Longest Weekend of My Life (F/M)

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Longest Weekend of My Life (F/M)

Post by hwnter488 »

I’ve been reading this forum for years, and finally here is one of my first stories on this forum that I’m actually deciding to write about so here it goes!

This is one of several encounters that I’ve had with a very great friend of mine, and of course for the stories I’m not using real names. I am “Jake”, and my best friend is “Monica”. We are both 19, and I am older by a couple months.

I am a pretty normal looking guy, for more detail, I am 6 feet tall, I’ve got really dark brown hair/eyes. At the time of the beginning of the story I was wearing just a t-shirt, shoes, and jeans.

Monica is about 5”6 she’s got long brunette hair with some blond (highlights? I think they are called), blue eyes, and she was wearing like a red hoodie, leggings and tennis shoes.

(Sorry if the following is a ton of context, I just really want for you to be really able to visualize this story)

So here is all the context for basically everything leading up to the story, Monica and I have been friends since we were about 3 years old, our parents knew each other and we would hang out until we were about 8. Her parents moved to a different county in the city we lived in, about 30 minutes away. So we didn’t really see each other for a while, but we Skype’d and stuff like that. When we were 14, she moved yet again to another county, this time just about 15 minutes away. At about this time we also kinda “went out” with each other for a short lived amount of time, and just didn’t seem like the time. However since I’ve turned 16, and been able to drive, I usually drive out to her house, to hang out and stuff with friends. Since 2017, her parents have this consulting job for a big tech company, so they travel pretty often now, and are out of the house for a week or half a week, sometimes every other week. Giving her full reign of the house, and eventually her parents put me in charge, because she threw some parties that she wasn’t supposed to. This situation eventually led to a different story that I’ll tell later. Our parents were great friends, and we all knew each other very well, which allowed us to practically live together in those times when her parents were gone and I could basically stay over for the remainder for the week or whenever they came back. Also just on another note, to help paint/visualize this story the county/town she lives in now, looks like a town straight out of a movie/tv show, with a 1950’s vibe to it (like the town square in back to the future). Her house is right next to a pretty large artificial lake (you can fish and ride tiny boats in it), the rear end of the house faces it. We constantly bug each other and prank each other, and are almost always plotting against each other.

Ok, so now that you are caught up with about anything you’d need to know about us, I’ll get into the story.

Part 1(The Mistake):
It’s our winter break from university, and I’ve been over for about a couple days, her parents are out, and I’ve also just been sleeping over, binging old shows. It’s late into the afternoon, and she’s been at work for the majority of the day. I’m getting pretty hungry, so I just go into the fridge, and I grab a somewhat large box from a restaurant we ate at yesterday, with a bunch of friends. It was spaghetti and some bread. I heat it up and eat it, then I left to go hang out with my friends. At this point at about 8:00PM, this was our conversation over text:

M: “Did you eat the leftovers?”

Me: “Yeah why”


Me: “There wasn’t any name on it”


Me: “Yeah but anything goes you didn’t say anything”

“ah yes”
“you’re actually done for”

Me: “You didn’t claim it what am I supposed to do”

M: “to not f***ing eat my leftovers”

Me: “But you didn’t SAY anything”

“you know you’re done for when you come back in the house”
“ill be waiting”

At this point, I am just laughing at this conversation, and I go back to playing video games with my friends. We played for about 2-3 more hours, and things started to wind down and I went back to my car to head back to her house. I call her, and ask her if she is still mad about the whole leftover situation and she simply just said yes, in a very plain, somewhat monotone voice and just hung up. At the moment my jaw was kinda just hanging, about to say something, and it was finally setting within me, that it’s been awhile since she’s gotten back at me for bothering her. On my drive over there I just start panicking, thinking about how she is going to get back at me for this, knowing her she goes extreme, in her payback. I finally get to the house, and she is home, her bedroom light is on and I saw her shadow pass through the window shade, and I park in the driveway. As I step out of my car I just stand there just thinking of a way to get in underdetected. I try going behind the house and get into the basement, through the patio door facing the lake. It’s locked, but then I remembered the egress window that is on the side of the basement. There is a clear hatch to keep bugs and stuff out that isn’t locked, and I climb down and the window is able to open into the basement, she is still upstairs, but I go to lock the basement door from the inside, and the windows and doors twice, before lieing down on the couch. I watched a couple of YouTube videos before falling asleep.

Upon waking up, it was about 10:00 AM, and I was still safe. And nothing had happened. I go to unlock the basement door and creep around. I look outside and her car is gone, she had gone to work again. I go upstairs to verify that she is gone, and she was nowhere in the house. When I went to go back to the basement I noticed a note she left on the door, which said something along the lines that there were no hard feelings about the leftovers, and that she was just joking. Me at the time did not believe in the note at all, due to our history of messing with each other. I just set the note down and went into the kitchen where there was a breakfast, some bacon/eggs and a couple pancakes, with another note that said, “Just in case you really don’t believe me (I know that you won’t)” with a smiley face at the end. She’s never done something like this before, which let down my wall a little bit, making me believe in the first note a little bit more. I ate the breakfast, and cleaned up. I worked on a couple of things around the house, and my car in the driveway for a bit before leaving to hang out with my friends again for the good remainder of the day. My friends and I just had a bonfire going and we talked to about 10PM when I decided to head out and head back home. I decided to stop by the restaurant and get some food to go for her, just to payback for the one I ate, and a return “peace offering” for the breakfast. She was at home as well, and I entered the normal way, through the front door, and the TV was on, but she wasn’t there. I set down the food and called out her name, but to no response. I checked upstairs and she wasn’t in the room and I went down into the basement, which still had my stuff setup, and I noticed it was a little bit colder than normal, then I saw her sitting on the swing bench outside looking at the lake. I opened the patio door and she looked at me and gave me a smile and gave me a simple hey. I sat down on the bench and she gave me a small hug.

“I got you some replacement leftovers, it’s in the kitchen upstairs.” I said.

“Aw, thanks, so you took the peace offering I gave you?” She replied.

“Yeah, but not at first, because you know what we’ve done to each other.” I said.

She laughed a little bit, then said “I’ll go get those leftovers, I’ll be right back.”

I said “Alright, it’s on the counter!”, as she opened the patio door and walked away. I stared at the lake for a bit when her hand clamped over my mouth, and her other arm quickly wrapped around my neck, holding me in a headlock.

“Guys now!” She said, as two of her friends came from around the corner running towards us.

At this point I’m screaming for help into her hand, trying to pry her hand and arm off of me, when one of her friends grabbed my arms and pulled them in front of me, and the other one grabbed my legs, while I was kicking them around. They picked me up off the bench and carried me inside, her friend holding my arms (Haley) went to close the patio door, so I continued to pry Monica’s hands and arms off of me. Her other friend (Allison), who was keeping my legs together, got them to the ground where she kept holding them down. Still struggling for my life, I saw Haley go behind the bar in the basement and pull out a large roll of duct tape. I start screaming louder into Monica’s hand, and struggling even more. Haley rips off a large strip and Allison who was still holding onto my legs rolls up one of my pant legs, and Haley applies the strip to my leg.

Struggling to keep me stable, Monica said, “If you don’t stop struggling we’ll give you a leg wax!” I decided to call this bluff so I kept on struggling, and I saw Monica nod in my periphery and Haley ripped off the strip which took a lot of hair off my leg in that strip, and I just started screaming more into Monica’s hand in pain. I immediately just stopped struggling, and she said, “Alright now we’ll make this slightly more easier on you.”. Allison rolled back down my pant leg, and got the roll of duct tape and proceeded to tape my ankles together and below my knees as well. Monica rolled me over, keeping her hand over my mouth, and Haley grabbed my wrists and taped them together and then taped my arms to my chest. Monica released her hand off my mouth and I decided after a short moment to just scream as loud as possible, just to bug her, and in the slight chance that someone could help me. She cleave gags me with the duct tape mid-scream and wraps it around my head about 4 more times before throwing the roll onto the couch and leaving me on the ground. I am now just writhing on the ground just trying to scream for help, at this point trying to get some pity from her friends.

“Guys can you give us the room, for a bit?” Monica said, and the girls kinda chuckled and laughed, giving me “Good luck” as they went up stairs.

I started giving Monica a death stare, while probably saying a muffled “I’ll get you back” or something along those lines.

She said, “Come on, we both know you had this coming, you’ve been bothering me for the last couple weeks, and I already said that you were done for.”

I started just begging for her to let me go, and she kinda understood, and said, “It’s nice that you did get me food, but those leftovers were the last straw, and you know what happens when you keep messing with me. This was inevitable to happen to you, and you can’t escape the inevitable.”. I started rolling my eyes because she does this cliched monologue nearly everytime. She leaves to go into another room, and I resume my struggling. She returns with a pillow case that she puts over my head. She calls her friends back to the basement. They pick me up and I immediately start struggling again, but they hold onto me. They carry me back upstairs, and I hear a couple more doors opening and they continue carrying me, and I start to smell the gasoline smell of the garage, and I restart screaming into my gag, I hear a car door open and I was put in the rear passenger seat and was buckled in and a blanket was put over me to hide the fact that I am tied up, if anyone was to see.

To be continued...
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Post by gaggedbyawoman »

Great story ;) :D more please. :D :D :D :D
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Gret beginning!
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Post by Canuck100 »

Longest weekend, really? Seems like a dream situation to me!

Great beginning, looking forward to the rest of your story.
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Post by jasonammzb4 »

very good so far
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