Capture Club (F/M, FM/F, FM/F, M/F, F/M, M/F, MM/FF, F/F...etc.)

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Post by boundfunrp »

Nice series you got going here!
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Post by Rtj65 »

Nice part, looking forward to seeing how the ambush plays out from here! I wonder if we'll find out where Dale got his intel from at some point as well
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by Canuck100 »

That’s part 1 of 4 for this episode? Oh wow, lots of fun in store for us readers! This is so much fun to read
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 6: "You're So Pragmatic" (MM/FF) [Part 2 of 4]

Me: Alright, Dale. Who do you want to tie?

Dale: I get to tie somebody? What a divine treat.

Me: Of course. I’m not going to have all the fun myself. I’ve never seen you tie anybody before. I want to see you in action.

Dale: Well, I would like YOU to tie up Elisa. I hear that you’re great and she’s probably the best escape artist in the club. No offense, Erica, but I think I can restrain you.

Erica: I’d say “none taken”, but I AM a little offended.

Me: You hear that I’m great? I’d never say that about myself. It must mean that boss lady thinks that I’m pretty talented. I appreciate the positive review, Elisa.

Elisa: Hold up, Kid Galahad. I’m not the only one who saw you tie me up. Maybe your little fucking birdie was chirping in Dale’s ear.

I thought that Dale’s “little birdie” was probably Jackie given my conversations with her. But it was clear that Elisa thought it was Abbie. It easily could have been. Dale really had a way with women. I don’t know if Elisa knew that I’d tied up Jackie already. Either Abbie or Jackie could have theoretically been responsible for the glowing reviews.

Me: OK. OK. Let’s settle down. I’ll tie Elisa and Dale can tie Erica. I’ll even give you a simpler tie this time Elisa so that you hold some chance of escaping.

Elisa: I’m not scared of you, kid. I don’t back down from anybody.

Dale: Screw that, Trent. Tie her tight. We can’t risk her getting out. If they escape we’re unprotected from having them turn the tables on us immediately.

Elisa: Relax, coward. I’m going to have my revenge. But it won’t be tonight. That’s been ruined. If we escape, we’ll come back for you at a later date.

Dale: Fine. Tie her however you want.

Me: I’d like to see how good she is at escaping. I’d also like to see how good you are at tying. Let’s have some fun. What’s your specialty?

Elisa: He doesn’t have one.

Dale: I don’t know. I like to hogtie people.

Elisa: Pshhhh. That’s your specialty? I was right then. He doesn’t have one.

Me: Never mind the critics, Dale. You won’t be able to hear her criticisms for long anyway. Let’s hogtie them both, have a little fun, and then see how long it takes them to escape.

Dale: Sounds great.

We started unpacking the backpacks. The girls had come to our room prepared. There were dozens of coils of rope in varying sizes. There were two rolls of duct tape. There was a sizeable collection of handkerchiefs, scarves, bandanas, rags, and socks. And two of the ball gags were also in Elisa’s bag. Not Betty. The other two. We laid out all of the supplies on Elisa’s bed.

Me: Alright. Let’s get started. Elisa, hands behind your back please.

Elisa obeyed and I began to tie her hands behind her back in much the same manner that I had the first time I’d tied her. I was going to give her a puncher’s chance at escaping this time but I certainly wasn’t going to make it easy. She began to shift a little. Perhaps preparing herself for the fact that escape wouldn’t be easy. Dale finished tying Erica’s hands at about the same time that I finished tying Elisa’s. I picked up another rope to begin on Elisa’s elbows when Dale asked me to check his work.

Dale: Trent, how is this?

He spun Erica slightly so that I could see her bound hands. They were good. They were secure. They were significantly more restrained than I was expecting given Elisa’s derision of my roommate’s abilities but I did see some flaws.

Me: Not bad. Your skills are better than I was expecting given that somebody told me you were a bum.

Dale: Who would say that?

Me: Who do you think?

Elisa: You are a bum, Dale.

Dale: Alright…but she’s the only one who escapes my ties in under an hour.

Elisa: What can I say? I’m surrounded by bums.

Me: Haters gonna hate. It’s good. It looks tight but not untenable. You’ve gotten the slack out of it. It’s even with no real weak spots. Your knot is decently out of the way though I think that her fingers could still probably get to it. But it’ll certainly be a strain for her and picking it at that angle will take some time. You also didn’t bury the knot. We’re going to have TWO captives. If Elisa can get to her, Elisa won’t have much trouble with picking that knot. Look at Elisa’s. See how the crossrope covers the initial knot so it’s not exposed. Somebody has to pick a secondary knot before they can even start on that knot.

I showed him Elisa’s hands.

Elisa: Excuse me. I know that the timers don’t start until your done…but I don’t think it’s very polite to make this part take a full hour. I might be your captive but I didn’t sign up to be an exhibit in a ropework tutorial.

Me: I’m just trying to teach. You’re the one who derides everybody for not being as skilled as you and me.

Elisa: Not being as skilled as ME. I’m not so convinced that you didn’t just get lucky last time. And I do think he should get better. But learn on your own time.

Me: Fair enough. If you’re not going to be a cooperative teaching aid, maybe I’ll invite Jackie over and he can practice on her. It’s nice to have one member of the group at least who’s accommodating.

Elisa: See. Now that sounds like a GREAT idea.

Elisa shot me a sly little smile and a wink with her left eye that was facing away from Dale. Clearly Elisa was invested in helping her best friend land her dream man. And practice sessions would help them along their way.

Dale and I proceeded to tie the girls upper bodies in a somewhat identical fashion. Without bragging or being egotistical I can honestly say that Dale’s ropework wasn’t as crisp or stringent as mine was, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as I’d been led to believe. Elisa’s standards were clearly very high and maybe she was allowed to have high standards. But I thought Dale was doing just fine. He had said that Erica didn’t normally escape in less than an hour. And I was fine with an hour at this point. It would be fun to watch the girls try to escape. I didn’t want it to be easy, but I did want them to eventually escape. It’s less fun watching people who KNOW they can’t escape. The struggles are less energetic once they’ve accepted their fate. And what fun is that?

When we were done with their upper bodies we dropped the girls to their knees and started tying their legs. First we removed their shoes and socks and set them gently to the side by their bunked beds. My tying went significantly quicker than Dale’s. Prior to a couple weeks earlier I’d probably been getting rusty. However, it was all coming back to me now and I felt as though it was second nature. I also wasn’t doing anything new or innovative. Elisa’s chest harness was pretty standard this time. There were no extra ropes stabilizing her. If she rocked herself hard enough she’d be able to roll and scoot herself. That’s what I wanted. I took a final rope and completed her hogtie. She was now a tightly bound bundle. The hogtie had been more stringent than I think I was intending. The heels of her feet were brushing the butt of her tight black jeans. Dale seemed to notice this too.

Dale: Trent, I think that’s a little too tight.

Me: Is that true, Elisa? I did pull the rope further than I had intended. Do you need me to give you some slack?

Elisa: I’m fine. I can handle whatever you’ve got.

Dale: She’s never going to admit to needing help. She considers it weakness. I’m telling you it’s probably too tight.

Me: That’s dumb. Ask for what you want. We’re all friends here.

I found the rope to her hogtie and began to untie it.

Dale: She’s not going to give you any quarter when she ties you up. That’s just the way she is.

Me: Sad. That’s not the way I am. I want my captive’s discomfort to be more embarrassment based than pain based. She’s naturally going to be sore, but that’s not my intention.

Elisa: I’m not trying to hurt anybody either. But if you can’t handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Me: Or just ask the chef to turn the stove down a bit. Either way.

I tied her hogtie off a little looser than before. There were now approximately six inches between her heels and her butt. I looked over at Dale who was now working on finishing up Erica’s hogtie. He was pulling the rope from Erica’s ankles to her wrists and was looking to tie it off. Elisa’s feelings be damned. I’d offer a helpful pointer.

Me: Dale, don’t tie it off there.

Dale: What? Why?

He looked at the one I had just tied.

Dale: Oh. You bypassed her wrists and went straight into her other bindings.

Me: Yeah. It’ll give her less access to knots and she won’t be able to use tension to compromise other bindings. Do you have enough rope to tie it off higher up.

Dale: I think so.

He pulled the rope up into her chest harness and knotted it off like mine.

Erica: Thanks a lot, Trent.

Elisa: Relax, Erica. Dale was going to find out about his Achilles heel sooner or later.

Me: Don’t worry, Erica, I told you I’d help you with your Achilles heel also.

Erica: I don’t have an Achilles heel.

Me: OK. Keep telling yourself that.

Dale: Gag time?

Me: I think so. What do you want?

Dale: Well, Elisa normally keeps the ball gags in her possession. So I’ve never gotten to use one before. I’ve always wanted to.

I picked up the ball gags and held them out in front of Dale.

Me: Which one?

Erica: Dale, old buddy, old pal, have I ever told you how much I admire your compassion and understanding.

Dale: I see. You’ve been pretty mouthy recently. It’s my understanding that the blue one helps keep that to a minimum better than the red one.

Erica: What would Talia Anderson tell you to do? I think she’d tell you to treat ladies nicely.

Dale: Invoking my mother? Shameful. I’m guessing you’d prefer the red one.

Erica: I’d like to be able to chew food tomorrow. So…yes.

Dale: Pass me the red one.

I tossed him the smaller of the two ball gags.

Erica: Thank you, darling.

Dale: No problem. I hate the blue one also.

Elisa: I’ll keep that in mind.

Dale: I pretty sure that wasn’t information that you didn’t already know.

Me: And since we’re taking requests, what type of gag would you like Elisa?

Elisa: That’s not a question that I’m ever going to ask you, so you might as well do your worst.

Me: And what would that be?

Elisa: I’m not answering that either.

Me: Dale?

Dale: I don’t know what she hates the most. But I know what she thinks others hate the most. Stuff her mouth with some cloth and then wrap the duct tape all the way around her head.

Me: Yeah. I saw her do that to Abbie. It seemed mean. Doesn’t that hurt to get out of your hair?

Dale: It does. That’s not Elisa’s concern. And Abbie especially hates that. But that’s why she does it. Never let Elisa know what you don’t like. I always tell her that I hate NOT being gagged at all.

Elisa: And see…I’m happy to oblige your needs, Dale. You’ll always get a gag from me.

Me: OK. Well, we’ll go with that then. A taste of your own medicine.

Dale had now pulled the red ball gag firmly into Erica’s mouth. He pulled the strap through the buckle and secured it one notch more than what was probably comfortable. Erica gave a muffled groan as he tightened it.

Erica: Mmmmmppphhhhh!!!

The ball was firmly recessed into her mouth and I could see the strap pressing into the skin on the sides of her face.

Dale: There we go. I’ll start the timer.

Dale picked up Erica’s phone while I grabbed a rag that I thought would be filling, but not too filling for Elisa’s mouth.

Me: Open up.

Elisa glared at me but didn’t fight me. Apparently you just did have to let yourself be gagged in this game. I pushed the rag back behind her teeth and prodded it with my fingers into the recesses of her mouth making sure to keep all of the wisps and tendrils to the front of her mouth as a safety precaution. The rag didn’t quite fill her mouth but it definitely was big enough to keep her quiet and stop her tongue from moving around. Elisa might be into making her captive’s miserable, but I didn’t see that I needed to be. That would do. I grabbed the roll of tape and peeled off the edge of the tape. I then ripped the tape from the roll in front of her face with a satisfying RRIIIPPPPPPP. She tried to be nonchalant about it, but I saw her eyes flare a little bit. I then firmly pressed the tape onto her face directly over her lips and began to tightly and meticulously wind it around her head. I didn’t let off tape first. I just let the force of my winding let the tape off the spool in a nice, even, tight rotation. I did about six or seven rotations. Each one sealing the cloth more securely into her mouth before I ripped off the end and smoothed the tape down at the back of her head. It felt absolutely MAGICAL.

When I tied girls up in high school it was always WAY more causal. I’d apply a couple strips of tape over their mouth or I’d tie a bandana between their teeth. Sometimes, with girlfriends, they’d let me stuff cloth in their mouths. But I’d never wanted my gags to be uncomfortable or untenable. This was something new. Elisa was thoroughly silenced. When I’d ball gagged her over a week prior it had felt different, but not groundbreaking. This felt amazing. I’d subjected her to a tight mouth-filling gag and asserted my dominance. And I didn’t have to care. It felt amazing to be able to do it without guilt. I FULLY realized the flip side of this was that she would be allowed to do this to me. But that was tomorrow Trent’s problem. That guy might be screwed. But right now I felt amazing. I had tingles running through me as she angrily glared at me. I gave her cheek a condescending little pat pat. I picked up Elisa’s phone and set her timer. I’d gone significantly easier on the hogtie this time, so I’d be surprised if I’d get the full three hours. But however long it lasted…it was going to be fun.

Dale: What now, partner?

Me: I figured we’d see how long it takes for them to escape.

Dale: You don’t want to have a little fun with them first?

Me: What did you have in mind?

Dale: I was hoping that YOU had something in mind.

Me: I’m going to be honest, Dale. I’m the newest one here. I know the rules. But I don’t know exactly what I’m allowed to do. What are our options?

Dale: For beginners. Not too much. Obviously we want to feel comfortable that other players aren’t going to take unacceptable liberties with us while we’re restrained. So you can’t do too much until you cut deals with other players.

Me: Deals?

Dale: Yeah. The rules we’ve laid down are the basic set. You’re allowed to come to spoken understandings with other players. Elisa is constantly trying to get me to agree to various rule breaches.

Me: And do you?

Dale: Of course not.

Elisa: Mmmmmpppphhhhhrrrrrrmmmmmppppppphhhhh.

Dale: She doesn’t want to break any of the “sexy” [air quotes were used] rules. She’ll make an offer like…if I can set your timer for six hours, you can set my timer for six hours. She knows that I’ll be tied up for six hours and she’ll still escape in under 90 minutes.

Me: I see.

Dale: She does make other offers, but it’s all fun and games until she purchases a cattle prod. So…no…I don’t cut deals with Elisa yet. I’ve got some leeway with Abbie and Jackie, but our current company is a little bit rougher.

Erica: Mmmmpppphhhhrrrrmmmmmmm.

Dale: It might be cliché, but I think that we do some good old fashioned tickling though.

Me: Sure. Do you want to make a little game out of it?

Dale: Intriguing. How so?

Dale looked at me with interest but not nearly as much interest as the two girls that were hogtied next to us. Elisa seemed like she was trying to look disinterested, but I noticed her perking up. Erica was watching me with unabashed interest.

Me: Simple. Why tickle them both equally? What does that teach them? How does that motivate them? Let’s pit them against each other. Loser gets tickled. Winner gets a breather.

Dale: I love it. That’s a great idea. There’s only one problem with it.

Me: What’s that?

Dale: Elisa is not exactly a cooperative captive. She likes to take a bratty little “F You” attitude towards her captors.

Me: We can work with that.

Dale: If you have a suggestion to break her of this tendency, I’m all ears. But she isn’t going to squirm around and play your games.

Me: Simple enough. We don’t give her the option.

Dale: That sounds ominous.

Me: Not really. We make the game something that she plays whether she wants to or not.

Dale: What did you have in mind?

Me: Simple. A staring contest. We make them face each other. Eye to eye. You take one. I take the other. We watch the eyes of the one across from us and we call out when they blink. Loser gets tickled for….let’s say two and a half minutes. We do a best three out of five. Overall loser then gets tickled for ten minutes straight by both of us.

Dale: Interesting. Elisa still might throw it just to spite us.

Me: Fine. Let her. The game still goes on either way. And maybe there will be additional punishments if I don’t think that’s she’s trying her hardest.

Elisa: Hhhmmmpppphhhhrrrrrrmmmmmm??

Me: Oh. You’ll see.

I grinned menacingly as both girls gave me a slightly forlorn look.

Post by h56jh1 »

enjoyable, looking forward to the rest of this chapter
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Post by tickletied84 »

Great update, really pushing Elisa as far as they can - lets see how they both do!
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 6: "You're So Pragmatic" (MM/FF) [Part 3 of 4]

We grabbed each of the girls and rotated them so that they were directly facing each other with maybe one foot between their noses. They were now looking directly at each other. Erica with her tight red ball gag had already begun to drool uncontrollably. Elisa may have been a little more modest in that respect, but at least we could somewhat make out what Erica would try and say. Elisa was a mumbling pile of gibberish with duct tape wound tightly around her head.

Me: Ready?

Dale: Are you asking me or them?

Me: It’s an open-ended question.

Dale: I actually have a suggestion. Have you ever tickled Erica before?

Me: I have not.

Dale: Then, as your friend, I’m going to recommend that we switch for the tickling portion. You deserve to tickle somebody THIS ticklish at least once in your life.

Erica: Mmmmppppphhhhh hhhhhhmmmpppppphhhhhh mmmmmppppphhhhhhh.

Me: She’s that ticklish?

Dale: Honestly, I’m surprised she’s still alive with how ticklish she is. All of the other girls are somewhat ticklish, Elisa maybe least of all. Erica’s whole body is ostensibly made out of nerve endings.

Me: Interesting. She was VERY interested in tickling me. You’d think people who live in glass houses wouldn’t throw stones.

Erica: Mmmmpppphhhhrrrrrmmmmpppphhhhhh mmmmmpppppphhhhhhh!!!!!

Erica probably also still thought that I was more ticklish than I was because I’d let her believe so when I was formulating my escape last time she captured me.

Me: Alright. Let’s switch.

I went around and positioned myself behind Erica’s feet. Dale went over and positioned himself behind Elisa. He gave her feet a playful tickle with his fingers before we had even started and she gave him a sharp, muffled grunt of protest.

Elisa: Mmmmpppphhhhhh!!

Me: Alright. Get all your blinks out now, ladies. We’re going in 10 seconds.

The girls prepared themselves. Elisa closed her eyes and breathed heavily through her nose. She was apparently trying to center herself. I couldn’t see what Erica’s face was doing as I was positioned behind her.

Me: 3…2…1…Go.

Elisa had opened her eyes as soon as I’d said “2”. She stared deeply into her bound roommate’s eyes. Dale had been worried that she’d be having none of this competition, but she was clearly intent on winning. I had always known Elisa to be EXTREMELY competitive. If she couldn’t stop herself from playing…she was going to stop herself from losing. The two girls gazed at each other intensely. I had my eyes glued to Elisa’s as she stared intently at Erica. I was honestly impressed with both of them. I was convinced that these rounds would be very short. But it seemed like both girls had easily gone 15 or 20 seconds. Elisa didn’t even look like she was close to blinking when I heard Dale.

Dale: Erica blinked.

Erica: Nnnmmmppphhhhh!!!!

I dug my fingers into Erica’s soles and really let her have it. I gave her no time to react or adjust to her defeat. I just hit her full force, head on, right away. And Dale had not been exaggerating in the slightest. She cackled into her gag and thrashed around like I was lighting her on fire.

Erica: Nnnnnmmmmppppphhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! Nnnnnnnnmmmmppppppphhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Nnnnnnnmmmmpppphhhhh!!!!!!!!!

Despite the fact that the smaller ball gag allowed for some comprehension from Erica before…I was getting none now. She was clearly trying to shout something at me. She was likely pleading with me. She could have been promising me the world. But it was all getting lost in her hysterical fits of laughter. Her toes wiggled wildly and she kept clapping her feet from side to side to try and get them to evade my probing fingers. However, I simply braced her soles against my shoulder to stabilize them and went to town. Dale was keeping a timer but I didn’t wait for him to tell me it was time. There was no way that Erica was going to make it two and a half minutes. Her susceptibility to tickling was simply too potent. I let up and she gasped greedily for air through the gag as I did.

Dale: You still have 21 seconds.

Me: She’s not going to make it 21 more seconds.

Dale: Fair enough. How long do we give her to catch her breath?

Me: Three minutes? You think?

Erica was still panting heavily but summoned up enough strength for an exhausted reply.

Erica: Hhhmmmppphhhh?? Mmmm…mmmm….mmmmmm….Phhhmmmppphhh.

Me: Five? You want five minutes?

Erica: Mmmmpppphhhh…..hhhmmmmpppphhhh.

She nodded as she gasped for air. Elisa had looked disinterested before, but I’m sure I would have seen a hint of a smile beneath the tape as she watched her roommate struggling to recover from the tickle barrage. After about five minutes Erica’s breathing had returned back to a somewhat normal rhythm.

Me: Alright. Round 2.

The girls again locked eyes with each other.

Me: 3…2…1. Go.

They were mean mugging each other and once again Elisa looked locked in. Her bright eyes really popped over the tight silver band that was stretched across her mouth. However, her eyes were not inviting or playful as I often found them to be. They were fiery. They were intimidating. And I couldn’t imagine having to look into them for as long as Erica was. But somehow she was managing. But I kept my gaze locked on Elisa and she never wavered. And then I heard Dale again.

Dale: Blinked.

This time I waited a tick.

Erica: Nnnmmmpppphhhhh!!!!! Mmmmppphhhh nnnnnmmmmpppphhhhh mmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!!!

She started pleading before I had even done anything. She started thrashing her bare feet back and forth to evade my wrath. But I wasn’t going for her feet this round. I waited for her to settle for just the shortest moment and then I dug into her ribs. The results were much the same as before. The girl went absolutely wild. She started bucking up and down. The floor was carpeted, but I was still left to wonder whether anybody on the floor below would think that we were putting on an amateur production of Stomp. She flailed about as my fingers relentlessly danced around her torso. I applied pressure dutifully and while Erica had some fine curves in places that made all the other girls jealous…her ribs and stomach were not protected with any extra padding. Part of me had to think that she was embellishing how ticklish she was. But I knew that there was no way one could fake it to this extent. I once again stopped early as Erica had melted into a puddle of a woman.

It had become increasingly clear that there was no way that Dale and I were going to be able to tickle Erica for a full ten minutes. And Elisa was not showing any interest in throwing the competition. But we’d cross that bridge when we came to it. Dale and I teased Elisa a little bit about her grand ambush falling through as we waited for Erica to recover for what we figured would be the third and probably final round. Eventually her chest stopped heaving and we were able to get her back into position.

Me: Erica. You need this one to stay alive. I might mean that literally. That remains to be seen.

Erica: Mmmmpppphhhhhrrrmmmmmmmmm. Mmmmmppphhhhhhh.

Erica groaned loudly into her gag. She was clearly not particularly enjoying herself. Regardless, Dale and I got back into position. As we yanked Erica straight so that she was face to face with Elisa she squirmed uncomfortably. She was most likely dreading what was going to be a third ignominious defeat. Followed by an equally ignominious punishment. She averted her gaze from Elisa’s eyes. Elisa was locked in. She was looking straight ahead at her thoroughly subjugated roommate while Erica’s eyes lifted up to our ceiling. We couldn’t MAKE them look at each other. But that wasn’t about to stop the game.

Dale: Alright. Round 3. 3…2…1. Go!

My eyes were locked on Elisa’s eyes. Elisa’s eyes were locked on Erica’s eyes. And Erica’s eyes appeared to be locked on our ceiling. That was A strategy I suppose. And maybe it was working because for a solid 20 seconds the game continued with both girls doing a commendable job. Then Elisa started barking with frustration into her gag.

Elisa: Mmmmppphhhh hhhhhhhmmmmmpppphhhhhh mmmmppppphhhhhrrrrmmmmmm mmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!!!!

Clearly she thought that she saw Erica blink and Dale hadn’t called it. Nevertheless, the game continued. For about another 12 seconds.

Elisa: Mmmmppphhhhh!!!!!!! Nnnnmmmmpppphhhhhh!!!!! Mmmmppphhhhhhmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elisa was now thrashing furiously. Though surprisingly not blinking at all. Clearly Erica had blinked again and Dale was just being a brat about it. I watched her fume indignantly as it settled over her that this round was clearly being rigged by her captor. Finally she could keep her lids aloft no longer and they retracted down ever so rapidly in the subtlest of blinks.

Me: Blinked.

Dale took no time at all. His fingers dug into Elisa soles before the word had finished coming out of my mouth. My roommate had just wanted to have a little fun and he’d apparently given me the better horse for this race…at least from a punisher’s perspective. Elisa went wild under the oppression of Dale’s wiggling fingers. She bucked back and forth and laughed heartily into her gag. However, there were angry protests and muted curses mixed in with the laughter. He was really giving it to her. But I’d like to temper any confusion. When I say that she went wild…it didn’t come close to comparing to Erica. Elisa was effected by the tickling but maintained some semblance of bodily function and autonomy. Erica ascended to another plane of existence when tickled. It was a sight to see. Eventually Elisa’s time of squirming and torment was up and Dale relented. Elisa panted and groaned and cursed Dale through the rag that I’d stored in her mouth for safe keeping.

Dale: Relax, dear. You won. Of course you won. Don’t you feel like a winner? Don’t you look like a winner? I just wanted to have a little fun. That’s all.

Elisa: Nnnnnnnmmmpppppphhhhhhhh mmmmmmpppppphhhhhhhhhh hhhhmmmmppppphhhhhhhh!!!!

Dale: Ticklings all done. Well…for you anyway.

Dale eyed Erica who’s eyes now shot as wide as I’d seen them.

Dale: Rest up Elisa. We’re going to give Erica her second place prize. And then we’ll leave you two alone and Trent can finally get to see those epic Elisa Thompson escape skills up close. Though it looks like he did a pretty good job. Your work will be cut out for you. It’s nice to see the rest of us have a proper check and balance on you now.

Elisa: Mmmmppphhhh hhhhmmmppphhhhh nnnmmmpphhhrrrrrmmmmmmm.

Dale: Whatever you say, E.

I had no clue what she had said. I was pretty sure that Dale didn’t either. We turned our attention to Erica now.

Me: Are we honestly going to keep tickling her? Should I go down the hall and grab the defibrillator?

Dale: Trent. Trent. Trent. The game had rules. The consequences were laid out. If we don’t adhere to them, then we lose credibility. She knew the stakes. If she didn’t want to get tickled, she shouldn’t have been so blinky.

Erica: Nnnnmmmmpppppphhhhhhh!!!! Hhmmmmppphhhhh mmmmppphhhhhrrrmmmppphhhhhhh!!!!

Erica was making a desperate plea to avoid her catastrophic fate.

Dale: I suppose. There’s no reason that we need to go the FULL ten minutes. We could cut it down to five minutes for such a weak, pathetic, vulnerable little waif such as yourself.

Erica: Mmmmpppphhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Nnnmmmppphhhhhrrrmmmppphhhhh!!!!!!!

She apparently didn’t take too kindly to Dale’s demeaning jabs, regardless that they came with an offer of leniency.

Dale: Fine. I guess the full ten minutes it is.

Her eyes shot wide. She pulled her lips around the red ball gag as best she could to form what appeared to be some semblance of a pout. She hit us with a text book example of puppy dog eyes and began to mewl softly into the gag.

Erica: Mmmppphhhhh mmmmmpppphhhh mmmmppppphhhhhhh.

She was going full submissive. And it was OBVIOUSLY going to work on us. I could barely pull my gaze away from Erica, but I managed to do so in order to sneak a peek at Elisa. She seemed more than a little disgusted that her roommate was laying herself so low before some stupid boys. But how could we NOT reward it.

Dale: OK. Just a couple minutes then.

Dale gave Erica a soft condescending pat on the head and she scowled as though momentarily disgusted with herself. But she still answered with a muffled moan that we both thought was probably a “Thank you”.

Erica: Mmmppphhhhh hhhmmpphhhhh.

Dale: Trent, do you want the legs, the thighs, the breasts, or the wings?

Erica: HHhmmmmpppphhhhhh!!!!!! Nnnnmmmppphhhhh mmmmppphhhhhhhhhh.

Dale: Relax. Not the actual breasts. We’re comparing you to poultry. I’m using a metaphor. There’s nothing demeaning or misogynistic about being compared to poultry, right?.

He gave her a maliciously cheeky little smile as she seethed quietly.

Me: I think you like the legs. I’ll go with the ribs….um…the breast I guess.

Erica: Hhhhmmmppphhhhhh!!!!

Me: Ribs. Ribs.

I was not yet as comfortable as Dale with getting on Erica’s bad side. I would be eventually. But it would take time. Dale grabbed Erica’s feet and her entire body coiled like a spring.

Me: Aren’t you going to set a timer?

Dale: No. You’re right. There’s no way she’s making it five full minutes. We’ll stop when her soul starts to leave her body. I’d give that three minutes. Tops. On your mark. Get set. Go.

We both plowed our digits into Erica’s squirming flesh. She grunted and flopped around like a fish out of water, desperately trying to escape the torrent of tickles that were pulsing into her from four furious hands. She rocked back and forth and made a desperate break to try and squirm out. Away. To Elisa. Towards some safety that didn’t exist in this room. We just held her tighter and dug in deeper. Eventually she started bleating into the ball gag in a way that I think we both knew meant it was time to call it quits.

Erica: Hhmmmmmpppppp!!!! Hmmmmmmmm!!!!! Hmmmmmmm!!!!! HHHmmmmmmmmm!!!!

We both let up at the same time and she collapsed down into herself. She took a couple heaving breaths of oxygen in before she started moaning sorely like a wounded coyote.

Dale: Yep. That’s the Erica I know and love.

We got no answer from Erica aside from another soft moan.

Me: Now what?

Dale: Now Elisa is going to treat you to some epic, special, branded Elisa Thompson escape magic. She’s the best in the game. She’s now up against some of the tougher knots she’s ever faced. We’re going to see if she’s as good as she thinks she is.

Elisa rolled her eyes.

Dale: Thank heavens you wore Jeans to this endeavor. I’d hate for there to be any rug burn.

He unceremoniously grabbed Elisa by her ankles and jostled her back and forth while dragging her closer to the door of our room. I let Erica catch her breath for another minute or two before rolling her back towards our en suite bathroom door.

Dale: OK, girls. You’re the entertainment for the rest of the evening. This can last five minutes. Or it can last…

Dale picked up the phone that was running the timer.

Dale: ...two hours and twenty one minutes. Your escape attempt starts now. Trent, you can put on a movie if you’d rather watch something else.

Me: No. I’m good.

There was really nothing that I’d rather be watching than two gorgeous girls wearing tight fitting black shirts and black jeans, squirming across my bedroom floor in tight hogties, trying to get loose. That was really the only evening programming that I was interested in.
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 6: "You're So Pragmatic" (MM/FF) [Part 4 of 4]

Erica still appeared to be a little winded but Elisa wasted no time in getting to work. Dale and I simply sat in our chairs and settled in to watch the show.

Elisa: Hhhhhrrrmmmmppppphhhh!!!!!

Elisa grunted loudly as she rocked all of her weight from her right shoulder to her left shoulder.

Elisa: Hhhhhmmmmmpppppppphhh!!!!!!!!

She did so again. She writhed back and forth on the ground trying to build momentum. Her guttural grunts continued to ring out as she attempted to tip herself.

Elisa: Mmmmppppphhhh!!!!! Hhhhmmmmpppphhhhhh!!!! Mmmmmppppphhhhrrrmmmmppppphhhh!!!

Finally after a lengthy period of rocking back and forth she finally hit the necessary amount of momentum and tipped herself onto her side. From here she just focused on leaning her weight back as much as she could and before long Elisa was on her back. She had inverted herself. Her shoulders were now pressed firmly into the carpet and her long slender forearms were underneath her torso bracing them. Her knees were pointed up towards the ceiling and she dug her bare toes into the carpet. Squirming on your belly is certainly an option if you’re in a hogtie. However, the way that I had secured the ropes to give her upper body less surface contact with the floor was going to make that a slog. And exceedingly time consuming. Flipping herself onto her back inverted things and gave her a little more mobility if she could manage it. She tested the position now by pressing the balls of her bare feet into the carpet and trying to hop in Erica’s direction.

Elisa: Mmmppphhhh!

She gave a little grunt as she did so. She didn’t move much. Maybe an inch or two. But it was progress. And these little hops didn’t appear to expend as much of her energy as I expected they might. She could do several of them in rapid succession. They looked more strenuous than they were apparently. She’d have to press her shoulders down into the ground, spring up by pushing off the balls of her bare feet, and thrust herself in the direction that she was trying to go. It seemed like more exertion than a sit up but Elisa was cranking them out pretty furiously. However, my suspicions were confirmed after she’d gotten about a foot and a half. She had to stop for a breather. Her face was flushed red, not from embarrassment but rather exhaustion, and she was huffing and puffing a little bit.

I looked over to Erica and tried to evaluate if she had any real plan to help her partner out. She should be trying to meet her half way. It looked as though Erica had only just recovered from tickling that she’d been given. She was rocking and tugging at her bonds and moaning softly into her gag, but she hadn’t moved at all from the position that we’d left her in.

Me: Dale, these girls have been telling me that you suck. But Erica doesn’t look like she is going anywhere. What’s with your rep?

Elisa: Nnnnmmmppppphhhhh hhhhmmmmpppphhhh mmmmmpppphhhhhhhhh.

Dale: Aww. These girls have been mouthing off about my skills without me in the room. That doesn’t sound very nice. I’ve been practicing. This game is kill or be killed. I learn from my mistakes and I’m getting better. I think I’m going to want an apology after this one if it takes them more than 90 minutes.

Elisa’s breather took all of about three minutes before she regained her stamina to proceed. She flexed her hands out towards her feet and resumed her little hops. It was almost like watching a standing damsel hop across the floor except that she was in a prone hogtied state on the ground. But I found it just as alluring. Damsels hopping around might be my absolute favorite little quirk to tie up games. And I can’t exactly put my finger on why that might be. It’s something in the way their muscles tense and bounce. It’s something in the way that their restraint has made the simple task of getting from Point A to Point B infinitesimally more difficult. There’s something about the general desperation of it. But I think what I like most is the effort that they’re exerting. Tying somebody up in a totally inescapable manner and having them completely helpless has it’s benefits. But total loss of hope can also rob me of the struggle that I crave. And right now Elisa was STRUGGLING. She was exerting effort. She was starting to sweat. I could see the sweat beading on her forehead as she bounced up and down. Each little hop sent her knees into the air and thrust her chest out a little bit. We’d placed the girls as far apart as possible without moving furniture, but this was a college dorm room. And it wasn’t The Penthouse. So there was really only about 8-10 feet between them. After about 30 minutes of struggling they’d almost entirely closed the gap. Elisa had made up 90% of the ground and Erica had maybe moved one foot. Eventually Elisa’s foot hit Erica’s calf and I could see visible excitement manifest on her tightly gagged face. Both girls began to squeal a little bit into their gags.

Erica: Mmmmpppphhhhhhh mmmmppphhhhh!!!!

Elisa: Hhhmmmppphhhhhh mmmmppppphhhhhh mmmmpppphhhhh!!!!

Elisa began to creep her toes up Erica’s thigh and commenced her little hops to try and climb up her roommate’s prone body. This resulted in her stomping her bare feet continuously onto Erica’s buttocks as she slid her shoulders and tried to gain leverage. Erica knew what Elisa was trying to do, but still protested and groaned indignantly at being treated as some sort of foot trampoline.

Erica: Mmmmppphhhh hhhhhmmmmpppphhhhh mmmmmpppppphhhhhhh!!!!!

Elisa: Nnnmmmmppphhhhhhrrrmmmpppphhhh hhhhmmmppppphhhhhh hhhhhrrrmmmppppphhhhh!!!!!

Elisa’s tight tape gag that had been wrapped all the way around her head made her entirely unintelligible. But contextually I could tell what she was saying. It was some variation of: “Quit your bellyaching. I did all the work to get over to you. Now relax and cooperate while I get us out of this mess.” Erica took the hint. She muted her protests while Elisa proceeded to stomp up Erica’s backside until her feet dangled over the other side of her helpless roommate. She shifted her shoulders into the carpet and pushed into Erica and slowly slid up onto Erica. Eventually her shoulders were no longer fully touching the ground and the majority of her weight was on her hapless roommate. Erica was being pushed into the ground by Elisa, who probably had twenty pounds on her. She was done protesting by now, though she did not look comfortable.

The girls now looked like two Lincoln Logs with Erica on the bottom and Elisa on top, perfectly perpendicular to each other. Elisa had shifted herself into position so that her hands and Erica’s hands were in proper proximity to each other. If they could effectively pick knots in their current orientation, they would be home free. I was now fully invested in their struggle. This was like watching that iguana escape those snakes on Planet Earth II…I mean absolutely gripping shit. I had to slide my chair up closer to see. And the difference in digital dexterity between the two girls was absolutely striking. Erica aimlessly wiggled her fingers upwards oftentimes poking them into the small of Elisa’s back. Whereas Elisa used her long, slender fingers to probe Erica’s knots and found exactly what she was looking for. Then with the precision of an expert pickpocket or somebody well versed in legerdemain, she got to work. Her nimble fingers picked at Dale’s knots and I could see slack growing in Erica’s wrists. Erica flexed her wrists as the first knot fell away and she squealed with delight.

Erica: Mmmmppphhhhhhhh hhhmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!

Within two minutes Elisa had picked the second knot and Erica’s wrists were loosened. The cinch still held them together, but she’d be able to slip them with the right amount of wiggling momentarily. Elisa shifted her body further up Erica and got to work on the her elbows. Again Elisa attacked Dale’s knots like a surgeon. Erica had made almost no progress on Dale’s tie but Elisa made quick work of it, freeing her roommate’s elbows and pulling the rope down her arms to help her gain greater range of motion in her arms immediately. With her elbows now free, Erica was partially able to pull her arms around to her sides and up towards her chest. She found the knots that Dale had knotted near the side of her ribcage and began to untie them. I like to try and tie knots near the small of the back that are harder to reach, but sometimes it is about rope management. Her upper body was now all but free. She started to slide herself out from underneath her roommate, but was careful to do so slowly so that Elisa didn’t take an abrupt six inch fall. Rather she just settled back onto the carpet gently. Erica was now able to sit up, and she used her free hands to disentangle herself from the remaining ropes on her upper body. She reached up and unbuckled the ball gag from behind her head. There were tendrils of stray saliva hanging from the ball which she haphazardly wiped away with the back of her hand as she removed it from her mouth.

Erica: Blech! Ugh!

She tossed the ball gag dismissively towards our bed and began to untie her legs.

Dale: Really? You’re going to finish untying yourself before helping your partner out?

Erica continued to pick at the knot on the binding around her thighs.

Erica: I’ll get to poor Miss Liss in a moment. Just give a girl a second.

Elisa stared at her exasperatedly and mumbled slightly into her gag.

Elisa: Mmmmppphhhhrrmmppphhh???

Me: Dang, Elisa. You do all the work and your partner won’t even make you a priority. Sucks to suck. I thought roomies watched each other’s backs.
In my periphery I saw Dale raise his hand and I instinctively gave him a no-look high five. I think it went pretty well.

Erica: Geez. Alright. I’m untying her now. I’ve just never seen her this thoroughly tied up before. It’s kinda fun. She’s usually out on her own in no time.

Elisa: Mmmmppphhhhhhhh mmmpppphhhhrrrmmmpppppphhhhhhh.

Erica: Yeah, E, I think you might murder me if I take that gag off because a decent percentage of your hair will come with it. I’m just going to untie your wrists and let you work that out yourself.

Elisa: Hhhmmmppphhhhh mmmppphhhhrrmmmmmmmmm.

Erica: And I was trying my best, Trent. Dale’s gotten a lot better. Maybe the reason that I wasn’t as effective as Elisa is because I was tied way tighter.

Elisa: Hhhhmmmppppphhhhhh?!?!?!?!? Nnnnnnmmmmppppphhhhh mmmmmpppphhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

Elisa was not amused at the assertion. I took a second to pretend to be mock insulted while Dale started laughing loudly.

Dale (laughing): Erica, I appreciate the vote of confidence. But in my wildest kinky fantasies I could not tie anybody as stringently as Trent just tied Elisa. She rocked it. You just rocked…back and forth…aimlessly. It wasn’t even close that she had the tougher escape. She gave you a master class today. I hope you were watching.

Erica: Ugh. Whatever.

Erica had her hands free and was still fumbling with my knots. She was having trouble getting them untied even with the full dexterity of her fingers. I could see Elisa getting frustrated with how long it was taking. She wanted to taunt me on behalf of her daring escape skills, but she still remained immobile and speechless until her roommate could get her out.

Dale: Apparently Trent hasn’t tied you up yet, Erica. You’d know that you got the more lenient tie today if you’d experienced one of his ties before.

Erica: Hey. I’ve been tied up by him the same number of times that you have, son. So don't give me that shit. Like I said earlier, I’m not afraid to tie up MY roommate.

Dale: Touche. Does it ever get awkward?

Erica: No! We have an understanding. It’s a game.

Dale: But you occupy the same space. There needs to be some room for trust. An armistice. How do you sleep at night? What if you’ve just changed into your jammies and she hits you with a rope? I’d be livid.

Erica: I mean we have a general armistice not to REALLY piss each other off.

Dale: Oh. OK. Elisa, can we have an armistice not to really piss each other off? That sounds nice.

Elisa smirked at him behind her gag and shook her head.

Elisa: Nnnmmmmppppppphhhhhhh mmmmmmmppppppphhhhhhh!!!

Erica had just finished releasing Elisa’s elbows and wrists. Elisa was now assisting her in squirming out of her substantially loosened chest harness.

Erica: God. What a bunch of worthless bros you all are! This game is going to just become boys vs. girls. And that was never the intent.

Dale: No. Elisa loves tormenting Abbie too much. That’ll never happen.

Elisa paused from slowly unwrapping the tape from around her mouth and shrugged and nodded that she agreed with Dale’s assessment.

Erica: Let’s be honest. I love screwing with Abbie too. It’s the best. Have you at least met Player #4 yet?

Me: If by Player #4, you mean Jaclyn Renee Garrett…then Yes. She came by last week.

Elisa: Mmmmpppphphhhhhhh hhhhhmmmmmppppphhhhhhrrmmmmpppphhhhhhhh.

Elisa was probably trying to correct me that Jackie's middle name was not Renee. I didn’t actually know Jackie’s middle name. But Dale and I had a game we played where we’d confidently state people’s incorrect middle names in order to get people to try and repeat them and embarrass themselves at some point in the future.

Erica: We didn’t see any texts of that encounter.

Me: It was her off day and my off day. It was off the books.

Erica: Oooohhhhhh. Off the books. Spicy!

Yikes. Erica was putting me in a position here. She was implying a romance angle between me and Jackie when I was trying to push one for Dale and Jackie. I needed to slip out of this without implying that I either found Jackie desirable or undesirable. I had to deflect in a way that made Jackie look good, but didn’t make Dale think I wanted her. And I needed to shift the conversation away from Erica’s teasing.

Me: Stop it. Don’t besmirch her good name like that. Jackie’s the best, but we’re just friends. There’s only one captive for me and that’s Player #2!!

Erica: Ugh. In your dreams, fly boy.

Me: After I’ve seen how ticklish you are today…how could I ever desire another?

Erica: Get in line.

Elisa had finally finished unwrapping her gag and spat out the cloth in her mouth onto the floor.

Elisa: It’s Olivia, you doofus!

Erica: What?

Elisa: Jackie’s middle name is Olivia.

Me: Hmmmm. The more you know. JOG. J-O-G. Now I can finally buy her monogrammed bath towels. Thanks, E.

Elisa began untying her legs.

Elisa: So…are you impressed?

Me: With your escape skills?

Elisa (sarcastically): No. With Dale’s coin collection. Yes! With my escape skills?

Me: Yes! I’m very impressed. You looked in your element. Like Gordon Ramsey making a risotto. A master of your craft.

Elisa: I couldn’t help notice that neither of you could take your eyes off me though. I at least like to pretend that I’m not staring a hole in my captive when they try and escape.

Me: To be fair. I can’t take my eyes off Ramsey’s risottos either. Delicious looking. Can I expect your revenge tomorrow?

Elisa: You wish. I’m going to make you sweat it out a little bit.

Me: Aww. Shucks. But I never trust you. I’ll be prepared for your revenge tomorrow.

Elisa: Good. I want you prepared every day. Live in fear.

Me: Fear or anticipation?

Elisa: Ooohhh. Is somebody starting to enjoy captivity? I can change that.

I had no doubt that she was correct on that matter.

Me: Just kidding. Fear it is.

Elisa: If you wanted to get tied up you could have just let us win today. You blew our chance at two guys being my captive at once. It’s kind of a bucket list item for me.

Dale: Well, then I hope you cross it off soon. With Trent and #3.

Elisa: I’m definitely coming for you, Dale. You were a little too mouthy for my liking today. As for Trent, I might take a little more time to see what makes him tick. See what will really get his goat. I know what Dale hates. But I'll be on the lookout for just how to perfectly make Trent miserable. And let’s not forget, I also have a traitor to deal with.

Me: Sounds like you’ve got a busy week ahead of you.

Elisa: That I do, newbie. That I do.
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Post by Rtj65 »

Really enjoyed that chapter, it was interesting to see how Elisa has earned her reputation as an escape artist. What I'm really enjoying about this is how you've added a lot of depth to what is a very simple game - all of the characters appear to have their own thoughts and agendas - which we're starting to see more and more of - rather than them just feeling like a placeholder who occasionally gets tied up. It will be very interesting to see how Trent continues to manage the Jackie and Dale situation for instance, and to see what Elisa's next plans are. Keep up the good work!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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A Grey Area (M/F) -
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Post by DommeKirsten »

For a moment I thought Erica wasn't gonna help Elisa out :)

Great chapter x
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Post by cleavegagged99 »

Another great entry! I love the team-ups. Hopefully, there will be one where all the girls gang up on Trent. And a scenario where all the girls are tied-up together.
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Post by Fandango »

boundfunrp wrote: 1 year ago Nice series you got going here!
Thanks, boundfunrp. I'm glad that you're enjoying it.
Canuck100 wrote: 1 year ago That’s part 1 of 4 for this episode? Oh wow, lots of fun in store for us readers! This is so much fun to read
Hey, Canuck100. Yes. I tend to number the parts of my chapters so that readers know how lengthy to expect any given encounter to be. I write the story and then split it up into approximately 3000 word parts. Some chapters might be 6 parts. Some will only be 1 part. It all depends.
Rtj65 wrote: 1 year ago Really enjoyed that chapter, it was interesting to see how Elisa has earned her reputation as an escape artist. What I'm really enjoying about this is how you've added a lot of depth to what is a very simple game - all of the characters appear to have their own thoughts and agendas - which we're starting to see more and more of - rather than them just feeling like a placeholder who occasionally gets tied up. It will be very interesting to see how Trent continues to manage the Jackie and Dale situation for instance, and to see what Elisa's next plans are. Keep up the good work!
I appreciate the feedback, Rtj65. A large part of this chapter was to show rather than just tell why Elisa is the group's "Apex Predator". The other players have all said that she's formidable. We've seen her tying skills on Trent in Chapter 1 and Abbie in Chapter 2. I wanted to show that she's just as good, if not better, than Trent at escaping also. The Jackie / Dale situation will definitely play a big part in the next four will Elisa's revenge on the leak.
DommeKirsten wrote: 1 year ago For a moment I thought Erica wasn't gonna help Elisa out :)

Great chapter x
You're very astute, DommeKirsten. This was a bit of foreshadowing. Erica is certainly conniving enough to leave a fellow captive stranded. However, she's probably not bold enough to do it to Elisa. But you've got a pretty good read on her for future chapters.
cleavegagged99 wrote: 1 year ago Another great entry! I love the team-ups. Hopefully, there will be one where all the girls gang up on Trent. And a scenario where all the girls are tied-up together.
Thanks for the kind words, cleavegagged99. I've got Sophomore Year mapped out and I can promise you that you will get one chapter with every girl in the club tied up together. And a different chapter with every boy in the club tied up together. There are definitely chapters where multiple girls team up on Trent, but none where all of them focus just on him. If all of the girls are scheming together...they're going after multiple boys. But who knows...I'm still looking at ideas for junior year.

Thank you to everybody who is reading and commenting. It's such a treat to check in and see that people are enjoying the story. Chapters 7 and 8 are both only 1 Part each. So since they're on the shorter side I should be able to post them both fairly quickly. Chapter 7 will be up Friday morning. Chapter 8 will post on Sunday or Monday.
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 7: "Some Brand New Nightmare Fuel" (F/F, M/F) [Part 1 of 1]

Jackie and I were developing a standing regular appointment where I would come and tie her up. She had three off days as opposed to the regular two that all other players had because of her hectic club volleyball schedule. So she could only be tied on Wednesdays, Fridays, and weekends. Wednesday was the preferred day for this appointment because it was my off day and her roommate Abbie’s off day. So I could come and tie her up in her room with Abbie there, and neither Abbie nor I had to worry about the other person pulling a sneak attack. Jackie could struggle to her heart’s content in the ropework, and Abbie and I could just talk to each other without having to worry about some sort of betrayal. I did like talking to Abbie, but she was always cautious around me on unprotected days. She knew that I still owed her some measure of revenge for betraying me when we captured Elisa a few weeks prior. However, one week after my second time tying up Jackie, a substantial club volleyball tournament coincided with Jackie having a large project due in one of her classes. She told Elisa that she really needed the whole week off starting on Monday. She needed to buckle down and couldn’t really deal with being tied up for three hours or worrying about being captured. There was extra volleyball practice and coursework to be done. However, that did leave Sunday for somebody to get in a nice tie up. And I decided that I’d head up to her room at an early, but reasonable, hour and that THIS early bird would get to tie the girl.

I grabbed my backpack and burst into the Penthouse at 10:00am only to see that I was already too late. Abbie was sitting on the floor next to a bound and gagged Jackie, mercilessly tickling her. Jackie had told me that she was more into being able to freely struggle and less into being actively tortured. But both girls seemed to be enjoying themselves. So it almost seemed intrusive when I pulled out a coil of rope and hurled it at Abbie, hitting her squarely in the back.

Abbie: God damn it.

She whirled around and saw me there with my bag of supplies in hand and her face dropped.

Abbie: Oh. It’s you. (sighing) I guess I knew that this day would come. You’ve finally decided to make me pay the piper for my bamboozle last month.

Me: I’d say that I waited long enough. Today seems like as good of a day as any. Did you think I was just never going to tie you up?

Abbie: I’d hoped you’d be more occupied with bigger fish. You’ve already tied up Jackie like three times. I was thinking that she could keep your mind off of little old me.

Me: Can we be honest with each other?

Abbie: I don’t see why not.

Me: I came here to tie up Jackie, but I see that she’s already been claimed for the day. So I figured I’d make my revenge on you my consolation prize.

Abbie: Ouch. So I wasn’t even worth being your primary reason for a visit.

Me: I know. I feel bad. I’ll make sure you feel extra special with the predicament that I put you in today. Also, I’m looking at Jackie...and I must say that that is some top flight ropework on your part. I wasn’t super impressed when you tied me up last month…but those knots look really tight. I don’t think she’ll be escaping that until I let her out.

Abbie: Double ouch! You’re insulting me without even meaning to. THAT wasn’t my capture. She was left as a gift for me. I got back from breakfast and she was like that when I got here. I just decided to have some fun with her.

I looked down at Jackie and she was pretty tightly tied. It was a version of a ball tie. She was still wearing a fairly ratty T-Shirt and flannel pajama bottoms, which I’m assuming she had slept in. She was barefoot and I was thinking that she might have been unceremoniously woken and tied up, due to the early hour and the fact that her hair was not in it’s trademark French braid but rather in a tight ponytail. Her wrists were bound tightly behind her back with the knots seemingly out of the reach of her prying fingers. Her elbows were also fairly strictly bound together. Her arms were secured to her sides using a standard chest harness. But the chest harness was attached in the front to the ropes tying her knees together, pulling her head down towards her knees and her knees up towards her chin. Her ankles were also tightly cinched together and looped back up into the chest harness compacting her body into a nice neat little ball. A ball that Abbie had presently arranged with her butt up in the air, face down into the carpet, and bare feet jutting out just under her butt so that Abbie’s fingers could have their way with her bare soles.

I walked around examining the handiwork. I was pretty sure that it was Elisa’s, but I couldn’t rule out that it could be the work of the mysterious third guy that I didn’t know. There were elements about some of the knots that didn’t seem to be in Elisa’s usual repertoire. But maybe she was trying new things. The whole look was completed with duct tape gag that was wound around her head but carefully underneath her new ponytail. Care was taken not to pinch any of her hair with it. There certainly seemed to be something stuffed in her mouth that that tape was holding in. The tape wrap job was classic Elisa, but the care for the captive’s hair was very NOT Elisa. But Jackie was an old friend of hers and maybe she warranted special treatment. However, the most jarring element of the tie was what appeared to be a crotch rope. I had been made aware at an early stage that such a thing was entirely illegal per the rules. However, there one was firmly tied at the waist of Jackie’s pajama pants and it threaded it’s way between her legs only to be firmly attached to her wrist bindings so that she could work it as she needed to.

Me: I don’t mean to be indelicate but…what is THAT doing there?

I pointed to the crotch rope and Jackie turned towards me. Over her gagged face I saw her blush a deep shade of crimson that I had not yet witnessed from her.

Jackie: Hmmppph!! Mmmmpphhh!!

Abbie: That is between her and the person that tied her up. That’s HER deal. Don’t you even dare fucking think about putting one of those on me or I will have you shit canned out of this club.

Me: Understood. I can assure you that I was not thinking about it. I just wanted to make sure that rules were being observed.

Abbie: Rules are allowed to be waived between consenting parties. I’m just making sure that you know that we have no such agreement.

Me: Got it. I’ll make sure that I keep my revenge today respectful. Do you need to use the facilities before we start?

Abbie: Thank you very much for asking, but my bladder is presently empty. I appreciate you for that.

Me: No problem. How much time does our friend Jackie have on her timer?

Abbie: She needs to be released in 27 minutes.

Me: She’s been like that for 2 and a half hours!!

Abbie: She doesn’t mind. We’ve got a little signal worked out if she really needs to be released. Don’t we, roomie?

Jackie: Phmmpphhh Mmmrrrphhmmm Phhhmmmrrrppph.

Jackie gave a little nonchalant shrug that implied that she was fine with this stringent tie, and that it really wasn’t anything to worry about.

Me: I’m impressed that this person got to business at 7:30am this morning. That’s invasive, but it shows some fucking dedication.

Abbie: Have you met Elisa? That’s kind of her thing.

So now I knew that this was indeed Elisa.

Me: OK. Well I think that I can get you tied up before I have to release Jackie. If she can hold on for 20 more minutes, I’ll release her right after her roommate is a securely bound prisoner. And then if she wants a little revenge for the tickle torture that you were just providing. She can have it. I know you like to “explore the ropework”, Jackie. I’ll get this tickle monster off your case so you can get back to that.

Jackie: Mmmppphhh Mrrmmphhh Phmmphnnnpphhrrr!

I had absolutely no clue what she was trying to say, but I imagined it was some sarcastic version of “My hero” or “Thanks, you’re the best”.

Me: Alright, little missy. Turn around and put your hands behind your back.

Abbie did as she was told and I took a rope and began to carefully cinch her wrists together. Making sure to leave no slack in the tie and making sure to keep the final knot well out of reach.

Abbie: I know that we’re past the stranger phase of our relationship. And that you’re technically paying me back for a seemingly ruthless betrayal. But I don’t suppose I have any negotiating power left with you, do I?

Me: Make a request. And I’ll see if I can acquiesce that request.

Abbie: Any chance I could convince you NOT to hogtie me? That’s Elisa’s favorite position to put me in. The one that you gave her looked even worse. I think it’s haunted my nightmares since I saw it weeks ago.

Me: No problem. I’ve got plenty of other tricks. We can give you some brand new nightmare fuel today.

Abbie: Am I going to regret that request? Please be gentle.

Me: It honestly won’t be that bad. I think I can do things fairly comfortably. I’m not going to tie your elbows together, but rather do some more comfortable lattice work on your arms with this rope that will limit your range of motion without pinching anything.

I began to weave the rope around and through her arms in a way that pulled them towards the center of her back, but without putting any real strain on her joints. I then pulled her desk chair to the center of the room and beckoned for her to take a seat.

Me: You want to be comfortable. Please know that I’m always willing to be accommodating. Even when I’m disciplining a treacherous liar and backstabber, such as yourself. Why don’t you have a seat in this cushy, ergonomic chair?

Abbie sat down and I got to work securing her upper body to the chair. I weaved ropes over and through the armrests and wound them in labyrinth that pinned her upper body securely to the chair. Abbie had already been to breakfast at the school cafeteria this morning, but she was by no means dressed as somebody who was ready to greet the day. She was dressed casually in a thin white t-shirt, black athletic shorts, and light lavender socks. I didn’t want to presume that she’d also slept in this outfit, but it wouldn’t have surprised me. I grabbed her legs and she helpfully pressed her socked feet together. However, I let her know that this was entirely unnecessary, and that I was going to be tying her feet separately. I pulled each leg back underneath the chair individually and wrapped them to the bars that ran along the underside of her chairs seat. Her legs weren’t nearly long enough to stick up outside the back. But her socked feet were entirely vulnerable to a potential tickler sitting on the floor behind the chair. There she wouldn’t be able to see them or what they were about to do because of the large chairback.

Me: There. How does that feel? Any problem areas I can alleviate for you?

Abbie: It’s all pretty tight and firm, but this is sustainably comfortable.

Me: Good. Because I think I did a pretty good job. And I think you’ve got a full three hours of captivity ahead of you.

Abbie: I don’t know. I think I can escape. This is certainly a challenge, but I think I might be up to it. Your lack of ruthlessness, while appreciated, might be your undoing.

Me: Well, you’ll have a chance to prove it because I’m going to give you ample opportunity to escape and make me a failure. I don’t think it will happen. But if it does, you’ll have successfully escaped your punishment.

Abbie: OK. How is this going to go? What was it you said to me our first time? Something like “How do you see the rest of this encounter playing out”?

Me: Great question. First, I’m going to gag you. Second, I’m going to untie your roommate because she’s only got a little more than ten minutes left on her timer. Third, Jackie and I are going to move up my planned post-capture lunch to a post-capture brunch. Because Elisa snaked in here earlier and beat me to tying her up. We’re going to share a meal in the cafeteria and give you at least an hour to make your escape. In time, we will return to one of either two fates. Either you’ll have escaped, my desire for revenge will have fallen flat, and I’ll walk away in disgrace. OR you’ll still be helplessly tied to that chair and I’m going to let Jackie tickle you to death in revenge for what you were doing to her when I walked in.

Abbie: You didn’t remove my socks though.

Me: You’re going to be at Jackie’s mercy. I figured I’d let her unwrap your feet before she gets those piggies wiggling. Now unless you have any other questions or quandaries, I think I’m going to shut you up.

Abbie: Any chance I can ask for a second favor?

Me: You’re really pushing it, but my ear is always open for proposals. Fire away!

Abbie: Could you let me off with a lenient gag?

Me: Define “lenient”.

Abbie: I feel like the gags that I normally get are a little harsh. Jackie’s looks like it’s not a lot of fun.

Me: Would you define the ball gag that you gave me last month as a “fun” gag?

Abbie: I would define that as a “dick move” on my part. I see that now. I saw it then…but I couldn’t resist.

Me: So how would you like me to gag you?

Abbie: I’d prefer that you don’t stuff anything inside of my mouth. I’d also prefer that you not use any duct tape. If you could make that happen that would be great. I tend to hate those two things.

Me: Wow! You’re really eschewing my entire modus operandi. But I suppose if the princess wants a comfortable gag for the challenge that she’s been presented…I should be a good sport and acquiesce her request.

I went over to my backpack and pulled out a marginally long, pliable sheet. I found the center point and tightly tied the sheet so that there was a large knot in the middle. I then took the ends and tied it again so that the knot was even larger. I walked over and stood behind Abbie and lowered the sheet so that the knot was directly in front of her mouth. She opened to accept it and I pressed it back into her mouth so that the knot wasn’t “stuffed” into her mouth per her request. But it thoroughly stopped up her mouth. I then pulled the ends behind her head and tied it with vigor, making sure to triple knot it so that it didn’t slip out.

Me: OK. Give me a test. I want you to say, “Trent, you are such a gracious captor. I do not deserve your generosity.”

Abbie: Mmrremphh, uurrrphh uuummmppp mpphhh mpphyyrrrphrrrmmppph mmmprrpphh. Mmpphh rrrrrmmpphhhh-

Me: OK. That’s enough. I have absolutely no fucking clue what you’re saying. Even though I told you exactly what to say. I’m satisfied that this will do the trick. Jackie and I will be back in 60-90 minutes. You had better have escaped like you promised. If you haven’t escaped, not only am I going to let Jackie play your feet like a second chair violinist…I’m also going to swap out that gag for a "big girl gag". And I promise you that you’re not going to enjoy the second half of this capture. Are we clear?

She looked at me worriedly but nodded her head that she understood the consequences of her failure. I started the stopwatch on her phone and threw it into her lap face up, to taunt her with my impending return. I then proceeded to untie Jackie from the ball tie. I released her hands and arms first and let her deal with the crotch rope. I didn’t feel comfortable going between her legs without her approval. She undid the crotch rope pretty quickly, blushing profusely as she tried to shed it. Getting it off of her even took precedence over ungagging herself. When she did finally ungag herself I saw that indeed a large wad of cloth had been stuffed into her mouth behind the tape. We got her untied pretty quickly. After a quick wash up in the sink she said that she was ready to go to brunch. She slid on a light sweater to hide the rope marks on her wrists.

Jackie: Goodbye, Abbie dearest. I'll be thinking about you fondly while we're gone. I wish you the best of luck.

Abbie: Mmmmpmppppphhhhhh hhhhhhhmmmmpppppphhhhhrrrmmmmpppphhhhh??? Mmmmppppphhhhh mmmmmpppphhhhhh!!!!!

Jackie: I mean...I DO wish you the best of luck. But I also do hope that you're still right there when I get back. It's a bizarre dichotomy to hope for two things that appear so mutually exclusive, simultaneously.

Abbie: Mmmmppppphhhhh mmmmppppphhhhh!!!! Mmmmmppphhhrrmmmmmmmppphhhh!!!!

Jackie: Ta ta for now, roomie.

Abbie: Mmmpppphhhh hhhhhmmmmpppphhh mmmmppppphhhh!!!!

Jackie gave Abbie a flirtatious little wave as Abbie grunted away and tried to free herself from the ties that I had restrained her in. Jackie and I headed out the door to the cafeteria and left the helpless girl to her struggles. I liked her initial confidence. But I was pretty sure that she wasn't going anywhere.
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Post by Rtj65 »

Great chapter, as always. I'm glad to see the return of Abbie, I can see her beginning to trust Trent more with each encounter, which is interesting to see given how she has come to expect ruthlessness from the other players so far. Looking forward to the next part!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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A Grey Area (M/F) -
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Post by tillytimber123 »

Been a busy week but finally got the chance to catch up to your stories. Chapter 6 was a great read. Knowing that Elisa is viewed as the top dog of their club makes her capture all the more fun. Definitely looking forward to the girls' revenge on the boys. Chapter 7 was also great and a nice set up to chapter 8. Still curious about the last member so I'm looking forward to his introduction. Till next time!
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Post by tickletied84 »

Great end to chapter 6, with the verbal taunting and chat between the Es and Trent/Dale ramping up the challenges.

Really enjoyed chapter 7 too - does Jackie have another regular captor?
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Post by Fandango »

**Author’s Note: I never want to lull somebody into thinking they’re reading one thing, only to read something else entirely. Most of my chapters in THIS story will be good-natured and fun. This chapter is probably not one of those. Once every ten chapters or so I’m going to have a character overstep or do something callous or selfish to create conflict and make the club re-evaluate some things. There will semi-regularly be justified anger and hurt feelings in this story. So this chapter will feature some bullying and not carry the same light-hearted tone as my last several chapters. Apologies. This chapter will also begin almost immediately after the last one ended.

Sophomore Year - Chapter 8: "A Little Bamboozle for My Benefit" (F/F) [Part 1 of 1]

At the cafeteria Jackie and I enjoyed each other’s company. She texted Elisa that she was free as soon as we sat down. Since clearly Abbie wasn’t going to be able to do it from her captivity. We talked about Jackie’s upcoming volleyball tournament. We discussed a ridiculous fight that we had both witnessed in the library the previous week. And she begged me to forget that I had ever seen her sporting a crotch rope. It was part of a stupid joke that she had with Elisa. While she had allowed Elisa to do it, she made it very clear that I was never to do such a thing. I’d finished my omelet and had just returned to our table with a second glass of orange juice when she gave me a serious look that implied that she had something on her mind that she needed to discuss.

Jackie: Trent, I’ve got a serious question for you.

Me: OK. I’ll give you a serious answer.

Jackie: Would you ever be willing to betray or scheme against Dale in this little game that we play?

Me: That depends. We have a friendship and a general armistice between us. Under most circumstanced I’d say “No”. However, I could see myself doing it under the right conditions. I’ve promised him certain courtesies. But I’m willing to listen to your offer.

Jackie: This won’t involve you tying him up. I just need your help tricking him into a situation.

Me: I trust YOU. I’m fine with handing him over to YOU. If the outcome isn’t too bad. But I don’t see myself betraying him to Elisa or Erica. I value our alliance too much to blow it on a scheme…unless it’s too good to pass up.

Jackie: This scheme would involve Elisa tying him up.

Me: Then I’m sorry, but I think I’m out.

Jackie: If I tell you the scheme will you at least consider it. AND promise NOT to tell Dale. Even if you’re not going to go through with it.

I was very intrigued and wanted to hear what Jackie had in mind.

Me: OK. Is there any chance that Dale gets hurt or upset by this scheme?

Jackie: No. I’d NEVER want that. And I really don’t see it ending up that way. It’s just a little bamboozle for my benefit.

Me: Alright. I promise I won’t spill your plan to him. But I won’t promise you my involvement yet.

Jackie: OK. You know that I have a HUGE crush on Dale, right?

Me: I do. We’ve discussed it. You’d be a fool not to. The man is an absolute dream boat.

Jackie: He is. But he’s also funny and nice and we have a great, seamless rapport. I like when he ties me up. I like tying him up. I love spending time with him. I’m just not sure that he sees our relationship in the same light that I do.

Me: I honestly can’t tell you whether he does or doesn’t. And I wouldn’t tell you if I did. You can always just ask him.

Jackie: I don’t know that I can. I don’t want to jeopardize anything. Maybe it’s general cowardice and fear of rejection. Maybe it’s wanting to try and let things progress a little more organically. But I have a plan that I want to try.

Me: OK. I’m listening.

Jackie: We have all sorts of rules in place regarding how a captor can treat a captive. Dale isn’t allowed to spank me or grope me, nor I him. But I honestly wouldn’t mind if he did.

She blushed more than a little as she said this.

Jackie: I’m sorry if I’m being too forward.

Me: You can tell him that he’s allowed to and see what he says.

Jackie: I don’t know that I’m comfortable being that forward with him. Or if he wants to take things in that direction. However, there aren’t really any rules regarding how two captives need to act when they’re tied up together.

Me: OK. I think I see where this is going.

Jackie: I want to be tied up WITH Dale. I think if we’re tied up together, in close proximity, in a daring predicament…we’ll get to explore a different side of our chemistry. Also, there will be more physical contact as we try to free each other. That might bring some things to the surface that I’d like to get to the surface.

Me: OK. And why do you need me?

Jackie: Two reasons. First, I’d prefer that we stay tied up for a while. If this escapade is done in 10-15 minutes, I don’t think it’ll work. I don’t trust that Abbie can pull this off. I also can’t have Elisa tying both of us up. If Elisa just happens to capture us both and tie us together in a way that she’s never done before…I think he’ll get suspicious that it’s part of a scheme. If Elisa captures Dale. And you capture me. And you just happen to tie us up in the same room, at the same time…it looks way more organic and he has no cause to be suspicious. Second, he doesn’t love to be tied up. He’s very flighty and often out of your room. I need a better inside handle on his schedule so that Elisa can capture him. She hasn’t captured him in over a month.

Me: I see. I’ll definitely feel guilty about this. But it’s such a hare-brained yet good-natured scheme that I can’t not agree to lend my hand to it. If I can ask the obvious question, what stops Elisa from double crossing me, tying me up in the room with you, and making me an awkward third wheel to your proposed romantic encounter?

Jackie: Glad you asked. Two things. First, she knows that this is important to me. She knows that I would find that very hard to forgive. I assure you that I might not be able to punish her within the game, given my captive tying acumen. But I can punish her outside the game in ways where she wouldn’t dare try that if I told her not to. Secondly, because she is a psycho wild card…I’d say that we run this plan on a Wednesday. When both of you have your off day. She can’t tie you up. You can’t tie her up. Both Dale and I are fair game. There can be trust all around.

Me: OK. And I have a way of ensuring that Dale gets captured on two Wednesdays from now.

Jackie: Good. Because I can’t do it this week, thanks to my project. I got Elisa to give me the week off. What’s your plan for getting him captured?

Me: Think about it. He hasn’t been captured yet this month. You regularly capture him in order to fulfill his “quota”. He needs to be captured every month. You’re WAY too busy this week. Just pretend to be busy next Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday also. You can’t capture him. He knows that I won’t. He knows the other guy won’t.

Jackie: You guys still haven’t met “the other guy” yet?

Me: No. He hasn’t come for us.

Jackie: Interesting. I’ll talk to him.

Me: OK. But do it after next Wednesday. We don’t need him mucking up this precarious plan. You can tell Abbie and Elisa not to capture Dale before the 30th. Elisa is probably the only person that can keep Erica in line. But I’m positive that she can leverage her. That means that Dale will have the clock running out and will need to allow himself to be captured or face sanction. Elisa will be able to swoop in and capture him at her leisure. He might even have to agree to help facilitate it.

Jackie: You are a logistical rules genius.

Me: I try. We can sort the details of this makeshift alliance out later. I think we should get back and see how our little prisoner is doing. It’s been 110 minutes. Little miss confidence had better have slipped out of that highly experimental tie that I gave her.

Jackie and I left the cafeteria and headed back to The Penthouse. When we got to the door, I was slightly concerned that Abbie might have escaped my tie. It was something that I practiced on the fly. I didn’t have that much knowledge of how good her escape skills actually were. I only knew that she couldn’t escape a tight Elisa hogtie, while propped up on my desk.

Me: Hey, friend. Now that we are beloved scheme mates. Who watch out for each other. AND since you’ve already been tied up today and can’t be captured again for the rest of the week…would you mind entering the room first and providing me with a human shield. In case your roommate launches a coil of rope at me as soon as I enter.

Jackie: Yeah. You’ve agreed to enough favors today. I think I can do you that one, at no risk to myself.

Me: You’re the best.

Jackie opened the door and I could see from the hallway that the chair that I had tied Abbie up in was indeed empty. I held back to avoid a potential ambush. Jackie stepped boldly into the room and I heard her gasp.

Jackie: Oh God. What happened here?

My desire to not fall into an ambush was overridden by my curiosity. So I ducked into the room and was met with the sight of a very pathetic looking Abbie sitting cross-legged on her bed. I slowly shut the door behind me. Abbie was still dressed much the same as when we left her. However, she was now tied completely differently. Her legs were bound into a tight lotus tie with her crossed legs cinched at the ankles, shins, and kneecaps. The socks that she was wearing previously had been removed and her bare feet rested on top of her calves. Her arms were pulled tightly behind her. I could tell that while my elaborate ropework was gone…the culprit had kept my original tie on her wrists to secure her. She’d been moved, but had never been fully released. However, now her elbows were tightly knotted together in a way that did not appear comfortable in the slightest. And worst of all from a ropework perspective, was a rope that ran from her ankle tie around her shoulders and across her upper back that pulled her head down into her lap in a way that had to be absolute agony on the poor girl’s back. It didn’t allow us to see her face as she looked down directly into her own crotch. She was grunting furiously and jouncing up and down on the bed as best she could with fervor. But she just rocked back and forth and the tie held her cruelly down.

She noticed that we entered the room and managed laboriously to raise her head slightly to meet our stares. It was then they I noticed two other troubling facts. First, the thick knotted cleave gag that I had given her before I left had been replaced by duct tape which was wound haphazardly around her head multiple times. This was not the precise pattern that I’d witnessed the first time Elisa had tied her. This appeared to be a rush job done against a captive that was not cooperating. And poking out from the top of the tape gag was a small corner of lavender fabric. I was pretty sure that I knew what that was. The other troubling fact was that her face was wet. Her brow was absolutely covered in sweat and strands of her red hair were matted to her forehead. Her cheeks were also wet but they appeared to be stained with tears. It looked like she had been crying profusely at one point. Her green eyes were blood shot and red. When she made eye contact with us the angry grunts and moans that she had been making when we walked in turned to sniffles and soft mewling. Fresh tears started to run down her cheeks.

Jackie: What the fuck?!?! This is NOT OK.

Me: Get me a scissors.

Jackie ran to her desk and fetched a pair of scissors which she quickly handed to me. I quickly but carefully cut down the side of the tape that had been wrapped around her mouth. It was easier this time than last time because the tape job appeared to be a lot sloppier and less precise. I eventually cut it all the way down and peeled it back from Abbie’s lips. She sputtered and pushed two saliva-soaked, dirty lavender socks out of her mouth and they landed with a plop into her lap.

Abbie: Ahhhh!!!! I am going to murder that STUPID, FUCKED UP, SADIST BITCH. I’m serious. I’m not going to capture her. I’m going to fucking garrote her in her sleep tonight.

Me: Abbie, can you-

Abbie: Do you have a tarp and shovel that I can borrow?!?! Because I am going to need to bury that fucking harlot’s corpse in the woods tonight!!!!!

Jackie: Abbie! What happened?

I proceeded to untie her with severe haste as she explained what happened to us.

Abbie: Elisa came back here looking to free you. Because I hadn’t texted that you’d been let go. This was literally right after you left. She saw me and decided that Trent had gone way too easy on me for the stunt that I had pulled. So she undid most of his work. But she left my hands tied and then re-tied me like this. This is easily the most uncomfortable I’ve ever been. My back is fucking killing me!! It hurts so bad.

At this point she broke down into a couple sobs. Her body racked up and down as she cried. I’d already untied the rope pulling her spine into it’s contorted position and was halfway through freeing her arms.

Jackie: I’ll talk to her. This is not OK.

Abbie: Talk to her?!? Talk to her?!? No. I need to make that bitch pay. This is what I get because she doesn’t respect that I can hit back!! There is no way that she would pull something like this with Trent. Because she knows that she’d have to regret it at some point. She knows that I don’t have any ties in my repertoire which can restrain her for more than 45 minutes. But she can keep me in a living hell for three hours, once a week, whenever she wants. I need to get her in a way that will make her RESPECT ME!

Jackie: I agree with you. You have my full support. So long as garroting her in her sleep and burying her corpse in the woods isn’t your actual plan.

Abbie: Trent, I need your help. You’re the only person that can keep her tied up long enough for me to really let her have it. I need you to help me capture her.

This was putting me in a weird spot. I understood it. But I personally was already in the red with Elisa and Abbie and I had tried the alliance thing before.

Trent: I’m sorry, Abbie. But we tried that before. And that didn’t go particularly well. I don’t know how I feel about another team up.

Abbie: No, Trent, Pleeeeassssse. I need this. Whatever assurances you need that I will not turn on you…just name them. I’ll provide them. I need her restrained and in my custody for a prolonged period of time. To teach her that I’m not to be trifled with. You’re my only shot. I’ve stopped enjoying this stupid game and I’m on the verge of quitting this idiotic group! It’s not fun that she can punish me like this, and I don’t have the ability to hit her back.

I’d finished untying her arms and was now helping her untie her own legs. I considered the situation and figured that this was an uncomfortable position…but that I probably had to say “Yes” to it.

Jackie: Trent, please. As a personal favor to me, can you please help her? This was fucked up. And you can have my assurances also that Abbie won’t double cross you.

Me: It’s not about it being a personal favor to you. I’m fine with doing the favor at Abbie’s behest alone. And I didn’t mind the double cross half as much as you two think I did. It was cunning. I’m just miffed I didn’t see it coming. I’m concerned with how angry you are. And that if anything happens to Elisa after I’ve tied her up…I’m on the hook for it.

Abbie: I think I’ve earned the right to be a little cruel! Did you see what I’ve been subjected to for the last hour and a half!?!?!

Me: I get it. This tie was wicked. It looked like she was trying to give you scoliosis. But you’re angry right now. And I want things to calm back down a little bit before I agree to anything.

Abbie: I know what I said about garroting and burying her. I realize that I’m fucking furious right now. But she’ll be fine. My sadistic streak is no match for hers.

Abbie still had tears running down her face and I just felt very uncomfortable with the whole arrangement. I knew I’d agree to it. But I wanted to talk it over. Like adults. Not like this.

Me: Alright.

Abbie: Thank you. I realize that I’m a fucking mess right now. But I’m not going to permanently harm Elisa. When I’m done with her she’ll still be her normal, vicious self. I just need her to see how some of this feels. Because she has no fucking empathy.

Me: I’ll do what you need. But I honestly don’t know that I can tie somebody THIS tightly. I agree that this was a brutal tie, but I’m not sure that I can match it in good faith.

Abbie: I’m not even that worried about the tie. It hurt. Sure. I’m more mad about the GAG! I BEGGED her not to stuff my socks in my mouth! I fucking pleaded with her. I wouldn’t let her do it. I told her I was serious and was saying No. She literally had to force my mouth open and shoved them in and just started wrapping to keep them in. I didn’t consent. I didn’t have time to change from what I wore to bed!! I’d been wearing those for almost 24 hours!! They’re so fucking gross.

She started sobbing even harder. The sobs shaking her shoulders and body as fresh rage swept over her.

Abbie: I’m not sure that that taste is ever coming out of my mouth!!

Jackie: That’s heartless. I might have to go capture her this week to help teach her a lesson.

Abbie: She just smiled smugly at me and said that there was nothing against gagging somebody with their own socks in the rules.

Me: Abbie. You don’t have to accept that. The rules are there for everybody, but we also get to make our own rules. I promise not to gag you with worn socks. That can be our personal rule. Maybe I don’t need to have that agreement with Erica or Jackie, but you and I have it. And we’re going to MAKE Elisa agree to it also. OK?

Abbie: I’d like that. I know this is probably going to put a target on YOUR back. But I need your assistance and I really appreciate the help.

Me: Don’t worry about it. I’ll deal with whatever blowback comes from this. That is, unless you actually do KILL her. Accomplice to murder is not blowback that I’m prepared for. When do you want to do this?

Abbie: Does Thursday work?

Me: Thursday works fine for me.

Abbie: Good. I’ve got some planning to do.

Abbie was now totally freed and was performing an upward facing dog pose on her bed in order to flex her back. She was bending it in the opposite direction that it’d been subjected to for the last two hours. After a couple minutes she finally appeared to have stopped crying, and eventually collapsed down onto her bed. Jackie slid over next to her on the bed and started to massage her back and shoulders. I figured it would probably be best to let Jackie calm Abbie down further. I should take my leave so that they can talk.

Me: OK. I’m really sorry that this happened, Abbie. Let me know if anything changes between now and Thursday. And Jackie, I hope that our little Thursday adventure won’t jeopardize your scheme for later in the month.

Jackie: It won’t.

Abbie perked up and turned her head towards me.

Abbie: Scheme? You two are scheming? Should I be worried? I want to be part of a scheme!

Jackie: It won’t affect you. And I will need your help. I need you NOT to capture Dale for the rest of the month.

Abbie: That doesn’t sound like a fun job in this scheme.

Jackie: It’s an important one though. Can you do it for me, please?

Abbie: Sure. Fine. But can I please get in on the ground floor of a scheme one day?

Jackie: Of course.

What had started as a seemingly casual Sunday morning had turned into quite the debacle. And I now had two new alliances that I was entangled in and some cunning plans on the horizon.
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Post by Rtj65 »

I actually like that you've struck a different tone in this chapter, I think it makes things feel more realistic, and makes the characters involved more relatable. One thing that I think you've done really well throughout is establish how each club member has a distinct set of interests and reasons for being involved, so it's inevitable that there are times when someone is going to end up hurt or upset.

I think Trent is going to be really important for Abbie going forwards, because he'll hopefully be able to show her that she can trust at least one of the other players to be kind to her, so it will be good to see how that continues to develop. Anyway, keep up the good work!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Post by dezz »

Thank you the story... excellent. I don't think you have to be free, it can't always be just an action.
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Post by Fandango »

tillytimber123 wrote: 1 year ago Been a busy week but finally got the chance to catch up to your stories. Chapter 6 was a great read. Knowing that Elisa is viewed as the top dog of their club makes her capture all the more fun. Definitely looking forward to the girls' revenge on the boys. Chapter 7 was also great and a nice set up to chapter 8. Still curious about the last member so I'm looking forward to his introduction. Till next time!
Thanks, tillytimber123. Elisa might be the best rigger and escape artist in the group, that's not going to prevent her from finding herself in ropes just as often as the other members. When you've got a mean streak like she's capable of...people want some revenge. Player #3 should make his debut in Chapter 14. I've got a couple other story threads to address first.
tickletied84 wrote: 1 year ago Great end to chapter 6, with the verbal taunting and chat between the Es and Trent/Dale ramping up the challenges.

Really enjoyed chapter 7 too - does Jackie have another regular captor?
I appreciate it, tickletied84. I like "The Es". Since Trent is my narrator, you really only get to see captures that happen while he's around. However, in my mind Jackie get tied up regularly by Elisa, Sam, and Dale. And occasionally by Erica and Abbie. She's the player that enjoys being restrained the most so she probably is in ropes at least twice a week...if not three times.
Rtj65 wrote: 1 year ago I actually like that you've struck a different tone in this chapter, I think it makes things feel more realistic, and makes the characters involved more relatable. One thing that I think you've done really well throughout is establish how each club member has a distinct set of interests and reasons for being involved, so it's inevitable that there are times when someone is going to end up hurt or upset.

I think Trent is going to be really important for Abbie going forwards, because he'll hopefully be able to show her that she can trust at least one of the other players to be kind to her, so it will be good to see how that continues to develop. Anyway, keep up the good work!
I'm glad you were on board for the change in tone. It's something that was obviously going to happen...and will happen several more times. However, I like people to know what they're getting into before they read something they might find distasteful. For instance, when this story crosses the threshold to "adult" territory...I'll warn people. Some people are on board for that, some people might not be. I have another story that I'm going to start posting at the end of this month which will be substantially more depraved. I just like to let people know what they should expect.

As far as Abbie's role, she's somebody who badly WANTS to be dominant. But she doesn't have the skill set and people love making her submissive because she gets humiliated very easily and abhors being subjugated so much. She's not getting what she wants out of this club and the only way she's going to get there is if she improves. And that's probably going to require practice and a mentor. I want to give Trent a relationship that falls outside the boundaries of simply rival or friend or love interest. I want to see how he adjusts to taking a fiduciary role as a teacher since it's a skill set that comes quite naturally to him.
dezz wrote: 1 year ago Thank you the story... excellent. I don't think you have to be free, it can't always be just an action.
Thanks, dezz. I appreciate your readership.

Part I of Chapter 9 will post approximately 24 hours from now. Thanks so much to everybody who might be reading.
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Post by DommeKirsten »

Oh I must be a bitch thinking a tight box tie and sock gag for Abbie is fairs:)

Though I think Elisa deserves somiakr treatment ofc
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Post by Fandango »

Sophomore Year - Chapter 9: "I Had to Zhuzh It Up a Little Bit " (MF/F) [Part 1 of 2]

I had figured that the following Thursday was going to be the most ideal day for Abbie’s revenge on Elisa. It fit right into what I was considering the Goldilocks Zone for this particular revenge. We didn’t want to get revenge on Monday because that would be too soon. It would feel rushed and Abbie and I wouldn’t have time to discuss it and plan. Tuesday or Wednesday would have been great but those were Elisa’s off days. We weren’t allowed to officially capture her. She would just tell us to go pound sand. So Thursday was the next best thing. Anything after Thursday felt like it would be too long of a wait. We’d lose the momentum of our message by waiting so long to strike. And I didn’t want Abbie’s hurt feelings and disdain for Elisa to congeal into something irrevocably permanent. So I really didn’t want to brush up into the next weekend. Striking on Thursday was unusual for Abbie because it wasn’t her off day. And she was eligible to be captured, but Elisa had already captured her this week. So she was in the clear unless Erica was in the room…which we’d make sure that she wasn’t.

I felt that the four day waiting period would also allow for Abbie to cool off a little bit. She was LIVID after Sunday’s humiliation and it was hard to blame her. But she was a little too livid for my liking. I wasn’t concerned that she was going to garrote Elisa and bury her corpse in the woods like she promised. But I was worried. In a fair fight I doubted that there was much that Abbie could do to harm Elisa. Elisa had half a foot and probably 35 pounds on her. Those were guesses. I could be WAY off. But once I’d tied Elisa up, her safety was my responsibility. And while I didn’t think and have the hindsight of KNOWING that Abbie isn’t a vicious person…I didn’t want to risk anything. So I figured that a cooling off period would be useful. Only it didn’t happen. There was no cooling off happening during the cooling off period. Abbie’s ability to maintain rage over time seemed to show a level of energy efficiency that America’s top scientists needed to study.

I’d hoped that Elisa might apologize to help smooth things out also. This is another thing that never happened. I’d asked Jackie on Tuesday if she talked to Elisa and she said that she was going to, but that she’d simply settled for texting her: “You’re a Bitch.” When I asked what response she’d gotten she showed that Elisa had just sent back the cheeky grinning girl .gif from Toddlers and Tiaras. I asked her if Elisa knew that she was serious and she told me something that I’ve found to be a prescient analysis of Elisa in the time since. She said that Elisa is definitely capable of feeling remorse, but almost incapable of actually apologizing. It’s one of her biggest flaws. She hates being tied up because she thinks that it typifies weakness. Well, she thinks the same thing about admitting that you were wrong apparently. So Abbie didn’t get an apology before Thursday and she was still boiling. But I’d made a promise that I needed to fulfill. So Elisa was going to get it.

I met Abbie in The Penthouse before we headed down to our ambush. I had all of my tying supplies in my backpack but I saw that she was also sporting a backpack.

Me: I don’t know if you need that. I have everything I’m going to need to restrain her with right here.

Abbie: I’ve got a few accoutrements that I’m interested in introducing her to. You tie her your way and I’ll gag and punish her my way.

Me: OK. But we’re going to be HUMANE, correct? Those accoutrements wouldn’t happen to include any carving knives or piano wire, would they?

Abbie: Relax, kid. I’m fucking pissed at her, but when all of this is said and done she’s still going to be her perfectly physically healthy, terrible self. I’m just hoping that she’s going to be mentally aware that I have standards for how I expect to be treated and that I’m not going to put up with her shit any more. Because she’s jealous and petty and doesn’t view me as a threat.

Me: OK. Just so we’re clear. Erica left for her conflict ten minutes ago, are you ready to go?

Abbie: Absolutely.

Together we descended the six floors to the second floor and made our way to Elisa’s room. We knew that Erica would be gone, but we couldn’t be 100% sure that Elisa was in. She was exceptionally shrewd, especially when she knew that she was owed a healthy dose of revenge. She’d avoid her room if she was going to be in a vulnerable position and she constantly kept a coil of rope within arms reach to attempt to thwart attacks. Many a player had come to Elisa’s room intent on capturing her and instead been captured themselves. She was the ultimate script flipper in our game. Abbie entered first because she was immune to any of Elisa’s traps. Abbie entered the room and I watched as a rope came flying at her from the other side of the room. Abbie simply swatted it out of the air and since Elisa had already captured her this week, the fact that it hit her meant nothing.

Elisa: Oh. It’s just you.

I then stepped into the room and brandished my own coil of rope.

Me: Well, not JUST her.

I could see that Elisa did not have a second coil of rope as ammunition. I simply walked right over to her and slapped the coil of rope against her shoulder to officially make her my captive.

Elisa: Oh. I see how this is going to be.

Me: Now do you need to use the rest-

Abbie: No. She doesn’t. Spin around, hands behind you.

Elisa: I believe that I’m TRENT’S captive.

Me: You heard the lady. Spin around, hands behind you.

Elisa gave a condescending smirk to Abbie, but then did as she was told. She put her hands behind her back and I crossed them and began to tightly tie them.

Elisa: Abbie, dear, is this going to become a regular thing for you? You can’t fight your own battles so you get somebody bigger and stronger to fight your battles for you at their own expense?

Me: Elisa, please do us both a favor and kindly shut your mouth.

Elisa: You could make that happen if you wanted to, but I’m just wondering whether little Abbie over there is actually going to start playing this game. Or whether she’s just going to keep letting others play it for her. And to her.

Abbie: Keep yapping, Elisa. I could use the pump up.

Elisa: I’m sure you could. I’m just wondering how you keep tricking these dummies into doing your bidding for you.

Me: That’s me. Big, dumb muscle for hire.

Elisa: I mean you’re being fairly trusting again after what happened last time. I seem to remember us being in this exact same position only a couple weeks ago. You tying me up. Abbie watching you. How did she reward your partnership that time?

Abbie: That’s not going to happen this time. And Trent knows that’s not going to happen this time. Nice try, Elisa.

Elisa: Zebras can’t change their stripes, Trent. She’s the same person that betrayed you last time. I’d keep an eye on her.

Abbie: Quit trying to seed mistrust. Thanks to you, I don’t know that I’m the same person that I was last time.

I gave the rope a final cinch and knotted it off before moving up and tying her elbows.

Elisa: She says that. Just don’t be surprised if you’re hogtied next to me in about 20 minutes.

Me: I’ll risk it.

Abbie: No hogties today. We’re going to try something a little different.

Elisa: Ooohhh. Interesting. Well I hope that your little lacky Trent has whatever you’re dreaming up in his repertoire.

Abbie: You’re only expediting your gag, Elisa.

Me: You’re also entirely out of line.

I finished her elbows with a tight cinch and knotted the rope off at the top of the binding.

Me: Down you go.

I tucked my arm under Elisa’s knees and scooped her up into a carry before setting her gently on the ground. I grabbed the longest rope that we had and began looping it around her torso right underneath her breasts.

Elisa: OK. So tell me why I’m entirely out of line.

Me: You’re trying to shame this partnership that we have as though Abbie constantly uses me to get her revenge. That’s not the case. This is the first time that that’s happening. The last time was me getting revenge for myself. She just happened to be there.

Elisa: Happened to be there and thwarted your revenge.

Me: Please. Delayed my revenge. Revenge was still had. I only lost about 25 minutes of time.

Elisa: And you didn’t feel the need to punish her for that?

Me: I did. I got her back.

Elisa: I saw you “getting her back”. That was a fucking child’s play tie. There’s no way you would have gone that easy on me. I had to zhuzh it up a little bit.

Abbie: That’s what you call what you did!?!? Zhuzhing it up!!

Elisa: You weren’t being punished nearly enough. I got tied WAY tighter by Trent.

Me: The punishment fits the crime. Her capture of me was deceitful but fair. Yours was something else entirely. You know this. I know this. What you did to Abbie was more than a little sadistic.

Elisa: I was trying to toughen her up a little bit.

Abbie: Fuck you!!

Abbie was getting angry now. I could see that she’d tried to push the trauma of Sunday out of her mind, but it was flooding back now. I could see her becoming flushed with anger.

Me: She doesn’t need you to toughen her up. And I don’t need you assessing my retribution for misdeeds against ME. I’m perfectly capable of doling out my own justice.

Elisa: Well maybe I was getting a little revenge for myself.

Me: For her having a little fun with you the other week? I think you went a little overboard.

Elisa: No. For her being a filthy fucking snitch. I told you I’d clip your little birdie’s wings. I’m a woman of my word.

It hit me all of the sudden why she’d come for Abbie. I think I always knew that Elisa had had a misunderstanding of how Dale and I had gotten our intel on her ambush the previous week, but I didn’t think through the potential consequences of not correcting her misunderstanding.

Me: God, you’re a moron.

Abbie: What did you call me?!?!

Elisa smiled coolly at Abbie.

Elisa: Do you mean "Filthy fucking snitch" or "little birdie"?

Abbie: Snitch?!?! I don’t snitch. What are you talking about?

Me: Here it comes…

Elisa: I wanted you to think twice next time before you give up my plans to your partner in crime over here. I’ve got to break up this alliance that you two have. I can’t have you yapping my schemes to my targets.

Abbie: What the ever-loving fuck are you talking about?

Elisa: Erica and I ambushing Dale and Trent last Monday? You knew and you told them.

Abbie: I did NO such fucking thing!!

Me: She’s not the source, Elisa.

Elisa: The only other person it could have been was Jackie and Jackie wouldn’t squeal on me.

Me: When Jackie’s flirting with Dale…she absolutely might. And it would appear in this case that she did. Abbie’s not the little birdie, you dipshit.

A look of shock crossed Elisa’s face. She had clearly thought that Abbie was the one who ratted her out. I didn’t KNOW for a fact that Abbie didn’t…but at this point I was 98% sure.

Me: The intel didn’t come to me. It came to Dale. I think you’ll find that your bestie is the leaky bucket.

Abbie: So I got dehumanized over nothing?!?!

Elisa: Calm down. Everything I did to you was legal.

Abbie: Calm down!?!? You tortured me for no God damn reason!! You can’t even pick the right culprit in your own damn game when you’ve only got two suspects!!!

Elisa: OK. I’m sorry. I should have done a little more investigating. I’ll go a little easier on you the next couple times to make up for it.

Abbie: A little easier?!?! I don’t think you know how bad you give it to people because nobody is willing to go full bore on you. I think it’s time that you got some of your own medicine.

I was putting the finishing touches on Elisa’s chest harness while Abbie grabbed her foot and pulled off her sneaker. Elisa was wearing low cut jeans and a pink T-Shirt. She had been wearing pink and white Adidas sneakers and white ankle socks. Abbie was relieving her of her footwear at present. After she’d removed Elisa’s second shoe, she began to peel off the girl’s socks.

Elisa: I can take it as well as I can dish it. I’m fine with you gagging me with my socks. There’s no rule against it. I’ll show you that you’re being a whiny little baby.

Abbie: We’ll see about that.

I finished cinching Elisa’s chest harness. It was my usual standard. But it was tight. The ropes dug into her thin T-Shirt exposing every line and seam of her bra. The fabric hugged her curves in a tantalizingly tight embrace. Once Abbie had removed Elisa’s shoes and socks, she began to remove her own. Elisa eyed her suspiciously.

Elisa: I see you’re removing your socks.

Abbie: I am. You gagged me with MY socks. I said you’d get a taste of your own medicine.

Elisa: So you’re going to put your socks in my mouth. If you didn’t like your own socks then maybe you should be as hygienic as me.

Abbie: Screw you, Elisa. You attacked in the early morning. I wasn’t dressed for the day yet. The washing machines in this dorm are $1.25 a load. Excuse me if I re-wear something around my own dorm room to save a little money.

Elisa: I’m just trying to get you to live your best life, little Abbie. I’m going to teach you something new every week. Who knows what future lessons you’ll learn? This week you learned the importance of clean socks, next week I think I’ll teach-mmmmmmmmpppppppppphhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

I couldn’t imagine how good it must have felt for Abbie to cut off Elisa’s self-aggrandizing monologue by shoving one of her socks directly into Elisa’s mouth. I saw Elisa’s face contort into a pained, anguished expression. She was clearly not enjoying the taste of the sock.

Abbie: I don’t know, Liss. I can currently think of at least one benefit of having dirty socks. Do you like the way that one tastes?

Elisa: Nnnnnmmmppppppphhhhhhhhh mmmmmmmmpppppppphhhhhhhh nnnnnnnmmmmmppppphhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Nnnnnnnnmmmmmpppphhhhhh!!!!!!!!

Abbie: Yeah. Trent wanted to give me a little cooling off time before this revenge and I decided that that was fine. I could use the four days to give you something to really suffer through. That sock is not clean, and it has seen MULTIPLE days out and about on campus.

Elisa: Wwwmmmmppppphhhhhhhhhhhhh?!?!?!? Nnnnnnnmmmmmppppppphhhhhh mmmmmmmppppphhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

Elisa looked like she was going to retch. Abbie had her fingers keeping the sock inside Elisa’s mouth as she desperately tried to expel it with her tongue. It was no use. Abbie simply picked up one of Elisa’s socks and crammed that in their as well. Elisa continued to thrash about to the point where I had to hold her still as Abbie worked the sock into her mouth with her deft little fingers.

Abbie: Trent, I’m going to need one of your socks.

Elisa: Hhhmmmmppppphhhhhhhhh?!?!?! Nnnnnnmmmmmmmppppppphhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

Elisa shook her head vigorously side to side. She turned to look at me with pleading eyes and I knew that she was begging me not to comply with Abbie’s request.

Me: I don’t think that’s a good idea.

Abbie: Why not? You’ll get it back. I promise.

Abbie gave me a sarcastic little grin. She knew that’s not what I meant.

Me: It’s not a good idea because my socks aren’t in great condition right now.

Abbie: Not in great condition for MY needs or for ELISA'S needs? Because right now those two things are at opposite ends of the spectrum.

Me: I’m saying that I really don’t think Elisa would enjoy one of my socks right now.

Elsia: Mmmmmppppppphhhhhhhhrrrrrrrmmmmmppppppphhhhhh!!!!!

Abbie: Then I’m asking you to PLEASE give me one of them.

I knew that I’d been on my feet all day and though I might not have been to the gym yet…there would be a good amount of sweat involved.

Me: I don’t think-

Abbie: Trent. Serious question. Do you think that if the roles were reversed that she’d pay even the slightest bit of heed to what YOU wanted or needed?

Me: No. But I understand that-

Abbie: I BEGGED her to not gag me with my own socks. I fucking groveled to this bitch. She hates me and wanted to see me suffer and so she did it anyway. Now the sock is on the other foot. Help me out here.

Elisa: Nnnnnnnmmmmmpppppphhhhhh!!!!! Mmmmmppphhhrrrrmmmmmm mmmmmpppphhhhhhh hhhhhhmmmmppppppppphhhhhhhmmmmmmm!!!!!!!

Abbie kept her hand clamped over Elisa’s mouth and stared directly into the frantic girl’s eyes.

Abbie: Oh yes, I fucking did. I begged you, girl. Five times as hard as you’re begging right now. You knew it was sadistic, just like I know this is sadistic. Deal with it.

Elisa's eyes went wide and a soft moaned whimper escaped her mouth as was now seeing a side of Abbie that nobody had yet seen in the game. Abbie meant business and Elisa was going to get wrecked.
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Post by tickletied84 »

Well at least there seems to be an explanation for the tie that Abbie was left in, even if it was misplaced (possibly!) intelligence. Excellently written as always - and the intrigue gets deeper!
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Post by Rtj65 »

Really enjoyed that part, I think all of three of them might come of this slightly different in some way, but I do wonder whether Trent will regret unleashing this side of Abbie (although I think she's had to wait long enough for her revenge now). Up to now, it seems like Elisa has been able to do whatever she wanted unchecked because of her standing in the club, maybe that will change after Abbie and Trent are done with her. Or maybe it will just make her even more ruthless!
Male switch from the UK here, always up for a chat about anything TUGs related!

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Sophomore Year - Chapter 9: "I Had to Zhuzh It Up a Little Bit " (MF/F) [Part 2 of 2]

I like to think that I don’t have the same sadistic streak that some of my fellow club member’s have…but I know that I’m capable of sometimes doing the wrong thing when I’m pushed hard enough. So I let go of Elisa with one hand and pulled off my left sneaker. I then peeled off the white Reebok ankle sock and tossed it to Abbie. Part of me was going to regret it, and another part of me was going to relish in Elisa getting what was coming to her. It was an odd dichotomy fighting within my own brain.

Abbie: Thanks, Trent. Open up, sweetie.

Elisa groaned and shook her head as Abbie stabilized her and tried to pry her mouth open. Elisa now had tightly sealed her lips around the two dirty socks and was shaking her head to try and avoid having mine go in and join them.

Elisa: Nnnnnmmmmpppphhhh!!!!!! Mmmmpppphhhhhh!!!!!! Mmmmppphhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

Abbie: Oh, come on, darling. It’s a nice little tasting menu. I want to know who has the best socks and who has the worst socks. And you’re going to tell me. I’m only going to release you after you’ve given me a comprehensive review.

Elisa: Nnnnmmmmmmppppppphhhhh!!!!! Mmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Abbie poked Elisa hard in the ribs and her lips parted in surprise. Abbie did not waste the opportunity as with one fluid motion my sock joined it’s friends inside Elisa’s mouth. Her mouth had to be absolutely packed by now. None of the socks were huge. But I figured that three socks was probably going to be about capacity. And yet Abbie was still using her fingers to shove them back inside and make more room. I could see her working them in and Elisa’s cheeks bulged as the socks filled her mouth. Eventually satisfied that they were in deep enough, Abbie stopped.

Abbie: Can you hold these in there for a second, Trent? I need to get one more thing.

I didn’t answer her. I simply took the index and middle fingers of my right hand and put them to Elisa’s mouth. I pushed into her mouth against the socks as she desperately tried to work them out with her tongue. But her mouth was so compacted and her tongue probably pushed so firmly down that two mild fingers of pressure was easily enough to keep them in as Abbie got up and went to the far wall. Elisa turned towards me and my fingers followed. She looked into my eyes and was clearly searching me for some measure of compassion or clemency. Elisa was not the begging type, but this was about as close as I’d ever seen her. I sort of gave her a weak little shrug and let her know that I knew that we were being mean. However, I probably wasn’t going to be siding with her on this one. Abbie opened up the hamper that was next to the girl’s closet and started rummaging through it. I didn’t love where this could potentially be going. I had a stopping point and if she pulled anything too licentious out of that hamper I was going to have to step in. I was almost relieved when I saw her pull a small pink sock out of the hamper.

Abbie: I’m guessing this has to be Erica’s. The mighty Elisa Thompson would never be caught dead wearing pink. It’s a small one, but I wanted to make sure that you had as many courses to rate as possible. If you can still taste that is. I realize that my amuse bouche wasn’t exactly a palate cleanser.

She brought the small sock down with us and pulled a roll of tape out of her backpack. It was not duct tape as I was accustomed to. This was clear, transparent packing tape. She put Erica’s sock up to Elisa’s mouth and Elisa was almost powerless to fight her at this point. The sock went partially into her mouth but couldn’t be crammed all the way in. Part of the opening of the sock hung out of Elisa’s mouth. This was fine with Abbie. She found the end of the roll and started to feed the tape off. She then slowly and meticulously wound the tape around Elisa’s head as Elisa alternated between moaning and cursing into the bevy of socks that had been used to silence her. I simply picked up another rope and began to tie Elisa’s ankles together. Abbie completed somewhere between 8-10 rotations around Elisa’s head before making a small nick in the tape and ripping it off. It did not have the smooth precision of duct tape. The gag looked more than a bit of a mess. Elisa had not exactly been cooperative as Abbie had wrapped her head. But Abbie didn’t seem to care. The tape was wrinkled and bunched in areas but the socks were still tightly sealed inside Elisa’s mouth and Erica’s sock could clearly be seen underneath the transparent tape pushed into Elisa’s face.

Abbie: Now, Elisa. You might be wondering why I used clear tape. And I’ll tell you why. You certainly aren’t going to forget that you have a collection of putrid socks in your mouth. The taste of them will surely be keeping that at the forefront of your mind. But I don’t want to forget either. I want to see them. So I gave myself a little window in. Just so I can remind myself of what a disgusting little morsel you have going on in there.

Elisa: Mmmmppppphhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Hhhhhhmmmppppphhhhhhhh!!!!!

I quickly finished up on Elisa’s ankles and moved on to her knees. I wasn’t sacrificing any proficiency with my ties, but I was hurrying. Because for Elisa’s sake I wanted to start her timer as soon as possible since she was clearly already in a great deal of discomfort.

Abbie: Hey, I’ve got to make it count, girl. Like you said…what am I without my lacky here to help me out? I don’t have the ability to teach you a lesson every week. I’m not as good at this as you are. You know this. And I know this. And sadly, every fucking player in the game knows this!!! And that’s why you think that you can just pick on me without reprisal!!! So today I’m going to use this golden opportunity to teach you a couple lessons!! Understood!?!?

Abbie was shouting now. She was growing more and more angry and I was definitely starting to be come unnerved. The anger that I had hoped would dissipate over the waiting period had not done so. It had just been shoved down. It had been compressed. And it was rising to the surface now.

Abbie: I don’t know why you hate me so much. I don’t know why I’m your special little torture victim. You don’t do this sort of shit to Erica or Jackie or Dale. Because they’re your friends…and I’m not. I’m not sure what I did to you. I think it’s because your jealous that Jackie and I are getting close now that we’re roommates. You don’t like that she has close friends who aren’t you. And that just makes you see red. So you’ll take it out on the poor little girl who just wants to make friends and have fun. And who joined a stupid fucking club that she wasn’t properly equipped for. Because it seemed like it could be a kinky, fun time, and her roommate asked her to!!! And what does that get me but three hours of humiliation and torture per week at the hands of a psycho who doesn’t know where to draw the fucking line!!!!

Elisa: Nnnnnmmmmppppppphhhhhhhh!!!!!!! Mmmmmmppppphhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Hhhhmmmmmmmppppphhhhhhhhrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmppppphhhhmmmmmm!!!!!!

I’d finished tying Elisa’s knees at this point. I’d picked up the rope for her thighs but I hadn’t started yet. Abbie was clearly upset. Abbie had started to cry as she finished her rant. Elisa, to her credit, was not crying. But she was clearly as unnerved as I was. Or at least I hoped that she was. Abbie was shaking and Elisa was blushing a crimson shade of red. I didn’t entirely understand why, but I don’t think that it had to do with her restraints. I think she was contemplating Abbie’s words and her having been called out as a sadist. I decided that I needed to calm things down. I probably should have started de-escalating things a while ago. But since I hadn’t, now seemed like the next best time.

Me: Abbie, can we sidebar for a moment?

Abbie: I don’t need a sidebar.

Me: Sure. But I need a sidebar with you. For me. OK?

Abbie: Whatever you say, mom.

Abbie gave a little huff as she stood up and she and I went over to the corner of the room while Elisa eyed us tenuously.

Me: No offense. But you’re scaring the shit out of me a little bit.

Abbie: I’m sorry. I know that I got a little emotional. I’ll try and keep it together.

Me: The crying. The shouting. The hyperbole. You want me to leave you alone with her and I’m not willing to do that if I think she’s unsafe.

Abbie: She’s not unsafe. I’m not going to hurt her. I’m not a monster.

Me: Stuffing her mouth with socks that you’ve worn on four consecutive days begs to differ.

Abbie: I mean I won’t do anything to her that she wouldn’t or hasn’t already done to me.

Me: And that scares me. Because I don’t consider her judgement to be that sound. I’ve tied her up. I’m on the hook if anything happens to her.

Abbie: Nothing bad is going to happen to her. I promise.

Me: I’m trusting you. Please tell me that I can do that.

Abbie: You absolutely can.

We returned to our captive and I finished tying her legs. Abbie had begun pulling items out of her backpack. I saw her pull out a surge protector. That certainly was worrisome.

Me: Excuse me. What is that for?

Abbie: It’s to plug in all the accoutrements that I’m going to plug in. To have a little fun with her.

Elisa could not see Abbie from the angle that I had her laid out at but she could clearly hear our conversation and tried to turn her head to see Abbie.

Elisa: Hhhmmmppphhhh?!?!?!? Nnnnnnmmmppppphhhhhh mmmmppphhhhhh!!!!

Me: Absolutely not. Accoutrments?

Abbie: Relax. They’re copacetic with the rules.

Me: May I see them?

Abbie: Sure.

Abbie pulled four electric heating pads out of her backpack. Without them the backpack, which had been full, now looked completely empty.

Abbie: I just want to make her sweat a little.

Me: Fine. But you’ll apply them while I’m here so I can supervise that it’s safe.

Elisa: Hhhmmmmppppphhhhhhh???

Elisa still didn’t know what was going on. Abbie began plugging the heating pads into the surge protector which she had plugged into the closest wall outlet.

Abbie: Grab her comforter for me. I want to get this little burrito all wrapped up.

Elisa: Hhhhmmmmpppphhhh mmmmmppphhhhhhh?!?!?

I got to my feet and pulled the covers off of Elisa’s bottom bunk. I spread it out on the floor and rolled Elisa out of the way and then back onto the center of the comforter. Abbie was activating the heating pads and brought them over to Elisa. She slid two of them under Elisa to press against her stomach and chest area and her upper thigh and crotch area. She then draped the other two over Elisa’s back side. One near Elisas shoulder blades and the other over her butt.

Abbie: Alright. Help me wrap her up?

Me: Sure.

Elsia: Mmmmmpppphhhhhhh hhhhmmmpppphhhh!!!!

Elisa grunted at us as we wrapped the comforter over her and then rolled her tightly into it to make a nice, snug package. Abbie then picked up a roll of duct tape and started wrapping bands of tape around Elisa at short intervals to make sure that the comforter didn’t unwind itself. Elisa sprayed muffled protests into her gag the whole time. However, by the time Abbie was done, Elisa was as secure as I’d ever seen anybody. And she was none too happy about it. Abbie beamed excitedly though as she looked down at the tightly rolled Elisa with only her bare feet and head sticking out of the cocoon that Abbie had enclosed her into.

Abbie: Alright, Trent. Elisa and I need to have some one on one girl time to sort some things out. Could you kindly take your leave?

Me: OK. Remember what you promised me?

Elisa: Hhhmmmmpppphhhhhhh?!?!?! Nnnnmmmmpppphhhhhhh!!!!

Elisa clearly was not excited about the prospect of me leaving. Abbie had appeared unhinged and Elisa clearly wanted me there as some sort of voice of reason.

Me: Don’t worry, E. She’s going to behave herself. I’m coming back for you when your timer is up. Text or no text. I’m going to return and make sure that everything went OK. Abbie has PROMISED me that you’ll be fine.

Elisa: MMmmmpppphhhhmmmmmmrrrrrmmmmppphhhh mmmmmpppphhhhh.

Abbie: We’re just going to have some fun, dear. I need you to see the error of your ways. You’ve got it out for me. I need to know why you hate me when I’ve done NOTHING to you. And I need to know how we’re going to work through this. So I’m going to work out some frustrations over the next two hours and change. But I’m not the monster that you are. You’re going to be SAFE.

Me: Sorry, E. I know this probably means war. I’ll be back to check on you in a few hours. Have fun, girls.

As much as it pained me to leave one of the most intriguing, engaging, and arousing displays I had ever witnessed in my life...I left the room. I’d be back in a couple hours. But my mind would be thinking about what was going on in that room the whole time. Abbie had been adamant about needing to talk with Elisa one on one. And I was giving her that opportunity. As soon as I’d exited the room I could hear the lock click behind me.
I went back up to my room and just busied myself with the day-to-day tasks of a normal college student. I continued working on a political science paper that I had due the next week. My mind was only fractionally on the paper. I wasn’t in Elisa and Erica’s room. I didn’t know what they were doing. What they were talking about. By my mind was still partially there…imagining the whole dramatic ordeal.

Eventually the next couple hours slipped by and it was time to go check on them and make sure that everything was OK. I exited my room and descended the stairs to the second floor. As I exited the stairwell I heard my phone ding that I had a text. It was from Abbie. It simply said: 1 is [Money w/ Wings emoji]. That meant that she had freed Elisa. I didn’t care. I was still going to check things out. As I passed down the hallway towards Elisa’s room I saw Abbie round the corner and she smiled wickedly at me. As we approached, she pulled something out of her pocket and held it up for me. It was my sock.

Abbie: See. I told you I’d give it back to you. You finished second place by the way.

Me: Second place? Like, second best or second worst? I’m not sure you and Elisa were on the same page on what made a sock preferable.

Abbie: Mine won if that gives you any indication.

Me: I see. Well, I’m going to go check on her now.

Abbie: I understand. Go ahead. You’ll find her in one piece. One very sweaty, exhausted piece.

Me: You do realize that she’s going to come at us with guns blazing, right?

Abbie: I do realize this. But now she and I have a baseline understanding of what our expectations are, or at least what MY expectations are. I think I’ll have less trouble going forward. And thank you very much for helping to facilitate our little chat.

Abbie almost skipped away from me down the hall as I approached Room 204. I took a deep breath as I opened the door, prepared to make right with Elisa. I knew that I’d probably facilitated Abbie going to little too far. I felt like I was evening things out. But I know that I’m not the arbiter of this game, and wanted to make sure that she was alright. I entered the room and saw Elisa sprawled out on her bed, face down, and looking a mess. A hot mess. But a mess, none the less. She turned her head slightly to see who I was as I slunk into her room.

Me: So….how’d it go?

Elisa (groaning): I’m fine. You don’t need to check on me.

I pulled up a desk chair and sat down. Elisa was covered in a notable layer of sweat. I didn’t know how long she’d been wrapped up with heating pads on her but the sweat stains on her shirt were visible from a distance. She also looked exhausted.

Me: Sure I do. I just want to make sure that everything is OK. Things might have gotten a little bit out of hand.

Elisa: (sarcastically) Whatever are you talking about?

Me: You know. Abbie was upset and I want to make sure that she didn’t push too hard.

Elisa: Not any harder than I’m going to push on you next time I have you in my clutches.

Me: See. That’s the thing. I don’t want things to escalate. I don’t want things to get mean-spirited and out of control. But I’m fine with taking my lumps. I’ll have earned them. I just want to make sure that you and Abbie don’t spiral into something untenable. I don’t see any reason why the two of you can’t be friends.

Elisa: Yeah. I wanted to clear that up. I don’t HATE Abbie. I like Abbie. I want you to know that 90% of what she said in that regard is entirely untrue.

Me: OK.

Elisa: Let me have my say. I’m not jealous that she’s roommates with my best friend. I proposed that they become roommates. I think Abbie is a really sweet girl. And I DO pick on her. It’s just not for the reasons that she thinks.

Me: You don’t need to explain anything to me. I believe you.

Elisa: I know. I just want it to be clear. I think Abbie is great. She’s fun. She’s snarky. I like her a lot. That’s not why I’m tough on her. I torment her because she gives such real, raw reactions. She’s the most squeamish and frightened member of the club. The wide-eyed terror that goes into her eyes when she’s my captive gets a little intoxicating. And that’s why I push. I also don’t think that I push her THAT much harder than anybody else. I’m sure you’ve thoroughly heard my reputation as the group sadist.

Me: Of course. But don’t you feel that you might want to tier things a little bit based on who can and can’t handle the treatment.

Elisa: I’m working on it. Abbie’s problem is that she’s the perfect submissive. She gives me exactly what I crave as a captor. But that’s not what she wants for herself. She so badly wants to be dominant. And while I HATED almost everything about today…that was one fun thing to see. It was fun to get to see her indulge her inner psycho. It just happened to be at MY expense.

Me: I just don’t want to see the pendulum swing out of control. Can I ask that you focus the brunt of your revenge on me?

Elisa: I’m going to hit you both back. Of course I’m going to tear into you. I can’t have you regulating things for all of these dupes just because they can’t get their shit together. But I will be more measured in how I treat her. No more worn socks in her mouth. Got it. That’s not a club rule but it’s an official Abbie-Elisa rule. She won’t enjoy our next encounter. But I promise I’m not trying to make her cry. I’ll actually stick around next time I capture her so that I can monitor things better. You on the other hand, I don’t think you’ll break as easily. But I might try.

Me: I understand. I can hit back though. I think that keeps your response measured.

Elisa: You wish. By hit back you mean that you can “keep me restrained”. And that’s SOMETHING. But you’re a bleeding heart. You don’t have the malice to make me fear you. But I can’t have anybody thinking that they’re better than me. It’s the one thing that I won’t abide. And I’m prepared to teach you that you’re not.

Me: I appreciate you too, Elisa. Good talk. Abbie and I are going to dinner in an hour with Jackie and Dale. Do you have any interest in joining us? I just want there to be no hard feelings.

Elisa: I’m going to pass. I’m spent. There are no hard feelings though. Can I rain check for breakfast tomorrow?

Me: Sure.

Elisa: 7:00 work? I have an 8:30 class.

Me: 7:00 works great.

Elisa: See you then. And our mutual friend, Ms. Garrett, has approached me with a proposition that she said that she’d already talked to you about. Maybe we can flush out some details on that as well.

It was nice to see that everything had worked out. I was worried that what I’d witnessed was a little rough. It remained to be seen how today’s fallout would affect group dynamics going forward. Elisa and Abbie might have found an understanding, but I had a feeling that Elisa was going to want to show me my place sooner or later.
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