Putting my Money Where my Mouth is (M/M) *New Part Oct 24*

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Putting my Money Where my Mouth is (M/M) *New Part Oct 24*

Post by Kishi »

Part 1 — A Rude Awakening

“Ready, boi?” Master’s gravelly voice penetrated the silence, sending a shiver down my spine. His hands rested heavily on my shoulders, firmly kneading them in a way that was more unsettling than comforting.

This was the culmination of months of talking and texting, constant blabbering about my every most depraved fantasy. I was bursting with excitement as I arrived at his front door and followed him without question to this spare bedroom at the back of his home only minutes ago.

But now, I was staring nervously at the scene in front of me. We were facing a cramped walk-in closet, a metal dog crate seated in the center of it. Deep breath. I wanted this… right?

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted as he slid his hands down my sides and pulled my shirt off over my head. I shuddered with my smooth, slim torso exposed to the air.

“Hahhh…” I breathily moaned as he slid his hands up my front and pulled me against him. My toes curled as the much taller, bulkier man pressed my body against his, my head nestled between his pecs.

“Oh, you sound plenty ready, boi…” Master abruptly took a step forward, shoving me along with him, and bent me over the front of the dog cage. I shivered as the cold metal bars lining its roof pressed against my skin. He reached over me and I felt a few coils of rope drop down onto my upper back.

“F-fuck…” I muttered under my breath, my mind swimming with nervousness, fear… and unbearable arousal. My wrists were grabbed and roughly yanked behind my back. The rough embrace of rope wrapped around and around my skinny wrists, with far more force than necessary. I lost count at about 8 passes, but he was still going, tighter and tighter.

“Hhhh… M-master? Does it need to be so tight?” He’d always insisted on being called ‘Master’ during our earlier talks. It hadn’t occurred to me until now that I didn’t actually know his real name.

He ignored me, continuing to loop the rope around my thoroughly bound wrists before he finally cinched and knotted it off with a grunt. As I twisted my hands about, I discovered my fingers couldn’t hope to reach the knot. It was painfully tight. I pressed my cheek against the dog cage and shifted around uncomfortably. I took a deep, shaky breath. Come on, I wanted this.

He repeated the process just above my elbows, drawing them closer and closer. A pained whimper escaped my throat as he forced them to meet, pressing my forearms together, cinching and knotting the ropes off.

I flexed my fingers, trying to power through the rather strong pain in my shoulders from being drawn so far back.

“C-come on…” I whimpered, betraying a hint of frustration as he looped rope around the front of my shoulders and behind my upper back, drawing my shoulders even further back. Knotting it off between my shoulder blades, my shoulders were wrenched back to their absolute limit, with my chest forcibly puffed forward. I gritted my teeth as the pain in my arms reached a new height.

I was at least somewhat distracted from the pain in my arms when Master yanked my pants off, leaving me in nothing but the too-small white speedo he’d instructed me to show up wearing. “Mmm, there’s that cute little ass.” he said, grabbing me with both hands. “That’s my ass now. Isn’t that right, boi?”

All I could hear was my blood rushing in my ears. I moaned softly, arching my back and leaning back into his hands. My cheeks were bright red, and my eyes rolled back a little.

“Heh…” Master smirked as he grinded forward, the growing bulge in his pants sliding up between my cheeks.

That evidently wasn’t the response he was looking for, though, because in an instant he nearly knocked me clean onto the floor with the force of the spank he brought down across my unsuspecting ass. “I said isn’t that right, boi?”

I cried out at the sudden pain. “I-I’m sorry! Master! Y-yes, that’s right…” My voice trailed off; I didn’t know what he wanted me to say. Without warning, he spanked me with his other hand just as hard.

Only this time, the force did knock me off the dog crate. The air was knocked out of my lungs as I slammed onto the ground. I breathlessly wheezed and gasped for air, curled up into a fetal position.

Master grabbed me by the upper arm and yanked me upright, standing facing him with the cage directly behind me. He leaned in close, and in a low, threatening tone, said “Your ass is mine.”

I silently nodded, petrified with fear. “What, nothing left to say? Good. Then you’re ready for your gag.”

My stomach dropped as I remembered the constant back-and-forth we’d shared on that particular topic: my gag. I’d spent the entire last two months egging him on about how I wanted… no, needed… the most musky socks he could produce. Talk is cheap, though. This was real.

He took his hand off my arm and grabbed the back of my head, clamping his other hand over my mouth. His hands were so huge, and his arms were so powerful, it felt like he was crushing my head. His hand covered everything from my chin to my nose in a sweaty, airtight seal.

“Oh, you’re gonna love what I’ve got in store for you. Wore ‘em to the gym every day, for two months. I’m even wearing them right now, just for you…” I looked up at him with pure terror in my eyes. My chest heaved uselessly as I desperately tried to breathe, my flight instinct fully taking over.

He held my head clamped between his hands, forcing me up onto my toes as he stared intensely into my eyes. I was seeing red. I tried to lurch from side to side, trying to break the seal for even a single tiny breath. But as the seconds dragged on, my struggles grew weaker and weaker. The corners of my vision were fading to black, and he steadily lowered me down as my legs weakened and gave out beneath me.

I sat with my legs folded and spread limply, looking up at him with tears running down my cheeks, when he finally shifted his finger to allow me to take the briefest half-second gasp of air through my nose. The darkness in the corners of my vision retreated somewhat, and the barest hint of strength in my legs returned.

“Plff…” Please, I cried, muffled to near-silence behind Master’s huge, sweaty hand. My chest heaved as I breathlessly sobbed, and the strength slowly drained from me again.

He shifted his finger again, allowing me one more short gasp, right as I was about to lose consciousness. He kept this up for what felt like an eternity, but couldn’t have been longer than half an hour. I was a wreck, my hair disheveled, completely soaked in a sheen of cold sweat. Between the tears filling my eyes, and the ever-present partial blackness, I couldn’t even begin to make out the expression on Master’s face as he stared down at me.

Finally, he spoke again. “You’re gonna be reeeal good for me. Right, boi?” It took a few seconds for me to comprehend, but I wasted no time in frantically nodding my head — as much as I could with my head firmly held still in his hands, at least.

“Good boi.” He said as he let go of me. Immediately I hunched forward, gasping over and over for air. A reddened imprint of his fingers was left across my face, owing to the excessive amount of force he’d maintained for the entire ordeal. Looking down at his feet, I saw his shorts fall around his ankles, a crumpled heap resting over his shoes.

These were shortly followed by his white boxer-briefs. I instantly recoiled, a wall of stench punching me straight in the nose. Looking back up at him, an expression of utter disgust on my face, my jaw dropped at the sight looming above me.

Master’s cock was standing at attention right above me. If the smell emanating from his boxers was rancid, this was beyond description. I went lightheaded, utterly overwhelmed by the brutal assault on my nostrils, and recoiled back, but my head was already pressed back against the front of the dog crate.

“Now, princess, this is what a real man smells like.” I tried to open my mouth to protest, but all that came out was a retch. With every breath, my entire torso clenched down, my every instinct fighting to keel over and vomit.

As if the concentrated musk wasn’t enough, the sheer size of the shaft looming over me struck terror into my heart. It heavily bounced and swayed with the slightest twitch. I normally had no insecurities about my own endowment, but being met face-to-face with a veritable weapon of this sheer size… I’d never felt like less of a man in my life.

Suddenly, a giant hand slammed into the back of my head and forced me forward, cramming my face into Master’s crotch, his heavy sack pressed against my mouth. My nose was crushed against his groin, right next to the base of his cock.

“Hnnngh!” I couldn’t stop heaving and hacking at the unbelievable sharpness of his musk. I tried to hold my breath, my mouth glued shut. But the stench was still beyond what I could possibly hope to handle. The burning in my nostrils was intense, tears were welling up in my eyes.

“Now lick.” Master commanded, shoving my face even harder against his crotch. I tried — really. I gingerly opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out, dragging it along the underside of his weighty balls. I lasted less than a second before I broke out into a series of coughs and retches, retracting my tongue right back into my quivering mouth.

“Tsk tsk tsk… You want to be that way? Fine. I don’t have to be so gentle.” He spit out each word dripping with vitriol. He gripped my hair and yanked my head back, forcing me to look up at him. He reached out with his other hand, gripping his filthy boxers. I apparently had failed to notice him kicking them off and picking them up. He turned them inside out, and I cringed at the sheer amount of built-up filth worked into the fabric. Much of the once-white fabric was now stained a dark, sickly yellow. It was soaked in sweat. Looking more closely, much of the inside was even caked in an unbelievably thick, wet, and spongy coating of old sweat and pure, concentrated filth.

For all we’d talked about using a sockgag, he’d never once brought up the idea of an underwear gag! I looked on in stark horror as he slowly brought the crumpled boxers closer to my face.

“N-no… please, w-wait, Master, I’ll be good!” I blubbered, failing to hold back yet more sobs. The smell was unbelievable, more reminiscent of vinegar and rotting cheese than even the worst body odors I had ever experienced before. Nonetheless, Master wasted no time in thrusting the cloth into my mouth. The room echoed with a cacophony of my muffled screams, cries, and retching as he forced more and more of the boxers into my helpless mouth.

My jaw was forced to open wider and wider, my tongue pressed flat against the base of my mouth. Tears freely streamed down my overstuffed cheeks as I was utterly overwhelmed by a mind-shattering deluge of sensory overload. My eyes rolled back and I went limp, save for my body’s repeated convulsions from constant heaving.

My jaw was stretched to its limit, yet more than half of the fabric was still outside of my mouth. Master used both hands to wrench my mouth open further and force even more of his rancid boxers into my mouth. Cotton tickled the back of my throat; every cubic centimeter of space in my mouth was occupied by the compressed boxers. By the time he was done, I couldn’t have spit out the boxers no matter how badly I wanted to. My tongue was utterly incapacitated, my jaw agonizingly overstretched. The waistband of the boxers was all that still stuck out of my tortured mouth.

“Hmmmph…” I weakly cried, nearly inaudible even to myself, as Master produced a roll of black gorilla tape — industrial-strength, extra-wide, terrifying tape. He pulled the end free and pressed it down against my cheek, then started wrapping it around my head. The screeching of the tape was deafening as he wrapped it around and around, completely engulfing the lower half of my face in the unyielding black material. The boxers compressed even further back into my mouth as my mouth was flattened under the immense pressure. The roll was significantly smaller, and my entire face from just below my nostrils to below my chin was entirely engulfed by the time Master was done.

I whimpered and moaned, finding it impossible to concentrate enough to even stay aware of what was happening outside of my abused mouth. The smell was one thing, but the taste was an entirely new realm of misery. My brain was fried by the tear-jerking overload of disgust.

But he wasn’t done yet. While I was stewing, out of my mind with misery, Master took off one of his enormous sneakers and opened it wide. Nothing more than a weak sob escaped me as I helplessly watched him bring the sneaker closer and closer to my face.

With my chin seated against the back of the shoe, its tongue was right in front of my eyes. His shoes were enormous! My entire face was engulfed.

Immediately, my entire body convulsed like a dying bug. “Hnnnng… Plllff… Hlfff mphhhh…” I cried, wailing into my gag. Next to no sound escaped the sneaker as Master begun wrapping tape around my head once more, securing the shoe firmly to my face. He wrapped the tape around my head an inordinate number of times, engulfing most of my head. With each pass, the shoe was shoved harder and harder against my face, until its spongy sole was pressed hard against my mouth and nose, with barely enough free space for me to breathe.

My lungs were on fire. Agony radiated from my mouth and nose in waves. I held my breath as long as I could, but my entire shivering body would convulse every time I inevitably had to draw in another gasping breath. My eyes were red and puffy; I couldn’t stop sobbing. And yet, my speedo felt tighter than ever. My cock throbbed as hard as it could crushed down nearly flat under the fabric. On top of all my writhing and convulsing, a weak shiver shot down my spine as my member was squeezed under the speedo, constantly stimulated by my inability to hold still.

“Heh… so you really are as depraved as you said, boi.” Master said as he grabbed me by my crotch, crushing my junk between his hand and my body. I somehow gathered the strength to cry out even louder than before as my balls were nearly flattened under his hand. And yet, through all the pains being inflicted on my broken body, I couldn’t ignore the tiny spark of pleasure that shot up my spine as he forced me to stand again.

“We’re gonna have lots of fun together, boi. But first, we have to finish tying you up.” I shuddered with a sickening mix of anticipation and fear; although, maybe that was just the utterly rancid musk assaulting my mouth and nose. My vision was occluded by the shoe in my face, my hearing muffled under numerous wraps of tape, but the sound of Master unlocking and opening the dog crate was unmistakable.

“Now get in the cage, bitch-boi.”
Last edited by Kishi 1 year ago, edited 9 times in total.
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Post by Kishi »

Okay! Phew! Hitting "Submit" on this was exceedingly nerve-wracking. This is my first story — it'll definitely be one of the shorter ones out there. Apologies if this is far lower quality than the kind of stuff you're acclimated to on this forum. But thank you if you made it through the whole thing, and please give me any feedback you have!

Does anyone else get extreme dread at the idea of other people seeing something they worked hard on?
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Post by Pantyhose971 »

Oh my this is great. I really look forward to see what happens next. Stay writing boi, cause you have talent :D

To your question not sure. I like that. But I am more a fan of teasing instead of torturing. But to torture you, I would never say no ;)
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

Tomat0skins wrote: 2 years ago Okay! Phew! Hitting "Submit" on this was exceedingly nerve-wracking. This is my first story — it'll definitely be one of the shorter ones out there. Apologies if this is far lower quality than the kind of stuff you're acclimated to on this forum. But thank you if you made it through the whole thing, and please give me any feedback you have!

Does anyone else get extreme dread at the idea of other people seeing something they worked hard on?
I can relate to this worry a lot but if there's anything this community is good at, it's to give constructive criticism. I know there are some stories that don't get the attention they deserve but the comments they get are almost always positive and encouraging.

And it's for a good reason when we have great stories such as this. You say it's short but I think it's quite meaty for a single chapter and I say this in a good way. There's a lot going on in terms of both action and internal monologue detailing the narrator's conflicting emotions. His Master doesn't seem to be a particularly caring one but he still manages to appeal to the boy's kinks well enough.

It's rare to find stories that address this topic realistically but it's easy for a dom/sub relationship to have an unhealthy power imbalance so I think it was an interesting read to see how the boy handles this. And I won't lie, the whole thing was pretty hot thanks to your vivid descriptions, even if I felt bad for the protag. :twisted:
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by Ossassin »

As a first story ;) nicely done, very fun. Love a filling gag and dog cage up is often a charmer.
This is well written and I look forward to your future pieces.
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Post by Gaybondage »

wow what a nice story. You are a really amazing writer! I am hooked
🐦 @justinkgy
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Post by WAMGuy »

Amazing story! Really intense, in the best possible way! I'm looking forward to reading more!
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Post by bondagefreak »

Whoa! I'm impressed. This was exceptionally written, buddy-boi. Unlike what your comment leads us to believe, this was actually quite chunky as far as chapters go. The pacing was neither slow nor overly tedious, but the thing that stood out most for me was definitely the liberal use of adjectives, not to mention the actual content itself.

Content-wise, the unmistakable powerplay and the forced shoe-sniffing really did it for me.
But the part I found myself enjoying most, besides the colourful descriptions, was definitely that suffocatingly large handgag.
We don't get a lot of that on here, so that was pretty much the icing on the cake for me. Big fan of overkill handgags and smothering.

All in all, this was expertly told.
I very much look forward to what else you have in store for us and will most assuredly be keeping an eye on this thread.

[mention]Msueta@2[/mention] [mention]GoBucks[/mention] [mention]pupHoudini[/mention] [mention]Sockgaggedman[/mention] [mention]Bradstick[/mention] I have a feeling you boyz will enjoy this one a lot.

[mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] While some of the featured content may not exactly be your cup of tea, I'm almost certain you'll greatly appreciate the descriptive quality of this text.

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Post by Bradstick »

[mention]Tomat0skins[/mention] This story was absolutely incredible! This story used a lot more torture than teasing which is not something I see too often on the forum.

Also I absolutely loved the underwear gag. By far my favorite part of the story next to the sneaker being forced on his face. You do an incredible job at describing those events. I hope we see more stories by you in the future, you have an incredible talent for these kind of stories.

I also enjoyed how the power balance was way to far in the doms favor. During these kind of events, both partners need to consent to whatever kind of bondage you are doing. Those tears streaming down his face should’ve been a sign to reel it in. In real life that is a very bad thing, in this story, it is extremely kinky.

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] you were right, I definitely enjoyed this story!
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Post by Kishi »

Thank you all so much for the encouraging feedback! Admittedly this story was extremely self-indulgent, so I'm really glad to see other people enjoying it as much as I did. Part 2 should be up by either tomorrow or the day after.

I'm (evidently) far more a fan of torturing than teasing. That's not to say I don't love both though!

I have to say a lot of the dread is already gone thanks to all these encouraging comments! I'm glad you're finding this hot — I know I skew far heavier towards cruelty and torture than a lot of the posters on here!

Thank you! Huge gags are a huge favorite of mine. And the dog cage will be getting a more central role in part 2 ;)

Thank you! Hope I'll see you around for future parts.

I might have a small weakness for intense scenes. Glad you like it!

Thank you, Sir! I was worried that the pacing would be a little all over the place, constantly wondering whether I was being descriptive enough or just getting bogged down in minute details. Really happy you like the content. Handgags, breathplay, and EVERYTHING overkill all have a special place in my depraved heart. Not to mention big, muscular doms ;P

Thank you! I'll definitely have to keep trying my hand at writing. Glad you liked the particularly cruel dom, and the liberal amount of musk, haha. Realistically, I totally agree that things are being taken perhaps a bridge too far. A boi can dream though, right?
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Post by GoBucks »

Hot start! Man smells and dirty underwear/sock gags and shoe sniffing are right up my alley!

Excited for more!
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Post by Msueta@2 »

I love this story . I love dirty underwear dirty socks and shoe sniffing .
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Post by Pup Wingletang »

Whilst some of the content is a bit out of my comfort zone I can definitely appreciate a well written story. You've done a great job of drawing us in to this poor boi's world and I'm definitely feeling for him.

I can relate with your nervousness at putting your work out there. Thankfully I've found this forum to be unfailingly supportive of writers and hopefully all the positive comments have given you a confidence boost. You're a good writer. If you enjoy it keep doing it.
A pup is for life but especially for bondage so get out the sleepsack and muzzle.

If you love sleepsacks make sure you read Lovingly Zipped Up (M/M)

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Post by Kishi »

Hello! Here's the next part. Hopefully the pacing isn't so all over the place, but please tell me if it is. As well as how you feel about the balance of teasing vs torture! Thank you for reading ^^

Part 2 — You Will Take It

I turned around with a few shaky steps, facing roughly towards the dog crate. I glanced up and blindly looked in the direction of Master’s voice. I tried to take a deep breath, my chest trembling, but immediately broke down into a series of coughs and hacks, my nose and lungs burning intensely enough to bring tears to my eyes.

If he heard my heavily-muffled pleas for mercy, he didn’t acknowledge them in the slightest. Instead, a heavy hand on my shoulder guided me down onto my knees, then shoved me face down onto the floor.

“Come on, boi, where’s all that confidence from your texts? Remember, you wanted this. You begged for this.” Master said. He sat down next to me and forcibly bent my leg, pressing my heel to my butt. He wound rope around and around, cinching and knotting it with a gratuitous amount of force, before doing the same to my other leg. I was left in a stringent frogtie, completely helpless to do anything but feebly wriggle in place.

I pressed my face into the floor, my eyes clenched shut. Fuck, this was happening, and there was nothing I could do about it. I tried to stay as calm as I could, and control my breathing. But that’s rather hard to do when every breath brings a new wave of coughing, retching, and borderline convulsions with it.

My sole comfort was that, by some sick joke of nature, my cock was still throbbing hard. Every trembling breath rubbed my crotch against the floor. My cock was soaked in a combination of sweat and precum, sliding back and forth between the taut fabric of my speedo, and my body. My balls were being crushed against either side of my shaft, the entire package crammed nearly flat under the unforgiving piece of swimwear.

Under the layers of tape compressing my face, my cheeks were burning red from how much pleasure I was apparently getting out of this. Was it Master? Maybe his overpowering musk. Or maybe, I thought, I was just that much of a bitch — Master’s bitch.

In a rare show of mercy, Master started unwinding the tape that held his soggy sneaker fast to my fae. I weakly cried out as he pulled the last few winds of tape away, yanking none-too gently on my hair, but gasped immediately as the shoe was finally taken away, filling my lungs to bursting with the sweetest, freshest air I’d ever tasted.

With my vision unobstructed, I could see him kneeling next to me, peeling some last scraps of tape off his shoe. Was he having a change of heart? This was the first bit of mercy he’d shown since I got here. Maybe these next few days weren’t going to be so bad after all.

My stomach dropped as I noticed the evil grin on his face. He dropped the shoe, reached for something out of view, and showed me a padded muzzle gag with no shortage of heavy straps dangling from it. He grabbed a fistful of my hair and yanked my head back, allowing him to shove the muzzle over my gagged mouth with ease.

Straps went around the back of my head, under my chin, over my nose and forehead, more than enough to keep that muzzle utterly welded over the lower half of my face. Every last one of them was pulled as tightly as Master could force them. His underwear was somehow pressed even deeper into my mouth. I broke into a coughing fit as it brushed against the back of my throat, but it did nothing to dissuade him.

Finally, he let go of me, and my head dropped to the floor. This muzzle was unbearable; the straps were digging into my skin, even through the gorilla tape. I kept on coughing, the underwear just wouldn’t stop rubbing against the back of my throat.

Master paid no attention to my hardships, though. If anything, all I could see was slight annoyance in his stern gaze. He silently stood up, grabbed me by the legs, and dragged me back towards the dog cage.

“Nghh, nghh… Plff, nghh…” I whimpered. I wasn’t ready for this. I struggled as desperately as I could, ineffectually writhing from side to side as he dragged me, then shoved me back into the dog crate. The bottom edge of the door frame was pressed against my lower chest when my knees bumped into the cage’s back wall.

Surely this cage was too small to fit me like this, I wondered. Was he going to leave the front door open? Master stepped to the side of the cage and opened up a large hatch in its ceiling. He reached in and fed rope between my calf and thigh, looping it around my leg just above the knee before dragging it to the side and looping it through the bars in the cage’s wall, securing my leg splayed out to the side. He did the same to my other leg, and now they were spread about as far as they could, with my knees nestled in the back corners of the cage.

His attention to my legs, and the sharp discomfort of having them spread so far, distracted me for a brief moment. I just laid limp, getting what minimal relaxation I could while he was busy.

My question was answered in the most cruel way when he tied a rope around my wrist bindings, fed it through the bar at the back of the cage’s ceiling, and YANKED it, giving it a few hard tugs before tying it off.

Immediately, I screamed, loud enough to echo through the room. My torso was viciously wrenched back into a savage backwards arch in less than a single second. I was instantaneously thrust into a world of pain unlike anything I’d ever thought was possible. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I wailed with every labored breath. My torso was curled back nearly 90 degrees, with my arms forced out behind them at an angle I’d never managed in the most cruel strappado. My back felt like it was being snapped, my shoulders and arms felt like they were being torn from my body.

“Shhhh-shh-shh…” Master gently cooed, gently stroking my cheek as I kept on wailing. I could barely make out the sound of his voice beneath the blood rushing through my ears, let alone the sound of my own miserable cries. I looked at him through a thick layer of tears. My chest quivered and heaved with every pained breath. I was a rough sight, my eyes puffy and reddened, my cheeks soaked with tears. I couldn’t take this. He had to see that. He had to let me out. Right?

“Come on, boi. You can do this.” I let out a shaky whimper at his attempt to comfort me. However, his gentle tone suddenly turned into a lower, threatening one. “You have to.”

His other hand was out of view as he guided my head to look up at him. I pulled my head down to try to beg, to express that no, I couldn’t take this. But my head wouldn’t lower. He’d tied a rope off to a D-ring at the top of my muzzle harness, and secured it back. Now I had no choice but to look up at him, my every last vertebrae forced into a brutal backwards arch.

“Mmmgh…” I weakly whimpered, my voice hoarse. Master kneeled down in front of me, with a strange, almost quizzical look on his face. I must’ve looked unbelievably pathetic — weak, immobilized, with tears staining my cheeks. I just kept breathing, as steadily as I could. My chest heaved and shook, my abdomen clenched over and over, my arms and legs uncontrollably trembled.

After at least a full minute of staring into my eyes, Master finally let out a sigh. “Alright, fine. But nothing’s free, boi.”

My pain-addled mind didn’t have the time to process what he’d just said before he reached out with both hands and gently grabbed me by the flanks. I blushed intensely and furrowed my brow as he sensually slid his hands up and down my sides. I huffed; it was becoming extremely apparent to me just how exposed my entire torso was in this position. He rested his hands on either side of my upper torso, twiddling my nipples with his thumbs. His rough skin felt intense against the smooth, sensitive flesh. A shiver ran down my spine, my cock throbbed beneath me.

The mood had totally shifted as Master looked suavely down at me. The pain was still all-encompassing, but now it was somehow far more bearable. Internally, I was torn. Master knew exactly how sensitive I was, and he was playing me like a fiddle. There was no way he’d just up and decide to go ‘gentle-dom’ on me; there had to be some ulterior plan. But as I got more and more aroused, my worries melted away, and before I knew it I was obscenely moaning, shuddering, and grinding as much as I could within my incredibly strict bindings.

Master pinched and pulled my nipples, and my cock throbbed harder than ever. I tugged against the unyielding ropes, and a wave of unabashed horniness washed over me. My toes curled and my eyes rolled back. God, Master knew exactly what he was doing. Within minutes I was putty in his hands.

“Yeah, that’s it. Good boi…” Master’s gravely voice sent a shiver down my spine. I was breathing heavily, my chest heaving. I was grinding harder and harder against the cage floor, my cock and balls crushed under nearly the weight of my entire upper body.

Master took his hands off of my chest and wrapped one hand around my throat. He clamped his other hand over my muzzle, pinching my nose shut. He was suffocating me with his huge, sweaty hands. I tried to shake my head and struggle, but it only fed into how unbearably horny I was. My every movement squeezed my cock under my sweaty body, precum dripping down all over my privates.

“Mmgh… mmph…” I whined, muffled to total silence beneath my gag and Master’s huge hands. My lungs were burning. I was getting lightheaded.

“Cum for me, boi. Cum like the shameless pain slut you are.” Right as blackness was closing in on the corners of my vision, the sound of Master’s voice sent me flying over the edge. I was in freefall, my entire body tensing up. My arms and legs shuddered, my toes curled. All of my weight pressed down on my maddeningly hard cock.

Mmmgh!” I cried out in pure ecstasy as cum spurted all over the inside of my speedo. I spasmed over and over with every earth-shaking pulse, pure instinct taking over as my every nerve ending was fried. Master only took his hands off of my face only when I was on the absolute verge of passing out. I immediately gasped, my chest heaving as I alternated between gasping and crying out. Time stretched on for an eternity of pure ecstasy before the pulsing began to slow and eventually stop.

I hung limply in my bonds, half-consciously riding out the afterglow of my mind-shattering orgasm. Warm, sticky cum slowly oozed down my shaft, my taint, and over my balls. I was completely spent, drenched in sweat. I didn’t even react as Master secured a padded blindfold over my eyes, almost ready to pass out then and there.

I was finally snapped out of my stupor by the sharp pain of Master placing a metal alligator-style clamp over my nipple. It was soon joined by two more, on either side of it. Then my other nipple was given the same treatment. God, they hurt — especially after he’d twisted and pinched them raw just minutes ago.

“Well, boi, I’m exhausted, and I’m sure you are too. I think I’ll give you plenty of time to rest up after that.” Master slammed the cage door shut, my muzzle pressed up against it. The unmistakable click of a padlock was next. I tried to wriggle around, but my body was contorted and compressed exactly, agonizingly, in place.

My spent cock shriveled back down. My balls throbbed painfully, an ever-increasingly severe reminder that I’d just spend fuck knows how long crushing them under all my weight. A hoarse whimper squeezed out of my throat. The afterglow was coming to an end.

“See you tomorrow. I’ll check on you in the morning… Maybe the afternoon.” He said with an evil chuckle. I whimpered at the sound of his voice, struggling what little I could. No, please, he couldn’t just leave me like this! I begged and moaned in pain behind my gag. The pain in my shoulders and back was increasing more and more, the strain and exhaustion adding to the stress.

“Then again, maybe I’ll let you wait until the day after. That orgasm looked really intense after all…” I shook my head, my eyes tearing up once more. The pain in my nipples was intense, the clamps felt like they were tearing them off my body.

“Well, guess I’ll see you when I see you, bitch.” I cried out in desperation. My jaw trembled in agony; the taste of my brutal boxers-gag was starting to get sickening. I couldn’t take this. This had to be some sick joke. I jerked back and forth, crying out, begging for mercy.

Master had no more words for me. He simply turned out the lights, shut and locked the closet door, and closed the bedroom door behind him.
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Post by Bradstick »

A very well done part 2! I loved the ending of being kept in the cage for an unknown amount of time. Really adds a lot of fear towards the slave in the situation. That muzzle was also a good addition. Can’t wait to see where you go from here with the story.
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Post by pupHoudini »

Great work [mention]Tomat0skins[/mention] 👏

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] yes, right up my alley ☺ thanks for suggesting this one
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Post by Msueta@2 »

[mention]Tomat0skins[/mention] I am loving this story so much.
[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] You where right I do love this story so much.
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Post by blackbound »

Finally got around to this. What an amazing first two chapters; I love the relentless cruelty of the master.

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Post by bondagefreak »

This was once again superbly written, boi. You clearly have a knack for first-person narration.
The high point of this chapter for me was definitely the introduction of the padded muzzle gag and the description of those numerous straps and buckles that dangled down from it. Expertly described. Totally enjoyable.

Seems like our poor protagonist is in quite a bind!
He's probably enduring more than he bargained for at this point. Poor lad.

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Post by TiedupNick »

This is a great story so far! Love your writing style!
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Post by scfp »

Bradstick wrote: 2 years ago A very well done part 2! I loved the ending of being kept in the cage for an unknown amount of time. Really adds a lot of fear towards the slave in the situation. That muzzle was also a good addition. Can’t wait to see where you go from here with the story.
Very well done. Your descriptions of such events are realistic and quite exciting . . . Bravo.
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Post by derred6 »

This is such a great story. Can't wait for the next chapter.
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Post by Gaybondage »

I hope you keep going with this story. It’s fantastic
🐦 @justinkgy
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Post by mig137 »

I think you have written a very good bondage story. The harsh treatment you were subjected to must have been very exhausting. ;)
Please continue the story soon. :)
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Post by Kishi »

Okay! Cool. Back in the swing of things, for now. I wanted to fully explore the implications of the predicament part 2 left off on, just sort of chose a direction and ran with it as far as I could...

Bit of a shorter one, but surprisingly took me longer than any other part to write. I ended up taking a lot of time to try to get the details just right in my mind. Apologies if this is too much cruelty, or if it's plain boring. Feedback is appreciated; specific feedback is super appreciated. We're finally at essentially the level of masochism I sit at in real life :lol:

Part 3 — Alone

“MMMMGH!” I desperately screamed, “NMM! PLFF…” I gasped for breath, crying out with every ounce of energy I had until I sputtered and dry-heaved. I shook my head back and forth, the only leeway I had in Master’s excruciatingly-tight ropework.

With every sputtering cough and gag, the boxers filling my mouth pressed and scraped against the back of my throat, triggering even more, harder, coughing and gagging.

With every labored breath, my chest heaved. The alligator clamps would catch on the front bars of the cage, pulling and twisting my nipples up then down, over and over.

Every throb of my agonized cock and balls sent another wave of unbearable pain crashing through every fiber of my body, forcing another increasingly hoarse, increasingly pained whimper from me. My eyes were tearing up, wetting the back of my blindfold and dripping down my cheeks.

Droplets turned into streams of sweat running down every inch of me. The temperature in the stuffy closet was rising to an unbearable level. The air itself was choking me. I was completely drenched before long, a pool of sweat collecting on the floor around me. The air grew heavy and steamy, the stench of concentrated musk constantly assaulting my nostrils.

The back of my mouth was as dry as a bone. My tongue involuntarily squirmed, uselessly trying to swallow or spit out the immense wad of rancid cloth crushing it flat against the floor of my mouth. Humiliatingly, though, there was no shortage of drool spilling out into my muzzle, dripping down my chin and onto my chest.

It didn’t take much longer before I was completely sapped of energy and willpower. I couldn’t bring myself to struggle any longer, as futile as it was anyway. The throbbing in my arms and legs, the tearing pain in my shoulders, hips, and back, it was just too much. All I could do was slump into the ropes and let myself be broken.

But no matter how broken I was, no matter how much I submitted, the pain never stopped getting worse. I couldn’t control myself anymore, cries and whimpers forced themselves from me, my body twitched and spasmed on its own accord, I gasped and dry heaved over and over.

And it was all excruciating. My throat was beyond sore from hours of whines and whimpers. Every twitch was accompanied by a crashing wave of pain, my every muscle fiber strained and exhausted to its limit. My whole body lurched in place with every dry heave, agonizingly wrenching against the ropes.

The exhaustion was indescribable. The world was spinning around me. I could’ve passed out in an instant if it wasn’t for the unending onslaught of agony. “Hmllp…” I deliriously croaked. “Pllfff…”

Every part of my body strained, throbbed, and ached. I was broken hours ago — but that didn’t matter. The pain marched on nonetheless.

In my barely-conscious state, I almost didn’t notice the precum spurting from my aching cock. It took a few moments, a few labored breaths, a few spasms, but I couldn’t ignore it — it was happening. Despite everything I was being put through, this abject torture, some demented part of me was somehow enjoying this.

I squeezed my eyes shut and weakly shook my head, I guess in some utterly hopeless attempt to tell my member no. But the next shudder to wrack my body came with another spurt of precum, as if to rub in just how little control I really had, how much control Master had over me.

He wasn’t just torturing me for the hell of it — he was crushing me, breaking me utterly, irreversibly molding me into his personal bitch.

And there was nothing I could do about it.

He was already breaking me, twisting and reforming me into a pathetic, masochistic pain slut. My cock was throbbing harder. I shuddered at the feeling of precum oozing down my contorted shaft. I shook my head again. “Nmm… plff… nmm…”

My hips twitched, I was helpless to stop them. My cock slid against the tight fabric of my speedo, lubricated by the fluids smeared everywhere over the past hours. A barely-perceptible spark of sickening pleasure shot up my spine, near-totally drowned out by the constant onslaught of full-body agony. My hips twitched again, accompanied by a pathetically weak moan.

I had never felt so violated. My own body was betraying me. This wasn’t like earlier, when Master was here, and I was letting the pleasure wash over me, and everything was okay. I didn’t want it this time. I was trying to stop myself. I was just too broken, too exhausted. My hips twitched again.

My balls throbbed in agony, crushed between my cock, my taint, and the speedo. My back and shoulders screamed at me as my body kept twitching and writhing. But I wasn’t in control anymore — not by a longshot — I was just along for the agonizing, agonizing ride.

There was almost zero pleasure when I orgasmed barely a minute later. Only more twitching, writhing, whimpering. A drop or two of cum weakly oozed down my member. I tried to take a deep breath, calm myself down, slow my racing heart, pretend for a single moment that I was anywhere but here. All that accomplished was pressing my chest against the front of the cage, crushing and twisting my clamped nipples against the bars. My entire body throbbed, forcing me to stay right here and now, in this moment, battered and broken, forced into this brutal stress position.

I let out the breath with a hoarse whine. There was no comfort for me. But slowly, slowly, the exhaustion won its battle with the pain. My whimpers quieted, my twitching slowed, and I was finally able to fall into a fitful half-sleep.

It was as if I’d only blinked. I cried as I was instantaneously thrust back into wakefulness. My arms and legs were shaking. Everything throbbed. Everything hurt. I was still coated in fresh sweat. Drool and tears alike dripped down onto my chest.

I was going crazy. With nothing to see or hear, my entire world was reduced to the pain I was experiencing. With scarcely-renewed energy, I tugged at my bonds. Surely something had to have slipped, any of these ropes over my soaking-wet body?

Of course, everything was exactly as Master had left it. If anything, the ropes felt even tighter, clamping down around me with relentless cruelty as if these knots were freshly tied.

“Mmmgh!” I screamed, lurching madly against the ropes.

I couldn’t take this, there was no way. I tried to think of any possible way out of this, anything Master had neglected, anything at all. Then I struggled wildly, desperately.

The ropes held fast. All I accomplished was exhausting myself, reminding every fiber of my body how unbelievably, excruciatingly sore they were.

I sank back into my bonds with a whimper. I was going to stay here for as long as Master wanted me to. I was going to suffer as horribly as he wanted me to.

That was about the last coherent thought I had before what little energy I’d recuperated was spent, before I fell back into that agonizing pattern of trembles, shudders, and dry-heaves.

And, eventually, another pleasureless orgasm.

It could’ve been minutes, it could’ve been months, but I passed out again. And then a third time. And then a fourth time.

I didn’t have the energy to react when Master abruptly swung open the door. “How did my bitch enjoy its nap?” came his booming voice.

The words barely registered in my half-conscious mind. I had no idea what day it was, how long it’d been. I could only measure time by how many times I’d passed out. Was it three, or four? It was hard to tell the difference between wakefulness and slumber anymore.

“Fine, don’t answer me. I guess you want, what, five more minutes?”

I finally connected the dots of what was happening. This wasn’t another nightmare, this was real. Master came back for me! I relished the rush of cool air over my shivering body. I strained against my bonds with what little strength I had left. “Mmph! Mmph!...” I mewled, my voice barely audible.

“Good bitch.” He said, moving to unlock the cage.

He swung open the door. I lurched against the bonds, but stayed almost totally still. Freedom was so, so, so close! Please, please, just untie these horrible ropes!

But master did no such thing. He kneeled down in front of me and pinched my nose between his thumb and index finger, cutting off my air. I thrashed as much as I could, which wasn’t much at all. No, please, after an eternity of cruelty, couldn’t I have a break?

Master ignored me and held fast for a full minute.

“Now that I’ve got your attention…”

The tone of his voice struck fear into my heart. He was grinning. I shook my head, thrashed, silently whimpered and cried. This couldn’t be happening. After all he put me through… why?

Moments before I would’ve blacked out, he let go of me. I gasped, my chest heaving with every desperate breath for air.

“… Let’s get you cleaned up. It’s time for the real training to begin.”
Professional gag slut. For all your slutty gag-related needs.
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