The Other Box (F+/F+) (COMPLETE 06/07)

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Post by Nainur »

well: happy birthday. Isn't it?

have to admit: read twice - some lines for pleasure, other for understandig :D . All's well. Ush is prrrrrrrrreciouuuuuuuuuuuzzzz.
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

Hey, wanted to pop in to something that was more ongoing. Still working on the other one, bouncing between various stories at my own pace.

Mostly just wanted to say I appreciate the story.

Interesting plot twist in this last chapter. Wonder where you are planning to take it.
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Post by tickletied84 »

Wonderful! Love the reference back to Fury and the Bully's Tale - a crossover brought forward in time. Two contrasting characters, well, until they're in the ropes!
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Post by RopeBunny »

Nainur wrote: 2 years ago some lines for pleasure, other for understandig
Sometimes stuff needs explaining :D
BlissfulMisery wrote: 2 years ago Still working on the other one, bouncing between various stories at my own pace.
Take your time, story (either of them) isn't going anywhere :lol:

Thanks for dropping a comment.
tickletied84 wrote: 2 years ago Love the reference back to Fury and the Bully's Tale
Thank you. As I've said, I stupidly wrote myself up a dead end with that Bully's Tale story. Loved the concept of the wand though, and have been itching to use it again.

Glad you approve :D
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Post by RopeBunny »

The Jock.

It's hard to laugh whilst ballgagged, I've discovered. But I give it my best effort. Because, this whole thing: Luna, her three- at least I hope, assume they are -friends. Not one of them seems to know where to look. All of them are some form of embarrassed.

And yet I'm the one chained to a bed in such tiny clothes I might as well be naked.

"Guys. Um...."
"Is that," the guy in front, big guy, beard, messy hair, Blinking at me, "your roommate?"
"Um." Luna darts a look at me. Panicked, clearly she's got no clue what to do.

"You tied your roommate up?" The girl, on the large side of curvy, glasses and dyed white hair loose except for a small plait at the front, pushes past the third, very skinny, guy, coming into the room properly. Letting the door swing shut with a click. "Is it for a trick?"


"No." Luna shakes her head. "It's." Flashing me a brief smile. "Well...."
"She isn't wearing any pants." The skinny guy, staring pointing at my lack of clothing, my clearly visible pussy, because my legs are pinned open. "Look."
"Where?" And of course the other guy is looking now too.

"Out." Luna, blushing enough for both of us- I, even given what they've just seen, still think it's all funny -wades forwards, all put pushing them back out into the corridor.

"Um." Loitering in the doorway, gaze flicking on and off me. "Okay." Luna nods. "I'll be back to. Um."
"Mmmmfffffpppmmmmm." Giving my body a small shake, blinking at her. Luna smiles.

"I'll be back." Blowing me a kiss, leaving. The door closing behind her.


I spend some time checking, testing each limb in turn so I can focus properly. Checking not just the cuff but the chain too. I want to see whether I can slip free, whether any of the cuffs have a dodgy lock that pops open if I struggle enough, whether the cuffs really are all skintight. As for the chains I want to make sure the ratchet mechanism underneath my bed has been done right. There should be no chance of accidental unlocking now that Luna has placed me here. As with the cuffs, regardless of how much I struggle it shouldn't simply come loose.

It doesn't. After a long test, enough struggling to leave me aching, all of the cuffs are still in place, still tight. And the chains are all where Luna left them. My body remains exactly how she placed me, spread out on my bed, helpless.

Awaiting her return.

I don't remember closing my eyes. I don't remember falling asleep. But I must be, asleep.

Because suddenly I'm in the desert.

All around me a storm is throwing sand into the air, hurling it in all directions, cutting visibility down to zero. I slit my eyes, hold one hand up in a completely useless act of protection. It doesn't help, the sand, like a thousand tiny arrows, attacks me mercilessly, stinging my exposed skin even as the wind threatens to tear the skirt from my waist, the hair from my head.

Still wearing the skirt then, and the too small top. Lucky, given how slim I am, to actually find something even I struggled to put on.

I am not dressed appropriately for the desert, let alone for a sandstorm in the desert.

What am I supposed to do? Do I walk? Where do I walk though, when every direction looks the same?

What the hell kind of subconscious crap is this?

Something. Someone. Walks out of the maelstrom, the storm abating as they do, a small area of calm opening up around us as the newcomer steps in close, stops.

She's me. Or, maybe I'm her? The same slender yet well muscled size eight figure, the same pert large looking E cups. The same, except she's black.

Not black like African, black as in black the colour. Her skin, her long curling hair. Even her eyes are black as midnight.

And. As if her appearance weren't weird enough, she's naked.

She, we both, look each other up and down. She nods, grins. Showing me a mouth full of shark like teeth, a predators mouth.

"What?" For all there's a hurricane of sand not five feet away, her voice, which is my voice, just like her body is mine too. Despite the wind I can hear her perfectly.

Yet, feels like I have to shout for my own voice to be heard above the storms angry howl.

"Soon what?"
"Change." Stepping closer, she could reach out and touch me now. "Beginning." Cocking her head from left to right, a person weighing up options. "End."
"What?" Fucking. I'm not normally this cryptic inside my own head.

The storm, whatever was holding it at bay fails or ceases. The wind rushes back in to fill the void up with sand. And as it does she- I -surges in, pushing me- her -to the ground.

She pins me to the sand, long black legs wrapping, forcing mine apart, hands around my wrists, a strength I could never hope to counter pulling my body into a spread out X.

Where she- I -holds me- her -against the sand. And in those brief stutter flashes it really does seem we switch places. It keeps happening, I know she has me pinned, is looming above, except suddenly for an eyeblink I'll be looking down on her, a black body stretched out and held down by my own pale limbs.

And then she's kissing me, or I'm kissing her, as the wind blows faster, faster, as the static white noise of a million particles of sand fills my world.

Kissing, the weight of a body pressed into mine.

I blink. Find myself back- except I never left -chained to my bed, Luna laid on me, the ballgag discarded, somewhere, as she locks her lips over mine.

Kissing me.

I begin kissing her back, thoughts of the desert, of the me who wasn't me, quickly falling from my mind.

"For what?" Laid on Luna's bed, basking in that post orgasm glow, both of us naked, clothes strewn all over the room as, freshly unchained, I'd all but ripped both hers and mine off before throwing Luna down onto her bed. Fucking her until she'd screamed.

"For the others," giving me a half smile, "coming in like that." Luna tuts, shakes her head. "Ted and his magic."
"I go to magic club." Glancing for some reason down at her inked palm? "Those three are all members too."
"Oh. Okay." I think. "So. Ted what, picks locks?"
"Amongst other things." A bigger smile, looking amused. "It's all stage magic. You know." Shuffling away from me, half sitting to hold out both hands, which she waves in the air. "Ta dah." I laugh, Luna laughs too, nodding. "Stuff like that."

"So what tricks do you know?"
"You mean aside from making you my bitch?" Teasing, coming back down to lay with me as she says it, one hand already reaching for my breast.

Afterwards, tired, spent, we collapse beneath the covers on Luna's bed, drifting off to sleep wrapped in each others arms, wearing nothing but matching smiles.

The following morning, waking early to go jogging. I'm puzzled, slipping out of Luna's bed, to discover a faint dusting of sand on my own, forming the rough X shape my limbs made yesterday, when Luna had me chained in place.

I frown, and consider waking my girlfriend to ask. Is it some strange prank? Did her friends take her to a sandpit for birthday drinks?

"No." Whispered, shaking my head, brushing the sand off onto the floor, to be swept up later along with all the other dirt that gets walked in and out as Luna and me go about our lives. "It," looking at my now clean bed, "doesn't matter."
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Post by RopeBunny »

The Jock.

I've always loved sport, team sports more then track and field, though. Everybody with a part to play, a position: attack, defence. A dozen- depending on the game of course -individuals, all working towards a common goal.

In school it was hockey, because girls don't. Can't? Apparently, play football.

Go Kestrels.

In college I played football, because at college the coaches are grown ups, and not stuck in the past. I played midfield, running all over the pitch, chasing the ball. Which is what started me off down the routine of jogging near every day.

Go Aztecs.

And now, here at King's Reach, I play netball. Am in fact, due to the previous Captain leaving under a cloud- she was caught dealing some pretty nasty drugs on campus -in charge of the team.

Because I won the vote, with coach Littlegood agreeing. Modesty aside though I am the teams best player: a recent victory over the Zeplins, a hard fought 17-14 win in which I scored 12 of our points, just one of many examples.

Gooooooo Crusaders.

Matches, if we have one, are Wednesday afternoons, occasionally Friday evenings. Of the two, Fridays are more fun. They tend to- purposefully -be the grudges, the true old rivalries: the cross city team, that university down south who beat us something to zero years ago.

Practice is on Tuesdays, and sometimes, when there's a Friday match, we have an extra session Thursday evening.

Today. Prehaps a month after Luna's birthday.

"Girls." Tipping them back, returning the salute, which depending on the girl ranges from a single flicked finger off the forehead to a full military style flat palm, held in place until I give them the same back.

However they salute me it's always done with a smile.

Smiles which, if I'm any judge, seem a little wider today.

In the changing room I find the rest of the team waiting. There are eleven of us currently, we started with fourteen, ideal for practice games, but alongside the old captain two other players have quit for various reasons. We're all, already, in kit, but we access the court through the changing room, and besides it's a good place to begin, to give the girls whatever pep talk or briefing I deem necessary.

King's Reach Crusader kit is white. A pleated skirt that tends to flare out as we jog and bounce around the court, combined with a crop style long sleeved top, on which the sleeves tend to be fitted, the body of the top looser so it hangs off the chest. Almost all the girls, myself included, opt for black spandex shorts underneath along with a sports bra of course. Even the A cup girls don't want to accidentally flash the spectators.

The top has a red cross, like an medieval knight, on the front, with the word 'Crusaders' in red gothic Olde English looking script written up one side of the skirt. Our away kit is black, the team name and cross still red.

Some teams wear a vest top, some wear shorts, or tight leggings. But I like what we've got. It did kinda scream cheerleader at me when I first tried it on, but the whole ensemble works.

Plus, helps that in my opinion I look damn good in it.

"Cap." Ann, my unofficial number two- because there's no such thing as a second in command here, only Ann decided to self elect herself to the role and I haven't gotten around to slapping her down yet -stands, offering me the same too wide smile worn, I see now, by the whole team.

"Ann." Nodding, taking a swig of water. "Someone care to tell me what's got you all grinning like we already beat the Tigers?"
"We." Arms spread wide, her gesture taking in the team, most of whom are nodding. "Decided on a little shooting practice today."
"That right?" Eying Ann, trying to decide whether this is some kind of power play. Is she coming for me? I often get the sense she wants to, wants to be the Captain. And this, organising the session without me, would be one way to start.

"Well." Looking around the room, seeing no threat. No obvious threat. I shrug. "Okay. I want us to run some plays, but. Shooting first."
"Tell her what we did." Becky, strangely almost laughing. Quickly hushed by the girls either side of her.

"Girls?" I frown. Clearly there's something here I'm not getting. "Someome want to explain to the Captain." A deliberate pause, waiting until they're all looking at me. Making sure. "What the fucks going on?"
"We. Um." Ann, the ringleader in whatever this is I'm guessing. She grins at me. "We found some volunteers. To...." One of the girls laughs, then another.

"Volunteers?" Not getting it, I make a get on with it gesture to Ann, who points at the door out onto the court.

"Prehaps you should just come and see. Cap."

I can almost, I'd swear, feel Luna's eyes on me before I even see her. There are others, four girls all told. But only one of them is my girlfriend.


The netball court is the basketball court too, and volleyball. Raised seating, nothing fancy just tiered wooden benches, runs the length of both long walls. The basketball nets swing up into the roof when they're not needed, but ours have to be dismantled and carried out to the storage room. We actually have four nets, the older two kept for emergencies, and for shooting practice should we want double the targets.

There aren't normally people tied to them though.

They, the four girl 'volunteers', which I'm even doing the word a sarcastic way in my head because, there's no fucking way any of them agreed to this. They've all been tied the same way.

But I've only got eyes for one of them.

She's been stripped, her top half anyway. The usual scuffed and loosely laced boots on her feet, faded black jeans on her skinny legs, but Luna's small B cups are out to say hi, and each has a red Crusaders cross drawn across it, top to bottom, left to right with Luna's nipples forming the centre.

My team, and I'm guessing most if not all of them had a hand in this. Strength in numbers and all that.

Fucking bullys.

The girls have been tied up with rope.

It doesn't look pretty, but it does look tight. Practical is a good word.

The rope crisscrosses her body from ankles to neck, lashing Luna- all four girls -in place. Backs against the goal posts, legs together, arms forced around the metal with wrists tied off at the back, ensuring they remain in place. Their gags, a selection of dirty looking cloths, are tied to the poles too, fixing the head in place.

And. Shooting practice. For fucks sake. I get it now. Because a successful basket will cause the ball to drop down onto the head of the tied girl beneath.

Why? I just don't. I'm frowning, looking from my grinning team to the four tied girls. Nothing like this, not since I took over, not before, when I was just one player amongst many.

I'm aware stuff like this could be, likely in some places is, a thing.

But not here. Right?

"Cap?" Ann, stood beside me, her smile slipping just a tiny bit. "You want first shot?"

One of the other girls, my team. Fucks sake. Tosses a ball towards Ann, her hands out to catch it. The ball bounces, and.

Ann blinks. Hands still out, only now I'm holding the ball. Because I moved, intercepted the pass. Quickly. Because, like I said, all modesty aside I'm the best, the fastest, player here.

"I said." Tossing the ball away, far across the court, away from the team who are all loosely clustered around me and Ann. "No." Shaking my head, looking at each of my girls in turn. "We're not doing this."
"But Cap."
"No." Staring down the girl who just spoke. Making her break contact first. "I'm Captain here. And I say, we don't do this."

"Because she's your roommate?" Ann, starting to become a problem. I haven't had to raise my voice yet, and in fairness there isn't really anything severe I can do save kick her off the team.

I don't want it to come to that.

"Lucy." Ignoring Ann, pointing. Picking names I can trust. "Sarah. Connie. Go untie them."
"Cap." Ann. Fucks sake she won't shut up. The three girls I picked out are at least moving, heading for one 'volunteer'- yes I did it again -each. But not Luna.

"It's just a bunch of geeks though."
"Enough." Turning to face Ann, voice rising at the end like a whip. Ann, mouth snapping closed over whatever else she'd been about to say. Scowls, though not at me.

And then her mouth drops open, she gasps, points at me. And everything comes apart.

"You're fucking her." All of a sudden stood right next to me, inside my personal space. Ann grabs at my left forearm, shaking it, causing the metal cuff to twinkle as it catches the glare off the overheads. Dull metal, but the lights in here are very bright. "These." Grabbing my other arm too. "She put them on you."
"And?" Rather then shaking Ann off I step in closer myself, putting my face inches from hers.

Of course I'm still wearing the cuffs. My birthday present to Luna, a secret just for us, and yet at the same time the whole campus can see them, can see that- kinda, and it's all a game and such, but, still -I am owned.

"You're letting some loser girl control you?"
"She makes me happy." Starting to get angry, I can feel myself getting hot. "Now." Pushing Ann away from me. "Fuck off," turning, taking in the whole team, "all of you. Practice is over."

Typical that they attack me from behind.

I'm halfway to Luna when they do. I see her eyes widen, and a half moan half squeal escapes around her gag. I tense, knowing somethings coming.

In my head I can see a ball, right now angling through the air towards me.

And I'm about to spin, to knock it away, when I'm grabbed from behind.

And everything becomes a blur.

Because it's at least seven or eight, but most likely all ten of them- go Crusaders -against one. Me. So I don't stand a chance.

I'm stripped of my uniform, leaving me in a grey sports bra and small black spandex shorts. Then I'm pushed against, held against, Luna.

Tied there.

The cuffs make it easy for them, each one has a handy rigid metal loop, just perfect for threading rope through. My arms are pulled around behind Luna, tied off beside her own bound wrists, locking us into a permanent hug. My ankles are tied to the pole, to Luna's legs, mine being spread apart so her legs are between them. Two, or maybe three, of the girls run around and around, feeding rope all up and down me, lashing me to Luna from neck to feet, lashing me to my girlfriend and the pole, yanking the rope tight so it digs into all my exposed skin.

And lastly I'm gagged, thick silver tape wrapped around my head, then wrapped around the pole, which of course means it wraps Luna's head too, pinning our gagged lips together. Locking us into a kiss.

"You're off the team." Ann, a smile of triumph on her face, waves the kit they've just removed in my face. "Ush. I think we'll do just fine without you."

Laughing, all the girls, my now ex teammates, leave the court. Abandoning Luna and me. Someone flicks off the lights, plunging everything into early evening shadow.

At least I managed to get the other three girls released, before getting myself tied up.

So, now I just have to figure out how the fuck Luna and me are meant to escape? Because I'm fairly certain there's nobody scheduled to be in the gym until tomorrow morning.

Might be just a tiny bit screwed.
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Post by RopeBunny »

So that's two (chapters posted) at once.

And I'll likely be back midweek to post two or three simultaneously again.

The reason being: I have been on a roll, am several chapters ahead. Which isn't the good thing I thought. All those chapters sat in my drafts folder, almost feels like I need to post them before I can move ahead.

So I will.

Another chapter dump/drop soon then, to purge my folder of stuff. So I can feel refreshed and get back into the story.

Thanks as always for reading and commenting :D
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Post by TightsBound »

Really really really -breathes- really enjoy this story! It’s hot, tender, hot, beautiful, hot, exciting and hot. And now I can’t wait to see how they get out of this!
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Post by RopeBunny »

TightsBound wrote: 2 years ago It’s hot, tender, hot, beautiful, hot, exciting and hot.
Love it :lol: couldn't ask for a better description of my work.

Thank you.
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Post by tickletied84 »

TightsBound wrote: 2 years ago Really really really -breathes- really enjoy this story! It’s hot, tender, hot, beautiful, hot, exciting and hot. And now I can’t wait to see how they get out of this!
What [mention]TightsBound[/mention] says!
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Post by BlissfulMisery »


'Well that escalated quickly' is probably the best description. Almost so quickly it seems like it is another 'dream'. Time (and the next chapter) will tell I guess.
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Post by absolutist »

An excellent story. I'm very much looking forward to the next parts. Thanks a lot for sharing your intriguing fantasies!
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Post by RopeBunny »

BlissfulMisery wrote: 2 years ago seems like it is another 'dream'.
It isn't another dream. Quickly, because I'm moving the story along, because this is a TUGs board, not a proper novel.

Another two chapters below, as promised/mentioned earlier. Bringing me up to speed as far as drafts are concerned.

Enjoy, thanks for reading :D
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Post by RopeBunny »

The Geek.

In the swirling madness of it all: getting caught, half stripped and tied, Ush's attempted doomed rescue, her joining me against the netball post. I forget that in the beginning she stalked me.

And, having forgotten this, I begin to view what's happened here, something which- being bound to my girlfriend, neither of us properly dressed, lips locked together, abandoned -ought to be quite a turn on, as a disaster.

This is. All.



And, Ush can't talk, but if she could I've no doubt she'd be angry.

With me.

I need to do something. To help. Ush, since the lights went out, the door quietly booming closed behind her now ex teammates, has been wriggling against me, struggling. Trying to get free. I can feel her hands, tied behind me, her wrists tied to my wrists. I can feel Ush trying to get at the knots on our wrists even whilst pushing her body up against mine, trying to create some slack somewhere.

If she weren't so mad at me, I could almost believe her pressing those amazing sports bra clad E's up into my own naked B's was some kind of come on. That her repeated moans, her gagged lips pressed against my gagged lips, were sounds of arousal and not annoyance.

But. No.

She's trying to free us.

I could free us.

I'm going to free us. Then, I'll tell Ush I'm sorry. Then I'll leave.

Maybe the team will take her back? I hope they do.

I want her to be happy.

The ink, the brand, on my right palm. The mark of ownership, showing anyone who'd actually know, or care, that I'm the.



Handler, prehaps?

It's a link to Fury. My wand.

And. A sudden thought as I flex my hand, preparing. What if someone did care?

The magic is in the wand, waiting. However, some small residue resides in the brand, enough so I can, regardless of distance, summon Shakta-el-furiosa to me.

Which has come in handy exactly zero times.

Until now.

In the dim light- red evening sun dipping near the horizon -coming through the roof windows of the large hall I can't make out detail. Can't see Ush's eyes clearly. She's probably glaring though.

Have you out soon pretty lady.

Opening my right hand wide, I reach simultaneously out into the world and inside myself. Feeling for Fury, joining the dots between wand and owner.

I don't need to talk- luckily -to spellcast. It's all in the mind, in gestures made with the wand.

Simply put: it's all about shapes. The mind, my mind, commands. So, I have to picture what it is I want, make my desires and wishes known, make them real inside my head. Then, specific shapes, made with Fury, will stir to life what energies exist in order to make my wishes reality.

Which, knowing which shapes to make for which things I'm attempting to do, is the hard part, and the reason why I still know how to do only a handful of things.

For instance.

Closing my hand around Fury as I feel it arrive, becoming a real and solid thing in my palm. I grin around the gag forced into my mouth because. Yes. Ush may well hate me, but magic, spellcasting, is always a rush.

Hey. Kid. Want to see a trick.

"Fucking." Stumbling backwards, guess she'd been in mid struggle- off balance -when the ropes tethering her to me left the party. Because I vanished them, and our gags.

Of course. I'm a bondage obsessed girl. So of course I can do some bondage based magic.


Coming off the post, stepping forward, I grab Ush by the shoulder with my left hand, steadying her.

"Thanks." Patting my hand, I let go. "What the actual," Ush's shadowed face, looking left and right down at the floor, her hand reaching up to pat the now gag free skin around her head, "shit?"
"Are you." Very aware of Fury, held loosely in my right hand. I have. Never. Ever. Gotten the wand out in front of another person. "Are you okay?"
"I'm." Dropping her hand. "Fucking confused Moon Girl."

I smile despite myself. Going to miss her, that still fresh nickname. But.

"Well." A single sigh escaping, giving voice to my sadness. "Probably you can still catch them up?"
"Catch...?" Head turning towards the door, back to me. "Why the fuck," reaching, Ush brushes a strand of hair off my face, making me shiver, "would I want to see any of those bitches again?"
"Because of the team."
"Fuck the team." A waved hand. Dismissive. Ush actually laughs. "Be fun watching their season go down in flames."

"But." Confused, and a small glimmer of hope. Surely she can't? I mean. It's the team, basically the thing she loves, stacked against little me. "I thought...."

Ush steps in, one hand finding my exposed right breast, her other grabbing a handful of butt, squeezing, pulling me into her.

Kissing me.

And. Nothing else matters.

"Sorry." Still hugging me close, her forehead resting on mine. "Fucking." Ush tuts, utters a brief crazy sounding laugh. "What a crazy thing."
"Crazy." No longer caring, really. Sure, being kidnapped, half stripped and tied up. Not good. But. Everything's okay now, Ush isn't leaving, and nor am I.

"I thought." Needing to say it though, to put it out there, just incase I'm wrong. Maybe she's just making sure I'm calm, then she'll leave after all? "Um."
"What's up?" Giving me another- probably leaving any second -kiss.

"I thought you'd be mad at me." Almost blurted out. "Sorry." Taking a breath. "I. Well. All this is my fault. I thought you'd hate me for getting you kicked off the team."
"No." Flicking my nipple. We are going to have to fuck soon, because all this attention, post bondage, is winding me higher and higher.

"Fuck the team. There are other sports." A shrug. Ush flicks her tongue out, gliding it across my lips. "Only one you though."

And then oblivious, lost to the kiss, to the happiness of everything's okay. Really. Too late I feel Ush's hands slide down my arms, her left brushing against my closed right.

Finding Fury.

"What's...?" Not letting go, Ush lifts my hand up between us. I let her. I see the ghost of her frown, narrowed eyes. "Moon Girl?"
"It's." A stick. That I. "Well." Found? And. Um. Fuck it. "It's my wand."

"Fuck off." Half laughing, dropping my hand. Not angry or surprised, more amused. Does she think I'm teasing her?

"It." I'm smiling, having finally shared my secret I feel.


"It really is."
"And I suppose," still amused, "you used the wand."
"Fury." Interrupting her. "It's name is Shakta-el-furiosa."
"No shit?"
"No shit."
"Wow. Okay." Nodding. Ush grins again. "I suppose you used Fury to. Um." Making a poof sound, exploding both her hands open into spread fingers. "Vanish all the ropes."
"I did actually."

"Can you show me?"
"Show you?"
"Do a spell." Taking hold of my left hand, giving it a gentle squeeze, tone no longer amused. "Please."
"Um." The sudden turn around from teasing to serious has confused me. "Really?"
"Sure. I mean." Leaning in to kiss my cheek. "Honestly. I've never been a believer. But. Pretty Moon Girl. I don't think this is one of those playful moments?"
"No." Bringing Fury up to my face, turning it left and right. I can see Ush regarding it too. "I'm not being playful."

Well. It is kinda getting dark.

"Damn." Staring, shaking her head slowly, voice quiet in the silence around us. "That is." Ush's hand, finding mine. "Just. Wow."

Fury. Around a foot long, slightly thicker at one end, thinner at the other. It looks wooden, and prehaps were I to take it to someone in the know they could even tell me which wood. There's a definite grain apparent on the surface, running down the length, which isn't straight but instead gently zigzags the way a branch does. The thick end, which I hold, is a dark red colour, fading and patching to black from around a third of the way down, becoming full black at the tip.

A tip which, because I made it so, has sprouted a small flame. Harmless to the touch, my miniature fire is illuminating Ush and me, plus a small area around us.

"Does anyone else know?"
"Not even," voice dropping to tease, "magic club?"
"Especially not magic club." I laugh, Ush joins me.

"So." Stood beside me, one arm holding me close, head leaning on my shoulder. "What else can you do?"
"All sorts of cool shit." Maybe three or four other things, which I think are cool. However, the way I just said it sounded better. So we'll go with that.

"All sorts of cool shit huh?" Squeezing my butt. "Can you tell me sometime?"
"Tell you about how I became a wizard?"
"If you want to?" Coming around in front of me, Fury now held between us, the fire dancing in Ush's eyes as she stares at me. She smiles. "I'd like to know, to understand."
"Okay." Why not. She knows now, my big secret, and isn't running or laughing or. I don't know. Calling the cops or some crap.

So why not.

"Let's find a way out first though."
"It's." Looking left and right. Pointing. "This way."

"Do you think," walking through dark streets, heading for Galahad, both of us wearing borrowed- stolen -black King's Reach pull over hooded tops we found in the locker room, "they'll leave you alone?"
"The team?" Ush, a quick frown chasing a smile across her face. "Probably."
"Maybe you should...." Sliding my hand down off her hand, fingering her cuff. "You know."
"Not a chance." Pulling the cuff from my loose grip, grinning at me. "I like wearing them."
"No buts." Shaking her head. "The cuffs stay on, and, fuck the team."
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Post by RopeBunny »

The Jock.

Fuck the team I'd said, happy to let it all go. No retaliation from me for what they did to Luna. They get to win, having bested us both, and that's the end of it.

Fuck the team. I should've known it wouldn't be that easy.

They lose, of course. A 22-4 absolute mauling at the hands of the Tigers that Friday following my final practice. Then a week and change later, what should be an easy win, they lose again. 11-3, to a team the Crusaders have been comfortably beating for years.

Suffice to say Ann's tenure as new Captain isn't off to the best of starts.

"Ann." Fuckface. Which I don't say out loud, tempting though it is. We've got the changing- locker -room, to ourselves. For now. I haven't yet made any moves towards focusing my energies on a new sport. At King's Reach, alongside netball, girls can play hockey or badminton competitively. By which I mean to say those who play those sports here get to compete nationally, and not just play for fun.

There's rowing too. King's Reach, alongside Swansea over in Wales, and a couple of the older London universities, have been trying for years to convince Oxford and Cambridge to make their annual two way into something larger.

I'm leaning towards badminton, having had enough, for now, of team sports.

With no sport to play I still jog, and use the gym regularly. Keeping in shape. Ann, walking into the locker room now, enters whilst I'm halfway through getting changed post workout shower.

She's in full Crusaders kit, because it's a Tuesday, and she- the team -need to practice for their upcoming defeat tomorrow afternoon.


Nope. Not this time.

"Practice?" Clipping my sky blue push up bra on, not a match for the white lace thong I'm already wearing. A thong, because the dress I'm about to put on hugs my pert little butt, and I don't want visible underwear. I don't always wear matching lingerie, but I do like my girly pastel colours. I offer Ann a smile whilst sliding my arms into the bra, putting each breast in turn away properly. She's pacing back and forth, and doesn't look happy.

Poor thing.

"Huh?" Glancing up at me, returning my smile with a quick one of her own, a single nod. "Yeah." Ann stops, runs a hand through her short black hair. "Got the All Stars tomorrow."
"I remember."

Ouch. The All Stars are London Based, from an actual sporting academy, so at least a third of the team- seven on the field, plus substitutes -will be as good as pros. Probably our hardest game, and usually a Friday night fixture if there's a free slot.

"Well." Shrugging into the dress. It isn't summer yet, but it is a sunny day, plus I like dressing up for Luna. And she, stuck in the jeans and tee zone, a committed goth for life, likes me in a cute dress. This one is blue, with a white flower pattern all over. The front has a deep V neckline, plunging down to the bottoms of my breasts, hence the same coloured bra. There are no sleeves, the top hugs my E cups, below which is a wide black band, elasticated, hugging my waist whilst giving my breasts extra lift. Below this the dress flares slightly as it flows down almost to my ankles. There's a sexy split up the right hand side, allowing me to walk, showing off almost my whole right leg each time I take a step.

"Well." Turning to face Ann, stepping into my black flip flops, just for the walk back across campus. I can be friendly, can manage to see Ann, any of the team, without scowling or name calling, why not, life's too short for grudges. "All Stars luck gotta run out someday."
"Won't be this season." Shaking her head. Brooding.

And. I'd love to help. I was, helping, before, when I was Captain and the Crusaders were my ship to go down with. But.

Fuck the team. They kidnapped my girlfriend, tied me to her just because, well. Either it's the fact I stopped their fun, or that I was dating outside of approved lines. Because Luna doesn't play sports, and isn't popular.

So. Whatever the reason they did it, they did, it. So, fuck them. Let them fucking sink. I'm out.

"Good luck." A casual wave, I'm already, bag in hand, on my way out, off to the days final lecture.

"Are you fucking....?" Half shouted, surprise mixed with actual outrage in her voice. I could leave, have the door already open. Walk away. It could be, no really, that Ann just got a message on her phone, a text that made her angry.

Except. I know what it is.

Okay. Stepping back into the room, turning, dropping my bag even as the door swings shut behind me. She wants to do this.

Let's rumble.

"What?" My own voice raised, my blood up. Unlike Luna, I'm not shy, not when it's dating, nor when it comes to confrontations.

I know what, I just want to hear Ann say it.

"You're," pointing, at my wrists of course, "still wearing them?"
"Of course I'm still fucking wearing them." Taking two steps forwards. Stalking. "How else is my girlfriend supposed to tie me to the bed?"

Which shuts Ann up. Her mouth, it's almost funny to see it drop open.

"But. B. Bu...." Actual stuttering, waved hand, at my wrists, at me in general? "She ties you up?"
"Sometimes," grinning, going for shock, enjoying myself, "She even leaves me there all night."
"But." Like a broken record, shaking her head. "Why?"
"Not that it's any of your fucking business who I date, but. Honestly." I step in real close, drop my voice to a whisper in Ann's ear. Pushing all her buttons. Not caring. Welcoming whatever comes. "I let her tie me up. Again." Ann, stuck in her ways- popular dates like, I've heard them all talking often enough to know -flinches. I grin. "And again. Because the sex is fantastic."

What happens next is my own fault. Yes, Ann started it, before today really. But, I could've walked away, or failing that I coul at least of simply said my peace, from a distance, then left.

But. No. Full throttle girl that I am I chose to come at her guns blazing.

Of course, Ann has backup, more guns then me.

She makes a move. To push me away or an actual attack? I retaliate.

We're all of a type, us netball girls. None of us are above a twelve, and most of us are between a B and D cup. On the team of eleven- ten now of course -I think there are five C's, Ann included. She's on the tall side too, closing in on six foot alongside a handful of other players. Ann's hair is black, cut short and messy so it tickles her neck but not her shoulders.

In one corner of the girls locker room is a large cage, mesh wall and door- that diagonal metal crisscross mesh -painted red. The cage is where kit is stored: balls, mats, nets and other assorted sporting junk. The cage's door has a bolt, which needs to be in place or else the door won't stay shut, it has a padlock too, which forever hangs off the mesh beside the door. Open. Unused.

My plan, popping into my head the instant I lunge back at Ann, is to lock her in the cage.

It seems like poetic justice, considering she's- crazily -upset at me for getting myself tied up.

I can abandon her, to be found by coach Littlegood when she locks up in several hours, or by the other Crusaders when they show up for practice.

The other....


Ann's no match for me. She's taller, but nobody on the team puts in my levels of exercise. I've pushed and wrestled her back to the cage door, have pinned her in place between me and the mesh wall, prising the bolt open against a background of her cursing and grunting with the effort of failing to budge me.

I'm about to push her in when multiple hands grab me from behind, and everything turns into a whirlwind blur of fighting and struggling. Of ten against one, of me losing very badly.

Like I said. All my fault.

They, my ex teammates, strip me completely naked. After which I'm wrapped up, mummified, in a combination of badminton nets and some white painted stained old rope they use for marking out the football pitch each year.

Like last time my cuffs are put to good use, rope is threaded through each by laughing girls as my ankles are bound together, wrists tied off to upper thighs. My whole body is cocooned, even my head.

And, ten against one, fighting back, and I do, is useless.

Bound. Gagged with some dirty white football socks someone finds, wrapped around my head, having forced one into my mouth first. Helpless, I'm carried into the cage, tossed atop the pile of mats, locked in.

Where I remain. Unable to free myself despite countless attempts, ultimately pointless I realise due to the padlock having been placed on the bolt. But I've got to do something. This isn't Luna and me playing, as much as I've grown to love being bound. And yes, guilty, part of me even loves this, right now. But she isn't here, isn't coming to fuck me, or watch me struggle whilst she does coursework, as sometimes happens.

A cute distraction, that's what Luna says I am.

Makes me blush every time.

But this isn't that. So I don't want to be here. And I am, now, pretty fuckimg mad at my former teammates.

I can't get free. I try and I try and I try. I make myself a sweaty panting mess. I roll around the confines of the cage so much I loose all sense of where exactly I am. Until I spy the mesh again, and remember.

In the end there's no freedom for me until coach Littlegood shows up.

Which is where I discover, having been freed, that of course they took my clothes.


So I have to walk back to Galahad wearing a men's oversized football top and shorts, which I have to hold up or else they'll fall right off my slim waist.

"I'll." Luna, actually madder then I've ever seen her. She'd laughed when I appeared at our room, smiling, becoming a frown then a scowl as I told her where I've just spent the afternoon. Why I look like I just did a whole bunch of workouts.

"It's okay." Reaching out to her from my spot sitting naked- because I'm not wearing those stupid clothes any longer -on my bed. "Just."
"No." Walking to her unit, yanking open the bottom drawer. "I'll. Fucking." I can't help but grin, seeing her pull out the box, hoist it over onto my bed.

She's, somehow, going to corner and tie up all ten Crusaders. My skinny little shy no muscles girlfriend versus ten netball players.

Doomed, but that she would even try, it makes me smile.

And then, delving into the box, beyond the piled and coiled rope, she.


Pulls out the wand. Fury.

"Moon Girl." I'm up off the bed. Still not entirely sure just what she can actually do with that thing. In truth a part of me is still simply amazed it even, the wand, magic at all, even exists. "Luna. Hey." Grabbing her right wrist. "You don't have to."
"But." She isn't fighting me. Thank fuck, because I'd hate to think she would, ever, turn that wand, her anger, on me. Luna looks me in the eyes.

"Ush." A half huff, half sigh. She drops the wand, reaches up to stroke hair off my face. "I just. They can't just do shit like that. To you."
"Doesn't matter." Inside I'm- still -fuming too. But, it's the same odds. Ten versus one, even versus two. We'd stand no chance.

Even with Fury I'd doubt our odds. And I won't risk Luna.

"Come on." Trying to lighten the mood. "Enough of this shit. Besides." I grin. Wink. "S' my birthday tomorrow."

"Indeed." Grinning back. "Okay. Ush." Hugging me, head on my shoulder, hands squeezing my naked butt. "Enough. I'm all good."

"Well...." Licking my lips, liking what I just thought up. "You know, Moon Girl." Stepping back, showing Luna my best angry face. "I am, actually, still kinda mad at them."
"You." Puzzled. Frowning. "Are?"
"Yes." An over exaggerated nod. "And. I think I might even have to go find them all." A pause. I nod again, big, like a decision made. "Tonight."
"Tonight?" A small smile, eyes doing a brief flicker to my cuffs. She knows the game now.

"Yes." And just incase she hasn't gotten it, I march over to my bed, lay down on my back, adopting the submissive position: a limb, a cuff, pointed at each corner, where the four chains still sit, waiting, ever ready for the next time Luna decides to lock me up.

"Unless." I blow her a kiss. "Someone wants to stop me?"

She stops me. Chaining me to my bed, stripping off, fucking me whilst I lay helpless, enjoying every moment of Luna taking charge.

"Night night." Leaning in to kiss me, purple hair tickling my face, hand brushing my nipple. Fucking tease. "Birthday girl."
"Mmmfmfmmmmpppffmmmmmm." Flexing my chained down body up at her, moaning through the scarf gag Luna tied in place a couple of minutes ago. Her fun over, her need for me done. Time therefore to complete my helplessness. I moan quietly, my eyes meeting hers.

"Sleep well." Kissing my gagged lips one more time, climbing off the bed, getting under the covers of her own.

Time to sleep. Tomorrow's a new day. Tomorrow, anything could happen.

Or. Maybe.


Zero two forty-eight, that's when I was born. A handful of minutes before three on a cold late spring morning. So. Logically. Zero two forty-eight would be the exact moment that I age each year.

Sand. I'm dreaming of sand, back inside that strange storm from before. An endless desert which I sense but can't see, because all of the sand is currently in the air, all around me but not touching me. I can hear a howling, the angry wind, or a beast somehow out there in the maelstrom, lost but alive.


But before I can make a connection, any connection. I feel certain there's one there?

The random haywire dance and storm of sand shifts, a thousand thousand particles suddenly all changing course.

Colliding with me. Enveloping me.

A brief instant of flared pain across my entire naked body.


Awake. Somehow, having gone from laying in bed to not just sitting up, not just standing beside the bed. I'm, impossibly, stood in the common room. The kitchen and lounge Luna and I share with three other twin rooms of girls, all of our bedrooms leading out to this space, which then has the main front door out into the communal corridors of Galahad, and beyond that the wider campus and city.

Quiet. Dark. There's nobody here. All the doors are closed, all the girls asleep.

Wait. All the doors are...?

Even mine.

But even as I frown, somehow seeing everything with near perfect vision despite the darkness all around, knowledge drops on me. Falling, it feels, as though from a great height. Striking me, impaling, forcing its way in and filling me up.

And, just like that, I know how to do.


"Good morning."
"Wha...?" On the bed, in a room which isn't mine, the black haired girl stirs as my whispered words, my presence, finally registers. She blinks, eyes trying and failing to focus in the dorm rooms total pre dawn darkness.

Prehaps her blindness is a good thing? Were she able to see me, prehaps her scream would wake her roommate, slumbering peacefully. I'm not here for her.

Just this girl I'm standing- looming -over. The tenth, the last of them.

"Vik?" Voice barely a whisper, propping herself up on one elbow, still blinking. "Is that you?"
"Then...." Reaching, groping for her phone. "Who...?"

At which point, finding her phone, a flick of the finger brings dim illumination into the vicinity of her bed. Enough for her to see.

"You...?" Gasped out, sitting up fully, covers falling off her baggy tee clad upper body. "What's goi...."
"Yes." Stepping in close, reaching out even as she recoils, backing against the wall. Which does her no good. Grabbing a wrist on each hand I thrust my face close to hers just as the light dims, the phone returning to sleep. Unlike it's owner.

"Time to pay the toll." I whisper, flexing even as I do, bending the flow to my whims. Kidnapping the kidnapper, taking her to the others.
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Post by Nainur »

This so called team sucks. So: f*k the team. And make 'em pay. Way to go.
So, "the last of them" taken?
I say: good luck!
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Post by GreyLord »

I must have blinked, [mention]RopeBunny[/mention], because I suddenly had to read several chapters to catch up. And what a pleasure it was! Reading this was like riding a whirlwind, I imagine. You take us in one direction and then another with skillful breathtaking speed. I envy your great imagination. Thank you for producing this for us.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by ThatDino »

Jeez Louise (literally, in your case)! I honestly thought that the Wishing series was my favourite work of yours but dang, you're on fire with this one! Can't wait to see what entertainingly nightmarish endeavors await :mrgreen:
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Post by RopeBunny »

ThatDino wrote: 2 years ago thought that the Wishing series was my favourite work of yours
One of my favourites too :D
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Post by BlissfulMisery »

RopeBunny wrote: 2 years ago
It isn't another dream. Quickly, because I'm moving the story along, because this is a TUGs board, not a proper novel.
I apologize, my comment was not meant as a criticism of the pacing, just a tongue and cheek summary of the chapter in question.

As for the latest chapters, well, not much to be said that has not already been said. Gripping storytelling, I am excited to see more!
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Post by RopeBunny »

BlissfulMisery wrote: 2 years ago
I apologize
Not needed, but, thank you.

I didn't take it as a criticism, more a question (is it a second dream?) that needed answering.

All good :D
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Post by RopeBunny »

The Geek.

My alarm isn't what wakes me. I'd set it for early, because today is Ush's birthday. My stunning, amazingly sexy, totally fuckable girlfriend is turning twenty-one. So I need to wake up and unchain her from the bed.

After we have sex.


But, my alarm isn't what wakes me. Instead, I'm roused out of sleep by repeated banging on mine and Ush's door.

"Huh?" Eyes bleary in the semi dark- dim glow from outside streetlights leaking through the curtains -room. Is Ush's bed empty? "Who...?" Blinking.

"Luna." Shouted through the door. "Ush." Is that. Theresa? Becky? Another girl from our dorm grouping of eight?

Half stumble, half fall, out of bed. I make it two steps towards the door before glancing again, properly, at my girlfriend's bed.

Which stops me dead.

Ush isn't just not there, no longer chained down and gagged, naked body splayed out like the world's best piece of art.

Her cuffs, solid metal. All four have been torn open.

"Luna?" Another couple of knocking bangs on the door. "That you?"
"Yeah." Move. I make it to the door, opening it a crack, because I'm still naked, and peer out. "Oh. Theresa. Hey."

Wearing a baggy white 'visit Florida' tee over her skinny A cup frame, and not much else aside from a huge amused grin, Theresa nods back over her shoulder.

"Have you seen?"
"It's." Even as I peer over Theresa's shoulder, blink. Blink again in an effort to make such an impossible sight dissappear. As it surely will. Theresa giggles. "Come on." Stepping back into the communal space- kitchen, sofa's and a flatscreen -waving me to follow. "Come have a proper look before Charlotte gets back."
"I just." Fuck. But. I mean. Fuck. "I need some clothes." And to find my girlfriend. "Give me a moment. Kay?"
"Just don't be too long." Theresa turns, prods an exposed belly, the owner of which grunts. "Fucked if any of us are helping them." Grinnng at me. "But." A shrug. "Charlotte won't be long."

I close the door.

"All ten of them." Whispered, shaking my head. "How?" Because, as mad as I was last night. "Nope." Opening my palm, staring down at Fury's brand. Even with my wand, it would've likely been a suicide mission.

"Ush?" As loud as I dare, without wanting anyone in the communal room to hear.

Eyes wandering back to her bed, to the cuffs she bought, for me to use on her. To chain her up for all sorts of fun times. Who could've broken them?

"In here." My girlfriends voice, distracted, coming from the open bathroom doorway.

I walk in, seeing the mirror first, a reflection which can't possibly be true.

Ush. But. Not Ush.

Black arms from shoulders to fingertips. Black legs from upper thighs to toes. Black the colour, like midnight. A solid wall of colour up to beyond the elbows and knees, then it begins to fade, becoming like twisting and climbing streamers as more normal tanned skin begins to peek through the gaps.

Midnight hair too, no more blonde.

And. Eyes. Black like twin pools, no pupils, no colour.

The reflection is staring out, at itself. Left arm held out, running the black fingers of the right hand down the black skin of the forearm.

There's an expression, as I, finally, force my attention from mirror to real, finding no change. The two halves matching. Ush is, staring, at herself. But she isn't scared, there's no panic or horror on her face.

Only wonder.

"Hey Moon Girl." Dropping her arms, turning to face me, Ush smiles, her mouth an optical illusion, too wide for her face, her teeth too pointy.

Two things: Ush seems not the least upset by whatever the fuck change has just befallen her, plus considering I've been Fury's keeper for seven years I'm used to stuff that isn't normal.

For both those reasons, and, okay I'll say it. My girlfriend looks hot like this. Strange but true.

Because of these things I don't run. Don't scream or gasp. Instead I smile back, walk forwards. "Hey birthday girl." Reaching out, running my own hand down Ush's black arm. "Someone," leaning in, giving her a kiss, gentle because damn but those teeth will take some working out, "left quite a mess in the common room out front."

And, there's the briefest pause as we kiss, before she kisses me back. Had she been waiting for me to turn and run?

"Would you believe me if I said I hadn't the faintest clue what you mean?"
"Not a chance." Shaking my head, taking a step back to look her up and down again. "Whatever this," waving an arm, indicating up and down her two tone body, "is. Pretty lady. I can literally see the power smoking off you."

It's black, shot through with ripples of yellow. Like smoke drifting and coiling around her body. A thin layer.

I've never seen anything of the sort before. But, it's cool. Like an invisible tell, a way of knowing who has power.

"Can see you too." Ush nods, actually laughs. "And...."
"And." That grin, somethings clearly funny. "What?"
"You're pink. Moon Girl." Laughing again at the briefly disgusted face I pull. "Goth for life and your wand has made you pink like candy."
"Fucks sake." But I'm laughing too. Ush steps forwards, arms out to hug, I step into the invitation, grabbing her butt, squeezing. Kissing with more confidence this time, my tongue flicking out to explore.

"Hoodie?" Grabbing one of mine, a dark red pullover, from my wardrobe, holding it out as I turn around to find. "Right." Tossing it onto my bed. "Nevermind."

Dressing quickly, because Charlotte's coming back. Whatever that means? Black jeans tucked into army boots, and a blue tee with the Superman S on the chest. No bra, because despite being only a B, dwarfed by Ush's E cups, she's told me multiple times how sexy my tits are to her. So, no bra and a tight tee, which hugs them, showing my nipples poking at the fabric, and, as I walk, my tits will bounce quite visibly.

She's already smiling as she sees this when I walk across the room, to join Ush at the door out.

Ush, no shame, not shy, is of course wearing a dress. Matching white lace bra and thong- very sexy, very skimpy, the kind of lingerie that gives a girl ideas -underneath. Thin straps and a plunging neckline, showing all the cleavage. The dress is white, hugging Ush to the waist, then flaring out to the knee. Black and pink Adidas are on her feet.

A dress, meaning all her black skin is exposed, along with her eyes, and not dyed but still changed hair.

Holding hands, sharing a final kiss, before Ush opens the door, and leads the way out.

Charlotte still hasn't returned, and, nor, despite all the girls who live here being in the room, not one of them is helping free any of the netball team.

Because I can see clearly now, it is the entire Crusaders team here.

And someone- Ush, of course, she hasn't actually said but it is -has hogtied them, gagged them, dumped them here.

Each girl has been hogtied quite tightly. A rope- all the ropes are off white -to bind the crossed ankles, a second on the wrists, which have all been tied crossed, with a third rope to join ankles to wrists behind the girls backs. All the third ropes have been pulled short, meaning all the girls bodies are arched, every questing hand can reach it's own pair of wriggling feet.

Three of them are naked. Which, the serves them right embarrassment they must be feeling, forcibly put on display, makes me laugh. Of the other seven: two are in baggy tee's and pants, one a vest top and baggy drawstring trousers, another two are in varying bra and thong combinations, one is topless but with jeans and a pair of blue Nikes on her feet, the only one wearing shoes, whilst the tenth girl has a white unicorn onesie on, hood up, but the front unzipped to show off a pierced nipple on her bouncing C cups.

They've been dumped, or piled, all over the room. Two on each of the three sofa's, which is a squeeze, and the remaining four on the floor between sofa's and flatscreen. And all of them are wriggling, struggling, moaning at each other and my smirking dorm mates.

All whole thing is quite loud, close to a dozen moaning, sometimes cursing or grunting girls. It's also funny. And, in some ways, kind of a turn on too.

Because I like girls, especially girls tied up and struggling in not much or no clothing. So, under different circumstances I would totally consider just wading in, having some fun.

But I don't.

"Did you?" Leaning in to whisper, still holding Ush's hand. "Is this you?"
"Seemed only fair." Whispering back. Attracting plenty of looks from all the girls here, bound and not bound, but so far no actual comments on my girlfriends strange new look. "After yesterday, and before."
"Quite." No longer laughing, but there's a grin plastered to my face.

And no, I'm not going to be the one to help them. Every one of those girls currently laying bound and helpless deserves this fate.

It's only a shame we can't leave them here all day.

And. Thinking which, as though my mere evil thought were enough to conjure her up, coach Littlegood arrives, having by either good or bad luck clearly been the first member of staff Charlotte found.

"Girls." The coach, stood in the middle of the room, slightly closer to her team then she is to us, clustered in a loose group around the kitchen. Her team, as though keen to be gone from the sight of their humiliation, are all stood close to the door.

Or maybe they just don't want to be near Ush? Even amongst the dorm group there's a noticeable gap separating Ush and me from the other six girls.

"Listen." Coach, pinching her nose, aiming for a calm tone. "This doesn't have to become a thing. A." Looking at each group in turn. "Witch hunt for the truth. So. Any of you girls saw anything," making a gesture, a sweep of her arms to encompass all of us, "now's the time to speak up."

Nobody on our side speaks. We're all guilty to a degree: not one of us did anything to aid the tied girls despite repeated moaning pleas.

Mostly, we laughed, smiled.

I saw at least two of the girls taking photos.

Do they know, suspect, Ush? Can any of them make the impossible mental leap from Ush's new look to whatever power she's woken up with?

So. We don't speak. Which just leaves.

The Crusaders. The wronged party. One of them, hell, all of them, will surely speak up and bury Ush.

But nobody speaks, the silence stretches. And, glancing to my left I realise why.

She's staring them down. My girlfriend, fixing eyes like a night sky devoid of stars on each girl in turn, a small inviting smile on her lips. And, one by one, each freed girl looks away. Shakes her head. One by one they leave, muttering about class or a shower.

Only the coach remains. She looks at Ush, who stares back, the same blank eyed smiling challenge on her face. Coach Littlegood opens her mouth, closes it, frowns.

Shakes her head. Leaves.

"Come on." Making a snap decision, and besides which most of the other girls are still throwing constant glances Ush's way. "I'll buy us breakfast."
"Okay." Ush takes the hoodie, hers, zip front, pink with 'Roxy Girl' in white on the back, that I offer, slipping it on as I slip on a black zip front of my own. She holds my hand, returns my tut- because she's rolled her sleeves up, letting her black arms out again -with an innocent smile, let's me lead her out, down corridors and stairwells.

Outside. Into the still waking city.
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Post by Rdo4y8 »

Another absolute banger of a story. Looking forward to seeing what our dynamic duo does with these powers as a tandem.
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Post by GreyLord »

Just splendid [mention]RopeBunny[/mention]. I love the magic, usually out of sight and in reserve, and you are generous with TUGs appropriate and timely for the story.
ImageA List of my stories:
An Unlikely Savior Completed
Spy Task Force Completed
Tale of an Archer Completed
The Bandit Scout on Newhome updated 05/30/23
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Post by RopeBunny »

The Jock.

"You're a distraction."
"You're a distraction."

Walking through the city, taking an easy stroll towards a favourite cafe whilst all around us men and women in suits, kids in school uniforms, hustle and bustle to get where they need to go. Luna and me, playfully arguing.

"Maybe." Pointing, grinning as Luna helpfully hops the next couple of steps, making her unsupported B cups bounce. I do love her small but perfect breasts. "If you'd worn a bra people wouldn't be staring. Moon Girl."
"Maybe." Sudden lunge at my own bra and dress clad E's, aiming for a grope. I laugh, dance away. Luna blows me a kiss, waves an arm at me, up and down. "There are more obvious things then my tits on show?"

Which. Black limbs, eyes like black holes, none of my sudden and unexpected overnight changes covered up. She's got a point.

JJ's Grillhouse, even at this early hour there's a small queue out the takeaway door. JJ, the owner and cook- because chef is just too posh a word for what is basically a greasy spoon cafe -alongside his two sons and one daughter, are absolute masters when it comes to fried food.

Maybe deserving of the chef moniker anyway?

At JJ's you can buy breakfast all day, or a burger and chips all day. And all day means. All, from seven, sometimes before the sun comes up. Day, until ten, by which point the sun has gone away again. Basically, if it's fried or grilled, and cooks fast, you won't find better.

Luna and me find a table off to the side, away from the noisy counter and it's constant order/serve chatter, the crash and sizzle of the kitchen directly behind. We order sausage baps each plus coffee from the smiling waitress, far too busy and job focused to spare a glance at either Luna or me, then sit enjoying the view of each other in companionable silence for a moment, holding hands across the table. Both of us smiling.

"So." Luna, letting go of my hand, runs her own up then down my arm. "This, isn't a tattoo?"
"No." Holding my hand up, twisting it around, Luna staring too.

I know what I can do. Just not how. Or why.

"I think."
"Think?" Giving my hand a squeeze, like offering comfort. "Don't you know?"
"Well." Squeezing back. I could break every bone in Luna's hand. Easily. Because. "No." Shaking my head. "I know what. Just not why."
"Right." Looking thoughtful. "So. The what, is," glancing at her right palm, "you know things." Flexing her palm. Open. Closed. "You know how to do things that,"
"That I would've called impossible before you showed me yours." I finish for her, smiling.

"You know what you can do," nodding, her words echoing my thoughts, "you just don't know why you can do them."

"There's a desert." Seeing it with my minds eye, this memory, like the knowledge of how to do things, in my head as though I've always known, but I know I didn't know any of this yesterday. "An. Endless Desert."
"Sounds delightful."
"It is." Returning Luna's humour. "I've dreamed of this place, Moon Girl. Sand for days. Weeks. A storm like you've never seen."
"So this desert is, where," a shrug, "Africa someplace?"
"Someplace." I nod.

Someplace no commercial flight or hired boat could reach. Someplace. Elsewhere.

"The Desert has something to do with this." Holding up my hand, hearing Luna gasp as my entire forearm catches fire, for a two count, before spluttering and dying. Fading, leaving my skin untouched. "It's like I can feel that sandstorm inside me."
"I mean." Reaching out to touch my hand. "That was...."
"Impressed huh?" I smile. "Nothing you didn't already do."
"But." Frowning. "I've never seen anyone else do it. And. Damn." Shaking her head, but smiling. Not upset. "You made it look so effortless."

"So you don't have a." Stopping, looking around first. Luna lays her right hand palm up flat on the table. Squints at it. And moments later Fury colours itself in, appearing. "Doesn't anything help you do what you can do?"
"No." Looking down at her wand. "That though, is so fucking cool."
"Look who's talking." Coming, leaning across the table, over her wand to give me a kiss. "Pretty Ush with the cool skin and midnight eyes."

I kiss her back, running a hand through her hair, holding Luna's lips against mine.

Waking up, discovering what I'd become. I couldn't stop staring at this new thing. The trade off, my black half the apparent price to pay for all the power I could effortlessly wield.

And it is. Power. Everything I can see, hear, is more focused. Every muscle a coiled spring. Stronger. Faster. And I know things. The inner workings of the universe, pages and pages of impossible things I can now do, all laid out in easy to follow diagram form.

I stared at myself. And smiled.

I liked her, this new me. Because, would you believe me if I said it just felt right? That this, black limbs, eyes like twin pools of darkest night, far too many teeth and a mouth seemingly too wide for my slim young face. Even my hair which I know, were I to dye it back to blonde, or any other colour, would be black again within moments, the dye simply dripping off, unable to take, or stick.

Would you believe me if I said that, looking in the mirror this morning, I felt that for the first time ever I was seeing the real me?

And. Amazingly. My girlfriend likes the new me too.

Score one for the team.

"No." Repeating myself, letting Luna go, sitting back down. "I don't," reaching forwards, "have anything I ca...."

At which point my fingers brush across Fury.

Luna's wand reacts. Defends itself? Her? A crazy first thought to have, but.

It kicks, jolting Luna's whole arm up and back, away from me, whilst at the same time a flash of white light bursts from the tip, my own hand being flung away as though slapped.

It even, very briefly, stings.

Every overhead light explodes simultaneously, showering sparks and fragments of plastic down over everyone here.

"I mean." Uttering a shaky laugh, walking through posh parkland near King's Reach. "Fuck. Wow."

We took our food, coming off the grill as everything went to shit, to go. Eating as we walked away from the destruction that luckily nobody realised we'd somehow caused. Heading no place in particular.

"Are you sure you're okay?"
"I'm sure." Holding up my finger for inspection, for about the tenth time. I grin. "Quite a kick there. How's the arm?"
"Aches." Rolling her shoulder, Fury tucked into her jeans butt pocket, tee and hoodie covering the top part. "But I'm good."
"So. What was that?"
"Fucked if I know?" Luna shrugs. Laughs. "Maybe it just doesn't like you."
"Maybe." Laughing too. Feeling forced, which Luna doesn't seem to notice, whilst all I can think is.

Maybe? And if so, why?

"I could tie you up."
"I know that silly." Giving me a playful nudge, we're deep inside some woodland, off the normal path, walking along the bottom of a currently dry ditch.

Not a soul for miles. Feels like anyway.

"You've been doing it for months." Turning her head to glance at me, smiling. I'd been attempting to lighten the mood, and, as Luna shakes her hand free of mine, quickens her pace to come ahead before stopping in my path, turning to face me with a grin.

Looks like I succeeded.

"You mean like," pulling out her wand, holding it casually, pointed at the ground, "because some sand someplace gave you power though?"
"The Endless Desert yes." Smiling back at Luna's attempted teasing. "I could." Examining the nails on my left hand. "Tie you up."
"Well. Maybe." Lifting Fury, doing a good imitation of me, examining the wand though. "I can tie you up too."

"So. What?" We are. I can feel myself tingling. Excited at this sudden Mexican standoff I seem to of triggered. "Fastest gun wins?"
"Sure." A shrug, not fussed, playing it cool whilst all the while Luna's eyes, looking right at me, are dancing with that same desire I can feel. "On three?"

"One." I begin. Stood still now, hands down by my sides, focusing inwards, calling up the storm.

"Two." Shouted back at me, across the half dozen metres. Across, it feels like, the miles. Luna turns her body side on, right side and Fury- held up, ready -facing me.

Three. We neither of us quite manage to get out. I see Luna's mouth open, just as I'm forming the word. But as she does, already flicking her wand, Fury dancing, conducting some silent orchestra prehaps only Luna can hear. I see the pink around her change, billow out and begin to take on some kind of form as she sends her power at me.

Unfortunately. For Luna. Whatever resides in her wand, the quite ancient and cool sounding Shakta-el-furiosa, it isn't a match for me. Added to which either my reactions are better, or my own power is so much greater it simply batters hers aside as I send it storming and surging out from me.

A single, quick, yelp of surprise. A dropped wand, impaled in the soft dirt. And then, in an eyeblink, Luna is thrown backwards, briefly phasing out of sight, only to reappear against a tree a dozen metres away in a straight line from me through where she had been stood.

Tempting to simply lash her to the tree like a rope entombed mummy, arms by her sides. But. Instead. Luna's legs are spread, not wide, but each foot is at the side of the not so wide trunk, meaning her feet are prehaps a shoulders width apart. Her ankles- I used rope, which Luna collected as she, for an instant, travelled through the Endless Desert when I threw her backwards -have been bound to the trunk, but not her knees, or thighs.

Because I want access, to be able to pull down her jeans.

It isn't as though she won't want me to.

Arms above her head, hoisted high, wrists tied together crossed, the rope climbing up up into the canopy, wrapped and secured to a thick branch directly above. Not only does this stretch Luna's cute little belly tight, and make her tee ride up. It gives me access to those always kissable, lickable, B cups.

She doesn't want to wear a bra. Fine by me. Now I can lift her top and pull down her jeans.

Now I can enjoy the spoils of victory.

"Are you okay?" Stood in front of her, checking. Asking. I can move myself the same way I just flung Luna, using the Desert as a conduit, a link between any two points. And, you'll only be there, in the sandstorm, for an instant, not even long enough to register the fact, but.

Because I care about Luna. Because I.

Love her?

And because the Endless Desert, despite feeling strangely like home, still kinda scares the shit out of me. I want to make sure my girlfriend is okay.

"Moon Girl?" Brushing purple hair off her pretty face. Up close now I can see, her eyes are still dancing. She's fine.

"Mmmffppff mmmmmmm." Moaning gently through the gag, like the rope a thing made real inside the Desert, thick off white cloth forced and tied into Luna's mouth, splitting her lips around it.

Damn but she looks so cute tied and gagged.

"Ffmmmmfffpppffff." Nodding. She's okay. Happy.

"Good." Stroking, running a black skinned hand across Luna's breasts, left to right, being sure to catch the nipples as I pass. "Now." Grinning, a thing I've seen in the bathroom mirror, a thing, more then anything else about the new me, that I expected Luna to flinch from.

More so then anything, my mouth, the many sharp teeth inside. My grin, too wide. More then anything about the new me it's this that looks. Well. Nightmarish you could say.

But. No. Luna's gaze is on me, she gives her bound body several small shakes, making her B cups bounce.

"Quite." Reaching out again. Going to lift her top, get a better look. "Now. Le...." Stop. Frown.

Luna's pink, the visible signature of the power she wields. I'm black, shot through with yellow. Yellow for sand, get it? Within a certain distance- I've no clue how far, I just assume there must be a limit -I'll always know where she is, and no doubt she'll know me, because even without line of sight her pink smoke will show up in my head, like a ping on active sonar.

Somehow. Suddenly. There's now a blue dot, or ping, right behind me.

Something stings my butt a moment later, even as I'm registering the blue, even as I'm making the decision to turn around.

I don't make it.

There's a flash behind my eyes, like a detonation in the brain as all my limbs lock up and pain shoots through my whole body. I can actually hear the buzzing discharge of electricity.

For a single moment, already dropping to the ground, unconsciousness rushing up to meet me, I get a snapshot of Luna, eyes wide, panic and surprise as she looks at me, passed me.

And then the darkness comes, the nothing of forced sleep, taking me away.
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