Worst Party Ever (m+/m+) - Final chapter added (05. Febuary)

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Post by FelixSH »

I promise, it's not forgotten, [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] . ;) For now, I need to focus on my exams. I hope to get into the right headspace after that. But the party will go on. I totally plan to bring the story to a conclusion.

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Post by bondagefreak »

Hope your exam period is going well, my friend.

Still greatly hyped for this.
Don't for a second think that we've forgotten it!

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Post by The slave »

this story is really exceptional, really incredible i'm too impatient to see the rest anyway no matter who the kidnapper is i want to become his slave lol
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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Just caught up to this tale.

Especially loved how the older, taller, and stronger neighbor Victor is taken captive. :twisted:

But who is the Killer?

Methinks it may be one of the guys already tied up and gagged...He must be in cahoots with one of the other guys! 8-)
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Post by FelixSH »

I know, it has been way, way too long, but I finally was able to write the next chapter. I just mentioned everyone who ever wrote a comment here. Feel free to ignore it, if you aren't interested, I just wanted to let everyone who might be interested know, that there is a new chapter.

It might be useful to reread the whole thing, considering there are nine characters, but feel free to not do this. It's just a suggestion. Anyway, here is

Chapter 7 – Emotional Turmoil

Everyone was a bit exhausted, after the intense battle we just had won. With some glasses of water, we sat around the kitchen table, enjoying the calm moments. I couldn't help but let my view wander again and again, to Victor. His looks were like daggers. It was obvious, that he was really pissed. But I was sure it would be fine, and after being tortured by him, he would forgive us. The combination of being bested by a bunch of high schoolers, and him not being able to do his duty as the guy who made sure everything was ok, must have hurt his pride. I did feel bad about the situation, but also couldn't help but enjoy it, seeing him helpless. He looked kind of adorable, and my dumb crush made my eyes always wander back to him.

“So, what now?”

Neils words cut through my thoughts, bringing me back to the kitchen. He was looking at me, annoyed and restless.

“I still need a break. Holding that guy down was exhausting”, Hunter chimed in, not even looking at us. His eyes were closed, his head leaning back, resting on his hands behind it.

Eric grinned. “Glad your training paid off, man. I can't imagine we could have done it without you.” Hunter opened his left eye, lurking into Erics direction, answering the grin. “Well, it was fun. This is just payback, for all the stuff he did to us.”

I smiled. It seemed like, for a moment, they had forgotten that we were still in a game, and that our freedom depended on winning. Well, that might be a bit melodramatic. But thinking about it that way, the thrill of being tied and gagged again, the uneasiness of the situation, not being in control and unsure how to regain it – it excited me to no end.

“But we need to find a way to make him talk!”, Neil shouted. My blood froze a bit, as I looked at him. There was no easiness in his face, just frustration and anger. “He has tied up Justin, and has locked the others inside a closet. Come on, this has to be uncomfortable for them. We need to know where the keys are!”

His breathing had grown slightly heavier, and I got a bit concerned. While capturing Victor, it must have felt to Neil like he had worked on the solution to get Justin freed. And now, that hadn't worked out, and he had to wait.

“Look, the others are save. They will survive their time in the closet, and Justin will not die from being tied up a bit either. Just calm down, we will talk to Victor in a few minutes, and see how it goes”, Eric said, trying his most reassuring voice. But Neils expression didn't change. Instead, it seemed to get worse, as he started to scratch his arm, nervously.

Suddenly, he threw a weird look into my direction. “Why did you stop me, from making Victor talk, Alex? I could have gotten it out of him. Are you two working together? Do we need to tie you up, too?”

This went into a direction that I didn't like, but that also sounded a little bit unhinged, to me. I decided to change the topic.

“Would you like, to spend some time with Justin?”, I asked, not being able to keep the concern out of my voice, completely. He looked at me, now unsure and nervous. “I...guess that would be nice. Even if he can't talk to me.”

I exchanged looks with Eric and Hunter. This wasn't as easy, as it seemed. “If we leave you in there alone, it is very possible that you will end up tied and gagged next to Justin. We need to stay together, elsewise, whoever plays with us will have it very easy with you”, Hunter mentioned. He was right, of course. Splitting up was the last thing we should do, at the moment.

It also made me grin, though. I vaguely remembered the one time, where Peter tried to play D&D with us, and explained to us that, whatever we did, it was always a bad idea to split up the party. We, of course, died horribly, as we were very much motivated to do the very opposite of what he suggested.

Peter never tried to play D&D with us again.

Eric shook his head. “Look, if we get captured, we get captured. I'm with Alex, no one will really hurt us. This is just a game. But it stops being funny, if one of us feels uncomfortable, so, let's give the two a bit of alone time.”

I nodded. “Actually, we can just escort Neil to the bathroom, and he can lock the door behind him. When we get back, we just knock, and he will know that he can come out, without any danger.”

Hunter smiled, agreeing to this idea. And Neil, finally, started to relax.

There were no complications. Justin hadn't gotten anywhere, of course, and was happy to see us again. It probably was rather boring, being stuck inside a bathroom on your own. Neil smiled, and hugged him, not letting go. Despite the gag, it was obvious that his boyfriend answered the smile. We promised to come back in ten minutes, and if Neil needed some more time, we would just give leave him there a bit longer.

The rest of us moved back to the kitchen. Eric had a look at Victor, asking him if everything was fine. There came no answer, aside from an angry glare, which made my friend retreat immediately. Even completely captured, tied up and stuffed inside a sleeping bag, he was still scary.

I just couldn't help myself. This was a once-in-a-lifetime chance, Victor would never again be in such a helpless state. Coming closer made me realize, how adorable he looked, with the tape around his head, the shirt collar with the tie knot sticking out and the rest of his body being captive to the sleeping bag. I needed to capture this.

“I'm sorry”, I said, smiling nervously, as I got my phone out. Victors eyes grew big, and, for the first time since we positioned him at the wall, did he start to struggle and complain. And while the bag hid some of his movements, a lot was still recognizable. I could see him raise his shoulders, and let them sink again, fighting in vain against the rope that held him back.

His head moved all the time, while he struggled so helplessly. His eyes closed, the neck straining against the opening of the bag and the shirt collar. It was mesmerizing, watching this pretty guy fight a helpless battle against a few pieces of rope.

But I still needed more. I didn't only want to see him in his adorable state, stuck in a cocoon, I also wanted to get a clear look at his struggling body. The sleeping bag was, strictly speaking, unnecessary, only being a second restriction, in case the first one wouldn't hold. So, I opened the sleeping bag, letting it sink to the floor.

Victors confusion didn't last long, as I immediately started filming again. And now, I got a really great look at how much he fought the rope, and probably the tight shirt and the constricting necktie, too. Which was likely the case, I remembered how much more restricted my dress clothes made me feel. They added physical pressure gave me an additional feeling of helplessness. Especially the tie, as it pressed back against the neck, with no way to reduce the pressure.

No matter how hard he fought, no matter how much he strained his muscles, there was nowhere for him to go. After every try, the rope, the collar, the tie, it all fell back to the same position they were before. It was nearly impossible for me, to wrap my head around this, but my strong, competent neighbor, the guy who made my head swirl and who I assumed could do everything, was helpless.

And he knew that too. This would have been different, had he been tied up by friends his own age. Even Peter, Shawn and Kevin, who all had fought heavily against their bonds, were at least bested by their equals. But being bound and gagged by guys, a few years younger than yourself? In clothes, he probably wasn't too comfortable in? It must have been the worst.

Before leaving him alone, I needed to use this unique position one last time.

“In case you are bored, you won't be for too long. As soon as Neil is back, we will continue the interrogation.” I grinned evilly, while letting my fingers dance in the air.

And with this, I had broken his resistance. Scared, he shook his head, grunting something into his gag, that sounded like “no” and “please”. And I watched him, completely helpless, fight against the rope, one last time. It was his fiercest fight, but had exactly the same effect, as the other two. His head seemed to plop off, the way he strained his neck against everything that held him. His muscles fought the smooth fabric of his shirt and vest, every useless move of every muscle visible.

But it was all useless. My big, strong neighbor had to face whatever was coming his way. And he could do absolutely nothing about it.

Eric had joined me, by now, grinning from one ear to the next. Having Victor at his mercy must have been delicious for him.

“So, I'm sure you understand that this was all just in good fun, right?”, he asked. Before I scared poor Victor, he probably would have refused to say so, but now he knew that he had to appease us. Frustrated and helpless, he nodded.

“Great”, Hunter chimed in. “And you will not do anything in retaliation, right? I mean, it's all just a game, isn't it?” And again, Victor agreed. The fight had gone out of him.

“Good boy”, Eric said, patting my poor neighbor on the head. He just looked annoyed, but there was no anger in his eyes, anymore.

My two friends walked back to the kitchen, while I needed to get one last bit of victory out of my prisoner. “And I'm sure you will dress up from time to time, when you are over, right? I mean, it's a small price, if I protect you from Neils tickle attacks, if you think about it.”

Victor rolled his eyes, but nodded. He seemed defeated. I took one more look at him, before closing the sleeping bag again above his shoulders, and knotting it off. I could have looked at him for a lot longer, but I knew this was enough. It was time to give him some rest.

In the kitchen, we finally needed to tackle another topic. We didn't want to talk about it, but Eric finally decided, that we had to. “Neil reacted pretty intense, didn't he?”, he asked, a look of worry on his face. Hunter nodded. “Well, it DOES feel intense, doesn't it? I mean, sure, it is just a prank, but what if the prankster steps over the line? What if his idea of fun is to torture us for the rest of the night?” He leaned back, breathing out. “I mean, this is all exciting, but I have been nervous for some time now, and it starts to actually get to me too, you know?”

I exchanged surprised looks with Eric, before answering. “You are nervous? YOU?” I had never imagined hearing something like this from Hunter, one of the most well trained and toughest guys I know. My assumption was, that if he had to go through fire, his only question would be “How fast?”

Hunter smiled, not at all embarrassed. “Look, I don't know what to expect, so my mind has gone wild, for some time now. You don't even want to know what I have come up with, that might happen tonight.” Despite what he said, he laughed. It put me at ease, that it was a real laugh. He wouldn't start to lose it, like Neil seemed to.

I wanted to ask Eric, how he felt, but saw him deep in thought, eyes closed and a hand on his chin. Trying not to disturb him, I got up and refilled our glasses.

But it didn't take long, for him to share his thoughts. “Maybe we should put him out of the game. I think it's too much for the guy.” This didn't make sense to me, and, looking at Hunters face, it didn't to him either.

“Look, up to now, we were always in the defense. We tried to stick together, we wanted not to give us any opening. But to win, we need to attack. And for that, we need to work together.”

Hunters face lit up. “Yeah, that makes sense. And is more fun, than just sitting around, waiting for stuff to happen.” My thoughts, though, were still stuck. “Ok, but what has this to do with taking Neil out of the game?”

I wasn't sure, what to make of Erics face here. It seemed, like he wasn't that sure about his idea, either.

“Look, he will just get in the way. We need to work as a team, as our enemy has the clear advantage here. I mean, if he comes back and is ready to go, sure. But the way he acted before makes him more of a hindrance than a help, don't you think?”

Eric clearly felt bad about this, but I knew him. He wanted to win this, as much as I did. So we couldn't allow us any weakness.

As much as this made sense to me, Hunter didn't look quite satisfied. “But what do you suggest? Do you want to send him home? He probably doesn't want to go, anyway, with Justin being stuck in the bathroom.”

What Neil had said, before he went to Justin, made clear to me what Eric had in mind, so I answered. “Remember how he just suggested, that he might need to tie me up, too? If we can't have him clearly on our side, we need to make sure that he can't work against us.”

Despite him not being sure about the plan, Hunters face betrayed him a bit. There was a hint of a smile. “But we need to be sure. You know what, let's go into the garden with him for a bit, and talk about a plan. If this doesn't work out, it's probably for the best to tie him up.”

It was probably more like twenty minutes, when we finally knocked on the bathroom door. After calling him, Neil opened it, seemingly not too happy. “Do you want more time?”, I asked, but he just shook his head. “No, it's ok. We really need to keep working on Victor.”

Eric, Hunter and I all looked uneasy, when hearing this. We somehow didn't even consider anymore, that Victor actually was the killer. Without Neil talking us into the idea, it vanished from our thoughts.

Maybe it meant, that I didn't care too much, and just wanted to tie everyone up? Or that, now that Victor was tied up, his part of the game was over, and I wanted it to continue? I shook my head. While the game didn't make me into a nervous wreck, it obviously did make me a bit crazy.

“So, what's the plan? I'll torture him a bit more. Maybe he is ticklish on his neck?”, Neil asked, as we entered the kitchen, again. Before I could say anything, Hunter started talking. “You know, during the fight, I didn't think about it much. But do you really think he would let us tie him up, but not tell us where the keys are? I mean, what does he gain by this, if he actually is the killer?”

Neil was clearly taken aback by this. “What, no. Come on, who has the money to buy this stuff?”, he asked, but he already sounded a bit desperate. To me, Hunters argument made a lot of sense, even if Neils question was still a puzzle.

“Dunno, maybe one of us got it from an older sibling? Or maybe it's not one of us, at all. Look, I don't know. But we will soon find out, who is messing with us.” Hunter said, smiling. “Let's go outside, I want to be in the garden for a bit, and watch the stars. There, we can make a plan for catching the jerk. Deal?”

But Neil wasn't willing to play along. His mind was set. “No! I'm sure it's him, come on. Yeah, he is a great guy, but you know how much he loves to mess with us. He just wants us to fight, so one of us gets taken out of the game, and he gets freed again! It's obvious!”

Neil had started to get louder, as he spoke, and his look had gotten a bit frantic. I sighed. This wouldn't work out.

Hunter seemed to think so too, as he shot me and Eric a look. We had forgotten to actually plan, how we would actually capture our friend, so, for a few seconds, nothing moved. Which put Neil even more on unease.

“Guys? Come on, don't you agree? Say something!”

I shrugged, and sighed, letting my head hang a bit. Well, we had tried. “Let's get him!”
Next chapter is already in the works, and I promise that it will not take another year.

[mention]bondagefreak[/mention] [mention]Ducttapemouth[/mention] [mention]cj2125[/mention] [mention]Socksbound[/mention] [mention]Xtc[/mention] [mention]Canuck100[/mention] [mention]The slave[/mention] [mention]harveygasson[/mention] [mention]Hojojutsutengu[/mention] [mention]Veracity[/mention] [mention]Pup Wingletang[/mention] [mention]blackbound[/mention] [mention]KidnappedCowboy[/mention]

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Post by gag1195 »

Just read this whole tale! It's really well done! Loving the mystery! I'm trying to play detective along with the characters, but I have no idea who it is! :lol: Glad to see you still writing this story, and I am looking forward to more!
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Post by The slave »

great really too too excellent this sequel thank you for continuing this wonderful story I am really looking forward to the sequel
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]FelixSH[/mention] I'm so fuckin' happy to get another chapter of this epic tale...and even happier to learn that another one is already in the works!

Victor's takedown in chapter 6 was my favourite part so far, but this latest one was just what I needed to get back into it.
With this cliffhanger ending you've left us on, chapter 8 promises to be a blast as well.

I can't tell you how anxious I am to read it.
Cheers, my friend 8-) And happy new year!

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Post by Straitjacketed »

[mention]FelixSH[/mention], I'm a latecomer to your story but particularly loved the descriptions of Victor's takedown and the thought of him tied up and struggling in the sleeping bag with only his head visible. I imagine him red-faced and furious at his inability even to undo the drawstrings around his neck, let alone the rest of his bonds.

If M/M overkill bondage in stupidly excessive amounts of gear is your thing as well as mine, here's a list of my TUG stories.
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Post by cj2125 »

Glad to see this story back! Poor Victor! But I like seeing him tied! In fact I want everyone to end tied up.😁
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Post by harveygasson »

Great to see this story back in action! Another excellent chapter
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Post by FelixSH »

Thanks, everyone. It makes me very happy, that people are enjoying this story, even afte a break of more than a year. And that you enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it (whenever I actually get to do so). Thanks for the feedback, it means a lot to me.
gag1195 wrote: 2 years ago Just read this whole tale! It's really well done! Loving the mystery! I'm trying to play detective along with the characters, but I have no idea who it is! :lol: Glad to see you still writing this story, and I am looking forward to more!
Considering that it's 31 pages, that's great to know. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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Post by The slave »

I'm really, really impatient to find out who's behind the kidnapper's little role, anyway I'd really love to be a part of this little party and be totally helpless lol
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Post by FelixSH »

The slave wrote: 2 years ago I'm really, really impatient to find out who's behind the kidnapper's little role, anyway I'd really love to be a part of this little party and be totally helpless lol
Hehe, you'll have to wait a few more chapters. Not too long...well, at least I think so.

I'm pretty sure there would be a lot of people here, no matter if they read this story or not, who would love to be there. This is sort of what my perfect party as a teenager would have been.

Also, apropos of nothing: I just remembered something, from when I started righting. I assumed I would need three, maybe four chapters, and then I would be done. Yeah, well, no. I have never written a story, that developed so bizarrely in new directions all the time, and where I need so many more details than I expected.

I'll probably write a bit about my experience with writing this story. No idea if I'm the only one who finds stuff like this interesting, but I feel like this story deserves it. After I put so much time into it.

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Post by The slave »

oh yes completely agree this story really deserves it and no matter how many chapters there will be in this story I would read it to the end, I actually reread it this morning from the beginning, and in addition to each new chapter there is a prisoner and always a lot of mystery it's really great
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Post by FelixSH »

Look at this, another chapter already. As promised, it didn't take another year.:D

Chapter 8: Fighting for your life

Neils eyes grew big, as he heard this. “What do you mean?” It was probably my imagination, but it seemed like sweat was starting to appear on his forehead. Moving backwards, his eyes never moved away from us, his hands waiting in a raised position. Hunter, Eric and I, we all were ready to attack, but unsure how.

It wasn't, that we would have much trouble beating him. Neil wasn't particularly strong or big. But he seemed desperate. We also didn't want to hurt him, which complicated things.

“Look, let us tie you up”, Eric said, realizing immediately how absurd that sounded. He still carried on. “We'll leave you in the bathroom, and you can spend the rest of the game with Justin, not worrying about it anymore. You clearly need a break, and this is the best way to give you one.”

I saw Hunter nod, from the corner of my eye. “As long as you are free, you will just continue to be stressed out. Look, I know it sounds weird, but getting tied up now, in a relatively comfortable position, together with Justin, is really the best thing for you.”

Neil shook his head, breathing heavily. “Just let me go back to the bathroom, then. I'll stay out of the way, promise.”

Eric shook has head. “No, you would just come out, and try to get whoever you think tied up Justin. You need to be forced to stop participating.”

Neil didn't accept it. There wasn't even a reaction anymore, just us four guys, caught up in a stalemate.

After some more seconds, Hunter started to move forward. Considering that he was way stronger, and that we would only hinder ourselves, with more than one person, I decided to let him do the work, and relaxed. Neil wasn't Victor, a trained guy who was a head taller then most of us, were we needed every single person. This was just one slim, untrained boy. How hard could it be to beat him?

Neil moved backwards, until he was inside the living room, his eyes darting to the left, for a second. From that point on, he didn't change positions, his eyes closely focused on Hunter. The face not moving, the whole body tense, waiting for a strike – looking at Neil was mesmerizing. Hunter wasn't nearly as focused, just slowly closing the gap between the two, his hands only raised a bit.

“Come on, we won't hurt you, promise.” There was no reaction, just a body like a snake, waiting to strike.

I didn't even realize it at first, when Neil finally made his move. His hands grabbed Hunters tie, tugging it downward in one swift motion. Hunter was as surprised as I and Eric were, as his upper body was forced into a horizontal position. Neil used all our confusion, to do some heavy tugs on the tie, pulling Hunter inside the living room. Trying not to fall down, Hunter was forced to follow, while moaning, due being strangled lightly.

But he did adjust soon, and got some sort of balance. Using the momentum of one pull, he continued to move forward, trying to ram Neil. Who reacted fast, sidestepping the attack and letting his opponent stumble over an outstretched leg. Nearly at the same time, he threw the living room door shut.

Eric and I were in shock. This all went way too fast, and was completely unexpected. While I tried to stop being mesmerized, I heard someone crash onto the floor. Soon, the sound of duct tape filled the air, with Hunter trying to reason with Neil. And then, even that stopped.

As the sounds disappeared, the spell that bound me finally vanished. I would have never, ever expected Neil to win in a fight against Hunter. Or, for that matter, nearly anyone else of my friends. He was well trained, went to the fitness center a lot, and could best everyone in arm wrestling.

But then, Neil was cunning. As already mentioned, he tends to think of very mean things, if people wrong him in some way. I didn't know about that speed, though. This was a deadly combination.

When I finally looked at Eric, I saw him taking off his tie and jacket. “Look, I can put this stuff back on later, but at the moment, it's a liability.” I didn't say anything, only nodded. That was a sensible approach. He also still looked great. Due to the tight fit of the shirt, I could see every movement of his well defined muscles. I couldn't help but grin dreamily for a second, before focusing on the job at hand.

I actually followed his advice, putting off my jacket. The bow tie wasn't a problem, being basically impossible to grab, but the jacket wasn't quite as fitted, as it should be, ideally. Aside from that, Victor had been right, too. It felt hot in here.

As the silence from inside the living room continued, Eric started approaching the closed door. I followed. It was obvious, we needed to work together, to get Neil out of the game. His options were probably pretty restricted, now that we were actually careful. And I was sure, that he didn't want to hurt us either. But still, if I lost Eric, in whatever way too, I would soon be next. Beating Neil on my own seemed already out of the question.

My best friend finally decided to throw open the door, which got stuck on the carpet before crashing into the wall. Near Victor, we saw Hunter lying on the floor, his hands, feet and arms being tied up by duct tape. More of the shiny material was also stuck to his head, which explained the light grunting noises. He was fighting the restrictions, and it was clear that they were only a rush job. But for now, they seemed to hold.

The problem was, I couldn't see Neil, and the way Eric looked around, he seemed to have the same problem. Which wasn't that weird – he could hide behind the couch, or behind the corner of the wall. My living room looked a bit unorthodox, L-shaped as it was. You basically entered at the top part of the L, and after the halfway point, the room opened up to the left.

This was intense. Unlike the rest of the time, where we might get tied up on our own, we expected to be save, as long as we stayed together. We could decide to face danger, or to avoid it.

Here, we were in a battle, and we might be defeated at any moment. Yes, we had the superior numbers, but, as Neil just proved to us, that didn't mean anything. He had the element of surprise on his side.

While Eric moved forward, carefully, his eyes focused on the corner, I decided to make sure that Neil wasn't hiding between the door and wall. Due to the carpet, there was enough space for a person there. Eric didn't realize, that I stayed back a bit. If Neil was behind the door, I didn't want to make him aware of me looking, by telling Eric.

Being nervous isn't helpful in such cases, but often can't be avoided. It took me a few seconds, before I felt brave enough to look. No reward, though, just an empty wall, no Neil to be found. And a bit of distance between me and Eric, who had already come pretty close to the corner, ready to look around it, his hands in position to grab our friend.

When I looked again, Eric had just started to peek around the corner. In this very moment, a small, black bag was put over his head. With a drawstring (making me assume, that it was the bag that one of the sleeping bags had been stuffed inside), it was closed and knotted off, all with terrifying speed and precision. Eric had actually gotten hold of Neil, as far as I could tell, but not being able to see must have been disorienting. When Neil tucked strongly on the strings of the bag, Eric let go of him.

This time, though, I didn't wait, and ran towards my two friends. I wasn't a fighter, and had no idea what I would actually do to help, but I knew that I had to do something. Without him, I would soon find myself bound and gagged, too.

Neil was, again, one step ahead. He pushed Eric, who had his hands on the bag, desperately trying to get it off, into my direction. While he wouldn't have hit me directly, Erics flailing arms grabbed me, making us both crash to the ground.

I wasn't surprised anymore, that Neil had overpowered Hunter after his fall. The light pain and shock were enough, to make you defenseless for a few seconds. With enough speed and dexterity, it would be possible to use the short confusion, to wrap a few rounds of tape around ones hands.

But not only was I too confused to react. Eric also lay on top of my legs, making it hard to move. And he, too, needed a bit of time to understand what just happened. Being hooded likely made his situation even more confusing.

Neil was clearly aware of all this. He spent a few seconds, pulling Erics hands behind his back and applying a few rounds of duct tape, before my best friend got his head cleared up again from the fall.

I was mainly aware of this, through the sound of ripped-off duct tape, as I only opened my eyes when the deed was already done. And before I could do anything, I felt a strip of the sticky material being placed over my eyes, with a second one being put on my mouth. This was really disorienting, having just opened my eyes only to find them being forced close again.

Like Eric before, my first reaction was to get my blindfold off. Not being able to see was awful, especially now. You knew that you had to fight, or at least to defend yourself, but without knowing where your enemy was, there was only confusion. You didn't see him. You didn't know, when he would strike. You didn't know, where to attack.

Being blinded made you really helpless.

All of this flashed through my head in a second, while reaching up to my face. But when my hands were at both sides of my face, trying to get a grip on the strip of tape, Neil attacked again. I felt another strip of tape being pressed against the back of my hands, forcing them closer to my face. Round and round the roll went, covering up nearly all of my face in a handful of seconds.

But my captor didn't stop there. He used his free hand to pull me towards him, while leading the roll down from my head. Soon, my upper and lower arms were both stuck, close to my upper body. Neil finished me up, by pushing Eric off of me, and by putting a few rounds of tape on my feet and above my knees. He took his time with this. Now, that he had us all, he was in no rush.

Being tied that way was a weird sensation. Before, on the chair, I was able to move my arms and my body at least somewhat independently, if only so slightly. But now, the were completely stuck together. I also could move my hands, and also flex my fingers as much as I wanted. This time, they were completely immobile. Even if I could have gotten up, even if I had a pair of scissors directly in front of me, there was no way of using them. I was completely and utterly stuck, with no way of getting out on my own. Even my eyesight had been taken away.

I could talk, at least. The way my hands were stuck on my face, they barely covered my mouth. But that alone wouldn't do me any good, with everyone else being captured, too.

I promised myself to never again get on Neils bad side. He had, on his own, fought and won against three guys at once, two of which where either stronger or bigger than him. Three guys, tied up within maybe fifteen minutes, now helplessly bound and gagged. Four, if you counted Victor, someone who could normally take on three of us, maybe more. Neil had manipulated us, to help him fulfill his goal.

He was an evil geniuses in the making, only one trauma away from overthrowing a government, or something.

Neil had to be behind this game, I was sure of it now. He and Justin probably worked together, which would explain why his boyfriend had taken his captivity so well. Together, they might have the money for handcuffs and such a mask, maybe?

These thoughts went through my head very fast. Blood was rushing through my body, I felt scared, excited, terrified, ecstatic, and so much more. What would happen now, that he had won? Would we be tortured, during the whole night? Knowing that there was nothing to fear here, not really, I couldn't help but looking forward to what came next. I needed to know.

When Neil was finally done tying up my legs, he started to talk.

“Well, guys? Happy, now that you know that you shouldn't mess with me?”

I could nearly taste the glee in his voice, the pure joy of being in charge now. And, honestly, who wouldn't bathe in the feeling of having just won a battle against three other dudes? Every single one of us would have rubbed it in, as much as possible.

“Justin and I will have a very fun night. There will be no pity from us, after what you just tried to do. I'm curious to learn, how ticklish you all are.”

That didn't sound good. Not at all. Being tickled for a whole night? I started to struggle desperately, but had no luck. My arms and hands were useless, stuck together with my upper body to form a single whole. With only the light material of the shirt between my arms and body, they were basically stuck directly on top of each other. It was, as if my arms where just there to connect my face to my body.

I had more movement options in other ways, this time. And, due to my arms being in front of my body, neither my bonds nor my clothes were actually uncomfortable. But, knowing that I might be able to move, but my hands being absolutely useless, felt a bit horrifying.

But that was just how it was. Neil had won, and I would accept whatever he decided to do with this victory. As would our other friends. That's just how we rolled. No one here liked a sore loser, especially with a great prank like this.

What he said next, though, made it clear that I was still completely wrong.

“First, tell me where the keys are. One of you HAS to know! I want to free Justin and the others in the closet, so we can finally have some fun with you guys.”
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To be honest, I'm not sure if the physical stuff in this chapter is realistic enough. Maybe Eric would be able to react more quickly, or the bag wouldn't confuse him as much? I at least tried to test the stuff out (tugging on a tie should work as I described). But, if you had fun, feel free ignore this. That's more important, I think, than perfect realism. If anything is really, seriously inplausible, feel free to tell me. I do, after all, appreciate constructive feedback. ;)

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Post by The slave »

wow Neil looking really talented and demonic what is he waiting to take me prisoner too, I really did not expect it at all
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Post by gag1195 »

There's something to be said about animals trapped in a corner! Neil really proved himself as a strong competitor in this little game! But, now he's the only one left, but with no more answers to who is really responsible... The mystery continues! Hopefully Neil figures it out soon, or else I'm not sure he'll escape his own bondage fate! Whatever the outcome, I hope Alex and Victor get to spend some tied up time together!
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Post by harveygasson »

Regardless of how likely/accurate the stuff in the 'fight' would be, that was really cool! I'm looking forward to seeing the next chapter of this great story
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Post by bondagefreak »

[mention]FelixSH[/mention] Wonderful continuation again, my friend.

Man, I came here all hyped up about seeing Neil wrestled down and bound up by his friends, only for the guy to turn into a raging monster and defeat all three of his assailants! :lol: Awesome twist and great action sequence! Loving this every bit of the way 8-)

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Post by FelixSH »

Thanks a lot, guys. I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter, and I hope you will enjoy this one too.

Chapter 9: Torture

How was I supposed to react to this? I had no idea, where the keys went!

“Wait, you aren't behind this whole thing?” Well, I tried to say that, but the single strip of tape over my mouth got in the way, and I only produced light mumbling. As I found out, though, a single strip of tape isn't particularly useful as a gag. The tape that pressed my hands to my face might make me slightly less easy to understand, but didn't really restrict my ability to talk.

When I finally asked again, there was a bit of silence. I couldn't see him, of course, but I assumed that Neil was taken aback. “Stop lying! You have lost!” A note of sadistic glee appeared, when he continued. “Well, I guess I will start the fun part on my own, then.”

I could feel my socks being taken off, first the right one, then the left. Panic started to well up, I knew what was to come. But Neil had positioned himself on top of my legs, taking his sweet time.

“Please, stop. I'm not the killer, I swear! Come on, don't tickle me!”, I begged, unable to keep the stress out of my voice. Sure, I had accepted that I had lost. Neil could punish me now, in good sportsmanship. But I would still defend myself, as good as possible.

It started with a single stroke on my right foot. Light and swift. I twitched, grunting a bit. A second stroke, this time on my left foot. Another twitch.

“You like it? Don't worry, I'm just warming up. We will have a lot of fun, in the next few minutes.” The evil laughter that followed really tied his evil performance together. This was scary. I wanted out!

“I promise you, I have nothing to do with it. Really! I don't know anything more than you do. Please, don't tickle me, please!” I got desperate, starting to wriggle around, rotating my upper body right and left, but to no avail. Trying to free my legs was useless, they were nearly immobile. I must have looked pathetic, but didn't care. The torture scared me.

It was even worse, than in earlier experiences. I never knew when another attack was coming, or even on which foot. The dual attack on both feet at the same time were the worst, and drove me crazy. Neil knew exactly how to make the situation as torturous as possible, waiting long enough for me to hope that he was done, only to suddenly continue, fiercer than ever.

I wasn't even sure what was worse. When I was tickled, I just wanted it to stop. I lost control of my body, trying to move my body around, to rip my arms out of their tape prison to flail them around helplessly, my legs not able to move me to safety. My whole brain was focused on avoiding the attack, except that every trick of my body was useless. While being tickled, my whole reality was just this horrible sensation on my feet, that took control of everything. There was nothing but the tickling, pushing away all the rest.

But the breaks didn't help me relax, either. Even here, my reality was the torture I had to endure, only now there was the added dimensions of fear and hope. Fear of the next attack. Hope for this to have been the last one. And with the breaks only being short, there never was a moment were my thoughts weren't completely captured.

Torture or break, it was both just part of the very same thing that, for these minutes controlled my live and desires.

After what was probably not really that long, I did get a short break, but not for any reason I had expected. It made me hopeful at first, when Neil moved from my legs to my upper body, and unwrapped the tape around my head, until all of it was gone. I took off the strip that blindfolded me as soon as possible, even though it took some time – only my hands were free, my arms were still stuck.

My hope, gone as soon as it had come, was immediately squashed, as the now loose tape was reapplied to my hands. “Wait, what are you doing?”, I asked, watching helplessly, as my fingers vanished behind a cocoon of silver, before they were completely stuck together, in a praying position.

“Just making sure that the neighbors don't call the police. You make too much noise”, Neil said, ripping off the single strip that covered my mouth.

I didn't learn a single thing, from our battle with Victor. When I tried to protest, a sock was stuffed into my mouth. “Whannnggh!”, was all I could get out, the rest were just random sounds. A second sock followed, filling out my mouth more than enough. I even tried to use my tongue to get the gross stuff out, but there was so much material inside, that I had a hard time getting started.

It didn't help, that socks are a way rougher material than a tie, so this gag felt more uncomfortable than my first one. These were also obviously used socks, if not overly much so. I certainly could taste something gross on parts of them, maybe sweat, maybe dust. I couldn't tell.

Due to that, I fought myself, trying not to get my tongue away but towards the gag. It took too much time, though, and soon, the horrible sound of tape filled up the room. I felt the sticky stuff being applied to my head, again and again. I tried to fight it, with my taped-up hands, but that was, of course, pointless. There was no way for me to stop the gag.

“Aw, you look so cute. All dressed up, with an adorable bow tie, helplessly bound and gagged. Love the look, my friend, helplessness fits you really well.” Neil laughed, grinning his best Evil Overlord grin. “We will repeat that, with you in the very same position as now, promise.”

Good lord, I was in so much trouble. After what had just happened, I had no doubt that, if Neil wanted to tie me up again, he would get his way. The future looked bleak.

That said, a small part of me felt delighted. Most of me wanted to get out, but this little bit relished this situation. It wanted to be forced to dress up again, to be helplessly bound and gagged, to be tortured, without a way of defending myself. If Neil, too, dressed up again for it (he DID look gorgeous today), he wouldn't have to work hard.

I shook my head. What was wrong with me? Dumb lizard brain.

It felt like hours, before I finally got another break. I breathed out, when the attacks didn't continue after a few seconds. Finally, some peace.

But it didn't seem, like Neil had taken pity on me. Due to the tickling, I had not realized that there was movement around me. But now, I could see that Eric had positioned himself near the wall, trying to get up, with his hands still tied behind his back. To my surprise, his legs were free. Right, Neil never took the time to tie them up.

Unfortunately, our captor had realized Erics movement too early. Not that there was much chance, as Eric had to get up, get something sharp from the kitchen and had to use it to cut the tape that held his hands. All of that, without Neil realizing it. I mean, there was clearly a chance, with our captor seemingly a bit drunk with power. But, well, it hadn't worked out.

“Oh, no, you're not getting anywhere, my friend. But you seem bored, so, I'll play a bit with you instead” Neils eyes glowed, as he slowly moved towards my best friend.

Damn, this sucked. No matter what we tried, Neil was always one step ahead. How could we get out of this situation? I fought against my bonds, screamed into my gag, but in the end, I was helpless. There was nothing for me to do, but flop around helplessly. My hope of freedom, vanishing in front of my eyes, with me unable to do anything about it.

It was another intense moment, on a night full of those. Here, I was helpless, being tortured, with no way out. But right now, there was my friend, who could help me. Except that he was also being captured, soon to be as helpless as I was. The hope, flickering up for a second, was immediately blown out again. Watching Eric struggle, helplessly, as Neil grabbed him by the collar and dragged him back to me, felt a bit devastating.

Hunter must have felt even worse, when we came in and got captured, instead of freeing him.

“Dude, calm down and let us go. No one of us is responsible for the whole thing, I'm sure. Just, let us work this out together.”

Neil laughed. I would probably have reacted the same way. Eric was the very person, who had suggested to burn this bridge in the first place.

“So, you also don't want to cooperate. Well, one of you WILL, after I'm done with you guys.” Another laugh. Evil, but natural. Neil started to get really good with them. But then, this evening didn't seem to be the best for his sanity, which might play a part in his development.

Eric was forced to the ground. Despite his best efforts, with his hands tied behind his back, there was no way of defending himself in a useful way. He grunted all the way down, struggled and tried to get away, but it was futile. After some more wriggling around, he lay on his stomach, his legs now tied up, too.

To Neils disappointment, Eric wasn't ticklish. No matter how hard he tried, or where, there was nearly no result.

“What's up, Mr. Torture, having trouble back there?” Eric grinned, enjoying the knowledge of our captor getting more and more frustrated, as his work didn't pay off. I could see both, and I couldn't help grinning, under my gag, watching Neil starting to get angry. I exchanged looks with Eric, who obviously enjoyed the little victory.

After some time, Neil gave up, sighing. “Well, if this doesn't work, I'll just try something else.” He didn't even waste time with trying to push some socks into Erics mouth. Instead, he just applied a thorough tape gag, until the lower part of my best friends face was nothing more than a wall of silver.

“Ready?”, he asked? Eric didn't even try to open his mouth. His eyes said it all: “Bring it on.”

He soon stopped being so self-assured. Neil grabbed his nose, pressing it close. Eric soon realized what was happening, and seemed to try to press up his mouth, through the tape. But Neil simply put his other hand over the gag.

Eric tried to fight, to wait it out. But it was immediately obvious, that there was no way for him to do so, if he couldn't break free. I certainly couldn't help him. Despite watching in fascination, I was, again and again, trying to break out of my bonds, but to no avail. Helplessly rolling around was still all I could do.

My best friend soon started to look more and more desperate. He grunted into his gag, each grunt more helpless than the last one. Soon, he started to flop around, moving his head left and right, while his legs produced single twitches.

At one point, Neil even let him breath through the nose, but only for one or two seconds. As soon as Eric had breathed in and out again, the hand snapped his nose shut. Eric cried out in frustration, clearly needing more time, but there was none. And soon, his whole body started to move around like crazy. While begging with grunts, he moved his lower legs up and down, faster and faster. His upper body tried to move too, to get rid of his tormentor on his back. His head was shaking without a break, and soon, the silenced screams for mercy came constantly.

Only than did Neil take off his hands, allowing Eric to get some fresh air. My best friend, now, had closed his eyes, his head on the floor, just breathing. Heavily and deeply. I don't think, I had ever seen him this exhausted. He didn't move a single muscle, only his upper body expanded, and deflated again.

Neil, though, seemed delighted. I was more scared (and, if I'm honest with myself, more excited) than ever. Part of me wanted to change places with Eric. To live through the experience, of being unable to get fresh air. To thrash around, afraid to suffocate, completely at the mercy of someone else.

I feared Eric, but also wanted him to try me next. Come on, give him a break, and focus on me! Torture me more! Try to break me! My thoughts went crazy, and I should probably be happy, that I was gagged, unable to tell anyone about my crazy urges.

“Are you enjoying yourself, my friend? Ready to talk? Because, if not, we can play another round.” There was so much glee in that voice. It made me thirsty for Neils attention. At this point, I wasn't sure how much he cared for actually getting the keys. It seemed, like he was completely lost in the moment, enthralled by the prospect of dominating us. His eyes showed it all. He was in the zone, totally in the moment, lost to clear thought.

Which was probably his mistake. As suddenly, someone jumped him. Clumsily (the jump was more a horizontal push) but well enough, to throw Neil to the ground.

I needed a few seconds, before realizing what had happened. Our tormentor was lying on the floor, fighting against Hunter, who lay on his back. Hunters legs were still tied, but he had gotten rid of the tape that bound his hands.

Right, I remembered. Even from one room away, it had been clear that Hunter hadn't been tied particularly well, and that he would get out, eventually.

So, this was it. The reason for us to get free from Neils control was one, single mistake on his parts.

Neil fought, fiercely, but with the setup, he had no chance. This was a pure battle of strength and skill, and Neil brought neither. It wasn't hard for Hunter, putting him down and grabbing the tape. There was still a fight, as our captor struggled like crazy, and because his adversary was still somewhat restricted. But Neils position put him at a disadvantage, adding to the one he already had, due to being much weaker.

I felt equally relieved and disappointed. The crazy part in me wanted to be tortured further, to be denied breath and to be mercilessly tickled. I craved the desperation of the helpless. The chance was gone, and something inside me was very disappointed.

But the other part, the sane one, felt new joy. It wasn't over! We still had a chance! The battle against our mysterious foe would continue!

While listening to the frustrated complaints of Neil, I realized that Eric was watching me. He seemed to have recovered. Well, somewhat. He was still breathing relatively hard, but it wasn't the whole focus of his body, anymore.

We shared a grin. He was as happy as I was, to get one more chance. Gleefully, we watched Hunter tape up Neil, who had already stopped struggling. Still demanding to be let go, though.

“You know, I get you. I didn't really like the plan of tying you up”, Hunter said, while working on his captive. He shared our joy, his face was lit up. “But it's over. You lost.” Neil just grunted, frustrated.

Hunter stood still, for a few seconds. His look mellowed, and when he started talking again, his voice was calming. “You did a fucking good job, you know? I'm sure we were all completely caught off guard, by how great you defended yourself. I mean, we all know that I am stronger than you, and it didn't stop you. And that you captured all three of us is incredible.”

He closed his eyes, making one big breath, and added a huge sigh. His hand landed on his friends right shoulder. “I'm proud of you. I'm sure we all are. And I'm glad you are on our side.” With a sheepish grin, he added: “Most of the time, at least.”

And now, Neil had to grin, too. Even Victor could be heard laughing a bit, at the cheesy scene that had just played out.

This felt good. No matter what happened, in the end, we were just having fun. Winning or losing, being the torturer or the captive. It didn't matter. We just enjoyed our time together. An I was glad, that Neil seemed to have, finally, calmed down.


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Post by cj2125 »

Love how the tables keep turning in each chapter! The bright side is that everyone gets a chance going through the ropes!

Great addition! I like how even though things might get a little bit hardcore, these guys are clearly having fun!
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chapter always so incredible I love it
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Post by gag1195 »

I'm getting whiplash from these guys one-upping each other and escaping and imprisoning each other! (in the best way, btw) That was a great way to wrap up this chapter, too. It's easy to get carried away in the heat of the moment, especially when your boyfriend is locked and hooded and you're trying to figure everything out, so I'm glad Hunter was able to ease some tension. Even Victor, bagged and gagged as he is, is starting to enjoy himself.

now the question is, will Hunter release Alex or Eric... and of course, who is behind all of this!
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Post by FelixSH »

Thanks a lot, guys. I need a short(!) break, after this miniarc. But I think you can expect the next chapter within the next week.

Won't be a very long break, promise.

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