First Time Tape Tied F/M

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First Time Tape Tied F/M

Post by TiedAndTaped3D »

This happened to me back in 2007 following the second shoot I had had with a particular model.

First, a little background.

I was always fascinated with duct tape bondage ever since--believe it or not--I had seen Arnold get tape tied on an episode of Different Strokes. Yes, Arnold. I wondered if duct tape was strong enough to hold someone like that. This was around the time I had read a book called Something's Waiting For You, Baker D about a teenage loner who gets kidnapped and spends much of the book tied up and gagged next to a pretty girl. So all this set off my imagination. I had experimented through the years with finding ways to tape my wrists behind my back. I even came up with a decent enough method that required either help or scissors to get out of it. When I was old enough to watch bondage videos, I was most interested in the ones where the model was tape tied. When I got into producing bondage clips, my favorite to shoot was tape ties. What I didn't have was someone to tape tie me like oh so many bondage models had had done to them.

The model I'm referring to in this story is and was a very attractive Asian model. At the time she was in her early forties and I was in my late thirties. Don't be put off by her age, she was still gorgeous. My first time shooting with her was in September 2006 while on vacation in Hollywood. She was coming to my neck of the woods in February,2007 so we agreed on doing another shoot. I rented a fairly decent hotel room for her--I forget what chain it was at the time but now it's a Raddison. The same Raddison, in fact, that room service almost walked in on me while I was mummified about nine years later.

Anyhow, this was about three weeks after the model's birthday. When she got there, I told her I'd like to take her to dinner in celebration of her birthday. She agreed to the idea and we began shooting. We were doing a three hour shoot, mostly photos with some video tossed in. In between sets, we'd chat while she changed outfits. During one of the changes, I decided to take a chance.

"Remember how last time we shot I taped you up?" I asked as nonchalantly as I could.

"Yeah, I remember."

"Would you be up for doing that to me after dinner tonight?"

She gave me a smile. "I can do that for you."

I couldn't believe my luck! All these years and I was going to be properly tapetied! And by a beautiful woman to boot.

We finished the last couple of sets and then headed out to Applebee's for dinner. We made small talk throughout dinner, though in the back of my mind I couldn't wait to get back to the hotel room.

When we got back, I took off my sweatshirt in case the tape stuck to it. I stood before her in black pants and a white undershirt. She grabbed my yellow roll of tape and had me put my wrists behind my back. She wrapped the tape around several times. Then she wrapped tape around my torso above and below the elbows, pinning my arms to my body. She added tape to my ankles and finished things off with several strips over my mouth. I sat back on the bed and made myself as comfortable as possible. She sat down on the other bed and turned on the TV. She came across the movie Cocoon and decided to watch that.

I tested my bonds and was satisfied I wasn't going to squirm out of them. The only thing was despite it being February, it was warm in the room and I sweat enough that the gag wasn't sticking and my glasses slipped down. After a few minutes I hopped over to her.

"Could you fix my glasses?" I mumbled under the gag.

'Sure," she said, pushing them back up. I hopped back to my bed and settled back down.

After about a half hour went by, she looked at me. "Ready to be set free?"

I thought about it for a moment and shook my head no.

"I'm okay for now."

She shrugged and we went back to watching the rest of the movie.

An hour later the movie was over. I was getting stiff and it was getting late, so I had her untape me. The only part that sort of hurt was when it came off my lower arms. Otherwise it was fine.

I put back on my sweatshirt, packed up my stuff, we hugged and I left, thanking her for a great time.

For a long time afterward, she was the only person who had taped me up like that. Needless to say, it was a memorable time.
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 204
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Post by jone123 »

sounds like a great experience, thanks for sharing
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