Somewhere on a beach (F/F, FF/F) COMPLETE

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Somewhere on a beach (F/F, FF/F) COMPLETE

Post by NotSeen »

What do you know, it's Monday - and as promised, here's the first chapter to a new story: another collaboration with [mention]chelseykittyc@t[/mention]. Please read, hopefully enjoy - and perhaps even give feedback?

[mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]Switcher1313[/mention] [mention]JulieG[/mention] [mention]CarouselCowboy13[/mention] [mention]SinfulSloth[/mention] [mention]GreyLord[/mention] [mention]nayte4767[/mention] [mention]tickletied84[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]TayDay95[/mention] [mention]Trickster[/mention] [mention]smooth_talker45[/mention]

--- ---

Somewhere on a beach

Chapter 1 - Something sweet

Chelsey rolled over on the bed and cracked one eye open. ‘Sure as hell beats waking up at home’, she thought as she looked up at the ceiling. Morning sunlight was already flowing through the gauze curtains into the bedroom of her cottage. She closed her eyes and stretched on the bed, yawning. ‘What time is it… ah, who cares.’

She lay on the bed with her eyes closed for a moment longer, enjoying the warm morning air. This time of the year, waking up at home was an exercise of self-control: having to drag oneself from underneath the duvet into the chilly bathroom, either wait forever for the water to heat up or deal with the teeth-chatteringly cold shower, then get dressed, breakfast, yada yada yada. Here, on the other hand… She’d slept the night without even a sheet for a blanket, naked as the day she was born… well, except for one thing. In the evening, she’d tied a scarf around her waist and used another to fashion a ‘crotch scarf’ of sorts, laying the soft, slick fabric to rest over her nether lips. Not that she needed to wear anything to bed - more than anything just because she’d felt like being a bit naughty. Her hand crept to the scarves, finding the crotch scarf had wound itself into a narrow band that rested right over her slit.

For the first time in what felt like forever, Chelsey was taking a vacation. It had taken about a year of saving - and almost as long to talk her boss into letting her go - but now she was waking up into the second day of her two-week beach holiday. Two weeks of sun, sand and… well, she didn’t know yet what else. She’d gotten here late in the evening the day before yesterday and had spent most of yesterday sleeping or laying on the beach. Now, after a good night’s sleep, she felt like she was ready to see what the resort had to offer.

Half an hour later she was drinking her morning coffee, the plate in front of her covered in croissant crumbs. ‘Good thing they serve breakfast until afternoon’, Chelsey thought. The sun was already so high up in the sky that she was grateful for the parasol that covered the table. She’d chosen to wear a bright orange two-piece swimsuit, a floppy straw hat over her dirty blonde hair and a pair of flipflops - and even that felt like it was a bit too much for the weather. The resort had a strict no-nudity policy, although as long as you made the effort to wear something, they didn’t really care what it was.

Chelsey let her eyes drift across the beach. The rays of the sun glinted off the waves, making her grateful for the sunglasses. When she’d put the oversize frames on, she couldn’t have helped grinning with the memory of wearing them the first time. They were the exact same pair she’d worn when Magda had ‘roped her in’ - in more ways than one - to fill in for a broken mannequin in her store. When Chelsey had told Magda she was going for a vacation, the redheaded shopkeeper had given her the sunglasses and told her to “find a pretty little island girl to take good care of those lovely toesies of yours”.

Magda’s words rang in her head as Chelsey’s eyes stopped on a woman walking down the beach. A tiny little blonde - probably all of five feet in heels - in black bikini, a translucent pareo tied around her hips, wearing what looked like aqua socks. She was wearing a pair of sunglasses with rose-tinted round lenses. There was something about her - the atrocious footwear aside - that made Chelsey unable to take her eyes off her. Petite, tiny even, she still carried herself like she was six feet tall, she was tanned enough to suggest she’d been here for more than a day and a half. Chelsey realized she was licking her lips and quickly raised her coffee cup to her mouth. Sipping the bitter drink, she still found herself wondering what the blonde’s feet looked like inside those aqua socks…

For the day, there wasn’t much to do besides lay on the beach. Turns out, the resort did have all sorts of activities available, but Chelsey had decided that at least today, she was just going to lay on a lounger and soak up the rays… getting up only to make the necessary trips back to the bar to make sure she stayed hydrated. Which turned out to be surprisingly pleasant, given that the bartender turned out to be such a hottie… who apparently liked to flirt back.

Late afternoon found Chelsey perched atop a barstool, watching as the bartender mixed yet another margarita for another customer. Once that was done and served, she returned to where Chelsey was nursing the dregs of her mojito.

“Do you need a refill”, the bartender asked, pointing at the almost empty glass.

Chelsey drained the few remaining drops from the tall glass and set it down. “Um… You wouldn’t by any chance have something… non-alcoholic?”

The bartender laughed and set a glass of sparkling water in front of Chelsey. “Honey, this is a bar, not a liquor store. Besides, I don’t want you falling off that stool… at least not yet.”

Chelsey looked at her - not a great burden, given how beautiful she was. Nearly black hair falling past her shoulders complemented her slightly darker skin, of which her uniform (or the lack of it) showed plenty of… “Not yet?”, Chelsey asked.

The bartender grinned. “I thought you got here the day before yesterday? Where were you last night?”

“Asleep in the bed”, Chelsey said, feeling a bit sheepish. “I was so fucking tired.”

“Well, if you’re still tired, I suggest you go get some shut-eye before the evening. Believe me, this place wakes up at 10pm. You won’t want to miss it.”

“Is that so”, Chelsey asked. “And will you be there, too?”

“Yes, I will”, the bartender said with a wink. “Working.”

“Ahh, boo. All work and no play…”

“...makes Sanya a dull girl, I know. But a girl’s gotta earn a living, you know”, the bartender said. She moved over to serve another customer, leaving Chelsey to her drink.

An hour or so later, Chelsey decided to take Sanya’s advice. She made her way to her cottage and got in. Inside, it was marginally cooler than outside, but - after checking that the blinds were closed - she quickly undressed before taking a quick shower and heading for bed. Laying down with her eyes closed, her thoughts kept returning to the petite blonde she’d seen in the morning. ‘Those atrocious shoes’, she thought… and found herself thinking what her feet might look like inside the shoes. ‘Look… and taste…’, she thought as her right hand started to slide toward her crotch...

After a lengthy nap and a late dinner, Chelsey walked back to the bar a little after 10pm. Even from afar, it was obvious Sanya hadn’t exaggerated. The beach bar shone through the dusk like a beacon and the music could be heard from a long way off. Whereas in the afternoon there had been only a few people, right now the place was packed. Wearing her blue sundress, the dirty-blonde made her way to the bar through the throng and found Sanya busy with drink orders. Instead of her earlier skimpy uniform, the brunette was wearing a skintight t-shirt and capris in the resort colors (red and orange).

“Hiya, sleepyhead. Had a good nap”, she greeted Chelsey while loading the shaker.

“Who said I was sleeping?”

“Honey, you still have a pillow impression on your cheek.”

“Let me rephrase that - who said I was only sleeping”, Chelsey said with an exaggerated wink.

“Ooooh, had fun? Well, that’s what this place is for. What was he like?”

Chelsey said nothing, merely standing there with a smile on her face. After a second or two, Sanya looked at her with a raised eyebrow - and then Chelsey could see understanding spread on her face. “Aaaaaah, so that is the case, then… Would you like something to drink?”

“Oh, are you buying me drinks now?”

“No, you’re buying. I’m just making them.”

“Yeah, I’d like something… gimme something sweet.”

Grinning, Sanya reached for a new shaker and a bottle of vodka. A few moments later she set a tall glass filled with red/orange liquid in front of Chelsey. “Here you go.”

Chelsey looked at the glass and then back at Sanya, her eyebrow raised. “Sex on the beach? Really?”

Sanya merely grinned even wider, winked at Chelsey and moved on to serve another customer.

Chelsey picked up the glass and took a sip. It wasn’t that she didn’t like the drink, but… ‘The only way she could be more obvious was to write FUCK ME on her forehead with fluorescent paint’, Chelsey mused. ‘Well, it’s not like I’d pass on the opportunity.’

As the night wore on, Chelsey rarely left the stool. Sanya was running to and fro, but somehow she did find the time to keep flirting with Chelsey. The dirty-blonde was two thirds through her second drink - a caipirinha - when Sanya stopped in front of her. The brunette leaned forward to pick up a pair of empty glasses, her face a few centimeters from Chelsey’s ear.

“My break is coming up in a minute. Drink that and follow me”, she whispered. Chelsey looked up to see Sanya wink at her as she moved on.

‘Fuck yes.’ Chelsey downed the rest of her drink and shoved the glass away. Another bartender snapped it up as the dirty-blonde slid off her stool. She spotted Sanya washing her hands at the end of the bar and headed that way. They found each other just as Sanya stepped off the wooden deck of the bar onto the sand. The bartender grabbed Chelsey by the hand and began pulling her toward the resort’s main building.

“Hey, wait…”

“Shush. I can’t be away for very long.”

Sanya led them to a door that was partially hidden behind some bushes. She opened the door and waved Chelsey in. The dirty-blonde stepped in, finding herself in a smallish room with a couple of couches and a small kitchenette. She turned around as Sanya closed the door behind them. The bartender grabbed Chelsey by the waist, pushed her against the wall and kissed her. It started as a soft, gentle kiss - but a moment later Sanya was pushing her tongue into Chelsey’s mouth. After a brief surprise, Chelsey pulled Sanya against herself and responded to the kiss.

Sanya broke the kiss. “Sorry to surprise you like this, but I wanted to do this all day…”

“Shut the fuck up and kiss me”, Chelsey said and kissed the bartender.

Making out, hands all over each other, they staggered from the wall and half-sat, half-fell onto one of the couches. Breathing heavily, Sanya grasped the hem of Chelsey’s dress and pulled it up, exposing the dirty-blonde’s hips. The brunette laid her hand on the dark red panties, making Chelsey gasp. In turn, she pulled the t-shirt off Sanya and began to push her capris down her legs. A moment of breathless fumbling later, they lay on the couch naked as the day they were born.

“How much time do you have”, Chelsey whispered, trying to keep her voice down despite Sanya rubbing her pussy through the panties.

“Ten, fifteen minutes tops”, the bartender replied and kissed her.

Chelsey helped Sanya pull her panties off, then relieved the bartender of hers. They kept kissing each other, rubbing their chests against each others’, hands grasping the other woman’s ass. Suddenly Sanya rose up and pulled Chelsey’s legs apart. Expecting the bartender to go down on her, Chelsey was surprised when the brunette shifted her position, hoisting one of her own legs atop Chelsey’s. A few seconds later the scissors were complete, the women falling onto the couch, their naked and wet pussies pushed against each other.

Chelsey moaned aloud, feeling the first waves of an impending orgasm gather in her hips. On a whim, she grabbed Sanya’s leg and used it to pull the brunette even tighter against her - with the result that her foot ended up right in front of Chelsey’s face. Without thinking, the dirty-blonde grabbed the bartender’s foot, pulled it closer and ran her tongue up the sole from the heel to the toes. Sanya flinched and let out a long moan.

“Ohh… you like… thiss… don’t you…” Chelsey managed to gasp.

“Shut the fuck up and do that againnnnhhhhh…” Sanya’s words faded into a moan as Chelsey licked her foot again. She more felt than saw Sanya grasp her foot - and suddenly felt a pair of warm, wet lips close over her toes…

The two women writhed on the couch, grinding their labia against each other’s, licking and kissing the other one’s feet, gasping and moaning in pleasure. Sanya’s gasps began to build, louder and more frequent by the moment, Chelsey grinding herself against the bartender faster and faster, feeling her own orgasm approaching.

Sanya fell silent, fell back onto the couch for a short moment - and came, screaming and writhing so violently that she nearly made both of them fall off the bed. The sudden surprise movement was the last little push Chelsey needed, the orgasm erupting from her privates and claiming her, the liquid fire pouring through her…

They lay silent for a moment before sitting up. Sanya reached over and kissed Chelsey.

“Thanks. I was hoping it’d be good but I didn’t think it would be that good…”

“Thanks yourself.”

“Too bad my break is over. I need to get back to work”, Sanya said, reaching for her clothes.

As they dressed, Chelsey heard Sanya start laughing. “What?”

“Oh, I’m just wondering what my girlfriend will say when I tell her…”

Chelsey straightened up, looking at the bartender. “You have a girlfriend?”

“Yep. Relax, babe - I wouldn’t have done this if it wasn’t cool with her”, the bartender said, pulling her t-shirt on. She gently took Chelsey’s face in her hands and kissed her one more time. “I have to go. Make sure the door is locked when you leave. Let’s do this again one of these days.” And she was gone, hurrying back to work.

--- ---

Thus begins Chelsey's much-needed beach holiday... although exactly how much of it will she get to spend laying on the beach... well, I guess you'll have to return on Wednesday for Chapter 2 to get an idea of how things will go.
Until then, have a good one, everybody
Last edited by NotSeen 2 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by CarouselCowboy13 »

This is a great and awesome sexy and hot 🔥🔥🔥 1st chapter
My Dear it's no use to struggle. But I would greatly appreciate it if you, could and would
Kik Username CarouselCowboy15
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Post by JulieG »

Lovely start, and not the girl I thought would get our. Chelsea first.
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Post by NotSeen »

JulieG wrote: 2 years ago Lovely start, and not the girl I thought would get our. Chelsea first.
CarouselCowboy13 wrote: 2 years ago This is a great and awesome sexy and hot 🔥🔥🔥 1st chapter
Thank you, both of you. I hope you find the rest of the story to be just as good if not better.
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Post by Nainur »

CarouselCowboy13 wrote: 2 years ago This is a great and awesome sexy and hot 🔥🔥🔥 1st chapter
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Post by NotSeen »

Nainur wrote: 2 years ago
CarouselCowboy13 wrote: 2 years ago This is a great and awesome sexy and hot 🔥🔥🔥 1st chapter
Many thanks. I hope you stick around for the rest of the story as well.
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Post by Beaumains »

Good start! I cannot wait to see how you will introduce bondage to this beach paradise. Somehow, I expect Sanya knows already quite a lot and will show Chelsey the ropes, but everything is still open.
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Post by NotSeen »

Beaumains wrote: 2 years ago Good start! I cannot wait to see how you will introduce bondage to this beach paradise. Somehow, I expect Sanya knows already quite a lot and will show Chelsey the ropes, but everything is still open.
Thank you! That's a fair assumption, given that my characters are generally at least familiar with ropes and such (I really should have some who aren't, just for the sake of variety...) but at this moment I won't say more. Check back on Wed to see how the story continues.
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Post by CarouselCowboy13 »

NotSeen wrote: 2 years ago
Nainur wrote: 2 years ago
CarouselCowboy13 wrote: 2 years ago This is a great and awesome sexy and hot 🔥🔥🔥 1st chapter
Many thanks. I hope you stick around for the rest of the story as well.
You're welcome and I will definitely stick around
My Dear it's no use to struggle. But I would greatly appreciate it if you, could and would
Kik Username CarouselCowboy15
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Post by Switcher1313 »

Nice start! Let the kinky games continue! 😁
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Post by NotSeen »

Switcher1313 wrote: 2 years ago Nice start! Let the kinky games continue!
Thank you! It's probably not that big a spoiler if I promise that they will...
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Post by chelseykittyc@t »

My favorite so far! So freakin sexy (:
Heyyy, I’m back. My name is Chelsey. I am into foot fetish, sock fetish, shoe fetish, HOM, bondage, gags, smelling, and getting kidnapped. I am always down to role play sooo message me (;
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Post by SinfulSloth »

A great addition to this little saga, sexy as hell. there's so much more time left on her vacation for Chelsey to have some more fun too
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Post by NotSeen »

chelseykittyc@t wrote: 2 years ago My favorite so far! So freakin sexy (:
Thank you - and more importantly, thank _you_!
SinfulSloth wrote: 2 years ago A great addition to this little saga, sexy as hell. there's so much more time left on her vacation for Chelsey to have some more fun too
Thanks! Oh, there is still much fun to be had...
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Post by Caesar73 »

You described location and athmosphere so nicely, that it was easy o imagine the scene - and that is a very hot Bartender :) Sanya wastes no time - I wonder what her Girl Friend will make of this.
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Post by NotSeen »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago You described location and athmosphere so nicely, that it was easy o imagine the scene - and that is a very hot Bartender :) Sanya wastes no time - I wonder what her Girl Friend will make of this.
Thanks. Well, Sanya said her gf would be cool with that... but whether that is true? Remember to check back tomorrow.
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Post by Caesar73 »

NotSeen wrote: 2 years ago Remember to check back tomorrow.
I will do that :)
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Post by slackywacky »

> Thus begins Chelsey's much-needed beach holiday...

I need a beach holiday now... WOW. And that was only the beginning...
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by NotSeen »

slackywacky wrote: 2 years ago I need a beach holiday now... WOW. And that was only the beginning...
...and here's Chapter 2!

[mention]chelseykittyc@t[/mention] [mention]slackywacky[/mention] [mention]Caesar73[/mention] [mention]SinfulSloth[/mention] [mention]Switcher1313[/mention] [mention]CarouselCowboy13[/mention] [mention]Beaumains[/mention] [mention]Nainur[/mention] [mention]JulieG[/mention]

--- ---

Chapter 2 - Girl crush

Chelsey woke up the next morning. She opened her eyes - and found that she couldn’t see anything. After a fraction of a second of disorientation she remembered what she’d done when she went to bed. She’d dug a pair of leather cuffs from her luggage - she’d packed the pair more as wishful thinking than anything else - and used them to tie her hands behind her back after first using a scarf to blindfold herself. She stretched, straining against the cuffs, thinking back to the night before… the quickie with Sanya… the bartender’s lips and tongue on her feet… ‘Oh fuck that was hot’, Chelsey thought, briefly imagining the brunette bartender standing at the foot of the bed, looking at her bound and blindfolded body laying there. The image in her head made her pussy tingle as she unbuckled the cuffs from her wrists. As she pulled the blindfold off, she actually felt disappointed when Sanya wasn’t standing there. After one more stretch and yawn, Chelsey got up and padded to the shower.

Showered, Chelsey made her way to the bar for breakfast. She looked around but couldn’t see Sanya anywhere. One of the waitresses brought her coffee and croissants.

“Looking for someone”, she asked when she saw Chelsey’s expression.

“Yeah… Sanya.”

“It’s her day off. She’ll be back tomorrow for the evening shift”, the waitress said with a smile and departed. ‘Ah fuck’, Chelsey cursed, taking her coffee cup. ‘What am I supposed to do today?’

The obvious answer was ‘work on her tan’, of course. After some brief moping, Chelsey had sprawled herself on a sun lounger. As the rays fell on her, she occasionally looked around the beach. ‘Oh, hello there…’, Chelsey thought, raising her head a little as she saw her again. The tiny blonde in her black bikini, pareo around her waist, rose-tinted glasses - and those atrocious aqua socks. ‘Why the fuck would anyone wear something like those’, the dirty-blonde wondered as she kept her eyes on the petite woman. Suddenly the woman turned toward her, briefly raised her glasses onto her forehead - obviously looking directly at Chelsey - and smiled. The dirty-blonde was so surprised she barely managed to wave in return. The woman nodded in reply, put her glasses back down and kept walking. Chelsey kept looking at her as long as she was visible… feeling a certain little pleasant glow within her. As the tiny woman vanished from sight, she shook her head. ‘What’s going on? Sure, she’s pretty as hell, but… why do I feel like a teenager with a little girl crush again…’

Sun had tipped past noon. Chelsey was perched on what had already become her regular chair in the bar, nursing a tall glass of Coke. While Sanya wasn’t here, the bartender - a sweet-as-pie blonde who said she was from Germany - was pleasant enough company. In another situation, Chelsey might have hit on her, but she couldn’t stop thinking about Sanya.

Someone tapped her on the shoulder. She turned to look and saw the tiny blonde in the black bikini standing beside her.

“Hi. Would you mind if I sat here”, she asked, pointing to a barstool beside Chelsey.

“Oh… hi. Sorry. No, not at all. Please.”

The woman hopped onto the stool. Up close, she wasn’t quite as short as Chelsey had first thought - not five feet in heels, more like a bit over five feet in her… bare feet. Yep, her feet were bare - with an intricate web of silver-colored chain running from an anklet to a toe ring, covering most of the top of her foot.

“My name is Raven”, the woman said.

“Chelsey. Nice to meet you”, the dirty-blonde replied, visibly surprised by the unusual name.

Raven laughed. “Yes, it’s a weird name - especially for a blonde. What can I say, my parents were comic-book fans.”

Chelsey looked at her, puzzled.

“Raven - as in Raven Darkholme? Mystique? X-Men? Marvel?”

Chelsey frowned. “Ah yeah… I saw the last Avengers movie... but…”

“Ah, never mind”, Raven said with a wave of her hand

“I bet you get asked about your name a lot.”

“A bit too often, to be honest”, Raven said and waved at the bartender. “Ice tea, please.” She turned to Chelsey. “You need a refill? I’m buying.”

“No, I’m good.”

The glass of ice tea arrived. Chelsey sipped on her Coke, looking at Raven. Up close, she still had that presence that belied her stature - but at the same time, there was nothing scary about the woman.

“I probably owe you an explanation. I mean, I’m not usually this forthright… but… I just saw you on the beach and… shit, I don’t even know if you’re into girls”, Raven said, looking down at the bar.

“Must be your lucky day, then”, Chelsey said with a wink, getting a grin in return.

“I guess so... I saw you on the beach and again here and thought, well, what do I have to lose?”

Chelsey smiled, stealing another glance at Raven’s feet - and blushing as she saw Raven had caught her looking.

“You like my foot jewelry?”

“Yes…” Chelsey managed to say. Her mouth suddenly felt very dry. “Much better than those… atrocious aqua socks you were wearing…”

Smiling, Raven moved her foot, pressing it against Chelsey’s calf. Still smiling, she began to slowly rub it up and down Chelsey’s foot, making the dirty-blonde gasp.

“I wear those for a reason”, Raven whispered, taking a sip of her ice tea. “The only people who notice them are those who are into feet… and judging by your reaction… you are.”

Chelsey felt herself becoming instantly wet. Raven’s foot felt sooooo good as it slid up and down her shin. “Ohhhhhhhh”, she managed to whisper, closing her eyes.

“What say you if we finish these drinks and go somewhere a bit more… private”, Raven whispered in return.

Chelsey downed her Coke in a gulp. “My place or yours?”

They barely made it into Chelsey’s cottage before being all over each other. For a moment, the height difference made things awkward - until Raven wrapped her arms around Chelsey’s neck, jumped up and wrapped her legs around the taller woman’s hips. Chelsey stumbled, but managed to keep her footing by leaning against the wall, kissing her ‘guest’ all the while. Groping each other and making out breathlessly, they somehow ended up on Chelsey’s bed.

Untangling themselves for a moment, they laid on the bed, foreheads pressed together, eyes firmly locked. “Wow…”, Chelsey managed to say.

“You can say that again”, Raven breathed. She kissed Chelsey, tugging on the dirty-blonde’s bikini. In turn, Chelsey started pushing Raven’s bikini bottom down her legs. Once she managed to pull the tiny garment off, she kept a hold of the woman’s foot, rose to her knees and raised the foot to her lips. As she ran her tongue up the sole, Raven let out a long gasp.

“Oh fuck that feels good… do it again…”

“Say the magic word.”


Chelsey grinned and continued licking. Raven closed her eyes, savoring the feeling. Chelsey couldn’t help playing with the chains that draped over the smaller blonde’s foot.

“You like them?”

“Yes - and especially since they’re on your feet…”

Raven smiled, moaning quietly as Chelsey’s tongue found its way between her toes. Suddenly, the smaller blonde grimaced, reached underneath her and pulled something out. When Chelsey saw she was holding the wrist cuffs, she froze, blush creeping up her face.

Raven turned the cuffs in her hands, still smiling. “Ohhhh… I see. So it’s not just feet you’re into, are you”, she asked, twirling the cuffs in her hands. Grinning, she wrapped one cuff around her wrist, but didn’t buckle it shut. “Were you going to use these on me?”

“No… um… unless you want to…”, Chelsey stammered.

Raven rose to her knees and kissed Chelsey. “Relax, hot stuff, it’s not the first time I’ve seen bondage toys - or used them, for that matter. But…”


Raven looked at Chelsey. “I know we just met and all that… but would you let me tie you up?”

Chelsey looked back at her. “...and if I were to say yes, what would you do after you’d tied me up?”

“Oh, I’m sure I could pass the time with those pretty feet of yours…” Raven answered. “Please?”

‘Ah, screw it”, Chelsey decided. The thought of being tied up and played with by this pretty little island girl was making her hotter by the second. “I’m game. Go ahead.”

A few moments later - after raiding Chelsey’s luggage - the two of them sat on the bed with the cuffs, a pile of scarves and a couple pairs of socks. “So, how do you want me?”

“Give me your hands - behind your back.”

Chelsey turned her back to Raven and crossed her wrists behind her back. The little blonde buckled the cuffs around her wrists, snugly but not too tight. “Good?”


“Lie down.”

Chelsey made to lie down on her back, but Raven turned her facedown and pulled her lower on the bed until her feet were sticking through the vertical slats on the footboard. As she began to tie Chelsey’s ankles to the slats with scarves, the tied woman felt her arousal kick up a notch.

Raven was quick. A few seconds later Chelsey’s feet weren’t going anywhere, her legs spread just wide enough to make sure she couldn’t close her thighs. “Feels like you’d just put me in stocks”, Chelsey said in a hoarse whisper.

“Do you like it”, Raven asked, having moved beside Chelsey. The tied dirty-blonde nodded, getting a small chuckle from her ‘captor’.

Raven picked up the socks and balled them up. “May I?”

Chelsey nodded and opened her mouth. Raven pushed the socks into her mouth, used one scarf as a cleave gag to secure them in place and tied another atop it as an over-the-mouth gag. Finally she picked up one more scarf and started folding it. Watching her work, Chelsey had a flashback to when Magda had first tied her up in the back of her little store. She closed her eyes unbidden as Raven tied the scarf over her eyes, blindfolding her.

“Everything good”, Raven asked, laying her hand on Chelsey’s shoulder. The tied woman had to admit feeling a little conflicted - here she was, tied up by someone she’d only just met… but fuck if that little blonde wasn’t hot… She nodded.

“Have fun”, she heard Raven say as the little blonde rose from the bed and walked to the foot of the bed. A moment later Chelsey felt her breath on her foot and then…

Raven’s lips and tongue felt heavenly. She kissed and licked Chelsey’s foot all over, from heel to toes. Her quick tongue flicked between the tied woman’s toes, moving from the big toe to the little toe… and back again… and then she started to suck on the toes… before returning to Chelsey’s arch once again…

On the bed, Chelsey squirmed and moaned. As expected, the fact that she couldn’t see a thing made everything feel that much more intense - and there was a lot of ‘intense’. She arched her back, as if trying to rise from the bed when Raven’s lips closed over her achilles, the blonde’s quick tongue flicking over the skin… but try as she may have done, her feet were stuck to the bed. ‘Ohhhhhh fuuuuucckkkk she’s gooooooddd….’

Raven’s lips left Chelsey’s foot - only to land on her other, so far neglected, foot… ‘MMMMMMMMPPPPPPHHHH”, Chelsey screamed into her gag as lips and tongue once again resumed their ministrations. The only reply was an amused chuckle. In all honesty, Raven wasn’t quite as good as Magda - but then again, the red-haired witch was in a league of her own. Right now, though, the dirty-blonde couldn’t have cared less. Feeling Raven’s teeth lightly nibbling on her pinky toe, the teeth just barely brushing against the soft skin, was sooooooo goooooood… Chelsey bucked on the bed, her bullet-hard nipples dragging against the sheets, her pussy felt so wet she was briefly scared of ruining the mattress… Very, very briefly. As Raven once again began to lick her way up Chelsey’s sole, there was nothing else she could think of…

Fortunately, the little blonde ceased her ministrations before Chelsey ran completely out of breath. The bound woman panted on the bed, trying to get air into her lungs, still feeling Raven’s hands holding her feet oh so very tenderly…

“Oh, by the way… I invited a friend over… She’s into feet at least as much as I am… Surely you won’t mind having two pretty chicks worship your feet? No? Brilliant. She’ll be here in a few.”

Chelsey froze. ‘Someone else? What the fuck? No!’ She shook her head violently, trying to pull her hands free - but the cuffs wouldn’t budge… and try as she did, she couldn’t reach the buckles that held the cuffs closed.

“Relax, honey”, Raven cooed. “She won’t hurt you.”

There was a knock on the door.

“Oh, that’s her. Just sit tight, we’ll be right over.”

As Chelsey heard Raven walking to the door, she lay still on the bed, half-scared, half-excited. ‘Oh shit please let this work out…’

Two pairs of footsteps approached the bed. There was muted giggling and a few shushed words, too quiet for Chelsey to hear. Then two pairs of hands grabbed her feet and…

Up to that moment, Chelsey had never experienced two girls worshiping her feet simultaneously. When two pairs of lips and two hot, wet tongues descended on her bare feet, she thought she was going to lose her mind. Whoever the other woman was, she was at least as good as Raven had been. The duo occasionally worked in tandem, doing the same thing to both feet at once - only to break up that synchronisation a short moment later, keeping Chelsey on her proverbial toes. The two of them licked her soles and ankles... kissed her heels and balls of her feet… licked between her toes… kissed and sucked on her toes… and if that wasn’t enough… every now and then two pairs of lips landed on the same foot…

Chelsey was moaning… no, screaming. The pleasure was just too much. Her back was arched, keeping her upper body off the sheets. “PPPLLLLLLLHHHHH! PLLLHHHHHH!!! PLLLLLSSSHHHH, RRHHHVVHHHNNN, LLHHHTT MMMHHH CHHHMMMHHH!”

She was only just aware that one of the women climbed onto the bed and knelt beside her while the other one still kept working on her feet. A hand landed on the back of her thigh, slid upwards and slipped between her legs. Fingers found her pussy, inching towards her clit…

“Cum, honey. Cum for us.”

As the fingers found her clit, she came. Thrashing on the bed, she moaned aloud, one continuous wail erupting from her throat as the orgasm flushed through her, the darkness behind the blindfold erupting into all colors of the rainbow as the fingers kept working on her clit…

Chelsey lay on the bed, spent and sated. She barely felt her legs being released. Hands removed the cuffs from her wrists. The scarves around her mouth came loose and fingers pulled out the stuffing in her mouth. She rolled on her back.

“Take off your blindfold, babe.”

Chelsey reached up and pulled the scarf off her eyes. She squinted in the light, looking around. Two naked women sat at the foot of her bed. One was Raven. The other was Sanya.

The duo looked at Chelsey without speaking. Finally Sanya spoke.

“Please don’t be mad. When I told her about you, she was… well…”

“I wanted to meet you too”, Raven said.

“Meet her? Babe, please…”

“All right, I wanted to fuck you, too. But… I’m sorry we set you up like this.”

Chelsey looked at the duo for a moment - and then began to smile. Laying in the center of the bed, she spread her arms wide.

“I forgive you - on one condition”, she said, pausing for a moment before continuing. “That you both come here right now.”

Relieved smiles spreading onto their faces, the two women eagerly crawled over and laid beside Chelsey. They both kissed her in turn, before raising up just high enough to kiss each other in front of her.

“Do that again… please”, Chelsey whispered.

Raven and Sanya looked at her, then each other - and kissed each other long and sensuously, giving Chelsey quite a show… that concluded with a three-way French kiss. Giggling, the trio settled onto the bed.

Chelsey closed her eyes and pulled the two naked women closer. Sanya and Raven gladly obliged, pressing themselves against her. Chelsey closed her eyes, feeling the warm, soft bodies against hers, their hands on her skin. She looked up as she noticed how each of them hooked their legs around hers, softly pulling her thighs apart. Since they were both lying her arms, she was effectively spread-eagled on the bed. She turned to look at Raven, who kissed her. Sanya reached over, turned Chelsey’s head and kissed her also.

“Will you let us play with you a little more”, the brunette asked.

Chelsey smiled as she felt Raven’s fingers slowly sliding toward her crotch. She nodded and closed her eyes. As Sanya’s fingers started circling her nipple, she thought of what Magda had told her. 'I can’t wait to tell her that I didn’t find just one pretty island girl who’s into feet… I found two…'

--- ---

So there. Please let me know what you think.
Despite many of you requesting longer stories, this will be another of my now-customary three-part stories, so the conclusion is due on Friday. I promise, I will try to write longer ones in the future :)
So, have a good one, everyone - till Friday.
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Post by Caesar73 »

"Somewhere on a beach" is light and playful in tone, the pace is perfect. What is happening is hot and intense. And what surprised me was Sanya showing up - I somehow suspected that Sanya had been a little tied up at the moment, but that was a pleasant surprise :) Exquisite foot worshipping!
And I do not mind, that this will be "only" a three Part Story, absolutely not. I find it fascinating that ypou can change the tone of your stories so effortlessly. I like that, very much so! [mention]NotSeen[/mention] !
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Post by Nainur »

First of all: I do like the consensuality. It is maybe a bit all too good matching, but, what the heck. Very well written - nice colab!
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Post by NotSeen »

Caesar73 wrote: 2 years ago "Somewhere on a beach" is light and playful in tone, the pace is perfect. What is happening is hot and intense. And what surprised me was Sanya showing up - I somehow suspected that Sanya had been a little tied up at the moment, but that was a pleasant surprise :) Exquisite foot worshipping!
And I do not mind, that this will be "only" a three Part Story, absolutely not. I find it fascinating that ypou can change the tone of your stories so effortlessly. I like that, very much so! @NotSeen !
Weeelllll... we don't know what Sanya was up to in the morning ;) but I'm happy to hear that I managed to surprise at least someone.
Also, thank you for the compliments regarding how different my stories are. This is probably at the other end of my 'range' compared to 'Calling in sick'... but I'm glad that I manage to attract an audience for such different stories (although, if view count is any indication, this kind of story isn't quite as popular as the harder stuff...)
Nainur wrote: 2 years ago First of all: I do like the consensuality. It is maybe a bit all too good matching, but, what the heck. Very well written - nice colab!
Thank you. I admit that it is quite a 'small world' - quite a coincidence that Chelsey gets attracted to the two girls who happen to be girlfriends...
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Post by TightsBound »

Oh my. This has been yet another hot story involving the site’s resident foot queen, [mention]chelseykittyc@t[/mention]. Every story about makes me feel like I need to go confess to a priest and then call my dad to talk about football. Thanks for writing this! I can’t wait for the conclusion!
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Post by NotSeen »

TightsBound wrote: 2 years ago Oh my. This has been yet another hot story involving the site’s resident foot queen, @chelseykittyc@t. Every story about makes me feel like I need to go confess to a priest and then call my dad to talk about football. Thanks for writing this! I can’t wait for the conclusion!
Thank you for your kind words. It's not often I get such descriptive feedback :D
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Post by Beaumains »

Nice twist! I kinda saw it coming when Raven was pretty sure Chelsey was into girls, but the execution was great. Having Sanye show up was almost cruel, but Chelsey took it well. The idea of this story is quite simple, but somehow, it is very refreshing and has the right balance between the actual bondage/sex, dialogue, and backstory.
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