I annoyed my parents (FM/m)

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I annoyed my parents (FM/m)

Post by Gil »

Hello everyone, here is the promised story from the last vote. This time I'm leaving out the vote. Just write me personally or in the comments if you want more votes or rather not. A big thank you to everyone who voted :).Here is the story:

It was about 3 weeks after the event with Andrew, Lucy, and me, where she tied us up. It was Wednesday, 4 p.m. and no one had time. Andrew had an appointment, as did Jean. My siblings were also at friends' houses. Nothing good was on TV either, and I didn't feel like playing. So I hung out in the living room. My parents were there, too. My father had an early shift and was already home.

"I'm bored." I said to them.
"Well, play something." My mother said.
"Nah, don't feel like it." I replied.
"Do you want to go outside?" My father asked.
"Nah, me neither," I said.
"Wanna study?" My mother asked with a sarcastic undertone.
"Haha, funny joke, mum." I grinned.
"Well then, I don't know." Said my mom, already slightly annoyed. "Just keep watching the DVD with us then."

A boring movie was on. A love movie. I started wiggling my legs, whistling, and tapping the sofa with the flat of my hand. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that my parents were already slightly annoyed. Nevertheless, I kept going. After about 10 minutes, my parents whispered something that I didn't understand. I started making more noises. After another 5 minutes, my mom stood up.

"Okay, that’s enough, Kyle." She said and left the living room.
I heard her walking upstairs. I didn't react any further. After about 10 minutes, she came back downstairs to us. I just noticed something orange land on my lap. It was my fox costume from my crate. It looked like this one, only for my age:
https://images.halloweencostumes.eu/pro ... ostume.jpg
I turned around to face my mother. There was a wooden chair right next to her, and it felt like all the ropes I owned were on the floor.

"Who are you going to tie up, Mom? An elephant?" I asked ironically, because of all the ropes.
"So you can stop fidgeting and we can watch the movie in peace. You love it and we have our peace. It's a win-win situation. So get changed, use the toilet, and then come back." she ordered.

I grabbed the costume and headed to the bathroom. Once there, I stripped down to my underwear. Then I used the toilet. Then I put on the costume, zipped up the back, and put the hood on my head. I left the bathroom and went back to the living room. My mother was standing next to the chair and my father, too. The movie was on pause.

"All right, my little fox. Stand here in front of us, put your hands in your mittens and then cross them behind your back." My mother said.

I did as my mother asked. The mittens were well padded and nice and warm. My mother took a 5-yard rope, took the middle of it, and tied it around my hands. Always alternating horizontally and vertically. In the end, she knotted it together over my hands. So that I could not reach it. While my mother tied my hands, my father worked on my feet. With a 10-yard long rope, he tied my feet together. In the end, he passed the rope between my legs 4 times and tied a knot. This way I could not wriggle out with my feet. Still, I had no chance to escape. My mother also took a 10-yard rope and started to wrap it around my upper body. First, a few times around my body until almost all of it was used up. Then she wrapped it between my left arm and my upper body, just as my father had done with my feet. She did the same between my right arm and my torso. I tested the restraints on my upper body. As hard as I tried, I couldn't get out of them. Being tied up like this was new to me. Then my mother took another 10-yard rope and did the same thing again, only above my elbows. Meanwhile, my father tied up my knees. Above with a 10-yard rope and below with a 10-yard rope, just as he did with my feet. This tied my legs very well and tightly. My mother, meanwhile, had finished over my upper arms. But she took another 10-yard rope and wrapped it around my waist, and with it my hands to my body so I couldn't stretch them back. The last piece she tied to my hands. I tried to stretch my hands away from my body, but no chance. Still, I kept trying. My parents watched my attempt with amusement.

"Don't worry about it, honey. You won't get out of this alone in a hundred years. As I said, we have some experience at this as kids and as adults, too." My mother grinned at me.
"I know. I still wanted to test it out to see what was possible and what wasn't. I realize nothing is possible, haha." I laughed.

I looked down at myself. I saw that by now there was almost more rope than there was of the fox costume.

"Well, sit on the chair, please." Said my father, grinning as well.

I did as he said. I sat down on the chair. My mother took one of the long ropes. A 25-yard rope and started to wrap it around my upper body to tie it to the chair. Meanwhile, my father took a 5-yard rope and tied it around my feet a few times. Then he pulled the rope back so that my legs were bent back and stretched. Then he tied the rest of the rope to the back of the chair. Now I couldn't move my legs at all. The soles of my feet were pointing backward. In the meantime, my mother had wrapped the rope completely around my torso and knotted it off. My upper body looked mummified now. My parents took a step back and looked at "their work".

"Almost perfect. There's just one little thing missing." My father said.
I knew what he meant, of course. The gag. My mother approached me with the inflatable gag. She took off the hood of the costume, put the not yet inflated balloon in my mouth, and fastened the strap behind my head. Then my mother pumped up the gag until my mouth was filled. Then she disconnected the tube from it and put it on the table. Then she put the hood back on my head. The restraints were tight but didn't hurt me. My parents knew exactly what they were doing.

"What do you think, do we need this, too?" My dad wanted to know as he held up a roll of tape.
"MPPHHH." I shook my head.
"Nah, we don't need that. Kyle's got a point there. He's gagged and tied up so well, he won't bother us during the movie." My Mom grinned.

My dad picked me up with the chair and sat me down next to the sofa. My parents sat down next to me and turned the DVD back on. The movie lasted about 2 hours and 30 minutes and only 30 minutes had passed. I could imagine how long I would be tied up at least.

I watched the movie even though I found it boring. But after about half an hour I was bored, although I enjoyed being tied up. I decided to make a few more attempts to free myself, even though I knew it was pointless. So I started to move around. Of course, my parents noticed and watched me for a while. After about 5 minutes, I guess it was enough for my parents.

"Kyle, look to your right." My dad said.
I did and saw the pile of ropes still on the ground. I looked back. My dad just winked at me. I knew exactly what that meant. They wouldn't be afraid to use anything. I mean, they've already used almost 100 yards on me. But that wouldn't stop them.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Said my father and walked out of the living room. After two minutes, he came back with a camera.
"For your album." He said and took a few pictures.
He showed them to me. I looked well tied up. And with the costume cute in a way. He sat back down and we continued watching the movie together.

Time passed and we barely moved. I was interested in getting tied up with the rest of the ropes, but I didn't risk it this time. The movie was boring for me. I mean, I was 13 at the time, but I just enjoyed being tied up. Nothing special happens during the movie.

By the time the movie was over, I had been tied up for two hours. But my parents didn't make any move to untie me yet. My father got up and went to the kitchen. He was going to prepare dinner. It was already 7 o'clock by now. But my mother stayed with me.

"And everything still good, Kyle?" She wanted to know.
"MMPPHHH." I nodded my head.
"Good, then you're ready for it now." She replied and started tickling me.
"MMMPPPHHH MMMPPPHH MMMMMMMPPPHHH." I laughed into my gag. My laughter was very muffled though. I tried to squirm away somehow, but it was impossible because of the tight restraints. This went on for about half an hour. From time to time I looked at my mother. She was having fun.

My father came to get us for dinner. He carried me into the kitchen and sat me down at the table where my plate was already. There was soup. My mother deflated the gag, took off my hood, and took out the gag. My mother fed me while they left me tied up. While we were eating, my siblings came home at the same time and joined us in the kitchen.

"Ah, I see you guys had a fun day haha." My brother said when he saw me.
"Well. Kyle interrupted us by watching a movie. So we had no choice." My mom replied.
"Well, I guess I wouldn't have done it any other way." My sister added with a grin.

My sister and brother then went to their rooms. When we finished eating, my mother gagged me again as before.

"MMPPPHHH?" I looked at her questioningly, thinking I was being untied.
"No, you stay like that for a while." She winked at me.

My dad picked me up, but this time he carried me to my room. He placed me in the middle of my room and turned on the TV.
"Enjoy your downtime, honey. This way you can't disturb anyone." He grinned and left me alone.

It was half-past eight by now and I had been tied up for about three and a half hours. I was watching television. After about half an hour, my brother came into my room.

"You like being tied up like no one else." He said to me.
"MPPHH, MPPHH MPPH?" I wanted to know what he wanted.
"Well good for me. I can tease you better that way. As a little payback for the Escape Room." He said with a cheeky undertone.
"MMPPPHHH?" I snapped my eyes open.

My brother was walking towards me. He started tickling my feet. I wiggled back and forth in my bonds and laughed into my gag. After a short time, he stopped and began tugging on the side of my belly between the ropes. I continued to wriggle in my bonds, but I didn't have much room to move. After that, he did something unpleasant. He held my nose. I opened my eyes. And looked at him in panic. After a few seconds, he let go. I took a deep breath.

"MMMMMPPPPHHHHHHHHH!", I screamed at him with an evil look.
"What, again? Okay!". He said with an evil grin and held my nose again. He repeated this for a total of about 10 minutes and then let it go. He stood up and walked to the door.

"As a little payback for the Escape Room, that's enough for now." He winked at me.
"MMMPPPHHH." I screamed at him and gave him an evil look, again.
"Mum and Dad will untie you yet, little fox brother." He grinned at me and then left the room.

I had my peace again. But after a few minutes, the door opened again. This time it was my parents.
"Okay, honey. It’s Time to untie you." Said, my father.

They both came over to me and started untying the ropes. My father untied the rope that connected my legs to the chair. Meanwhile, my mother untied the rope that was holding my upper body to the chair. Then I stood up and my parents proceeded to free me. My father untied my legs and my mother untied my upper body and my hands. After a total of 15 minutes, I was free and my gag was also gone. I stretched and yawned once.

"Was it that boring?" My father wanted to know while smiling.
"No, no. Definitely not, it was great." I said to them." Well, until Steve came along and started teasing me. As revenge for the Escape Room." I added.
"I hope it wasn't too bad, but that's what can happen when you get tied up." My mother said. "So, now go change and get ready for bed. We'll put everything away then." She added.

I took my pajama and went into the bathroom. I took off the costume and went into the shower. Then I brushed my teeth and put on my pajama. I went back to my room. The ropes were put away, as was the chair. I put the costume in the crate, turned out the light, and lay down in my bed. I thought about the day. The day was really great, even if my brother annoyed me. Shortly after, I fell asleep happily.

The End

I hope you like my story 😊.

If you have an idea for a scenario or costume, just post it in the comments or private message me, and I’ll try to incorporate it into the stories as best I can and I will link you. Thank you 😊.

My DeviantArt Account: https://www.deviantart.com/gil115
My TuGstories Account: https://tugstories.com/memberlist.php?m ... file&u=272
Last edited by Gil 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Nathaniel1998 »

What I’d do for this to happen to me 😂
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Post by Killua »

That's another nice and cute story. I guess the parents found a good way to keep their son out of the way for some time. They should do this way more often :lol:
He probably was a bit scared when his brother held his nose, but it's a nice little payback.
Last edited by Killua 2 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Gil »

thank you two very much for your comments :) Win Win situation for both sides :D
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Post by BoudBoy22 »

I really want more stories like this one. I loved it
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Tights tights tights
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Post by Tights tights tights »

That's one way for parents to keep their kids quiet 🤣
HHHMMMPP mmnnpph mmpph nnnpph hmm hmmm mmmnnn hhhmmhhpp
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Post by Gil »

Thank you very much for your positive comments :) i really appreciate them :)
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Post by tedbangor »

Loved this.

So sweet and yet so many parents must be tempted to do this for some peace and quiet.

Surely can't be a one off. Now they know how to keep him out of their way. (hint-hint!)
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Post by Gil »

tedbangor wrote: 2 years ago Loved this.

So sweet and yet so many parents must be tempted to do this for some peace and quiet.

Surely can't be a one off. Now they know how to keep him out of their way. (hint-hint!)
yeah, thank you for the hint ;)
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