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Surprise Kidnapping (4M/M)

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2019 1:36 pm
by David Han
David is my name. I'm walking in my neighborhood when I hear someone yell at my name. The next moment, hands are grabbing me, and dragging me into a van. Once I'm inside the van, rope is being wrapped around my ankles and wrists. This is a kidnapping. Then, I'm gagged with duct tape. I'm blindfolded. I'm scared. I'm angry. I'm confused. How could this be happening to me? The van start to move, and I'm unable to see outside and no one can see inside. It seems like the driver has driven for miles and that hours had passed. Once the van stops, I'm being carried by at least 4 people. I hear a door open, and I'm being carried inside. Then, the door closes behind me. I'm being taken upstairs and carried to the left of the second floor. I hear another door open, and I'm carried and thrown onto a bed. The door closes behind me. I'm hogtied. That is when I hear voices. My kidnappers could not have been more than 16-19 years old. They are boys. My shoes and socks are stripped off exposing my bare feet. They started to tickle me as they remove my gag. They seem to enjoy my countless and unstoppable laughter, giggling, screaming, begging, and pleadings for them to stop. Now I realize they probably knows me because they know my weakness. Tickling has always been something my friends, brother, sister, parents, and other people has used to get me laughing. Now, I'm at the mercy of unknown people and I do not know what to do. I have no idea when I will be released. Then, I'm untied. I try to escape, but they quickly hold me down and spread out my arms and legs. They tied my ankles and wrists to bed posts. I had been stripped down to my underwear. They start to tickle my underarms, and I'm screaming with laughter.

I ask them what they want from me. My kidnappers said, "Don't worry about this David, you will receive answers soon enough". I do not recognize the voices. They tickle my belly with their fingers. I'm ticklish so much that it's a good thing I'm tied down because if I was not, I would likely fall out the bed and hurt myself by accident. They are blowing raspberries on my belly. I'm hollering with laughter. They turn on electrical toothbrushes and are gliding it up and down my feet. I'm laughing more and more, and it's beginning to take a toll on my body. Eventually, I pass out.
When I'm awake and alert again, they continue to tickle me using a hair brush on my sides, and ribs, which bring out heavy laughter from me. After all this tickling, it is over.

Just when I think I'm being released, I finally hear a familiar voice. It's my brother Jackson. He says, "Well, happy birthday, you are now 18". Now, I'm less nervous knowing that this was a surprise birthday party. He then unties my restraints, and then he says to me, "Brother, can we play with you some more"? I said yes, all of you can". So, he holds my hand, and directs me to a chair. I sit down. Rope is being used to restrain me to the chair. My hands are tied behind the chair. My legs are tied to the legs of the chair. Now, the real fun is about to begin as he smashes a cream pie into my face.
To be Continued

Re: Surprise Kidnapping (4M/M)

Posted: Wed Jul 17, 2019 4:22 am
by Deleted User 5033
That is quite the birthday! Awesome event to have happen to you.
I think this particular story could use some more meat to it; it seems like you wanted to keep the pace quick, and get to the action, which itself was fun. Though you can build suspense and tension by adding details, whether it be more about reactions, more in-depth look at the binding itself, or both!
Also please understand, these suggestions are because I believe there is a lot of potential here. Hope you keep up posting!

Re: Surprise Kidnapping (4M/M)

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2019 1:59 pm
by David Han
I told my brother, "I'm surprised that you had the idea to plan and execute it". He said that he had a lot of help. He had brought in his friends Devin, Nathan, and Dalton to help out. Devin and Nathan were responsible for tying me up. Dalton and my brother was in charge of figuring out how to torture me. It was then that I felt them smear the cream from the pie all over my face. Then, they threw sprinkles at my face and it stuck there very well. Now, I'm wondering if they are going to make me endure this for a very long time. I had to figure they were not going to wipe my face at all. My hands was trembling with nervousness. Devin, Nathan, and Dalton played with my fingers by lightly tickling them, which made me giggle since it was essentially my least ticklish spot on my entire body, but it did had an effect. As they continued to tickle me, I wanted them to know that I was enjoying this, so I said in between tickles, "Thank You for making my birthday one to enjoy forever". They smiled at me. Soon, they realized that they could not do much with me tied to a chair, so they wiped my face with a dish cloth, before untying me from the chair.

David, "Would you be willing to be mummified"? I said, that would be nice. So they had me stand up. Then, they wrapped a layer of bandages all over my body from head to toe, leaving just my hands, head, and feet sticking out. It was very well done because I could not move at all. So, they resumed tickling my feet. Laughter followed throughout the night as my birthday continued to be amazing. Nathan, Devin, and Dalton then smeared my feet with peanut butter, and started to lick it off with their tongue. This felt so uncomfortable especially when they licked my toes, but I did not express any discomfort to them because I did not want this experience to end. So, I pretended to enjoy this. Jackson then asked them to wash my feet with soap and water. I have a foot fetish, so it was very enjoyable for me. I had known I had a foot fetish since I was 4 when I played with my own feet, and I loved it.

Sadly, all good things had to come to an end because after this, they untied me, retied me in a hogtie, and drove me back to my house. Jackson and I ran outside after I was untied, and we played video games, and had a birthday cake with Jello, Ice Cream, and Popsicles to end my birthday. My wish was to be tied by my brother and his friends again.

It did happen again, but that's another story.