When Markus met Peter (M+/M+)(New Chapter 06/17/24)

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Post by gag1195 »

@socjuc happy to see you caught up and enjoyed the story so far! Hopefully you continue to enjoy it!

Again, sorry for the delay everyone! Here's the first part of Markus and Peter's date night! Still no bondage in this one, but the next chapter will be out pretty soon, and may just scratch the bondage itch... Enjoy! And thanks to everyone who voted for this outcome!

Part 6: What A Night


Peter was walking on air the entire next day. The sexy, bearded teacher had agreed to go out with him, conditionally, and late Thursday night, had texted Peter that his “new involved” relationship had given the okay for their date. Peter barely got any sleep. He rolled out of bed late Friday morning and found a cup of coffee waiting for him in the kitchen.

He held up the note next to the mug and sighed. “Hey roomie, thinking of last week… a lot… wonder if there’s a repeat on the horizon. Happy Friday- Hunter.”

Oh Hunter… Peter groaned, but drank the still warm coffee. He really shouldn’t have encouraged his roommate’s little crush. Especially since his blowjobs were only so-so. Not that he had time to worry about Hunter. It was late, even for Peter, so he downed the cup of joe and rushed to shower and throw on a nice polo and some tight, dark blue jeans. He laced up his black boots, tossed on his leather jacket and helmet, and was out the door.


“You just love tempting fate, don’t you Pete?” Liam asked as his cubicle-mate as Peter settled into his desk chair.

“That’s what makes life exciting, Li.” Peter smiled back. “Besides, my numbers are too good. They can’t afford to lose me!”

“I see recent events haven’t humbled you too much.” Liam rolled his eyes. “Surprised you’re in such a good mood, though. You’ve been moping all week. Did you finally get over that guy from last week?”

“Even better.” Peter playfully punched Liam’s arm. “Saw him last night. Got a date too! My record remains unblemished!”

“No fucking way. How did you manage that?”

“I won a bet.” He quickly recounted the little game he and Markus played the night before.

Liam laughed. “I can’t believe it. That Markus guy is good. And you got lucky.”

“Luck… maybe. I think he wanted to lose. I mean, I can’t blame him.”

“Going to do my best to ignore that. So, when’s the big date? Where is Markus taking you?”

Peter shook his head. “Actually, that was one of his stipulations. He wants me to plan everything. He said, ‘I clearly know you pretty well, I want to see how well you know me.’”

“Oh, I like him already.” Liam smiled at his best friend. “So, what are you planning in that devious head of yours?”

“Hmm…. Not sure yet. Was going to do some investigating today. Should have something planned by lunchtime.”

“And your work…?”

“Will get finished, especially with the help of the second best accountant in the company?” Peter flashed his beautiful blue eyes.

“Save those puppy dog eyes for your date.” Liam groaned. “But fine. You’re lucky you’re friends with the best accountant here.”

“Thanks Li, I really owe you!” Peter dove into his “work”, pulling up Markus’ instagram page so he could further research his target, hoping for a suitable date night idea. “Maybe I can help you find a good man! You know, the gym is a great place to meet someone!”

“It’s like you don’t want my help after all. Don’t push your luck, Pete.” Liam shot back, before turning to his own computer, and the now increased workload that awaited him.


A few hours later, and some vague texts to Markus about when the teacher was free, and Peter had a solid plan for their date. Reservations made, tickets purchased, Peter was confident. Even Liam was impressed as he passed his friend a handful of files, demanding that the blonde start pulling his own weight.

And Peter did… mostly… in between texting Markus.

Peter: I’m excited for tomorrow night. I’ll pick you up around 6:30

Markus: Strangely, I’m looking forward to it too. I’m at least interested to see what you’ve planned for us. Though 6:30 is a bit early, isn’t it?

Peter: Well, the reservation is for 7, so I wanna make sure we get there on time. Oh, and remember to wear a nice suit. The restaurant is a bit upscale.

Markus: Oh, we’re really trying to impress, aren’t we?

Peter: Best foot forward and all that. Also, if you have a leather jacket, you might want to wear it ; )

Markus: Suits and Leather jackets… fancy restaurants… hmmm…

Peter: Well, the jacket isn’t for the restaurant. Have you ever been on a motorcycle?


Peter handed his keys off to the over-eager valet before pulling off his helmet and shaking out his blonde locks. Markus was pulling off his own helmet, the spare that Peter had guessed the size of. The pair passed both to the valet as well, before Peter led his date into the restaurant. Markus and Peter took off their jackets and handed them over to the coat check, but not before Peter stole a glance at his date and noted how insanely hot Markus looked in his jacket.

Markus also looked hot in his suit, Peter noticed. A nice, slightly plain gray suit that the teacher nevertheless was pulling off. He filled it out nicely, a credit to Connor’s training no doubt. A gray tie with purple vines completed the look. Peter smiled when he saw Markus stealing glances at him as well. Peter puffed his chest out a bit to further highlight his own defined muscles in his black suit, and adjusted his red striped tie.

It took only a moment for the host to show them to their table, and Peter also noted that the host was looking both him and Markus up and down. As he settled into his seat, Peter looked around and smiled. The host has good taste. Markus and I are the most attractive people here.

“Be honest.” Markus said after the pair ordered their drinks. “The motorcycle is 100% part of your plan to seduce me, right?”

Peter raised his eyebrow, but smiled. “Is it working?”

The bearded man laughed, purposefully not answering.

“But yes. 100%. I mean come on! Can you blame me? Besides, if I’m on my motorcycle, it means I can’t drink that much, so no repeat of my less than amazing first impression.”

“I guess I can’t blame you. Between that and your ‘I’m a model’ line, I imagine you usually have good luck there.”

Peter beamed. “Well, usually. It worked on you didn’t it?”

Markus glared. “I don’t think that counts. I’m not here because of that cheesy line, remember?”

“Right. You’re here because your hubris got the better of you and you lost a bet. Which story sounds better, though?” Peter winked at his date, who seemed a little taken aback. “That’s right, I’m not just a pretty face. Contrary to what you might think, I did actually pay attention in school.”

Markus blushed. “I… Uh… Sorry.”

But Peter continued to smile. He’s cute when he blushes. It’s fun to push his buttons too… But the blonde decided to back off a bit… for now. He changed the subject. “So, what made you want to become a teacher?”

He watched as Markus visibly relaxed as he pondered the question. “Well, it’s a bit cliched, but I wanted to be the teacher I didn’t have when I was a student, you know? I didn’t have the best experience in high school. And I love history. So it just made sense.”

Peter nodded. “My mom’s a teacher. I’ve heard plenty of horror stories about terrible teachers.”

“Wow. a teacher, and four, I assume very rowdy, boys at home? Your mom must be superhuman.” Markus joked.

“You’re not far off. My brothers and I definitely didn’t make things easy for her or dad.” The waitress came over and took their orders. Peter ordered a rare steak, while Markus had his eyes on the chicken marsala.

“So, you said you were an accounting major. Did that not pan out? Did modeling take precedence?”

“I can’t be both?” Peter smiled behind his whiskey. “I’m only a part-time model. Both that pickup line is less impressive. Besides, Mom would kill me if I gave up my ‘high paying accounting job with benefits to pursue a crazy dream like modeling.’ So, it’s the best of both worlds.”

“So, what was your favorite modeling gig?” Markus asked, leaning into the conversation.

Peter leaned in too, and took the opportunity to brush his foot against Markus’ under the white tablecloth. “Hmm… my favorite gig… OH! It has to be the Untamable Cologne campaign a few years back. It launched in September or October, so it was a Halloween theme. A bunch of us were turned into werewolves! Patches of fur, yellow eye contacts, fake sharp teeth, even furry ears. The tagline was ‘Unleash your inner animal!’ so all of us models were like breaking free from chains and cages. It was a lot of fun.”

“Chains and cages, huh?” Markus mused. Interesting… I definitely picked the right place for our date…

Peter nodded. “Yeah. It was a fun concept for a shoot. So many shoots are just, ‘look sad and we’ll add in some rain effects’, ‘give us a smolder and hold up this expensive looking watch’, ‘laugh and try not to get hit as we throw a bunch of leaves in your face’!”

Their food arrived, and the conversation continued. It all felt so natural. Peter was surprised at how easy this was. He had expected Markus to be more reserved, more standoffish, looking for an exit. But he was… calm. Relaxed. Maybe he really does want this too? I guess I misjudged him like he misjudged me?

As they continued their meal, they continued to ask about each other. “Ok, Biggest fear?” Peter asked.

“We’re really bouncy all over the place, huh?”

“Well, I don’t really want to waste time. Small talk doesn’t get us anywhere. I want to actually get to know my date. Don’t you?”

Markus chuckled and nodded. “Can’t argue with that. Okay. Biggest fear is definitely claustrophobia.”


“Small Spaces. Absolutely cannot do them.” Markus shuddered. “My brother locked me in one of our Grandma’s old trunks in her closet when I was 6. I almost suffocated. Since then, any space smaller than a bathroom gives me a panic attack. Even elevators make me breathe heavily.” He paused and saw Peter’s expression. “I mean, other than that I’m fine. My brother didn’t mean anything by it, and we’re fine now! I don’t blame him. I was a really bratty younger brother! I’m sure you have similar stories with your family?”

“I could lie and say no, but…” he took another drink. “My brother Kevin would physically manifest in this restaurant and kick my ass. God, the torture we put him through. It’s a wonder he still speaks to me.” Peter laughed, staring off in the distance.

“What about you?” Markus brought him back.


“What’s your biggest fear?”

“I feel a little bad. Mine’s pretty lame compared to yours.” Markus raised his eyebrow skeptically. “Alright fine. My biggest fear is being forgotten. Like, dying and having no one remember me or care that I was here.”

And then Peter felt Markus’ hand against his own. The teacher was staring at him, his expression soft. “I don’t think that’s lame. We’ve all got our own fears. I think yours is kind of poetic.”

“You’re just saying that.” Peter grumbled, but he didn’t move his hand away from the teacher’s warm grasp.

Markus shook his head. “Not at all. Also, it makes complete sense. Classic middle child.” He cackled as Peter pulled his hand back.

“Oh, you’ve got jokes now!” Peter laughed along with his date, and the pair earned a few glares from the nearby tables. Neither of them cared.

“You know Peter?” Markus said towards the end of the meal. “You really surprised me. I’m not quite sure what I was expecting, but I had a great time tonight.”

“So far…” Peter winked. “What, you didn’t think this was it, did you?”


“Please, this is just the first part. But, you’ll have to wait for the second part.”

Markus tried to pry the rest of Peter’s plans from him for the remainder of the meal, but the blonde remained tight-lipped. He’s really cute when he gets frustrated.

When the check came, Peter insisted on paying for the dinner, since he planned the entire date, and was still trying to impress Markus. He also knew from experience that teachers were criminally underpaid, so Peter talked up insisting that him planning meant him paying for it, so Markus could save face. Not that the bearded teacher fought very hard, and allowed Peter to lay his card down.

“Fine, this time. But I’m getting the bill next time.” Markus said.

“So, there’s a next time?” Peter leaned in as the pair got up from their table.

“Shut up.” Was all the teacher replied.

Markus tried again to pry the secret location out of Peter while they waited for the valet to return with Peter’s motorcycle. But again, the blonde refused. “I have a feeling it isn’t anything disco related.” Markus said. “Which is a shame. I think you’re missing out. There’s lots of great songs from that era. Like this one!” Markus exclaimed as the little radio at the valet station started playing What a Night.

“Oh what a night! Late December back in ‘63…” Markus began singing, softly at first, then louder as Peter tried to shush him.

“Oh my god you are making a scene!” Peter laughed.

But Markus ignored him. “What a very special time for me… What a lady, what a-nnmmm!”

And Peter kissed him. Not only to shut his date up, but also because he’d been dreaming about those lips all week. And Markus didn’t pull away. He pressed closer. Oh, he does want it too… He wrapped his arms around the teacher, and giggled as Markus’ beard tickled against his chin and cheeks. And then Markus moaned. Peter growled. And then someone coughed.

It was the valet, holding the keys and helmets.

Peter reluctantly pulled back. “Humm…” he awkwardly coughed. “Shall we? I think you’re going to love this next spot.”

Markus gave him a knowing glance, and accepted the helmet. “In spite of myself, lead the way.”

They hopped on to the motorcycle, and Peter happily sped down the road. He may have revved the engine a few times. Faster than was strictly legal, the pair arrived at Peter’s next destination. Looming before them was a beautiful, impressive, and slightly intimidating building. It was the museum that was frequently in the background of Markus’ photos. Peter gestured to the sign against the door and grinned.

“History Never Sleeps! Adults Only After Hours Event! Cocktails, Private Tours, and Hands On Experiences!”
Last edited by gag1195 9 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

another great addition to the masterpeice. I have never been to an after hours adult only museum, but I suddenly wonder if they really exist near me?
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Post by Guardianbound »

Hands on experiences? Adults only? Can't wait! Can't blame Hunter for having a crush on the guy, even Markus is warming up to him after half a date, imagine living with the guy.
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

I loved Markus and Peter's date! I think they started off on the wrong foot but their chemistry really showed in this chapter and it's great to get more insight from them about the stuff they wouldn't see a need to talk about after getting to know each other better.

And, predictably, I'm looking forward to seeing the "History Never Sleeps" event. :D
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Post by gag1195 »

@Wedgieboy69 to clarify, the museum isn't adults only, just this event. There's a few museums around me that do events like this, and they keep it 21+ since there's usually alcohol involved. Which is the case for the second part of Markus and Peter's date!

@Guardianbound Hands on indeed! And wait til you see some of the hands on fun the museum is offering! And you're right, it'd be hard not to have a crush on Peter, even if he's been a bit of a jerk, especially if you slept 20 feet from him!

@DeeperThanRed They certainly are starting to hit things off! I really enjoyed diving into more of the "first date topics" that are harder to naturally bring up in my other stories set years into their relationship. As you said, this is stuff that wouldn't necessarily need to be mentioned or brought up often, so it's nice to revisit these ideas with the beginning of their relationship! And of course, I can't wait to show you what the event has to offer!

Thanks for the comments everyone! Happy to see people still enjoying this tale!
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Post by Volobond »

Eeeeeeee! My friend, your characters! You better tie them up quick, before they go lifting off the page!

Your work makes them feel so real and human. Even without bondage in this chapter I was smiling the whole time. And I wonder if Markus will know about fun historical naughty tidbits. Those Etruscans, man, am I right? *canned historical laughter*

I'm just really glad to learn more about my favorite couple hehe

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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Another great chapter that continues to support my previous thoughts on your ability to write characters and dialogue. Poor puppy dog hunter, a bit of banter with Li and then the start of the date.

I like the fact that both of them have misjudged each other to some degree but are now starting to click.

Now forward to the hands on exhibhits!
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Post by gag1195 »

@Volobond Thank you friend! I may just have to take your advise and keep my lovely characters securely roped down... but then I wouldn't be able (or willing) to share them with everyone! Hmm... decisions, decisions... I'm happy to see that these last few chapters have been so well received even without bondage involved. I know it's always the eternal struggle on a dedicated site like this- how much bondage to I include in each chapter, do I need to rework a chapter to add bondage if there isn't enough/any? So I'm happy that even in a bondage-less update, you readers are still here and supporting the story!

@Pup Wingletang stop, stop! You're making me blush! In all seriousness, thank you! Your compliments truly flatter me, and make want to continually improve my writing skills! I'm happy that my characters and their interactions are keeping people's interest! I've really enjoyed writing Markus and Peter's beginnings so much. It's been fun figuring out who they were before their relationship, and how they are developing into what we see them as in my other stories! And of course, I can't wait to describe those hands on exhibits!

Again, thank you all for your continued readership and comments! The next chapter should be out within the next couple of days! Also, I see that the poll is continuing to get votes. I know that the museum date is currently happening, but seeing all the support for the hike/picnic... let's just say that perhaps a future date between Markus and Peter may be happening in this tale before too long!
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Post by gag1195 »

Part 7: Ra-Ra-Rasputin


There was already a small crowd gathered in the expansive main entrance to the Uptown Museum of Art and History. Markus had been to a few of these after hours events at the museum with Lauren, some of his coworkers, and even Connor once upon a time, but it had been forever since he’d had someone to go with. And now his date had tickets. Peter certainly was full of surprises. Markus stayed behind while the blonde went to get them checked in at the front desk. Markus watched his date’s backside and smiled. This Peter is a far cry from the drunk skunk he was last week. I guess I might have been a bit too hard on him before. So far the date has been amazing.

Markus had fully expected tonight to be a slow, miserable experience dealing with the model’s overinflated ego. And Peter was confident, even cocky at times, but certainly not to the extent he was at the bar. In his own way, Peter had been something close to a gentleman. The motorcycle ride was clearly part of an act, even if it had been exhilarating. But Peter had also been thoughtful in his reasoning; he wouldn’t be able to drink as much and wouldn’t stick his foot in his mouth like last time. Dinner had been excellent, and the conversation had felt so natural. Easy. And even though Markus hated to admit it, he couldn’t deny that Peter was incredibly sexy. Especially in that suit. He really fills it out…

As he waited for Peter to finish at reception, Markus looked around, wondering what the theme of the event was. The last one he attended was themed around the golden age of piracy. The tours showcased some pirate treasure on loan to the museum, and even part of the mast of Queen Anne’s Revenge. All the cocktails had been themed as well: a dark and stormy, sex on the beach, some drink with Goldschlagger called the “gold doubloon”. The activities had been quite fun too. Walking the plank into a foam pit sea, fencing lessons with fake pirate cutlasses, even a treasure hunt around the museum that actually had a small cash prize. The teacher looked, but he didn’t see any of the nautical decorations this time.

Instead of anchors, sails, netting, and different sea creatures, the decor for the event was much… different. Markus’ eyes went wide.

A miniature torture rack with a dummy strapped to it waited near the entrance to the exhibits. Fake dungeon walls had been erected by the different wings of the museum. The ones that were closed and not part of tonight’s event even had fake prison bars in front of the hallways. Shackles and manacles lined the back wall, each one also holding a dummy. All of the “prisoners” wore nice suits and tuxedos, or fancy dresses, clearly meant to mimic the living guests of the event. A banner hanging above the event area entrance proudly displayed, in blood red and dripping-style font: WELCOME TO THE DUNGEON! AN INTERACTIVE HISTORY OF TORTURE!

What the… Markus already felt his crotch stirring. Crap. Did Peter know this was the event when he organized the date? Was this on purpose? Was he into bondage too? The rest of this date is either going to go great… or it's going to be an awkward disaster. I think I need a drink…

Peter reappeared beside him and playfully shoved his bearded date. He held up the wristband to Markus’ face and beamed. “All checked in!” He said as Markus snapped back to the moment and took the band. “We’re in tour group 5, and the receptionist said it should only be about 10-15 minutes until we get called. They are waiting on one more couple to check in.”

Markus nodded and attached the wristband around his wrist, the light plastic shaped like a prison manacle, though it had the event information and their group number written on it. “So..” Markus tried to strike up the conversation again. “This looks… interesting. How’d you come up with this idea?”

Peter smirked as he looked around the entrance hall. “Full disclosure? I may have spent some time on your instagram…” He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled. “Saw that you posted about this museum alot, and figured it was a good place to start. Saw this on their events page and thought it’d be a fun date spot. Happened to get dinner reservations early enough so we could arrive fashionably late here!”

“Shall we get a drink while we wait?” Markus asked, desperately hoping that his growing erection wasn’t noticeable. If he could just make it to the bar… hide it, maybe sit down…

Peter nodded and the pair waded through the crowd of equally dressed up guests. The bar had been constructed on the other side of the museum’s lobby, and was also decorated to look like the old bricks of a dungeon. Expectantly, the drinks were also themed for the history of torture event: The Spanish Inquisition, which was just a vodka cranberry, The Wheel, a gin fizz, The Iron Maiden, some sort of whiskey cocktail, and The Truth Serum, which seemed to have just about every type of booze known to man. Markus could guess why it was named Truth Serum… He steered clear of the last one, and instead ordered The Wheel. Peter, true to his word, stuck with The Spanish Inquisition.

They grabbed their drinks and settled into two seats at the end of the bar. “This sort of reminds me of that photoshoot I told you about earlier.” Peter mused as the pair sipped their drinks and looked at the decorations.

“I can only imagine what the interactive area of this event will be…” Markus wondered out loud, sounding a little too excited. He quickly coughed and took another sip of his lemony drink.

Peter leaned in closer. “Look, I don’t want to spoil the evening, but I do want to ask. Especially if you meant what you said about there being a next date…”

Markus tried to center himself, bracing for Peter’s question.

“Are you a top or a bottom?” Peter whispered, clearly trying not to embarrass his date in front of the crowd ordering their own drinks.

Markus sucked in air, quickly glancing around to make sure no one had overheard. “Peter!” He hissed.

The blonde laughed. “I just want to know what I’m getting involved with.”

“What makes you think we’ll get that far?” Markus teased back, trying to regain his composure.

Peter leaned in again, his breathy whisper against Markus’ ear. “Because I see how excited this date is making you…”

The teacher’s eyes went wide, but he didn’t dare react to what Peter had said.

“Well, Teach?” Peter whispered again.

“Wh-what about you?” Markus countered, then quickly took another drink. The gin was sharp, the slightly burning floral taste flowing down his throat.

Peter smiled and leaned back a bit, apparently satisfied with his deliberate teasing of his date. “I’m a switch.” He said casually. “Usually end up on top.” he added confidently… almost as a challenge.

So this is the game he wants to play… Markus waited for Peter to take another drink before he too leaned in to whisper, “What a coincidence… so am I. And so do I…”

Peter began to cough into his drink, but before he could respond, a voice called out over the crowd. “Group 5! Group 5 it is time for your tour! Please gather under the banner! Group 5!”


Group 5 consisted of Markus and Peter, another young couple, and a group of four friends. The other couple, a man and a woman, seemed to be on a date like Markus and Peter. Like the two of them, the man had light brown hair and was dressed in a nice blue suit, and his date was in a off the shoulder, dark purple cocktail dress which looked nice with her bright red hair. They were holding hands and refused to let go of each other. The four others were dressed much more casually in jeans, graphic tees, and continually joked around with each other. Everyone had one of the cocktails in hand. The man on the date and two of the others had been brave enough to try the Truth Serum, while the woman happily sipped on her Inquisition and the other two friends made the more sensible choice of the Iron Maiden.

The tour guide, an older museum worker named Stacy, led the group through the exhibits. All of the items on display were different instruments of torture, artistic depictions of torture, and even a few journals from Spanish Inqusititors, along with other accounts of torture from both the torturers and the victims.

“And here”, Stacy pointed to the group’s right, “Is a recreation of the Inquisition’s famous Wheel! In this version, the victim is strapped to the wheel, while their feet are chained to the floor. When the wheel is spun, the person is forcibly stretched to death.”

“Oh how awful!” The woman sighed, watching the poor Dummy dressed as a medieval peasant get stretched on the wheel.

“Torture was a gruesome business.” Stacy commented. “Often, it rarely mattered if the accused actually confessed or revealed any information. Most torture practices were too much for them to handle. Of course, we know that pretty much all information given under such circumstances is hardly reliable.”

“Tell that to them!” one of the men with Truth Serum exclaimed while pointing to the mannequins in the trademark red robes of the Inquisition, earning laughs from his friends and chuckles from the rest of the group.

“Over on your right is a famous example of torture, not for information gathering, but simply to inflict pain and death: The various deaths of Rasputin!” A series of displays showed the order of Rasputin’s supposed death- the poisoned cakes and wine, the gunshot wound to the chest, the soldiers opening fire on the royal advisor, and finally his body being wrapped up and thrown into the frozen water of the river. “While details of Rasputin’s death are are subject of furious historical debate, the rumors have nevertheless persisted, and true or not, are an excellent example of cruelty man is capable of, and how torture has been used throughout human history.”

“Ra-Ra-Rasputin! Russia’s greatest love machine!” The man sang in between sips of his Truth Serum. Again his friends laughed and joined in to the impromptu sing along.

“Looks like someone has had too much serum…” Peter chuckled in a low whisper, and Markus couldn’t help laughing, trying to hide it behind his own drink.

Stacy led the group further into the exhibit, pointing out different devices and artifacts. “And of course, here we have what is perhaps one of the most famous examples of torture in our modern consciousness: the crucifixion.”

Before them was a display full of different crosses and dummies attached to them. Some looked like Jesus Christ, while others looked like Persian slaves. Some were hanging upside down, and some were missing the iconic cross shape, just massive wooden poles.

“Why is that one upside down?” Peter asked. “I thought they were all pretty much T shaped?”

“Actually, there are lots of different crucifixion techniques that people have used throughout history.” Stacy explained. “Some were like Mr. Christ here in the middle. Others were nailed to the cross by their genitals, and some were hung upside down so they would eventually asphyxiate themselves!” She smiled, a bit too happy to explain the different torture methods on display.

Markus perked up when they entered an area full of more Greek, Roman, and Egyptian themed displays. This was his expertise, part of what he taught to his freshmen and sophomore world history and ancient civilizations students. He leaned in to whisper some trivia to Peter’s ear. “Did you know, in Ancient Greece, a slave’s testimony would only be considered legally valid if it was extracted through torture?”

“Damn that's twisted!” Peter laughed. “Even if they offered everything freely? Cooperated and everything?”

Markus nodded. “Mhm! It was partly because most slaves were political dissidents, or prisoners of war, and most were fairly educated, doing important mental work like scribing. Part of the belief was that these slaves wouldn’t be willingly truthful, that they were smart enough to try and trick people. Hence the required torture.” They had stopped to look at a procession of Greek slaves to an ancient slave market, and Markus was off on his tangent.

He tore his eyes away from the exhibit and looked over at Peter, who was smiling contentedly. “What?” The teacher asked.

“You’re pretty cute, you know that?”

Markus blushed. “I- Well…” he looked around and suddenly realized that the group had left them behind. “Fuck. Looks like we lost everyone else.”

Peter stepped closer. “What a pity…”

Markus turned to face his date, feeling the blonde’s desire radiating off him. “We should probably get back…”

Peter leaned in and planted another kiss on the bearded teacher’s lips. “Are we in a hurry?”

“I guess no-” The words stuck in Markus’ throat. There, over Peter’s shoulder at the far end of the exhibit hall, stepping out of an employee area and wearing a lab coat, was Eddie. What is he doing here? I thought he worked for a pharma company?!? Panic set in. Markus’ eyes darted between his date and his somewhat involved man in the distance. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Markus began to sweat. He hadn’t been quite as truthful with Peter as he should have been. He maybe hadn’t mentioned to Eddie that he had a date tonight. It was stupid, and rude, and Markus didn’t have a good explanation. He reasoned that he hadn’t wanted to explain to Eddie that he was seemingly choosing the drunk Fred asshole over him. It’s not like I expected this to happen!

Again his eyes darted around, desperately looking for an answer, a solution to this stupid mess. Then he saw it! Tucked in between two nearby displays, recessed slightly, was a janitor’s closet. Steeling himself for that small space, Markus glanced back at Peter. “Why don’t we move somewhere… private…?” He pulled Peter towards the shadowed door, out of sight of the curly haired lab coat.

“You sure?” Peter asked, looking at the cramped quarters of the closet. “Oof!” He complained as Markus pushed him in anyway.

Don’t think about the small space… Markus pushed the fear back down. He needed to keep Peter here until Eddie was gone. Desperate, Markus quickly undid his tie. I hope Peter isn’t too weirded out by this…

Before Peter could turn around and face his date, Markus grabbed his hands and pulled them behind him. The bearded man quickly looped his tie around the blonde’s wrists, cinching the soft fabric tight.

“Oh! What the-!” Peter exclaimed, clearly taken aback by the sudden restraints.

Markus leaned in and wrapped a hand over his mouth. He did his best to sound suave and confident. “Like I said, I usually like to be on top.”

With his other hand, Markus awkwardly undid Peter’s own red striped tie. “And you are making a bit too much noise…” He crammed Peter’s tie into his mouth and pulled it tight around the model’s head, tying it tightly at his neck.

“Huuuggfff?” Peter tried to spit out his tie, tried to communicate through the fabric.

Markus knew cleave gags like that were mostly ineffective, even if they did look hot, so he quickly scanned the cleaner’s closet looking for… Jackpot!

A half used roll of trusty silver duct tape! He quickly peeled a few strips off and hastily added them to Peter’s frowning mouth. “Fuuuummmm hmmm!” Peter groaned as a fifth piece was patted down.

Markus secured the wrist restraints with a few rounds of duct tape. He leaned down and wound the roll around Peter’s ankles a few times. He stood up and helped Peter shuffle around to face him. “You do look really sexy like this…” He purred. Then he cautiously looked around the extremely small closet. He swallowed hard, then said. “Don’t go anywhere, hot stuff. I’ll be right back!” He set the duct tape back on the shelf, then scurried out of the closet and shut the door. He leaned against it and took a few deep breaths, trying to compose himself.

Peter screamed through his gag, but was barely audible through the heavy door. “Mmmmmmkmmmsss! Mmmmmmffffrrr fmmmmmmrrrmrrr!!!”

Did I really just do that? What the fuck am I thinking? What is Peter thinking? Fuck I’ve ruined the date! He’s never going to speak to me again! He may even press charges! Fuck! I need to let him out, like now!

“Markus?” Eddie’s voice cut through the silence of the exhibit hall. Triple Fuck.

Markus stepped away from the door and met Eddie towards the middle of the room. “Oh my gosh! Eddie!” Markus said, moving in to hug him. “What are you doing here? In that sexy lab coat? I thought you said you worked for some cosmetic company?”

Eddie smiled and returned the hug. “Oh! I do! That’s part of why I’m here! I’ve got a friend who works here, and they wanted to test out some of our supplies to see if they could better match the skin tones of their historical mannequins, and to see how well our makeup compares to the older makeup styles of people throughout history. They also wanted to test our makeup remover and compare it to their own restoration chemicals. Artifact preservation and restoration is scarily easy to fuck up, so they are always looking for different safe approaches. What are you doing here? I could’ve sworn I saw someone else with you?”

“Oh, yeah…” Markus began screaming in his mind.
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Post by Wedgieboy69 »

maybe if he had ordered the truth serum, he wouldn't be caught in all these lies 😆
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Markus is a quick thinker, alright! Prevent a potentially disastrous encounter and assert his dominance over Peter with one swoop. Now all he needs to do is to finish the night without getting a lifelong ban from the museum. 8-)
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Post by Volobond »

Uh-oh! Everyone's worst nightmare on date night, within an interactive torture exhibit AND with a stud tied up in the broom closet! I mean, no matter how it goes, I'd say it's a win for the museum. ;)

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Post by socjuc »

Love the cockiness of Peter and the banter with Markus. It's very cute :mrgreen:

:lol: :lol: I loved how Markus got all sweaty and nervous when he saw Eddie. But what was really impressive is how he completely turned it around and tamed Peter so quickly. I guess Peter got his answer that he isn't taking the lead here :lol: .... I will say Markus is very quick thinking....now he is weaving some additional convenient lies to tame the situation with Eddie. :lol:
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

That was so incredibly erotic between Markus and Peter.

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Post by Guardianbound »

Markus is going to tie himself up with all the lies :) Love how he just brazenly tied and gagged his date. Can't wait to find out what's going on in Peter's head. Does he like being stored away like that?
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Post by gag1195 »

@Wedgieboy69 I'm sure Markus doesn't know what you're talking about! He clearly doesn't have anything he wants to keep from Peter or Eddie! Though after this encounter, I'm sure our teacher could use some more liquid courage!

@DeeperThanRed Desperation makes quick thinkers of us all! You're right though, Markus might be running the risk of getting banned from his beloved Museum!

@Volobond Who hasn't been in this exact situation! :lol: I wonder if the Museum might keep Peter on as another type of "Interactive Display"? They could take inspiration from Lizbet's art classes!

@socjuc Thank you! Before Eddie's reappearance, I'd say their date was going quite well! I also wouldn't call Peter tamed just yet... but you're right, Pete certainly got a more complete answer to his slightly teasing question! Poor Markus and his lies is turning his life into something akin to a bad RomCom

@KidnappedCowboy Glad you enjoyed it, Friend! And thank you for the compliment! It is certainly high praise coming from a master wordsmith like you!

@Guardianbound If he doesn't tie himself up soon, I'm sure Peter will be more than willing to help out in that regard! As for how our cocky blonde thinks about all of this, we'll have to wait for the next chapter!

Thanks for the support and comments everyone! Glad you all are enjoying Markus and Peter's date! Look forward to outcome of this most recent development, maybe some payback, and the rest of the date in the next part!
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

As always it's great to watch Marcus and Peter together. I'm sure Peter wasn't expecting Marcus to exert his dominance quite so quickly but I guess things got complicated for Marcus very quickly! A fun variation on the 'hide in the wardrobe' idea.

Looking forward to how this turns out - I'm feeling Marcus might have to let Peter get his own back with the interactive exhibits!
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Post by gag1195 »

@Pup Wingletang It was definitely a shock for Peter! Again, we'll see how he's feeling about all this in the next update. But I'll say you might not be far off... Once Peter gets out of this closet, I have a feeling that he's going to make Markus pay during the interactive exhibits!

@NeedControl Is that facepalming for Markus? Our poor sexy teacher is getting embroiled in some classic rom-com tropes! It just depends how he gets himself out of those tropes that matter!

Again, thanks for all the support and comments! I will try and get the next chapter out soon! I might also have another story brewing- an audience interactive story, where audience vote and comments will directly affect what happens in each chapter! A bit like a choose your own adventure, but as a group! So, keep an eye out for that soon too!
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Post by gag1195 »

I am still hard at work on the next chapter for this story, but I need a bit more time to get this chapter right!

In the meantime, I'd love it if you amazing readers took a look at my newest story, Moral Quandaries! It's story about a Master finding a new slave to train! It is entirely reader led- the results of the ever changing polls will direct where the story goes! Hope you enjoy!
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Post by NeedControl »

Yep, [mention]gag1195[/mention], it was definitely for Markus. All his angst about Peter having assholish tendencies being shown as selective standards. 😆
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Post by gag1195 »

@NeedControl I have a feeling that this chapter is also going to make you angry with Markus! :lol:

Thanks for the patience everyone! This chapter took a bit longer than expected, but I think it's worth it! Looking forward to seeing your thoughts about the end of Markus and Peter's big date!

Part 8: If I Can’t Have You


“WHHMMMMMM HMMMMM FMMMMMK!” Peter bellowed. His initial surprise and confusion from Markus’ attack had eroded away, replaced with a deep anger. And something else. As Peter tugged against the tape and ties, he felt his crotch stirring. Being manhandled and restrained by the adorkable teacher was making him horny. He was still pissed, but it was hot. Is this how Hunter felt last week? Damn… But Peter didn’t understand why Markus had left him in this tiny closet.

It was obvious that Markus wanted this too. They’d been having a great date so far, and now Markus was showing more of his hand. So why shut Peter away, all alone? Is he trying to tease me? Build anticipation. Peter tried again to pull his hands apart. Fuck, its working. At this rate, we might not make it the rest of the exhibit. His erection pushed against his already tight dress pants. May not even make it back to my apartment. We aren’t far…

Maybe Markus would use the handcuffs on Peter. The model had originally planned on slapping them around Markus’ wrists, but now? If his bearded date wanted to take control, Peter certainly wouldn’t complain. He’d usher Markus through the door to the apartment, quickly leading the way to his bedroom. Peter would rip his suit off, and pull against Markus’ own clothes until the teacher’s lightly muscled frame was exposed. They’d fall onto the bed, lips devouring each other. Markus’ beard would tickle against Peter’s chin. When the time was right, Peter would pull out the fuzzy handcuffs, dangling them seductively in front of the teacher’s face.

And if the past few minutes were any indication, Markus’s hungry eyes would contemplate the situation for a moment, then he would snatch the fluffy restraints from Peter, whip the model around and lock his wrists behind him. Peter would be completely at Markus’ mercy…

“HHMMMMMMMM!” Shit. I need to calm down or I’m going to ruin my suit…

Peter looked around the darkened janitorial closet, looking for anything to help him escape. Maybe that was Markus’ game? See how quickly Peter could get free and rejoin him? Peter thought back to earlier in the evening. Markus had noticeably perked up when Peter described the modeling shoot with the cages and chains. And then again when he saw the torture theme of the event. This must be his way of testing me. Certainly making this date even more interesting…

He scanned the tightly packed shelves for something, anything to help. A pair of scissors, a screwdriver, box cutter, anything. No such luck. Peter could only see different types of cleaning materials, lots of glass cleaners and floor wax, and of course the roll of duct tape. But nothing sharp enough to help him escape. But Peter wasn’t going to let that setback affect him. He didn’t need any tools. He was strong. His arm muscles should be more than enough to free him.

He strained again, pulling and stretching his trapped arms. Barely any give. Markus knotted the tie tight and securely wrapped the tape. As impromptu as Peter’s capture seemed to be, it was nonetheless effective.

Peter continued to struggle, if only for his own pride. He was out of breath, huffing into his gag. He was about to scream out again, when he heard voices outside the closet. One was definitely Markus’. The other was a voice Peter didn’t recognize. It was a man’s voice. The conversation was light… wait… Are they flirting?

“Damn, you look great in that suit… Almost as good as you look out of it.” The other man practically purred.

“Eddie!” Markus chided, and Peter could almost hear his date blushing. “Please!”

Eddie? Who was Eddie? Was he the guy Markus was “sort of involved with”?

“So, are you here for the event?” Eddie asked. “Looking to pick up a few new tricks for our next rendezvous?”

Peter studied his own restraints, courtesy of Markus, and his shoulders slumped. So, this wasn’t something fun, something special for our date. He does this all the time…

Markus cleared his throat. “What? No! I’m just a history lover, and a friend invited me along. Speaking of, I should probably go find him…”


The Eddie person laughed. “I’ll let you get back to it! Text you later!” Peter heard the slight rustling of clothes as the pair hugged. Then footsteps.

A moment passed. The area in front of the door was silent. The moment of waiting turned into a minute. Then two. Where was Markus? He hadn’t really ditched Peter, left him locked in a closet? “HMMMMMMMO! MMMKSSSS!”

The door suddenly opened, slamming into Peter and pushing him back against the shelves. The bearded teacher stood in the opening, concern on his face. “Oh my gosh! Peter! I’m so sorry! I should have opened the door slower. I didn’t think you’d be right there! You’re not hurt are you?”

Peter wanted to glare at his date. He had every right to be furious about his situation. And maybe he would have been if the Confident Markus was in front of him. But that facade, that version of Markus that captured Peter was nowhere to be seen. Instead, the genuine and sweet Markus was there, trying with all his might to pull the tape free from Peter’s wrists, and checking to make sure there was no bruising on Peter’s face where the door hit him.

“I hope you’re not too mad at me.” Markus continued, tearing the tape at last and unwinding it. “But after our previous conversation, I just had to try this. See how you reacted. Have a little fun.” The teacher lied, finally releasing Peter’s hands from the tie.

The blonde reached up and pulled the tape painfully away from his face, and yanked his spit soaked tie out of his mouth. “You are full of surprises, aren’t you Teach?” Peter flashed his best smile, stuffing his ruined tie into his pocket.

If Markus doesn’t want to bring up “Eddie”, then neither will I… at least for now.

“So you’re not mad at me?” Markus asked, his voice almost catching in his throat.

“Just wondering if there’s more where that came from.” Peter winked at his blushing date and stepped out of the closet. “But, let’s save that conversation for later. To the rest of the exhibit?” He gestured towards the end of the hallway where their tour group had disappeared awhile ago.

Markus nodded, and visibly calmed as the pair made their way towards the interactive exhibits area. Where the teacher immediately became flustered again. He’d be even more adorable if he wasn’t lying to me.

The Interactive Exhibits were set up in an expansive hall at the back of the museum. This area often had exhibits like this, usually for kids and students. This is where the fossil digging sandboxes were, which were always a hit. Guest speakers that drew a large enough crowd also met here, on a temporary stage. But tonight was a bit different.

True to the theme of the evening, all the exhibits were safe versions of different torture devices and instruments. The loud friends from their tour group were happily taking selfies with one of their own locked into wooden stocks that looked like they were from colonial times. A line snaked on the other side of the hall, where guests waited to be sealed into an Iron Maiden. The spikes had been removed, but it was still intimidating. Museum workers dressed in the iconic red robes of the Inquisition were leading demonstrations on the Wheel and the Rack, again, not fully stretching the laughing guests, but allowing the patrons to be strapped in. Some people were shackling their well dressed dates to the walls, while others were playfully flogging their friends backs with foam replica whips.

Maybe it’s time for a bit of revenge…

Peter guided Markus towards another stage with a red robed presenter. He was standing next to another set of wooden stocks. Markus barely noticed, so engrossed he was in soaking in the history. He was excited talking to Peter, going on and on about different historical tidbits.

“Come on! Don’t be shy!” the Inquisitor called to the gathering audience. “Just one volunteer!” He spread his arm out towards the stocks. “I swear, it’s perfectly safe!” He flashed a devilish grin, earning a laugh from the audience.

Perfect. Peter grabbed Markus’ arm and threw it up in the air before quickly lowering his own. “What the-?” Markus turned toward his date.

“AH! Wonderful! A round of applause for our brave volunteer!” The Inquisitor waved to Markus. “Step on up, sir!”

“Wh-what?” Markus repeated, very confused. “Peter…?” But it was too late. The blonde was already pushing his date towards the stage.

In short order, the confused teacher had been unceremoniously shoved into the stocks, the wooden restraints fitting over his wrists and neck. Markus strained to look out at the crowd, his gaze settling on Peter. His eyes widened when a heavy padlock clicked on the side of the stocks and he was officially trapped. Peter couldn’t stop smiling. Markus looked even more adorable like this. He only wished he could see the other side, with the teacher’s ass tantalizingly on display. As it was, Peter would have to be content to watch Markus’ hunched over struggling from afar.

“As some of you may know, Stocks like this one were used as a form of punishment, especially shaming the criminal in public. Crimes like drunkenness, swearing, stealing, and refusing to attend church.” Some murmurs from the crowd caught the presenter’s attention. “Now, now, you have to understand, these were used in a different time, when most governments were partly or even entirely controlled by the church.”

The presenter held up a basket that Peter hadn’t noticed before. “It was common practice for the public to help in the punishment of the criminal. They might have stoned the criminal, or threw rotten food, dunked freezing cold water on their heads, and in some cases, even tickled the restrained criminal!”

“NO!” Markus shouted and began struggling in earnest. The crowd erupted in laughter at Markus’ attempts to escape.

“Don’t worry, criminal scum!” The Inquisitor joked. “That’ll come later! For now, a good ole pelting is in order!” He passed around the basket and Peter saw that it was full of foam fruits and vegetables. He happily took a soft ear of corn and raised it up so Markus could see.

Markus didn’t say anything, but stared daggers at his date.

“Alright citizenry! It’s time to punish our troublemaker!” The Inquisitor stepped out of the way as the assembled guests took aim with their fake food and let fly their foam instruments of justice. Even Peter had to admit that he felt a little bad as a multitude of food collided with his face, pummeling the teacher with foam lettuce, tomatoes, even a fish. Peter’s own corn hit Markus right in the forehead.

“OW!” Markus complained as the last of the food bounced off his nose.

As the Inquisitor gathered up the discarded food, Peter was suddenly struck with an idea. While the surrounding audience was distracted, laughing at Markus’ misfortune, Peter slowly slipped his left shoe off, and as subtly as possible, removed his dress sock. He slipped his shoe back on then repeated the process with his right. He quickly shoved his slightly sweaty socks into this pocket, where he also began fully unknotting his tie.

“Now! As I said, this was just one part of a criminal’s punishment.”

Peter spoke up, ready to act on his own little punishment. “Yeah! What about the tickling?”

“I’m glad you asked, townsperson!” The Inquisitor shouted back, excitement growing. “Please, step up to the stage!”

Peter practically jumped onto the stage and stood next to Markus, who did his best to glare up at his date and growled.

“Now, do you know the delinquent locked up here?” the presenter asked.

Peter winked down to Markus. “He’s my boyfriend!” A lie, but Peter didn’t care. If Markus was going to lie this evening, then Peter could too. Besides, what he was about to do would go over a lot better between two long term romantic partners than two people on a first date. “Unrelated, but do you know where I can get one of these?” The crowd laughed again. “I don’t think he’s ever looked better!”

“So sweet! Now, lucky boyfriend, would you do the honors and punish our criminal?”

“With pleasure!” Peter rested his hand on Markus’ back. “Wait! Can I add one thing to our prisoner’s punishment?” He leaned over to whisper his idea into the Inquisitor’s ear. The red robed man cackled and nodded.

Peter pulled out his wad of sweaty black socks and…

“Peter, what are you plannin-! GUFFF!” The stinky mass of cloth crammed into Markus’ mouth, and Peter’s still wet tie threaded between the teacher’s teeth, sealing the gag.

“You have the right to remain silent, criminal!” Peter hammed it up for the audience.

And then he dug his fingers into Markus’ exposed sides. “MMMMMMMM FUUUUUMMMKKKK! HHMMMM HMMMMM MMMMM HHHMMMM!” Markus erupted into frenzied laughter. Even with the socks and tie in his mouth, his cries were loud and drew more people to the demonstration.

Peter was relentless. He relished in his date’s bucking back and forth, futilely fighting against the wooden restraints. His fingers danced across Markus’ side, moving up to wedge themselves into the bearded man’s armpits.

“MMMMMNNNNOOO PLSSSSSS HHAMMMMM HMMMM HMMMMMA!” Markus was practically in tears, under Peter’s tortuous digits.

“Alright, loverboy! I think our criminal has been punished enough!” He turned to the crowd. “Give our volunteers another round of applause!” As the audience cheered, the Inquisitor unlocked the stocks and freed Markus. “Now, do I have any other takers?”

Markus stomped off the stage, Peter following close behind, as other guests began volunteering their own dates and friends to take a turn in the stocks.

Markus freed himself from his gag and shoved the wet wad of fabric into Peter’s hands. Peter grimaced as the cold and slightly slimy texture landed in his palms. He pocketed the used gag and caught up with his date.

“Hey, Markus! You okay?” He grabbed the teacher’s arm to pull him into a quieter area of the exhibit hall.

“I’m fine.” Markus said, wrenching his arm free and turning to face Peter. “Why did you volunteer me for that? Why did you humiliate me like that? And those gross socks!”

“Are you kidding me? Why did you really stuff me in that closet earlier?” Peter was getting angry now. And no other feelings were curtailing it. “What’s that old saying? Don’t dish it out if you can’t take it?”

“What do you mean?” Markus stammered. “I-I already told you. It was to see your reaction, and our talk earlier!”

“And Eddie?” Peter snapped back. “I heard you two talking. You wanted me out of the way so your other man wouldn’t see you with me!”

“Oh… You heard?” Markus’ demeanor changed. His voice was remorseful, apologetic. “Peter, I’m sorry. I didn’t know he would be here tonight, and when I saw him, I panicked.”

“I thought you said you talked with him!” Peter pulled out his phone and pulled up their text conversation. “‘Talked with the guy I’m seeing. He’s fine with me going on the date. Let me know when it is!’”

“I was going to! Honest! I just- I… Sorry.” Markus sighed.

“Look, Markus. I like you. This has probably been the best date I’ve ever been on, barring these last few minutes.” Peter paused to look directly at the bearded teacher. “I don’t even care if this is a casual thing. I don’t care if you and that Eddie guy are involved. But I don’t like being lied to, and I don’t like wasting my time.”


“I think I’m gonna call it a night. Why don’t you text me when you figure your shit out.” Peter turned and began walking towards the exit.

“Peter, wait!” Markus called after him.

Peter took one more glance back at his date, the man he was starting to fall in love with. “Say hi to Eddie for me.”


The apartment was dark when Peter finally made it back. He went straight to the kitchen to pour himself a whiskey. He needed something, anything to take the edge off. He replayed the evening again and again in his mind. How amazing things had been at dinner. The flirting, the promise of more exciting times for the pair, the initial thrill of Markus tying him up. And how quickly everything shifted.

Markus had lied about Eddie. And Peter was pissed. He felt used. Markus was trying to have his cake and eat it too, and Peter didn’t really want to be a part of that. Ball’s in your court now, Teach… And now all Peter could do was wait. Wait for Markus to make up his mind. Wait for Markus to reach out. Wait for his bearded crush to choose him.

As Peter downed his whiskey and poured another, he heard faint music drifting from down the hallway. Hunter’s room. If I can’t have you! I don’t want nobody baby! If I can’t have you! Ah Ah Ah!
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Another great chapter. I love the way you've swing the story around so that now I'm supporting Peter and annoyed with Marcus. I think we can say that as this story progresses that there are faults on both sides! Classic rom-com!

Love Peter getting all hot and flustered by his closet predicament. Even caught it the moment Marcus did a great job. What a great way for Peter to get revenge with a bit of public humiliation.

I'm not even going to mention the distinction between the stocks and the pillory - I'm sure Marcus will be able to explain the difference!

Looking forward to where things go from here.
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Post by Guardianbound »

Who would have thought "When Markus met Peter" would be so Drama-Rom-Com(my). Seems like my hopes for a Eddie Markus Peter threesome are diminishing. Can't wait to see how the teach salvages everything.
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Post by Volobond »

Pup Wingletang wrote: 1 year ago I'm not even going to mention the distinction between the stocks and the pillory - I'm sure Marcus will be able to explain the difference!
I have a feeling my favorite teacher got gagged and tickled before he could correct the presenter ;)

I like how Peter handled the situation. Definitely like him better when he isn't drunk. And it seems we have a Betty and Veronica situation emerging with Markus as the hapless Archie between them. Even if it's a foregone conclusion who he picks, you've done amazingly well keeping up the suspense.

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