By Invitation (M/Ffm)

Stories that have little truth to them should go here.
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By Invitation (M/Ffm)

Post by Detective-Gag »

Part 1:

“Alright, we’ll be stopping by in about an hour or so,” Diana said, speaking into her earphone while she finished rinsing off the dishes in the sink. “It’s still alright that I bring Emily along?”

“Perfectly fine,” said her friend Susan, who was on the other end of the call. “The others were bringing their kids with them, too. They’ll mess around while we enjoy ourselves.”

“Thanks again! See you soon,” Diana replied, and then ended the call. “Emily!” she yelled, getting her daughter’s attention from whatever part of the house she was in. “Are you getting ready!?”

“Yeah, Mom!” came a voice from upstairs, followed by the sound of footsteps clambering against the ceiling above.

That night was a get-together with friends from work; Susan was hosting the party at her place, inside a gated community, and had invited Diana to join them. It wasn’t the first time they had done this; it had become a weekly affair, and Diana had grown to look forward to this social gathering each week.

“You finished?” Diana called out to her daughter again, once she had finished the dishes in the kitchen, turning off the faucet. “Emily?”

“I’m afraid that Emily is a bit preoccupied at the moment,” came a man’s voice from behind her.

Startled, Diana whirled around, and saw that a man now stood inside her kitchen: he was wearing a grey business suit, and a black mask, like a ski mask, except only a thin narrow slit revealed the man’s eyes, which were a piercing grey.

“Who are you!?” Diana exclaimed, taking a step backward. At that moment, though, she noticed that in the man’s black-gloved hand he held a pistol, though it was not pointed at her currently.

The man raised his other empty hand in a gesture that indicated for her to lower her voice. “The only thing you need to know is that I don’t intend you any harm,” the man explained. “However, for the duration of the evening, I regret to inform you that you will be our captive.”

“You’re kidnapping me!?” Diana sputtered. “Why? And what have you done with my daughter!?”

“Have no fear,” the man went on, and Diana heard the sound of movement outside the kitchen as she witnessed several more men, each of them wearing identical masks & suits, enter from the hallway. Much to her dismay, she saw her daughter, Emily, in the clutches one of them: the man had one arm wrapped around her as she struggled, and the other gloved hand clamped down over her mouth.

“Mrmph!” Emily grunted, stomping one of her feet down on the floor as she fought against the goon that held her.

“Emily!” Diana cried.

“As you can see, Emily isn’t hurt,” the leader of the masked men spoke. “She will, however, be our guarantee that you will cooperate with us.”

As if to emphasize the point, the leader holstered his gun on his belt, seeing no need of it further.

“Look, if you want to rob us, you can take what we have and go,” Diana offered desperately.

“Appreciated, but unnecessary,” said the man, straightening his jacket. “In truth, you’re not our primary target.” He turned to his men. “Secure them, please.”

The masked men then produced some coils of rope from within their jackets, two of them striding over to Diana, while their leader observed.

“Hands behind your back,” one of them ordered.

“Hey, wait…!” Diana yelped, before her hands were forced behind her, and she felt the rope now being looped around her wrists.

Meanwhile, the man holding Emily released his hand from her mouth, and produced some ropes of his own, pulling her hands behind her back as well.

Now able to speak, Emily said, “Mom, what are they talking about!?”

“I have no idea, dear,” Diana responded, feeling her hands now firmly tied together.

“We are going to be going on a short ride together,” the leader explained, producing a roll of white duct tape from his jacket pocket. Once the man finished tying Emily’s wrists, the leader tossed the white tape over to him. “Make sure the girl stays quiet, please.”

“Got it, boss,” the man answered, and tore a strip of tape off the roll.

Emily, hands now bound, looked between the man holding the tape & her mother. “Where are they taking us, Mum…MMPH!?”

Her question was interrupted by the masked man pressing the white tape firmly over her mouth. “Whmph!?” Emily mumbled, as the man tore off another strip of tape, and smoothed it over the first.

“Let her go!” Diana demanded as she saw her daughter being gagged.

“I’m terribly sorry for the harsh treatment,” apologized the leader, “but I am afraid that the gag is necessary. Can’t have her alerting anyone when we leave.”

“Where exactly are you taking us!?”

“Hmm..? It was my understanding that you were going to a party,” the leader mused. “Was that not correct?”

“Wha…?” Diana half-mouthed, her mind racing at the statement, as she and her captured daughter were led out of the kitchen towards the front of the house. “The party? How did you know about that…?”

“You were guests going there by invitation,” the leader stated, a sense of knowing in his voice. “So we will be accompanying you there.”

“I don’t understand,” Diana breathed, as they reached the front door. “Why would you take us ther…MMPH!?”

Diana’s words were cut short as a handkerchief was pulled tightly over her mouth from behind her.

“We’ll talk more about that after we get there,” the leader clarified, as he tied the gag behind her head. “Until then…let’s have ourselves a pleasant drive, yes?”

And with that, the group of masked invaders escorted the mother & daughter out the front of their dwelling into the late afternoon sun. There was no sign of any witnesses as the two captives were silently brought from the porch to their driveway, bringing them to their van before forcing them into the backseat along with their kidnappers.

“Buckle up,” the leader reminded, as he slipped into the driver’s seat, looking into the rearview mirror at the wide-eyes hostages, as his men secured them to their passenger seats with the safety straps.

“Mmmph!” both the mother & the daughter cried through their gags, as the leader started the vehicle, and they began driving towards the gated community where the festivities would soon begin…
Centennial Club
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Post by charliesmith »

Interesting start!
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
My ongoing stories:

Roadtrip of Dreams (M/F) Chapter 14 Added.
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Post by BoudBoy22 »

I want more of this story
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Post by Detective-Gag »

Part 2:

“Alright, thanks for the heads up,” Susan said brightly, cellphone at her ear as she paced the bedroom. “Glad to hear you’re going to make it. See you soon.”

She hung up the phone and set it on her dresser. She had been busily contacting all her friends to confirm that they were still on-board for the party tonight; and it looked like it was going to be a full house, happily enough. Several of her friends had kids; but rather than put them in the awkward position of having to hire sitters or look after them and miss all the fun, Susan had offered to let them bring them along to amuse themselves…they could remain upstairs, or in the basement playing video games, after all.

The blonde woman was just about finished getting ready herself…putting her hair into a French braid, she attached her pearl earrings, surveying herself in the bedroom mirror. Satisfied, she exited the master bedroom and cross the hall, poking her head inside her children’s room. Chelsea, her daughter, was on her bed, fiddling with her cellphone, while Chris sat at their desk with his headphones on, playing some online game on his laptop computer.

“Are you to ready for when the guests arrive?” Susan asked them.

“Yeah, sure,” Chelsea replied immediately, glancing up from her phone.

Susan crossed the room, and pulled one side of the headset away from the ear of her son. “And how about you?” she asked him. “You want to put that game on pause?”

“Yeah, yeah,” Chris said quickly, stopping the game on the computer, and sliding the headset down around his neck and swiveling the chair to face his mother.

“I want you kids to try and keep your noise to minimum tonight, alright?” Susan requested of them. “Stick to downstairs, if you can.”

“Got it, Mom,” Chris answered sheepishly.

“No problem,” Chelsea added.

“Finish whatever you need to now,” Susan went on. “The guests should be arriving soon.”

Her children nodded, resuming their activities with some haste. As if on cue, there came a pinging noise, indicating that someone had reached the exterior of the gated community, and was buzzing her address.

“Ah, and there we go,” Susan said, as she walked down the hall and to the device fixed to the wall. She pressed the button, and said, “Hello?”

There was a pause, and the sound of a woman’s voice came through the speaker. “Susan?”

Susan pressed another button, and on the small LED screen, she recognized Diana’s blue van at the gate. “Diana!” she beamed. “You got here quickly!”

“We…well, we left the house in a hurry,” Diana replied.

“Hope you weren’t rushing on my account,” Susan apologized. “You bring Emily with you?”


“Hi, Emily!”

There was no response from Diana’s daughter.

“She’s…got her earphones in, I think,” Diana clarified.

“Kids and their smartphones,” Susan laughed. “You’re the first to get here. Come on inside.”

She pressed the switch, and saw the gate to the neighborhood slide open, and Diana’s van pass through.

Susan switched off the screen and hurried downstairs to the kitchen area to make sure everything was set…wine, food, music…it was going to be a lovely evening!

“Nicely done,” the leader of the kidnappers complimented, after Diana had finished speaking with Susan.

Diana sat back in the passenger seat behind him, her hands still bound behind her, as he rolled the tinted window back up.

“I did what you told me to do,” Diana answered. They had removed her gag so that she could speak with Susan through the intercom. “Now what?”

“You got us inside!” the leader praised, briefly looking at her through the rearview, as he drove through the interior of the neighborhood. “So now it’s smooth-sailing for you two!”

Diana glanced over at her daughter sitting in the passenger seat next to her. One of the goons in the furthest backseat had placed a hand over Emily’s taped mouth during her short conversation with Susan, but had since released her. Now her daughter stared back at Diana with wide-eyes above the white tape gag.

“That was a good excuse you came up with, by the way,” the leader joked. “I suppose that’s the other way to keep a kid quiet during a car ride.”

“Will you let us go now?” Diana asked.

“Relax,” the leader reassured. “The hard part is over…almost. Get us inside the house, and then all you two need to do is spend a couple hours tied up while me and my men conduct our business. Simple.”

“Why do you want to get into Susan’s house!?” said a baffled Diana.

The leader waggled a finger, without taking his eyes off the road. “That’s something you don’t necessarily need to know,” the man answered.

“But other people will be coming, too!” Diana stammered. “Surely this isn’t the time to be breaking in!”

“Actually, it provides the perfect cover,” the leader rebuked. “Go ahead and gag her again, please. We’re almost there.”

“Hmph,” Diana grunted, as white handkerchief was pulled over her mouth once more by the lackey sitting behind her. Emily looked on sympathetically as she watched her mother be silenced, murmuring through her own gag.

Once the cloth was fixed in place, Diana looked up and saw the front of Susan’s lovely home, a large three-story structure with a stone exterior. Susan’s neighborhood tended towards the wealthier side; and certainly it reflected in the dwelling: lights from the entrance walkway illuminated the front-facing of the grey estate like small castle.

The leader whistled. “Nice place,” he remarked. Switching the engine off, he turned in the driver’s seat to look back at Diana. “You’re coming with me to the front door while your daughter stays in the car. Once we get inside, she’ll rejoin us…but any funny business, or trying to warn your friend, and my men drive off with Emily. Understand?”

“Nmph!” Emily said at the mention of the alternative, twisting in her seat.

“Mmph alrmph,” Diana assured through her gag to her daughter, then turned to stare back to the leader, nodding in agreement.

“Excellent!” he declared, exiting the car, before sliding open the passenger door. “Lemme give you a hand, dear…”

Diana was helped out from her seat and onto Susan’s driveway. One of the other masked men exited from the backseat, and Diana saw her daughter’s worried face disappear behind the tinted glass as the goon shut the door. Flanked by both the men now, Diana was marched to the front entrance of the house. When they got to the front door, the leader tugged Diana’s gag down from her mouth, letting it hang from her neck, while the two men then stood on either side of the door.

“Just get us inside,” the leader reminded her, and Diana saw his hand rest upon his hip. Remembering he was armed, Diana gulped and pressed the doorbell.

There came the sound of movement from within the house, and Diana saw a shadow form just past the stained glass windows that bordered the front door. “Diana?” came Susan’s voice.

Diana took a deep breathe, and forcing positivity into her voice, said, “We’re here! It’s us!”

There came the sound of the door being unlatched, and before Diana could even issue a follow-up statement, the henchman flanking her left covered her mouth with his gloved hand.

“Come on inside! The others haven’t arrived yet, but make yourselves at…goodness!”

Susan’s commentary as she opened the door quickly turned to shock, as the leader forced his way into the foyer, followed closely behind by his partner and the held Diana. Susan took several steps backward, processing the suited masked men that had suddenly appeared inside.

“What’s all this!?” Susan exclaimed, raising a hand to her face. “Diana!?”

“Thmm hmm mm dmghtrmm,” Diana murmured through the gloved hand covering her mouth.

“Miss Lancaster!” the masked leader said ceremoniously, turning his grey eyes towards Susan to indicate her formally, as he closed the door behind him. “Thank you for inviting us to your home…we will be co-hosting the event with you for this evening.”

“Who in the blazes are you!?”

“Lower your voice, please,” the masked leader said politely, raising a finger to part of his mask where his mouth would normally be. “We have Miss Ortega’s daughter tied up in the car outside…for her sake, let’s keep things civil?”

“Plmph, Susmph!” Diana pleaded to her friend.

“Who are you, and why have you done this?” Susan asked again, but in a much more softer voice than before.

“You may refer to me as Rook,” the man answered, introducing himself, as he produced a roll of white duct tape from his jacket, and tore off a strip. “As for why I’m here, we’ll…they’ll be time to explain that in detail later.”

He turned towards Diana, and motioned for his partner to take his hand away from her mouth.

“Gah…I’m so sorry, Susan, but they ambushed us right after you called us at home,” Diana frantically explained. “I had to cooperate, they have my daughte…RMMPH!”

The leader calling himself Rook quickly silenced Diana with the piece of tape, pressing it over her lips. Tearing off two more strips, he applied them over her mouth, while saying to Susan, “While I’d love to keep chatting; I understand that your expecting more guests.”

“Gmph,” Diana grimaced, as she was gagged in the same manner as her daughter.

Rook took her by one arm, her hands still bound behind her back, and said to his man, “Get the others and bring the girl inside. Time to get started.”

“Right boss,” the masked man answered, and headed out the front door, relinquishing his grip on Diana.

Susan watched all this in a dream-like daze, not completely believing what was happening in front of her.

“I…” she began to say.

“…will listen very carefully,” Rook finished for her, turning to face her with the captive Diana by his side. “We’re going to tell you EXACTLY what to do when your guests get here…but first, we’ll have to keep your children a bit “preoccupied”…
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Post by roguehorseman »

This is such a great story
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Post by Detective-Gag »

Part 3:

“Kids, could you please come down here?” came the sound of Susan’s voice from downstairs.

Chelsea perked up at the sound of her mother’s call, setting her cellphone down on the nightstand. “Chris!” Chelsea motioned to her younger brother, a young man with blonde hair to match her own, but cut shorter. He still had his gaming headset on.

Chris saw his sister trying to get his attention, and slipped off the headset. “What?”

“I think the party’s starting,” Chelsea explained. “Mom’s calling.

“Children?” came Susan’s voice once more. “Please come down now.”

“Coming!” Chelsea yelled back, before turning to her brother. “C’mon, we gotta go.”

“Alright,” Chris said, and got up from the computer. The two sibling made their way down the second-story hall to the double staircase, leading down into the foyer.

However, as the two descended, they stopped halfway when they saw their mother standing in the center of the foyer, surrounded by four strange individuals. They were all dressed in nice-looking grey suits, but their faces were covered by black masks that covered everything but their eyes.

“Ah, children!” said one of the men enthusiastically. “Excellent! Now we may proceed.”

“Mom, who are these people?” Chelsea asked, staring at the unknown guests.

“They are…members of an acting company,” Susan responded, slowly. “They get hired to do special events at parties.”

“You didn’t say anything about a special event tonight,” Chris said, eyeing the masked men.

“It was…very last second,” Susan replied, a strained smile on her face. “They we’re only just able to work us into their schedule.”

“What exactly do they do?” Chelsea questioned.

“Excellent question,” said the man from before, taking a step forward. “We specialize in staging exciting mysteries, crime dramas, and other theatrical tales of suspense…for this evening, we are performing our “Hostage Scenario” package for your guests.”

“And they…asked if you’d like to join in the fun,” Susan added.

“What would we have to do?” Chris asked, appearing curious.

“In this story, we have crashed the party, and have taken the family and their friends hostage,” the man explained. “We are on the run from the police, and are using this house as our hideout. The party guests…and you two…are kept tied & gagged, and locked away in different parts of the house so you don’t cause any trouble.”

“So you’re going to tie us up?” Chis said.

“Precisely,” the man responded.

“Neat!” Chris exclaimed, looking eager.

“Are you going to be tied up, Mom?” Chelsea asked.

“Well…” Susan started to say.

“She’ll be tied up last, since she’s the host,” the man answered for her. “You may call me Rook, by the way; I’m the director of the event.”

“So…like, you’re going to tie us up right now?” Chelsea asked.

“That would be for the best,” Rook said, gesturing to his people, who produced ropes from their coat pockets. “You should take your places before the other guests arrive.”

The two blonde siblings looked at each other, grinned, and came clamoring down the stairs. As soon as they reached the bottom, the men with ropes turned them around, and gently took their hands behind their backs, and started wrapping their wrists together.

“Ah, it appears we’ve got two snoops here,” the man Rook joked, referring to Chelsea & Chris. “Make sure that they can’t get loose, and take them down to the basement where they can’t cause trouble.”

Both Chelsea & Chris giggled, the the men finished tying their wrists, and proceeded to tie some ropes around their torsos, pinning their arms to their sides.

“Got ‘em,” said one of masked goons.

“Now, let’s make sure they can’t call for help,” Rook said, producing two white rags from his pocket with a magician’s flourish. He strode over, and said, “Open wide, please.”

Like a dentists office, the two siblings opened their mouths, and Rook stuffed the two rags inside.

“Grgmph!” the two kids exclaimed, as the fabric was crammed inside.

“And now the finishing touch,” Rook stated, taking out a roll of white tape, tearing off several strips for each of them, and pressing them over their mouths.

“Mmph! Mmph!” the two siblings mumbled as they were gagged, white tape now sealing the cloth inside their mouths.

“That ought to keep them quiet, I’d say,” Rook appraised, then turned to his men. “Go ahead and take them down into the basement…but put them in a different room than Miss Ortega and her daughter, if you please.”

Room waggled a finger at Chelsea & Chris. “Don’t want these two trying to help them escape.”

Both Chelsea & Chris’s eyes widened at the mention of Miss Ortega & her daughter, Emily…they were unaware that the so-called game had already started without them, and started murmuring excitedly to each other, as the two men who tied them up started shepherding them towards the basement stairs.

“Emlmph izmm hrmph!” Chelsea said through the gag.

“Nn hrmm Mumph, tmph,” Chris added, as the two disappeared around the corner and down the hall.

As soon as they vanished from view, Susan let out a very deep sigh, bending over slightly to catch her breathe.

“You did very well,” Rook complimented the mother, allowing her to gather herself.

“Please, don’t hurt them,” Susan pleaded.

“Absolutely not,” Rook said, making sure Susan took his words truthfully. “It’s as I said: they’ll be kept out of the way.”

“Just like Diana and her daughter?” Susan repeated, biting her lip anxiously.

“Tied to chairs downstairs & gagged,” Rook informed her. “We’ll keep them separated so they don’t catch on, but for all intents and purposes, the children will treat this evening like it’s all make-believe.”

“Except both Diana & Emily know the truth,” Susan pointed out.

“Well, they’re not exactly in a position to be telling your kids about it,” Rook corrected, straightening his attire. “Now then…here’s what’s going to happen as your guests arrive…”

Meanwhile, Diana sat roped to a wooden chair with a long back, facing out from the corner bar in the main section of the basement, which served as the entertainment area. A large screen television hung above a fireplace, bordered by a large couch and two reclining chairs, and a coffee table separating them. Behind her was the marbled countertop to the bar, behind which was a shelf where some bottles of wine were stacked, as well as a small television hanging off a mount.

In addition to having taped her mouth, the thugs had re-gagged her with the white handkerchief, and bound her ankles and knees together with more rope. Initially having tested the strength of her bonds, Diana had found that she was completely unable to move from her chair.

“Mmph…” came the sound of her daughter Emily, who sat right next to her, similarly bound to another chair. The villains had tied a cloth over her mouth as well, to keep the duct tape beneath in place, and to ensure that neither of them could alert anyone on the main level above from hearing them.

Diana peered sympathetically over at her daughter, who kicked out with her roped-together feet, some strands of her dark hair having come loose from her hairband during her struggles.

“Yrmph gmna bmm jmph fmph,” Diana assured Emily through her own gag, nodding her head in encouragement.

“Mmn knmm,” Emily mumbled back to her, leaning her head back against the headrest of the chair, the decorative purple flower attached to her hairband drooping almost as much as she was.

Despite all that had occurred thus far, Diana had to believe that they were through the worst of it…it had devastated her to deceive Susan, tricking her into allowing these strange men into her home; but surely she had to understand that Diana really had no other choice.

And even though these crooks had tied them up, that alone determined that they intended to keep them alive.

Perhaps, she thought, if they could simply be patient & cooperate, they would make it through this crisis.

Diana’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of movement, coming from the basement stairs to her right. She heard the dull thudding of footsteps, as she two two small figures being led into the entertainment area, accompanied by two of the masked men in suits.

“Umph mmph GMPH!” Diana mumbled loudly through her gag, as she recognized the two small children being guided along by the kidnappers.

She saw a boy in a blue t-shirt with a mop of blonde hair, white tape covering his mouth, cheeks bulging as though someone had placed something in his mouth prior to gagging him. Ropes encircled the young man’s arms & hands…though the boy seemed to be in good spirit, his eyes crinkled at the corners as though he were smiling.

Next to him, with longer blonde hair kept pulled back by a black band, in a pink dress, was Chelsea…like her brother, her cheeks seemed stuffed & her mouth was taped, and bindings coiled tightly around her. The girl looked over and saw both Diana & Emily sitting in their chairs, and started excitedly bounding up & down.

“Lookmph! Mmph Mssmph Ortegumph!” Chelsea mumbled energetically.

“Anmd Emilumph,” Chris added, turning to look at Diana’s daughter.

“Keep moving,” the masked men ordered the two children, who snickered at each other beneath their gags, but did as they were told.

“Whtmph armph ymph dmphing wth her kdmphs!?” Diana growled, as she watched the two men marched the children to the opposite end of the basement.

“Locking them in the back where they can’t cause trouble,” one of the men answered back.

“Hlmph umph! HLMPH UMPH!” Chelsea cried out…though she laughed as she did so.

“Dmph wrmph; I’llmph cmph bckmph nn savmph ymph grlsmp!” Chris declared, the gag distorting his words.

They disappeared around the corner, and Diana & Emily were left flabbergasted by what they just witnessed.

Maybe Diana was a bit more distressed by the current circumstance than she had thought…but Susan’s kids had almost looked like they’d been ENJOYING themselves…

“Down on the ground, you two,” the masked man commanded.

Both Chelsea & Chris had been led into the basement storage room, filled with dusty boxes, extra furniture, and the holiday decorations. One of the masked men pulled on a chain connected to a lightbulb in the ceiling, and flicked it on, while his partner nudged the children to the center of the room.

The kids gave each other a glance, then sat down on the carpet, looking up at their captors.

“Feet together,” said the other man, taking out more rope.

The siblings did as they were told, placing their feet side by side. The masked man went to work, lacing their ankles together, before tying a knot right around the center, essentially creating cuffs of rope.

“Now then,” the man said, standing back up. “You both are going to stay put. We’re locking the door behind us, just to be sure.”

“Under no circumstances are you two allowed to try and untie yourselves,” the man went on, pointing a finger at Chelsea, then Chris. “We’ll be coming back periodically to check on you; so we’ll know.”

“Wmph womph,” Chelsea promised.

“Toomph tmph, anywmph,” Chris added, twisting against the ropes.

“And make sure those gags stay on, too,” the masked man warned. “No trying to shout for help.”

And with that, the masked men exited the storage room, the two siblings hearing an audible “click” as the door was locked.

Now alone, the siblings now flexed against their bonds, testing the limits of how well the “actors” had tied them.

“Rlmph tmph,” Chris mumbled to his sister through the tape covering his mouth.

“Shmmph!” Chelsea giggled, wiggling her feet. “Thmm mmt cmph bckmph!”

The two continued their muffled conversation with amusement, occasionally wriggling against their ropes.

It was certainly a different sort of activity than they had expected for that night!
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Post by BoudBoy22 »

Great. I like this story. I can see Chelsea and Chris are enjoying their time bound and gagged.
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Post by Detective-Gag »

Part 4:

“The party has already begun,” said Susan’s voice through the speaker. “Door’s unlocked; just come inside.”

“See you in a minute,” Gabby replied as the gate to the neighborhood slid open. Rolling up her window, she drove way through the streets towards Susan’s home.

“I’m glad this day is finally over,” came the sound of her passenger, Monica, sitting next to her in the passenger seat. The attractive dark-skinned woman was wearing a red-skirted dress, dark jacket & heels; her hair long with a straight fringe cut across her forehead. “Work was stressful.”

“It’ll be good to relax,” Gabby agreed, her thoughts on the evenings revelries; the perfect way to start the weekend. She had long, ginger hair that she kept back with a hair clip, and wore a white coat over a green dress. “We’ll start by cracking open some wine.”

“That’s how you ALWAYS start these get-togethers,” Monica pointed out.

“So you aren’t having any?”

“Don’t be silly,” Monica scoffed, and the two shared a laugh.

Susan’s house came into view; and the two parked the car on the front curb.

“Looks like Diana’s already here,” Gabby said, recognizing the van already in the driveway.

The two women stepped out of the vehicle & strode their way up to the porch. Just as promised, Gabby found that the door was already unlocked, and the two of them went inside.

“Hey…!” Monica called out energetically, making a big entrance. Her voice carried into the big foyer. “We’re here!”

There was no response; save for the sound of music playing faintly from the living area deeper inside.

“Susan?” Gabby tested, shutting the door behind her. “Diana? You there…?”

“In the living room!” came the sound of Susan’s voice from down the hall. “Come and…settle in.”

“We’re going to do more than that, hon!” Monica beamed, as she immediately made her way towards where the music was coming from.

“I saw that Diana’s already arrived,” Gabby remarked, following her friend. “Didn’t think she’d get here before us. Guess someone was eager to get started.”

“Yes, well…she wasn’t the only one,” Susan answered back, as the two friends came upon the living room. Their host stood by the fireplace, dressed in black with her blonde hair all done-up in a braid, her hands clasped together in front of her, fingers laced.

Susan gave both her friends a wry smile when they entered. “Gabby, Monica…you made it,” she greeted awkwardly. “Ah…make yourselves at home.”

“So formal!” Monica joked, coming over to give the woman a big hug. “How are you!?”

“It’s been…a long day,” the blonde woman replied, biting her lip.

“A long week, more like,” Gabby sighed, taking a look around the living room. “Don’t see Diana. She in the kitchen?”

Susan wrung her hands, shoulders bunching up a bit. “Listen, ladies…” she began. “I need to tell you something…”

“Diana is a bit tied up, as it were,” came the sound of a man’s voice, as the door to the kitchen swung open to reveal a man in a gray suit, face covered with a black mask.

“Holy…who’s that?” Monica yelped, startled, as she turned away from Susan towards the masked stranger.

“You can call me Rook,” the man responded, spreading his gloved hands wide.

Gabby glanced nervously between the man named Rook and Susan, taking a step backward. “Susan…” she said slowly. “What’s going on here?”

“No need for alarm, ladies,” Rook assured, looking over at Gabby. “However, my men must insist that you remain in the room for the moment.”

Gabby gasped as she found that she had backed into two other men, who seemingly had snuck in from the hallways where they’d entered before. Like Rook, they wore suits & masks that hid their features, and the two placed gloved hands gently but firmly upon both her arms, keeping her in place.

“What the hell..!?” Monica yelled, as two more men entered from the remaining entryway, dressed identically. “Who are you people!?”

“Please, calm down Monica,” Susan said to her, placing a hand on her arm. “They’re here for me.”

“Quite right,” Rook affirmed, as he gestured the other two men towards Monica. The men crossed the living room; one producing a coil of white rope.

“Hey, what do you think you’re doing!” Monica said defiantly, as one of the men went behind her as the other came from the front. “Don’t you…MMPH!”

“Be quiet,” the men behind her said simply, as he clamped a gloved hand over her mouth, while his other held her arms behind her back. The other man with the rope then approached, and started tying her wrists together.

“Hymph!” Monica mumbled, squirming against her captors.

“Hey, let go of her…HMPH!” Gabby started to say, before one of the men holding her arm covered her mouth with their other hand.

“Please don’t interrupt,” the man asked her politely, as the other started binding her hands as well.

“Is this really necessary?” Susan asked, rubbing one of her temples nervously with a finger.

“Not everyone has arrived yet,” Rook explained, as he observed the two guests have their hands secured behind their backs. “Until they do; we cannot have these two warning them, nor can they be allowed to leave.”

“Can’t you just lock them in a room?”

“I find it’s best to incapacitate the guests so they are not tempted to cause trouble,” Rook countered. “Speaking of…”

He took out a pair of handcuffs from his pocket. “Hands behind your back, please,” he said to Susan.

Susan blinked. “But why?”

“We’re not tying you up quite as thoroughly as your friends…not yet…but we do need to take precautions.” He jingled the handcuffs. “Hands, please.”

Susan groaned, then turned and placed her hands behind her back. Rook took the cuffs and snapped them firmly over her wrists; thankfully, the handcuffs were padded to prevent too much discomfort.

Meanwhile, the other men finished tying both Monica’s and Gabby’s hands; though both women still had hands covering their mouths to keep them from speaking.

“Now for the two of you,” Rook stated to the two guests, holding Susan by one arm. “As you might have gathered by now: we are holding you both hostage for the time being. This is strictly for practicality’s sake; you will not be harmed…though we will be keeping you tied & gagged for the duration.” He waved a hand. “Any questions?”

“Ymph mnstrmph!” Monica thundered, as she fought against the man holding her.

“Tsk tsk…I think we’ve found the fighter,” Rook appraised. “Let’s begin with her, shall we?”

The man who had tied Monica took out a roll of tape and what looked like a spongey little ball. Monica narrowed her eyes at the man, then stared over at Rook’s steely grey eyes. “Nmph wmph,” she murmured, daring the man to try and gag her.

“I would remind you that we have both your friends here…as well as your other co-worker, Diana, and the other children downstairs.”

Monica blinked in shock, realizing just then why Diana was absent. “Whd hv ymph dmm wm thmph!?”

“Miss Ortega and her daughter Emily are being kept safe & secured,” Rook clarified. “Susan’s children, Chelsea & Chris, are tied up in a different room.” He stared hard at Monica. “Please don’t make things difficult for them.”

Monica furrowed her brow, sighed beneath the glove, and stopped resisting. After a moment, the goon holding her removed his hand from her mouth.

“As long as you don’t hurt them, you bast…ARMPH.”

The other masked thug stuffed the sponge ball into Monica’s mouth, interrupting her insult, before pressing a strip of tape over her lips.

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Rook promised, as his subordinate added more strips of white tape to complete Monica’s gag. He turned to look over at Gabby next. “You seem to be substantially more calm than your friend here,” he said to her. “Can we expect your cooperation?”

Gabby felt the hand come off her face. “Pfeh…I want to see them,” she requested shakily. “To make sure they’re okay.”

“That can be arranged,” Rook nodded. “But first you’ll need to be secured yourself.” He tilted his head at his partner. “Gag her.”

The man nodded, and shoved another sponge ball into Gabby’s mouth. “Grngmh,” she heaved, before a piece of white tape was smoothed over to seal the wadding inside, along with two more.

“Well…!” Rook exclaimed, clapping his hands together. “Now that we have that bit of unpleasantness out of the way, let’s put you both with the other…”

There was the sound of a chime going off, coming from the dispatch fixed to the wall.

“That sounds like our next guests!” Rook laughed, shaking his head. “We may need to speed things up a bit!” He turned to Susan. “You know what to do, madam.”

Susan swallowed, breathed, and walked over to the dispatch on the wall.

“Dmph tlmph thmph to cmn insmph!” Monica mumbled through her gag, shaking here head at Susan.

“I don’t have a choice, Monica,” Susan said wearily. “My kids…”

“Quite right,” Rook agreed, and addressed the man holding Monica. “Put her somewhere out of the way where she can’t cause trouble,” he ordered. “And make sure she can’t get loose.”

“Got it, sir,” the man confirmed, and started pulling Monica out of the living room.

“Lmpht gmmph mm mmph!” Monica murmured angrily, as the sound of her voice disappeared into the hallway.

“No making any noises, please,” Rook said to Gabby once they had left.

Gabby stared back at her captor silently, and nodded.

The chime went off again, and Rook joined Susan at the control panel. Because her hands were now cuffed behind her back, Rook pressed the intercom button for her.

“Hello?” Susan called.

“It’s Lucy,” came a woman’s voice. “I’ve got Kathleen and her daughter with me.”

“And your kids, too?”

“Hope that isn’t too much of a bother,” Lucy apologized.

“Hi, Mrs. Lancaster!!” came the fuzzy sound of two young children yelling in unison.

“No bother,” Susan said, closing her eyes. “Everybody’s here, then. I’ll let you in.”

Rook pressed the switch that would grant them access; and the radio crackled off.

“And so we’re almost ready!” Rook beamed, the corners of his piercing grey eyes crinkling through his mask slit to show he was smiling. “Once everyone is taken care of; we’ll get down to business.”

Rook pulled a white handkerchief from his coat pocket. “Apologies, Miss Lancaster,” Rook said sheepishly, as he held the cloth up to her face.

“What are yo…URMPH.”

Rook pulled the handkerchief tightly over her mouth in a gag. “No need for you to speak further at this time,” Rook told her, as he fastened the knot behind her head.

“Mmph,” Susan grunted, now handcuffed, as well as gagged like the rest of the people in the house.

“Go ahead and grant Miss Derringer’s request, and put her with the other hostages downstairs,” Rook told his remaining men, as he winked in Gabby’s direction.

“Let’s go, miss,” the man holding Gabby said to her, as she was gently guided in the direction of where the basement stairs were.

“Bm sfmph, Susmph!” Gabby mumbled sympathetically to Susan, as she disappeared around the corner.

“Let’s get you out of the way for now, Miss Lancaster,” Rook said to the now-silent Susan, taking her gently by the shoulders and escorting her from the living room. “We’ll need some time to “prepare” the others before we can settle our business…”
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Post by Trammel »

Fantastic and well written story. The only thing I would add is ages, especially of the children and perhaps a bit more description of what each person looks like. Really just minor details. Overall I love it. I can't wait to read more!
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.

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Post by TTRising »

Trammel wrote: 1 year ago Fantastic and well written story. The only thing I would add is ages, especially of the children and perhaps a bit more description of what each person looks like. Really just minor details. Overall I love it. I can't wait to read more!
I agree with this, only real details missing from this fantastic story. Do hope we get a part 5 soon :D
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Post by Detective-Gag »

TTRising wrote: 1 year ago
Trammel wrote: 1 year ago Fantastic and well written story. The only thing I would add is ages, especially of the children and perhaps a bit more description of what each person looks like. Really just minor details. Overall I love it. I can't wait to read more!
I agree with this, only real details missing from this fantastic story. Do hope we get a part 5 soon :D
Oh, you can expect it soon enough.

Busy season. Have a portion of it drafted already, though.
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Post by TTRising »

Detective-Gag wrote: 1 year ago
TTRising wrote: 1 year ago
Trammel wrote: 1 year ago Fantastic and well written story. The only thing I would add is ages, especially of the children and perhaps a bit more description of what each person looks like. Really just minor details. Overall I love it. I can't wait to read more!
I agree with this, only real details missing from this fantastic story. Do hope we get a part 5 soon :D
Oh, you can expect it soon enough.

Busy season. Have a portion of it drafted already, though.
Looking forward to it! Hope there's a lot of fun in it, with twist and turns. Youve set up a great story so far ;)
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Post by Detective-Gag »

Part 5:

“Going to be a full house tonight,” Lucy noted, as she pulled the van through into Susan’s community gate. The Asian woman in the sand-colored turtleneck sweater and jeans referenced the vehicle filled with passengers, including her two children, Luke & Lyla, bickering amongst each other just behind her…as well as Kathleen, seated next to her in the front passenger seat; and her daughter Bridget, who was nestled all the way in the back rear seat, her focus transfixed on her cell phone.

“Thanks for giving us a lift,” Kathleen said politely in response, turning to smile at her driver. A middle-aged woman with long brown hair, Kathleen wore a denim-jacket over a white long-sleeved shirt, with dark pants & brown boots.

“Didn’t make sense for us to take separate cars,” Lucy said, as she took a turn, driving further into the neighborhood. “Beside; it’s the least I could do, since Bridget said she’d watch after the kids while we have our fun.”

“TAG!” shouted Luke from the back seat just then, as his hand darted out to tap the shoulder of his sister. The black-haired boy with Asian features that took after his mother was wearing a gold t-shirt & black gym shorts, having only just gotten picked up from his basketball practice.

“I can’t even go anywhere!” whined Lyla, who looked much like her brother, except with long, straight black hair, and wore a white sweater & blue skirt. The two exchanged “tags” back & forth, laughing and yelling, while the girl sitting furthest in the back who would be supervising them for the evening looked up from her phone and winced.

Bridget was sixteen and had her mothers long brown hair, held back with a blue hairband, and wore a black hoodie & jeans. She wasn’t looking forward to having to wrangle a bunch of children for the evening; but Mrs. Lancaster & Mrs. Li were both paying her in exchange for keeping their kids out of trouble…so she could hardly complain.

Bridget’s eyes slid back down to her touchscreen as she continued distracting herself on various apps until they arrived at the house. Looking at her digital clock, she figured she had maybe five minutes left until her night became a handful…

“About five minutes until they get here,” said one of the masked men, as he tightened the ropes around Monica’s torso, loops having been wrapped around above & below her breast.

“Mmmph…!!” the dark-skinned woman grunted through the tape covering her mouth, wobbling in place, the the other man assigned to her finished securing the ropes around her ankles & knees.

“She’s a handful, isn’t she?” breathed the man as he stood up, dusting off his hands as he inspected Monica’s bonds.

“Ymmph almph wmph gmph awmph wmph thmph!” the woman seethed, twisting around against the ropes which now held her.

“Easy there!” the man finishing the ropes around her chest said, as he produced a white handkerchief from his pocket. The two masked men had brought her all the way upstairs so that she could not be heard by the newcomers as they entered; and has dragged her into the walk-in closet of the guest room for extra measure.

The white cloth was pulled tightly over her taped mouth, momentarily halting Monica’s muffled fervor, her eyes opening in shock.

“Remember, you’re not the only one we have all trussed up right now,” the masked grunt said to her, as the gag was tied in place. “Keep quiet, and everybody gets out of this just fine.”

“Ymph bttrmph,” Monica threatened, but her fury was fading. The two men lowered her to the carpeted floor in the closet, where she looked up at them, staring bullets.

The two men exited the closet, shutting the doors behind them. In the darkness of the space, Monica twisted against the ropes, grunting through the cloth that now covered the duct tape. The bastards had tied her very tightly; but she wasn’t about to just sit there and do nothing.

The thought of Susan’s kids well being…and her other friend’s families…nagged at her thoughts; but so long as she did not make too much noise, maybe she could loosen ropes enough to sneak away for help…

Immediately after she was dismissed from the living room, the two masked men had taken Gabriella down into the basement.

Immediately, the red-haired woman was greeted to the sight of Diana Ortega, and her daughter Emily, tied to a pair of chairs by Susan’s bar.

Both of them had white handkerchiefs tied tightly over their mouths; and upon seeing Gabriella being taken along by either arm by the masked men, with white tape over her mouth, both the mother & the daughter started muttering through their gags at her.

“Grbrlmrph!” Diana groaned, her chair shuddering slightly beneath her struggling. “Nmnt ymph, tmph!”

“Mmph!” Emily added, shaking her head as she kicked out with her bound feet.

“As you can see, they are quite alright,” one of the masked men told Gabriella, who stared at the hostages.

“Whmph abmph Smsmph’s chrldrmph?” Gabriella asked the men through the duct tape.

“We can show you,” the other man said to the lady.

Gabriella was taken to the other side of the basement, to where Susan’s storage room was located. The man unlocked the door, and inside, Gabriella saw both Chelsea and Chris sitting on the floor.

“Gmbrlmph!” both of the kids mumbled gleefully, as Gabriella appeared in the doorway. “Whmv bmvn kdnmphed!”

Gabriella stared aghast at the two kids, who were sitting on the storage room floor, their arms & legs bound, and white duct tape covering their mouths. And yet, the two children seemed to be smiling up at her, corners of their eyes crinkled.

“Glad to see you two brats have been behaving yourselves,” the masked man on Gabriella’s right said to them.

“We’ve been busy gathering up the rest of these hostages to keep you company,” said the other, jostling Gabriella lightly by her shoulders.

The two siblings giggled, and started wriggling in place. “Lmph Gbrmlmph gmmph!” Chris said to the masked men.

“Ymmph!” Chelsea added, bobbing her head up and down. “Ymph wmph gtmph awmph wmph thmph!”

Gabriella was confused by the children’s apparent lack of alarm. “Hmmph…?” she mumbled in reply.

“We’ll be taking the lady to join the others,” the man continued to tell the children. “But we’ll have your friends joining you shortly.”

Both of the kids perked up at the mention of this, exchanging exciting glances with each other as Gabriella was led back out of the storage room, and the door closed again.

“Both of the kids were told that this whole kidnapping is just a game,” the masked man revealed to Gabriella. “That is why they’re acting like that.”

Gabriella nodded, as she was taken back over to Diana & Emily. A third chair was dragged over by the other man, who set it beside Emily. “Sit,” the henchman told Gabriella, as she nestled herself into the chair.

The ginger party guest was then secured to the chair, and her knees & ankles bound together over her green dress, before a white handkerchief was pulled tightly over the duct tape gagging her, mirroring the two hostages to her right.

“Now that you’re up to speed; we’re going to be bringing the others down here momentarily,” the man recited to the trio, once Gabriella had been tied. “Just keep the noise to a minimum, and you’ll be fine.”

The two ladies & the kid nodded slowly, as the men switched on the TV set above the bar, increasing the volume to mask any stray mumbling that could be heard from the floor above. The two captors then went back upstairs, to prepare for the next engagement…
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