The Saint : Party Planning (M/F)

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The Saint : Party Planning (M/F)

Post by JohnnyRockets »

[one more from Bob's site. Minor editing, and title added]

Here's a true story that happened just last month. Everything in it really did happen. Every year we (my wife and I) sponsor a Halloween/scavenger hunt party. It all goes very well. The guests split up into teams and we (my friend and I who actually put the hunt together) have them drive all over town looking for clues in envelopes placed strategically around town. The first team to arrive with all the envelopes wins. This year however we decided to just have a house party. Although the scavenger hunts go well there is usually not enough time left at the end of the evening to socialize. So having decided this I get a call from my friend a few days later. He says that maybe we could play some games during the party. His idea gave me a perfect opportunity to try a game I read on the internet, probably off of one of these 'forum' pages.

The game entailed having couples line up opposite each other along a line. The object of the game was to move paper cups and plates, one at a time, from one end of the room to the other. The guys pick up a cup go to the line where the girls are, hand off the cup to their partner and she places the cup at the other end of the room. Then the guy goes back and picks up a plate, brings it to the girl and she starts stacking them cup-plate-cup-plate until the pile has been moved to her side. First couple done wins. Sounds simple, right? Here's how we make it more interesting. When everyone's set they do a count down. Just before the person running the game says 'go' he stops and says something like 'This is too easy' and decides to make it a little harder. Taking out blindfolds, he hands them to the girls and they're told to blindfold the guys. They line up again, count down then 'Stop!'. Still too easy. The person running the game takes out plastic tie-wraps, pre-looped. Hands them to the girls and says something like 'Girls, you know what these are for'. The person running the game asks the guys to hold out their hands (so the girls can tie their hands in front) and just before the first guy gets tied we stop the girls. 'This may be impossible for the guys, girls we're going to tie your hands instead' (or something to that effect). And just before he wraps the girls' hands we tell them to turn around and place their hands behind their backs. Anyway that's one of the games we were planning to play.

Here's where my opportunity comes in. My sister-in-law wasn't planning to come to the party. I got a hold of her and asked her to give me a hand with one of the games; that I needed her to try something for our party. I told her not to say anything to her sister, my wife, as she would be participating in the games. "No problem" was what she told me. So one night, my wife's at work, I needed to go make something for my costume at my sister in-laws house (her husband has a lot of wood working equipment). I take the kids with me to play with their cousin. I get there and do my thing (I really had something to do), then decide to add some software to her computer (trying to secure an area of the house where we won't be interrupted).

As it turned out the kids were everywhere, her husband (my brother-in-law) was home and I sort of gave up, thinking the opportunity wouldn't come up. I didn't mention the 'thing' I wanted her to do. It started to get late. I decided it was time to go (it is a 45 minute ride home) to get the kids home. As she gets off the phone (she'd been on it for 20 minutes) she asks me, "So what's this thing you want us to do?" meaning her and her husband. I told her I would only need her. "Okay what is it?" thinking I was going to try a riddle or something on her. "Well, we need a little room for this." I said. She suggested a couple of rooms in the house but with all the activity going around (kids running around, husband watching TV), I told her I didn't want the kids to see because they would be at the party and they would tell their mother and spoil the surprise. I finally came up with the 'shop' where I had done my thing earlier. "Okay." she said. "But first I need to get something from the van," I said and she gave me the 'what now' look. On my way out to the van I said, "Oh and do you have any paper cups?" She located some, I came back from getting my stuff and we proceeded to the work shop. Finally I get her in there and she's a little anxious and apprehensive, looking at my shopping bag.

Before I go any further let me describe my sister in-law to you. She's 38 years old, blond hair, 5'6" about and just lost a lot of weight slimming her waist down to 24-28 inches. She hadn't changed from work yet so she had on black leather pants (she's been wearing them a lot since she'd lost the weight and can now fit into them) and a black turtle-neck sweater. She isn't over stacked or anything but she was quite a nice little package now, oh and she is very good looking.

So now here we are. Finally. I explain the game to her and said that me and my friend tried this (I lied) and we ran into a few problems. I wanted her to try some things for me to get another opinion. Now comes the moment of truth. I pull out one of the tie-wraps and show it to her and told her my friend thought these would hurt after a little while. I said I was okay with it. Would she try it. She was saying something, I can't remember now but she was also holding out her hands. I kind of looked at them and I think she knew what I was going to say because she said, "Oh, you probably want my hands behind me right?" "Yea," I said, "only because that's the way the other girls will be." So she turned around and placed her hands behind her. I had to remember to keep cool about this, but here she was, no complaint no weird looks, just patiently waiting to be tied up. (There's a whole story about her and her sister discussing being tied up and how she [my sister in-law] didn't like it anymore. I had tied her up a couple of times when I was dating her sister, that's another story I might get into another time).

Anyway, I wrap the tie around her wrists and pull it real snug. "How's that?" I ask. "Move around, pull your arms apart...." et cetera. "It's a little tight," she said trying not to be a prude. "Well I don't want anyone getting out of them to cheat." I said. Then I said "Okay," taking the diagonal wire cutters to cut the tie-wrap off. "I brought some thinner ones also to try. I thought they might be more comfortable." She turns around again and brings her hands behind her. I put the tie wrap around her wrists again. "No," she says, "these are worse." And I cut them off also.

Next I pulled out a stocking, the type that only go up to their calves. "We had these left over from the summer _ _ _ _ _ _ picnic. Remember, for the three legged race?" I said. She did and I proceed to tie it loosely on her intentionally. I was going to draw this night out as long as I could. "Yea, these are good." she said. "Try and get out of them." I said. Of course she slips out of them easily. "Let me try it tighter." She complied by placing her hands behind her. I tie them real tight this time. She struggles a bit but slips out of them. "They're more comfortable, but I can still get out of them," she offered. "Okay let me try something else." This time I tie them and cinch them in the middle real tight. I ask her to struggle, she does but can't get out. "I can't get out of these," she said. I tell her to move around a bit, prolonging her bondage. After about twenty seconds I untie her.

"Now there's one more thing I want you to try," I said. "Okay," she said, not minding doing this one bit. I pull out some rope, about a two foot length. "I want to try this then I need you to do something." "Sure," she said turning around with her hands behind her. This I tie real snug and cinch it in the middle. Again I ask her to move about to see if she can escape. Of course she can't. She turns around and sees me pulling out more rope. Quickly I say, "I want to try something on you. We're going to tie my friend's wife a little better as a joke." Now I thought she might call off our little session but instead she smiles like she's in on it and says something like 'oh yea' or 'sure'. She turns around, without me even telling her to.

I begin to wrap the rope around her elbows. "Oh you're going to tie my elbows together." she said. I don't know what it is, but having a woman say something to me always turns my crank. Anyway here's what I did. I doubled the rope and wrapped it around her elbows threading the two loose ends through the loop caused by doubling the rope making a slip knot. Then I pulled on the loose ends to draw her elbows together. I pulled it until her elbows were about eight inches apart. "How's that?" I asked. "Okay." I pulled them in more. "And now?" "Okay." Then I bring them in to about four inches from each other. I could see this was her limit even though I had gotten them together for a short time when we were younger. "That's enough," she said. I wrapped the rest of the rope tightening it a little more due to the shortness of the rope. The rope was 1/4" thick and was wrapped only three times around her elbows and hands. She looked great! The white rope gave a perfect contrast to her black clothing. I let her move around a little bit getting used to the stringent tie.

"Now, do you think you could stay like that for ten or twenty minutes?" I asked. "Probably but not much longer. How big are the other girls?" she asked. "Some are over weight and you're right. Some probably couldn't get their hands together let alone their elbows." After a few seconds she says, "So what do you want me to do now?" I go get a cup. "I'm the blind folded guy okay?" She nods. "You've just talked me through getting the cup and we're at the line. Take this from me." She twists slightly and brings her bound hands around and grabs the cup. "Stop." I said after she has the cup. "Here's where I did things differently than my friend. I'll show you later. Remember, these guys are blind folded. They may not know you're tied up because they were blind folded before you got tied up. You'll have to tell them to lower the cup or something." I couldn't tell if she was following me. I personally didn't care, I was just stalling for time trying to keep her tied up as long as I could. With her arms pulled back and her breasts sticking out she was quite a sight. Anyway I stall some more then tell her to go and place the cup on the floor. She looked great trying to squat down to put the cup down. She couldn't do it. Then trying to be critical I said, "See, here is where I thought we needed a table." She agreed. So I had her place it on one of the work benches and she says, "Yea, much better." She was really helping me out here (Wink) and I told her so. Next I gave her a plate and I had a little fun watching her try to stack it. She laughed about it and I told her at least we got the desired effect.

"Okay," I said untying her, "here's what I did." I gave her the rope and turned around. Without missing a beat she proceeded to tie my hands behind me. "You want me to tie your elbows too?" she asked. "Sure," I said not really caring if she did or didn't. "Okay, hand me a cup," I said then picked it up with my teeth. I proceeded to place it on the floor. "See, it really looks funny when they try to place it on the floor. The only thing is their costumes. Some people may not be able to bend over." "Yea, you're right," she said then untied me.

We got to talking about the party and how to improve what we had done. While I was talking to her I absent-mindedly (not really but I made it look that way) picked up the rope I had tied her wrists up with, and moved toward her. While she was still talking she turned and placed her hands behind her to be tied. Neat hum. While carrying on the conversation I tied her wrists together tighter than before. Next I tied her elbows again, tighter and closer than the last time. She never asked why I was doing it she just let me do it. I talked to her like that for a while. Then a little later I say, "Okay you can go now," while she was still tied. "Oh right," she said chuckling. I untied her and we went back into the house, said our good byes and left. I don't know if she told her husband not that I was trying to hide anything. We never did get to that game during the party though. Now that I know I can talk her into this sort of thing I'm going to wait a while and try to scam something else.

The Saint