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Captured babysitters: a babysitting nightmare MF/FF

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 8:19 pm
by Bondagegirl1
It’s been a while since I posted here and I decided to return here with what I think is one of the best stories that has ever happened to me.

This story happened when I was 15 years old and I started to babysit some children like a normal teenager to get some money. The first time I babysitted also was the first time I got bound and gagged as a babysitter (maybe I’ll tell more another time).

So I this was my first time as a babysitter and I was going to babysit two children (a boy that was around 7 and a girl that was around 10) that where from my neighborhood. Since I didn’t knew a lot of babysitting I a friend that had a smaller sister and that had already babysitted some children called Val decided she would help me.

So I arrived to the house of this two children and Val was arriving like 1 hour later to help me. While I was on the house, I noticed that the children where a little mischievous and I was having problem trying to control them. On one moment, the boy broke something from the room of his parents (don’t remeber what I was) so I got preaty angry and jelled at him. Because of the jelling, he and her sister got mad and while I was cleaning the mess, they got behind my back and started tying my hands with a jump rope. I tried to struggle but they grabbed me really good and they ended up tying my hands. I told them for them to let me go but then they tied my feet with another jumping rope and they ended up gagging me with a handckerchief that I found there. They told me that for jelling I would need to stay like that for 2 hours. They left me in the room of their parents and closed the door. I struggled and tried to make noice so someone could hear me but it didn’t worked. I decided to calm myself and wait for Val to arrive so she could untie me.

Some time passed and Val arrived. The kids got her in after she told them that she was there for helping me and then they told her that I was on their parents room sleeping cause I wasn’t feeling well. She went to the room and she found me in there bound and gagged. Before she could do anything, I saw how the girl got behind her back with a roll of duct tape and how the boy grabbed her. They tied her hands behind her back with the tape and also her feet. They gagged her with the tape and left her there bound and gagged.

We stayed like that for like 1 hour until somehow Val was able to break the tape that kept her tied and she untied herself and also me. We went down and we talk to the children so they could see what they did was bad. They ended up apologizing and then after that they calmed and we saw a movie until their parents arrived home.

I didn’t told them what their kids did believing that they wouldn’t do that again. The only thing I told them was that there son broke something in their room and they seemed calm so I guess I wasn’t something valuable.

I exit the house with Val after all that and we kind of laughed after we where out cause we couldn’t believe that we were really captured by some children. Currently is a story we also laugh and for me one of the best moments I’ve ever experienced.

Re: Captured babysitters: a babysitting nightmare MF/FF

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 12:54 pm
by JulieG
Nice story. Shame no activity in a year.

Re: Captured babysitters: a babysitting nightmare MF/FF

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 8:45 pm
by Dpsiic
Can’t believe I missed this when it was posted.

Re: Captured babysitters: a babysitting nightmare MF/FF

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2022 9:46 pm
by HuskyDom
Would you like to rp and nice story