Summer Camp Rebellion (f+/FFFF) Finished

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Summer Camp Rebellion (f+/FFFF) Finished

Post by Helena14 »

So as I´m stuck a bit on my recently stared Pirates Fair story here is another idea of mine. Based on a few similar stories, first and foremost the Simpsons Episode "Camp Krusty"...

Some of the characters return from my "Cowgirls vs Princesses Story"


Hi, its Jessie again. After our adventure in the forest a year ago the friendship of us six girls has become even stronger, so that we have decided that this year we would all go to a summer camp together. Our first vacation without any of our parents, it all seemed perfect, until we arrived.

"I am Ms Roth and I will be your camp leader for the next weeks," a good looking middle aged woman with light blonde hair introduced herself to us. She was wearing a pseudo outdoorswoman outfit, khaki pants and shirt.

She was flanked by three girls in their early twenties who would serve as her councilors. One of them, a slender girl in a fancy looking dress who was looking at her smart phone during the entire greeting. "My daughter Mary." She gave us barely a nod. (There was no Mister Roth, Mary was the result of an affair as I later found out)

The other two were a pair of tough looking tomboys, the dark blonde was called Helena and the black haired one Johanna. Both wore tank tops and short sport shorts, showing off their muscular arms and legs.

They seemed nice enough at first, but it soon turned out that we had found ourselves in a terrible camp. Ms Roth´s take on fun was more comparable to that of a teacher than someone to spend your holidays with. Most of the days were filled with lectures and boring handiwork. Even Lena, who usually enjoys that kind of thing was soon getting tired of learning how to nit various pretty handkerchiefs. They took away our smart phones, outside of a few minutes every few days to phone our parents. When I asked if we could do something in the forest, other than taking long walks filled with lectures

Mary was in some ways worse than her mother, a spoiled brat if there ever has been one. She forced us to do her chores, clean her tent (which she had of course for herself while we were squeezed into smaller ones in groups), her laundry. She was acting as if she was on a luxurious vacation and all of us campers her servants. When someone refused her orders she would either report us to her mother to get punished (with extra chores and/or no sweets for a few days) or she asked Johanna and Helena for aid.

Those two were clearly the muscle at camp, they also lazed around and had us do their work for them, but they weren´t nearly as mean as the mother daughter duo. For that they were far too occupied with each other. Only when Ms Roth wanted to make a point she send them after us to be intimidating. Though at least neither of them ever hit us. Unlike Roth who actually gave me a slap on the face at the eve our story begins. The eve we campers finally had enough.

"I want to go home," there were tears in Jenny´s eyes. During the last year I got to know her and her twin better and know that only few things can drive them to tears, and this camp clearly was one of them. I felt how that made me angry, more angry that I already was.

"We have to do something." I stood up this tent was too small for the six of us so it wasn´t too easy.

"And what do you want to do?" Lena asked me. "We can´t just tie Roth and councilors up."

"So? Why not?" Inga asked, sitting up from her position at the feet of us, squeezed into the back of the tent.

"That´s like, illegal?" Lena replied.

"What they are doing here is illegal!" Julia said angrily. "What do we even have to lose? Worst thing is they send us home, and I would consider that an improvement."

"Then let's do it," Tanya got up as well.

"We should take down Helena and Johanna first," I suggested as we looked for ropes in the supply cabin. We sounds several, more than enough for what we needed them.

"Yeah, they are more dangerous than Ms Devil and her horrible daughter," Jenny agreed.

Thankfully our camp leaders had placed their tents at opposite ends of the camp, so our struggle with the two goons shouldn´t cause Roth´s attention.

Sneaking up on their tent we heard them and my heart began to race, they were clearly still awake so our hopes of quickly tying them inside their sleeping bags was squashed. But we were too angry to stop now, too angry to wait.

So I stepped forth and pulled down the zipper to their tent. What awaited us was... surprising to say the least. Both girls where in their underwear, skimpy tongs and bras. In the first moment they didn´t even notice us, as they were too much concentrated on each other, their lips interlocked and their hands on the others butt. Then they saw us, standing there, ropes in hand.

"You brats!" Johanna screamed, then she charged out of the tent, right as us. Though having learned from our experience last year Jenny and Julia held up a rope close to the opening of their tent and Johanna tripped over it, falling onto the muddy ground. Quickly the twins jumped atop of her.

"Johanna!" Helena cried as she followed her girlfriend outside. She grabbed Jenny and tried to pull her off Johanna, but Inga and Tanya threw a large towel over her. Blinded the large tomboy charged at us almost blindly. I ducked beneath her fists, heard her curses as she ran further... until her charge was blocked... by a tree. The young woman landed on her butt, unable to get back up again, with a bloody nose and a dazed look on her face.

She barely resisted as we rolled her onto her stomach and pulled her wrists together. Given her muscular figure I decided to best tie another rope around her upper arms, as well as her chest to fixate her arms, then we began tying her legs.

Behind us Johanna began to scream as she struggled against Lena and the twins but after a moment her screams became muffled.

"Here, something to shut this brute up..." Lena held up a pair of panties and one of socks. "Found it in their tent, I think they won´t mind getting at least a bit more clothing back.

"Didn´t know you were that mean." I said.

Lena smiled, "only if they deserve it."

As I held the panties up Helena obediently opened her mouth. Maybe she was still dazed, or was there a part of her actually enjoying this? I stuffed the panties into her mouth, then tied the socks around her head to keep them in. As she was packaged I couldn´t help but give her a spank.

She squealed into her gag and began to struggle, but I had learned my ropes skills well as she was unable to get out of her bondage. To ensure she was kept like that I tied a final rope between her hands and feet, pulling her into a hog tie.

Then I couldn´t help it, I rolled her onto her back and placed a foot on her stomach. Rising my hands in triumph as I looked over to a similar secured Johanna. "Who this was easy."

"What have you done?" Looking up again I saw several of the other campers approach us. Most of them in their nightclothes. They must have heard the struggle. I could only hope they wouldn´t...

"Cool!" one of them yelled as she came closer.

"Hah serves them right," another said as she stuck out her tongue at the struggling counselors.

Several others cheered, laughed and high fived, of course, they hated the councilors just as much as we did. Some came even closer to pose with them and we all regretted not having our phones at the moment, but that would soon change as well, we only needed to...

"What is going on here?" Mary suddenly stood not too far from us, staring almost blankly. Then she screamed "Mooommm!!!" Turned around and ran towards her mother's tent.

"Let's get her!" I yelled and together with most of the others began the hunt.
Last edited by Helena14 2 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by JulieG »

An excellent start [mention]Helena14[/mention]
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Post by fratzon »

Can you please continue this story pls
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Post by ninterz »

Nice start. I don't like bullies serves them right
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Post by Helena14 »

[mention]JulieG[/mention] Thanks :)

[mention]fratzon[/mention] Already on it. ;)

[mention]ninterz[/mention] Agreed, there is nothing better than seeing bullies humiliated.


"What the..." Ms Roth awaited her daughter in front of their tent. Then she saw us charging towards them and decided that a quick retreat was probably her best choice. The two women thus sprinted towards the forest, quickly disappearing between the trees.

"We need to catch them, if they call the police..." Julia was clearly panicking as we continued to give chase. I knew she was right and that we would be in deep trouble if one of them got away. Thankfully though the direction they were heading in lead deeper into the forest rather than towards the street.

I stopped the chase for a moment, "best we get flashlights."

Some of the others nodded and two girls ran of to get them from the storage. Seeing as I had apparently become the leader of this rebellion I quickly gave a few more orders, "some of us should stay and have a look on Johanna and Helena, to ensure that these brutes stay tightly packaged."

Several girls stepped forth for this, a devious grin on their face, leaving no doubt that the two tied up councilors wouldn´t enjoy their captivity too much.

I also asked a few girls to keep an eye on the street just in case Roth and her daughter would try to cycle back. Then we continued our hunt. Julia, Jenny, Lena, Inga and Tanya still at my side.

It wasn´t too hard to follow the trail, in their flight the Roth women had trampled through the forest and left many footprints as well as broken twigs.

We also found Mary´s high heeled boots that she had clearly lost running through the dark forest.

Then we could hear them, Mary was screaming and while her mother was belittling her.

"We are getting closer!" Inga yelled, a wolfish grin on her face, probably not too dissimilar from the one on mine.

I never felt so alive before in my life, all the anger of the last week fueling me as I run even faster. Soon we would have our revenge.

As we saw them in the light of our flashlights I couldn´t help but laugh. Apparently Mary had tried to crawl into a hollow tree trunk to hide, but had now gotten stuck, her barefooted legs sticking out, kicking and struggling wildly.

Ms Roth look up to us, letting out a panic scream as she let go of her daughters legs and instead run deeper into the forest.

In this moment I felt a little bit of sympathy for Mary, being abandoned by her own mother to our nonexistent mercy. It compelled me at least enough that I decided to first help her out of that trunk before continuing our chase. While Jenny held down her struggling feet, me and Julia grabbed her upper legs and began to pull. At first she moved only little, then her butt slowly came back, now no longer hidden under her dress I could see her nice frilly panties with hearts on them. Wiggling just like the rest of her body they were just too nice of a target for me not to spank them.

"Nice panties, did your mother chose those for you?" Tanya commented.

"You will regret this!" Mary screamed inside the trunk.

"No," Jenny said firmly. "You are the one who will regret how things turned out."

We further pulled for a bit and it became clear that Mary´s dress had been hooked somewhere inside the trunk. So we continued to pull harder until it finally ripped and Mary was free. Lying on the ground before us in just her bra and panties, dirt covering most of her body and face.

She looked up to us and I could see clear fear in her eyes as she screamed, "Mooommyy!"

Once more I almost pitied her, but then I remembered how much of a brat she had been and how she had made Jenny cry. She needed to be punished. Just as with the two brutes I tied her hands on her back, than her upper arms before wrapping another rope around her upper body to keep her arms secured. Meanwhile Jenny gleefully shoved a pair of panties into Mary´s mouth and secured them with another sock. All the while the others had some fun tickling and spanking our squirming captive.

Then, with her fully secured we pulled her back to her feet and tied another rope to the one around her belly. Allowing the twins to lead her back to camp like a leashed animal.

"And now to the chief herself," Inga gleefully said as she stepped next to me.

"Best comes last," I replied.

It took a while before we found her, but when we did it was a sight to behold, she was clutching herself to the lower branch of a large tree, hanging upside down, hands and feet wrapped around it.

She was high enough that we couldn´t just grab her, but close enough that we could poke and slap her butt with some of the sticks we found on the ground.

"You brats, leave me, now!" she shouted angrily, but there was desperation in her voice.

"No, you come down here." I ordered, "you are our prisoner."

"Prisoner? To you? Are you... ayyyeee."

My stick hit her muscular ass perfectly.

"Do you want money?" She suddenly offered after her screams had. "You can keep Mary and those two fags. Just let me go."

Me and the girls looked at each other, appalled by this. Mary was a brat, but her mother being willing to sell her out was beyond cruel, and no one deserves to be called a faggot. "I´m sure they would be happy to hear how you think about them." I said.

"What do I care? How much money do you want?" Roth still tried to bargain.

"What we want, is justice. Come down there or we will make you bleed," Inga said, her look burning with fire. A few years later I found out why, she was into girls as well and Roth´s comment had crossed the final line for her.

Shaking with fear Roth let go of the branch, landing on her butt in front of us.

"Strip," Lena commanded. "I wouldn´t want you feel left out amongst our captives."

"Please, I give you everything!" Roth begged as she slowly began to take of her khaki shirt and pants, revealing a very risqué leopard bra and panties.
"Naughty," Tanya commented and Roth´s face turned red.

Unlike her daughter we didn´t just tie Roth´s upper body, but also her knees and ankles. Forcing her to hop through the dark forest, securely gagged by a pair of Johanna´s 'dirty faggot panties'. To keep her motivated. We girls took turns in slapping her barely covered butt whenever she slowed down hopping. Often she would lose her balance and land in the dirt. When we finally had made it back to camp she was covered in dirt and leaves, her butt as red as her face.

The other girls awaited us, cheering and celebrating. I was taken by some and carried on their shoulder through the camp for a while. Turning my face almost as red as Roth´s from all the attention.

Being chosen as something of an unofficial leader I decided that we would determine our prisoners fate as well as how to go from here tomorrow, as tonight we would celebrate our victory. It was a long eve, we pillages the sweets from the kitchen tent and reclaimed our iphones. Snapping hundreds of pictures of our tied up and humiliated captives(though we did agree not to post them anywhere on the internet as it could cause us trouble), who in addition that had to suffer through quite a lot of tickling, taunting and spanking, whereby Roth certainly got the worst of it.

As we finally began to tire we dragged our captives inside the smallest tent and tied them tightly together, before going to bed, now finally having enough space. Knowing that this would be a different camp for the rest of the summer.
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Post by JulieG »

[mention]Helena14[/mention] lovely. I particularly liked MS Roth being g spanked with sticks whilst forced to hop, stripped, barefoot and gagged through the woods. Humiliation and pain as combined punishment.
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Post by Trammel »

Generally a good story. A bit racy for the "Fictional Stories for Everyone" category. I would have put this in the adult category.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.

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Post by Helena14 »

[mention]JulieG[/mention] Thanks, I think its always fun to see a villianess getting humiliated. ;)


It was nearly lunchtime when we awoke the next morning, and began our preparations. Some of us looked through the tents of our prisoners while other checked on them, provided some water and a chance to visit the toilet before being retied.

During noon them, all four of them where dragged into the center of the camp, hands and feet tightly tied and mouths filled with fresh gags (this time provided by Roth´s underwear collection).

We campers sat down in the front of them, crossing our legs, ready to hold our trial on our captives.

"Okay, let me first make one thing absolutely clear." I said, standing in front of them. "Any hopes yours of reporting what happened here to the authorities will backfire." I looked at Johanna and Helena, who looked, oddly pleased for someone who had spent the night tied together. "We have found some weed in your tent, not much, but probably enough that the police would want to have a closer look at your homes as well. You might not go to prison for it but you can say goodbye to your college career if we reveal this." Both girls lowered their heads. Lena had been the one to discover the weed, knowing it as her older sister Sarah had experimented with it as well.

Then I turned to Roth, "what you did however is considerably more than just smoking the wrong substances. You have taken far more money for this camp while promising activities and standard of living that you didn´t provide." Roth had promised the county that we campers would have modern tents, a real nurse, regular trips through the surrounding villages, trained councilors, games and activities. For these promises she had received a large sum of money, most of which she had pocketed herself, while only acquiring cheap second hand tents as well as using her own daughter and two broke college students as councilors. "We even found out that you intended to sell the hacker chiefs you forced us to make on a local handiwork bazaar this fall." I could only shake my head.

The most insane part was, Roth was a rich woman, having probably made a fortune with scams like this for years. She could have easily afforded to provide the camp she had promised, but seemed her greed was just too strong.

To underline my points I then allowed each girl in the audience to read from Roth´s diary that contained the proof of her shady deals, as well as countless degrading comments about Johanna and Helena, that had both of them promise vengeance at the former camp leader, and even several about Mary that had the once so arrogant brat shrink even more. It went for at least an hour and during it Roth squirmed and screamed into her gag that it was fun to look at. As it was finally over I stepped forth again.

First addressing the three tied councilors, we all had agreed that they weren´t to blame for all the troubles in camp, but still should suffer some punishment. "like us, the three of you have been pawns to that horrible woman. Yet you did profit from her actions and did nothing to stop them. So here is the deal, from now on you take care of the chores in camp, you prepare food, clean the dishes and do the laundry, gather firewood. If we feel like it we might lend you a hand here or there but most of it is on you."

The three looked up to me, Mary hesitant, Johanna and Helena still angry.

"If you behave," I continued. "You will receive more privileges. Clothing, free time, better places to sleep. We might even allow you your phones back if you are nice." I made a pause. "If you don´t behave you spent the rest of the summer bound and gagged in that heated tent. What do you say?"

Mary was the first, she nodded almost instantly. The two lovers took a bit longer, but eventually, after exchanging a look they nodded as well. As a gesture of good faith I removed their gags but told them to stay quiet to which they obeyed.

Then I turned back to Roth, "you are a truly despicable woman and believe me I would enjoy seeing you arrested for this."

She glared at me.

"Yet, that would end our summer camp and could get your counselors implicated as well, which would be unfair. So we won´t do that."

I could hear how Roth let out a sigh of relief.

"But you will be our prisoner for the rest of the camp. You will help your three councilors with their chores and take care of any other wishes we might have. You will keep in contact with the county to ensure we don´t get in trouble for any of this."

Roth shook her head and grunted angrily into her gag, but we had expected that. She spent the next half an hour being spanked by every camper until she finally gave in and agreed to our terms.

The rest of summer was a dream. We campers enjoyed ourselves being catered in all our needs by our former superiors. Playing many games together and spending others days just relaxing. We held a fashion show, trying on our captives clothing, and in general had little to worry about.

We also made peace with some of our captives. Mary was the first, who after a few days apologized to us. She admitted her wrong doings and what a brat she had been, asking for us to forgive her. We held another council but being generally kind girls most of us campers agreed to accept it. We even allowed her to sleep in one of our tents so she could be away from her mother.

Helena and Johanna took a bit longer and where at times a bit more rebellious but their anger at Roth far outweigh their rage at us. So eventually we made peace as well and even allowed them their private tent back. Though the two of them also enjoyed making out in front of the tightly tied up and gagged Roth as a form of personal revenge.

Roth herself remained angry at us, especially as we made peace with her former goons. She resisted us at every turn. Causing her to spent the rest of summer in her underwear, often tied, gagged and teased at every turn, including being used as a target for our water guns and tickled madly.

Of course there were other tie ups as well. All of the other girls wanted to learn our skills from me and my friends and we gladly taught them using the (willing) Helena and Johanna, as well as an (unwilling) Ms Roth as practice objects.

At the end of summer we were all pretty sad that it was over, and we all know that Roth probably wouldn´t host another next year. Still we exchanged our phone numbers and addresses to see if we could find another one to meet next year.

On our final eve we made a vow together not to talk about the events of this summer to outsiders (a vow that I am currently breaking as I write this down BTW) and also deleted all the pictures of the captive councilors from our Iphones (though the ones of Roth stayed in many cases) as a final sign of our forgiveness towards them.

The summer had started pretty badly but in the end turned out pretty happy for all of, well except Ms Roth, who shortly after returning home beat up poor Mary as punishment for what had happened there. But Mary still got the last laugh as she revealed the evidence of her mother's corruption, that we had generously provided to her, to the police. Roth was arrested and eventually convicted, alongside various corruption also for defamation, as even her own councilors Helena and Johanna testified that there had been absolutely no abuse against either her nor anyone of them during the summer camp.

Speaking of them, me and my friends remained in contact with the two young women, who as it turned out didn´t live too far away from us. And we had several fun tie up games over the years, to the point that they even invited us to their wedding years later. (I also learned later that the experiences of that summer had lead both of them to enjoy ropes and tie ups in private...)

Thankfully Ms Roth had also invested some of her money into legal businesses so Mary was cared for. Finally out of her mother's shadow the once so spoiled and selfish girl became very kind, helping Helena and Johanna with their financial problems and even organized genuine summer camps for us and other kids in the next few years. Herself becoming a nurse to ensure that this time proper medical care was provided.

Looking back I might call this the best summer of my life. But it certainly wasn´t the last adventure of me and my friends.
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Post by ninterz »

Very nice ending.
I hope you are going to write more stories
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Post by AlexUSA3 »

[mention]Helena14[/mention] you crafted here a very different yet entertaining tale that even wrapped every loose end you could just about think of!
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