Basements like a dungeon (m/m)

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Basements like a dungeon (m/m)

Post by Likho »

Basements like a dungeon (m/m)


Basements in blocks of flats have always made me think of medieval dungeons. Especially those basements in the high-rise residential block that contained dozens of small storage cells, one for each flat upstairs and each locked with a solid padlock. Dark and cool, smelling of concrete and musty - it still spark my imagination. Very early on I began to dream of being tied up and locked in one of these cells. And since nothing is impossible for teenagers, I put my dream into practice pretty quickly.

As I've probably mentioned before, I've had the opportunity to be tied up at least once by the vast majority of my fellow backyarders. Mostly by my peers, often by younger friends, less often by older boys. I still can't get over the fact that it all managed to be kept somewhat secret and I don't have a reputation for being weird and perverted.



This time I asked my peer Jacob to tie me up with a belt and lock me in his basement. We had already played tie-up games several times, so I didn't have to convince or persuade him for long. I think he considered it the next, higher level of the our games.

It was summer vacation, we had plenty of free time and freedom from the adults who spent most of the day at work downtown. Jacob and I had both just finished the first year of high school* (meaning we were both 16) so we enjoyed a lot of independence anyway.

We met at nine in the morning. It was quite chilly for August, so we were both dressed in long pants and Jacob was also wearing a denim jacket. He led me to his basement, took out a canvas belt from his jeans and tied my hands behind my back. It was a thick and wide belt with which he easily and effectively restrained me. Then he pushed me inside the storage cell and made me sit against the wall.

Jacob smiled at me, and it was the kind of smile that a predator sends its helpless victim. I got goosebumps knowing that in a moment I’d be left all alone, tied up and padlocked in a small, dark cell in the basement.

Suddenly he saw something lying on a shelf and his smile became even more sinister as he reached for it. In a moment he was holding a combination cable bike lock.

- „I have an idea! Move over and sit with your back to that pipe!” - he ordered
I hesitated because I guessed what he was going to do.
- „Come on, your hands are tied behind your back, you know I can make you by force!” – Jacob threatened and symbolically slammed his fist into his palm.

Just as I thought, he pinned me by the neck to the pipe with that bike lock. The pipe itself was quite thick. It could have been a gutter or a sewer drain pipe. As a result, the bike lock held me quite tightly by my neck.

- „Let's raise the bet! The numbers to open the lock are five-seven-four-one. I’ll give you, say, two hours to free your hands and open the lock. If you make it in time, I'll let you out. If not, you stay here” – said Jacob playfully.
- „Don't be ridiculous, how am I supposed to set the digits in the dark?! And the lock is exactly under my chin, I won't be able to see the digits!” - I responded critically
- „That's your problem. See you later.” - replied Jacob as he walked out and closed the cell door with a mean smile.

I can't find the words to faithfully describe the feeling when I heard Jacob slam the padlock, walk away down the corridor, and finally locked the basement door at the far end of it. It's a feeling that, after so many years, I still remember so vividly and intensely, as if it all happened yesterday. And I get chills at every memory of that moment. I remember that I was physically shivering and cold chills went through my entire body in waves. I was terrified and at the same time excited like never before. Left tied up in a locked storage cell lost somewhere between the long basement corridors of a tall apartment building, I had no one to ask for release. Nor to call out for help, since all the adults were at work in downtown, miles away, and would not be back before 5 pm.**

I sat for a long time, absorbing the situation with all my senses. I didn't want to break free at all. I wanted it to last forever, to become my colleague's prisoner forever more. I loved the way he tied me with his belt. Although I preferred when he used his two leather straps and not this canvas belt. Still, I never managed to free myself from either of them. And the firm grip of his belt on my wrists gave me pleasant shivers. For some reason it mattered that I was restrained by his own belt, which he wore every day in his trousers. When he tied me with the leather belt, I could often still feel the warmth of his body retained on the leather surface.

It was all so real and non-negotiable. The darkness, the silence, the musty smell of concrete basements, and finally the tight grip of Jacob's belt on my wrists and bike lock on my neck. Damn, I liked his idea of that bike lock! I was stuck for real! I couldn't remember the numbers anyway. Only Jacob could free me. Even if I managed to untie my hands I would never free my head. I wouldn’t be able to escape or even fight Jacob. He got me on the spot. I enjoyed it to the extreme.

And you know what else I liked? That Jacob was sitting comfortably upstairs in his room, playing on the computer or watching TV, or maybe playing in the backyard, while I was rotting helpless, bound and locked in his dark basement. And that I’d be stuck locked in his storage cell for as long as Jacob liked. Gosh, how it excited me!

It took a really long time before I seriously tried to free my hands. I did it mostly out of boredom. I didn't have a watch, but it seemed to me that much more than two hours had passed. And Jacob wasn't coming back. It didn't particularly bother me. Jacob had a bit of a mean character, and when he tied me up, quite often he didn't quite follow the agreement, or added some extra attractions from himself. It was a risk I had to take in order to play tie-up games with him.

One thing I had to give him credit for - the guy was exemplary at tying. Even being bound by his canvas belt, I could neither loosen the ties nor find a knot to try to untie him. Pretty soon I got tired of fiddling with my bound hands. Especially since the bike lock was cutting into my neck with every movement.... which was even exciting to some extent, because it reminded me that I was trapped for real, even though I was imprisoned by my backyard friend and only for a few hours.


Finally, I heard footsteps in the hallway again. I was curious what Jacob would do now, whether he would release me or fulfill his threat to actually leave me here for longer. Because, let's be honest, I had no way to stop him from doing so.

Instead of getting closer, the footsteps started moving away. I wondered if it was Jacob teasing me, but after a while I heard another storage-cell being opened. It was one of the neighbors. For a moment I considered the chance to call for help. However, I quickly concluded that both Jacob and me would only be in trouble because of it, so it was better to play along and wait patiently for my collegue. Then I heard the sound of a bicycle being pulled out of storage cell and the voice of a kid. Then more footsteps and another kid's voice. It was Robert and Tom, two eight-year-old boys going for a bike ride, unaware that a few cells away sat tied up and locked up their older colleague from the backyard. Rescue at the hands of these two fools was uncertain. They would probably rally all the neighborhood kids to share the sensation. And they would probably laugh and mock me. Well, and it might have provoked Jacob to make me a public laughing stock. So I sat quietly, waiting for the kids to return with their bikes to the sunlight, leaving me locked in the dark basement.

Again, a thrill of excitement went through me, that the kids had gone off to play in the sun, while I have to sit tied up and locked in a dark basement for God knows how long. Or actually for Jacob knows how long.


Finally, Jacob appeared. He changed into a sports tracksuit, because apparently the weather outside had improved considerably, so they were going to play soccer with the other boys.

- „No progress as far as I can see” - said Jacob checking the state of the belt restraining my hands.
- „You didn't give me a chance”
- „Nonsense. You just like to sit tied up in a locked basement.”
I didn't respond, though of course he was right.
- „Well, since you like it so much that you haven't even managed to free your hands from the ordinary canvas belt, I'll leave you here while myself go play soccer.”
-”You were supposed to let me go after two hours” - I reminded the deal
-”And you were supposed to free yourself from the belt and bike lock in that time” - Jacob whined
- „I never manage to free myself when you tie me up” - I noted.
- „That's probably why you're always the one asking me to tie you up. Right? You like me to be cruel, don't you?” - Jacob laughed meanly and winked at me.
- „Well, have a nice day, man. Maybe I'll look in on you later. But no promises. I have more interesting things to do than wandering around stinking basements” – he said and left, again closing the door behind him on a padlock.

In fact, I hoped he would do just that. Indeed, I liked it when he was cruel. I just wasn't sure what I would do when I really couldn't take it anymore and there was no one to free me.


As I held my breath I thought I heard the joyful shouts of kids playing in the yard. Or maybe even the calls of boys playing soccer. Though the latter I was probably just imagining. It contrasted nicely with my situation, cruelly left, in a locked storage-cell, tied up and with a tight bike lock around the neck. I can't help it, but every time I think about it I get overwhelmed with excitement. I could feel the bike-lock around my neck and Jacob's belt on the wrists of my hands. I was close to nirvana.

But the brutal reality was starting to take over the fun more and more. Saying this I mean that everything was starting to hurt. My hands were sore from being tied with a belt, my rump and legs were sore from sitting on the cold concrete floor, my back was sore from being immobilised for hours in an uncomfortable position, and my neck hurt from constantly pulling upwards, because every time I lowered my head, the bike lock would dig into my throat. The game thus went through a torture phase. But even so, I was still excited that Jacob could do such a thing to me and that I had to suffer helplessly tied up and locked in his basement while he had a great time playing soccer with his friends. And no one knows that he is imprisoning me locked in his storage cell.

Worse still, from sitting on the cold concrete floor for so long, I needed to pee. The increasing pressure on my bladder distracted me and made it difficult to enjoy my captivity. It seemed that Jacob had just gone to play football and I guessed he wouldn't be back soon.

To be honest, it spoiled that part of the fun for me. Of course, I was a teenager and in control of my own bladder enough to hold back the urge to urinate for a reasonable amount of time. It's just that I had absolutely no idea when Jacob would return and whether he would release me. And the cold concrete wasn't helping really.

There is not much I can write about this part of the game. I thought more about not wetting my trousers than about being restrained and imprisoned by a colleague. I still couldn't untie my hands, which didn't matter anyway because I couldn't remember the combination of numbers to open the bike-lock. I felt the situation was getting serious.


Fortunately, Jacob returned earlier than expected. He was still dressed in a sports tracksuit and slightly soiled white sports sneakers. In his hand he held a half-eaten ice cream.
- "What a relief to have you back. I really need to pee." - I said with relief, as I expected an immediate release.
- „So what?" - The nasty grin on his face announced trouble.
- „You must set me free now. I need to go to the bathroom quickly.”
- "Not my problem" – replied Jacob while calmly licking his ice cream.
- "Please!" - I moaned pathetically
- "Maybe I want to see you walk home across the yard with wet trousers?"
Such a prospect of being compromised in front of the whole yard filled me with authentic terror.
- "No, please. I'll do anything you tell me to. As usual..."
As I said this, I noticed a change of expression on Jacob's face. And I became even more panicked. We were no longer children and I guessed what he might tell me to do. The word of ‘blowjob’ crossed my mind. Therefore, I tried to pre-empt his idea with something equally crazy.
- "If you want I'll lick your sneakers!" - I offered hysterically.
- „Wow! Really? You want to lick my dirty sweaty sneakers that I just played football in? ”
- „Yes, if you let me go to the bathroom afterwards.” - I tried to follow through and not give him too much time to think or change his mind.
- "As you wish," - laughed Jacob - "But have them clean, otherwise I won't let you out of here until you pee your trousers.”
- „Sure, just untie me. I can't reach your shoes with that bike-lock around my neck.”
Jacob laughed again and unfastened the bike lock.
- „Now get on your knees and lick my sneakers. ” - he said putting his left foot slightly forward.
With my hands still tied on my back, I knelt down in front of my friend and began to lick his sneakers with long careful strokes.

The truth is that I have long dreamed of licking his sneakers. Only I still lacked the courage to propose such a thing. To ask to be tied up was one thing, but to ask to lick someone's shoes seemed.... too bizarre, even for me. So I was happy to take the opportunity and pleased that Jacob caught the bait easily.

- „Dude, it's enjoyable! I can feel your tongue massaging my foot. We need to do this more often!” - Jacob laughed with superiority.
I didn't respond, busy licking the dust off his sports shoes. He wore awesome, branded Adidas sneakers. Fashionable, colourful and offbeat. Their sour taste was messing with my head. And the smell of Jacob's sweaty feet right next to my face filled me with a feeling of pleasant humiliation. And to top it off, I had my hands tied on my back with his own belt. I couldn't believe this was really happening! At that moment I was in my private heaven.

- "Tasty?" - Jacob asked after about five minutes of silence during which I licked his shoes.
- "I'm asking seriously" - he added when he did not get an answer.
- "Actually, yes." - I replied, dropping all pretence and putting everything on the line,
- "Then move away!" - Jacob pushed me aside.
With my hands tied on my back, I easily lost my balance and fell to the concrete floor.
In a moment a piece of ice cream fell on the top surface of his sneakers.
- "Lick it off!" – he ordered.
I looked at him in astonishment, but pretty soon I lost the duel of stares. I was in dire need of a pee. I leaned over his sneakers and with one stroke of my tongue licked off the ice cream. It was creamy. Only then did I ask myself if he had shaken it off or maybe actualy spit it out.
- "Yuck, that's disgusting!" - exclaimed Jacob taking the shoe from in front of my face.
Clearly this was already too much for him. He had overstepped his own boundaries. Now he had been frightened by what he had done and he wanted to get out of it as quickly as possible.
- "Ok, I'll let you out you moron. I can't believe you did that. You probably enjoyed it! Gosh! What a fucker!" - he mumbled hastily untying my hands.


In fact it didn't end all that badly. Jacob cooled down and then laughed at our tie-up game and at the fact that had to lick the ice cream he had spit out on his sneakers. I played tie-up games with him for some more time. A year, maybe longer. I’ve had the opportunity to lick his sneakers many times. Clean or dirty. He actually enjoyed it. And then, quite naturally, we stopped, while remaining colleagues. The same thing happened as always - he grew out of such games... while I didn't ;(


Some footnotes:
*) The school system in my country differs from the Anglo-Saxon system. In a nutshell: we have eight years of elementary school, which we start at the age of 7, then 4-5 years of high school, after which we can continue our education at university.
**) I lived in a huge (tens of thousands of residents), newly built neighborhood, where there were no workplaces yet. Apart from apartment blocks and recreation areas, there were only schools, kindergartens, clinics and stores nearby. The district was still a huge construction site.
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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

Funny to mention. When I was at university we lived in an old remted.terrace d house with a cellar. It was s!all , low ceiling ed but had low.beams and some vertical posts. My GF at the time and I had great fun tying each other to posts or hands overhead to the beams. Leaving them naked, gagged, blindfolded, or teasing each other.
Sometimes gagged, sometimes blindfold. Always barefoot.
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Post by Killua »

Wow! You really put a lot of work into this with all the pictures. A great story. When I was a teenager I also fatasized about getting tied up in such a basement after I saw one. It's a great and detailed story. Good job.
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Post by Mrtrident178 »

Dude I wish I has thar experience, sounds like a fun time! Awesome!
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Post by Likho »

Thanks guys :)

I often recall this very game. Unfortunately, in the modern world it's virtually impossible to recreate. Especially when you are an adult.
Not in the mobile phone era and with the ever-present "big brother" watching us.

Two years ago, our local media wrote about a young girl being found locked in a storage cell in the basement of an apartment block. The explanation was very vague, but the girl admitted that she had been in the cell with her consent and had herself asked her boyfriend to lock her in there for the night. Unfortunately, in the morning the boyfriend didn't show up for a long time, the girl panicked and "big brother" found out about everything. In my opinion, they played the same way I did with Jacob. :twisted:

I often think about how to feel that thrill again, but it doesn't seem possible. Where I live, the overwhelming majority of people live in flats rather than houses. Locking someone in a basement is out of the question these days. Especially an adult. And when someone has a house, they generally live in it with their entire family, so it's equally impossible to discreetly imprison anyone in a basement.
A stalemate situation :(

My only hope is to meet someone who has a proper summer house....
Alisonlovesropes wrote: 1 year ago Funny to mention. When I was at university we lived in an old remted.terrace d house with a cellar. It was s!all , low ceiling ed but had low.beams and some vertical posts. My GF at the time and I had great fun tying each other to posts or hands overhead to the beams. Leaving them naked, gagged, blindfolded, or teasing each other.
Wow! I dream of playing in a cellar like this!!! :twisted:
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Post by Xtc »

Yup, mobile phones are a real inconvenience. That's one reason that the "Longholme Island" stories are set n 1976.
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Post by Ebascoray »

Likho: A great, well-written story. Especially with the photos of the storage rooms which acted as "dungeons."

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Post by Trammel »

Pretty good story. Got weird at the end. Great description of what it feels like to be left tied up and helpless. Been there, done that. Well, not in a dungeon and no sneaker licking. :D
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.

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Post by verkki »

Great story! I could also feel fear and excitement just by reading ;)

It's a shame I've never had a Jacob in my life to be a bit cruel with me while I was helpless :lol:
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Post by Likho »

Thanks for your comments guys!

This is one of my most intense tie-up games and the most fondly remembered. I'm glad I managed to present it attractively enough to keep you interested. My real tie-up games tend to be plotless, no matter how exciting they are.
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Post by MaxRoper »

This is a great little story, well told and well edited. Obviously many of us can relate to your experiences with Jacob. Your description of the feel (and smell) of an old basement along with the perfect photos make this little gem stand out. Thanks for taking the time to write and post it.
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Post by The slave »

wow this story is absolutely amazing i want a friend like this but with a big fat gag on top of that lol
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