Forgive us our Trespasses. (FFFF/M)

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Forgive us our Trespasses. (FFFF/M)

Post by LunaDog »

Before I start this story, I'd like to point out that it was inspired by something posted by a fellow member here. Not any thing that they had written, no it was the fantastic drawing that accompanies their Username, that gave me the idea. I want to give them the full credit for this, and name them, but at this stage that might act as a "spoiler," so I won't just yet, once I've taken this story on so that what's in the picture becomes clear, I'll do so then. They have very graciously agreed to this, so to that member I simply say, thank you.

Anyway to my latest offering, hope you all enjoy it.


The modern mobile ’phone, known as a “smartphone.” Rumoured to contain computing power roughly equivalent to the complete 1969 N.A.S.A. Moon Landing operation, a claim that’s entirely believable. What a fantastic device, a piece of real electronic wizardry, so versatile, so useful, so important in this “digital age.” You can alter the settings of your central heating at home while you’re not even there, you can undertake all sorts of financial transactions, shop on-line, blimey, the list of things one can do with one of these devices is almost endless. It’s even been said one can actually TALK to somebody else, yes it is possible to use them as a telecommunications device! Fancy that, I mean who uses them in THAT way anymore?

However, as in the case with most things in life, there can be a downside to all of this. For these devices can only work IF the battery has some charge within it. And if not, if the owner has allowed said battery to drain, and that can occur VERY quickly if the ’phone is used extensively, then the device becomes utterly useless. As was the case here. For the battery in Henry Wilson’s ’phone was SO dead that it positively made the “Dodo” appear to be a thriving species in comparison. The screen was totally blank, and no matter how often and with whatever strength he pushed any of the buttons that state of affairs was not going to change.

And the “app” that he desperately wanted to use gave a clue as to his current predicament. He was trying to “log-on” to “Google Maps.” Why? Simple answer, he was well and truly lost. Boy, was he now regretting not making sure he’d fully charged the battery BEFORE he’d set out. Because he wasn’t just lost, but REALLY lost, not next to something like a road or railway line, that he could perceivably follow to eventually come to something from which he could obtain some sort of bearing, a small village perhaps. No, he was deep in an unknown forest, surrounded for as far as he could see by trees, trees and nothing else except yet more trees.

He kept blundering on, more in hope than any expectation, on a thinking line of “I must go in some sort of direction. This is a direction. Right then I’ll go this way then.” I mean, he thought, sooner or later I must come across something.

He did. A fence, not a tall one at all, in fact he didn’t have to climb over it really, he merely had to step across, hardly breaking his stride as he did so. But, totally unknown to him at the time, there would be consequences for that action.

For if said fence was very small in physical size, it was huge in significance. You see, it was a boundary fence, it marked the outer edges of private property. By crossing it Henry had stepped out of the public area and entered into the VERY private lands of Lady Lavinia Bythesea. Obviously without her express permission at all, which meant that he had trespassed. He didn’t know it yet, but before very long he’d be FULLY aware of that fact.

Utterly oblivious to that error he continued onwards. And he began to feel as if he was being shepherded in a certain direction, no longer was the vegetation random, hedges and more fences appeared, and in such positions that it almost appeared that they had been “placed” there rather than grown naturally in their location. For they had, gently he was being “guided” down a particular route. Soon he found himself walking between two rows of tall trees, and hedges between them to ensure he was “channelled” down this, carefully planned path. Until he came to a small clearing.

For as he walked into the said clearing in the middle of several groups of trees he failed to notice that the ground beneath his feet was different, as if he was walking on top of something laying there. Indeed he was.

Because all of a sudden said ground moved! He heard the sound of ropes being pulled fast, and suddenly all he could see was a net rising from the earth and closing in around him. The rope pulling that he heard was the draw-rope around the outer edge of the net being pulled in by some sort of machinery suspended in the trees. And pulled in tight, closing the net around his body, trapping him utterly within. Looking up he could see the opening of the net completely close, then saw two more mechanical “arms” moving in. He couldn’t quite make out the details of what they did, but what happened is that as the net was completely closed, there were two metal rings embedded within the draw-rope that were positioned just outside the openings of the ropes passage in the outside “path” of the net itself. What these arms did was to secure a padlock through said rings, meaning that the net was locked shut, with Henry the totally helpless prisoner inside of it. Just for good measure the net was then lifted so he was just off of the ground, unable to stand on “terra firma” and balance himself. HE had been NETTED!
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Post by Ak610 »

LunaDog wrote: 2 years ago Before I start this story, I'd like to point out that it was inspired by something posted by a fellow member here. Not any thing that they had written, no it was the fantastic drawing that accompanies their Username, that gave me the idea. I want to give them the full credit for this, and name them, but at this stage that might act as a "spoiler," so I won't just yet, once I've taken this story on so that what's in the picture becomes clear, I'll do so then. They have very graciously agreed to this, so to that member I simply say, thank you.

Anyway to my latest offering, hope you all enjoy it.


The modern mobile ’phone, known as a “smartphone.” Rumoured to contain computing power roughly equivalent to the complete 1969 N.A.S.A. Moon Landing operation, a claim that’s entirely believable. What a fantastic device, a piece of real electronic wizardry, so versatile, so useful, so important in this “digital age.” You can alter the settings of your central heating at home while you’re not even there, you can undertake all sorts of financial transactions, shop on-line, blimey, the list of things one can do with one of these devices is almost endless. It’s even been said one can actually TALK to somebody else, yes it is possible to use them as a telecommunications device! Fancy that, I mean who uses them in THAT way anymore?

However, as in the case with most things in life, there can be a downside to all of this. For these devices can only work IF the battery has some charge within it. And if not, if the owner has allowed said battery to drain, and that can occur VERY quickly if the ’phone is used extensively, then the device becomes utterly useless. As was the case here. For the battery in Henry Wilson’s ’phone was SO dead that it positively made the “Dodo” appear to be a thriving species in comparison. The screen was totally blank, and no matter how often and with whatever strength he pushed any of the buttons that state of affairs was not going to change.

And the “app” that he desperately wanted to use gave a clue as to his current predicament. He was trying to “log-on” to “Google Maps.” Why? Simple answer, he was well and truly lost. Boy, was he now regretting not making sure he’d fully charged the battery BEFORE he’d set out. Because he wasn’t just lost, but REALLY lost, not next to something like a road or railway line, that he could perceivably follow to eventually come to something from which he could obtain some sort of bearing, a small village perhaps. No, he was deep in an unknown forest, surrounded for as far as he could see by trees, trees and nothing else except yet more trees.

He kept blundering on, more in hope than any expectation, on a thinking line of “I must go in some sort of direction. This is a direction. Right then I’ll go this way then.” I mean, he thought, sooner or later I must come across something.

He did. A fence, not a tall one at all, in fact he didn’t have to climb over it really, he merely had to step across, hardly breaking his stride as he did so. But, totally unknown to him at the time, there would be consequences for that action.

For if said fence was very small in physical size, it was huge in significance. You see, it was a boundary fence, it marked the outer edges of private property. By crossing it Henry had stepped out of the public area and entered into the VERY private lands of Lady Lavinia Bythesea. Obviously without her express permission at all, which meant that he had trespassed. He didn’t know it yet, but before very long he’d be FULLY aware of that fact.

Utterly oblivious to that error he continued onwards. And he began to feel as if he was being shepherded in a certain direction, no longer was the vegetation random, hedges and more fences appeared, and in such positions that it almost appeared that they had been “placed” there rather than grown naturally in their location. For they had, gently he was being “guided” down a particular route. Soon he found himself walking between two rows of tall trees, and hedges between them to ensure he was “channelled” down this, carefully planned path. Until he came to a small clearing.

For as he walked into the said clearing in the middle of several groups of trees he failed to notice that the ground beneath his feet was different, as if he was walking on top of something laying there. Indeed he was.

Because all of a sudden said ground moved! He heard the sound of ropes being pulled fast, and suddenly all he could see was a net rising from the earth and closing in around him. The rope pulling that he heard was the draw-rope around the outer edge of the net being pulled in by some sort of machinery suspended in the trees. And pulled in tight, closing the net around his body, trapping him utterly within. Looking up he could see the opening of the net completely close, then saw two more mechanical “arms” moving in. He couldn’t quite make out the details of what they did, but what happened is that as the net was completely closed, there were two metal rings embedded within the draw-rope that were positioned just outside the openings of the ropes passage in the outside “path” of the net itself. What these arms did was to secure a padlock through said rings, meaning that the net was locked shut, with Henry the totally helpless prisoner inside of it. Just for good measure the net was then lifted so he was just off of the ground, unable to stand on “terra firma” and balance himself. HE had been NETTED!
Nice start! Waiting eagerly for the next installment.
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Post by LunaDog »

At first it was almost a pleasant distraction to study the mechanism that had captured him. It was extremely well engineered and had done its job superbly, the whole capture had happened SO quickly that even if he’d been more alert he almost certainly would still have been taken. But by whom and why? Well equipment like this would not have been cheap, somebody had spent an awful amount of money and taken a great deal of trouble to construct this whole apparatus. But who was that, and what did they want with anybody, Henry Wilson in this case, who had fallen into their trap? For it was a totally secure and inescapable trap, there was NOTHING he could do but wait until his “captor” showed their hand. The net was constructed of very solid rope, he couldn’t really climb up the sides at all. And even if he could have what would have been the point? As alluded to before the opening had been tied utterly shut, and that padlock was holding the draw-rope in that position. He then noticed a zipped up opening in the side of the net, but that zip too had been padlocked shut. No, there was no way out.

And then another rather unpleasant thought entered his mind. Despite all of the above, despite the obvious careful planning, not to mention expense, that had occurred in order for him to be trapped as he now undoubtedly was, his mind asked itself the question as to was his “captor” even aware of their success in taking him as their captive? Of course, they surely would be, wouldn’t they? Surely nobody would go to this trouble, and not monitor the situation. But, of course, by now panic had well and truly got full hold of him, as it did so now his thinking wasn’t necessarily straight or logical, all he knew that he was now a helpless prisoner of something that somebody had created and had worked so well as to trap him. They could be away on business, or holiday, it wasn’t completely inconceivable that they could even be dead! He was miles from anyway, totally alone and unable to escape. Would he spend the rest of his days in this net, and after all, with NO sustenance or hydration available to him, the number of those days probably wouldn’t amount to very many!

And that wasn’t the only factor that worried him, a far more immediate, if not quite so serious, threat was the colour of the sky. For the clear light blue shade of not so long ago was rapidly becoming replaced by very dark grey clouds that were being blown in, and rain, heavy rain, had been forecast for later on in the day. Was he going to get a thorough soaking? And then somehow have to try to sleep, cold and wet, in a very un-natural position.

As it turned out, roughly twenty minutes after his capture came the sound of a group of people approaching. And, judging by the sounds of “giggling” that he could hear, he guessed, totally correctly, that it was a group of young Ladies, three in total. Although it was clear as they approached and he could now see them that they paid him NO attention whatsoever, carrying on their own private conversations in the manner that only rich young woman can, as if he wasn’t even there, until they had actually reached him.

“You there!” one of them suddenly called out, in a VERY condescending tone, the sort that spoilt children of the aristocracy use when ordering servants about. “Yes, you, the one in our net, I’m talking to you!”

“Can you help me please? I seem to have stumbled into some sort of trap.”

“You haven’t “stumbled” into anything! You have been captured because you “deliberately” trespassed onto the land belonging to my mother, Lady Lavinia Bythesea. Therefore, you have to pay the price for that, you are now HER property for as long as SHE wishes it, you now BELONG to her!”

“What are you talking about? I didn’t “deliberately” do anything of the sort!”

“Did you pass over a fence at all recently?”

“Well yes, but I wouldn’t exactly call it a fence, I didn’t need to even climb over it at all, I could simply “step” over.”

“Irrelevant! You passed over it, how you did so is of NO concern of ours! Therefore, as far as we are concerned, you deliberately entered mother’s lands without asking for her express permission. So, you have trespassed, and will be punished for that. Anyway, enough talking, we are here to secure you and to take you to her, when she, and SHE alone, will decide what she wants to do with you. Do you understand?”

All too well he thought. Now it became completely clear that he was in trouble, sure he might well soon be released from this net, but obviously these girls, who appeared to be in their late teens or early twenties incidentally, weren’t going to simply let him go. As confirmed when one of the other two took a rucksack off of their back, opened it and removed a pile of black bondage rope, handing it to the third girl of the female group. Having done so, she zipped the rucksack back up, and approached the padlocked zip opening in the side of his net prison.

The “lead” girl spoke again. “Right move away from the opening as far as you can!” He obeyed. “Good it rather appears that you are going to be sensible! Which is just as well, otherwise we’d have simply left you out here overnight, or even longer if you still continued to be obstinate. Looks like rain too! Right Amber, unlock and unzip the side, then pass the bag through. YOU!” Pointing at the utterly frightened Henry, “you will NOT interfere as Amber passes her bag through, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?”

He simply nodded in a submissive manner as a response, and the girl named Amber, who was a cousin of the “lead” girl, followed the instructions given, she undid the padlock, lowered the zip, and after pushing the rucksack through, then re-fastened both the zip itself and the padlock securing it shut.

Now the net was lowered a little, so at least the unfortunate inmate could stand on the ground. “Right then, open the rucksack and remove its contents. Then remove your clothes, ALL of them, and place them within the bag. NOW!”

With no way out, and terrified of just being left there, Henry proceeded to comply with the orders he’d been given. To possibly become even more horrified at what items came out of the rucksack. A pair of female “tie at the sides” knickers, a blindfold, some sort of padded sandal type footwear, an uncomfortable looking ball gag and a small padlock. And one strand of rope, the same type as held by the daughter’s other companion, Amber’s sister who went by the name of Imogen. Having emptied the rucksack, he hesitated, an inaction which earned him a sharp rebuke. “WELL, GET ON WITH IT!”

Once he had stripped naked, she then followed. “You may put yourself into the knickers, we’re not that cruel as to make you walk back to the house completely starkers. And put the sandals on your feet. Then use the rope to tie your legs together. Don’t worry about the gag, we’ll fit that, but once you’ve tied your legs up then put the blindfold on, and await further instructions. Oh and I forgot, put all of your clothing in the bag, zip it up and use the padlock to secure the zip shut.”

The girls stood back a little to allow their captive to obey, and once he’d done so he guessed that the net would be unfastened. As indeed it was, not that it did him any good, for with his legs tied together he couldn’t really move at all. Anyway, Amber and Imogen were upon him immediately, one of them tying his wrists firmly together, while the other girl set about tying his arms in bondage just above the elbow. When they’d finished their respective bonds, they then used the remaining tie to “join” the two bonds, thus removing all of the rope well away from their prisoner’s fingers.

And it was at this point in time that Henry Wilson discovered a fact of life of which he had been totally ignorant. For a wave of arousal swept through his bound body, the strength of those knickers which he been forced to put himself in became severely tested, and the bows that he’d tied on either side of his midriff nearly gave way under the sudden strain that they became subjected to. For his cock “expanded” at a VERY rapid rate, to become stiff and fully erect. He had just become aware that he had a, previously unknown, bondage fetish!
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Post by LunaDog »

Amber clocked it first. “My God Clarissa, take a look at THIS!” Lavinia Bythesea’s daughter grasped the significance immediately. “Well, well, well, Ma’ma will be utterly delighted with this one!” As she started to rub her hand, through the silk material of those “strained” knickers, on his “tool,” standing to FULL attention now. “Right girls, gag him, and let’s get him up to the house straight away, I reckon that mother will give us a really good “bonus” for catching our “gentleman” here!”

It took roughly thirty minutes for the four of them to travel back to the main house of the Bythesea Estate. Having gagged their captive, the girls had tied some rope around his waist, leaving two lengths of about six feet. Amber and Imogen took hold of one of these “leads” each, guiding their blind prisoner onwards, while Clarissa took up the rear position of the party.

They took him to some out-buildings, a sort of annex to the main house, led him through a solid steel door, which Clarissa locked after they had all passed through. Unseen by him they entered a room containing a large chair, which they guided him to, and made him stand in front of. Now both Amber and Imogen took hold of a piece of rope, and tied his ankles to the legs of the chair. Once they had finished that task, and please bear in mind that said chair was VERY heavy, so even if in theory he have moved it as it wasn’t fastened to the floor, in practice that just wasn’t going to happen; they then undid the bondage of his arms, only to tie them very securely to the chair’s arms, once they’d sat him in it.

He heard Clarissa’s voice. “Been a real pleasure to meet you, we’re going to leave you for now, mother will be along very shortly no doubt, when she’ll have a little “chat” with you. And then she’ll make her decision as to precisely which of her many games she’ll want to indulge in playing. She might even ask myself, or perhaps, all three of us to join her, so maybe we’ll meet again. Anyway, T.T.F.N!” And she gave him a little “peck” on his check before leaving the room.

A few minutes later he heard another door open, but instead of the female human presence that he expected to hear, first he guessed that a large dog had entered as he heard the loud panting and bounding paws of such an animal. It came right up to him, and started to lick his legs, like only a dog can. Then a strident voice, clearly that of a Lady did ring out, “LUNA! DOWN!” The woman approached, and lifted his blindfold, and he could see that his “assailant” was a Bernese Mountain Dog, which relaxed him a little as he knew the breed, although big, wasn’t known for aggression. “I’m sorry, she ran on ahead of me, but she’s not vicious at all. Luna! Over there!” She had pointed to the corner of the room where a dog’s basket lay, and the canine obeyed, settling down in said basket. Of course, he could now also see this woman, who he presumed was Lady Lavinia. She was just over forty years of age, but still extremely attractive, one could argue actually very sexy. Especially as she was dressed in nothing else except the same sort of knickers that he wore, some VERY sheer nylon stockings that were suspended by the most utterly delicious lacy basque, items clearly of REAL class and expense. It hugged her gorgeous figure superbly, and together with her golden hair that cascaded in a real flow, it wasn’t just the bondage now that was causing even more strain on the aforementioned knickers adorning his body!

Something that didn’t go un-noticed. “You seem rather pleased to see me, young man!” Lavinia pulled up a chair herself, a much smaller and lighter one, plonked it down in front of her “guest,” and sat herself on it, facing him. “Now where was I? Oh, yes, I understand that you took it upon yourself to start strolling around on my lands? I don’t remember being asked for permission by you to undertake such an action, let alone granting it. So, what have you got to say for yourself?”

Of course, this woman, who was both EXTREMELY rich and even MORE eccentric, received no answer, apart from some kind of muffled sound. “Oh silly me, let me just take that off!”

She stood up, reached behind him and undid the buckle that held in gag in place within his mouth. Henry breathed in as much air as he could for a while, Clarissa had pulled the gag very tightly in his orifice, and he had struggled for air a little. However, his relief was short lived, for now he’d have to answer Lady Lavinia’s questions.

“Well, sweetheart, I’m waiting!”

“Ma’am I had NO idea I’d passed into your property. I had no intention of trespassing on your land.”

“Really. And do you expect me to believe that? Didn’t you look at your map at all? Oh, and by the way you should address me as “Your Ladyship.” But in the interests of our friendship and because I think I’m going to like you, I’ll overlook that, and you may simply call me Lavinia.”

What friendship, you’ve just kidnapped me, he thought? “Ma’am, sorry, I mean Lavinia, I don’t have a map with me, I was using my ’phone to guide me but the battery ran out. To tell the absolute truth, I was simply lost.”

“Lost? Yes, that’s what they ALL say! Didn’t you notice my boundary fence?”

“I did have to step over some sort of fence, yes. But it was so small, that I had no idea that it was significant. Surely, if you want to keep people like myself out of your lands, shouldn’t you erect a taller boundary? And have some sort of notice?”

She chuckled. “Yes, I should have really. But then I wouldn’t end up with the real pleasure of “entertaining” young gentlemen such as yourself, would I? Surely you must realise that your capture wasn’t a random act by now. By the way, what did you make of my “capture” net mechanism? My brother, Amber and Imogen’s father, designed and constructed it for me, he owns an engineering company. I must admit I’m rather of the opinion that he did an absolutely marvellous job.”

She smiled at him, a completely suggestive smile that both excited and frightened him at the same time. “You see I can get extremely bored here, in this big house. When my husband, Lord Dipstick, passed away he left me lots of money, but also lots of time, on my own. So, I mainly now spend it indulging in my three passions in life, sex, bondage and horses. And when I have the great fortune to “invite” a nubile young man like yourself in “join” me I try my best to come up with ideas that include all three of those aspects. So, I guess you’re probably wondering just what it is I have in mind for you?”

“The thought has crossed my mind, Lavinia.”

“Well, you see sweetheart, Clarissa has told me two things about you that have given me inspiration in respect to yourself. Firstly, I understand that the idea of being “tied up” seems to have had an effect on you, when the girls first subjected you to bondage, a part of your anatomy rather “rose to the occasion” as it were! And has stayed in that “condition” I see. Well, we can’t waste that, can we? But I’m a fair woman, and I’m a great believer in the notion of a “sporting chance.” And the second piece of information that my daughter told me has given me a splendid idea of precisely how I can offer you such a chance. For she tells me that you were wearing a Leicester City football shirt.”

“That’s correct, Lavinia. I was born in Leicester and have followed “The Foxes” all of my life.”

“The Foxes, yes. You’ve already answered my next question, I was going to ask you if they were known by that name, I see that the Club’s badge has a fox within it. I used to love fox hunting, until that beastly Tony Blair and his ghastly Labour mob outlawed it a few years ago. I think I’m right in saying that the sport originated in Leicestershire, and I guess that’s why the City has such an affinity for it. Well, if you’re a supporter of a team called the Foxes, then I guess that makes you a “Fox” yourself, doesn’t it? So, today you’re going to live up to that name, you’re going to be today’s “Fox,” we’ll give you fifteen minutes head start, then my girls and I will hunt you down!”
He was absolutely flabbergasted by this suggestion. “You CAN’T be serious, Lavinia!” he almost screamed at her.

“I most CERTAINLY am, sweetheart! Don’t worry we won’t be using any pack of hounds for the job, I don’t have any such creatures anymore, the only dog I have these days is just Luna here. Although I will let her join in, she needs a good run around every now and then. No, my girls and I with try to find and re-capture you on horseback. If you do make it to my boundary fence, and re-cross it before we find you, then I give you my word, as a Lady of the Realm, that you will be utterly free to go. I think that’s fair enough, don’t you?”

“I suppose so, yes.”

“But of course, if we DO capture you, then it’s back here for the sex and bondage part of my equation. Oh, and some good news, looks like the weather forecasters have got it wrong after all, those awful black clouds have been blown away, and the sun is out again. So, what do you say? I think I’m being fair and offering you a chance.”

“Do I honestly have any choice?”

“No, not really. Tally-Ho then!”
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Post by LunaDog »

Basically i've reached the point where I can reveal whose drawing has inspired this story, as it's clear now that my male character's captors are of the "horsey" set. Thank you once again BENELUX. What a beautiful drawing that is you have there.

Some "English" sayings are in my story, that might not be understood by all. T.T.F.N. stands for Ta Ta for now. Not so common now, used to be many years ago, especially for the kind of upper class people that Lavinia belongs to.

In my previous story all the characters were completely fictional, except for the motorbike, one of which i did own. And here there's no bike, but it's the dog, who does play a significant role in the next part of the tale, who is real, and is my current "hound."

Although all of the characters ARE fictional, I was born in the English midlands City of Leicester, and have been a fan of Leicester City Football Club, since i first became aware of football ( or soccer to Americans ) when i was a young boy. And the club is known as the "Foxes."

For fox hunting was prevalent in the County of Leicestershire, it's known as the birth of the pastime. The Labour Government of the early 2000s, led by Prime Minister Tony Blair, did ban the sport. Because if a pack of hounds caught the fox, they did rip it to shreads in a cruel manner, but it must be pointed out the fox was rarely caught, the whole thing was more about the pageantary and "ride outs" in the country, than actually killing a fox. So, now what happens is that the "hunt" chases an artificial "fox" something that smells like one towed by a mounted human. So, no cruelty anymore, but the "hunt" can still meet and have their day out.
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Post by Benelux »

I loved the story so far :D thank you again for deciding that my profile picture is worth of an own story :)
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Post by LunaDog »

Oh, be assured that your magnificent picture is WELL worthy of a story. Just hope the story is worthy of your drawing!
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Post by LunaDog »

Therefore, about ten minutes later Henry was running for his freedom. Lavinia had allowed him the use of his own clothing again, although she’d warned him that he would immediately be put back in his previous state of “dress” if she took him as her captive once more. He paused for a little rest once he’d reached the trees, figuring out it would be much harder for the mounted four women to follow and find him deep in the forest.

Meanwhile in the stables, Lavinia, Clarissa, Amber and Imogen donned their “horsey” gear, white jodhpurs and black boots for their legs, the normal jacket worn by those either hunting on horseback or competing in events like show jumping, although none of them wore any sort of shirt or blouse underneath, just black bras, that showed to the world, and the obligatory “horse” style cap. And, just to add to the occasion, they also put on black satin face masks, that showed their eyes and mouth, and nothing else. Quite looking the part, after waiting until the promised fifteen minutes had expired, Lavinia WAS a woman of her word just as she had stated, they mounted up and set off after their prey, today’s “Fox.” With the Bernese Mountain dog, Luna, running alongside them.

Taking the dog with them proved to be a smart move, for Henry had been totally correct in his assumption that the horses would find the going difficult within the denser parts of the forest. After a while the four mounted Ladies split up in different directions, trying to maximise their chances of finding the young man, all of them carrying hunting horns, in order to summon the others if they proved successful. But it was Luna who found him. Able to crash through where the horses couldn’t she soon picked up the trail, helped enormously by the fact that Lavinia wasn’t as “sporting” as she’d made out, some of Henrys’ clothing had been laced with a scent that Luna adored, enabling her to find and follow him. He groaned in despair, as believing himself to be well hidden from his mounted human female pursuers as he indeed was, the heavy sound of the Bernese running after him, clearly knowing just where he was, became all too evident.

When she caught up close enough to be able to see him, she stopped, making NO attempt to approach or attack. But what she did do was to start barking, loudly and constantly. He rushed towards her to try to silence her, but she just backed off, and continued to emit her loud calls. And now the damage was done, Henry could hear a hunting horn, and not too far away. I wasn’t long before he could hear horse’s hoofs approaching, all four of them within a short space of time. The game was well and truly up, Lavinia had retrieved her “prey.” He didn’t even try to escape, because on reflection now that the chase was over, deep down, he wasn’t sure that he even wanted to anyway. Assuming that he had managed to reach the boundary fence and cross it, what would have happened then? Even if Lavinia had kept her word, and he DID believe that she would have done so, he’d be back to square one, totally and utterly lost, in the middle of an extensive forest. But now instead, his immediate future would consist of being tied up and shagged by an, admittedly older, but very sexy woman. A part of him, a LARGE part, WANTED to be taken prisoner again by Lavinia. So, not despondent at all, he emerged from the trees onto a wide path, and soon he was surrounded by the four “Horsewomen of the Apocalypse.”

“Well sweetheart, it rather appears that we have succeeded and have captured you again. And you know what that means, don’t you? STRIP!”

Amber stepped off her horse, carrying the same rucksack as before. Once again, the female knickers came out, and Henry’s clothes went in. But this time other items appeared, ones that hadn’t been used before, and in turn the sandals and gag had not emerged. Four leather cuffs came out, all of them having a length of chain, about a metre long, attached. It didn’t take Amber long to fasten these around both of their captive’s wrists and ankles, and having secured the buckles all shut, Amber locked them in that state with four small padlocks respectively.

“Now sweetheart, I’m going to have to ask you to trust us a little here. All four of us are very accomplished and skilled riders, and all four of these horses are well trained and disciplined. Because you’re going to now have an experience that I’m sure you’ve NEVER had, or even thought you’d ever try out. But let me re-assure you that I’ve EVERY intention of looking after your safety here, you’re FAR too valuable for me to want to hurt you in ANY way. Could you lie down on you back please?”

A little frightened, but even more intrigued he obeyed. Now Amber took each of those chains in turn and attached each one to a loop on the four saddles of the four horses, two on either side of him, so he was now effectively chained to the four mounts as Amber climbed back into the saddle of her own horse. “Now girls, gently, I meant EVERY word of looking after our “guest’s” welfare. Upon my command, one, two, three!” Each woman now just, VERY slowly and gently moved their respective horse outwards, with the front two, ridden by Lavinia herself and Clarissa, just edging a little forwards, and the rear ones, with Amber and Imogen in their saddles, backward, all done with perfect timing. As the chains finished taking up the slack, then Henry found himself raised off of the ground, until he was suspended between the four mounts.

“Now, as you’ve probably guessed, this is how we’re going to take you back to your bondage sex session in my hands. Don’t worry, we’ve ALL done this before, both these particular horses and us four riders. But it could be a little un-even, and it could make you possibly vomit, that’s why there’s NO gag or blindfold. If you do feel that at all, please just shout out “SICK,” and we WILL stop. In turn we will be looking out for you at regular intervals, but obviously we do have to concentrate on controlling our respective horse, so as to not endanger you at all. Because we have NO intention of doing that! So, try to relax and enjoy the “ride,” won’t you sweetheart?”

“ENJOY???” he thought. “You have me strapped between four powerful animals, any one of which could suddenly bolt off, ripping one or more of limbs from my body, and you expect me to ENJOY it?” But he kept this thought to himself, just replying, in a meek voice, that completely reflected his present petrified state. “Yes, Lavinia.”

Upon Lavinia’s countdown and command the party set off, and it soon became clear that her boasts about their riding ability and how well these horses had been trained had NOT been empty ones. For they kept in position, and at precisely the same speed relative to each other PERFECTLY, and so he wasn’t “tugged” at all. And once this became abundantly apparent, to his utter amazement, he discovered that he WAS beginning to “enjoy” the ride. As, once again, a certain part of his anatomy began to severely test the material strength of those female knickers!

And in fact he was a little dis-appointed when the “journey” was over and they arrived back at the side-annex. Lavinia had kept her word, he was totally un-harmed. All four of them gently edged their mounts inwards, until he felt the ground supporting his back once more. Amber again dismounted along with her sister, and they undid the padlocks holding his attached chains from his “tugs,” and then released his ankles from their leather “rings.” But not his wrists, no, those cuffs were left firmly in place. One of those now available padlocks was used to clamp his arms together in front of him, using the cuffs “D” rings, and both Amber and Imogen grabbed one of the attached chains each, and started to lead him into the building again.

When the had arrived into the now familiar room, the four women, still in their “horsey” costumes set about “binding” their captive. Lavinia’s nieces took charge of the lower part of his body, very shortly afterwards there were three VERY secure bindings holding his legs firmly together. One at the ankles, one above the knee, and one just below his buttocks. And, make no mistake, these girls knew exactly what they were doing, all of these bonds were perfectly tied, there was NO way that they would come loose, or permit any sort of escape. And they now almost ripped the knickers from his midriff, exposing his massive erection for all to see!

Meanwhile Lavinia and her daughter attended to Henry’s upper body. Once the others had finished, so he wouldn’t be able to step anywhere, they released him from the leather cuffs, so his arms were now free. On a VERY temporary basis, of course, Lavinia herself pulled his arms behind his back and began to bind his wrists together. Having done so, and just like her nieces Lavinia was very skilled in the art of bondage, so there’d be NO escape. There was still I fair degree of rope tie left, so Lavinia then tied that around her prisoner’s waist, she was actually tempted to make a knot around his balls, but somehow she managed to resist the temptation!

Clarissa wasn’t being idle while all of this was occurring. She looped his arms together just above the elbow, and made another bond between this one and the unfortunate man’s shoulders. Just as her mother had done, the used the excess rope of this second bond, to loop his body near the top of her chest, just under his breast. She now attached another length of rope on each side to this bond, at the point between his arm and his torso, pulled this over each respective shoulder, joined them behind him, and now started using this to “link” all of his three arm bonds. Just as Lavinia herself was about to complete the job, knotting his wrist bond, she called out. “Amber, Imogen, shall we attend to our “gentleman’s head,” meaning putting him into a leather blindfold and gag arrangement, “while you Clarissa Darling, please go and fetch your camera, I want a snap of this moment. I know of a very good artist in “town” who’ll, using said snap, draw me a cartoon style picture of this wonderful experience that’ll make a fine specimen to hang on the wall, and give me pleasant memories of today for evermore!”

(In other words the image present in Benelux’s utterly delightful picture. Thank you once again!)
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Post by Benelux »

A great continuation!
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Post by LunaDog »

There's more to come!
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Post by LunaDog »

Now it was time for the three younger girls to depart, their job was done. Leaving the totally bound and helpless Henry utterly alone, completely in the hands and power of his extremely eccentric captor. “Oh sweetheart, am I now going to play with you, or what? YOU ARE MINE! And,” grabbing hold of that “ramrod” that could not have been ANY harder, “it rather appears that you so much want to be so! I think that you’re going to enjoy what I’m going to do to you almost as much as I will! Nothing like a slave who delights in joining in, is there?”

She now started to tickle her prisoner, moving her hands ALL over his body, but in a total random manner, so he had NO idea where she would attack him next. He squirmed in his bonds, unable to really move, but Lavinia did have to support him a few times to prevent him from falling over!

She rubbed her leather boots against the bare skin of his legs, and even, gently, brushed his skin with the “spurs” on those boots, but being very careful NOT to hurt him too much, if at all. For yes, Lady Lavinia Bythesea was totally eccentric, her sexual desires could not be classed as “normal” by anybody’s standards, but she was simply mischievous, NOT cruel or vicious in ANY way. She genuinely was hoping that her “victim” was enjoying the experience that she was putting him though, yes, she REALLY wanted that.

And, HE WAS! Despite having bedded some very attractive young ladies in his life, having enjoyed some very rampant sex with most of them, he, to his utter amazement soon came to realise that he had NEVER been turned on more than he was being now, absolutely helpless in Lavinia’s hands. Arousal surged throughout his ENTIRE body, his cock had NEVER been harder, as she tickled, caressed and teased him. Despite, or maybe because of, as he soon came to accept, the complete bondage that he had been subjected to! And to think, when one of those aforementioned girls had suggested tying HIM up, after he’d done so to her, he’d utterly rejected her suggestion, his male chauvinist ego not allowing him to even considering the idea of being subjected to “fem-dom.!”

And the irony here being that this was obviously the “bondage” part of Lavinia’s stated three passions in life, clearly at some point she would move things onto the “sex” part of the equation. And equally obviously, she would then either be tying or chaining him to her bed, before indulging in her final listed pleasure. And by now, not only was he not going to attempt in ANY way to prevent her from doing so, by now he utterly WANTED her to do precisely that to him! If she was to make some mistake that presented him with an escape opportunity, by now he resolved that he would reject any such chance ABSOLUTELY!

For Lavinia, unknowingly to her, and before today, even him; ticked ALL of his boxes when it came to sexual desires. By pure chance he had met his “soul-mate!” Instead of cursing the fact that he’d forgotten to charge the battery of his ’phone, now he’d be forever grateful that he’d neglected to do so. And another thing becomes clear. For although he had only met her a few hours ago, and that “introduction” was as a result of her “kidnapping” him, he believed that he could TOTALLY trust her, despite the fact that he was now completely under her control. She could do anything she liked to him, and was going to, but he felt SAFE in her hands. Sure she was teasing and frustrating him immensely, BUT he just KNEW that Lavinia would NOT endanger him! Which greatly increased the sensations, he could relax and enjoy what she was doing to his completely bound body, even if helpless and in no position to prevent her aims, which just added, not diminished, the levels of excitement flowing through his veins!

And Lavinia WAS putting him through the mixer all right! She gently whipped him with her riding crop, totally at random, so he had NO idea where the next blow would land, then tickled him, returning to the crop just as suddenly as she’d abandoned it. He was subjected to this torture by her for some twenty minutes or so, all sorts of implements being used by her in an utterly random manner.

And then she started to make her games more sexual in nature as she began to lick his balls and elect cock. And did so in such a manner as to produce the expected natural reaction, the pressure down there began to build, a climax, and what an explosive one it was going to be, was rapidly approaching. When, of course, Lavinia stopped! “You’ll cum when I say you can, and not until, sweetheart! And that’s not yet! Sorry, but, I want to stoke you up a little more, it’s YOU in MY hands, not me in yours! I want to “play” with you for some time longer, so you’ll just going to have to hang on until I decide otherwise!”

“EEEMMMMMMTTTTTHHHH!” He was almost shaking with the mounting frustration, but tightly bound as he was, he couldn’t move, speak or do anything, to be honest. As his tormentor had stated, he’d just have to wait until SHE let him release. And she repeated the routine, several times, being VERY careful NOT to push things too far! From the state of believing that he was starting to fall in love with this eccentric woman not long ago, now he just wanted to KILL her!

Eventually Lavinia came to the conclusion that it was time to move things to her bed, and just before she initiated that process, she played her games with his “tools” yet again, but this time she didn’t stop, and it wasn’t long before a jet of hot sticky liquid shot into the air from the end of his cock. “Oh YES, sweetheart!” Lavinia screamed, “I am SO looking forwards to THAT being shot into ME! I think you’re going to do VERY nicely, thank you very much!”

She pressed a button mounted in the wall, which was the summons for the three young girls to report to her, and in the meantime she started to remove the “horsey” costume. By the time that Clarissa, Imogen and Amber arrived, she’d stripped down to just her underwear, and the three of them weren’t exactly fully attired. Which Henry became fully aware of as finally both the blindfold and the gag were removed. All he could see were the four suspender clad women as they commenced the process of unbinding him. Which took some time, but eventually the only binding left was the one holding his wrists still fully secured together, which they did not remove. “Come with us then sweetheart, it’s time for you and I to go to bed. Now, I’m sure you won’t be surprised to hear that you’re going to be tied to it. And it’s probably not the sort of bed that you’ve ever seen before, let alone slept on, not that I intend to let you sleep much, you understand!”

For you see that if Lady Lavinia Bythesea was NO ordinary woman, then this was NO ordinary bed! One normal aspect, it was covered in beautiful black satin, including the central single pillow. But it had an extensive frame, a bit like a four-poster, however it was completely open. Although high above just short of the ceiling there was a sheet of what appeared to be solid black satin, suspended directly above, which was able to descend and cover the entire bed. He’d discover just how that worked once he was tied inside and on its satin surface.

“Welcome to my bed, but before I put you on to it, I must say that you ARE a little “underdressed!” You notice that we are all wearing stockings, and I don’t think it’s fair that you should miss out.” Lavinia guided him over so he could see his naked form in a tall mirror, then ordered, “girls, please could you place my guest in “evening attire,” ready for the pleasures that I intend to introduce him to!” A few minutes later, Henry could again see himself in that mirror, now wearing the sheer nylon stockings and suspender belt that the three younger women had put him in. And yes, by God, didn’t they just feel good?

Lavinia’s bed had “loops” welded onto its frames, including in the four corners, and when Henry was laid down on it, and his limbs stretched out, the four females in tied said limbs to those corner loops. And did so properly, tying rope around his wrists and ankles, which was then secured to each respective “loop.” And in the case of his arms, his hands were also tied to the bed, to just make his bonds even more inescapable. Thus he was now ready on this strange bed, ready for her to join him on it, and when she’d done so, its “unusual” features started to come into play. “I see that you are comfortable. Good, because you’re going to be here for some time.”

She pressed a button mounted on a small panel attached to the bed frame and some soft lights mounted within the frame came on. Lavinia pressed another button and the satin sheet did indeed descend, until it covered the frame of the bed. Now he could hear her three girls zipping, there was another satin sheet under the bed, and her “staff” were attaching the two sheets together. Which they padlocked shut, trapping not only Henry but Lavinia as well inside of the satin “tent.” But things hadn’t finished just yet, Lavinia’s design had some more surprises. First he could hear a pump starting up, just, as it was fairly silent. This one had the job of pumping fresh air into their “chamber,” so that he and Lavinia could breathe normally. And then a second pump started. For the satin covering wasn’t just one sheet, but two, and the job of this second pump was to remove all the air and create a vacuum between the two layers, the effect of which was to pull the satin tightly onto the frame of the bed, and also pull those satin “walls” completely taut. Giving the impression of “real imprisonment” to the pair of them inside. Blimey, did this turn him on or what?

Then the question as to why he had not been blindfolded was answered, because Lavinia now extinguished the lights, plunging the whole scene into total darkness, neither of them could see anything now. And now Lavinia commenced proceedings with another VERY long and passionate kiss. For the next couple of hours she really put him “through the mill” alright, her extremely high levels of sexual energy and equally impressive range of skills with regard to the “pleasures of the flesh,” testing her captive to the absolute limit! But he found himself utterly enthralled, NEVER had he been so excited or exhilarated by the simply RAW sex that Lavinia subjected him to! One could argue that he was a prisoner, held against his will, his human rights abused and dis-regarded completely. But, given a choice there was nowhere, NOWHERE, he would rather have been than utterly helpless in the hands and power of this total sexual animal!

And when, exhaustion starting to replace excitement by now, she finally stopped, just before sleep claimed him, he made a resolution to himself.

So, when they awoke, with neither of them having any interest or knowledge of just what time of day it was, he asked. “Lavinia, could you switch on the lights please, I’ve something to ask you, and I want to look at you as I do so?”

“Ok, sweetheart, but make it quick, as I’ll be switching them off again very soon so I can shag you again!” She flicked the switch and light filled their “chamber.”

“Lavinia, will you keep me here forever as you sex slave? I want to spend the rest of my life with you, being under your control and totally dominated by you.”

“OH, MY DARLING BOY! Do you mean it? Do you REALLY want to be my bondage boy? Because if you do, then the answer is YES!!!!”

“My parents died very recently, I’ve no girlfriend, and that’s why I was just wandering around, aimlessly when I crossed into your lands. Because my life had no purpose anymore. But it does now, it must have been fate that drew me onto your property, I need to belong to and serve you Lavinia. I need to obey EVERY command you give me, and do everything I can to help you fulfil those three desires you mentioned, sex, bondage and horses. I’ll clean out your stables for you, do all of the “handyman” jobs around your house, I’ll earn my keep I promise you. And if you’ll let me I’ll learn to ride a horse myself. As for the other parts, sex and bondage, well I think by now you know just how willing I am to help you find satisfaction with THOSE desires of yours! So, Mistress Lavinia, will you make me yours?”

“YES I WILL!” With that she turned out the lights again. “So, bondage boy, you are now my slave for LIFE, and that’s going to start right here and now with another round of raw shagging! She initiated another kiss, and for some time, once again, the talking stopped and rampant sex took over instead.

Once she was satisfied, with both of them utterly spent, she pressed another button, one that summoned Clarissa, Amber and Imogen. As the younger girls set about releasing both of them from the, somewhat unusual bed, Lavinia looked her new lifelong prisoner in his eyes. “Such devotion deserves a reward, sweetheart. Have you any request you’d like from me, who knows I might very well grant it? So, do you have anything in mind?”

“Yes Lavinia, I do. It concerns the net that you first caught me in.”

“Really?” She was clearly intrigued. “What about it?”

“Is it always automatically triggered? Can it be manually overwritten, and then set off by choice, instead of going off before we are ready?”

“Yes, I believe it can. You’re something in mind, haven’t you? Well, out with it!”

“What I want is for you to put me back into the state you tied me up in when you first re-captured me after the “hunt.” With you dressed as you were then, in your “horsey” gear. But you’ll tie me like that while we’re both standing in the centre of the net. And then when we’re ready, perhaps Clarissa, Amber or Imogen, can set off the release mechanism, so we’ll both be fully trapped in the net, with NEITHER of us able to escape its enclave. No, we’ll BOTH be trapped, but YOU will be able to move PLAY with ME, in ANY way that YOU want, just HOW you want, and for AS LONG as YOU want! And they’ll be NOTHING I can do to STOP you”

“OH MY ABSOLUTE SWEETHEART! What an absolutely wizard notion! YES, WE’LL DO IT!”
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