The Viking Faire Auction FFMMM/m

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The Viking Faire Auction FFMMM/m

Post by Tugger90 »

So these days Im very much a dom. But it wasn't always like that. Over a decade ago now I did more ties to myself than to any damsel. And I remember seeing videos from I believe the group called 'Northern Nordic Slave Trade" or something like that who 'caught' damsels at Viking Festivals and 'auctioned' them off after they were lightly bound for a few moments. Unfortunately I think pointless controversey occurred and now I cant even find the videos anymore. A shame, loved them when I first saw them in, what was it? 2008 or 2009? A shame.

A bondage idea formed in my head that never really left. So enjoy this rather lighthearted take on how I would have hoped it would have gone back then if me and my fun but occasionally stern aunt went on vacation to one of these faires. Hope you enjoy it and hope you all comment :D

I was in awe as I looked around the place, people dressed in medeival garb, old instruments playing by fires that were unneeded on the hot nordic summer day. Old style buildings lay upon the path. “This is so cool Auntie.” I said with a wide smile as I looked up at my aunt.

She looked down at me, smiling. “Well you always did seem to enjoy middle age toys and books when you were younger. So I figured if you were going to fly out to Europe to see me I might as well take you to some of these history faires. And what better way to start off that the Vikings!”

I nodded as I wiped my brow. “I know, I just wish it wasn't so hot.” I paused, blushing a tad. “Still, thank you Aunt Carol.” I said with a smile.

She rolled your eyes. “Your welcome, and yes you've made it quite clear how hot it is. You made me put your disgustingly sweaty shirt into my backpack remember?” I just smiled at her as she shook her head. “Never say Im not a great aunt Jesse.” I smiled at her, all my life I had known her as the fun aunt. She could be stern at times, but what good mentor wasnt? She looked down at me, and to say I was average would be to boring. But in most ways I was. Average height for my age, neither fat, nor really skinny. Brown hair, blue eyes, a deep round navel as well that my aunt had poked a couple of times since I took off my shirt, she knew how ticklish I was.

“Of course you ar-” I paused as I saw a sight that made my heart race. Four men who looked like they could have been cops if not for the fact they were dressed like vikings tugged on what looked a bit like a leash. Behind them a pretty brunette woman was giggling, tugged along, her wrists snugly secured behind her back.

The man in front rang a bell. “Slave for sale! Come to the market for auction! Slave for sale!” A couple of the girl's friends seemed to follow along, two females and one man. A couple took pictures, the others just laughed.

“More civilized than real viking slavers, wouldn't you agree Jesse? Jesse.” She said again, sort of pulling me out of the trance.

“Oh, yeah. I think you're right.” I paused. “I guess? Im not sure. I do guess they have phones.”

My aunt chuckled and waved at me with another roll of her eyes. “Nevermind Jesse you're obviously a tad distracted.” She walked over to a stand to look at some clothes. “A bit to modern to be historically accurate to the time period wouldnt you say?” She said over her shoulder at me as she and the stand owner giggled. “They have some nice khakis though. You want a pair, swear all you brought was soccer shorts to wear. I guess that might endear you to the europeans perhaps but its a rather one-note wardrobe you have.”

“Sure Aunt Carol.” I said, watching from a distance as the woman was lead up onto a stage. The collar around her neck tied to a post as people started rasing their hands.

My aunt looked at me again and put her hand on her hips. “Still distracted I see.” She said walking back over. “That is a humorous sight though.” She said as the bidding stopped. The sole man in the friend group walked over and handed over some cash. He was then handed the lead to the collar and walked off with the brunette in toe as her friends laughed and giggled.

I felt butterflys in my stomach. “It does seem. Really interesting.” I said sheepishly.

My aunt looked at me, raising an eyebrow. “You seem to think it looks really interesting.” She said with a knowing tone.

My cheeks got redder. “I just. I just think it looks interesting.”

She rolled her eyes for a third time now. “Oh really.” She said, placing and arm on my head and leaning towards me as she watched the show. “Would you like to try it out?”

I felt my mouth go dry. I had had an interest in being tied up, and seeing pretty actresses tied up on TV. But I had never told anyone, though I had used duct tape to try tying myself up some before. My Aunt had caught on much to quickly, which surprised me. “Umm. Well maybe.”

She giggled. “Oh Jesse, come on, you're not as slick as you think you are my adorable nephew. I think you think it looks real fun.”

I shrugged. “Maybe. I guess.” I said, my cheeks still red.”

She patted my head. “Wait here.” She said as she walked off and went to speak with the men who had lead the procession a few moments prior. I felt my heart race as she did so, before turning and walking back. “Okay, was a fun discussion.”

“What did they say?” I asked nervous.

She patted my on the shoulder. “Don't worry about it.” She said with a smile. She then walked over to another stall as we enjoyed walking around the faire for about fifteen minuets or so. Suddenly around that time I felt a net cascade over me.

“We got one!” I heard a man cry out.

A woman dressed like a shieldmaiden walked over. “Yep! And finally I get to say dude in distress instead of damsel!” She said laughing as she high fived my Aunt. The rope net went to the ground, completely covering me.

My aunt laughed at the site. “Uh oh Jesse, looks like the viking slavers have a new catch!” She said as the net was pulled off of me.

“Uh oh. Well, maybe I can escape.” I said as my wrists were suddenly tugged behind my back. Very quickly they were cinched tightly together behind my back.

The man chuckled. “I dont think so.” The man said as my heart raced. Finally! I had always wanted to get tied up, and while the rope might have been a tad uncomfortable due to the tightness the feeling of finally being bound overwhelmed that.

My aunt walked over. “Nice knots. Get his elbows as well, dont want him to escape now do we!”

The group laughed as I went “Oomph as I felt my elbows touch and have them secured. The man had a huge size and muscle advantage on me to no ones surprise, and he easily cinched the rope together

Another one of the men there looked at my aunt. “Ankles as well?”

“If you're able.” She replied, her dark hair in a bun somehow reflecting the hot sun as she beamed a smile our way.

The man nodded. I was nervously silent as he squatted down. “I think I can do something.” He said as he took a rope and made a small noose. He then slipped it around one of my ankles, before doing the same to the other ankle. He then lifted up the connecting rope. “There, good enough for short steps.” He said to my aunt.

She nodded. “Good!” She said taking a photo and laughing. “You look like the perfect viking captive after a raid Jesse!” She said, half in a humorous aunt way and half in a friendly mocking sort of way.

Suddenly I let out something I didn't mean to. “To be the perfect captive wouldn't they have to use something to keep me from speaking?”

My aunt raised an eyebrow at me as the shieldmaiden laughed. “Like a gag?” She said barely containing herself. “Oh Im sure we can do something.” She said searching through her bag. “Here opened up.

“Huhmmmphhhh!” I let out as I felt a knot of cloth forced into my mouth and tied firmly behind my head. A leather cloth, that was closer to a belt than a bandana was placed over it and secured just as tightly behind my head. “Mmmphhhhh!” I muffled into my gag.

My aunt walked over, smirking. “I know the perfect way to test this for noise reduction.” She said smirking mischievously.

My eyes went wide a second before I realized what was about to happen. “Nommphh-heheheaamph-ahhahahstahhmmphhh!” I laughed into my gag, squirming in my bonds but barely able to move now as my aunt sent her long and hard nails all over my horribly sensitive belly and sides. I burst into laughter as tears almost immediately came to my cheeks. “Phehessmphahahahah!” The shield maiden joined in. Squeezing my sides as my aunt spider tickled my belly.

“My, he is ticklish!” The shield maiden said with most mockery and surprise as she looked down at me. “Look at him try to squirm away!”


“Good thing you made those bonds so tight!” My aunt replied. “Okay that gag definitely does its job.” She said chuckling herself as they finally stopped. Leaving me gasping for air mostly through my nose and some through my tight cleavegag.

The man who seemed to be the leader walked over. “Right then, lets get going.” He said, fastening a cloth collar around my throat and lightly tugging me along. “Slave for sale! Come to the market for auction!”

I felt a rush as I felt both entirely helpless but also having some of the most fun I'd ever had. My aunt walked alongside them, filming, and failing to contain her laughter at the sight. The shield maiden spoke up. “Slave for sale! Come to the auction! Finally not a damsel! Finally!”

“Seems like you have a grievance to air Breta.” One of the men said with a chuckle.

She looked over her shoulder smirking. “You try being the first auction every faire because you all need 'a beautiful maiden' instead of one of these oafs.”

The man just laughed in response. My legs were a bit jello in excitement and some embarassment as I was taken up onto the stage. Walking carefully as the ropes turned shackles forced me to take shorter than usual steps. The strong man firmly placed me against a pole where both the lead and my wrists were secured to it. I felt a rush of helplessness. The man practically towered over me and held me against the pole with ease. It was a fantastic rush as I felt as though I at the mercy of a viking band as the man turned to the crowd. “Come one come all! Slave for sale!”

“He wont do his chores but Im sure you can whip him into shape!” My aunt said, getting chuckles from the crowd.

The shield maiden nudged her. “We should hire you, you have better lines than all these dolts put together.”

The man laughed at her before turning to the crowd. “For our next item, we have,” he turned to my aunt who mouthed my name, “Jesse!” He called out. “Yes he wont do his chores, but look at him, a few years of training and he'll make a fine warrior!” He said with a booming voice.

The shieldmaiden looked at me and then to the crowd. “Eh, I'd still beat him!”

The man ignored her. “Thank you Breta. He will also be able to help chop and log wood to prep for the frigid viking winters! Or to help build the longships needed for more raids!”

“He's also deathly ticklish!” My Aunt called out. She paused. “What Im trying to be a salesman!” She said as she reached over to tickle my belly.

My eyes went wide. “Nommmpheesshaha! Phhessmphhh!” I shouted as the others joined in. Soon I felt my sides, belly, ribs, and thighs under a ticklish avalanche. My aunts nails were so hard they left red lines like a highway map of ticklish nerves as tears of laughter rolled down my cheeks.

“Great fun for the whole family!” The Shieldmaiden said mockingly as I pulled against the poles and my bonds to no avail. My head fell back against it as I was out of breath. Laughing again and again, my belly hurting from laughing so hard. I felt a hand hold me against the pole so I could squirm even less.

“Hahahsttahhhaphhh! Hahahaha!”

“Just tell us when you think you've done a good enough demonstration Jesse!” My aunt said mockingly as she stuck a nail into my deep and round navel. Elicting an arching jump from my midsection. “Whats that? I couldn't understand you speak up!”

“Hahahapheesssmphh! Stahahahammphhh!”

Finally after over five minuets of ticklish torment they ceased. My belly was red from the tickling, and my face was even redder from the laughter and tears. The shield maiden walked off and came back holding something I could barely see as I blinked away tears of laughter.

She looked around. “And I bet that belly is perfect for discipline when your property gets out of line!” She said with a smirk. “May I?” She asked my aunt.

“Of course! However you want to get the most money for the merchandise!”

“Thank you.” She said as I noticed she had a paddle.

Suddenly she swung it down onto my belly. “Aghhmmphhieee!” I yelped into the cleave gag.

“Ah, adorable.” She said mockingly. “As you can see, very sensitive and not just to tickling.” She paddled my belly again, another yelp.

My aunt chuckled. “I think ten will do to make the point.”

“I was thinking a dozen.”

“Oh even better!” My aunt said.

She paddled my belly again, a bit harder this time. “Mmmphhiee!” I yelped as it left a stinging sensation on my belly. It was painful, but the fact that this blonde shieldmaiden had me at her mercy. Well my heart rushed once more, even as the next stroke of her paddle stung even more. By the time she finished her dozen I was blinking back tears once more. “Mmmmphhhhhieeahhhieee!” I yelped as she finished, my belly was now very red and stinging at this point.

My Aunt chuckled. “Well done!” She said, stepping off the stage to the front of the crowd.

The man walked up now. “We will start bidding now! Do I hear 2 euros, 2 euros!”

“Very historically accurate.” Breta mumbled.

A couple of people raised their hands. Chuckling at the experience. I looked at my aunt, her arm didn't move. I kept looking at her, giving her a look. She put her hands on her hips. “This is what you wanted Jesse, you. I didn't come here with money to purchase my own nephew! No, whoever buys you, buys you. But it wont be me. Should of thought this out buddy.” She said as Breta surpressed a laugh. “Come on, you can pay more!” The Aunt shouted to the crowd. “I need to get reimbursed for the dinner I bought last night, do I hear thirty Euros!”

“Mmmphhh!” I yelled into my gag.

My aunt just looked at me and smirked. “Not my fault Jes- I mean slave.” She said almost sticking out her tounge. “Shouldn't have made assumptions of who would pay money here.”

I mumbled into my gag as I saw both a stern looking woman and a relatively fit man raise their arms. Finally the woman stopped. “Going once, going twice, sold to the man with the Chelsea hat!” I just stared wide eyed at my aunt as the man handed over fifty euros.

Breta went up to my aunt. “Fifty fifty split sound good?”

I just watched as my lead was undone and the wrists were untied from the pole. I was pulled along over to the gentlemen. My aunt chuckled. “Pleasure doing business!” She said winking at me. I felt a yank from the lead before suddenly I felt myself picked up and placed on the man's shoulder. Her shoulder pressing uncomfortably against my rather tender belly. Bobbing along as he walked away from the auction site as I stared at my aunt mumbling in my gag as her and Breta had a good laugh.
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Post by Gluba »

So hot!, please more, use panties as a gag :D
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Post by Tugger90 »

Gluba wrote: 1 year ago So hot!, please more, use panties as a gag :D
Thanks for the comment! Anything other thoughts? Not sure if Ill add a panty gag, but I hope this group certainly uses a bunch of different gags!
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Post by Gluba »

Keep going with the story!, I love stories of younger men being dominated by older woman :D
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Post by Tugger90 »

Gluba wrote: 1 year ago Keep going with the story!, I love stories of younger men being dominated by older woman :D
I guess it could continue, just dont have any hard ideas yet for a part two. Feel free to PM me any ideas you have and when I have time maybe Ill be able to put something together :)
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Post by Tugger90 »

Gluba wrote: 1 year ago Keep going with the story!, I love stories of younger men being dominated by older woman :D
I want to response but you have to enable PM receipts
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Post by Gluba »

Done, you can now respond :D
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Post by Killua »

I did fantasy about something like this happening to me too when I was a kid after seeing a video on youtube about some medieval festival :lol: Nice story.
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Post by Tugger90 »

Killua wrote: 1 year ago I did fantasy about something like this happening to me too when I was a kid after seeing a video on youtube about some medieval festival :lol: Nice story.
Thank you! Any favorite parts, characters, or other thoughts?
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Post by Killua »

Tugger90 wrote: 1 year ago
Killua wrote: 1 year ago I did fantasy about something like this happening to me too when I was a kid after seeing a video on youtube about some medieval festival :lol: Nice story.
Thank you! Any favorite parts, characters, or other thoughts?
I like the part when his aunt said she didn't want to buy him. As well as when she allowed them to use the paddle. He was completely helpless to stop that and dodn't expect his aunt to do that. I like such moments when someone gets a little more than he bargained for. I like the position to be tied to the pole with the leash on the neck and getting walked along like that. It makes the whole thing a little more humilating for the one tied up.
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Post by Tugger90 »

Killua wrote: 1 year ago
Tugger90 wrote: 1 year ago
Killua wrote: 1 year ago I did fantasy about something like this happening to me too when I was a kid after seeing a video on youtube about some medieval festival :lol: Nice story.
Thank you! Any favorite parts, characters, or other thoughts?
I like the part when his aunt said she didn't want to buy him. As well as when she allowed them to use the paddle. He was completely helpless to stop that and dodn't expect his aunt to do that. I like such moments when someone gets a little more than he bargained for. I like the position to be tied to the pole with the leash on the neck and getting walked along like that. It makes the whole thing a little more humilating for the one tied up.
Yeah I liked the idea of helplessness back then and the idea of getting more than I bargained for felt like a fun plot point! Especially with my aunt not being the one purchasing me lol! And yes getting tugged along by a leash is always fun. I've thought about a part 2, but not sure about a plot for it yet
zelda 99
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Post by zelda 99 »

I also like the story very much, although I would have liked the woman to buy him at the end. maybe i have ideas for a second part i have to think about it.
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Post by harveygasson »

Great story
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Post by Tugger90 »

harveygasson wrote: 1 year ago Great story
Thank you! Any specific things or characters you liked?
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Post by Shotrow »

Oh, I remember you told me the idea for this story privately. Glad to see you put it to paper! Nicely done. Cute with a bit of humor.

Thanks to Mineira1986 for the banner!

Check out my stories on deviantart:
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Post by charliesmith »

A nice and interesting story! Is there more coming up ? :D
Please feel free to read and comment your thoughts.
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Roadtrip of Dreams (M/F) Chapter 14 Added.
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Post by Tugger90 »

charliesmith wrote: 1 year ago A nice and interesting story! Is there more coming up ? :D
I might, I currently dont have a plot for a part 2, but Im open to doing it one day :)
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Post by Tugger90 »

Finally did a part 2! Hope you all like, please please leave a comment and enjoy a little bit of a twist ending :D

“Come on slave its not that bad.” I heard the man's voice say. I opened the door, blushing with my tight cleave gag, collar, and- well the rest of the outfit I was in was little more than a loin cloth, though much more modern. “There!” The fit man that had 'purchased' me for the rest of the day said with a laugh. “Look like a viking thrall now!”

“Mmmmphhh.” I whined into my gag as he put the lead back on the collar and tugged me along. I had been taken to a stall with a small room to change in by my new 'Master' for the rest of the day. I had been untied to change but was kept gagged, the man took my arms and handcuffed me behind my back.

He just looked down at me and chuckled. “Now now, I did purchase you, and I wanted to set up this exhibit anyways. Thought I would have to get people to volunteer, but with how you reacted on the auction block I think you would be perfect!” He said with a smile as I was lead over to what looked to be like a rack. It was tilted back so someone could lay on it. We stopped and the man stepped behind my, covering my gagged mouth and pulling my head into his stomach. “No talking do you understand?” He asked in a calm but still domineering tone.

I nodded through his powerful hand. “Mmmphesss-mphhassmpher.”

He patted my head. “Good.” He said, taking out the tight cleave gag that had gotten not uncomfortable but a bit tiring. He put a water bottle to my lips. “Drink boy.” He order. I did so as I was a bit partched at this point. “Now open up.”

“Mmmmphh!” I soon groaned as I felt a small ballgag forced into my mouth before it was tightly buckled behind my head.

The man walked around me nodding towards the rack. “See that, the idea is you'll be tied up on that, and anyone who wants to tickle my poor tickle slave here will just have to hand me a ticket they can buy.” He said with a chuckle. My eyes went wide at this. He undid my handcuffs at this point. “Now, up on the rack slave.” He said giving my rear a stinging pop. I yelped into the ballgag and got onto the rack.

“Mmmphhhee!” I yelped as I got onto the rack. Very firm and strict cuffs were then placed around my wrists and ankles. With a few turns of the wheel the rack was cranked so that I would be stretched out.

Because the rack was laid back my soles were able to be exposed and I didn't have to really strain to hold myself up. Suddenly my new owner started to speak. “Come one, come all! We have a tickle slave here to tickle! Three tickets for five minuets, five tickets for ten!” A woman walked over and smiled.

“Glad Im not late, brought the supplies you wanted Drake.”

“Thank you Amy.” He replied to the blonde woman, before turning back to the crowd. “Very ticklish tickle slave! Wonderful belly, sensitive legs, hysterical feet!” As he said this Amy walked over to me running her hard nails that were even harder than my aunts on each body part as he said this, the tall blonde had a stern but smiling face, and she had to have had a good eight inches on me. I giggled as she made sure to touch the ticklish nerves as she ran her hand along my body. “Come! Come tickle him into hysterics!” I continue to squirm as my owner and Amy started tickling my belly.

Making me laugh and squirm on the rack, the sensation of my back sticking to it was so strange as I continued to laugh. "Ohno-haha-phhahahaphee-pleashahahpheeaah!" I tugged at my bonds, but of course there was little to no slack with them at all, the sensation in my navel as Amy dipped a hard nail in there was insane as I laughed harder and harder.

Amy smirked, "One of my favorite things is how his belly convulses at the touch." She says as she rubs her sharp and hard nails over my belly, going along my side with playful clawing motions as my skin spasams to the touch.

"Oh yes, he is very ticklish on his belly" The man says tickling my tummy. “Should of seen the auction, I knew he'd be perfect for this exhibit we planned!”

Amy laughs and then wiggles her fingers down. "But I also love how ticklish his thighs are." She says

"Waithahahahaplehehehha-oh-thathahahaha-hehesshahah-ohhmph!" I shake my head back and forth, laughing harder and harder as my Amy focuses on my thighs while 'Drake' focuses on my belly. Both of them smile sadistically as they look at me. Enjoying the dominance they have over me.

Suddenly a middle age couple walk up, both fit looking with grins on their faces. “He seems ticklish.” The husband said laughing.

"Yes he is ticklish everywhere." Amy says grinning. "Wish we could make tickle slavery legal for him wouldn't that be wonderful!"

"Oh I can only dream!" A familiar voice said walking over. My eyes went wide as I saw my Aunt while Amy sent her nails deeper into my skin as I try to roll my head back. "I could purchase Jesse from his parents and keep him here instead of temporarily letting him go after the summer. Walk him around as my slave for anyone to tickle all the time! Doesn't that sound like fun!" My Aunt says looking at me. "Come on! Answer!" She says tickling my thighs with one hand and tickling my belly with the other. “Ohahahahapphhh-yesssshehe!" I scream. "I'm glad you agree slave." She replies, still tickling me with the same intensity as my belly rises and falls from the ticklish assault minuets of tickling. My aunt and Amy back off as the couple pay for five minuets of tickling. Tears of laughter are soon rolling down my cheeks as the wife runs her hard nails up and down my soft belly, her husband seemed to enjoying giving my thighs plenty of attention as I laughed and pleaded with them.

"Heck I would probably just enslave Ashley." Amy said smirking at my Aunt and the man as they continued their conversation. "Who says that Mothers can't enslave their daughters. We all remember who we use to have tied here to be tickled- and..." She chuckled and looked at me. "However now that Ashley is about to go to college she would probably prefer just tickling your slave here." She said smiling.

“You also have your niece speaking of mean Aunts.” The man said to Amy as he winked at my Aunt.

Amy nodded. “Yes Danielle is extremely ticklish as well and not as headstrong as my Ashley.” She muttered. "I've surprised her before with tickles, extremely ticklish sides like Jesse here!" She squeezed my sides for emphasis as I bucked. Amy continued to squeeze my sides as I love, biting down on my lip as I laugh.

My Aunt looked at them. “Mind if I watch the show.”

“Of course!” The man replied.

My aunt smiled looking over. “Is that a paddle I see?”

The man smiled. “Oh yes my apologies for not mentioning. Five tickets and you get to paddle the slaves tummy 5 times!” He said with a grin as my eyes went wide.

The wife chuckled. “Such a good tickle slave you have here!” She said, now spider tickling my tummy.
“Thank you! You still have a minuet left!” My Aunt said to them with a grin before turning to Amy.

The man looked at Amy. "But yeah Danielle. I've seen her before once. Mocha skin, beautiful, frizzy hair unless she straightens it. But she keeps making bets with people." He motioned to me. "Opens up some opportunities as long as you're willing to betray her?" She winked at my Aunt. I unfortunately didn't catch this as I was laughing to hard.

Amy smirked and shrugged herself. "Maybe, but she's not staying with me this summer. Maybe next." She chuckled looking at me. “Times up sadly.” She said as the wife patted my belly and the husband my leg. “My he is a yapper and a begger.” She said smiling.

My Aunt laughed. “Oh you have no idea!”

I shook my head. “Nommphessshee!” I cried out into my gag. My aunt joined in, tickling my belly until a trio of older looking ladies came over and paid to tickle me for ten minuets. I could feel their hard nails start to scratch at my skin. My skin exposed for their ticklish enjoyment. One puts one hand up to tickle my underarms, while another one lightly scratches my side. "Heheahhahaahahaahahe!" I laugh into my gag trying to squirm back and forth. However the restraints around my limbs have little give for me to squirm away. Even if the did what was the point? Three pairs of hands were tickling me on all sides.

"Oh wow, he is so ticklish." One said smiling. I look and see her grin, her graying blonde hair was shoulder length, her nails long and hard. She brought down her other hands and continued to sink her nails into my flesh. "This is fun." She added.

"Oh you have no idea." My Aunt said as another moved her nails up to my belly, getting me to laugh harder. "Mphhhheheehahahphphheeeahahhoophhhss!" I lay my head back as I feel thirty fingers dancing on my belly, thighs, and feet, my skin convulsing at the touch. My belly arches just a bit, which just makes them tickle me more.

"Your tickle slave is just as ticklish as your said." The woman said grinning, focusing on my belly as my Aunt joined in to tickle my waist with one hand and my thighs with her other hand, which were also very ticklish. The way they kept calling me a 'tickle slave' got my heart racing, specifically the second word in that. I had often imagined being kidnapped into slavery when I tied myself up, was so exciting, I had to escaped or else I would be trapped forever! The fact that I was now in Europe, tied up, tickled, and called a 'tickle slave' was exhilarating.

"Yes, and we can make him laugh harder!" My Aunt said sinking her nails deeper and faster into my flesh, tears rolled down my face as I shook my head. Red lines criss-crossing my belly and thighs.
"MMphehesss! Hammohhamph-plemphhhsss-mphahahe!" The tickling reached thrity minuets, my body was covered in red lines, sweat coated my skin, tears rolled down my face. I couldn't stop laughing as my belly, sides, ribs, and thighs were tickled.

The ladies finished and left, but not before each paid to get five smacks of the paddle against my sensitive belly. They werent muscular, but they packed more of a punch that I expected from them, and they giggled at my yelps as they left a reddish tinge to my belly.

"MMphehesss! Hammohhamph-plemphhhsss-mphahahe!" The tickling reached thrity minuets, my body was covered in red lines, sweat coated my skin, tears rolled down my face. I couldn't stop laughing as my belly, sides, ribs, and thighs were tickled. That group left, then another came, twenty minuets turned to thirty has I gasped for air. Red lines on my belly like a map of ticklish nerves.

Amy looked at my aunt and winked. “Can make this even better.” She said holding up a bottle of baby oil. Two men, around forty and fit paid for ten minuets. The oil drove me crazy as I could instantly feel it making me more ticklish, one helping my aunt rub it into my belly, the other my thighs as they also paid to use the paddle. The oil made my soft skin smooth and almost slick, and extra ticklish.
“Haammphhahaheheemphh!” I giggled into my gag as they did this, laughing hysterically now.

"He's precious, isn't he?" My Aunt asked as her nails stroke ticklish lines across the my frail skin. The stall filled with the sounds of my ticklish torment. Sweat drips down my body as my chest rises and falls taking in as much air as I can as I feel myself soon out of breath and exhausted from all the tickling. The ten minuets go by slowly as my aunt helps the two men tickle me as my face is already bright red. Tears drip down my cheeks. “His muffled screams and laughs are just the sweetest music.” My aunt added.

The man who had purchased me at auction chuckled. "Should we maybe give him a break?" He asks. "He looks like he could use one." Amy's nails drape over my side and armpit, turning that entire side of my body into one long ticklish quiver.

"He doesn't need a break," My Aunt replies, looking down at me. She stops tickling for a moment as she cups my cheek. "Do you, tickle slave?"

"Mmmhhmmm," I mumble into the gag, shaking my head. She smiles and immediately launches back into tickling the my belly.

My body lurches forward, screaming a long wail into my gag. "See, he doesn't need a break," She says. "This is what he's here to do." My aunt chuckles giddily and Amy claps at my Aunt's display of dominance.

"Good to know," He says. The men then used the paddle. These ten smacks were a lot harder, and had me yelping and squirming, which they all found very amusing. My belly was quite red and stinging when they left, promising to come back later. Then the trio of older ladies came back, making me exhausted. Then I got a break to drink water but remained tied up.

30 minuets became an hour, then two. Different groups came, sisters, couples, some of the other people who ran stalls, the two men who promised to return did so, oh and the trio of older women came back for a third time!

The sun was starting to dip once Brenda arrived with a smile. “My, if its not my favorite sell of the day!” She said with a grin.

“Brenda!” My Aunt said giving her a hug. “We still on for drinks tonight?” My aunt asked the woman with a grin.

Brenda grinned right back. “Oh you know it! How's this here going?”

My Aunt giggled. “Lets just say dear Jesse hasnt lost any of his ticklishness!”

“Or yelping ability.” She said nodding towards the redness of my tummy.

Brenda reached over, tickling my tender tummy, making me squirm and laugh. “Nommphehe-hehehstahhhmph!” I shouted out laughing.

Drake stepped forward. “Want to buy some tickets for tickling or a paddling?” He asked with a grin.

“Actually.” Brenda said reaching around behind her back. “How about this.” She pulled around a flog. My eyes went wide. “I think I've earned that.”

“For old times sake huh?” Amy said smirking.

Drake nodded. “Okay, okay. Just ten though. Dont want to be too mean.”

Brenda rolled her eyes. “Oh so nice for you all to have the view point now.” She said with bitterness in her voice. “Fine.” She said looking at me, a smirk coming over her face. “This might sting slave.” She said, sending the flog against my belly with a smack!

“Mmmphhieee!” I yelped as I felt a hot stinging sensation spread over my belly.

Brenda nodded. “Yes, that will work well.” She said. Flogging my belly again. Another yelp. She spread the flog out over my midsection, but about five minuets later she was done, my belly was red and stung really bad. “Only ten, thats nothing.” She muttered bitterly before turning to my Aunt. “See you later for drinks.”

“Later.” My Aunt said smiling as Brenda walked away.

My 'Owner' looked at his watch. “Okay, time to wrap up.” He said, he removed my gag. “Drink.” He said, putting water to my lips, I did so. He then looked at my Aunt. “Want to meet me at my car in about fifteen minuets.” My Aunt nodded, and then walked away saying she wanted to check out another stall before that. I was untied from the rack and was helped standing. “There you go.” The man said, before tying the lead to a pole and attatching it to my collar. “Don't want you to run off.”

I grimaced. “How long was that?” I asked.

“How long was that, Master?” The man said, barely able to hold back laughter. Amy openly laughed.

I sighed. “How long was that, Master.” I mumbled out, rolling my eyes.

“Lucky you weren't bought by Brenda.” He muttered, I almost shivered at that. “About three hours. Great endurance. Ill give some of the proceeds to your aunt so she can take you out to get a nice dinner tonight.” He said. My stomach rumbled as I realized that I was a bit famished at this point. “Should be a nicer meal that gruel or grilled leeks, or whatever slaves or thralls got back in the day.”

“Fish guts.” Amy said smirking.

The man looked over his shoulder. “Really?”

Amy shurgged. “I dont know, sounded good though.”

The man shook his head bemused at her before looking back down to me. “But yes, will tie you back up when I take you to the car for your aunt to pick you up at, but wanted you to have a chance to stretch your limbs. While staying in spirit.” He said nodding to the poll where I was tied off at.

I saw a pretty woman walk by laughing as she looked at me. I blushed. “Dont suppose I can change now?” I asked hopefully.

“Nah, you're staying a tied up thrall until your aunt purchases you back. Ignore her I know her she laughs at everyone.” He said, picking up rope and walking over to me. “Now slave, arms behind your back.”

“Yes Master.” I mumbled, doing so. He took a couple of bandanas and forced them into my mouth, cinching off a new cleave gag, though one a lot weaker that what I had been given earlier.

My arms were retied behind my back, along with my elbows, making me grunt. It also forced my still really stinging belly out. My 'owner' chuckled. “Yeah Brenda made this really red.” He said poking it, making me flinch. “Don't worry it should stop stinging in about an hour or two. Cut Brenda some slack, back in the day she was the one we tied up to have tickled but the stall was run by her mother, and lets just say her mother ended up selling more tickets for floggings than tickling when Brenda was the faire slave.” He said with a chuckle.

“Mmmmphh?” I muttered into my new cleave gag.

He smirked. “Yeah, her mother did have a sadistic streak looking back. Ironic as she was so sweet to everyone else who wasn't tied up.” He then tied my ankles and knees tightly together. “So yeah Brenda might be a tad mean but to her she's just looking at it like she's passing down some pent up hazing.” He said, for a second time easily picking me up and placing me on his shoulder.

I blushed, people walking by pointed and laughed, making comments about how ticklish I was or how loud I had yelped. “Ooomph!” I groaned as his shoulder dug into my sensitive belly.

“Oh don't worry my slave.” The man said patting my leg. “I'm going to meet your Aunt over at my vehicle and sell you back to her for a tidy profit. Quite the businessman I am aren't I” He said towards me, laughing as I could only mumble in my gag in response. He carried me out into the parking lot and opened his trunk, laying me down on my side in it. “Got to admit this is fairly humorous.” He said with a grin as he leaned against the car, waiting for my Aunt to walk over.

She arrived a few minuets later smiling. “Hey Drake.” She said with an air of happiness in her voice. “Hope your purchase was as good as you hoped?”

Drake nodded. “I was actually able to make a profit today. Making a functional tickle rack isn't exactly cheap, and thats before the gags and outfits. Not to mention the other decorations for the stall.” He added as I looked up from the trunk.

My Aunt looked over grinning. “Look wonderful all tied up and collared.” She said with a laugh. “Definitely didn't think this through.”

“To our gain.”

My aunt nodded. “Now.” She said, standing next to the trunk, her right hand leaning in to lightly tickle my body by lazily grazing her hard nails over my midsection and legs. “What did you ask me to come over here for?”

“Oh, just figured it would be fun to make me giving him back to you a 'sell'. Can just be a euro thats fine. Just more humorous and you get to say you purchased him then.” He said, watching as my aunt made me lightly squirm and giggle from her continued tickling.

My Aunt put a befuddled expression on her face. “Give him back to me?”

Drake was a bit confused now. “It is the end of the day. Figured now would be a better time than any.”

My Aunt gave my sides ticklish pinches. “I mean you did purchase him at an auction. You're not obligated to give your property back, that wouldn't be fair on my part. You paid fair and square.”

“Um I dont think the auction actually worked like that.” He said as my eyes grew wide.

“Why not?” My Aunt replied. “Says who? You were told it was a slave auction. You paid for my nephew, you have him in your trunk right now. Why should you be forced to give him back?”

Drake was rather stunned at this point. “Its just- he's your nephew and this faire its for fun and-”

“And is going on for what? Another month? Your slave helped you make a profit for once. Imagine another month of that. And when the faire isn't going on you can have someone do chores, yardwork, etcetera.” She said.

My eyes had gone wide now. “Nommphhh! Mmmmphh!”

She rolled her eyes. “Oh hush slave.” She said slapping my thigh. “Slaves should only speak when spoken too.” She said sternly. My eyes stayed wide. “So what do you say, deal?”

Drake crossed his arms. “Well. Yeah. Yeah I guess if thats fine with you.” He pulled out his wallet, taking out a fistful of bills. “You deserve some extra compensation.”

My aunt grinned. “Thank you I appreciate that.” She said, as I mumbled pleads into my gag. Stunned. She looked down at me and smirked. “I told you I wasn't buying you. You really should have not gotten yourself in over your head. This is your fault; but I must say I do appreciate it.” She said, still sternly but happily as she placed the bills into her purse.

“Guess he didn't look before he leaped.”

My Aunt now grinned at this. “No he didn't, but that's his fault. Oh well. He got himself into this fate, now he can enjoy it.” She turned and looked at me. “Have fun slave. Behave for your owner.” She winked at Drake. “Heads up, no refunds, up to you to keep him in line behaving, not my responsibility anymore.”

“I'll call Brenda if I need help with that.” They both chuckled at that.

My aunt shook her head. “Enjoy your property. Should make the rest of the faire a joy to help run.” She said smiling, giving me one last look, a mix of almost disdain but also happiness, before turning and walking away.

I yelled into my gag as she left. My owner, who I now realized was truly that shrugged. “I dont think thats convincing her slave.” He said. “Now, the ride home might be a bit uncomfortable here in the trunk, but hey, slaves dont exactly have their comfort prioritized, and its only about twenty to thirty minuets. So dont fret to much.”

He then took the trunk and slammed it shut as I called out. “Mmmmphh!” A moment later I heard the car turn on, and as I felt the car start to travel I realized that I had indeed leaped before I had looked.
zelda 99
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Post by zelda 99 »

was a very nice new part. I'm hoping for a third where he interacts with his owners' family. probably embarrassing when girls his age control him.

Post by Quintus09 »

I loved all those women tickling. Shame he can’t have a female owner!
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Post by Killua »

Interesting turn of events. Kind of mean aunt though. Now she can't have fun with her nephew anymore. I wonder if she'll miss him. The new owner is surely happy now that he has someone to earn money with and help clean the house. I would wish to have a slave to clean my mess of a house LOL :lol:
Banner by Bondagefreak

My F/m Story:
Not as planned F/m
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Post by Shotrow »

Quite a fun story. Definitely a mean aunt, but quite an exciting twist for the young protagonist.

Thanks to Mineira1986 for the banner!

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Post by Tugger90 »

Thank you for the replies! I dont now if Ill do a part 3 yet or what will be in store, but would love to hear your ideas! Debating on what the family of Drake should be. Maybe he's married, or has a sister that comes over. Or maybe has some friends, or even Brenda lol. Thank you for replying and Ill take all the feedback you have :)
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Post by Tiddles »

Fun story! Not normally one for F/M but I enjoyed it. Jesse seems to be having a great time being tickle tormented, and I loved the setup with the captured and auctioned off premise. Interesting twist with the "fun aunt" being more sadistic in nature. It would be fun to see where you go from here at his new masters home. :)
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Post by emca753 »

Tugger90 wrote: 1 year ago So these days Im very much a dom. But it wasn't always like that. Over a decade ago now I did more ties to myself than to any damsel. And I remember seeing videos from I believe the group called 'Northern Nordic Slave Trade" or something like that who 'caught' damsels at Viking Festivals and 'auctioned' them off after they were lightly bound for a few moments. Unfortunately I think pointless controversey occurred and now I cant even find the videos anymore. A shame, loved them when I first saw them in, what was it? 2008 or 2009? A shame.

A bondage idea formed in my head that never really left. So enjoy this rather lighthearted take on how I would have hoped it would have gone back then if me and my fun but occasionally stern aunt went on vacation to one of these faires. Hope you enjoy it and hope you all comment :D

I was in awe as I looked around the place, people dressed in medeival garb, old instruments playing by fires that were unneeded on the hot nordic summer day. Old style buildings lay upon the path. “This is so cool Auntie.” I said with a wide smile as I looked up at my aunt.

She looked down at me, smiling. “Well you always did seem to enjoy middle age toys and books when you were younger. So I figured if you were going to fly out to Europe to see me I might as well take you to some of these history faires. And what better way to start off that the Vikings!”

I nodded as I wiped my brow. “I know, I just wish it wasn't so hot.” I paused, blushing a tad. “Still, thank you Aunt Carol.” I said with a smile.

She rolled your eyes. “Your welcome, and yes you've made it quite clear how hot it is. You made me put your disgustingly sweaty shirt into my backpack remember?” I just smiled at her as she shook her head. “Never say Im not a great aunt Jesse.” I smiled at her, all my life I had known her as the fun aunt. She could be stern at times, but what good mentor wasnt? She looked down at me, and to say I was average would be to boring. But in most ways I was. Average height for my age, neither fat, nor really skinny. Brown hair, blue eyes, a deep round navel as well that my aunt had poked a couple of times since I took off my shirt, she knew how ticklish I was.

“Of course you ar-” I paused as I saw a sight that made my heart race. Four men who looked like they could have been cops if not for the fact they were dressed like vikings tugged on what looked a bit like a leash. Behind them a pretty brunette woman was giggling, tugged along, her wrists snugly secured behind her back.

The man in front rang a bell. “Slave for sale! Come to the market for auction! Slave for sale!” A couple of the girl's friends seemed to follow along, two females and one man. A couple took pictures, the others just laughed.

“More civilized than real viking slavers, wouldn't you agree Jesse? Jesse.” She said again, sort of pulling me out of the trance.

“Oh, yeah. I think you're right.” I paused. “I guess? Im not sure. I do guess they have phones.”

My aunt chuckled and waved at me with another roll of her eyes. “Nevermind Jesse you're obviously a tad distracted.” She walked over to a stand to look at some clothes. “A bit to modern to be historically accurate to the time period wouldnt you say?” She said over her shoulder at me as she and the stand owner giggled. “They have some nice khakis though. You want a pair, swear all you brought was soccer shorts to wear. I guess that might endear you to the europeans perhaps but its a rather one-note wardrobe you have.”

“Sure Aunt Carol.” I said, watching from a distance as the woman was lead up onto a stage. The collar around her neck tied to a post as people started rasing their hands.

My aunt looked at me again and put her hand on her hips. “Still distracted I see.” She said walking back over. “That is a humorous sight though.” She said as the bidding stopped. The sole man in the friend group walked over and handed over some cash. He was then handed the lead to the collar and walked off with the brunette in toe as her friends laughed and giggled.

I felt butterflys in my stomach. “It does seem. Really interesting.” I said sheepishly.

My aunt looked at me, raising an eyebrow. “You seem to think it looks really interesting.” She said with a knowing tone.

My cheeks got redder. “I just. I just think it looks interesting.”

She rolled her eyes for a third time now. “Oh really.” She said, placing and arm on my head and leaning towards me as she watched the show. “Would you like to try it out?”

I felt my mouth go dry. I had had an interest in being tied up, and seeing pretty actresses tied up on TV. But I had never told anyone, though I had used duct tape to try tying myself up some before. My Aunt had caught on much to quickly, which surprised me. “Umm. Well maybe.”

She giggled. “Oh Jesse, come on, you're not as slick as you think you are my adorable nephew. I think you think it looks real fun.”

I shrugged. “Maybe. I guess.” I said, my cheeks still red.”

She patted my head. “Wait here.” She said as she walked off and went to speak with the men who had lead the procession a few moments prior. I felt my heart race as she did so, before turning and walking back. “Okay, was a fun discussion.”

“What did they say?” I asked nervous.

She patted my on the shoulder. “Don't worry about it.” She said with a smile. She then walked over to another stall as we enjoyed walking around the faire for about fifteen minuets or so. Suddenly around that time I felt a net cascade over me.

“We got one!” I heard a man cry out.

A woman dressed like a shieldmaiden walked over. “Yep! And finally I get to say dude in distress instead of damsel!” She said laughing as she high fived my Aunt. The rope net went to the ground, completely covering me.

My aunt laughed at the site. “Uh oh Jesse, looks like the viking slavers have a new catch!” She said as the net was pulled off of me.

“Uh oh. Well, maybe I can escape.” I said as my wrists were suddenly tugged behind my back. Very quickly they were cinched tightly together behind my back.

The man chuckled. “I dont think so.” The man said as my heart raced. Finally! I had always wanted to get tied up, and while the rope might have been a tad uncomfortable due to the tightness the feeling of finally being bound overwhelmed that.

My aunt walked over. “Nice knots. Get his elbows as well, dont want him to escape now do we!”

The group laughed as I went “Oomph as I felt my elbows touch and have them secured. The man had a huge size and muscle advantage on me to no ones surprise, and he easily cinched the rope together

Another one of the men there looked at my aunt. “Ankles as well?”

“If you're able.” She replied, her dark hair in a bun somehow reflecting the hot sun as she beamed a smile our way.

The man nodded. I was nervously silent as he squatted down. “I think I can do something.” He said as he took a rope and made a small noose. He then slipped it around one of my ankles, before doing the same to the other ankle. He then lifted up the connecting rope. “There, good enough for short steps.” He said to my aunt.

She nodded. “Good!” She said taking a photo and laughing. “You look like the perfect viking captive after a raid Jesse!” She said, half in a humorous aunt way and half in a friendly mocking sort of way.

Suddenly I let out something I didn't mean to. “To be the perfect captive wouldn't they have to use something to keep me from speaking?”

My aunt raised an eyebrow at me as the shieldmaiden laughed. “Like a gag?” She said barely containing herself. “Oh Im sure we can do something.” She said searching through her bag. “Here opened up.

“Huhmmmphhhh!” I let out as I felt a knot of cloth forced into my mouth and tied firmly behind my head. A leather cloth, that was closer to a belt than a bandana was placed over it and secured just as tightly behind my head. “Mmmphhhhh!” I muffled into my gag.

My aunt walked over, smirking. “I know the perfect way to test this for noise reduction.” She said smirking mischievously.

My eyes went wide a second before I realized what was about to happen. “Nommphh-heheheaamph-ahhahahstahhmmphhh!” I laughed into my gag, squirming in my bonds but barely able to move now as my aunt sent her long and hard nails all over my horribly sensitive belly and sides. I burst into laughter as tears almost immediately came to my cheeks. “Phehessmphahahahah!” The shield maiden joined in. Squeezing my sides as my aunt spider tickled my belly.

“My, he is ticklish!” The shield maiden said with most mockery and surprise as she looked down at me. “Look at him try to squirm away!”


“Good thing you made those bonds so tight!” My aunt replied. “Okay that gag definitely does its job.” She said chuckling herself as they finally stopped. Leaving me gasping for air mostly through my nose and some through my tight cleavegag.

The man who seemed to be the leader walked over. “Right then, lets get going.” He said, fastening a cloth collar around my throat and lightly tugging me along. “Slave for sale! Come to the market for auction!”

I felt a rush as I felt both entirely helpless but also having some of the most fun I'd ever had. My aunt walked alongside them, filming, and failing to contain her laughter at the sight. The shield maiden spoke up. “Slave for sale! Come to the auction! Finally not a damsel! Finally!”

“Seems like you have a grievance to air Breta.” One of the men said with a chuckle.

She looked over her shoulder smirking. “You try being the first auction every faire because you all need 'a beautiful maiden' instead of one of these oafs.”

The man just laughed in response. My legs were a bit jello in excitement and some embarassment as I was taken up onto the stage. Walking carefully as the ropes turned shackles forced me to take shorter than usual steps. The strong man firmly placed me against a pole where both the lead and my wrists were secured to it. I felt a rush of helplessness. The man practically towered over me and held me against the pole with ease. It was a fantastic rush as I felt as though I at the mercy of a viking band as the man turned to the crowd. “Come one come all! Slave for sale!”

“He wont do his chores but Im sure you can whip him into shape!” My aunt said, getting chuckles from the crowd.

The shield maiden nudged her. “We should hire you, you have better lines than all these dolts put together.”

The man laughed at her before turning to the crowd. “For our next item, we have,” he turned to my aunt who mouthed my name, “Jesse!” He called out. “Yes he wont do his chores, but look at him, a few years of training and he'll make a fine warrior!” He said with a booming voice.

The shieldmaiden looked at me and then to the crowd. “Eh, I'd still beat him!”

The man ignored her. “Thank you Breta. He will also be able to help chop and log wood to prep for the frigid viking winters! Or to help build the longships needed for more raids!”

“He's also deathly ticklish!” My Aunt called out. She paused. “What Im trying to be a salesman!” She said as she reached over to tickle my belly.

My eyes went wide. “Nommmpheesshaha! Phhessmphhh!” I shouted as the others joined in. Soon I felt my sides, belly, ribs, and thighs under a ticklish avalanche. My aunts nails were so hard they left red lines like a highway map of ticklish nerves as tears of laughter rolled down my cheeks.

“Great fun for the whole family!” The Shieldmaiden said mockingly as I pulled against the poles and my bonds to no avail. My head fell back against it as I was out of breath. Laughing again and again, my belly hurting from laughing so hard. I felt a hand hold me against the pole so I could squirm even less.

“Hahahsttahhhaphhh! Hahahaha!”

“Just tell us when you think you've done a good enough demonstration Jesse!” My aunt said mockingly as she stuck a nail into my deep and round navel. Elicting an arching jump from my midsection. “Whats that? I couldn't understand you speak up!”

“Hahahapheesssmphh! Stahahahammphhh!”

Finally after over five minuets of ticklish torment they ceased. My belly was red from the tickling, and my face was even redder from the laughter and tears. The shield maiden walked off and came back holding something I could barely see as I blinked away tears of laughter.

She looked around. “And I bet that belly is perfect for discipline when your property gets out of line!” She said with a smirk. “May I?” She asked my aunt.

“Of course! However you want to get the most money for the merchandise!”

“Thank you.” She said as I noticed she had a paddle.

Suddenly she swung it down onto my belly. “Aghhmmphhieee!” I yelped into the cleave gag.

“Ah, adorable.” She said mockingly. “As you can see, very sensitive and not just to tickling.” She paddled my belly again, another yelp.

My aunt chuckled. “I think ten will do to make the point.”

“I was thinking a dozen.”

“Oh even better!” My aunt said.

She paddled my belly again, a bit harder this time. “Mmmphhiee!” I yelped as it left a stinging sensation on my belly. It was painful, but the fact that this blonde shieldmaiden had me at her mercy. Well my heart rushed once more, even as the next stroke of her paddle stung even more. By the time she finished her dozen I was blinking back tears once more. “Mmmmphhhhhieeahhhieee!” I yelped as she finished, my belly was now very red and stinging at this point.

My Aunt chuckled. “Well done!” She said, stepping off the stage to the front of the crowd.

The man walked up now. “We will start bidding now! Do I hear 2 euros, 2 euros!”

“Very historically accurate.” Breta mumbled.

A couple of people raised their hands. Chuckling at the experience. I looked at my aunt, her arm didn't move. I kept looking at her, giving her a look. She put her hands on her hips. “This is what you wanted Jesse, you. I didn't come here with money to purchase my own nephew! No, whoever buys you, buys you. But it wont be me. Should of thought this out buddy.” She said as Breta surpressed a laugh. “Come on, you can pay more!” The Aunt shouted to the crowd. “I need to get reimbursed for the dinner I bought last night, do I hear thirty Euros!”

“Mmmphhh!” I yelled into my gag.

My aunt just looked at me and smirked. “Not my fault Jes- I mean slave.” She said almost sticking out her tounge. “Shouldn't have made assumptions of who would pay money here.”

I mumbled into my gag as I saw both a stern looking woman and a relatively fit man raise their arms. Finally the woman stopped. “Going once, going twice, sold to the man with the Chelsea hat!” I just stared wide eyed at my aunt as the man handed over fifty euros.

Breta went up to my aunt. “Fifty fifty split sound good?”

I just watched as my lead was undone and the wrists were untied from the pole. I was pulled along over to the gentlemen. My aunt chuckled. “Pleasure doing business!” She said winking at me. I felt a yank from the lead before suddenly I felt myself picked up and placed on the man's shoulder. Her shoulder pressing uncomfortably against my rather tender belly. Bobbing along as he walked away from the auction site as I stared at my aunt mumbling in my gag as her and Breta had a good laugh.
As a former cuckold I always loved the Viking references in bondage couples
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