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Post by Sockgaggedman »


“It’s always the male history teacher, huh?” I thought to myself trying to poke fun at the predicament that fell upon me. What predicament? Oh, just tightly bound in my before mentioned teacher’s car trunk-so not much.

And, since it seems like this man lives at the other side of the planet (or just drives really fricking slow) I have all the time I need to untie the knot to the story that brought me here- probably the only thing that will be untied tonight:

Mr. Chase was a very well-kept man for his age of 43: beard precisely cut, always in costume, muscles and veins not so discreetly covered, perfect teeth, perfect hair, perfect face... Just an all-around Spanish soap opera main character without the cringe or the general name of Juan Carlos.

So, knowing that, everything was just natural when he’d post something like this:
on his Facebook page from another car trip to the dry, yet very Pinterest material, desert bordering our city to the south .

After the first and second of these posts, it would also be deemed natural to just see him next day at school full suit and tie like he didn’t just manage to show off all the muscles of the human body in one picture. It would also be deemed natural for his female students to stutter when he asked them something or to blush when he’d come near their desks.

But what wasn’t deemed natural was for one of his male students to display those same symptoms to the lusty plague he brought with him whenever he entered the class. And that’s where I come in play...

I’ve had the biggest crush on him ever since he started teaching our class two years ago! That was two years of me having to learn how to act composed whenever he was within eyes reach of me. And let me tell you- It. Was. Hell! I had to learn how to hide every erection, quickly find an excuse for every sudden blush attack, as I’ve grown to call them. Finding just the right moment to stare, to mark how hot he is on every last page of my notebooks or make a fast and daring doodle on a sheet of paper that would later become an entire shrine!

It took a lot of time, practice and an instance or two when I was almost caught, but it all built up to a masterful tactic which I was sure would safely carry me through this obsession.

He was in my thoughts at all times and in all places, living rent free in my head.

In the times when I was sitting by myself in my room, which were many, I thought about him, but also about myself. “Was this normal? Was I normal?”” Why didn’t I have a crush on a Miss Jane, for example, like all the other boys in my class?” There were many a times before her class when all everyone talked about was her huge ahem...buttocks... and every time I felt...nothing! I couldn’t care less about all her small waist, uncovered breasts or intoxicating red velvet lips (all quotes from how many have described her) yet when Mr. Chase even slightly looked towards my general direction I would melt internally. “Was I gay?” Was another question that stayed anchored to the back of my thoughts for those whole two years. I wanted to laugh at myself for doubting my heterosexuality, yet I couldn’t deny the strangeness of my conduct whenever the bell rang for history class...

Thankfully, these heavy thoughts never affected my general school performance and throughout those years I still remained a straight A student. History was no exception, and with hard felt efforts I did submit every test flawlessly, talked about every presentation as one normally would and even managed to stay composed whenever my hulk of a teacher asked my questions directly. Doing it, of course, without ever making eye contact because I knew that if my poor green eyes intertwined with his I would become a babbling mess!

I was his top student; we both knew it. But that didn’t make things easier for me at all!

There were countless times when he asked me to co-teach a lesson with him and I had to come with a bs excuse for why I could never do it. I think that three of my inexistent dogs, my already dead grandma and a great uncle have all tragically passed away overnight in order for me to get out of at best, a nosebleed or a worst, a fainting. Their efforts will not be missed!

I don’t know if he actually believed me half of the times, but he never said anything to tumble my already very weak excuses...

And his understating of these things really surprised me, as he was generally a strict, no slacking, no bullshit, hands on type of man. He went through his day-to-day life fulfilling his duties very formally and simply imposed respect: from his towering heigh to the earlier mentioned structured way he dressed he just carried himself with more dignity then 10 royal knights. And he expected the same from us! Hence, the only time he ever commented something negatively about me was four months ago when a decided I wanted to start growing out my hair

“Mr. Leath!” (He always called us by our family names...) “you ought to consider investing in a barber!” A blush attack that I quickly managed to hide and an awkward laugh were the only responses I could muster to his request for ‘properly’ cut hair. But that’s off topic...

So, after this very long 900-word introduction, I think you already know everything, and a little bit more, of what is required to understand the ACTUAL story:

It was the last day of school before summer vacation. For me it was a day like all the others, but for the rest it apparently was National Tissue Shortage Day as they all cried and cried like the place will be exploding tomorrow, yet who am I to judge these future poets to be? One last time to go on the same route and take the same bus to the same building. How. Exciting... (and that’s why I don’t cry on those days),
The weird chilliness of that summer’s day made me opt for my brown overcoat as the outer layer of my outfit. And I have to say, if Mr. Chase impacted me directly with at least one thing over the years it would be fashion. I didn’t particularly like suits as much as he did since I considered them more fit for a funeral than school, but with the before mentioned coat thrust over my black turtleneck and pants, I considered myself well-dressed enough to go. Not quite as elegant as my teacher, but slowly stepping into in footsteps.

After enduring the walk and stepping out alive from the crowded bus I got to the dreaded institution...

If by some magical force I’d have known what were to happen between the four walls of one of the classrooms there I would have sprinted out!
But since I’m neither a Harry, nor do I wear round glasses; magic had better things to do that faithful day...
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Post by Sockgaggedman »


Besides some abandoned projects from over a year ago and one or two comedy posts on here I am still very much new to this whole story writing thing so please have mercy! :lol:
Last edited by Sockgaggedman 1 year ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Bradstick »

That’s a great start to your story! I’m quite excited to see where you go with this story. I really like the story telling you choose to do as well. Can’t wait to see where you go with this story!
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Post by bondagefreak »

What a fantastic start to what promises to be a great story!
While I very much enjoyed your earlier works from last year, this is a massive improvement in terms of vocabulary and sentence structure. Very well written, boi. You have a very colourful way of spinning things. I found myself snickering and chuckling at the cleverness & outright silliness of our protagonist's colourful narration.

I realise this is a question of taste, but being into short-haired twinks, I can only agree with our burly history teacher.
Time to visit the barber, young Mr. Leath!

Very curious as to what will transpire next.
Again, excellently written [mention]Sockgaggedman[/mention]

* Be sure to get this gender-tagged ASAP though.
The vast majority of readers won't open a story thread unless they see a gender tag that matches what they're looking for.

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Post by Volobond »

I'm delighted by the start of this new story of yours and excited by our two main characters.
bondagefreak wrote: 2 years ago I realise this is a question of taste, but being into short-haired twinks, I can only agree with our burly history teacher.
Time to visit the barber, young Mr. Leath!
I must disagree with the burly Mr. Chase and my friend and fellow dom bondagefreak! Young Mr. Leath simply requires a firm hand in his hair to tug it and elicit some gagged moans, and I am happy to oblige! ;)

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Post by Xtc »

This is very well written introduction. Congratulations.
Thanks for gender tagginsg saves my nagging.
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Post by Smythdean »

What a great start. Such great detail.
Looking forward to reading the next chapter
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Post by harveygasson »

Very good start! I'm sure this will turn out to be an interesting read
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Post by socjuc »

Nice start to this tale. Looking forward to see how Mr Leath ends up getting entrapped! I wonder if his history teacher will trim his hair himself :lol:
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Post by bondagefreak »

I hope we'll soon get to find out how and why our young protagonist ends up being stashed inside Mr. Chase's car trunk.
Don't make us wait too long, buddy-boi ;) Your readers are waiting!
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Post by Sockgaggedman »

Well, this is awkward...
I don't want to stretch out things more than they should be so I'll simply say that the most important exam of my life so far and some personal problems which I'd much rather not discuss here, have left me quite unable to continue this ( kind of) first story. Still, I know that I should have at least given an announcement as to why I'll have to put Nick's story on hold, but we can't quite change the past now can we?
So consider this giving the story a second chance and a second short chapter!

It was quite a unique feeling entering the building which had been witness to all the shenanigans expected of high school students over the years. I’d lie saying it was not sad to leave behind all the memories which tied me to the place, yet the fact that I never truly integrated in the rest of the class and was, for lack of a better word, only the “smart kid” made me quite indifferent to the nostalgia which had taken full reign over the room.

Still, despite my lack of true sadness, I tried not to seem too happy of leaving the pleasantly enough hell that was Probably an Unimportant Saint Name High. I will save you the boredom which I had to endure, but to sum up the whole ordeal I had to cringely watch as a clip containing photos which stretched back as far as middle school was aired, maintain my laughter when hearing all the graduation speeches that made this prison of a school sound like Harvard’s love child and finally step out of the room to breathe some fresh air and touch some grass after hearing the “our second home” phrase for an unholy number of times. All in all, nothing less than I had expected!

And then came the interesting part: the teachers’ speeches! In all honesty, they looked just as unmoved by the almost show as I was, but years of having to endure such pathetic excuses of wits drowned in pupil tears have made them immune. They all delivered great messages of advice for the future, told us that the school’s doors will always await us know the drill!

Mr. Chase, to my great rejoicing, did nothing that would cause me to break down besides wearing a particularly tight-fitting pair of dress pants and... Existing in his general hot presence, I guess! He was flashy, God knew it, but compared to the others who wanted to emulate his manner, he had many things to be flashy about! Many...many things!

Yet, for all his control of everything, manliness or pampering splendor, there still was one thing over which Mr. Chase was powerless: Gossip! And there was gossip enough to write a book about it (sort of what I’m doing now) “How could the man who was the mirroring image of David, a paragon of all worldly lust, be single?” Besides the general girls from school that, though fit the age of consent, would still throw him down a slide of drama, there were still women who flew around him like flies near roadkill. Could none of them have caught his eye? - all questions which circulated and spread like wildfire through the school, yet had the answer safely locked away, buried deep in Mr. Chase’s conscience, guarded by a pair of unbudging teeth and a deathly stare, all for good measure! Or simply put, questions who were designed to remain answerless.

Did I just deviate from the general subject of the last school day? - yes

Did I instead replace it with a 200-word paragraph of general fan-girlness about my already established teacher crush? - yes

And will I delete the paragraph in the final state of the chapter? - well, if you’re reading this you know the answer

Anyway, after the teachers did their thing, to ensure quietness even in THE LAST DAY (wow, innovative) every class was taken in the care of one pedagogue. And I don’t think you need to use too much of your brain power to envision to which one of my lovely pedagogues was entrusted our class. Ding ding ding! If you said anything other than Mr. Chase, I hope you didn’t place the bet on grandma’s ashes because you’d have lost them!

“- It’s fine!” - I said to myself “everything is going to be great! I didn’t break in all the two years; I won’t break now! It’s fiiiiinne- OH SH*T HE’S COMING TO MY DESK!”

Yeah, Lady Luck was playing the good ol’ vengeful widow on me that day and using my history teacher as her very own meaty marionette! Still, I remained composed as Mr. Chase decided to very unceremoniously sit his sweet bums on my poor wooden desk. By that point I think I was looking like the human embodiment of a heart attack, but the worst part of the day had not yet even come, believe it or not!

No, that came about half an hour later when the already too many times mentioned teacher was sitting at his own desk, curiously. Until then I was busily drowning my time inside of my notebook, doodling away...I was sketching a muscular figure that had my teacher's body, clothes and posture, but not the face, just so that if someone saw it, they wouldn’t know it was him. While drawing and thinking erotically I couldn’t stop repeating the words “Daddy, daddy” inside of my head. Not because I had suffered a case of my own father going out to buy milk for 18 years, but because of the hulk resting in a chair not five meters away from me; obviously!

Meanwhile, the class was having a little recap session over the things our teacher saw as “indispensable for college life”. And I think you can already guess where this is going...

When Mr. Chase asked me if I knew when the romans started evacuating their territories occupied in Dacia (271-275 AD btw) I answered with

- Yes, daddy!

Followed shortly by a “Oh, Fuck!” in my brain as the wave of realization hit me like a truck. No, scratch that...ten trucks! Well, there went 2 years for nothing, I guess...
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Post by Xtc »

Welcome back. Please continue as time allows.
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Post by Volobond »

Somehow that feels so much more embarrassing than calling a teacher "Mom" or "Dad" - the whole "Daddy" just slipped out! :o

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Post by socjuc »

Well that was awkward...and a slip :lol: Next reactions could be interesting... :P

PS - Hang in there, and good to have you back Forza!
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Post by CrownedLoy76 »

wow great story!! I'm looking forward to the next part
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Post by Ropelover98 »

Please go on Sir
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Post by harveygasson »

Yes I hope you keep going with this
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Post by lapi.slazluli_ »

Please continue with this!!
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Post by bondagefreak »

lapi.slazluli_ wrote: 7 months ago Please continue with this!!
Welcome to the forum @lapi.slazluli_
Always a thrill to see a new face in these parts!

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