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Mischief Night

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 9:30 pm
by Flyingfoxman
October 30. It was almost dark. I was sixteen. I was sitting in my treehouse. It was one of those kit treehouses, not actually in a tree, standing on a set of lets that acted as ladders, with a vinyl canopy for a roof, and bars and rails instead of walls. I heard two voices across the yard.
“Have you got the eggs?” said one girl
“Right here!” said another. Now I recognized the voices. The first belonged to Ali, who lived next door. She was three years younger than me, a skinny, freckled brunette. The second girl was Kara, a wavy redhead. Kara was the same age as Ali. They had jumped the fences and were coming through my yard. I climbed down from the treehouse as quietly and quickly as I could.
“We’ll cross this yard, and into the next one, and then go into the street,” said Ali. They were darting from tree to tree, hiding from anyone in my house who might be looking. They hid behind a big old oak right in front of me, peering around it looking at the house, with their backs to me. I pounced.
“Gotcha!” I shouted as I grabbed them from behind. Kara and Ali shrieked and Ali hopped away from me. I had a better grip on Kara and pulled her into a bear hug, and hand-gagged her. She mmphed and shrieked.
“Alex!? Let her go, she’s scared!” said Ali.
“What are you two doing?” I said. Kara started squirming again, but she was smaller than me and I had a good grip.
“We’re… we’re going out for mischief night!” said Ali. Kara stopped struggling now.
“Planning to egg some houses?” I said. Ali looked down and rubbed the toe of her shoe in the dirt. “No way did your parents say you could do that.” I thought about what I could do.
“We snuck out,” said Ali, still looking down.
“Does your sister know?” I said. Through this conversation I still held and hand-gagged Kara. Ali did not answer that question either. “I’ll take that as a no.”
“Are you going to tell on us?” said Ali.
“No, where’s the fun in that? I’d rather get up to my own mischief,” I said.
“What do you mean? Do you want to come out with us?”
“Whhm?” mumbled Kara.
“No, I want to take you two captive,” I said. Ali bit her lip, and held her hands up in surrender.
“You win,” she said, “what do you want?”
“Mmmm,” Kara mumbled.
“Climb up into the tree house, Ali” I said, “and bring your bag of goodies.” Ali obeyed and climbed up.
“You too Little Red,” I said and finally let Kara go. She turned to me and whispered, “I didn’t want to go out, I don’t know how Ali talked me into this.”
“Then it’s a good thing that I caught you, up you go,” I whispered back. Kara climbed up the ladder into the treehouse. I went up after them. Kara and Ali sat down in the middle of the tree house. I had a plastic tool chest up there, and I had always kept tools, rope and tape in it for just such an occasion. I took the tape out, and went over to Ali, who crossed her wrists behind her back and turned away from me. I wrapped the tape around her wrists, and her body and arms, and gagged her with several strips.
“Mmmph.” mumbled Ali. Kara giggled. Then I taped her as I had done to Ali. The bound girls did not struggle, but they mumbled. They were mumbling an awful lot. I took two camp lanterns out of the tool chest and put them on. Kara and Ali squinted when the light went on and mumbled. I hung one lantern on a hook by the wall. I stood up by a gap in the canopy and blinked out S.O.S. I hung that lantern on another hook opposite the first. I sat down next to my captives and put my arms around them.
“Well girls, I am glad you came over,” I said. I leaned towards Ali to kiss her through her gag.
“Mmm,” she mumbled as she closed her eyes. I felt her lips kissing me back through the tape. Then I turned to Kara and kissed her. It would have been right on the lips if I hadn’t gagged her. Kara’s face almost turned the same color as her skin, but she kissed back and snuggled a little closer to me.
“I hope Becky saw my signal,” I said to the girls.
“Mmmm!” Ali moaned.
“What’s that about? You don’t want your sister to hang with us?” I said.
“MMMM!” Ali moaned. I reached for the tape again and tore off a strip. I held it up to Ali’s face, and she tried to lean away from me, but fell on her back and tried to squirm away. I caught up to her and added the extra strip to her gag, and then one more, forming an X over her mouth and cheeks. Ali kept mmphing through this. I picked her up and sat her on my lap.
“You were about to break through your gag, I had to do something,” I said.
“Mmmph!” Ali mumbled. Kara had been sitting quietly through all of this. She wasn’t looking at me or Ali, she was looking out at the yard. I turned toward the yard just in time to see someone’s head peer up over the ladder.
“Looks like you’re having fun,” said Becky, Ali’s older sister. Becky was a year younger than me. She and Ali looked very alike, sharing the straight brown hair worn long, and narrow face with a sharp nose. She climbed into the treehouse.
“I see you caught them,” said Becky. She sat down by Kara, picked up the redhead and sat her in Becky’s lap, “hi Kara.”
“MMMM!” moaned Ali.
“Look Ali, you were going to get in so much trouble if you’d gone out!” said Becky.
“Mmmm!” moaned Ali again.
“Mmm?” mumbled Kara.
“Well kids,” said Becky, “I heard you planning to go out playing pranks tonight. I was going to try to stop you myself, but I asked Alex to be on lookout in case you got away from me. And I didn’t even see you leave the house.”
“To tell you all the truth,” I said, “I wanted to do something tonight too. You just gave me an opportunity. Now that we’ve got them, what should we do with them?” Becky craned her neck around Kara with a mischievous smile.
“This is pretty good,” Becky said. She hugged Kara a little closer. So we sat there like that, until Becky asked to switch hostages. I moved Ali off of my lap onto the floor. Becky stood up to hand Kara over to me, I took her but sat Kara on the floor by herself. Becky was bent over her sister, and I moved as quickly as could behind Becky and pulled her up. I used my left to restrain Becky’s arms in a kind of half nelson, and put a hand over her mouth of course.
“Hey what, mmm!” she said.
“Now I’ve got you too!” I said
“Rrrrr!” Becky groaned. She twisted around a little bit, but I held on.
“Are you going to let me tie you up?” I asked.
“Ehs,” Becky mumbled. I removed my hand from her mouth and put it on her shoulder and gently pushed her to sit down. Once she was seated, I got the duct tape again. Becky put her hands behind her back unbidden, and taped her wrists together. I wrapped the tape around her arms and upper body several times, covering her body quite thoroughly. She rolled her lips in and moved her head forward. I perhaps a little too eagerly plastered one strip of duct tape after another, covering Becky’s mouth, chin and cheeks.
“Hmmph!” Becky grumbled. I sat down next to her, and leaned over for a kiss. Becky leaned away, then headbutted me in the forehead, and giggling leaned forward and pressed her gag against my lips. This time I was the one turning red, but of course I kissed her back. I sat there with my arm around Becky.
“Now ladies, what should we do?” I said. I got a chorus of mmphs in reply. We all sat there for a few more minutes. Becky and I cuddled a little, I was mostly looking at my prisoners, who looked at each other, mmphing and mumbling at each other, and at me. I kissed Becky on the cheek one more time, and decided it was time to release everyone. I moved over to Kara, gave her one more gagged kiss and removed the tape over her mouth. She flexed her jaw and yawned. I freed her from the rest of her bonds.
“Want to help me get Ali out?” I said. Kara grinned and nodded. We repeated the process with Ali.
“Don’t say, ‘did I learn my lesson’” Ali said.
“I wasn’t going too,” I said. Now Becky started up mmphing.
“MMMPH!” she mumbled.
“I’m getting to you,” I said.
“No, leave her taped,” said Ali.
“MMMMM!” Becky mumbled again. I ungagged her.
“Oww. Ok, truce?” said Becky.
“Sure sis, truce,” said Ali. The sisters smiled at each other. I went about untying Becky, and she kept talking.
“You were planning to do something to me tonight, weren’t you?” said Becky.
“Egg bomb,” said Ali.
“Really? Those are so gross,” I said. I finished freeing Becky.
“Sis,” said Becky standing up, putting a loving hand on Ali’s should, “I love but if you ever throw an egg bomb or anything messy on me, they will never find the body.”
The girls climbed out of my treehouse and went home. I gathered the discarded tape they had been bound in and took it to the trash. So ended the night.