Re: School's Out (m/mm) - Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & Epilogue

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Re: School's Out (m/mm) - Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & Epilogue

Post by GMen »

In honor of [mention]fratboydanny[/mention] returning from his self-imposed exile, I thought I'd do something that was a bit of a sequel, sort of, to "His Biggest Fan." I hit a bit of a dead-end in that story, hence the abrupt twist ending that came out of nowhere.

Danny from HBF is the same character here and the character of "Todd" is taken from the protagonist of HBF, although there are some differences. The role of "Josh" doesn't carry with it any physical description or the like since he's really only a vehicle character to bring the two characters from HBF back together, although now suffering the same fate.

Of course, any story featuring a character based off of Danny means it'll have nets, chloroform, rope, tape, gags, and plenty of socks. I say the character is based off him because in truth, Danny would never be so stupid as to use the same username for everything. If he did, he would've found himself in this predicament years ago!

School's Out

It’s always foolish to utilize the same username for your various exploits online; a simple Google search allows someone to track down your memberships at any number of websites and forums. Danny had become so used to his old username from college that he seldom used anything else. Fratboydanny was his e-mail address, his multiple social media accounts, and of course, his name on Tugstories. It didn’t matter that he was ten years out of college, he was then and now a proud fraternity brother; he never thought twice about entering his email in the spreadsheet for the teachers to stay in contact over the summer. 

This was his first year in the school district and hadn’t really come to know many of his colleagues who taught in other departments; a casual chat here and there on staff development days was the entire culmination of his interactions with them. His colleagues seemed nice enough, although most of them were what he’d consider to be old-timers and lifers - teachers who had been in the school for more than ten years and who were expected to be there another ten or even twenty years before they retired. The high retention rate meant precious few new teachers came through the rotation. In fact, Danny was one of only three new hires in the entire high school. 

The other two were Katie, an art teacher, and Josh, who taught biology. Katie was fresh out of college, a quick hire to cover when the usual teacher went into premature labor three days before classes began. Josh was Danny’s age and had been on the shortlist for a position for three years, using the intervening years teaching in a neighboring district. When the call came, he gladly accepted the position - it paid better and was an easier commute. Because they entered the district together, Katie and Josh were the only two non-history teachers Danny spoke to on a regular basis in the break room. 

They seemed to share a lot with one another but Josh couldn’t have contemplated what he would inadvertently discover just days before school ended. Receiving the spreadsheet that was sent around by the union representative, he was first amused at Danny’s email address; it seemed way too goofy to be real. So he decided to do some checking. He plugged it into Google. Only a handful of results popped up, including a link to a post on a forum titled “Adventures in Babysitting.” The forum was called “Stories Tie Up Games.” He read through the post, figuring this was someone else. The only major detail he could ascertain was this Danny who wrote this was a baseball player in high school. While that confirmed with his Danny, that certainly wasn’t enough to provide concrete evidence that it was the same person. 

There were more than 90 forum posts attributed to fratboydanny and Josh started sifting through each one. Seemingly with each one, another detail matched with the Danny he came come to know for the past year, including the same age and a telling comment about having similar facial features of Zac Efron. The last bit had been part of a lengthy discussion the three teachers had one afternoon, with Danny insistent he looked like the actor. Katie saw it a little bit, but Josh didn’t see the resemblance at all. Nevertheless, Danny was adamant. It wasn’t until Josh sifted through the archives of the chatroom where Danny said there would be no photos of him on the forum, citing his employment as a teacher. That was it. Part of Josh couldn’t believe what he had stumbled upon. Post after post about bondage, socks, kidnaps; it was an entirely different side to Danny than he ever thought imaginable. Josh on the other hand was relatively tame, boring some might say, when it came to sex and all the elements associated with it. He certainly didn’t partake in bondage. And socks? What’s that about? As he sat there bewildered, he kicked off his shoes and gave a hard stare down at his socked feet. After a minute or so, he wiggled his toes a bit before returning to the computer screen with a Cheshire cat grin across his face. He began plotting.

It’s a common misconception that the final day of school is the last day of classes. Not for teachers. They’re usually stuck having to come in at least one or two days after the finality of classes to clean out their classrooms in the event that they’re assigned new ones in the Fall. On what was the final day for teachers to close up, Josh stopped by his friend’s house to pick up his 1997 white Chevrolet van. He explained that he’d be using it to fill up with boxes of old equipment from the science lab to dispose at the local dump and was handed the keys with no questions asked. He put his black gym bag on the passenger seat and made his way to the high school. There were two parking lots across the campus, one was used almost exclusively for the science and math teachers as it was closest to the entrance of their building, while the rest used the longer parking lot on the opposite side of the campus that had easier access to the remaining buildings. Josh drove down the long parking lot, pulling into a spot far beyond the last parked car he passed. Now all he needed was the victim. 

He had taken great effort into planning this for his friend. He could’ve overpowered him at any point, it really wouldn’t have been too much trouble, but he wanted to provide more…he wanted to provide an experience. 

He put the van in park and turned the ignition off. His gave himself one quick glance in the rearview mirror, his babyface smile not giving off a hint of deviousness. Neither did his attire. A navy blue t-shirt with a logo on it and dark blue jeans. Under the jeans, a pair of black Under Armor OTC socks with a thick gray stripe across the center of the foot; they would come in handy during this excursion. As an added bonus, he had on his pair of gray Adidas XPLR sneakers. He bought them months ago, but had worn them only a few times; they still looked brand new. 

Rather than walk through the front entrance, he walked into the closest building that was used for the arts and business departments. He casually strolled through the halls, occasionally passing one of his colleagues as they threw out various things in the big garbage cans that littered the center of the hallway. As he walked, he was taking a mental inventory of who was left in the area and whether he needed to delay his plan for a bit to ensure the least amount of potential witnesses. He turned the corner and headed down the longer hallway the connected all the remaining buildings. A left at the intersection and he was in the history building. Thankfully all of the first floor classrooms were closed and dark; the teachers must’ve cleaned out the day before, he deduced. He walked up the first flight of stairs where a bevy of activity was in progress. Teachers were shouting through the walls to each other about what mounted maps each of them needed for their Fall classes and there were some intense negotiations about the fate of the post World War I map of Europe. Josh just shook his head before taking the next flight up to the top floor. There were only three classrooms on the third floor, but only one had their door open and lights on. Josh craned his neck through the doorframe just as Danny threw a whole pile of white paper in his trash bin. Looking up at his visitor, he put his index finger to his lips. 

“Shh…Those were some old essays from the first semester I forgot to give back to the kids. Whoops.” 

“Your secret’s safe with me,” Josh said as he walked in, the Cheshire cat grin emerging yet again. “Your colleagues below you are bartering their first born for a bunch of maps, in case you wanted to get in on the action.”

Danny rolled his eyes. “They don’t make those wall mounted ones anymore. They haven’t for more than 20 years. They’re as ancient as the teachers who use ‘em,” he said. “In this day and age of computers, I take a hi-res map of the battle of Gettysburg and with animations and the like, I make my students feel like they’re on the battlefield next to General Pickett in 1863.” 

“Ah, if only I could do something like that for the kids who don’t want to cut up a frog.” 

“You probably could,” Danny said before Josh waved him off. “I know, I know. But they don’t learn the real biology that way. Gotta get up close and personal with it.” 

“So what brings you to my side of the world?” Danny asked, unsure how a science teacher wandered their way into the remote part of the campus. 

“Just seeing if you were still around to wish you happy trails on the summer and congratulate you on completing your first year at Memorial,” Josh responded.

“And you too, my friend. We survived year 1. Just…” he began counting his fingers. “A heck of a lot more years to go.” 

“I hear ya. Could be worse. Kids could be morons.”

“You mustn’t have had any of my students then.”

They continued to chat for a few minutes, mostly comparing war stories about the year and giving ample warning regarding the trouble kids. Josh consciously swayed the conversation to the summer plans, with Danny revealing no major plans until after July 4. Even better was the revelation that he cleared the rest of the week to do absolutely nothing but recharge his energy. No plans and no one intent on bothering him. A perfect situation if one was going to be held for awhile.

The conversation wound down as Danny finished his cleaning and loaded his backpack with miscellaneous papers. “You headed out now?” Josh asked. Danny nodded. “Here, I’ll walk out with you. I ended up coming in from the other entrance anyway, so my truck’s parked in your guys’ lot.” 

They walked down the two flights of stairs and retraced the same path Josh had taken earlier in the day. Danny reached his car first before Josh grabbed his arm. “Drop off your bag and then follow me. I want to show you something. Bunch of old junk we cleaned out of the science lab today, you might like to take some stuff before we trash it later.” 

Ever the curious one, Danny dropped his backpack in the back seat of his car before following Josh as he headed toward the secluded white van. Josh opened the passenger seat, reached into his gym bag before closing the door and heading towards the back. He turned the key, looked over his right shoulder where Danny was standing, and then looked beyond Danny’s shoulder to make sure the coast was clear. He quickly swung the door open towards him. Danny walked around Josh and peered into the back of the van. 

“Where’s the stuff? MMMMMPPPPHHH!!” 

Immediately Danny’s question was cut off by Josh’s right hand cupped across his lips. A split-second later, he felt himself being pushed into the back of the van onto his stomach. The hand around his mouth was removed as his arms were pulled behind his back and quickly secured with a zip tie. The hard SLAM of the back door soon followed.

“What the fuck?!” Danny yelled, trying to roll to his side to to confront Josh. 

“Oh calm down, buddy. Like I said earlier, your secret’s safe with me…fratboydanny,” he said, the devious grin making yet another return. “The white van, the zip tie…I’m just making all your dreams come true!”

Danny quickly started to process this, closing his eyes shut for a moment and silently damning himself for making it to so easy to track down his hidden side. 

“Damn it, you win, Josh,” he said, yanking at his wrists but only forcing them to rub against his skin and irritate them. “Cut me loose and don’t tell a soul, I’m serious. I could get in some serious trouble with the faculty.”

“Oh psh, don’t you worry your pretty little head about them. No one will know. School’s out, Danny. And you’ve got nothing to do for awhile. You’re kidnapped, buddy. You’re all mine,” Josh said, leaning over Danny and running his hand through his captive’s hair. “We’re going to have a lot of fun together. I’ve brought everything I need: rope, duct tape, socks - a lot of socks just for you - bandannas. It took me awhile to amass the entire collection of materials, as you’re into so many different things. Oh, and don’t worry, I have a mesh net I just didn’t bring it with me.”

Jesus, he’s thought of everything! Danny thought. He wasn’t sure if he should be happy or frightened. Just then he saw Josh reach down and pull Danny’s Sperrys off his feet. “Ah, I see you went with black no shows today,” Josh said, giving Danny’s socked feet a quick rub. “Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of them. And I trust you’ll take good care of mine,” he said, pulling up his pants leg and revealing his longer sock preference. 

Danny stammered about for a couple of seconds, still downloading this entire situation. He was caught. If he tried escaping, he knew he wouldn’t get far, probably not even out of the van. The best he could hope for was to make the most of out of it. He swallowed hard before accepting the predicament. “Well, if you want to make my dreams come true, as you say, you know my real desire isn’t just to be tied up…” he said before Josh nodded his head. “I know, I know. You like having another one alongside. Sorry, I’m new to this whole kidnapping business. I’m not just going to grab someone off the street.” 

“What if I could provide you with the other person?” 

Josh raised an eyebrow. He was clearly curious. “How?”

“Well I can’t leave my car here all day and night. It’ll be suspicious. Let me call one of my friends. He’s a member of the forum too. Lives close by. He actually kidnapped me some time ago, you might’ve read it. He kidnapped me because I hadn’t finished a story from years ago.” 

“Sorry, no, I just read your posts I’m afraid.” 

“I’m flattered. Take the phone out of my pocket and call him up. His name’s Todd. I’ll do the talking.” 

Josh contemplated the offer for a moment. His mind immediately turned to it being some kind of setup or trap, but he had sprung this on Danny so fast, it would be impossible for him to mobilize at all. If the conversation didn’t contain any secret words or phrases, the whole thing might not be so bad after all. Taking the risk, he reached into Danny’s light blue jeans pocket before producing his phone. He scrolled through the contacts, found Todd in the directory, and placed the call. When he heard it start ringing, he put it up to Danny’s ear. 

“Hey man, yea, it’s me. Listen, I need you to do me a huge favor. I’m finished up at the school and a bunch of us are carpooling to happy hour. I didn’t realize but the parking lot is going to be locked in an hour….yea, exactly. Could you help me out?…Yea the spare key is in the glove compartment and the keyless entry code is 2-3-9-0. Uh huh. 2-3-9-0. I can come pick it up from your place, that’s fine. I owe you one. Yea, sounds like a deal.” 

Josh didn’t pick up anything too suspicious and quickly ended the call and crouched up to the passenger seat and dumped the phone into the gym bag. Returning to his captive, he reached into Danny’s pocket again and produced his car keys. 

“Very nice. Let’s just make sure this code works. In the meantime…” he said, shoving a bandanna in between Danny’s teeth and quickly tying it around his head. There was no mouth stuffing so the gag wasn’t nearly as effective as it could have been, but Josh simply needed a quick solution while he made sure the key was there for Todd. He returned shortly thereafter and was content in seeing Danny just rolling around a bit, certainly not aggressively struggling as much as he could. They’ll be plenty of that later Josh thought.

He removed the gag from Danny’s mouth. “Now what?”

“Now, you drive over to Todd’s place. I’ll tell you the way. When he gets to his place, we’ll meet him there.” 

It sounded like a decent plan, especially given that it was done on the fly. Without a word of protest, Josh hopped up to the driver’s seat and drove out of the parking lot and out into the residential area. He drove slow as to not toss Danny around too much, and true to his word, Danny gave him directions that led him to a home about a half-mile away from the school. 

“He rents the entire home, so he’ll put the car in the driveway. Just stay parked out front,” Danny said.

“This isn’t some cop’s house is it?”

“No, no, I’m telling you, it’s legit. We probably passed him on the way here. A guy our age, 5’11, short blond straight hair, maybe 180 pounds.” 

“Sorry, I wasn’t paying that close attention. I didn’t need you slamming into the side of the van.”

They waited in silence for a couple of minutes before Danny piped up again.

“I’m not going to be in a zip tie this whole time am I?”

“No, you’ll get out of those when we get to where we’re going. It’s just temporary.”

“Is that how you’re going to get Todd secure?”

“What is this, Twenty Questions: The Kidnap Edition? Yes, I have plenty of zip ties for him, too. Now knock it off before I put the gag back in.”

About ten minutes elapsed before Danny’s car came around the corner and parked in the driveway, just as Danny said. Out came a person fitting the description Danny had given in a plain white t-shirt, black basketball shorts, a beige flip flops. As he came around the back of the car, Josh emerged from the van. “Todd?” 

The young man stopped, and turned to the inquisitor. “Yes?”

“Oh good, it is you. Just making sure. I’m Josh, a friend of Danny’s. He told me to meet you here.” 

Todd looked at Josh quizzically for a moment. “Were you the one driving him to the bar? Where is he?”

“Well no, not exactly. He wanted me to show you this,” Josh said as he walked to the back of the van. Todd cautiously followed and his eyes widened when the door was open revealing his friend in the back. 

“Hey there, Todd!” Danny said in an exciting tone, hoping to dismiss any sense of apprehension on the part of his friend. 

“What the…” Todd said, as he jumped into the back of the van. 

“Isn’t it cool? A white van and everything. Josh’s a friend from work and stumbled upon my, ahem, interest. Wants to make it a reality.” 

Todd saw the basic premise of just a zip tie and Danny’s shoes strewn about the back. There wasn’t anything else to indicate this was some well thought-out plan. “So what’s going to happen?”

“Well I’m not entirely sure. I know I’m going to be tied up, gagged, and they’ll be plenty of socks.”

“Whelp, that sounds like your kind of party.” 

At that moment, Josh emerged at the back door. 

“Well it’s a decent road trip to my vacation place. It’s secluded but not too secluded. The perfect place for a kidnap adventure. I hope you don’t mind, Danny,” he said, revealing an amber glass bottle and shaking it in his hand back and forth. “I want to make it as authentic as possible, you know.”

Danny’s eyes lit up and he smiled. “Are you kidding? Of course I don’t mind!” 

“I didn’t think so,” he said, as he climbed into the back. He took out another OTC sock and folded it a few times, resulting in a thick wad of a sock. Todd scooted back as Josh uncapped the bottle and dipped it a few times into the sock. “Any last requests?” he asked, winking at Danny. 

“Yea, do Todd first,” he said. Before Todd could react, Josh swung around and clamped the folded up sock over his nose and mouth with his right hand and with his left, reached behind his head to keep it in place. Todd’s eyes widened in surprise and fear, unaware he was about to be an unwilling participant in this exercise. He grunted hard as Josh leaned into him, pushing him towards the bed of the van. “MMMMMMM!!!!!” He grabbed at Josh’s hand, but the weight and momentum was not on his side. Danny arched his neck in delight at seeing his friend being subdued. 

“I keep telling you…if you wear flip flops, you’ll be punished, hehehe,” Danny said during the struggle.

“Settle down, settle down, just breathe,” Josh said, giving a warm, gentle smile as he looked into the blue eyes of his soon-to-be captive. Todd’s eyes glared at his attacker, unsure of the motive of involving him in this stunt. After all, he was always the captor. The use of the anesthetic gave him the distinct impression that this was a plan devised by Danny. He hadn’t a clue of the confluence of events that occurred to bring him to this point. Each breath weakened him, as he expected. Josh felt his victim’s grip loosen and he removed his left hand from behind Todd’s head, using it to slide under his victim’s shirt and caress his abdomen. “Sweet dreams, cutie,” he taunted before witnessing the pretty blue eyes start of flutter; the grunting and muffled protests transforming into weak sighs. Todd’s bent leg slid down, thumping on the floor of the van as his struggle concluded. 

Josh looked back at Danny who couldn’t contain the excitement in his face…or in his crotch. 

“That was….amazing.”

“Yea I thought you’d like that. Seems like you really liked it.”

Danny broke eye contact and looked down. “Sorry. It just had it all. Chloroform. A valiant struggle. A sock…I couldn’t help it.” 

“Whelp he’ll be out for awhile,” Josh said as he grabbed his gym bag. He took out a roll of silver duct tape, set it on the ground, and then held up two pairs of OTC socks. One pair was blue, the other red. 

“Captive’s choice. Which pair goes on your friend?”


“Very well.” Josh unraveled the blue socks and made his way to the unconscious body at the front of the van. He pulled the flip flops off and placed each of the blue socks on Todd’s feet. He then lifted the limp body up from under the arms and half-carried him over to Danny. With a SCREECH of the duct tape, he wrapped it around Todd’s ankles and did the same to the arms which were crossed on his stomach. 

Turning to Danny, he pulled the zip tie off before flipping him over on his back. Danny didn’t protest and let his new captor manipulate his body any way he chose. He was secured in the same way as his friend, but with his head pointed towards the front. With them in inverse positions, Josh turned Danny to the side, placing him just inches from Todd’s socked feet. Danny’s head was pushed right into them, before he felt the tape being wrapped around his head, and then Todd’s feet. He inhaled deeply. The socks had a smell to them that indicated they were brand new, but with each subsequent inhalation, he caught a whiff of Todd. Not smelly, but enough of a hint to make up for the sterile smell of the socks. 

“Now try not to get too excited. We have a little trip ahead of us and then a lot of fun. Don’t want you spoiling it for yourself all at once.”

Danny ignored his captor and kept inhaling. He wasn’t sure what to expect but he knew he would enjoy it.
Last edited by GMen 6 years ago, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by fratboydanny »

[mention]GMen[/mention] this is terrific. I can’t wait to see Part 2!
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Post by DeeperThanRed »

This was incredible. Both fun and captivating. Great job. :D
25-year-old bondage enthusiast who likes cute guys, underwear, and bondage, preferably together.

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Post by MaxRoper »

Fabulous! Wonderful! No one deserves this as much as Danny and you've done an excellent job. Bravo! More!
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Post by cj2125 »

Wondeful story! Always a pleasure to see [mention]fratboydanny[/mention] getting kidnapped :twisted:! Looking forward to the next part!
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Post by GMen »

School's Out - Part 2

Josh moved up to the driver’s seat, took a look behind him make sure his captives were comfortable before firing up the ignition and driving away.

In the week or so it took to devise the plan, Josh went through a full gambit of ideas. While the easiest option involved bringing Danny to his house and keeping him in the basement, it wasn’t quite suitable for that. Yes, it was the stereotypical basement that could be used for such a situation, but in many ways, that was the problem; it was too dingy. His only alternative was the family cottage in the outskirts of town, 90 minutes outside of town, and while not entirely secluded, the nearest person was about 200 yards away so it was secluded enough for what he needed, especially now that he had another participant.

As he drove, he went through the mental checklist in his head one final time of the inventory he supplied the cottage the previous weekend. He had acquired plenty of everything, a detail he patted himself on the back for now that he was tying two people up and it was clear Todd was going to be the more active victim.

Danny emitted no noises as the drove down the two-lane state road, Josh being ever so meticulous to stay within the speed limit and not catch the attention of any law enforcement official. About halfway through the trip, he heard Todd begin to stir. It took a solid few minutes before he recalled the situation he was in, and Josh quickly pulled over, crawled into the back and looking down at those pleading blue eyes, reapplied the folded sock over his nose and mouth. Todd weakly shook his head no, a vocal protest muffled by the obstruction over his mouth. “Sorry, but Danny says you’re better when you’re out.”

Danny couldn’t see the brief struggle, just hear it, but he moaned in pleasure and attempted to nod his head in agreement. It took only twenty seconds for Todd’s brief struggle to cease and before Josh resumed driving, he jammed the folded sock between Danny and Todd’s foot for a few minutes. Danny inhaled deeply, just enough to get a joyful buzz before Josh removed the sock and continued driving. The mix of the anesthetic and the continued inhalations of his friend’s socked foot elicited far more vocal cues from Danny who felt as if he was floating on a cloud in the sky.

By the time the lingering residual smell of the drug subsided in Danny’s nostrils, the van had turned up an inclined road before coming to a stop. Josh climbed out of the driver’s seat, walked to the back of the van, and swung open both doors. He instructed Danny to hold still while he used his knife to cut the tape around Danny’s head and Todd’s foot in order to separate them. Then, he pulled Danny out by his ankles, standing him up on the ground for a split second before hoisting him over his shoulder and into the cottage.

He put Danny on the couch while he collected Todd. Danny’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree seeing his limp friend slumped over Josh’s shoulder, complete with a pair of socks on his feet…finally!

“He’ll be out for a little while longer. Aren’t you glad a biology teacher found out about your kinky side? We use this stuff on the frogs for the dissection all the time. While he’s still in dreamland, let’s have some fun,” he said, reaching down and pulling his right sneaker off before repeating it with his left. He plopped down horizontally on the other end of the couch, extended his legs and shoved his two socked feet right under Danny’s nose.

“Don’t worry, they’re new but I have been wearing them since this morning.”

Danny took a deep breath, his eyes momentarily fluttering at the scent. Certainly not too pungent, the result of the sneakers being hardly used themselves, but definitely intoxicating. For the next few minutes, the fact that he had been kidnapped was irrelevant. Josh didn’t say a word, probably because he didn’t know what to say in this situation. He still didn’t quite understand the whole kink side to his coworker, but figured if Danny could be so easily entertained with just some tape and socks, that was something that Josh could provide him. Josh didn’t move his legs for some time, and as Danny continued inhaling, he adjusted his taped wrists in an attempt to hide his growing excitement. For his part, Josh wasn’t so much paying attention to his captive, but just idly laying there nonchalantly, almost as if it didn’t matter that he had hatched this plot to hold one, and then two people against their will.

The scene was interrupted by the distinct moaning of Todd coming around. Quickly, Josh pulled away his legs, much to Danny’s disappointment. Scrounging through his gym bag, Josh produced another pair of OTC socks, another pair of UnderArmours, but these were hunter green. Wadding one up, he quickly shoved it in Todd’s mouth before tying the other one over his lips. He took him by the shoulders and sat him upright on the ground while he quickly did the same to Danny, placing them back to back.

More screeching of duct tape and he quickly slapped it on Danny’s left shoulder before wrapping it around Todd’s arms and chest and then around Danny’s right arm and across the chest. Around and around and around. Danny could tell Josh was new to all of this, but as it happens with tape, the more that’s used, the more secure you’ll be. The whole exercise was making Josh dizzy, and it was clear he was doing it a bit haphazardly. Finally he slowed a bit and was more methodical in his placement of the tape. He had gone around nine times before figuring it was enough. The only thing left to do was peel off his own socks, and shoved one in Danny’s mouth and wrap the other around his mouth, as he had done to Todd.

“Heh, you look like a chipmunk with that big sock in there,” he taunted. The sock was certainly larger than what Danny had been previously accustomed to - usually just an ankle sock.

Todd’s movements were subtle at first, the result of his drug-induced hangover. He eventually came around and his muffled moans turned into full-on protests.

“MMMMMGHGMHRMMMM!!!” he exclaimed, the sock so large neither Josh or Danny could decipher what he was saying. One could take an educated guess, of course, but it was just that - a guess. While he jerked left and right trying to loosen the tape, Danny gave a few “mmmppphhs” in response, trying to act as though he too was a helpless victim, but they were far lower and deeper; more like moans of pleasure than protest.

Josh left them alone for a bit, in awe of the two guys struggling. He was unsure of his taping ability, but it certainly seemed that he had done an adequate job; neither captive was budging very much. Josh stood up and walked past Danny before turning around and looking directly at Todd.

“Careful with the struggling. Your buddy behind you is about to explode, he’s so turned on. I didn’t bring any extra pair of clothes for ya. Well except for the socks. Hope you like ‘em!”

Todd gave a grunt and a glare that indicated that Josh had better be a good ways away once Todd was freed. Confronting Danny, he wasn’t sure if he was legitimately struggling or just play acting, knowing he was loving every minute of this experience, as evidenced by the tent pitched in his pants. He had been throbbing for almost the entire situation and Josh figured there was no way he could be in a comfortable position, but he’d get to that later. In the meantime, he sat back down to witness the endless struggling.

The quick jerks back and forth were loosening some of the tape, but there had been plenty used; the loosening was only providing a false sense of hope for Todd in particular. He kept thrashing around, working up quite the sweat. Between Danny’s excitement and Todd’s frustrations, Josh figured his captives could use a change of scenery.

Without warning, he casually walked over to his captives, each hand containing a folded up OTC sock, and proceeded to clamp them over his victims’ noses and mouths simultaneously. Todd was used to this by now; Danny was excited to be put completely under for the first time. About halfway through their feeble struggles, however, Josh gave them a preview of what was to come: “you’ll both look great in the nude.” What little strength each guy had left was thrown into overdrive. They hadn’t signed up for this! But by then, they had already taken so many breaths, there wasn’t much left in them. Both their eyes fluttered closed as their heads fell into their laps.
Last edited by GMen 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by GMen »

School's Out - Part 3

With [mention]fratboydanny[/mention] and his cohort struggling for a sufficient amount of time, their socks have certainly soaked up some more sweat, much to Danny's enjoyment. So now Josh needs to give them the full treatment.

It took Josh a few sawlike motions with his scissors and knife before he got through the layers of duct tape that kept Danny and Todd together. Once again Danny was scooped up first, Josh lifting him up from the chest and under the knees, cradle carrying him to the upstairs master bedroom. Plopping him down on the bed, he then went back downstairs, threw Todd’s limp body over his shoulder and laid him on the bed next to Danny. He put Todd’s head close to the headboard, while he positioned Danny’s head at the foot of the bed. The idea was that the two would be tied similarly as they were in the van ride over, but with both guys wide awake and now really struggling; Josh figured he deserved an authentic performance from both members of his live show cast. Removing all strips of duct tape, he produced more than 100 feet of white nylon rope. Before he got to the knots, however, he started to methodically remove his captives’ clothing. He positioned Danny’s noodle-like arms above his head and pulled his shirt off. He then unbuckled Danny’s belt, unbuttoned Danny’s top button on his pants and pulled them off. Josh was surprised that Danny remained at half-attention, figuring the anesthetic would have impaired all of his motor function. The sexual stimulation of the bondage and chemical seemed to be able to counterbalance the actual affect of the drug.

He repeated the pattern with Todd, although it was much easier removing a t-shirt and shorts. He tied them in similar ways as well - ankles tied, wrists tied behind their backs; rope tied around their chests, keeping their arms secured to the side. At least for the time being, Josh decided to let them keep their boxers on; he could always pull them off later. And of course, the socks remained. When they were each secured separately, Josh would position them together yet again - with each one’s socked feet firmly placed over each one’s mouth and under their nose. The thickness of the socks themselves allowed Josh to be courteous - he was able to remove their gags. He could tell from the way their mouths were left agape, before he positioned the legs properly, that their mouth muscles had been worked to the max with the protests and the giant wad of sock placed in them, only a ring or ballgag would have been worse.

As he finished up, Josh thought back to the many posts Danny had made expressing his desire to be held captive with someone else. He hoped he had accomplished that desire - first tying them back to back and now with a pair of moderately sweaty socks in his face. As for Todd, he hadn’t come to know him but figured he had always been the dominant one. Oh well, you can’t please everyone.

Danny came to first, attempting to move his wrists and head around, but eventually realizing he was no position to struggle nearly as much as he was before. While Todd’s socked feet were quite large and positioned directly over his mouth, his utterances were a bit more recognizable.

“I thawd wererere be-un thaw-nood?” he asked. Josh figured he asked “I thought we would be in the nude.” Looking down at him, and then at his semi-erect crotch, Josh just smiled. “I would’ve but I can’t have you making a mess over my bedsheets. Can’t say your partner-in-crime is having as much as you are. You might want to do something about it.”

Danny just kept blinking his eyes, trying to get them in focus and wipe away the linger blurriness. But while the sweet aroma of the chemical was no longer in his nostrils, a more pungent euphoric sweaty smell took its place. It was by far sweatier than Josh’s socks had been, and most certainly sweatier than when they put on Todd’s feet for the first time in the van. They weren’t acrid, but more than satisfactory nonetheless. Once Todd began to come around, he was repulsed at the pair of black socks shoved in his face as soon as he opened his eyes. Danny was already struggling, although because of the way they were tied, Todd couldn’t be too sure if it was struggling or grinding…or both. He could feel his friend’s excitement, and the more he and Todd struggled together, the more Todd started to unwittingly respond.

Before long, Josh was surprised at the amount of pleasurable moans, rather than those of protest, coming from the two captives. With Danny, he could quite understand; the poor guy had been in ecstasy for hours now and unable to do a thing about it, meanwhile the reluctant Todd was finally starting to enjoy his predicament, perhaps realizing nothing too sinister was to take place. While he did not want to spoil any of the fun, Josh did interject, poking each guy’s bare abdomen, sides, and underarms. After eliciting the proper reactions, he went to town on each of them, spidering his fingers up and down each of their torsos and thighs. No sock or even sock gag could have muffled the howls of laughter that emanated from each of them.

As they were assaulted by Josh’s fingers, Danny and Todd seemed to roll around the bed in unison; when Danny rolled right, Todd was rolling left with him. They were doing all they could - as little as it really was - to avoid the tips of the fingernails. At some point during the struggle, Danny’s enthusiasm got the better of him and he gave out an extended moan before throwing his head back on the mattress and seemingly stop struggling. Josh ceased, having finally broken his friend and just let him lay there. Todd was panting heavily, and with his own excitement now nearly on full display, Josh decided to put him out of his misery himself.

“Whew,” Josh said afterward. “Guess I didn’t have to strip you down after all….Y’all are rookies.”

He left the bedroom to retrieve towels for the two of them, and when he returned, he saw Todd shaking his head no and moaning. Looking over at Danny, there he was, sucking on Todd’s socks. “You just don’t know when to quit, do ya? Okay Todd, you’ve earned a respite from this.”

Josh threw the towels on the bed and quickly left the room and marched downstairs. Returning a minute later, he had a green mesh casting net in his hands, along with some coiled up thick rope. He pulled Danny’s socked feet away from Todd’s face, and Todd let out a gasp, desperate for some fresh air. With Danny’s ankles and wrists still tied, Josh lowered him onto the floor and onto the net. He put the rope through the open end of the net and took end of the rope and threw it over the horizontal beam about 6 feet up, until the end came down on the other side.

“To be fair, Daniel, I have no idea how this will work, so don’t fidget too much.” Josh tied the other end of the rope to the door frame while he pulled the open end down from over the crossbeam, thereby seemingly cocooning Danny within the mesh net. He wrapped it around the doorframe and Danny was stuck. Through the mesh, Josh quickly inserted one of the socks into his mouth.

“Have fun trying to get out of this one!”

“Thanks for that,” Todd said, as he looked up from the bed. “He’s insufferable with those socks!”

“Tell me about it.”
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Post by cj2125 »

Good combination of clorophorm and smelly feet. Glad to read that Danny is enjoying his kidnapping :mrgreen:! Waiting to see what else Josh has planned for them
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Post by MaxRoper »

Love what you're doing to these fellows, and that you've allowed them each a chance at bliss. I'd gladly change places with any of the three.
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Post by fratboydanny »

All I can say is, Holy @#$&!!!! Is this ever a perfect read. Thanks [mention]GMen[/mention] . I really can’t wait to see what happens next.
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Post by GMen »

Stories can take a few twists and turns, and this one is no different. While Josh was originally just a vehicle more than a character, circumstances have prompted me to make him more of a character. So by way of a description, he’s 5’9, brown hair that’s high and tight, and slim but not lanky, around 165lbs, and takes an 11.5 shoe.

We left our hero, [mention]fratboydanny[/mention] in relative bliss. Secured in a net with no place to go, it wouldn't take long for Josh to try him out in a new position, with Todd's help. But with Todd now free, how soon would it be before the tables were turned on our captor?

School's Out: Part 4

There was little else Danny needed. As he attempted to bust out of the net, the mesh was too strong and the feeling of the mesh through his socked toes only helped to further his continued arousal. With the net firmly on the ground as opposed to being suspended in the air, he at least did not have to suffer through any motion sickness as he riled back and forth; the excursions eliciting muffled grunts as opposed to full-on “mmmppphhs” that Josh had become accustomed to.

Josh was now seated on the bed, looking back and forth between Danny and Todd. While Todd was testing his bonds, his attempts were far more subdued and his lack of vocal protests allowed him the freedom of being kept without a gag. It allowed for him and his captor to have a chat about how Todd found himself in this predicament.

Josh spoke about his work relationship with Danny and how he had made a cardinal error in using such a ridiculous name for his e-mail address for a guy in his early 30s. Todd nodded in agreement, smiled, and then informed Josh that he had used the same procedure to track Danny down for his own kidnapping of him.

“You’d think he’d learn,” Todd said, mockingly shaking his head in disgust. “Tsk, tsk.”

“Part of me thinks our friend does this on purpose,” Josh said, looking over his shoulder back at Danny on the floor.

“I don’t know…I don’t think he wants everyone to know about his sock obsession.”

“Good point. That reminds me,” Josh said, as he reached over and pulled each of the socks off Todd’s feet. “With you two separated, you don’t need to still be wearing these. You get a bit of a reprieve.”

Todd flexed his toes a bit. “I mean look at him over there on the floor. He’s just having a grand old time by himself. Socks, a net, and a gag…and you already chloroformed him and had him tied with me. He’s on Cloud 9 right now.”

As he said it, Danny’s head nodded aggressively, as if he were a horse bobbing his head up and down.

“And so what’s Cloud 9 for you?”

“Well it ain’t this, that’s for sure,” Todd responded, before gazing out in the distance and returning his focus back to the question at hand. “Being the victim doesn’t really do much for me, quite honestly. I like being in control, deciding the fate of the captive. It’s like how Danny likes being the captive. When I kidnapped him the first time, he pulled a fast one, escaped, and knocked me out. When I came to, my wrists had the world’s most pathetic knot keeping them together; I escaped in less than two full minutes. He admitted later he cared more about rubbing and sniffing my socked feet while I was unconscious than actually tying me up. The nerve of that joker. So what’s next on the docket for the deviant?”

Josh looked back over at Danny, who was more or less just sitting there on the floor having worn himself out from all the struggling.

“I’m still thinking, maybe tie him up on the crossbeam, his legs barely touching the ground.”

“That could work, if you have enough of that strong rope and strength to pull him up and tighten the rope over the cross beam.”

Josh looked up at the cross beam, then down to Danny, and across to Todd.

“How would you do it?”

“Well first you take a lot of the nylon rope to tie his wrists together. Then tie the thick rope under that nylon rope and throw it over the rafter like you did with the net. Make sure there’s no slack, pull really hard to make sure he’s completely stretched out before tightening the other end of the rope to the door frame there.”

Josh knew he wasn’t capable of doing this by himself, he wasn’t strong enough but the beads of sweat glistening over Todd’s shoulder muscles prompted his train of thought.

“Want to help me do it?”

“I’d love to, really I would, but I’m kinda tied up at the moment,” he said, giving off one of those wicked smiles.

“Oh yea, about that…” Josh said, pulling the knot out of his ankle rope and then moving behind his back to do the same to his wrists. “Go get my bag from down below, while I get our victim ready.”

Todd rubbed his wrists for a few moments before scooting off the bed and heading down the stairs. Josh looked down at Danny and walked over to the door frame, untying the rope which hung loosely in midair. Walking over to the net, he pulled the rope down from around the rafter and the net opened up. Josh was almost expecting Danny to make a run for it, but he was quite content where he was.

Just then, they heard the sound of Todd’s barefoot slapping the wooden stairs as he ascended. He walked in with the black gym bag and set it on the bed. He produced the coiled up white nylon rope together with the thicker brown rope.

Josh stood Danny up, and Todd walked over, taking Danny’s wrists, putting them together, and began wrapping the white nylon rope over them, first horizontally then vertically. He pulled at the bindings, ensuring no slack had been given, Then, he took the brown up wrapped it vertically over the nylon rope a few times and cinched it as well. Josh positioned Danny right under the rafter while Todd threw the top over the beam and grabbed the end on the other side. Josh walked over and as if they were both on the same tug-of-war team, they heaved until the brown rope was taught, and Danny was fully erect, his arms pushed into the vertical position so that they were now directly over his head posting up. They pulled some more, and Danny’s soles were no longer on the ground, but rather flexed, with his toes the only part of his feet making contact with the ground.

“Perfect,” Todd said, as the two guys pulled back and wrapped the rope around the holder that looked as if it was for keeping an old candle-lit chandelier on the ceiling. They wrapped the rope around and around, making sure there was enough there to keep Danny in the tight position. Danny gave a few muffled protests, but it was clear he wasn’t in any real discomfort, although he would undoubtedly feel uncomfortable the more he struggled in this precarious position.

Todd slapped his hands together, as if he was getting rid of dust on them. “See, a piece of cake.”

Josh was legitimately surprised. He looked over Danny and then up at the impressive rope work Todd had done on the wrists. “Very well done. I’m still new to this whole thing, hence the heavy use of the duct tape,” he said, as he circled around Danny.

“Baby steps, Joshua, baby steps.”

“Seriously, you’re going to have to show me how to do this.”

Todd’s eyebrow went up, as he sifted through the gym bag. “Ahem,” he said, clearing his throat to get Josh’s attention. When Josh turned to him, Todd was holding the last coiled white nylon rope in his hands. “I could show you right now.”

Josh contemplated the offer but he was still unsure of Todd’s actual intentions. After all, Josh did bring him as a reluctant participant. He waved him off. “Nah, maybe next time.”

“Suit yourself,” Todd said, as he put the rope back in the bag. He sifted through the remaining contents in the bag; it was definitely an amateur operation Josh had prepared for. Then he saw the amber bottle. He swirled it around for a second, ascertaining it was still about half full. His thought process didn’t take long. He remembered the deceptive way in which he was brought into this little excursion and now he was essentially being handed the keys to the castle. With Josh still enamored by the rope work, he took the bottle out of the bag and the red paisley bandanna he brought along presumably for a cleave gag.

By now, Josh had stopped admiring the knots and was now pinching Danny’s cheeks and spidering his fingers down Danny’s stomach. Danny jerked back and forth with each tickle while simultaneously seeing Todd over Josh’s left shoulder. Part of him wanted to warn his coworker, but the excitement was getting the better of him. He had always thought Josh was cute and while he was in heaven being tied to Todd, the possibility of being tied with Josh was a bit more appealing. All the more appealing seeing him knocked out before his very eyes. He gave out a soft moan as he saw Todd dip the bottle into the neatly folded bandanna a few times, squeezing the bandanna after each dip. The moan ended up serving as a needed distraction, Josh under the assumption that his playful tickles were causing the reaction.

Todd approached from behind, cupped his left hand and wrapped it around Josh’s waist, giving his crotch a quick squeeze.

Josh’s head instinctively jerked to the left, while Todd’s right arm came swinging around.

“Hey, what the fu——mmmmppphh!!!”

Todd clamped the bandanna over Josh’s nose and mouth and pulled his head back. Josh’s head was still turned to the left and was now pushed up against Todd’s chest. The awkward position made struggling difficult. but it’s didn’t stop Josh’s muffled screams and his frantic arms from trying to pry Todd’s arm away from his face.

“There, there, just be quiet,” Todd said in a motherly voice. “It’s time to join the party.”

He pulled Josh back a bit, an easy task given Josh’s inability to grip the ground with his socked feet. Todd gave Josh’s crotch another squeeze, the surprise move prompting him to inhale the noxious fumes quicker.

“C’mon, put your arms down and take it like a man,” he said, looking up at Danny and giving a wink.

Danny was in awe. He hadn’t thought anyone would’ve struggled harder than Todd in this situation, and yet, here was his cute coworker trying his absolute hardest from being put under. And shoeless and wearing socks to boot! He was experiencing an overload of euphoria.

The “mmpphs” and grunts slowly subsided; Danny could almost detect a bit of a whimper as one of Josh’s hands slowly went from a heavy grip trying to pull Todd’s hand off his face to the fingers slowly easing up one by one before the arm drifted to his side and his legs began to give out. Todd took a few steps back and Josh’s limp body leaned backwards with every step. Eventually his left arm subsided and he was out. Todd first looked down at Josh, tapping his cheek a couple of times, before looking up at Danny. As he eyed Danny up and down, it was clear he was at the peak of excitement; even the slightest touch would have sent him into all kinds of spasms. Todd slowly lowered his victim to the ground and didn’t waste any time. Off came the shirt first.

“Well he’s not as lean as I am, but he’ll do,” Todd said as he examined his torso and unbuttoned the jeans. Off came the jeans, revealing navy boxers. Danny was fixated on the whole stripping process, having missed it due to unconsciousness earlier. Much to his initial displeasure, however, Todd peeled off Josh’s socks. His displeasure was overcome seconds later when Todd retrieved the duct tape and taped one of the socks over Danny’s nose and mouth.

“Have fun with that one, pal.”

Danny’s eyes again fluttered briefly as he inhaled. He had now been captive by two separate captors who had uncovered his secret desires and who were all-too-accommodating to make them come to life. In that moment, he realized he had become of the luckiest guys. By now he had mostly been docile, not wanting to miss a moment of the struggle, but he could have easily started up again. Instead, he just stood there in silence, breathing in the aroma from the sock, and watching Todd’s actions.

Todd brought Josh to his feet and wrapped his arms around his torso, pushing him up against Danny. He then took Josh’s limp arms and put them around Danny, positioning him as if he were hugging Danny, before tying the wrists together behind Danny’s back. Kneeling down, Josh’s ankles were securely tied.

He stood up, took a step back to survey the scene. Danny was leaning back a bit, the result of Josh’s body pushing forward on him.

“Only one thing left to do,” Todd said. He advanced forward, grabbed Josh’s boxers and pulled them down around his ankles. He then moved over to Danny, who gave a muffled noise, one that Todd couldn’t really make out. WHOOSH, down went Danny’s boxers.

“Pretty as a picture, wouldn’t you say?”
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Post by MaxRoper »

It does indeed make a lovely image. I wonder if one of our resident artists would be interested in illustrating this excellent tale...
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Post by fratboydanny »

MaxRoper wrote: 6 years ago It does indeed make a lovely image. I wonder if one of our resident artists would be interested in illustrating this excellent tale...
I couldn’t agree more!

Another terrific chapter [mention]GMen[/mention]. Thanks.
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Post by cj2125 »

Loved this part! Specially the ending :mrgreen: really waiting for the next part!
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Post by GMen »

Poor Josh. He put in all that hard work and meticulous planning to have his buddy Josh all nice and tied tight and now he was the victim of his own plot! How in the world will [mention]fratboydanny[/mention] keep his wits about him?!

It was, in fact, pretty as a picture, and Todd took out his phone and snapped a few photos of two young men tied together in the buff.

Danny hardly protested at all, seeking rather to enjoy his predicament and occasionally push forward to reallocate the center of gravity with the two of them. Josh was still in dreamland, where he would remain for another thirty or so minutes. In that time, Todd took full inventory of the material he had at his disposal. There wasn’t much left, the result of the earlier exploits, but still enough to have some fun. He picked up the other of Josh’s socks that he had taken off him and knotted it in the middle before jamming it in between Josh’s teeth and tying it behind his head. Todd had an inkling that once Josh regained his senses, he would not be in the best of moods.

As expected, the familiar moans of consciousness could be heard a half-hour later soon followed by his head moving around. With each passing minute, the moans got louder, and Danny could see his friend’s eyes start to flutter open. At first, they remained pretty low and sullen, but as he shook his head from side to side to get rid of the remnants of ringing in his ear, his eyes blinked rapidly a few times before he was fully conscious. He soon realized his wrists were tied behind Danny’s back and worse - they were both completely naked. While Danny seemed to be just going with it, for his part, Josh was furious. While his plans were not thorough, nowhere in them did it include a part where he was tied up!

“MMMMPPPHHH!!!” he bellowed, the loudest protest any of the three guys had given during this escapade. Danny simply nodded, giving his own garbled message as Josh’s head darted from side to side, presumably looking for his captor.

Todd came up behind him, smacked his rear lightly, and leaned into his left ear. “Welcome back, buddy. Enjoy your nap? Not so much fun on the receiving end, is it?”

Josh muffled his “no” and shook his head.

“Well, in case Danny hasn’t told you, but I always prefer being the captor, not the captive. It took some time but equilibrium has returned.” Todd ruffled Josh’s hair a bit before retreating from the immediate area, leaving Josh to struggle to his heart’s delight.

He was all new to this scene and it was apparent to Danny that Josh was greatly disturbed at the tables having been turned. Josh’s face was red with anger, although his vocal protests had subsided considerably, while his struggles did not. All of Josh’s struggling and his constant skin-to-skin contact with Danny was definitely having a profound effect on Danny. He couldn’t help himself getting excited yet again, even though when Josh noticed, he just glared at his fellow captive as if to say, “this isn’t the time! Let’s get out of here!”

Danny’s unwillingness to put up a decent struggle had stopped being amusing and Josh continued to pull at his wrists, each time pushing Danny into him. The constant collisions didn’t stop Josh who kept at it, yanking and pulling, hoping for the knot to give out but with a tacit understanding that in all likelihood they wouldn’t.

Todd waited patiently on the bed until an indiscriminate amount of time elapsed. He returned to Josh.

“Time to repay the favor, bud,” he said, as he began tickling Josh’s bare body. From as high as the neck, Todd scraped his fingernails down his back, thighs, ankles, then back up to his knees, sides, ribs, stomach and poked around his underarms; the only place he couldn’t reach was his soles.

Danny not only witnessed the attack, but he was bounced around like a pinball as Josh squirmed endlessly, his muffled laughter piercing Danny’s ears after awhile. Eventually, Danny couldn’t help but laugh, the residual effect of Josh’s laughter. Todd seemingly reached every one of Josh’s ticklish spots and with each one, Josh burst in greater laughter.

“That’s it, a nice ticklish boy we’ve got here,” Todd taunted as he kept up his pace. Just as his laughter was rubbing off on Danny, Danny’s own excitement was rubbing off on Josh (no pun intended, of course.) The situation was incredibly awkward for Josh, but quite intriguing for his colleague. Josh had no way of knowing that his fellow teacher was becoming enamored with the thought of being tied up with him. Throughout the year, Danny had attempted to ascertain Josh’s sexuality, but failed in each try. In their passing conversations, Josh had mentioned two people he dated - a Casey and a Jordan - and never used pronouns when talking about them the few times they were brought up in conversation. At this point, however, Danny didn’t care. He was captured by this cute guy and now tied together with him. The more Josh struggled, the more excited Danny got until his body spasmed again during Todd’s tickle onslaught. Josh’s eyes widened in shock and surprise as it happened, but he also knew if Todd’s fingers kept at it, he would be joining Danny in the not so distant future.

Todd peered over Josh’s left shoulder, and saw Danny slump down briefly in exhaustion.

“Tsk, tsk, Danny. That’s not polite to get joy from your friend’s misfortune!” Josh simply responded with a muffled grunt in between his fits of laughter. It was clear he was getting exhausted from this assault even though his extremities were clearly stimulated. As Josh’s breathing accelerated, Todd tickled faster and faster. Just as Josh reached his breaking point, the tickling suddenly ceased. Josh slung his head down in exhaustion. Todd then pulled the sock away from Danny’s face, allowing him to breath normal air for a bit.

“Well, since you’re just standing there enjoying yourself, what should we do with our captor mastermind here? He’s already at his breaking point ready to erupt…figured a little teasing would put him in place for now.”

Danny eyed his tied colleague up and down, his imagination running wild with the endless opportunities. At that moment, Josh looked up, his pleading eyes making contact with Danny’s, hoping beyond hope that he would feel pity upon him and call for his release.

“I think he’s had enough,” Danny said, much to Josh’s relief. “Untie me first and then we can put him out again.”

Josh’s eyes widened in horror and he vigorously shook his head no in protest. Todd simply shrugged his shoulders. “If you say so.”

Shouts of “MMMMPPHH!!!! OOOOOHHHH!!!” reverberated off the walls as Todd slowly untied Danny’s wrists and he was able to put them at his sides for the first time in an hour. Josh’s wrists were still tied around Danny’s torso as Todd retrieved the red bandanna and soaked it again. Josh continued to protest, frantically trying to pull his wrists apart but to no avail.

Danny grabbed Josh’s chin with his right hand and looked him right in the eye. “Don’t worry…this is the fun part.” With his left hand, he grabbed Josh’s increasingly flaccid member, giving it a few tugs to bring it back to life. With a quick nod to Todd, Josh saw Danny flash a grin and then a red blur as the bandanna was clamped over his face again. As he grunted, Danny kept his left hand busy. Between the fumes and Danny’s tugging, Josh was dealing with a range of conflicted emotion. With each breath, he was getting more and more lightheaded while a sense of liberation was being aided and abetted by Danny. Danny then brushed his right hand down Josh’s cheek, assuring him everything would be alright as his eyes got heavier, his vision blurred, and his struggling significantly weakened. In no time, he felt an eruption in his crotch followed by complete darkness.

Danny held Josh’s limp body upright while Todd moved around him to untie Josh’s wrists.

“Pack everything up downstairs and you can come get us in about ten minutes,” Danny said. Todd simply nodded, winked, and left Danny to his own devices.

Danny brought Josh over to the bed and laid him down on his back. He quickly put Josh’s boxers back, doing the same himself, before putting Josh’s socks back on his legs. Kneeling down at the foot of the bed, Danny stuck his nose into the pair of socked soles before him and took a series of deep breaths. He continued inhaling while massaging them as well, certainly appreciative of all the effort Josh had endured to make his fantasy a reality.

Looking beyond Josh’s socked feet, Danny espied the amber bottle that made this whole thing possible. There was but just a bit left. Part of him contemplated jumping Todd when he returned but he decided on something more fun. Unscrewing the cap, he lightly tipped the bottle over Josh’s socks.

Todd returned to the bedroom a few minutes later. Josh was still completely out of it while, as he glanced at the foot of the bed, Danny just also dead to the world, his nose in close proximity to Josh’s feet and the distinct sweet odor permeating through the room.

“Boys will be boys,” Todd said as he packed up the rest of the supplies and carried the two teachers back to the van.
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Post by GMen »


The sustained monotone deep BUZZ echoed throughout the empty halls of the high school. In seconds, the doors flung open, almost in unison, and the once quiet and serene hallways were filled with students running about and the sounds of locker doors slamming for the final time that year.

Danny sat at his desk, obliging a few students for some teacherly wisdom and advice in their yearbooks. Across campus, Josh hand’t that trouble, the result of having dedicated two autograph sessions after school earlier in the week. While he’d still have to come in the following day to clean out his desk, he was delighted at the notion of being free and clear to leave the parking lot by 3 p.m., a luxury he hadn’t been able to avail himself of very much during this school year. He headed out of the classroom and made his way to the first floor and entered the office for what he hoped to be the final time of the year. Casually perusing his cubby where incoming mail was placed, he noticed a white envelope with his name in handwriting on the front. Figuring it was another in a long line of Thank You notes he’d received from students and grateful parents alike, he ripped the fold and pulled out a white note card that read, “I know…” Attached to the card via paperclip was a photo of Josh, in the nude, tied together with Danny. The photograph had been taken nearly a year ago by Danny’s friend Todd who, after being captured himself at the hands of Josh, turned the tables and tied Josh up with Danny.

Josh quickly looked over his shoulder and ascertained his surroundings, making sure no other teacher was around, before he put the card and photo back in the unsealed envelope. At first he supposed Danny had dropped off the note; a sort of reminder to the fun they had during that experience, but the handwriting wasn’t Danny’s. That detail alarmed him, albeit slightly. He made his way across the campus, turning right down at the corridor intersection that led him to the history building. He ascended the three flights of stairs and craned his head into Danny’s classroom. There were still a couple of students gathered round his desk as he went on explaining his obsession over Civil War generals before they were sufficiently satisfied, bid him a nice summer and walked past Josh and out the classroom.

As soon as they egressed, Josh closed the classroom door. At that point, he heard Danny from behind him. “I must say, that was a nice trick you pulled.”

Josh turned around, the blank expression on his face quite revealing. “What trick?”

Danny opened the top drawer of his desk and pulled out his own white envelope. “‘I know…’? Ring any bells?”

Josh’s eyes widened as he made a bee-line for Danny’s desk, tossing his own white envelope on the desk. “So you’re saying this wasn’t you?”

At this moment, Danny’s eyes narrowed and his mind went into overdrive trying to process the entire situation. “What the fuck…?” Danny took Josh’s envelope and opened it; the same note and photograph staring him in the face. Seconds later, a smile across his face. “Ya know…this has to be Todd messin’ with us.”

“You think so?” Josh asked in a tone that suggested he was not entirely convinced.

“Well who else could it be, right? He was the only one who was there last year with us…Let me get to the bottom of this right now.”

With that, Danny took his phone out and called Todd, putting it on speakerphone so that Josh could hear as well. After thirty seconds of dial tone, the phone went to voicemail. “Hey Todd, it’s Danny. I’m here with Josh. ‘I know?’ That’s the best you could come up with? Be original, man. Call us back.”

He disconnected the call and sat down in his chair while Josh leaned up against one of the student desks in the front row.

“I’m sure it’s just him pranking us, Josh. No need to worry.”

“Well if it’s all the same to you, I’ll be more comfortable when I hear that from him. I don’t need someone else running around town with these compromising photos of us.”

Danny nodded in agreement when his phone vibrated once on his desk. Picking up his phone, he saw the text message notification.

“It’s from Todd,” he said, swiping the notification to get the message. The message was actually a photo…a photo of Todd, clad in a baseball cap, white t-shirt, dark shorts, and his token Rainbow flip flops. He was sitting on the ground, his arms behind his back, his legs bent in front of him with his ankles clearly tied with rope and a bandanna tied in between his teeth with a knot in the middle. And his head was slumped over to his left side. Then the caption came, which Danny read aloud: “Sorry Todd couldn’t answer your call but as you can plainly see, he’s a bit tied up at the moment. And unconscious, but he’ll be coming around shortly. I’ll tell him you called. And, by the way, I still know what you did…See you soon!”
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Post by cj2125 »

Fantastci story! One of my favorite tales in the forum so far! And the endign! Leaving us with a cliff hanger? Bastard! :mrgreen:

So I'm guessing we'll have to be looking forward for Danny and Josh to get capt...ehhh confront their blackmailer?
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Post by fratboydanny »

What a great final chapter and epilogue. This was a really fun to read. I loved the characters, especially Danny. Love how he did himself in at the end. I can think of someone who would actually do that....

Thanks [mention]GMen[/mention] for contributing this masterpiece to the board. I hope, given the epilogue, this will not be the last we read about Danny, Josh and Todd.
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