War Games (FF/MM)

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Deleted User 1729

War Games (FF/MM)

Post by Deleted User 1729 »

This story takes place when I was about 11 years old.

I was a quiet kid growing up. I didn't have a whole ton of friends, do I tended to try and make friends with the popular kids at my school and then I could hang out with them and their friends. Of course, my school was a homeschool co-op, so popularity there was a fraction of what popularity at a public school would be.

I was a skinny kid with freckles and curly red hair. I was very into writing and making movies. I often made friends by inviting people to act for me and then getting to know them on set why in between shots. That's how I met Howie, my best friend at the time. He was athletic, especially when it came to running. He could also act well, so I used him in a lot of my projects. He kept his bright blue eyes shielded behind a pair of glasses, and his brown hair was typically kept in a bowl-cut style.

The two of us got on through mutual interests, including a love of make-believe and outdoor games. On a typical day, we pretended we were American soldiers fighting Nazis in World War 2. Sometimes we were paratroopers. Sometimes we were in a tank squad. Sometimes we were spies. But, without exception, every time we played, Howie would get captured by the Nazis and I'd have to rescue him.

Now, we weren't playing with actual opponents, so he would just put his hands up and find a spot to pretend to be held captive, and then I'd find him and pretend to take out the guards. One time, I asked him why he always did this, and he said "my favorite part of war is getting captured." At the time, I thought he was crazy, and I teased him about it.

Then one day, when I was at his house, Howie said he wanted to try something a little different. He had asked his two sisters to play with us today so that we'd have actual opponents. Now, they understandably didn't want to portray Nazis, so we made believe we were at war with Britain instead.

Howie's younger sister, Sara, was nine years old, with long brown hair and a bright smile. She enjoyed hanging out with us when we'd let her, and she actually wasn't annoying, for a younger sister. Nicole, his older sister, 13, kept her brown hair short. She was generally no nonsense and it had taken a lot of convincing for her to get involved.

But get involved she did, and we divided up into two teams, splitting up by gender and taking Nerf guns to our respective sides of the house. Howie and I decided to stick together, and snuck along the side of the house to the front yard, staying hidden in some bushes. Once the yard came into view, we saw Sara patrolling, looking in the wrong direction, not seeing us. Nicole was nowhere in site.

Howie motioned for me to follow him and began creeping toward Sara. I was a little suspicious that it might be a trap, but I followed his lead anyway. I glanced around me to see if Nicole was hiding nearby, but couldn't see her. Unfortunately, I also did not see the extra crunchy leaf in front of me until it was too late.

When she heard the noise of the leaf being crushed, Sara turned around, and Howie and I froze. Seeing us, Sara let out a yell and charged! Howie immediately threw down his gun, threw up his hands, and surrendered.

I turned to run, but just at that moment, Nicole came around the side of the house and aimed her weapon at me. Trapped between the two girls, who both had the drop on me, I saw no choice but to surrender, and thus I became a prisoner of war!

The girls retrieved bandanas from their pockets and used them to bind our hands behind our backs, as well as tying them over our eyes to act as blindfolds. We were then marched into the house, down the stairs to the basement, and escorted into the downstairs bathroom.

As we walked, I tried to look around, but the blindfold was cutting off my vision. I tested my bonds, but the knots held. When I realized that I was completely helpless and at the mercy of Howie's sisters, my heart started racing. I was beginning to understand why Howie liked getting captured so much; it was quite thrilling.

Once we were in the basement, we were made to sit and then ordered not to move. I heard the door close and footsteps receeded up the stairs. After a few moments, I heard steps coming back down, and the bathroom door opened.

"Food for the prisoners," came a voice that made my pulse race. It was Howie's mother. Even now, 13 years later, she is very attractive. She has black, shoulder-length hair and a few freckles placed just perfectly on her face.

I wasn't sure what she would say upon seeing us, but she merely removed our blindfolds and set down a plate of cookies before us.

"Eat up while they're still warm!" she said nonchalantly.

"Uh, mom," said Howie, indicating his tied wrists.

"Oh my, they really got you good," his mom said, smiling. "Sara mentioned that you were her prisoners, but she didn't say anything about tying you up."

She then knelt down next to her son and worked his knot loose. She turned her attention to me next, unbinding me so I could eat. When she had finished, she looked at her watch and said "Jules, your mom said she'll be here in about an hour to pick you up."

"Thanks, Mrs. M," I stammered out, still trying to process what had happened. Prior to this day, I had never been tied up, and now not only had it happened, but it had been witnessed by the most attractive adult woman I knew.

"You're welcome," Howie's mom responded, "just bring the plate upstairs when you're done."

"Will do," answered Howie as his mom went back upstairs. We ate the cookies, and then did as she said and put the plate in the dishwasher. No sooner had we turned to go back down, when Sara walked into the kitchen and saw us.

She furrowed her eyebrows and called out "Nicole! They're escaping!"

Howie and I tried to protest and explain, but they were having none of it. They dragged us back downstairs and Nicole set to work tying Howie with his arms above his head to the shower curtain rod, while Sara kept a close eye on me.

Once Howie was secured, the girls turned to go. Confused, I said "why did you tie him up like that?"

"As punishment for trying to escape," answered Nicole.

"But why only him?" I asked.

Sara responded, "because this is your first time, and we don't want you to have a bad experience."

I nodded and almost let that be the end of it. But, in a moment of courage, I spoke: "if you leave me like this, I'll free him as soon as you're gone."

Sara and Nicole looked at each other. "I guess we have to tie you up too, then."

"I guess so," I responded, pretending to just be playing along, when in fact, my head was pounding with excitement. Nicole went upstairs to fetch some rope and then brought it back down. She motioned for my hand and I pretended them to her.

"Wait," said Sara, "I wanna do it."

"Fine by me," said Nicole.

I turned myself to Sara and allowed her to bind my hands in front of me, and then tie the ropes to the same rod as Jordan, so that I also had my hands in the air. I suspect that Sara might have had a little crush on me, which is why she volunteered for this task. Once they were finished, the girls left us again.

"What did they mean, this is my first time?" I asked Howie. "Is this not your first time?"

"No," he said, "this is maybe my dozenth time."

"Really?" I laughed, but was interested. "When has this happened before?"

"Well, my sisters will sometimes gang up on me and tie me up if I'm bothering them. Eventually, I realized that I liked it, so I went out of my way to bother them."

"That's so cool," I said.


"Yeah, I didn't know that about you before."

"Well, now you do," he said. "It's not too weird, is it?"

"Not at all," I said, "in fact, I'm enjoying myself."

"I thought you would," he replied, and that's when it clicked.

"This was all a set-up!" I realized. "You made sure we lost to the girls so that they would tie us up and you could see how I feel about it. Am I right?"

Howie nodded, a little bit sheepishly. "I hope you're not upset."

"Not at all," I said. "Thanks for the experience."

About fifteen minutes later, the girls came down and released us, saying that my mom had arrived early and it was time for me to go. I left that day, head full of ideas and mind trying to process this new interest of mine. My childhood was about to get interesting.
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Post by MaxRoper »

Friends like Howie are priceless. I look forward to hearing more about your adventures.
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Post by Solarbeast »

[mention]Julian[/mention] This is a great first time story. I’m a little confused as to what a homeschool co-op is though.
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Post by cj2125 »

Cute little story! You were really lucky of having friends like Howie! Will be looking forward to your next story
Deleted User 1729

Post by Deleted User 1729 »

Solarbeast wrote: 6 years ago @Julian This is a great first time story. I’m a little confused as to what a homeschool co-op is though.
Haha, yeah, it's just a place where homeschooler's go once a week to take classes and get homework until the next week.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Cute story! I hope you had other experiences with Howie and his sisters and that you’ll share them with us
Deleted User 1729

Post by Deleted User 1729 »

Thanks for all the love, guys! I absolutely will be sharing some more stories.
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