The First Time (F/M)

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The First Time (F/M)

Post by bbb »

Hello! This is my first story here and I hope you enjoy it. I’ve been enjoying reading yours and so I thought I’d share some of my experiences. To start with I plan on sharing three experiences I had with a GF I had in the 1990s. The episodes will be titled ‘The First’, ‘The Worst’, and ‘The Best’. If you think they’re OK, I’ll share some other fun times I had with other women.

Anyway, in the 1990s I dated ‘S’ for a while. She was a tall redhead who looked at bit like Dr. Crusher on the old ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’ TV show. She had that prim, proper ‘TV Weather Girl’ look, but she was reasonably adventurous in the bedroom. The first time I suggested bondage was on a ski trip, and she was game and let me tie and gag her with bathrobe belts, pillowcases and a rolled-up washcloth. It was fun and she enjoyed it.

That said, the truth of the matter is that I honestly prefer to be the one tied. I have had fantasies of being tied, gagged, and held captive by a kidnapper or robber for as long as I can remember. One day I shared that with her; imagine my surprise and delight when she said, ‘Why don’t we try it out? It could be fun!’

We talked a bit more about my fantasy and made a date where she would come to my apartment as a stranded motorist looking to use a phone to call a tow (remember this was in the 1990s - the pre-cellphone era), once inside, the fun would begin!

The days leading up to our next date were filled with anticipation. On the day she was coming over, I tidied up the apartment and changed into my playclothes. I dressed in a red cotton cableknit sweater, acid-washed jeans (remember, 1990s!), thick white Nautica crew socks and white leather Keds deck sneakers (in the ‘90s, Keds used to make shoes for men - they were one of my favorite brands).

A word about clothes: when playing TUGs, what is worn is very important to me, and perhaps it is to more than a few of you, Dear Readers. When I’m the ‘victim’, my outfits are pretty much always built around white sneakers and socks - don’t ask me why, I’ve often wondered myself. When I’m the robber/kidnapper, I like my victims to be wearing either white socks and sneakers or white boots. As a result, the ‘victim’ in my TUGs is usually a tennis player, aerobics instructor, cheerleader, rich yachtie, cowgirl, etc.

However, I digress. The doorbell rang, and I went to answer it. ‘S’ was standing at the door, wearing a grey pantsuit, red turtleneck, and flats. Hanging from her shoulder was a large handbag (gee, I wonder what’s in there?).

“I’m sorry to bother you, she said, but my car’s broken down and I need to call AAA. May I use your phone?”

“Of course”, I replied, “There’s one in the kitchen; this way, please.”

I turned and led the way down the corridor towards the kitchen. Suddenly, I felt my wrists being grabbed and roughly yanked behind my back. Of course, I could’ve readily broken free and fought, but that was not what this ‘scene’ was about, so I played along.

‘What’s going on here?’ I melodramatically gasped. ‘What are you doing? Who are you? What do you want?’ I have to give ‘S’ a lot of credit at this point. We didn’t discuss my fantasy in super-detail, and she had clearly taken the ball and was running with it like a good improv actor.

‘Shut up’, she growled as she crossed my wrists behind my back and was lashing them together with what felt like a length of clothesline. ‘Do as your told and keep quiet, and you won’t get hurt. I need a place to hide out for awhile until the cops stop looking for me in this town. I’ve been watching you; you live alone and don’t have many visitors. No one will think of looking for me here; don’t make me hurt you!’.

I struggled a little to make it feel a little more realistic, but she was easily able to tie my wrists. She then pulled out of her shoulder bag another length of rope. My wrists were crossed behind my back in an ‘X’; she had lashed the first rope horizontally, and now she was tying the second rope around vertically, so the two looked like a ‘plus’. I had never seen a technique like this in TV or the movies. After she had finished, I tried flexing and twisting my wrists, but I couldn’t budge them at all. With a thrill, I realized I may well be, for the first time in my life, inescapably bound! In the course of my life up to that point, I had been tied up several times by playmates as a boy and by one previous girlfriend, but I had always been able to free myself. I took some pride in this, even regarding myself as a bit of a Houdini. The realization that I may have met my match was at once both a thrill and a worry. While I felt I knew ‘S’ reasonably well, I realized she may be a bit better at this than I thought. What if she decided to take the game in a direction I didn’t want to go? We never discussed ‘safe words’ (these were the days before Internet, so there was no resource for any but the most active in the BDSM scene to learn about safe play); all I could do at this point was go along for the ride!

She then turned me around and starting pushing me towards the bedroom. ‘Now to fix you so you won’t go anywhere; I’ve got some stuff to do so you’re just going to have to have a little ‘time out’. In my bedroom I had a heavy four-poster waterbed (90s, remember?). She order me to sit on the floor with my back to one of the posts, and then wrapped a long length of rope multiple times around the post, under my armpits and around my chest. Once I was secured to the bed, she then pulled a length of rough hemp rope (she had an astonishing variety of rope types in her bag!), and tightly bound my ankles together.

At this point, all that was left was a gag, which I desperately wanted. For me, no TUG is complete without a really effective gagging. One the biggest peeves I have both with TV/movie scenes as well as bondage erotica are gags that clearly are either ineffective or inappropriate for the ‘scene’ you’re doing. For me, the gag that’s the best compromise between performance, aesthetics, (relative) comfort and realism is cloth mouth stuffing with plenty of tape (duct, first aid, or microfoam, preferably wrapped around). IMHO, the ‘ultimate’ gag would be a ball gag, covered with plenty of tape, then a thick soft cloth OTN gag to more completely muffle sound, but the truth is no robber/kidnapper would be carrying around that kind of hardware, so if you’re doing kidnap/robbery scene, it’s just not realistic.

But once again, I digress; since gags are important to me, I had already worked out with ‘S’ what I wanted, so when I said, ‘You’ll never get away with this! My neighbors will hear me and call the police!’, she responded, ‘Well, I guess I’d better shut you up then, shouldn’t I?’ The went over to my dresser and pulled out several white cotton handkerchiefs and came back, sitting on the floor next to me. I made a show of clamping my mouth shut, so she held my nose and when I opened my mouth to breathe, she started stuffing the handkerchiefs in. After about two or three, we had enough to prevent intelligible speech, but not enough to induce gagging or choking. She then pulled a roll of silver duct tape out of her bag and wrapped a LOT of it around my lower face and head fairly tightly, so that when she was done my entire face and head from the base of my nose to around the tip of my chin was a solid smooth layer of silver tape. I tried to talk through my gag, but ‘Please let me go!’ came out as ‘mmmm mmm eeeemmm ommm’.

My mind was truly being blown by this time; I was truly bound to the point of immobility, and gagged into near-silence (at least TOTAL unintelligibility)! ‘S’ stepped back and stood over me with a leer of triumph. She really seemed to be getting into her role! I hammed it up a bit and made a big show of squirming and straining against my bonds while ‘mmmmmph-Ing’ up a storm (she later shared with me that she found to her surprise she was getting rather aroused watching all this!).

Now on to the next part of the scene: ‘S’ bent over and hissed into my ear, ‘I need to go out for a bit and meet with my fence. Now you be a good boy and just sit there quietly, and if you behave yourself we can have some fun when I get back. We can do this the easy or the hard way: you can sit quiet, or I can just tape a plastic bag over your head now and not worry about it. Would you prefer that?’

Eyes wide with mock terror, I shook my head emphatically and mmmph-ed out ‘NO!’ as best I could. ‘I thought so’, ‘S’ smiled. ‘Just relax then, and I’ll be back in a few hours’. We already agreed that she would go to the nearby mall and get some shopping out of the way. With that, she left the room. I could hear the jingle of her car keys and her footsteps receding and she went to the door of my apartment. I heard the door close and the deadbolt slide locked. I could hear her footsteps recede down the stair, then finally silence.

This is another part of the ‘game’ that’s important to me when I’m on the receiving end: I love to be left alone to ‘stew in my juices’, and helplessly contemplate/anticipate my fate. I love the idea of being a helpless captive, bound and gagged in a silent house. For a while I sat in silence, gently straining against my bonds and enjoying the feelings of constriction. I knew if I really needed help, I could pound my feet on the floor and scream bloody murder through my gag and probably be heard by my neighbors, but being found by anyone but ‘S’ was not what I wanted. I softly tried calling for help through my gag just to hear what I sounded like, but ‘Help, I’ve been kidnapped; someone call the Police’ just came out as a bunch of mmmphs and ummphs. I flexed by bonds and squirmed, but the only sound to be heard was that of my breathing and the squeaky sounds of the rubber soles of my sneakers rubbing together (another exciting sound, if you’re into that sort of thing).

Finally, I gave up with my struggles, and just sat with my back against the bedpost, relaxing. People say for those who are into this, being bound and gagged releases endorphins. For me, that must be so, for though I was wide awake, I felt myself sliding into a rather dreamy, trancelike state, as I sat listening to the ticking of the clock in the living room, the sounds of the occasional car in the parking lot, or a neighbor’s door opening.

Finally, after a couple of hours, I heard familiar light footsteps ascending the stairs, and the sound of a key in the front door. ‘S’ had returned! She came into the bedroom, and said ‘It’s good for you you did as you were told; now it’s time for your reward!’. She undid the rope lashing my torso to the bedpost, and helping me to my feet, guided me to the side of the bed. Then with a rough shove, she pushed me onto the bed, and helped me shift around so that my head was on the pillow and my feed were at the end of the bed, lying on my back looking up at her.

‘And now, it’s playtime!’ ‘S’ said, and the evening continued in a good way, which I won’t share because these are ‘Stories for Everyone’, and I honestly am not comfortable writing about more ‘adult’ things. I’ll leave it to your imagination.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this story. It was a lot of fun writing it, because it brings back a lot of fun memories. I know that ‘S’ and I broke a LOT of rules of safe BDSM play, but once again, before the Internet, we had no idea what they were. We just had a lot of fun. I apologize for the long read, but if you like it, I’ll share more in the future!
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Post by jone123 »

sexy story, thanks for sharing
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Post by tiedinbluetights »

As I mentioned in your other story "thanks for writng these @bbb ...[r]eminding readers of the inherent dangers we've exposed ourselves to in our true stories, when we were young and less risk-aware, does not in any way diminish, at least for me, the enjoyment in reading these."
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Post by Canuck100 »

bbb wrote: 10 months ago Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this story. It was a lot of fun writing it, because it brings back a lot of fun memories. I know that ‘S’ and I broke a LOT of rules of safe BDSM play, but once again, before the Internet, we had no idea what they were. We just had a lot of fun. I apologize for the long read, but if you like it, I’ll share more in the future!
I like the story itself and your writing style. Well done! Sexy and fun at the same time.
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