “You know there is nothing as good as the classics!” she took several lengths of the parachute cord.

Chris found the boxtie- reverse-prayer variation bearable – for now. Natasha did thoroughly enjoy tying up Chris. Thirty minutes later the blonde found herself in an extremely tight ball tie. Natasha had gagged her with a gigantic Nerf ball – and wound a complete role of translucent tape around the blonde´s lower face.

A heavy discipline helmet robbed her of her sight and hearing. So she could not see what Natasha was doing. She found out soon enough: Her already compressed body was forced into some leather sack, which compressed her body even more. Chris found breathing more difficult - even more than before.

Sewn into the heavy leather sack were rings through which the Russian pulled ropes. Soon Chris dangled in the air: A tightly compressed bundle of human flesh. She concentrated on her breathing. Of course Natasha had not forget to tie her big toes and her insteps too “The perfect way to begin a day!” Chris snorted sarcastically.

The blonde concentrated: she willed herself to blend all other sensations out: It was Time for another visit to Himeji Castle. Chris entered the so familiar court yard. Sensei Nakamura was awaiting her under the large Cherry Tree. The blonde bowed in reference, her hand folded before her breast “Sensei!” “Christine-Sama, you have come often in the last days” he greeted her politely.

With keen eyes he looked at her “Your mind is tired” he said gently “Not only your body. “Do not despair Christine. You are strong! But remember: Conserve your strength. Choose your fights wisely! Your time will come – if you follow the way of bushido!”

“I doubt I have the strength left Nakamura San” the blonde confessed tentatively to her Sensei, her cheeks reddening slightly. Sensei Nakamura knew her like no other, he was among the few Chris would open totally up to without any mental reservation “You will find the strength in you” Nakamura reassured – and there was so much conviction in his voice – Chris believed him. Something changed “Come with me!” her Sensei took her gently at her left upper arm “Tell we what is on your mind” And the blonde spoke, and her mentor listened.

Russia: Saint Petersburg, Anna Romanova´s Apartment:

“I will die” Anastasia wheezed. The two Russians had just returned from their morning run along the Fontanka Embankment “And this was the short round?” the younger woman groaned. Roughly two hours before, Anna had entered the historian´s room, already geared up for running “Up, Lazybones! Get dressed!” “Go away!” it groaned sleepily from under the covers.

The violinist considered herself not a morning person, far from it – but Anastasia was even worse “You have a choice” Anna announced sternly “You can come willingly, or I drag you to the bath room, haul you under the shower and turn on the cold water - I won´t let you out of my sight!” And so had it come to pass that Anastasia had grudgingly dressed, mumbling something unintelligible under her breath – and they had jogged along the Fontanka Embankment.

When the historian had returned into the kitchen showered and dressed Anna had already been busy: Anastasia smelled fresh brewed strong coffee, sizzling beacon and scrambled eggs. The violinist could not hide a smile as Anastasia helped herself to a second helping of scrambled eggs and bacon. Not for the first time Anna noticed the strong resemblance of Anastasia to the heiress Rachel Adams III.

True to form they had not talked about Anastasias discoveries. Only once Anna had looked on her phone as a ping signalled another incoming message. A sly grin crossed the dark haired violinist´s features it became even broader, when she read a second incoming message. The historian knew by now better than to ask Anna about the content of those messages.

After breakfast, Anastasia had powered up her lap top and put on a pair of cotton gloves. Carefully she opened an ancient looking book and took a folded letter out. With utmost care she unfolded it.

“This is it?” Anna questioned intrigued “This is it” Anastasia confirmed. The violinist was used to work with ancient manuscripts through her studies, so she did not touch the letter and just watched as Anastasia scanned the letter – and projected it on the large screen:

“It looks like a poem, each stanza has four verses” Anna observed “But I cannot read it, this does not read like modern Russian at all” The historian nodded “It is church slavonic” “And you can read it?” Anna sounded a bit dubiously “O ye of little faith!” Anastasia scolded her good naturedly “Of course I can! There is a reason why your Uncle Fyodor recommended me to you!” To her credit Anna looked a bit sheepishly “But reading is not the problem” the historian explained “The problem is to decipher it! Samsonova´s Grand Grandfather must have tried it for decades”

“And you think you can succeed where he failed?” the violinist questioned dubiously “I am cleverer than him” Anastasia replied calmly “This is my job!” Anna looked long at her “That sounded a bit arrogant” the brown haired historian conceded “Just a tad!” And now the tall woman smiled too “We can crack the code, but I will need your help!” Anastasia smiled “Only a Romanov can solve that riddle” Anna nodded “And what is that letter?” “This” Anastasia smiled is a road map to the treasure and how to unlock the gates!”

“Then what are we waiting for?” Anastasia´s enthusiasm and optimism was contagious Anna mused – and they sat to work.

Beau Rivage, Swiss, lunch time:

Ekaterina entered the Restaurant of the Beau Rivage with a bounce in her step. She was excited. At first she had been a bit miffed that Ragna had left her without a proper good bye! But then she had been intrigued. The tall Islandress fascinated her.

Truth to be told: She had fallen for her the same moment she had sat down next to her at the opera. And in the bedroom Ragna had proven to be the Valkyrie she looked like. It had been a wrestling match at first, a pretty one side affair – not that Ekaterina had resisted too much.

The waiter led her to a table laid for two with a fantastic view across Lake Geneva. Smiling Ragna rose. She wore her long mane in a ponytail and had dressed in a beige power suit, a matching turtleneck and ankle boots.

The Islandress smiled at her, the two women exchanged pecks on the cheeks – and Ekaterina felt as if she had hit by an electric current. For just the most fleeting of moments, Ragna´s left hand had rested on her hip.

“Do have a seat!” her host invited her “I hope you don´t mind that I ordered a bottle of Pol Roger in advance” Ragna had a mischievous twinkle in her eyes “Of course not” Ekaterina purred.

The Islandress was very pleased with herself ….

Russia Unknown Location: The Dungeons:

Chris had lost any track of time by now. She hovered between a trance like state and full consciousness. The blonde had lost any feeling in her arms long ago. She did not count the cramps. But so far she managed to keep the physical pain at bay.

That effort though was wearing her down “Is Sensei Nakamura´s trust in my strength unwarranted?” The doubt was growing. As resolutely as she could she banned that thought in the most secluded corner of her mind “If I want to get through this – I must stay strong!” Chris admonished herself.

How much time passed she did not know – but later Chris felt hands on her leather covered body. Someone stopped her body from rotating around its axis any more. The hands touched her breasts kneaded and squeezed them.

The blonde felt that her Cocoon was gently set on the floor. Straps were removed. The pressure lessened. Chris felt the rush of cool air on her sweaty skin as the cocoon was opened. It felt good. One after another her bonds were severed.

She sighed in relief as she could straighten her legs. Her bare heels rested on the cold floor now. As the ropes, which held her arms in the semi reverse prayer position, were cut, her lifeless arms dropped to the floor, like dry dead wood.

As the blood rushed into her finger tips, she screamed into her gag. Chris breathed heavily. With some effort she moved her arms to the front and rubbed her chafed wrists. Someone fumbled at the helmet: First the strap across her eyes was loosened, then the one above her mouth. The one above the crown of her head was the last. The laces behind her head were unbuckled next. The pressure around her head released. And someone pulled the helmet off.

What a relief as she could feel fresh air on her sweaty face. She craned her neck to look into Natasha´s beaming face. The Russian chuckled “If looks could kill …” Chris mumbled something not very polite into her gag.

Natasha could not help herself: Once more she was impressed by the indomitable will of the blonde. Sitting naked on the stone floor, covered in rope marks, tightly gagged she showed no weakness.

The Russian stretched out her right arm “Come get up” – Chris looked her long in the eyes. Then she grabbed her hand firmly. As she stood she stumbled briefly, before she stood safely on her bare feet. Natasha gave her the once over – from the tips of her toes, to the crown of her head. She knew the blonde hated that.

The Russian pulled her combat knife and cut carefully through the wall of tape covering Chris´ lower face. The blonde winced as her handler pulled the soggy nerf ball out of her mouth. Carefully and slowly Chris moved her aching jaws, to get some feeling into them – before she accepted the water bottle – and drank greedily.

“Get dressed Chris!” the Russian ordered curtly and to her surprise the blonde complied. She could not put her finger on it, but something had changed. The pianist did not fight back. With some difficulty but on her own steam she put on the down filled suit and allowed herself to be restrained and strapped to the Wheelchair again.

The first thing Chris did, when she was alone in her quarters? She stepped under the shower and showered as long and as hot as she could bear. Afterwards the blonde inspected her body. The indentations were deep. But could have been worse, obviously the Russian had calculated precisely how tight she could tie her – without wearing her down too much

On the board above the sink she found a red tube – and a short handwritten note: “Use the salve on your rope marks, it will help” The blonde hesitated, unscrewed the tube and smelled: Herbs of sorts.

She applied some salve on the deep red marks on her left ankle. It felt cool and soothing “Natasha you are a strange person” Chris thought to herself – not for the first time. That she owed the salve to the Russian was obvious. She used the salve freely on her rope marks.

When she returned to her quarters she found the usual trolley with her lunch. The main course was a steaming hot Pho, among the best she had ever tasted. Sighing contentedly she laid the cutlery aside.

She did not know when her afternoon session – as she dubbed it – would commence. So Chris walked – a bit awkwardly - to her bed and lay down. Yawning she covered herself with the soft blankets. She was asleep as soon as her head had touched the pillows.

In the control room Natasha looked on the sleeping blonde “Get some rest Chris, you will need it!” she thought – and to her own surprise she felt pity with her charge.

Russia: Saint Petersburg, Anna´s Apartment, after lunch:

Anna was impressed. Anastasia had not exaggerated. In surprisingly short time she had produced a translation of the mysterious letter into modern Russian. To Anna it read like a poem, describing a journey of a young man, obviously a pilgrim, to a place of worship. And here came Anna into play. In each stanza there had been allusions, clues which only one high ranking members of the House of Romanov would recognize as such. As Grand Grand Niece of the late Tsar Nicolas II. Anna fit the bill.

So far they had been lucky – but in the fourth stanza they hit a roadblock. Anna had racked her brain “No, I will not call her!” she muttered. Anastasia sensed the inner struggle of the violinist “What is it?” Anna sighed “I don´t want to call my mother” The historian chuckled “You are afraid of your mother?” The violinist blushed “Afraid does not cut it – we just get not along very well” Anastasia looked long at her “Right” Anna sighed “I will call her”

Slightly amused the historian listened as Anna called her mother, at first it was awkward at best, stiff – but as the violinist told her mother why she had called the atmosphere changed. Anna even smiled and said “Thank you mother!” “What!” Anna demanded “Nothing” Anastasia smiled “What did you got?” Now the dark haired woman smiled too “I think we hit jack pot” the violinist smiled “I know now where we will find the final clue!”

“Tomorrow” we will pay the monastery another visit!” Anna announced

Geneva, Swiss: Ragna´s Apartment early evening:

The tall Islandress checked her watch: The Taxi should arrive soon. Ekaterina had invited her over to dinner at the Le Vallon, famous for its exquisite cuisine – and then? She smiled. The Russian had fire, she was witty, quick on her feet – and had excellent taste. Ragna eyed herself in the mirror.

She had chosen a deep cut grey dress, which left her right shoulder bare and swirled around her toned calves. The open toed platform heels matched perfectly- Carefully she had applied fresh nail polish and a heavy perfume. The bell rang. The Taxi had arrived.

Ragna pulled her fur coat over her shoulders, grabbed her clutch and a small overnight bag closed the door of her apartment and left. This evening she would finish the conquest of Ekaterina. She smiled – everything was going according to plan. But then she grew serious: She had to succeed – for Chris.
Last edited by Caesar73 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Another superb entry in this story.

We learn a little more and Chris and Anna plus a little tease about how they met Sybil.

The story moves on at pace. Will Anna find the cross in time? Will Sybil track down Chris? What part does Ragna play?

Whatever happens will no doubt be pefect!
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Post by GreyLord »

Sybil intrigues. Anna and Anastasia fascinate. Chris inspires in her captivity. Ragna and Ekaterina entice. How en the world do you keep all of this in balance? I don't know, but you do.
ImageA List of my stories:
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Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by Bandit666 »

Yet another great chapter, such a delightful read, and I have to say I too am intrigued by Sybil, but still delight in Chris’s captivity, in fact in a way I hope she doesn’t get saved too soon
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Post by Caesar73 »

Bandit666 wrote: 1 year ago Yet another great chapter, such a delightful read, and I have to say I too am intrigued by Sybil, but still delight in Chris’s captivity, in fact in a way I hope she doesn’t get saved too soon
Thank you my friend. Yes, Sybil is truly an asset in this this wild ride. Her skills might prove vital in saving Chris in the end. But Chris resilience will be tested - severly - she can rely on her friends though after all. And Anna will set heaven in earth in motion to save her best friend.
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]Shotrow[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention] [mention]Fandango[/mention] [mention]LunaDog[/mention]

Chapter 10

“My heart will go on”

Russia Unknown Location: Chris Quarters: Before

The sudden opening of the door to her quarters ripped Chris from deep sleep. She felt disorientated and exposed “What the …” the blonde muttered – still not fully awake. From sleepy, clouded eyes she stared angrily at the Russian.

Natasha gave the guards who accompanied her, a curt signal “Leave us alone!” Chris had used this short moment to regain her composure somewhat, and pulled the covers around her to cover her “You could have knocked you know” she sat upright “Honestly? I missed our afternoon bondage session”

Natasha chuckled “I let you rest with good reason”

Inside Chris grew cold.

“My Master craves for your company again” the dark haired Russian explained smiling, and the blonde was sure to detect an ounce of Sympathy “And?” Chris shot - any sleepiness had melted like snow in the sun now.

Natasha smiled down at her “You know the drill” she said loftily “Yelena and Ivanka will make you presentable – and one friendly piece of advice” Natasha sounded very serious now:

“Keep your temperament in check” – Oblomov will dine with his wife. Anouchka is a bit” she searched for the word “peculiar” But Oblomov really loves her – and takes it not kindly if someone is making fun of her. Whatever she demands of you, you will do it without any hesitation”

The two women exchanged a long look. Chris nodded “Thank you for your consideration Natasha” Her tone was cool, even detached “I will heed your advice” Silence lingered in the air: Chris did not want to break it, Natasha did not know how. The Russian was a bit disappointed. She had expected a more emotional reaction.

After several long seconds which felt like minute Natasha said “We will see each other later” She tried to mask her discomfort – but to no avail “We will” Chris nodded “Be proud of yourself Natasha, you serve your master well” The blonde´s tone had been light, but every word had hit like a whip.

The door closed behind Natasha. “Whatever will happen this evening” Chris vowed to herself “I will find the strength in me Sensei!” A strange calm filled her. She had made her decision. [....]
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Post by GreyLord »

Short, but extremely exciting, [mention]Caesar73[/mention].
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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