The Files of Art. Inc.: The Hunt for the Lost Scrolls: Chapter 116 (01.04.2024) (FFFF/FFF/ MM/F)

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Post by Nainur »

Arise, Monster of Clogs! :D
Kidding, but who is it? Well done.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Nainur wrote: 1 year ago Arise, Monster of Clogs! :D
Kidding, but who is it? Well done.
Take your pick :)

Is it:

A: The monster of Clogs.
B: Kirsty´s Brother Brian
C: Some one different

Surely Kirsty is nervous as hell. Imagine that: You have been away for over 20 years - now are you knocking at the door of your former home! What will you find? How will your family react?

We will learn more tomorrow evening!
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] l [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention]
[mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention]

Chapter 61

“An unfriendly welcome”

The three Horseshoes midmorning:

Hayley leaned back contentedly and sighed “The breakfast was excellent” she had chosen the continental variant and watched with barely hidden amusement as Kirsty devoured her second helping of bacon and scrambled eggs “What!” the Briton´s eyebrows rose “Oh nothing” the blonde grinned sweetly “I just wondered how you could eat this stuff for breakfast” she pointed at the leftovers of British breakfast on Kirsty´s plate “Blood pudding!” she shuddered “I have thought about something” she changed tack “So” Kirsty smiled “Have you – and that despite the fact you are a blonde”

“I have thought” Hayley continued unabashed “if it might be better if you see your brother alone – there might be less tensions” The Briton pondered the idea “Why?” “Well” Hayley explained “You have seen yesterday that we caused quite the commotion – not that I regret that” she smiled coyly “This is a small village – and I bet your brother already knows you are back – with another woman: he might feel less challenged if you come alone”

Kirsty still not felt convinced “I have” she corrected herself “we have nothing to hide” “No, we don´t Kirsty” the blonde laid her hand gently on her companions right “but if we show up together, your brother might feel overwhelmed”

For a while the auburn haired woman said nothing, finally she nodded “Okay, let us do it that way – then she smiled “You know Hayley, for a blonde you are really bright!”

Hayley pouted “Ah poor baby!” Kirsty mocked her.

30 Minutes later Hayley watched Kirsty striding down the St. Binham Road. Upright, decisively – but the set of her shoulders betrayed her lover´s uneasiness. The Briton wore sturdy brown knee high leather-boots, blue jeans and a waist long down jacket whose colour matched her hair.

Hayley had finished her warm up exercises. She had decided to follow the road that passed the All Saints Church. It was chilly and a stiff breeze blew from the sea. Her long blonde hair she tucked under a bright red woollen cap, her Jacket matched its colour. Black Leggings and her beloved running shoes completed her outfit.

She began to run in a low pace and accelerated slowly. Kirsty had told her that she would find an Iron Age Hillfort on her right side when she followed that track. The blonde accelerated to a brisk pace. After 10 Minutes she could see the ancient fortress in the distance. Hayley could not shake the feeling that she was followed – but she could detect nobody.

In the meantime Kirsty stood before Garrett-Farm. But she didn´t recognize the place. The small dilapidated Farm House where she had grown up was gone: In its place stood a three winged complex: a large modern Farmhouse in its centre, flanked on each side by buildings that looked like barns and stables to her untrained eye. All seemed to be well maintained.

For a moment Kirsty just took in the sight. Obviously her brother had done well – and she felt a twinge of regret “Get a grip!” she admonished herself. Kirsty pulled herself together and strode across the yard, the gravel scrunched under the soles of her boots. Finally she stood in front of a green wooden door.

Kirsty took a deep breath and pressed the bell button. At first nothing happened then she heard the sounds of wooden clogs nearing the door – she frowned “Brian wearing clogs?” No way! The door swung open and a plumb blonde woman, probably a few years older than her smiled at her warmly.

She wore a dark green thick woollen pullover, jeans and on her feet indeed clogs. Curiously but not unfriendly the woman mustered her “What can I do for you?” her voice sounded warm and pleasant “I am Kirsty. Brian´s sister, is he around?” the words tumbled out of her mouth.

“So you are Kirsty, the wayward sister” Her tone indicated this was just an observation “Oh, I forgot my manners – I am Pamela, Brian´s wife” “Welcome!” Pamela stretched her hand out Kirsty hesitated a fraction of a second before shaking the hand of the other woman. Her skin was warm and dry and her handshake firm.

This was a sort of welcome Kirsty definitely had not expected. Her natural curiosity got the upper hand “Pamela you said my brother is not around. You mean around as in not wanting to see me, or is he really not here?”

If Pamela was irritated by the brusque tone she did not show “No, Brian is in Norwich to acquire some new machines – but why don´t you come in Kirsty and we have a cup of tea?”
To her own surprise Kirsty heard herself replying “That would be nice. It is a bit chilly” Pamela smiled “Then follow me!” Her sister in law made an inviting gesture.

At the same time, Waltham, near the Hillfort:

Hayley could see now the ancient hillfort just 100 metres away on her right. She left the main trail and jogged to the ancient fortress. The man lying in wait on the crest of the second wall had the blonde firmly in his crosshairs. Soon she filled his whole field of vision. He could have pulled the trigger already but he decided to wait – the sight was simply too alluring: Her ample chest filled the scope.

Hayley had just reached the first encirclement when she felt out of sudden a sharp prick between her breasts. In disbelief she stared at the pink fluffy dart that was imbedded in her flesh “What the f*ck?” she thought then everything went black.

The Farm, around the same time:

Pamela and Kirsty sat in large Kitchen which radiated warmth and comfort “The tea is excellent – and those scones just delicious!” she laud her sister in law – and to her surprise – she meant it. Kirsty had expected a quite different welcome, sitting with her sister in law amiably chatting in the kitchen she had definitely not expected “You and Brian” the auburn haired woman made an encompassing gesture “did really well” “Yes, you could say that” Pamela smiled “The first years were difficult but now things go really well” She seemed to sense Kirsty disbelief “You expected a different welcome, didn´t you right? That Brian would sick the dogs at you and chase you from the grounds” Kirsty hesitated “Yes, something like that”

“Well” Pamela continued “Brian was furious when you ran away, he told me, but with the years his anger lessened. He does not hate you, you two might have some things to work out – he can be stubborn as an old mule – but you know that” again that warm smile “Your younger sisters though, Rose and Charlene, might not be so forgiving. Especially Rose hates you – she says you abandoned her”

Kirsty looked into the flames of the hearth “I guess I deserve that” she said absentmindedly “Don´t look so glum” her sister in law cheered her up “It will be difficult, but if you make an effort it will work out, I am sure of that” “You are really a hopeless optimist” Kirsty grinned,

“Guilty as charged” her Sister in law smiled - Pamela continued “where have you left your partner? She is the talk of the village, she broke a few hearts already” Now Kirsty smiled broadly “Hayley can do that” Pamela smiled “How did you to come together?” “That” Kirsty shrugged “Is a long story” “We have all the time in the world” the blonde grinned “I want all the juicy details: How does Kirsty Garrett from Waltham end up with a gorgeous blonde American?”

The ancient hillfort:

Her first sensation when the drug induced fog lifted was cold: Cold feet. Her eyelids felt incredibly heavy. She decided to let them shut for the time being. It took a few seconds more before she realized “I am bound and gagged. I am bound and gagged and naked. Wait! Naked?” All at once she was fully awake “I am tied up and gagged. I am naked and I am tied to a sturdy post – and I am standing right in the middle of the ancient fortress”

The Grass under her bare soles was wet and cold. The blonde shuddered. And the cold seeped through her feet upwards. Hayley shivered. Whoever had attacked her had taken no chances: He (?) had tied her up thoroughly before he had welded her to the post. With difficulty she looked down at her big toes: They had been tied together with a thin piece of string and had begun to turn purple. Her legs had been tied together with coarse rope.

Very tightly: Ankles, calves under the knees, above the knees, at midthigh and directly under the groin. The tight crotch rope was no real surprise. Her arms had been tied so tightly behind her back, that her elbows were crushed together which caused her boobs to stand out even more. Not only had her captor applied a breast harness:

No, he had tied a third line of thin string directly across her nipples, which was anchored at her elbows. It felt as if her breasts were cut in two and the elbow tie pressed her breasts against that thin cruelly tight piece of string.

The coarse material chaffed her sensible skin “The gag is the icing on the cake” the blonde thought sarcastically “I know the taste: my socks and my panties” Many layers of bandages (?) compressed the lower half of her face like a vice.

Judging by the light it must be around 0100 PM, so she had been out for more than two hours. She was sure that Kirsty would find her at some point “Hopefully Kirsty not some stranger” Hayley stopped struggling: She was anything but welded to the post. In front of her she could see her clothes and her belongings.

Somebody had written – no sprayed in white in the grass in big bold letters “Lesbian whore!” “Wow! How creative!” Hayley was not scared – no – she was just terribly cold and angry. She could do nothing but wait “Hopefully Kirsty comes before I am frozen to death”

Her attacker had not only tied rope to hold her to the post – but zip ties as well – and layers of tape on top. Hayley´s fingertips tingled. If she moved her bound wrists, the crotch rope caused any sorts of sensations – at this moment they were welcome, they distracted her. She tugged at the rope. The wet spiky grass leaves under her soles pocked in her soft flesh

The Farm:

“The next time you must bring Hayley with you!” her sister in law told Kirsty as she left finally around 0200 PM “I will” Kirsty smiled. As much as she had dreaded this visit it had turned out rather well. With Pamela her brother had struck gold. With a bounce in her step she walked back to her pup. Some of the people on the street looked curiously at her, should they! She thought.

Kirsty entered the pub. Behind the desk the young woman who had welcomed them yesterday worked at her computer. Olivia looked up as the door behind her closed “Hello Olivia! Is Miss King already back?” “No” Oliva shrugged “I have not seen her - maybe she has used your separate entrance? But I have a letter for you”

“A letter?” Kirsty frowned as Olivia handed a plain white envelope to her: “To Kirsty Garrett and Hayley King” obviously printed with a laser printer” Kirsty thought and ripped the envelope open: A letter. She unfolded it and read the large black characters: “You filthy lesbian whores! Leave as long as you can!” Her first impulse was to scrunch the piece of paper, to rip it apart into small shreds “Is something wrong?” the young receptionist asked politely. She had noticed Kirsty´s frown.

“No” the Briton smiled “Everything is alright” turned on her heel and left for their room: What was going on here?

Their room was deserted and no sign that Hayley had been there after they had left. Where was she? All her things were there, except her running clothes – Kirsty dialled Hayley´s number. The call went straight to voicemail. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. Decisively Kirsty opened the portable safe and took her gun – she did not know why, but she packed a few other things in her rucksack that might come in handy. She had told Hayley that the track to the hillfort was a good start for a run – so she would begin her search there.

The hillfort:

Hayley was not only entirely miserable, she was frozen to death. She had lost any feeling in her extremities. Her feet must be chunks of ice by now: Her big toes had turned purple – but she did not feel actually pain. A sound startled her: It sounded like a car – a car halting? Then another sound, and this time she was sure! That had been a car door. A car door was closed!

Kirsty had parked their car at the foot of Waltham Camp. She left the car and drew her gun. All her senses were on high alert. She checked for any signs of someone watching her, but she saw and sensed nothing. Kirsty carefully followed the trail which led to the first enclosure. Nothing happened.

She crossed the space between the first and the second wall. Then she stepped into the enclosure and froze: In its centre stood a post, to it a woman was tied whose long blond hair flew in the wind – she was stark naked: Hayley!

Kirsty´s first impulse was to rush to her companion, to free her. Then she stopped “Get a lay of the land first, Garrett! You would be dead now!” her old army instructor would have shouted at her. Slowly and carefully she moved up the crest of the second encirclement and took a look around. There was nobody there.

Carefully, her gun at the ready she walked nearer to the post. Now she could see how Hayley was lashed to the post: She had been tied up first and then tied to the wooden stake. The blonde´s skin was pale with a hue of blue. Before Hayley her clothes were piled neatly up and someone had sprayed something on the grass: “Lesbian whore!”

Kirsty stepped into Hayley´s field of vision – a feeling of great relief shot through her body. Concerned Kirsty gave her the once over: Hayley looked attentively at her, her eyes clear, but tired.

Kirst made a decision. The Briton pulled her combat knife “I will remove the gag first my love” With swift motions she cut through the layers of bandages. Under that a wall of translucent tape: Kirsty could the large mass off what ever had been stuffed into the blonde´s mouth.

Hayley´s jaws stood ajar – so large was the packing which had been stuffed into her mouth. Gently and carefully Kirsty pulled the soggy wad out of the blonde´s mouth. Hayley coughed as the wad came finally free and the blonde moved her jaws tried to get some feeling back into them, she groaned softly. “I am cold, I am terribly cold” she stammered, jaws chattering, her hoarse voice barely a whisper.

“I will get you out of this as fast as I can” Kirsty promised and shuddered as she touched Hayley´s icy cold, clammy skin. It took a while, but finally the last ropes fell. Without Kirsty´s help she would have crashed to the floor. Kirsty held her tight.

The blonde was shivering “We must get you dressed and get you back into the warmth” Hayley was so weak that Kirsty had to dress her “See, I brought you a fresh pair of panties and socks” Meekly Hayley smiled “I am very grateful” she whispered.

After she had dressed Kirsty helped her friend up and steadied her as they walked down to the car. Kirsty´s senses were on full alert. With one hand she steadied Hayley with the other she held her gun. Checking for an intruder.

As she had bundled up Hayley on the passenger seat she turned the heating on full “I will kill that bastard” she swore under her breath “I will bloody kill him!” Tyres screeching Kirsty stopped the car before the pub she almost could her Hayley shivering, her teeth chattering still.

As they entered the “Three horseshoes”: Olivia gasped in shock as she saw Hayley stumbling inside, deadly pale steadied by Kirsty Garrett “Ms. King, Ms. Garrett what has happened?” “Later” Kirsty told the young woman curtly, then softer “Bring us a bowl of the soup of the day in 60 minutes to our room, if you please” Kirsty sounded polite enough but Olivia recognized this was not a polite request but a command.

“Of course Mrs. Garrett! In sixty minutes!”

Hayley kept herself together but she could barely stand. As soon as they had crossed the threshold of their room Hayley collapsed on the bed, still shivering uncontrollably, Kirsty turned up the heat on full then she drew the bath steaming hot.

Gently she undressed the blonde. Hayley´s skin was not as cold as before, but she still shivered “I will be okay” the blonde whispered “but get me a hot bath” “As your ladyship commands” Kirsty smiled – and to her relief Hayley returned the smile.


With a sigh of contentment the American sank into the steaming hot bath tube. 40 Minutes later Hayley looked much better. Over her silken blue PJ´s she wore her favourite bathrobe and two pairs of thick woollen socks on her feet.

Comfortably reclined a few cushions in her back she sat on their bed “What?” she had registered that Kirsty had scrutinized her “You are really a tough cookie Hayley King” the latter smiled warmly “But tell me how are you?” “Better, much better” Hayley smiled “I am finally warm again – and I am hungry!”

As if on cue someone knocked at the door.

Kirsty stood, took her gun and walked to the door “Yes?” “The soup Miss Garrett” It was Olivia. Kirsty opened the door, hiding the gun behind her back “Thank you Olivia, I will take it from there” and pulled the trolley inside “We will have dinner at 0800 PM” “Of course Mum” Kirsty supressed a smile: Olivia had almost curtsied before her “Kirsty and Hayley is perfectly ok” she smiled at the young woman. The young receptionist blushed slightly “Thank you Mum, Kirsty I mean!”

“This smells delicious!” Hayley smiled as she took the lid from the bowl: “Fish soup!” Indeed it was a steaming hot stew with lots of different types of fish – Hayley counted at first glance six different sorts of fish and different shells, all in a rich broth with different vegetables.

The American took the first spoon, closed her eyes and savoured the taste. Kirsty looked with deep affection at her partner. The blonde devoured the stew in record speed. With a contented sigh she laid finally the spoon aside “Now I am really warm again”

“What?” Hayley looked at Kirsty “Hayley King, you never fail to amaze me” Kirsty retorted warmly “Two hours ago, I found you almost frozen to death, naked and tied to a stake – and now you are almost recovered” “That´s just me” Hayley´s smile was contagious.

Kirsty got serious “Who did this and why?” For a moment the blonde pondered the question “Who? I don´t know but the shifty fellow who followed us yesterday in the pub maybe? Did you check the surveillance system of our room?” “I haven´t thought of that” the Briton admitted – I will check later”

“The why is simple if you ask me” Hayley stated: Whoever is behind this? He wants to scare us of. The question is: Do we let him? I surely won´t!” Hayley had obviously recovered Kirsty thought and that was a good thing. One trait she had always admired: Hayley´s resilience.

When she had been the American´s handler, she had more than once asked herself how the blonde did this: Not to break, not to become numb. Hayley King was one of a kind, she knew that now – and she would make the one responsible for her torment pay.

“I agree. They want to scare us off – and we will show them the error of their ways! What do you think Hayley? What about giving them a show this evening?” “You mean?” and a small smile crossed the American´s lips – “I mean” Kirsty grinned “We dress up to the nines and show anybody who watches us, that we are not intimidated!”

“Sounds like a plan!” Hayley beamed “Let us give them a run for their money! But before that” she yawned I need some beauty sleep!” The blonde shod the dressing gown and curled together under the covers “And I would not mind some attention!” she smiled coyly – but as soon as her head hit the cushions she fell asleep.

Gently Kirsty stroke above Hayley´s cheek. The colour of her skin had returned to normal “Sleep tight my love” Kirsty whispered. She waited till the blonde´s breaths had become deep and regular before she turned on the laptop. Kirsty opened the app which controlled the security systems they had brought with them from London.

She watched the video from yesterday “Bastard” she whispered ….”If you did this to Hayley? You will regret it. I promise!” Another thought crossed her mind: If this was Hayley´s attacker? He was probably only a pawn, but for whom? And why? They had arrived here only yesterday – barely enough time to step on anyone´s toes. Kirsty set her watch, undressed, put her PJ´s on and snuggled against Hayley´s body: A warm body was one remedy in cases of hypothermia –she grinned to herself.

As they entered the pub later for dinner the chatter died down immediately “Let us give them a run for their money and show “them” – whoever they are – that we are not intimidated” Hayley had told Kirsty. Her long blond hair, shimmering like gold, fell in waves down her back. The moos green turtleneck accentuated her full bossom. Her long tweed skirt fell wide around her calves. Kneehigh brown leather boots completed the ensemble. Head held high she strode to their table – all smiles. She was really enjoying this.

Unknown Location later:

The man in the arm chair listened to his contact “So they seem not to be intimidated” Not that he had expected they would. Garrett and King were obviously not easy to scare off “Then it´s time for more drastic steps. Keep them under surveillance and act accordingly when an opportunity presents itself – I leave the details to you. Under no circumstances they must interfere with the operation, we need them out of the way the day after tomorrow. That´ll be all” He ended the call.
Last edited by Caesar73 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by GreyLord »

Indeed, the game is afoot. Although, at the moment, Kirsty and Hayley have no clue about the game, it is certain that it will be a fascinating journey for all of us to discover the plot. Well done, once more.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by mrjones2009 »

This little detour from the main story has certainly caught my attention. I wonder why?

Once again [mention]Caesar73[/mention] you have managed to lure me in and keep my hooked!

Hayley is not easily intimidated and Kirsty is not to be trifled with. I can't wait for what is in store next
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] l [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention]
[mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention]

mrjones2009 wrote: 1 year ago Hayley is not easily intimidated and Kirsty is not to be trifled with. I can't wait for what is in store next
Ask and you shall recieve :)

A preview of Chapter 62:

Chapter 62

“The stakes are raising”


“A voice from the past”

The next day:

It was a cold, but sunny morning. Since Brian would not be back before tomorrow Kirsty had proposed Hayley to do some sightseeing and have lunch in one of the small coastal towns “You will love our beaches” she had told the American “Mile upon mile of sand!” To her credit Kirsty had not exaggerated “They are indeed fantastic Kirsty!”

They decided to have lunch at Wells-next-the-Sea, a picturesque small harbour city, a few miles to the north east from Warham Hayley had enjoyed the stroll along the beach very much.

She sighed contently after they had finished Lunch at the Globe Inn “Let me just powder my nose!” The restroom was empty, as she washed her hands she sensed a movement behind her: two strong arms pressed her arms against her body and lifted her off her feet.

A sweet smelling cloth was pressed with a vice like grip on her face “Chloroform!” She kicked at the attacker holding her, but her kicks lacked traction and she had already inhaled a healthy dose of the potent drug. Her vision began to narrow already. But thanks to her altercations with Crawford she had still a high tolerance against chloroform.

She hit the shin of the man holding her with a vicious kick. Her Attacker grunted but held firm and compressed her diaphragm, which forced the blonde to inhale another dose of the potent fumes. Finally she gave in and inhaled the chloroform in long deep breaths – till she fell into the swirling abyss.

The smaller of her two Attackers cursed “She fought like wild cat” “Stop whining” his taller colleague chided him “Let us get her into the van and secure her” Together they carried the unconscious blonde out of the backdoor, where a black van was already waiting, they manhandled Hayley into the back. The driver cursed “What took you so long?” and started the van “Cinderella didn´t want to go down willingly” the taller one shrugged.

The man who Hayley had kicked and his partner secured the blonde quickly and efficiently. They zip tied wrists and elbows together. Two more zip ties secured her ankles and knees. Before that they removed Hayley´s ankle boots “Don´t want Cinderella kick me with those again” the smaller kidnapper stated “My shin will be blue tomorrow”

They gagged her with a ball gag, blindfolded her with a heavy padded sleep mask. His companion pulled a dust mask above her lower face, so that their victim had to inhale another dose of chloroform.

Finally they hogtied her. A tight one, but not the cruel version: If she would not struggle it would not be too inconvenient. Probably she would be out anyway till they reached their hideout. From the moment they had attacked Hayley till now just 10 minutes had passed.

In the Inn Kirsty looked at her watch “Why does she need that long?” She got up and followed the signs to the rest room. As she crossed the threshold, she stopped dead in her tracks. A sickly sweet smell lingered still in the air, on the floor laid Hayley´s shoulder bag. Quickly the Briton checked its contents: Purse, smartphone, her gun.

Kirsty stepped out through the backdoor: Nothing. She cursed. Those guys obviously knew their business. What was going on here? The attack yesterday, now the abduction: What now? She paid their bill and left the Inn. Kirsty decided to return to Warham – from their room, she could use an encrypted line. As much as she hated it: she had to inform Chris. [....]
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] l [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention]
[mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention]

Chapter 62

“The stakes are raising”


“A voice from the past”

The next day:

It was a cold, but sunny morning. Since Brian would not be back before tomorrow Kirsty had proposed Hayley to do some sightseeing and have lunch in one of the small coastal towns “You will love our beaches” she had told the American “Mile upon mile of sand!” To her credit Kirsty had not exaggerated “They are indeed fantastic Kirsty!”

They decided to have lunch at Wells-next-the-Sea, a picturesque small harbour city, a few miles to the north east from Warham Hayley had enjoyed the stroll along the beach very much.

She sighed contently after they had finished Lunch at the Globe Inn “Let me just powder my nose!” The restroom was empty, as she washed her hands she sensed a movement behind her: two strong arms pressed her arms against her body and lifted her off her feet.

A sweet smelling cloth was pressed with a vice like grip on her face “Chloroform!” She kicked at the attacker holding her, but her kicks lacked traction and she had already inhaled a healthy dose of the potent drug. Her vision began to narrow already. But thanks to her altercations with Crawford she had still a high tolerance against chloroform.

She hit the shin of the man holding her with a vicious kick. Her Attacker grunted but held firm and compressed her diaphragm, which forced the blonde to inhale another dose of the potent fumes. Finally she gave in and inhaled the chloroform in long deep breaths – till she fell into the swirling abyss.

The smaller of her two Attackers cursed “She fought like wild cat” “Stop whining” his taller colleague chided him “Let us get her into the van and secure her” Together they carried the unconscious blonde out of the backdoor, where a black van was already waiting, they manhandled Hayley into the back. The driver cursed “What took you so long?” and started the van “Cinderella didn´t want to go down willingly” the taller one shrugged.

The man who Hayley had kicked and his partner secured the blonde quickly and efficiently. They zip tied wrists and elbows together. Two more zip ties secured her ankles and knees. Before that they removed Hayley´s ankle boots “Don´t want Cinderella kick me with those again” the smaller kidnapper stated “My shin will be blue tomorrow”

They gagged her with a ball gag, blindfolded her with a heavy padded sleep mask. His companion pulled a dust mask above her lower face, so that their victim had to inhale another dose of chloroform.

Finally they hogtied her. A tight one, but not the cruel version: If she would not struggle it would not be too inconvenient. Probably she would be out anyway till they reached their hideout. From the moment they had attacked Hayley till now just 10 minutes had passed.

In the Inn Kirsty looked at her watch “Why does she need that long?” She got up and followed the signs to the rest room. As she crossed the threshold, she stopped dead in her tracks. A sickly sweet smell lingered still in the air, on the floor laid Hayley´s shoulder bag. Quickly the Briton checked its contents: Purse, smartphone, her gun.

Kirsty stepped out through the backdoor: Nothing. She cursed. Those guys obviously knew their business. What was going on here? The attack yesterday, now the abduction: What now? She paid their bill and left the Inn. Kirsty decided to return to Warham – from their room, she could use an encrypted line. As much as she hated it: she had to inform Chris.

Unknown location: later

Hayley suffered from a terrible hangover. Her head pounded and she had to supress the urge to throw up. Gagged as she was, she would suffocate, if she did. Due to her run inns with Crawford she knew quite a bit about chloroform.

The stuff Crawford and her team used had lesser side effects. The criminal mastermind had concocted the mix herself. The stuff her attackers had used was in comparison a crude product with more side effects. Her pounding temples were testament to that. As her head cleared slowly she tried to analyse the mess she was in:

For starters: She sat on a sturdy wooden chair, which had obviously been bolted to the wooden floor, it did not move the fraction of an inch.

Her arms had been tied together behind its high back at wrists and elbows. Three rope bands held her to the chair: One above and one below her breast, the third around her waist, all tight and secure but not brutally tight. Her attackers knew their stuff. Some sort of sponge or nerf ball filled her mouth to capacity. Several layers of tape held the sponge in her mouth.

As she discovered she had been relieved of her boots, and the tips of her toes just scratched the wooden floor. Thankfully her kidnappers had left her the thick woollen socks. Her ankles had been tied to her wrists. She was stuck.

“See Cinderella is awake” Hayley heard one man saying “Took her long enough” another voice answered. “Cinderella?” the blonde fumed “Wait till I get out of this chair” She raised her head to face her kidnappers. Two men with balaclavas on their heads looked down on her “If looks could kill Number two you would be dead!” the taller of the two chuckled.

That the men were hooded and didn´t use their real names was a good sign obviously they didn´t plan to kill her straight away.

The tall man addressed her “Listen Cinderella!” The blonde glared at him “We three will spend the next 48 hours together and if you follow a few ground rules we will get along nicely. If your companion plays ball everything will be fine”

Hayley looked expectantly at him. To his surprise the American seemed not to be scared, most people would have, after being chloroformed tied up and gagged, instead her piercing blue eyes drilled into his eyes “We have no intention to hurt you, but disobedience will be punished.

The blonde nodded, like saying “been there done that, can we skip that part?” “Fine, you will follow every order” Haley nodded again. Number two chuckled “See Number one? This blonde is a bright one” Which earned him another withering glare of their hostage.

Number one turned to Hayley again “I can imagine you are quite thirsty – so we will remove the gag and give you a drink of water. But remember: One word you get gagged and stay thirsty till evening. Understood?” Another nod “And I think that you would like it if we free your ankles from your wrists” This time Hayley nodded almost enthusiastically “Number two wanted to make sure that you don´t kick him again” She heard his smile.

The smaller one knelt down and severed the rope which connected her ankles to her wrists, and her bound legs flopped down. The blonde sighed with relief and resisted the strong impulse to kick her handler squarely in the face.

Number one in the meantime removed the tape – quite gently Hayley had to admit - and pulled the large nerf ball out of her mouth. Hayley licked her parched lips. For the time being she would play along.

Greedily she drank from the bottle her kidnapper pressed against her lips “Enough?” Hayley nodded and opened her mouth: She let him stuff the ball again in her mouth and tape it shut. Surprisingly he smoothed the tape with his hands, quite gentle. The sensation was not unpleasant.

“Listen Cinderella!” Number one addressed her again “We leave you now to your own devices till dinner! Don´t bother trying to escape – you are in the middle of nowhere – and you would get a nasty shock if you touch the door! Oh, and one thing: A nice Photo for Mrs Garrett! Say cheese Cinderella” Number one chuckled “You are beautiful when you are angry!” Hayley glared into the camera. Finally, after the door had closed after the two Hayley took stock of her surroundings:

She was in a wooden cabin. At the right wall stood a simple but sturdy bed, whose metal frame was also bolted to the floor. Next to the bed: a small table and two wooden stools. Thankfully the cabin was warm. Floor and wood were made from sturdy timbers. Hayley looked intently at the door, made of heavy metal. She decided not to put her kidnappers to the test, that she would get electrocuted if she touched it.

On the left side of the cabin were a toilette and a sink and a mirror and a small shack. Both were clean and well maintained. The shack was open so Hayley could see its contents: some toiletries and towels.

Compared to her comfortable lodgings on Mystery Island it was all rustic. But all in all her situation could be worse. The only window was shut she heard the wind blowing outside though. If she had to guess she was somewhere near the coast. But where?

Kirsty had shown her the salt marshes not far from Wells?” But for now she could do nothing else but wait. Her bonds were totally secure. One, actually two questions kept her mind occupied: What would Kirsty be doing? “And why I have been abducted in the first place?”

The-three-horseshoes around the same time:

The first thing Kirsty did when she had entered their room? She checked the security systems and searched the room. Kirsty powered the laptop up and established a safe connection with Hall Place Manor. Sybil´s beaming face filled the screen “Kirsty how are you?” “Well, but can you get me Chris? It is urgent” the bubbly technical genius sensed immediately that something was off and asked no questions “Will do” – that was something Kirsty really liked about the brunette. Sybil never asked any tiresome questions” “She is on her way” the Secretary of Art Inc. informed her. Two minutes later the face of Chris appeared on the screen. She had been accompanied by Anna and Kate.

“Hello Kirsty” the blonde came straight to the point “What´s up?” “Hayley has been kidnapped” “Continue” Chris prodded calmly and concentrated. Kirsty summarized yesterday´s and today´s events “So you have no idea what´s this is all about” Kate stated “Have the kidnappers made contact” “No they have not …” in the same moment Kirsty´s smartphone signalled an incoming call “Supressed caller ID” listen in “I will take the call”

“Hello Kirsty” a deep baritone greeted her “So good to hear your voice after all these years!” Kirsty was irritated “Who are you and what do you want?” “You really don´t recognize me, do you?” the caller chuckled “We knew once very intimately Sweet cheeks” Kirsty pulled herself together and now she knew who was calling “Is that you Charles?”

“The one and only” another chuckle “What have you done to Hayley!” the Briton snapped “Manners, Garrett, manners” the man at the other end chided her mildly “Mrs. King is as well as she can be, suffering from a slight hangover maybe – I must congratulate you, you have really good taste!”

Calmer now Kirsty returned “What do you want?” “Nothing too complicated” Charles smiled “I need you and your companion out of the way for the next 48 hours. If you behave nothing will happen to Hayley – if you don´t though: I know many men in the Middle East who would pay a fortune for your lover – or in Asia” his tone had changed, it was cold and menacing. The threat hung in the air “But you will play ball Kirsty? Won´t you?” Now charming and polite again “How do I know she is well?” Kirsty pressed him.

“Kirsty do us all a favour, do some sightseeing, relax and nothing will happen” He hang up. Seconds later Kirsty got another message: It showed Hayley, tied up and gagged: Angrily she glared into the Camera. Her lower face was obscured by translucent tape from nose to chin. Under the tape Kirsty could see the stuffing.

“You listened?” Kirsty turned to the screen again “Chris nodded “We did. Who is this Charles, I take it you know him?” “I do” Kirsty sighed “He must be in this 50´s now – and I suspect he is up to his ears in all kind of rackets” “Sybil will do a background check – so, we will proceed this way, I think we have come up with a plan, that will not endanger Hayley …” the pianist and boss of Art. Inc. explained – Kate will tell you the details …..” Kirsty listened – and asked a question from time to time.

15 Minutes later Kirsty ended the call. She would play along – and that meant: She would go for a jog and then having dinner, acting perfectly normal.

Unknown location, later:

Hayley had no idea how much time had actually passed – she estimated two or three hours. It had been around 0200 PM when she had been kidnapped “How late is it? Probably 0600 or 0700 PM?” She fidgeted on the hard chair: Obviously the seat was spiked with wooden knobs. They were not sharp, but over time they made sitting pretty inconvenient.

By now she was bored and she had to pee, her butt hurt – also her stomach growled. As if on cue the heavy steel door swung open, and her two kidnappers entered, the smaller one carried a plate with a steaming hot bowl of soup and some other stuff, Hayley could not see from her position.

Number one addressed her “Cinderella, we will untie you know and you can have dinner – and I guess you might need the loo? Hayley could hear him smiling under the mask. She blushed, as she nodded.

Her handlers took no chances: Number two removed her leg bonds and shackled her ankles together “I can make small steps, but nothing more” Hayley sighed, in the meantime Number one undid her arm bonds. Gingerly the blonde rubbed her wrists.

“Arms front!” he commanded and Hayley complied. The heavy manacles were surprisingly comfortable, they were padded too. Only then the ropes above and below her chest and her waist were removed. The gag stayed in.

Obviously her handlers expected her to do her business in front of them “F*ck them!” Very carefully the blonde stood and shuffled to the toilet, her cuffs only allowing for small steps. Hayley took her time. She undid her belt slowly and deliberately and pulled her jeans and panties down, then squatted down on the toilet, without breaking eye contact.

Obviously unimpressed by her audience; the blonde cleaned herself up and adjusted her clothing and stood. Number one was impressed. Cinderella was a tough cookie that was for sure “Walk over to the table and sit and we will remove the gag, you must be famished – and remember: No talking!” Hayley sighed.

The “dinner” was a quiet affair. But Hayley had decided obedience was the sensible course of action – for now. The stew had been surprisingly good and her handlers even treated her with some red wine “We will return later to make your sleeping arrangements”

The blonde had accepted the gag, a heavily padded panel gag – she was very familiar with that kind of gag. It felt like a déjà vu: A large foam ball filled her mouth and pressed her tongue down. The gag was locked behind her head, so removing it was no option. Small favours though: besides being gagged she had been not restrained any further.

Number One pointed to some books lying on the table “Something to pass the time, Cinderella” Her blue eyes drilled into his dark ones “Call me once more Cinderella and I kill you!” They seemed to say.

“Such a spirit” her handler chuckled “See you later” he paused “Cinderella!” By now Hayley was really tempted to strangle her captor, but she restrained herself. After they had left she shuffled to the table on her stockinged feet “Thank god, I chose the thick woollen socks today!” she looked at her sock clad feed, Hayley loved those brown socks. They kept her feet warm, even under these conditions.

She took a closer look at the books on the table: a curious mixture: among them Shakespeare´s sonnet’s, short stories by Hemingway – and in a translation Dostoevsky’s “Crime and Punishment” – she knew this book always accompanied Anna on her travels she opened the book and began to read the first paragraphs:

“On an exceptionally hot evening early in July a young man came out of the garret in which he lodged in S. Place and walked slowly, as though in hesitation, towards K. bridge.

He had successfully avoided meeting his landlady on the staircase. His garret was under the roof of a high, five-storied house and was more like a cupboard than a room. The landlady who provided him with garret, dinners, and attendance, lived on the floor below, and every time he went out he was obliged to pass her kitchen, the door of which invariably stood open. And each time he passed, the young man had a sick, frightened feeling, which made him scowl and feel ashamed. He was hopelessly in debt to his landlady, and was afraid of meeting her […]”

In the second Cabin:

On the large screen her two handlers watched Hayley as she seemed more and more engrossed into the book “This one is really tough” Number two grinned “And look at her breasts! I bet Cinderella is a real fire cracker in the sack”

His companion shook his head “Don´t even think about it the clients’ orders are clear: No sampling with the merchandise. And he does not take that lightly – do I have to remind you of Miller?” Number two backed down “Alright, alright – I was just thinking” “Stop thinking – with your dick!”

Hayley was blissfully unaware of that conversation …..”
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Post by GreyLord »

Haley is playing her odds very carefully. Little do her captors know what a massive tiger they have by the tail. Not only Haley, but now the entire team is at work.
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Post by Nainur »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago Haley is playing her odds very carefully. Little to her captors know what a massive tiger they have by the tail. No only Haley, but now the entire team is at work.
yeah, and I hope that will be a very, very gratifying read again.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Hayley in trouble again! Not exactly a shocker.

However, I think it our friend Charles and his thugs who will be in even more trouble.
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Post by slackywacky »

An excellent addition to the story. You are very busy lately. And I agree, 'Cinderella' looks cute when she is angry.

Just wondering about the title (it might be the fact English is not your first language), but I think it is 'The stakes are rising', you are not cooking are you? :lol:
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by Caesar73 »

slackywacky wrote: 1 year ago An excellent addition to the story. You are very busy lately. And I agree, 'Cinderella' looks cute when she is angry.

Just wondering about the title (it might be the fact English is not your first language), but I think it is 'The stakes are rising', you are not cooking are you? :lol:
That nasty little typo :) Actually I do love cooking :)
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] l [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention]
[mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention]


Chapter 63

Cinderella in trouble

The Three Horseshoes: Later:

Kirsty was restless. What was Hayley going through right now? The hot bath had calmed her a bit – but she was far from relaxed and sleep did not want to come … would the plan she had agreed with Chris upon work? But Kate´s idea had been a good one. Sykes had definitely not enough imagination to think, they would come up with something like that.

The worst part was to act normally while she had dinner. From her place she had a good view – and she wondered who might be one of Charlie´s people. That she was under surveillance was clear to her. The crime boss hat intimated that much – and the hell she would give him the satisfaction to appear worried or frightened.

So she had ordered the “Dry hopped beer battered fish with chips and minted mushy pea” and a pint of the local ale. A very good one she did not even had to fake her good appetite. The fish was excellent and the chips definitely on the crispy side.

Unknown Location around the same time:

Hayley totally had forgotten the world around her, so she was startled as the steel door opened and her handlers entered again Number two seemed to carry something that looked like silken PJ´s. and some other items “Bedtime Cinderella” Number one mocked her “Do what you have to do and put those comfy PJ´s on” Hayley glared at him but complied. After she had been untied she began slowly and deliberately to disrobe – the whole time keeping eye contact with her captors.

She had often enough disrobed in front of strangers in the last two years. So she did not mind. As humiliating as it was. She did her business in front of her handlers, brushed her teeth. At least she had been provided with two pairs of thick woollen socks. The blonde presented her wrists to her handlers:

Hayley had been gagged with the heavy panel gag again. By far not as comfy as those Crawford had used, her hands had been shackled in front of her, her ankles also cuffed together. Her ankle cuffs had been cuffed to the bed frame.

She had to smile under her gag:

Her handlers were quite surprised as she had told them that she knew what a diaper was and how to use it – “You can say I have a vast experience in putting on a diaper” she had said “And no I won´t tell you the story – somehow I am not in the mood after being kidnapped”

With practised motions she had unfolded the diaper and laid it on the bed. Then she had positioned her shapely butt over it – sat down and closed the taps. The PJ´s were indeed silken ones - in a bright blue.

Almost gentle Number one had covered her with the thick covers, with a mischievous grin – Hayley was sure, even if she could not see his face he had grabbed her left foot and tickled her under the arches. He did this for two or three minutes. Hayley´s giggles were heavily muffled. Finally he had stopped.

In the doorway he had turned “Good night Cinderella!” He switched of the light and closed the door. She was alone with her thoughts: The 100 K Dollar Question: Why had she been kidnapped? She still had no answer which made any sense. Her Kidnappers were professionals, they knew their job. After her dealings with Crawford the blonde considered herself an expert.

Hayley lay in the dark and stared at the ceiling. She was way too wired up to sleep. The covers were thick enough so she did not freeze at least. What would tomorrow bring? She sighed: Sleep did not come easily. The diaper was by far not as comfortable as those Crawford had used. But in the end she fell asleep. Exhausted and tired “Tomorrow is another day” was her last thought before sleep engulfed her.

The next day: TheThree Horseshoes, early morning

Oliva Dunhope was more than a tad curious: She hadn´t seen the gorgeous Mrs. King yesterday and Mrs. Garrett had had diner alone and went to bed early. This morning the auburn haired woman had been out for a morning jog and after her return asked politely if their room was available for four more nights “You know, Hayley absolutely loves the beaches and wants to do some more sightseeing, you know those Americans” she had smiled-
15 Minutes ago Garrett had left, dressed for outdoor activities “I will drive a bit overland and go hiking!” As she drove east she noticed the nondescript blue car following her “Whoever you are, I hope you are fit”

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Post by GreyLord »

It is almost frightening to think about what may happen to the adversaries. But, they are bad people, aren't they? We will learn.
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Post by Nainur »

GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago It is almost frightening to think about what may happen to the adversaries. But, they are bad people, aren't they? We will learn.
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] l [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention]
[mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention]

Nainur wrote: 1 year ago
GreyLord wrote: 1 year ago It is almost frightening to think about what may happen to the adversaries. But, they are bad people, aren't they? We will learn.
Here follows the next chapter!

Chapter 63

Cinderella in trouble

The Three Horseshoes: Later:

Kirsty was restless. What was Hayley going through right now? The hot bath had calmed her a bit – but she was far from relaxed and sleep did not want to come … would the plan she had agreed with Chris upon work? But Kate´s idea had been a good one. Sykes had definitely not enough imagination to think, they would come up with something like that.

The worst part was to act normally while she had dinner. From her place she had a good view – and she wondered who might be one of Charlie´s people. That she was under surveillance was clear to her. The crime boss hat intimated that much – and the hell she would give him the satisfaction to appear worried or frightened.

So she had ordered the “Dry hopped beer battered fish with chips and minted mushy pea” and a pint of the local ale. A very good one she did not even had to fake her good appetite. The fish was excellent and the chips definitely on the crispy side.

Unknown Location around the same time:

Hayley totally had forgotten the world around her, so she was startled as the steel door opened and her handlers entered again Number two seemed to carry something that looked like silken PJ´s. and some other items “Bedtime Cinderella” Number one mocked her “Do what you have to do and put those comfy PJ´s on” Hayley glared at him but complied. After she had been untied she began slowly and deliberately to disrobe – the whole time keeping eye contact with her captors.

She had often enough disrobed in front of strangers in the last two years. So she did not mind. As humiliating as it was. She did her business in front of her handlers, brushed her teeth. At least she had been provided with two pairs of thick woollen socks. The blonde presented her wrists to her handlers:

Hayley had been gagged with the heavy panel gag again. By far not as comfy as those Crawford had used. The master criminal was a b*tch and an absolute control freak, but she had accepted only the highest standards when it came to restraining damsels. Over time the enhanced restraining system she had developed had been improved several times, as Hayley could attest to. The blonde´s mitted hands had been shackled in front of her, her ankles also cuffed together. Her ankle cuffs had been cuffed to the bed frame.

Notice to the reader: Elizabeth Crawford is a character featuring prominently in [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] fantastic Saga "Nothing Perssonal"

She had to smile under her gag:

Her handlers were quite surprised as she had told them that she knew what a diaper was and how to use it – “You can say I have a vast experience in putting on a diaper” she had said matter of factly “And no I won´t tell you the story – somehow I am not in the mood to swap stories after being kidnapped”

With practised motions she had unfolded the diaper and laid it on the bed. Then she had positioned her shapely butt over it – sat down and closed the taps. The PJ´s were indeed silken ones - in a bright blue.

Almost gentle Number one had covered her with the thick covers, with a mischievous grin – Hayley was sure, even if she could not see his face he had grabbed her left foot and tickled her under the arches. He did this for two or three minutes. Hayley´s giggles were heavily muffled. Finally he had stopped.

In the doorway he had turned “Good night Cinderella!” He switched of the light and closed the door. She was alone with her thoughts: The 100 K Dollar Question: Why had she been kidnapped? She still had no answer which made any sense. Her Kidnappers were professionals, they knew their job. After her dealings with Crawford the blonde was an expert in that regard.

Hayley lay in the dark and stared at the ceiling. She was way too wired up to sleep. The covers were thick enough so she did not freeze at least. What would tomorrow bring? She sighed:

Sleep did not come easily. The diaper too was by far not as comfortable as those Crawford had used. But in the end she fell asleep. Exhausted and tired “Tomorrow is another day” was her last thought before sleep engulfed her.

The next day: TheThree Horseshoes, early morning

Oliva Dunhope was more than a tad curious: She hadn´t seen the gorgeous Mrs. King yesterday and Mrs. Garrett had had diner alone and went to bed early. This morning the auburn haired woman had been out for a morning jog and after her return asked politely if their room was available for four more nights “You know, Hayley absolutely loves the beaches and wants to do some more sightseeing, you know those Americans” she had smiled-
15 Minutes ago Garrett had left, dressed for outdoor activities “I will drive a bit overland and go hiking!” As she drove east she noticed the nondescript blue car following her “Whoever you are, I hope you are fit”

Unknown location around the same time:

Hayley was awake for half an hour or so. To her surprise she had slept rather well “Must be my long routine sleeping in comfy restraining bags” Hopefully Number one and Number two appeared soon: Her jaw hurt, she needed the loo and a diaper change. The shackles and manacles were comfortable at least.

She heard turning the keys in the lock and “the room service” entered “Good morning Cinderella – I hope you slept well?” the blonde just rolled her eyes. Number one chuckled “My colleague will remove the restraints then you have 30 minutes to freshen up and make yourself “presentable” – then its breakfast”

“Those guys take no chances” Hayley had to admit: Number one had blocked the door in case she tried to run for it while Number two moved in a way that he never blocked his partners line of fire –and the blonde had absolutely no desire to be on the receiving end of the Taser gun Number one held in his right hand.

After his companion had removed the restraints the duo left her to her own devices. With a sigh she got up and waddled to the loo. To her surprise her captors had provided her with two fresh pairs of thick socks and – she could not hide a smile – a fresh pair of black bra and panties, nothing extravagant but functional.

Hayley had just finished dressing and cuffed her wrists and ankles when her handlers returned: Number two carrying a plate which he put down on the table. As usual Number one had positioned himself in the doorway.

The blonde´s eyes brightened up as she smelled the freshly brewed coffee, scrambled eggs – bacon and buttered toast “I hope the room service is to your liking?” Hayley could hear him smile under the balaclava “Yes thank you, I could almost think of this as a vacation” a small smile curled her lips – “and thank you for the fresh underwear” she added sincerely.

“You are welcome” he added in the same tone “We will be back in thirty minutes” The rest of the morning passed slowly. After breakfast her handlers had gagged her with the heavy panel gag again. It wasn´t strictly necessary, but obviously her jailers wanted to make a point: “We are in control. You are not” – Crawford had done the same.

To pass time she took another book from the shelf, Umberto Eco´s novel “The name of the rose” – she knew the movie with Sean Connery as the Franciscan Monk William of Baskerville who was tasked with investigating a cruel murders at a Benedictine monastery in northern Italy.

To her surprise she found herself soon reeled in by the book: The murder weapon was fascinating: a book, whose pages had been coated with poison: The more the reader read, the more he poisoned himself. And she decided to finish this book, when this was over.

Another unknown location, around the same time:

Charles or “Charlie” Sykes listened to the man at the other side “So she is really hiking on the Norfolk Coast Path?” he chuckled “Kirsty Garrett following orders – that is something worth to remember, she really must love that blonde” He ended the call.

After lunch he would pay his guest a visit – he looked forward to it. And he had given very specific instructions. He would have some fun! To play with something that meant that much to Kirsty Garrett upped the ante significantly.

And to play with the daughter of the Commissioner of New York added some more spice to that. The internet research about Hayley King had been quite interesting – he looked at the pictures his contractors had sent him. Oh yes, he would really love to sample the merchandise.

On the Norfolk Coast Path not far from Holkham:

Kirsty Garrett was indeed hiking – and she had to admit that a part of her enjoyed the grandiose wild nature. The part that did not worry about Hayley or cursed “Charlie” – what calmed her somewhat: if anyone was equipped to deal with a kidnapping it was Hayley, thanks to her dealings with Crawford, what worried her more was the involvement of Charlie Sykes:

He had been instrumental in leading her down the path of a criminal youth –and he had exploited her hunger for love and attention to his advantage. Charlie had easily pushed the right buttons. And the young Kirsty Garrett had been easy to impress, driven by the desire to escape the suffocating atmosphere at home – her abusive father and the constant fighting of her parents.

Charlie was a creep who had the markings of a sadist – as she knew first hand. But that Kirsty had long ceased to exist – a lesson Charlie would learn the hard way. And if he laid so much of a finger on Hayley she would rip him apart – literally.

Kirsty checked the coordinates and turned south west: In the distance she could make out Holkham Park. Her “shadow” followed her – as he should. Kirsty had purchased a ticket for Holkham Hall and Garden and planned an extensive visit – and there she would “lose” her shadow. A grim smile curled her lips: The next phase of the plan.

Unknown location: Hayley

Hayley put the cutlery aside. To eat the pudding with her cuffed hands, had been a challenge but the pudding had been delicious “Only the best for you Cinderella” Number one had teased her “Norfolk Plough Pudding!” She had just finished when her handlers returned – and something was in the air. The blonde sensed a subtle change in behaviour “You should use the loo Cindy it might be a while till you will be able to use it again” Number one told her calmly.

Only then she registered the smaller, stockier Number two had brought a large black holdalls with him. She eyed it wearily “Nothing to worry about, you will just be a bit more restrained for a time” Obviously Number one had sensed her growing uneasiness “You might use the loo now!”

Hayley sighed but complied. Doing her personal hygiene in front of strangers did not scare her anymore “Come here” Number one pointed to the wooden chair she had been tied to yesterday. As she wanted to sit her handler stopped her “Just stand there” he pointed next to the chair. The American complied – but her eyes were blazing with fire “Just let us get it over with” her voice dripping with sarcasm.

“We are just following orders” her captor replied calmly “The perfect excuse for all tyrants from Caesar to Hitler” Hayley shot back, her temper getting the better of her. Enough was enough. She had enough of being kidnapped, chloroformed, tied up and gagged!

Number one just looked her calmly in the eyes “Are we done?” and waited till she got a grip: Hayley´s anger evaporated just as sudden as it had flared up “We are done” she sighed “I will comply” but she avoided studiously eye contact and looked just through him, as Number two began his work: “Arms front” He put two bondage mittens on her hands rendering them useless “You don´t know a Elizabeth Crawford by any chance?” Her handler did not answer the Question “Put your arms behind her back!” Hayley concentrated on the manner Number two did his work.

He worked quickly and efficient she had to give him that: She counted eight passes around her wrists before he cinched the ropes. All snug and very tight, same went for the rope bands above and below the elbows. Her already ample breast was enhanced that way. The figure eight rope harness enhanced her bossom even more. But he kept his fingers to himself.

As he wound a rope girdle around her waist Hayley knew what was coming next but she had to inhale sharply, as he pulled the knotted crotch rope tight. It was not just only tight – it was way more than that “Are you enjoying this?” she pressed through clenched teeth “Actually no” the stocky built man returned in a neutral tone “I am just …” “doing my job, I got the memo” Hayley hissed.

Calmly he waited till her breath had returned to normal before he continued tying her legs: Eight rope bands, each consisting of four strands of rope. Firmly but gentle Number two helped her to sit down; it costed Hayley considerable effort not to kick him in the face, as he knelt before her socked feet “Thankfully I am wearing two pair of socks” the blonde mused darkly.

Number one was fascinated how their hostage handled herself. Except the short outburst she had displayed calmness and composure. That she mentioned Elizabeth Crawford made him wonder where she knew the name from. In his circles the criminal mastermind was legend.

Hayley still did not look at him, but stared ahead. Stoically enduring; Hayley winced as her big toes were cinched together. She winced a second time as her ankles and toes were tied to her wrist bonds. Her breathing accelerated. This could get old very fast: the blonde already felt a cramp in her left sole. Her discomfort was showing – even if she did her best to hide it behind a stoic façade.

Though he prided himself a professional Number one felt sympathy with their charge. Their client paid them a hefty sum and what the client wanted he got – but this time it felt different.

“Let us get over with – gag me and leave me” Hayley spoke calmly but a slight quiver in her voice told him that she was not as calm as she wanted them to see. Resignedly her gaze rested on nerf balls of several sizes on the table and a pair of panties. One she knew: The ones she had worn yesterday.

Number two approached her with several of the nerf balls in his hand. Hayley opened her mouth. First he packed two of the smaller ones in each cheek. Hayley already felt like a chipmunk before he packed a large one in between. With some effort the blonde controlled her gag reflex. Patiently Number two waited before he stuffed the panties in her mouth

“Bite down on the packing!” her handler ordered her calmly. With all the strength she could muster Hayley bite down on the squishy mass of foam and used underwear in her mouth – to her own surprise she almost managed it to close her lips. Soon a wall of translucent tape covered her face from chin to nose.

“I will now put these in your ears!” Number two told her and showed her two earbuds “I am mute, deaf and soon probably blind” Hayley assessed her situation with almost clinical detachment as the heavily padded black sleep mask made her blind. Number one watched as the blonde tried to adjust to her predicament.

She did not struggle, but tested her bonds systematically from her toes upwards. They left the blonde in her own, small dark world. An intricate web from her shoulders to her ankles held her on the chair.

Hayley found almost total sensory deprivation quite unnerving, and she did her best to avoid panic – she remembered the journey with Crawford´s train after she had been kidnapped in Paris. The blonde forced herself to breath deep in calm, the ropes which constricted her body like a snake did not make that any easier.

TheThree Horseshoes in the afternoon:

Olivia Dunham looked up as Kirsty Garrett greeted her politely “How was your hike?” “Fantastic” the brunette beamed at her “The beaches, the trail – and Holkham Park and Hall? I almost forgot how beautiful they are! I will have dinner at eight!” “I will inform the kitchen” Olivia smiled. As Kirsty had entered their room a smile curled her lips “That went well”

Unknown location around the same time:

While Hayley tried to come to terms with her confinement a blue BMW X7 SUV held before the Cabin. If Kirsty had been present she would have recognized him as “Charlie” She would have seen a tall, slightly balding man, whose features bore signs of enjoying the good things of life too much. Had she directly stood before him she would have recognized the cruel streak around his mouth and the dead stone cold grey reptile eyes.

Number one and Number two greeted him reverently “How is our guest?” “As you ordered Sir” Number one replied in a perfectly professional tone – which betrayed nothing of his dislike of the man “Mrs King is very secure and waiting for you” “Then what are we waiting for?” Sykes grinned – but it was the smile of a predator.

They entered the cabin after Number one had entered the security code and unlocked the door. Sykes took in the sight before him: Hayley King was indeed strikingly beautiful and the tight ropes enhanced her natural charms. He let his gaze linger on her full breasts. Her long blond hair, her beautiful features obscured by sleep mask and gag.

Even if she could not see and hear anything she seemed to look directly at him “Isn´t she a beauty? I wonder how Kirsty Garrett persuaded her to share her bed? She must have brainwashed her!” Sykes cackled maliciously “Let us inspect the goods” and strode to the trussed up Hayley.

Hayley had sensed that the door to the cabin had been opened and sensed an unfamiliar presence. She could distinguish the different footfalls of her two kidnappers by now, by the vibrations they made on the wooden floor alone. This one was new and she involuntary tensed. Someone stood directly before her, grabbed her chin firmly and made her to look up. She got a whiff of a woody and musky after shave.

Sykes looked at the blindfolded eyes. He too had sensed the bound woman´s body tensed and had recoiled if she could have moved a muscle. He stroke her above the crown of her head, her blond hair “How beautiful you are” he whispered “we could have lots of fun”

Hayley shook her head in indignation as he cupped both her breasts, squeezed them, massaged them – but not in a gentle way, but cruel and hard. He played with her left nipple and pinched it. A low moan escaped Hayley´s heavily gagged mouth. Sykes pinched her right nipple then both simultaneously, gave her breasts another good squeeze.

Hayley tried to move, shook her head and mewled into her stifling gag. To Sykes´ ears this was music and he groped Hayley´s breasts even harder “She likes that, they all do!” he laughed “If you say so” Number one replied in a perfect neutral tone “Get me the Hitachi Wand!” Sykes sounded exhilarated as Number two gave him the powerful wand.

Hayley gasped into her gag as Sykes pressed the Hitachi Wand against her crotch. She cursed as her body reacted to the powerful vibrations. Her breathing quickened and she strained against the web of ropes that held her to the chair. The vibrations stopped.

Then her left breast was molested again and the wand again pressed against her crotch. The vibrations stopped. By now her body had taken over control. Her tormentor pinched her nose shut – and pressed the vibrator against her crotch. Once, twice – a third time; Hayley could not tell how long the torment lasted.

The waves of orgasm washed finally above her. She gasped for air, strained with all her might against her bonds, threw her head back. The chair creaked under the strain. Finally it was over. Gasping, flustered she hang limply into her bonds, only held by them. So preoccupied she was, she did not notice, that Sykes inserted something into her panties under her crotch rope.

“See, she is a slut like anybody else” Sykes smiled coldly and squeezed Hayley´s right breast tightly “You” he turned to Number two “this bitch is far too comfortable. Tie her in the tightest hogtie possible on the floor – and that to her soles” Sykes gave the man two objects “Of course Sir” the stocky build kidnapper nodded and began to untie Hayley from the Chair, the blonde offered no resistance, she just groaned softly in her gag.

“Number one!” Sykes sneered “Yes Sir?” Leave her there till 0600 PM, then you can release her – and I want her better restrained during the night!” “It will be done Sir! Why don´t we over talk about the details outside?” The two left the cabin while Number two hogtied Hayley, then left too.

It took a while till Hayley was compos mentis enough to register her new predicament fully: Her socked heels touch her mitted Hands – and her toe tie was tied back to her elbows. Number two had braided her hair and anchored it to her ankle bonds. The blonde groaned softly into her gag, slightly rocking forwards and backwards then she registered the vibrator Sykes had placed under her crotch rope.

The persistent stimulation was irritating but by far not strong enough to push her over the edge. “Stay strong Hayley, stay strong! When you met this guy again you will kick him into the balls!” Then the vibrating eggs taped to her soles began to buzz … She tried to dislodge them – but Number two had her soles taped together.

Through her scope a woman watched as Sykes entered is car and drove away. She could have taken him out – but the risk to endanger Hayley simply was too great “Just you wait” she swore to herself “the day of payment is only putt off” Dusk was already setting in. She would watch and wait – and as soon as it was dark, in the midst of night, she would strike. They would not know what hit them.
Last edited by Caesar73 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Okay, Hayley's perils deepen as her captors increase her bondage. Can our blond heroine take the strain? I think that we know the answer to that.

What is the plan Kirsty has hatched? It is in place and I wouldn't want to be the bad guys when it is put into action.

Who is behind the scope? I think that we all that music I hear playing
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Post by GreyLord »

A hogtie is to limit mobility, not provide comfort. Hayley's hogtie is designed to be extremely uncomfortable. The forces for good are mobilized and will strike at the right moment. Hayley is tough and will endure. Not that she has any choice. It is not like they want something from her that she is withholding. Number 1 and number 2 seem as if they might turn from the dark side of the force to the light if circumstances permitted.

You have created the situation masterfully, [mention]Caesar73[/mention].
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] l [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention]
[mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention]

mrjones2009 wrote: 1 year ago Okay, Hayley's perils deepen as her captors increase her bondage. Can our blond heroine take the strain? I think that we know the answer to that.

What is the plan Kirsty has hatched? It is in place and I wouldn't want to be the bad guys when it is put into action.

Who is behind the scope? I think that we all that music I hear playing
All valid questions my friend - they will be answered in Chapter 64. Alas since I will be on travel till Friday - the complete Chapter will be online not before that date. To help you pass the time, the Preview is a bit longer :)

Chapter 64

“Payback is a bitch”


“An unexpected Guest”

Around 1745 PM Hayley´s two handlers entered the cabin. Number one looked down onto the cruelly hogtied blonde and made a decision “Number two! Let her out!” “But the client said ….” his colleague objected “I said let her out. She has suffered enough”

Hayley felt that someone attacked her hogtie ropes. Like dead wood her legs flopped down. The right earbud was removed “Listen Cinderella, we will untie you now, but we will remove the gag only after we have untied you. It is better that way, you might want to scream” after the enforced silence Number one´s voice sounded immensely loud in her ears, but soothed her nevertheless – the last hours had taken their toll.

Meekly the blonde nodded. Cutting the bonds took time; finally untethered Hayley laid face down on the floor and screamed into her gag as her knotted muscles uncramped. As the pain slowly subsided she felt a soft touch at her left foot under her fleshy balls, near the big toe. Someone began to knead certain pressure points of her sole and she felt an instant relief. Hayley just laid there and let it happen. She groaned softly and enjoyed the warm feeling flowing through her muscles.

The magic hands gently massaged her calves, her thighs and finally her back. She felt that someone turned her on her back and helped her sitting up. Her arms hang limply at her side. The same hands removed the sleep mask. Hayley blinked at the sudden light – it took a while till she could see clearly. Before her Number one squatted and scrutinized her - with concern?

She coughed after the last nerf ball fell out of her mouth, as Number two held a water bottle against her lips she drank greedily. Finally she felt secure enough and looked Number one directly in the eye, her voice was slightly hoarse and almost a whisper – but her eyes were clear and hard “Did you enjoy it, did you have fun? I pegged you a gentleman –obviously I was mistaken”

Her kidnapper looked down on her, his dark eyes behind the balaclava betrayed no emotion “That wasn´t me Hayley, that was our client” That he called her by her name and not her nickname made her almost believe him “We will leave you alone now, so that you can freshen up and recover. You might find something useful on the bed. Dinner is in two hours. Come Number two!” They did not restrain her.

Hayley looked after them. She still sat on the floor, hands in her lap. The blonde did not know how long. With an effort she stood. Slightly staggering the blonde walked to the bed – and a thin smile crossed her lips: On it laid another set of underwear and another two pairs of socks. On the table stood a steaming hot bowl of soup, it smelled delicious, pea soup.

“Difficult decision” Hayley thought “First grab a bite or refresh?” Her hunger got the upper hand: after her ordeal she was famished. With a sigh she sat. While she ate, she thought about the last hours. She had no doubts that the client was the man who had molested her. Hayley sighed contently after she had finished the rich stew.

She inspected the items on the bed. The blonde undressed and tapped on her socked feet to the sink. To her surprise the water was warm, even hot. As best as she could she cleaned herself up. Critically she mustered herself in the mirror.

The ropes had left deep and red indentations on her fair skin: The crotch rope had been so tight, that it had left a red girdle around her waist – she winced. Hayley felt rather tender down south. On her feet she had worn two pairs of thick socks. Nevertheless the thin cord around her big toes had left a bright red ring too.

She remembered only too well the marks on Chris´ body after they had freed her 48 hours ago “I surely do not look any better” Hayley thought – and had to admire the artist once more for the way she had handled herself. [....]
Last edited by Caesar73 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by GreyLord »

Once again, we see that Heyley is one tough cookie. I strongly feel that she will get retribution. She justly deserves it. Well done.
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Post by banshee »

Good to see some aftercare for "Cinderella" as her kidnappers so kindly called her. Its not usual that we get to see this in stories, which I don't mind, but its good to see it here, even if the kidnappers are the ones "caring" for their victim.

This chapter was good, its nice to have some shorter ones from time to time, especially when they advance the plot in a short yet important way, helps to keep them on topic.
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Post by Caesar73 »

banshee wrote: 1 year ago This chapter was good, its nice to have some shorter ones from time to time, especially when they advance the plot in a short yet important way, helps to keep them on topic.
Thank you! But this was only the preview. The complete chapter will be longer :) I apologize, but there will be a delay, because of some necessary changes: A fruitful exchange with another user on the board, inspired me to ad a little something to Chapter 64. As things are? Chapter 64 should be ready to go tomorrow.
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Caesar73 wrote: 1 year ago
banshee wrote: 1 year ago This chapter was good, its nice to have some shorter ones from time to time, especially when they advance the plot in a short yet important way, helps to keep them on topic.
Thank you! But this was only the preview. The complete chapter will be longer :) I apologize, but there will be a delay, because of some necessary changes: A fruitful exchange with another user on the board, inspired me to ad a little something to Chapter 64. As things are? Chapter 64 should be ready to go tomorrow.
Although I can't wait for the next update it is better that the author is happy with the finished chapter before posting.

Wish you all the best!
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Post by Caesar73 »

[mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]banshee[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Bigballgag1[/mention] [mention]Trammel[/mention] l [mention]wolfman[/mention] [mention]mrjones2009[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]TightsBound[/mention] [mention]Pantyhose971[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]NotSeen[/mention] [mention]Mineira1986[/mention] [mention]BlissfulMisery[/mention]
[mention]Bandit666[/mention] [mention]AlexUSA3[/mention] [mention]Fandango[/mention] [mention]LunaDog[/mention]

Sorry for the delay my friends :)

Chapter 64

“Payback is a bitch”


“An unexpected Guest”

Around 1745 PM Hayley´s two handlers entered the cabin. Number one looked down onto the cruelly hogtied blonde and made a decision “Number two! Let her out!” “But the client said ….” his colleague objected “I said let her out. She has suffered enough”

Hayley felt that someone attacked her hogtie ropes. Like dead wood her legs flopped down. The right earbud was removed “Listen Cinderella, we will untie you now, but we will remove the gag only after we have untied you. It is better that way, you might want to scream” after the enforced silence Number one´s voice sounded immensely loud in her ears, but soothed her nevertheless – the last hours had taken their toll.

Meekly the blonde nodded. Cutting the bonds took time; finally untethered Hayley laid face down on the floor and screamed into her gag as her knotted muscles uncramped. As the pain slowly subsided she felt a soft touch at her left foot under her fleshy balls, near the big toe. Someone began to knead certain pressure points of her sole and she felt an instant relief. Hayley just laid there and let it happen. She groaned softly and enjoyed the warm feeling flowing through her muscles.

The magic hands gently massaged her calves, her thighs and finally her back. She felt that someone turned her on her back and helped her sitting up. Her arms hang limply at her side. The same hands removed the sleep mask. Hayley blinked at the sudden light – it took a while till she could see clearly. Before her Number one squatted and scrutinized her - with concern?

She coughed after the last nerf ball fell out of her mouth, as Number two held a water bottle against her lips she drank greedily. Finally she felt secure enough and looked Number one directly in the eye, her voice was slightly hoarse and almost a whisper – but her eyes were clear and hard “Did you enjoy it, did you have fun? I pegged you a gentleman –obviously I was mistaken”

Her kidnapper looked down on her, his dark eyes behind the balaclava betrayed no emotion “That wasn´t me Hayley, that was our client” That he called her by her name and not her nickname made her almost believe him “We will leave you alone now, so that you can freshen up and recover. You might find something useful on the bed. Dinner is in two hours. Come Number two!” They did not restrain her.

Hayley looked after them. She still sat on the floor, hands in her lap. The blonde did not know how long. With an effort she stood. Slightly staggering the blonde walked to the bed – and a thin smile crossed her lips: On it laid another set of underwear and another two pairs of socks. On the table stood a steaming hot bowl of soup, it smelled delicious, pea soup.

“Difficult decision” Hayley thought “First grab a bite or refresh?” Her hunger got the upper hand: after her ordeal she was famished. With a sigh she sat. While she ate, she thought about the last hours. She had no doubts that the client was the man who had molested her. Hayley sighed contently after she had finished the rich stew.

She inspected the items on the bed. The blonde undressed and tapped on her socked feet to the sink. To her surprise the water was warm, even hot. As best as she could she cleaned herself up. Critically she mustered herself in the mirror.

The ropes had left deep and red indentations on her fair skin: The crotch rope had been so tight, that it had left a red girdle around her waist – she winced. Hayley felt rather tender down south. On her feet she had worn two pairs of thick socks. Nevertheless the thin cord around her big toes had left a bright red ring too.

She remembered only too well the marks on Chris´ body after they had freed her 48 hours ago “I surely do not look any better” Hayley thought – and had to admire the artist once more for the way she had handled herself.

As Number one returned two hours later he found Hayley sitting on the bed reading. She looked up from the book and scrutinized him “I believe you” she spoke finally softly. As usual Number two carried a plate in – and a bottle of red vine, with - interestingly enough - two glasses “Why don´t you have a seat and have a drink with me?” Hayley graced him with a warm smile “The rules state …” The blonde interrupted Number one “Forget the rules. You two have been shown me respect and I appreciate that. Your client though … let us leave it at that!” “The answer is still no” Number one returned unmoved, but Hayley was sure that he smiled under the balaclava “But the offer is appreciated”

“Fine” Hayley nodded “but you two can keep me company” and added with a coy smile “if your rules allow that of course” Number one and Number two exchanged a look. Hayley was amused “How strange … here I sit with my two kidnappers and make conversation” She took another sip of the red vine

“We will return in two hours-time – you should be ready for bed then” Number one set the timer before he left. Hayley looked after him and sighed and retrieved “The name of the rose” It had been a strange day. Here she was in cabin in the middle of nowhere. She had been brutally tied up molested and then had almost normal conversation with her kidnappers: Number one was well educated she deduced, Number two more the strong and silent type – but with a dry sense of humour.

Precisely after two hours Number one and Number two returned. This time Hayley had diapered up already and put on her PJ´s. She noticed the black holdall again “I assume your client ordered you to restrain me more for the night? Let us get over with!”

20 Minutes later she laid in the darkness: she had been gagged with the heavy panel gag again. Before he had tied her up Number one had asked her a peculiar question “Do you know Elizabeth Crawford?”

The blonde looked long at him “Actually I do and far more intimate than I like” she sighed “Crawford was obsessed with me, kidnapped me twice and held me captive for months” she fell silent “You don´t get the sordid details – if that is what you are looking for” Hayley looked him straight in the eye, defiantly “No I am not” Number one had replied calmly – and added after a pause “In our profession she is legend”

Hayley shrugged “If you ask me? She can rot in hell – she is a manipulative control freak with too high an opinion of herself” Calmer she added “Excuse me, that I don´t share your admiration for “Liz” – she hates that you know being called “Liz” and a small smile curled her lips.

To her surprise Number one nodded “I understand you” A simple statement but Hayley could tell it was genuine.

Hayley´s Hands and ankles had been shackled – but heavily padded leather straps secured her to the bed: one above her breasts, one below, one around her waist, one across her thighs, below the knees, around the calves and the ankles. She sighed. The bonds were – she had to admit – quite comfortable.

Hayley stared at the ceiling and the wheels in her head turned. True, her kidnappers had been quite the gentlemen – but the client … would Number one and Number two fulfil every wish of that creep? But since she was dead tired she dozed off soon.

One hour later: The woman had watched the Cabin for five hours straight. It was around 1100 PM now. The two men had left the larger Cabin one hour ago. Everything was silent, except the sounds of the sea and the night.

Inside the smaller cabin Number one and Number two watched at the monitor showing Hayley peacefully sleeping “You have taken a shine on her” the stocky kidnapper grinned “Well, who wouldn´t?” Number one admitted “Cinderella is quite the looker, she is courageous, intelligent – alas she is a lesbian” He turned serious “I wonder what our client has in store for her. The man is a creep” “A creep yes, but the client is king you always lecture me” Number two provoked him “So if he wants to sell her so a rich Arab? So be it!”

The two men exchanged a look “No” Number one shook his head “This is a red line for me I do not cross” They fell silent.

It was now or never: A black shadow left it´s hiding place, ducking from cover to cover, crossing the distance to the smaller cabin. Pressing against the wooden wall she stole a glance through the window: The two men, a tall, lean and muscular one and a stockier fellow seemed to look at a screen. A grim smile crossed the shadow´s lips ….as she removed something from her combat vest

Simultaneously two things happened at once: The window glass dissolved into myriads of splinters and blinding flashlight filled the cabin with garishly bright light –and a deafening bang a black clad figure vaulted through the smashed window, the two men were lying dazed on the floor.

As Number one came around he found himself lying on the floor of the cabin and staring into the muzzle of an assault rifle “Move one muscle and it will be your last” a cold voice addressed him.

The person wilding the gun was clad entirely in black. A black visor helmet and black body armour. Her bearing, the way she handled her weapon betrayed the trained professional. A pair of handcuffs was thrown down “Cuff yourself to the post over there” Number one was still stunned by the turn of events “Move!” Their attacker made a gesture with the assault rifle.

The short burst hit the floor only millimetres from his right hand “The next one hits you squarely between the eyes” This time he was sure: Their attacker was a woman. Grudgingly he complied. Number two laid in a hogtie on the floor, still out “Believe me” the woman addressed him, her tone cold and menacing “if you touched one hair on Hayley´s body I put a bullet through your groin and one in your knee cap – and leave you here to rot.

The woman stood before the second cabin and listened: Nothing. She punched in the security code, pulled the door open and entered. Before she switched on the light, she listened. Only the soft breathing of a human being could be heard. She switched the light on.

On the right side stood a bed, a groan could be heard as Hayley slowly opened her eyes, still clouded with sleep. Then they cleared and Kirsty was certain that the blonde smiled under the heavy panel gag obscuring the lower half of her face, as she recognized her saviour. A warm feeling shot through Kirsty´s body.

“Let us get you out of this!” She pulled the covers aside and found Hayley restrained from head to toe with an array of heavily padded straps. Gently she unbuckled the straps of the gag “I am so glad you have come” the blonde whispered “You are welcome!” Kirsty returned the smile “Did those two creeps touch you?” “Actually they did not, but their client did” and Hayley blushed “I will kill Charlie” Kirsty swore under her breath – “You know him?” “Intimately” Kirsty nodded as Hayley´s eye brows went up “Long story!” Kirsty sighed “Okay, you can kill him! Hayley´s eyes grew cold “but not before I kicked him in the balls!” Hayley´s tone made clear that she would not go for anything less.

“No objections love” despite the circumstances Kirsty had to smile” 20 Minutes later Hayley was dressed “I thought you could use this” Kirsty gave Hayley her gun “Gladly! How did you find me?” “Later! First we will pay Charlie a visit!”

Sykes Residence 30 minutes after midnight:

Charles “Charlie Sykes” was in high spirits. The afternoon in the cabin had been most entertaining. The distress, the resistance of the blonde had been exhilarating. And who knew? Maybe he would change the rules: Many rich men in the Middle East and Asia would pay a lot for a blonde like Hayley King –and that would destroy Kirsty Garrett.

He had not made the decision yet, but it might be useful to keep that threat in the backhand. So far Garrett had played ball. Grudgingly, but she had. His contacts had informed him that she had returned to Warham after her hike.

A cold whiff of air let him shudder “Damn it!” he cursed. Ramona had not closed the terrace door properly – again - that woman was a curse at times: A beautiful body but a pigeon´s brain.

He whirled around and froze: Sykes stared into the muzzle of a gun. Before him stood a tall figure entirely clad in black and a visor helmet. The attacker pulled the trigger and the projectile missed him by millimetres the gun wavered not the fraction of an inch “Hello Bastard!” another voice spoke behind him! He wheeled around. Hayley King stood on the threshold to his study: she too had her gun trained at him. Hayley King very much untied and ungagged and with blazing blue eyes.

How could that be? “Are you surprised?” He turned around again. The black figure had opened her visor: Kirsty Garrett. A grim smile curled her lips “You really thought you could pull this off? Tell me, why should I not shoot you on the spot? I would do the world a favour”

Sykes had recovered somewhat “How can you be here? You are at the pub!” Kirsty´s smile grew even broader and more sinister “You know what your problem is, ever was? You think, there is no one as clever as you. News flash old boy: Out there in the world there are many more guys cleverer than you. You know what the biggest irony is? It was never about you – Hayley just wanted to learn where I came from. If you had not attacked Hayley we wouldn´t have met again”

As she spoke Syke’s face had turned a shad of puce “Your precious Hayley is a slut like anyone I ever came across. You should have heard her moaning and groaning today. She enjoyed it” He leered at the blonde “Didn´t you like it? Tell your lover!” Hayley closed the distance in two quick steps till the suppressor of her gun pressed firmly on Syke´s forehead, her blazing blue eyes just inches away, her nostrils flaring. Then she kneed him in the groin, with all the force she could muster. Sykes crashed to the floor like a jack-knife.

The pain was incredible. In agony Syke´s writhed on the floor curled together like an embryo, moaning and groaning “No asshole” Hayley told him flatly “I did not enjoy your attentions” and kicked him in the balls a second time with vengeance; she pulled the trigger. The bullet hit the floor just centimetres from his crown jewels.

Hayley smiled at Kirsty “That felt good. What do we do with him? “Let me think ….” Kirsty smiled “I have just the idea!”

The Three Horse Shoes, later:

Thirty minutes later they left the Estate. Kirsty looked with great affection at Hayley who was fast asleep. Ten minutes later she parked her car on the parking space next to the pub. Gently she touched Hayley at the shoulder who opened her eyes “We are home Honey!” Kirsty entered the security code and they entered their room “Took you long enough!” a woman greeted them cheerily.

Confused Hayley looked from Kirsty to – another Kirsty. The Kirsty who had welcomed them smiled at the other Kirsty “Do you tell her or me?” Kirsty smiled “You, it was your idea after all” “Right” the other Kirsty began to pull at her skin, a latex mask came off – and before them stood the smiling Kate Beckett, who shook her long tresses free “That feels good!” she sighed. Slowly realization dawned on Hayley´s face “Don´t expect too much from her” Kirsty chuckled and shared a grin with the American “she is a blonde after all”

Hayley pouted for a moment then she laughed wholeheartedly “You really got me! You must tell me all of it, after I had a shower and something to eat! I am famished!”

“That can be amended” The detective grinned and pointed to a large well isolated box “The room service is excellent!”

“We concluded that Kirsty would be under surveillance and so I came with the idea to play Kirsty´s role. We met at the parking space where Kirsty was supposed to start her hike, changed cars and provided her with the equipment she might need – and I played Kirsty” Kate finished her narrative “And here we are” the detective added “Anna and Sarah would have been provided back up if necessary – but Kirsty was sure she could get you free alone”

Kirsty and Hayley sat on bed while Kate had commandeered an armchair. The Girls had changed in comfortable lounge wear “Chris was not amused at first – you know her - but she relented in the end. So I drove a car to the location where Kirsty started her hike, put the gear she would use in the back – and drove back here – and played Kirsty” She smiled “That was all” Kate took a sip of the rich red wine and sighed contently.

Hayley looked first at Kate and then at Kirsty and raised her glass “You saved me! To you!”
“To you!” her friends chorused back “Bye the way” Kate smiled I booked “Walsingham” for three nights!” “So you will stay with us Kate?” Hayley smiled warmly “Yes, if you want me” the detective added “Evie and Amanda will need a few days more for the translation – and I always wanted to visit Norfolk” she grinned mischievously “And it could not hurt if Kirsty has some backup if you get kidnapped again Hayley!”

The blonde pouted “I hate being kidnapped!”

Later in the night:

Hayley could not sleep. She stared into the darkness. Her jaws ached. What would tomorrow bring? Would Kirsty come to safe her? The blonde considered herself tough, but the way that client, Number one had spoken of, had molested her had given her the creeps. She had felt so helpless.

In Cabin Number one Hayley´s two handlers enjoyed well cooled beer and watched “Pulp fiction” – as something happened: The door of the cabin disintegrated with a deafening bang, a blinding flash of light! As Number one came around again he stared into the muzzle of a gun.

He craned his neck and looked in the cold grey eyes of a tall brown haired woman. The new comer wore a dark cat suit and high heeled boots “How dare you to lay your dirty fingers on Hayley King! Nobody touches her except me!” The Woman had not raised her voice. Her tone had been cold and hard.

“Who are you?” Number one seemed to be perfectly calm, despite the dangerous situation “I am Elizabeth Crawford” the woman said “I am here to reclaim my property” Two other women, dressed in black too entered, a blonde and another brown haired woman “Everything is secure” the blonde informed her boss “Good Constance” Crawford acknowledged “Secure those two and join me later in the second cabin” A small smile curled the criminal master minds lips “Hayley will be happy to see you!”

Hayley listened: After she had finally drifted off into an uneasy sleep, the powerful detonation had jolted her wide awake. This had to be the rescue party! Kirsty had come! A warm sensation filled her body. Someone opened the cabin door. The blonde could make out only a dark silhouette in the darkness. The lights were switched on and Hayley had to blink before she could see clearly. She recognized the figure in the doorway – it was not Kirsty.

Hayley´s eyes went wide in shock as she recognized the intruder …. “Did you miss me Hayley?” Elizabeth Crawford smiled, obviously relishing the moment very much, enjoying the look of confusion and shock on the blonde´s face. The criminal strode nearer and stroke with her right hand gently across the American´s left cheek. Hayley turned her face away. The look of shock in her eyes had vanished and replaced by hate and revulsion.

Crawford chuckled “Always so tough – I ever loved that about you!” The Crime Lady turned around “Why don´t you prepare Hayley for her trip Kendall and Constance? You should give her something to relax though! The poor thing is awfully stressed!” Crawford smiled down at Hayley again “I am soo looking forward to do some serious catching up! We have much to talk about! Bye, bye!” the dark haired criminal turned on her heels and left.

The beaming face of Kendall appeared into Hayley´s limited field of vision, a cruel smile curling her lips “You don´t believe how much I enjoy this!” and produced a cloth heavily doused with Chloroform “Do struggle please blondie!” Kendall mocked Hayley – and pressed the chloroform saturated cloth with brutal force on her face. The blonde struggled with all her might …”

Somebody shook her “Hayley you had a bad dream!” Kirsty looked down concerned at her. Only slowly the blonde realized where she was: She was in her room at the Three Horseshoe´s: Kirsty had rescued her, they had returned to the pub – and had dinner. Then they had gone to bed ….

“Can you please hold me?” she whispered “Of course darling” Kirsty smiled warmly. It took not long till Hayley drifted off to sleep again, soon her breathing was deep and regular again “I am home and I am safe” was one of her last thoughts, before sweet oblivion engulfed her.

It had been all a dream.
Last edited by Caesar73 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Centennial Club
Centennial Club
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Post by mrjones2009 »

Another fantastic addition to this tale excellent series.

Glad to see Hayley being rescued by Kirsty (again). I though that she was quite reserved with her treatment of the kidnappers. When they learn not to touch Hayley King!

Nice touch with a brief cameo from 'Liz' Crawford.
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