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Fun at the dojo (f/f)

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2023 12:21 am
by Ang3l
So a while back now in my younger years I used to do karate fighting after school. It was a pretty dingy club run by this old nutter who was almost never there and so quite often it just became a few people from our school going down afterwards and having a sparring session. This story takes place when I was 15 and just starting to figure out I, well liked seeing other girls tied up, and also picturing myself helpless at the hands of some of my more attractive classmates. (Note some of the dialogue in this might not be exactly as it was as the story was a long time ago, sorry 😭)

I guess I should start with a description of myself. I was 15, female, had short light brown almost gingery hair and was about 5’5. I was quite skinny and considered by most people to be attractive, had certainly caught the eye of a few boys in my class but found myself more attracted to the cuter girls in my school.

The other girl in this particular story was one of my classmates, we’ll call her Ellie. Ellie was someone who I hadn’t really known all that well until she came down to the club about a year before this story, and we started chatting and became quite good friends. She was 16, stood at 5’6, had long wavy blonde hair and was a similar build to me, except had slightly more developed features and was extremely good looking. I had, over the last few months, started developing feelings for her but out of fear of completely ruining everything kept that completely to myself.

Anyway in this particular session school had finished for the day and we made our way down to the club, it was a Friday so pretty much everyone had just gone home for the weekend and so it was only me and Ellie who were left to spar with each other. We were both blue belts and although pretty similar ability, she had got there MUCH faster than I had and so was naturally very quick to pick things up. With nobody to referee for us we kinda just decided to throw away the rulebook and just have some fun and I thought it would be a cool idea.

So we started fighting, exchanged a few kicks and punches, dodged and weaved for a couple of minutes until eventually it just became an all out wrestling match on the floor with both of us fighting to pin the other one down. Eventually, I managed to gain some superiority and flipped her over onto her stomach pinning her arms behind her back with me sitting on top of her.

“So, give up yet?” I said almost laughing as I struggled to catch my breath and keep hold of her hands.

“Ugh, never!” she shouted back, which to be honest was both the response I expected and wanted to hear.

So, in the spur of the moment I decided to use my free hand to loosen the belt fastened around her waist and then, with a little work, crossed her hands behind her back and tied them together with the karate belt to loud protests and lots of squirming from Ellie.

Once I’d finished on her wrists I rolled her over and stared at her face to face, we were both giggling a little and catching our breaths as we’d been struggling for a good few minutes. “How about now?” I said smirking down at her. “Or do I have to convince you even more…” I said as I motioned to start tickling her.

And then something completely unexpected happened. Whether it was genuine feeling, or just a play to throw me off guard, she leaned up and quickly kissed me. And then I kissed her back. We both got up onto our knees and just started kissing, in the middle of the dojo! I could hardly believe my luck, this girl who I was completely crushing on was tied up and kissing me, this was almost perfect.

All of a sudden I was lying on the floor on my stomach with her sitting on top of me thinking ‘what the hell has just happened’. Well, somehow Ellie had managed to free herself from her restraints (admittedly I wasn’t very good at knot-tying yet) and had pinned my wrists behind my back! Before I knew it the roles had been completely reversed and I was the one tied up. I tested my restraints and very quickly found out I wasn’t going anywhere and got up to my knees to face her as she had stood up facing me.

“How did you… what just happened?” I stuttered out, still a little flustered from what had just occurred between us. “You lost focus, I just took advantage of the moment” replied Ellie, smirking quite annoyingly at me. “So, give up yet?” she said mocking what I had said to her earlier. “Yeah…” I replied having accepted the fact I was stuck. I stood up and turned around so my hands were facing her and asked “so you gonna untie me then and we go again or what?”

She walked up to me and, much to my surprise, rather than simply untie me she spun me round so we were facing each other and said “No, not just yet” with a smile and a wink and started kissing me again. And I kissed her back. We stayed there for what felt like an eternity, although in reality it was probably only 10 minutes, until eventually the sun started setting which signalled it was time for us to start heading home.

As she stopped to go and pack up her things I yelled out “Hey!” and turned around, again motioning to my tied up hands. “A little help over here?” I said with a smile. She turned back, walked over to me and whispered in my ear “I’m sure you’ll be alright getting out of that on your own” with a wink and an evil smile. “Plus, I’ll be looking forward to whatever revenge you have planned for me!”

And she gave me one last kiss as I stood there, still struggling against the ungiving belt wishing I could just run my hands through her lucious hair, but also a part of me loving the fact that she was keeping me here helpless and both of us just in love with each other.

And it WAS perfect.

Re: Fun at the dojo (f/f)

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2023 6:20 am
by Beaumains
Very cute story which seems ro be a great memory. Thanks for sharing!
Ang3l wrote: 1 year ago Note some of the dialogue in this might not be exactly as it was as the story was a long time ago, sorry
This is no problem at all ;) who does remember?

Re: Fun at the dojo (f/f)

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2023 7:54 am
by Alisonlovesropes
Very nice first story, first time.

Re: Fun at the dojo (f/f)

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2023 3:36 pm
by Python_Struggles
Sounds like you both had lots of fun haha, I’m sure a new tactic was learned that day

Re: Fun at the dojo (f/f)

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2023 4:20 pm
by emca753
Ang3l wrote: 1 year ago So a while back now in my younger years I used to do karate fighting after school. It was a pretty dingy club run by this old nutter who was almost never there and so quite often it just became a few people from our school going down afterwards and having a sparring session. This story takes place when I was 15 and just starting to figure out I, well liked seeing other girls tied up, and also picturing myself helpless at the hands of some of my more attractive classmates. (Note some of the dialogue in this might not be exactly as it was as the story was a long time ago, sorry 😭)

I guess I should start with a description of myself. I was 15, female, had short light brown almost gingery hair and was about 5’5. I was quite skinny and considered by most people to be attractive, had certainly caught the eye of a few boys in my class but found myself more attracted to the cuter girls in my school.

The other girl in this particular story was one of my classmates, we’ll call her Ellie. Ellie was someone who I hadn’t really known all that well until she came down to the club about a year before this story, and we started chatting and became quite good friends. She was 16, stood at 5’6, had long wavy blonde hair and was a similar build to me, except had slightly more developed features and was extremely good looking. I had, over the last few months, started developing feelings for her but out of fear of completely ruining everything kept that completely to myself.

Anyway in this particular session school had finished for the day and we made our way down to the club, it was a Friday so pretty much everyone had just gone home for the weekend and so it was only me and Ellie who were left to spar with each other. We were both blue belts and although pretty similar ability, she had got there MUCH faster than I had and so was naturally very quick to pick things up. With nobody to referee for us we kinda just decided to throw away the rulebook and just have some fun and I thought it would be a cool idea.

So we started fighting, exchanged a few kicks and punches, dodged and weaved for a couple of minutes until eventually it just became an all out wrestling match on the floor with both of us fighting to pin the other one down. Eventually, I managed to gain some superiority and flipped her over onto her stomach pinning her arms behind her back with me sitting on top of her.

“So, give up yet?” I said almost laughing as I struggled to catch my breath and keep hold of her hands.

“Ugh, never!” she shouted back, which to be honest was both the response I expected and wanted to hear.

So, in the spur of the moment I decided to use my free hand to loosen the belt fastened around her waist and then, with a little work, crossed her hands behind her back and tied them together with the karate belt to loud protests and lots of squirming from Ellie.

Once I’d finished on her wrists I rolled her over and stared at her face to face, we were both giggling a little and catching our breaths as we’d been struggling for a good few minutes. “How about now?” I said smirking down at her. “Or do I have to convince you even more…” I said as I motioned to start tickling her.

And then something completely unexpected happened. Whether it was genuine feeling, or just a play to throw me off guard, she leaned up and quickly kissed me. And then I kissed her back. We both got up onto our knees and just started kissing, in the middle of the dojo! I could hardly believe my luck, this girl who I was completely crushing on was tied up and kissing me, this was almost perfect.

All of a sudden I was lying on the floor on my stomach with her sitting on top of me thinking ‘what the hell has just happened’. Well, somehow Ellie had managed to free herself from her restraints (admittedly I wasn’t very good at knot-tying yet) and had pinned my wrists behind my back! Before I knew it the roles had been completely reversed and I was the one tied up. I tested my restraints and very quickly found out I wasn’t going anywhere and got up to my knees to face her as she had stood up facing me.

“How did you… what just happened?” I stuttered out, still a little flustered from what had just occurred between us. “You lost focus, I just took advantage of the moment” replied Ellie, smirking quite annoyingly at me. “So, give up yet?” she said mocking what I had said to her earlier. “Yeah…” I replied having accepted the fact I was stuck. I stood up and turned around so my hands were facing her and asked “so you gonna untie me then and we go again or what?”

She walked up to me and, much to my surprise, rather than simply untie me she spun me round so we were facing each other and said “No, not just yet” with a smile and a wink and started kissing me again. And I kissed her back. We stayed there for what felt like an eternity, although in reality it was probably only 10 minutes, until eventually the sun started setting which signalled it was time for us to start heading home.

As she stopped to go and pack up her things I yelled out “Hey!” and turned around, again motioning to my tied up hands. “A little help over here?” I said with a smile. She turned back, walked over to me and whispered in my ear “I’m sure you’ll be alright getting out of that on your own” with a wink and an evil smile. “Plus, I’ll be looking forward to whatever revenge you have planned for me!”

And she gave me one last kiss as I stood there, still struggling against the ungiving belt wishing I could just run my hands through her lucious hair, but also a part of me loving the fact that she was keeping me here helpless and both of us just in love with each other.

And it WAS perfect.
Love the story, would love a similar story about our babysitter wrestling my first wife and tying her up

Re: Fun at the dojo (f/f)

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2023 5:43 am
by Treville
Lovly story, thanks for sharing!

Re: Fun at the dojo (f/f)

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2023 11:26 am
by CarouselCowboy13
Cute and Adorable Story

Re: Fun at the dojo (f/f)

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2023 12:23 am
by StringTheorist
Congrats on a good first posting.

I had to look up "dojo" and one definition included "a place of meditation". I thought someone being secured to a chair alone in your dojo, inescapably but comfortably tied, and left for an hour to meditate. Blindfolded, with headphones playing a quiet piece of sea sounds. Let the worries of the day dissipate and senses heighten. Perhaps a short sleep.


Re: Fun at the dojo (f/f)

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 7:02 pm
by Dpsiic
What a great story is there more fun with Ellie?

Re: Fun at the dojo (f/f)

Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 1:39 pm
by calebtras
Genuine and sweet.

Re: Fun at the dojo (f/f)

Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 4:12 am
by Nainur
as others have commented I happily repeat: cute and adorable. Very lovely read!

Re: Fun at the dojo (f/f)

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 11:30 pm
by Cinnameg
This awesome and cute. You should def tell more if you have any :D