The Ransom (mm/m)

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The Ransom (mm/m)

Post by cj2125 »

The boy walked down the empty street, his brown hair still wet after taking a shower at the locker rooms. His backpack hanging from his shoulder, the sleeve of his soccer shirt poking from a side; earphones plugged inside his ears blasting music at top volume. His mother always warned him that he would turn deaf but he didn’t listen, little did he know that hearing music so loud while walking down the street had other disadvantages, for once, he might have heard the footsteps of the people following him.

Dylan didn’t realize the danger he was in until it was too late. An arm wrapped around his neck startling him. Instinctively the twelve-year old boy opened his mouth to scream but his attacker was waiting for it for a sock was quickly shoved inside while another pair of hands pressed a strip of silver tape over is lips.

Suddenly, everything went dark. His head was shoved inside a sack, tape quickly wrapped around his eyes to keep that cloth in place. Despite being unable to see, Dylan did try to put up a fight but only managed to aimlessly flail his hands prompting his assailants to laugh out loud (the earphones had fallen long ago with the struggle). His hands were pulled behind his back and he heard the sound of tape being ripped off before feeling it being wrapped around his wrists. He writhed his wrists trying to break the tape but it was too snug, pulling painfully at his hair whenever he struggled.

Satisfied with their work, the attackers shoved him forwards ordering him to walk, of course Dylan refused but had to reconsidered when they threatened to carry him on a stick like a captured prey. It was hard walking blindfolded, each step he gave was accompanied by the fear that he might tripped over or crash against something, the fact that they stepped out of the paved road didn’t assuaged his fears, but his captors did a good job leading him, warning him of any obstacle he might find.

At least there were two factors that made him less scared that he would reasonably have been. First was his captor voice, even though there were more than one, only one of them had spoken. His voice was oddly familiar, young sounding, and his matter of speech told Dylan that he wasn’t an adult. The second factor was that they were making him walk. If they had been real kidnappers he would have been carried into a van long ago. That meant that most likely he was being victim of a nasty prank… at least that was what he hoped.
The walk was uneventful, they made him stop a few times to make sure the coast was clear and he was sure they crossed a street twice. Eventually, after making him stop, he heard a door opened and they shoved him inside, warning him in time of the upcoming stairs.

That was probably the hardest part but once more his captors made sure he wouldn’t trip over. “Welcome to your new home” said the talkative kidnapper shoving him against a concrete wall. The other guy pulled his wrists backwards and unceremoniously ripped the tape off, ignoring the pained whimpers that escape Dylan’s gagged mouth “Okay Dylan” he wasn’t surprised they knew his name “We need you to strip down to your undies!”
What? There was no way he was stripping for those perverts and he made it perfectly sure to let them know it. There was no way he was taking off his clothes!

“Do it or we will do it for you, and we might not stop at your underwear” the captor threatened. Dylan had to agree that was a convincing argument and reluctantly pulled his green t-shirt off, then nervously he unzipped his jeans and pulled them down. When they got stuck on his ankles, he had to awkwardly sit down and remove his shoes too. “The socks too since you are at it”

The boy stood in the middle of the room in nothing but his blue boxer-briefs, arms crossed over his chest defensively, one foot stepping over the other trying to avoid the cold floor. The sack overs his head hid his bright red face from his captors. Dylan was well aware of his popularity with the girls and his developing athletic body which he usually was more than willing to flaunt them but this time he suddenly felt extremely subconscious of his body, perhaps because he was the only one undressed or perhaps because he was at the mercy of those weirdos
“Put this on o” he let out a sigh of relief as he was handed what felt like a pair of cotton shorts, glad that he wouldn’t have to be tied up half naked. He didn’t lose time and put them on, having the feeling that they belonged to his soccer uniform. “Okay kiddo, ready to be tied again?”

He wasn’t ready! Unfortunately, it seemed his captors didn’t care about his opinion at all. He was expecting to have his hands tied behind his back so once can imagine his surprise when they told him to put his hands together in front of him. He did it and felt a rope wrapped around his left wrists, once it was tied, it wrapped around his right one handcuff-like, except this time there was plenty of space between his wrists. Dylan was confident he could easily maneuver his way out of that.

“Okay Dylan, we need you to pull your arms back as much as you can” the boy cocked his head confused by that request but nevertheless complied, bending his elbows and pulling them back until the rope connecting his wrists was pressed against his stomach. Suddenly he felt a wooden stick entering through the space between his right elbow and his torso, exciting through his left elbow

“Whht thm hmgg?” his arms were stuck in that position; the rope pushed his chest backwards but the stick pushed his back forwards

“Don’t struggle or you’ll make it worst” the other captor finally spoke; his voice was even more familiar than the first one. He felt a hand pressing down on his shoulder forcing him to get on his knees, feet under his butt. Ropes were tied around each thigh, linking them to their respective legs forcing his lower limbs to remain bended over.
“Sorry that it had to come to this kiddo” said the first captor “But we’ll let you go as soon as Tommy pays the ransom”

“Tom? What on earth did he had to do with this…” then Dylan realized why the voices seemed so familiar! His suspicions were confirmed when the bag was pulled from his head. Once his eyes adjusted to the light he immediately recognized the blond-haired teenager in front of him but he had little time to ponder for his friend came back carrying a large bucket of water

“Ever heard of the ice bucket challenge?” the other boy grinned, dropping the bucket besides their bound captive. Dylan’s eyes opened wide and he started shaking his head, nervously letting soft, muffled pleas

“Hello brother!” Rick announced recording with his phone “You took something from me and thought you could blackmail me? Well, two can play the same game!” he aimed the camera at Dylan. The boy instinctively started screaming through his gag “Well, we are going to have so much fun with him, right Peter?” the other teenager nodded and picked up the bucket. Dylan struggled with renewed energy, violently shaking his head and trying uselessly to scoop away but he wasn’t able to stop Peter from dropping the ice-cold water on him
“HHHHHHHHHHHGGGGG!” There shouldn’t be anyone in the house for his scream must surely had warned its occupants of what was going on.

“And this is the beginning Tommy, so I advise you to come as quickly as you can or else… well, we have plenty of more games planned for Dylan!”

The poor kid was shivering, dripping wet and couching, yet when he heard that there was more to come, he immediately started shaking his head and begging at the camera, he didn’t want to find what those other games were

“And cut!” Rick pulled back is phone and sent the video “Well, hope this gets Tom’s attention” he hummed “and don’t worry Dylan, as long as my brother doesn’t take too long to respond you should be fine” Dylan didn’t like his odds

“I hate to do this kid” said Peter wiping Dylan’s wet hair from his eyes “but Tom did something really low to his brother and made himself untouchable, so you were the only way to get him” Dylan had to agree with the logic of their plan, that didn’t mean he was okay to being the hostage and he certainly was going to kill Tom once this was over

“Speaking of the devil!” Rick smiled receiving a message that Dylan assumed was from Tom and he motioned Peter to follow him out of the room.

Dylan wasn’t happy, the pressure the stick was exerting was staring to hurt his arms and his legs were getting numb, not to mention he was cold and wet, he didn’t dare moving, being well aware of the perilous position he was in; falling on his side with that stick bulging out was certainly going to make worse his situation.
He could barely move at all, the ropes were digging in his skin, the stick was scratching his arms and the water hadn’t managed to loosen the glue from the tape so his efforts to push the cloth out with his tongue proved to be fruitless

At least his captors didn’t torture him further, the dropped by from time to time to check on him but mostly left him on his own. It didn’t help reduce his desire for revenge on them and on his stupid best friend though, in fact, with little to keep his mind busy on, his anger only grew even more, focusing more and more on Tom, that stupid kid who got him into this mess on the first place.

“Good news!” Peter pulled him out of his thoughts “The ransom has been paid!” Rick was holding a shoe box in his hands, Dylan seriously hoped the ransom hadn’t been just a pair of shoes “So you can go now!” the three stayed in silence, staring at each other for almost a minute “Didn’t you heard me? Get out!”

Was he being serious? Dylan looked at them blankly and then looked down at his bound legs, slight shaking them from side to side “Oh right!” Rick shoved him forwards, making him fall face flat on the hard floor. Ignoring his grunts, Rick untied his thighs, smirking at the moans of relief Dylan gave as he was finally able to stretch his legs
The boy remained face down on the floor, waiting for them to untie his arms but they didn’t seem to be in a hurry to do so “What’s the problem?” Rick finally asked

“Mn hrmf hrm ftnll tnmd”


“Mn hrmf hrm ftnll tnmd!” he growled getting impatient

“I think he wants us to untie his arms” Peter suggest, Dylan quickly nodded

“Nah! I don’t feel like it, you don’t need your arms to get out” Rick lazily pulled his arms behind his head. Dylan didn’t move and kept glaring at them

“I think he doesn’t want to go” said Peter picking up the ropes “I bet he wants to find out what other games we had planned for him!” the thought of getting dragged back into that mess was enough to make Dylan scramble back up on his feet and hurried to the stairs “Com back soon!” Peter hummed

Dylan cringed, the only way he was coming back was if they kidnap him again. The boy made his way up the stairs and after some maneuver, managed to open the door and step outside the house backyard, running head on into a small pink-haired boy holding Dylan’s backpack

“Dylan… how are you?” Tom asked sheepishly, Dylan straightened up as much as he bindings allowed and unleashed all his built-up fury into a single glare that made Tom cowl “Yeah, I’m sorry!” the other boy hurried to untie his friend “I didn’t expect them to go after you! I came as soon as I got their message!” he added removing the stick. Dylan’s anger was so great that he didn’t even sighed in relief once he was able to straighten his arms.

Despite Tom’s repeated apologies, Dylan refused to utter a word, not even when the tape was removed from his mouth. “Come on Dylan! I said I’m sorry!” Tom nervously looked as his friend as he rummaged through his backpack. Dylan silently put on his t-shirt followed by his socks and shoes, ignoring his wet shorts, he swung his backpack over his shoulder and started walking away

“Dylan! At least yell at me! Or punch me!” Tom ran after him “Talk to me dude! Please! Just tell me what I have to do so you can forgive me! I’ll do anything!”

Dylan stopped abruptly and turned around, his expression had softened but the anger was still palpable “Anything?”

“Is this really necessary?” Tom asked nervously fidgeting at the ropes. He was kneeling on the floor of Dylan’s wooden deck clad only in his brown swimming trunks. Dylan hadn’t so much experience with ropes so he resorted to a simple hogtie for Tom “Isn’t the fact that I’m willing to do it enough?”

“No” said Dylan bluntly dropping the large bucket of water besides his friend “But now that I think about it, this will get noisy”

Tom watched in horror as Dylan removed one of his shoes and pulled off his sock, balling it up “No way! If you think I’ll let you put that thing in my mouth you are-” a glare from Dylan made Tom shut up and open his mouth, reluctantly receiving the dirty sock inside, the taste was terrible but he knew that was the least of his problems.

Dylan picked up the bucket and without further warning, poured its content on his bound friend. Tom shrieked and squirmed, falling on his side and trashing madly. Dylan had wanted this to be as solemn as possible but he couldn’t hold back the laughter upon seeing his friend wiggling on the floor, he looked like a fish out o water splashing on a puddle

Tom finally stopped struggling and calmed down enough to notice Dylan was laughing, taking it as a good sign and dared to spit out the sock “So are we good now?” he asked sheepishly

Dylan crouched besides him and ruffled his wet hair “Not yet, there is one more thing I need you to do…” Tom’s smile was replaced by frown and his tensed his body nervously anticipating what else he was going to make him go through “help me get revenge on those assholes”

His smile returned to his face, larger than ever and he nodded without a second thought “That is something I’m more than happy to do”
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Post by Michael-Colin »

Revenge is a dish best served with rope, tape and socks. :)
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Post by Xtc »

OK. Good pace and, ultimtely, good fun. Thanks for this.

May I repectfully suggest a bit of checking? The tale is a good one and it would pay dividends.

Write on, Brother.
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Post by drawscore »

Very good! An easy "A." There are a few things I would have changed, but nothing of any great importance. I guess we all have our different ways of doing things.

Looking forward to more.

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Post by Veracity »

I really enjoyed this one. Thanks!
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Post by harveygasson »

Nice to see the brothers including some of their friends in their plans. Always good to get some help haha
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Post by WAMGuy »

Loved it! It'd be great to see more with these characters!
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Post by bondagefreak »

Loved the way Tom got a taste of his buddy Dylan's sock! 8-)
Well done.

Only thing missing here is an indication of the sexes involved (m/m) in the story title.

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Post by Xtc »

bondagefreak wrote: 6 years ago
Only thing missing here is an indication of the sexes involved (m/m) in the story title.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by cj2125 »

Xtc wrote: 6 years ago
bondagefreak wrote: 6 years ago
Only thing missing here is an indication of the sexes involved (m/m) in the story title.

Oops! I could have sworn I put (m/m) on the title, sorry about that and thanks xtc for taking care of it!
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Post by TightropesEU »

Well written. Very exciting
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Post by LK3869 »

Hadn't seen that one. The beginning plays effectively with readers expectations and there's one of your "net generation kids" touch. Wonder what the ransom was, tho :)
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