Friend’s Older Sister Gets Involved (F/mm,mm/F)

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Friend’s Older Sister Gets Involved (F/mm,mm/F)

Post by Detective-Gag »

There were occasions where tie-up games would come up naturally among my friends; as well as instances where I’d tentatively steer the conversation in that direction.

If they were receptive, then great! If not, then no big deal. Either way, the topic would usually only happen if what we were doing at the time called for the situation.

There was a extended period of time where’d I hang out with my good friend, Matt, at their house…we shared a bus stop; so often we’d have afternoons to mess around after school. We usually watched a lot of movies, played video games, or went hiking; their development had BIG open woods & farmland, so you could pick a random direction and just wander for several hours, if you wished.

Anyway, we had been watching another action movie; and of course this ended up devolving into another instance where we ended up chasing each other throughout the house into different rooms, diving behind furniture & around corners while we exchanged “fire” with fake machine guns.

Eventually our game ended up going back downstairs where it had began, and Matt wanted to shift the story in a different direction.

Now, the two of us were goofballs; so I didn’t really have much reason to be nervous bringing up the subject of tie-up games with Matt.

So I suggested that maybe he got the drop on me; and managed to take me hostage.

Matt was instantly on board; and began waving the fake machine gun in my direction.

“Drop your weapon!” he barked, and I slowly lowered my own fake gun down onto the basement carpet, and raised my hands above my head in surrender.

“Get moving!” Matt ordered as a follow up, and together he marched me through their family’s exercise room, to their basement storage room filled with a random assortment of miscellaneous furniture & items…exercise equipment that wasn’t being used, Matt’s drum set in the corner, some chairs, and a shelf full of other stuff like tools & cleaning equipment.

Once inside, Matt looked expectantly at me. “What now?” he inquired, eager to continue the game but uncertain of how to proceed.

“Well, since you caught me, you probably want to tie me up so I can’t escape,” I rationalized.

Matt nodded, and we scanned the shelves for something to use to tie me with. We found some rope wrapped around a spool that his father used for securing things in the back of his truck.

“Perfect!” Matt said, grabbing the rope and starting to unwind some of it.

“Hang on a second,” I added, as I spotted a roll of white duct tape sitting on another nearby shelf; unused and apparently left forgotten in the basement for who knows how long. It was the same brand, however, that I sometimes used for kidnapping games.

“For tying?” Matt asked, still separating lengths of rope.

“Better!” I said, tearing off a piece of the duct tape. “We can use it to gag me with!”

Without pause, I smoothed the piece of tape over my lips, and tore off two more pieces, adding them to the first.

“Oh, neat!” Matt exclaimed, observing my work and apparently approving of the authenticity it brought to the situation. “Okay, wait a second!”

Matt grabbed some exercise mats and laid them out on the bare floor of the storage area. “Alright, get down on the ground!” he commanded, picking up his fake machine gun & getting back into character, jabbing the weapon in my direction.

“Scrmn ymph!” I mumbled angrily back at him through the duct tape, but I raised my arms again in surrender and lowered myself down onto the fitness mat on my knees.

“Shaddup!” Matt shot back, and set his weapon down before picking up a length of rope. “Hands behind your back!”

I nodded, and crossed my wrists behind me. Matt went around and began looping the rope, managing to do a decent job after several attempts to tie a knot.

“Nwmph tmph mm armphs!” I articulating through my gag.

[Now tie my arms!]

Matt understood my suggestion, and began wrapping another piece of rope around my torso & pinning my arms, finding it easier to do than the wrists, and managing to tie the knot behind my back on the first attempt.

My upper body now constricted, I shifted from my kneeling position and sat down on the foam exercise mat, extending my legs.

“Nwmph dmn mm fmnt,” I said, continuing my muffled instructions. “Smn mm cmnt gmnt awmph.”

[Now do my feet…so I can’t get away.]

Matt did as I asked, and tied my feet together with the rope, wrapping the material over my jeans at the ankles.

Once my friend was finished, he stood back up & grabbed his machine gun off the ground. I immediately started wriggling against the bindings, leaning back & forth on the fitness mat while I grunted through the tape covering my mouth.

“Lmph mmph gmph!” I mumbled at him, furrowing my eyes angrily. “Gmph mm oumt mf thsmph!”

“Quiet!” Matt laughed, pointing the toy machine gun down at me. “Now that I’ve captured you; I can deal with the rest of your men!”

Within the context of the game we’d been playing; we were both enemy commandos: I’d apparently been separated from my squad, and taken prisoner.

“Ymph wmph gmnt awymph wmth thsmph!” I answered, shaking my head. “Mmph!”

Matt scurried back over to the doorway into the back room, got into a kneeling position, and took aim outside back into the exercise room. “Enemy spotted!” he shouted, and began firing at imaginary targets, the sound effects of the machine gun echoing through the basement level. I continued struggling where I sat as a hostage, mmphing through the gag.

Matt kept firing his machine gun for a few minutes, evidently mowing down an entire invasion of enemy soldiers, when there came the sound of a voice from up the basement stairs.

“What’s going on down there!?” called a female voice…Matt’s older sister, Amy.

Amy was significantly older than her brother; at least six or seven years older by my reckoning at the time. She usually got back home several hours after we did…she also had her bedroom in the basement, having cleared out a large space behind two double doors adjacent to the entertainment area; to which we were strictly off-limits to.

Amy had come home for the day, and was probably heading downstairs to her room. I figured that she would just ignore Matt and I, and go directly to her bedroom like she usually did.

Having heard the “gunfire”, however, Amy had apparently taken an interest in our activities.

“You’re not going to be making all that noise now that I’m here!” she yelled down the stairs, as we heard the sound of footsteps descending through the basement walls. “Take whatever it is you’re doing upstairs, or outside!”

“Can’t!” Matt yelled back, firing the machine gun & disregarding his sister’s orders. “Got a hostage we need to defend!”

“Oh, for all the…!” I could hear Any muttering…the two siblings were typically at odds, and liked to keep to themselves.

“Enemy spotted!” Matt exclaimed, apparently spotting her older sister as she entered the exercise room. “Open fire!”

My friend unleashed another barrage of fake ammunition, and I could see the shadow of his sister fill the doorway as she approached. It seemed that Matt had egged her on!

“I said to take it upstairs!” Amy repeated, as she appeared in the doorway, clasping a hand on the toy machine gun’s barrel.

She narrowed her eyes down at Matt in irritation, then looked over into the room, blinking as she glanced down at me on the exercise mat.

“Oh…hey, David,” she said to me, looking a bit surprised to see me bound & gagged. “What the hell happened to you?”

Amy had black hair just like her little brother, except she wore hers long. She had dark eye makeup & tanned skin, and was wearing a purple long-sleeved shirt with long black, elastic fitness pants. She looked like she was dressed for using the exercise area just outside; which she probably used the most out of everyone in the family.

“Mmn mm hmnstge!” I mumbled through the duct tape, briefly making eye contact before looking away bashfully.

“He’s a hostage,” Matt translated. “I’ve taken him prisoner!”

I nodded at her in agreement, and she looked between the two of us.

“Well, take him upstairs, then,” she told her brother.

“Aw, c’mon!” Matt whined at her; and I sensed the beginnings of another bickering session between them. “We’ll be quiet!”

Well, that was a cue if there ever was one!

“Hymph; whmph dmph ymph tmph hmn umph?” I talked through the tape, tilting my head in the direction of the materials Matt had used to tie me up. “Thmn ymph cmn kmpmph mmf bmph oumt umf thmv wymph!”

[Hey; why don’t you tie him up?]

[Then you can keep us both out of the way!]

“Oh, shush,” Amy said at me, apparently not comprehending my words.

“He’s saying you can just tie me up, too,” Matt explained.

Amy considered, the notion quite frankly looking like it held some appeal to her. “Alright…but the two of you don’t get to break loose immediately and go back to being a pain in my &ss…I wanna use the weight room.”

“We won’t bother you,” Matt grumbled, fetching the rope and handing it to her. “First you gotta tie my hands…”

Matt crossed his wrists behind his back, and Amy tried to tie his wrists. “Like that, or…?” she guessed, as she tried to tie the knot; but her brother quickly pulled his hands free.

“No, hang on,” Matt muttered, and together they came over to where I sat, and Matt got down on the exercise mat next to me. “Try to do it like I did with David!”

Amy then referred to my own bindings in order to do Matt’s knots. It seemed to help, because this time Matt didn’t immediately slip out.

“Alright, now just do my arms & legs like him, too!” Matt instructed, as Amy picked up the long rope from the pile, trying to straighten it. I silently observed as my friend had his arms & legs constricted together by his older sister. Her first attempt was a bit loose; and the ropes kept sagging a bit…but eventually she figured out how tight they needed to be.

“How’s that…?” Amy asked, once she’d finished.

Matt tested the ropes. “That’s fine,” he answered, when the ropes held.

“Alright, then you both stay here,” she said, turning to leave us in the room.

“Wait!” Matt cried out after her. “You forgot the tape!”

“Oh, come on…”

“Ymn gttm gmg hmn!” I said through my own gag.

[You gotta gag him!]

“Fine!” she breathed, and strode over to pick up the roll of tape. Amy struggled to tear off a piece; it crinkled in her hand. Finally, she used her teeth to tear off a piece; and pressed it over her brother’s mouth. She paused, looking over at my gag, and ripped off another piece with her teeth, and adding the second strip of tape over the first so that Matt’s appearance matched my own.

“There, that gonna shut you up?” Amy asked, half-joking at her brother.

“Mmmph!” Matt said, nodding, as the two of us looked up at his sister from our sitting positions.

“Finally,” Amy sighed. “Now both of you stay like that until I’m done.”

Amy left the room, closing the door behind her while leaving the light on. Shortly after, Matt and I heard the booming sound of fast-paced music coming from the fitness room; as Amy had apparently started her exercise routine.

“Hlmph!” I cried out through my gag, looking over at my friend empathetically.

Matt peered back at me, the white tape covering his lower face just below his nose. “Thymv gmt mmph!” he mumbled, now playing the part of a member of my “squad”. Guess we were prisoners of war now!

The two of us squirmed on the fitness mats, making noises through our gags. We started dragging ourselves across the floor, as the music in the exercise continued blaring.

“Lmph gmt bnck-to-bnck!” suggested Matt, rotating himself where he sat so he could show his bound wrists.

I nodded, understanding his plan, and scooted myself closer to him, matching my back to his. We began fidgeting with each other’s ropes, attempting to loosen them.

It was actually a bit harder to do this without actually seeing the ropes; as we had to crane our necks to our sides to even get them in view.

This went on for a few minutes; and then the music in the other room turned down. The storage room door opened again, and Amy poked her head inside.

“You two good?” she asked, looking down at us.

“Wrmph fmph,” Matt murmured, ceasing his fumbling with the knots.

“Mm-hmm,” I added, nodding along.

Any cackled, evidently enjoying seeing us like this. She shut the door again, and the music droned on some more. Matt and I resumed our escape attempt; and after a while, he managed to loosen my wrist bindings.

I started to untie myself…leaving the tape over my mouth…and then began untying my friend.

“Let’s keep quiet,” Matt told me, after his hands were free & he removed the duct tape from his mouth. “We can sneak out when she leaves the exercise room.”

I nodded, and decided to remove my own gag slowly. The music continued to play in the other room, and about fifteen minutes later, it turned off again.

Just like before, Amy came back to check on us…except now, we were apparently freed.

“Got yourselves loose, huh?” she commented.

“Get her!” Matt yelled suddenly, seizing some rope from the floor and launching himself at his sister.

“Oh, sh*t no!” Amy yelled back, putting a hand out.

“Aw, c’mon!” Matt whined, but he stopped his approach.

“Tough.” she stated sternly. “Now get out.”

I decided to back up my friend. “You should get a turn, since you got to tie Matt up already,” I remarked.

Amy sighed. “If I do it, will you two get out of here?” she asked.

“Promise,” I said, cutting over Matt.

She folded her arms, but relented. “Alright…but hands in front.”

She crossed her wrists in front of her expectantly. Matt and I exchanged looks, and he decided to hand me the rope (probably for the best; if he had done it, Amy probably would have gotten pissed off).

I did my thing with the rope, crossing the material over her hands, and cuffing them in an X-pattern.

“Not too tight,” Amy warned me; but I had already factored that in…I didn’t want to piss her off, either!

Once I finished the knot; I decided to tempt the situation a bit…and reached for the roll of duct tape.

“Ha ha…no,” Any said instantly, and I grinned sheepishly.

“Worth a shot,” I said.

“Take her back to her room!” Matt exclaimed. “We’re transporting the prisoner!”

Together, we marched back through the basement, and opened the double doors to Amy’s bedroom. Her large bed was right across from the doors, and sat down on the edge of the mattress.

She twisted the ropes in front of her. “So, what now?” she muttered.

“Well…we usually would gag you,” I replied.

“You’re really on about that, huh?” she stated, and I knew my face probably reddened at that.

I spotted a green patterned bandana on her nearby dresser, and casually picked it up. “How about this instead of tape?” I inquired.

Any shook her head. “Fine,” she sighed. “Whatever.”

I gleefully skipped over to the foot of the bed, folding the green bandana into a band, and carefully tied the cloth over Amy’s mouth.

“Ya knowm I canm stillm talk, rightm?” Amy said underneath the gag, as I carefully tied it in place over her hair.

“You were the one who didn’t want to use the tape,” I pointed out, deciding to tighten the OTM gag “just” a bit more because of the comment. “Besides, it just makes it look more real.”

“Ifm ym saym somf,” she mumbled, chuckling at her predicament, and twisting her bound wrists in front of her.

“Prisoner secured,” Matt declared, turning to me with the rigid posture of a soldier. “What’s our next move?”

Amy bounced on the edge of the bed, half-heartedly grunting through the green cloth tied over her mouth, looking between the two of us.

“Leave her here,” I decided. “We need to defend this post from reinforcements!”

“Copy,” Matt responded, and the two of us shut the double-doors to Amy’s room, leaving the hostage inside while we continued our “run n’ gun” activities outside the basement.

Eventually, Amy exited her bedroom: she’d changed out of her exercise clothes, and no longer had a gag over her mouth.

“Put that away,” she said to Matt, tossing the discarded rope to her brother before going back upstairs.

It had been brief; but I’d somehow convinced my friend’s older sister to get involved in our shenanigans. Not too shabby, huh?
Jeff K
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Post by Jeff K »

Love this story! Keep up the good work :D
This conversation would go a lot smoother if you just gagged me already!
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Post by Canuck100 »

I love stories where the friend’s siblings get involved. Was his sister eventually involved in other tie ups? In any case, great story!
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Post by Detective-Gag »

Canuck100 wrote: 11 months ago I love stories where the friend’s siblings get involved. Was his sister eventually involved in other tie ups? In any case, great story!
I was lucky she paid us enough notice that time to even participate. It was mind-boggling.

She and her brother had an…uh, “adversarial” relationship…they pretty much argued none-stop.

Thanks for the compliment!
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Post by Dpsiic »

Another wonderful story.
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