I Win, for Once! (m/m)

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I Win, for Once! (m/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

It is the winter of 1987, and I am 13 year old. There has been a major snowstorm during the night. We're used to snow up here in Montreal (that's in Québec, Canada), but even for us 35cm of snow - that's more than a foot for you Americans - is enough to get the schools to close for the day - a rare event!

Even with the storm, my parents still had to go to work: buses and metro keep running, even after major snowstorms. My younger sister is off to spend the day at a friend's, so I have the house to myself for the day.

I spend the morning working on a project for school, but after lunch, not having anything planned for the afternoon, I decide to call my friend Yannick - no text messages back then. He lives a few houses away from mine. He is 15, that's a year and a half older than me. He has been my neighbour forever and we go to the same secondary school (here we don't have middle and high schools : from 12yo to 17yo, you go to an "école secondaire", or secondary school). Yannick and I both have our own circles of friends that are our respective ages, but since we live so close to each other, we have always been each other's "default friend"; i.e. when we have nothing to do, we go to each other's house and hang out together. He's an outgoing guy, very confident, plays hockey and football and he is into team sports in general. I, on the other side, am a bit more reserved and more into individual sports like alpine skiing and cycling. We're about the same height, but because of the age difference, he's more muscular and stronger than me.

"Hey, wanna come and hangout with me?" I ask him. "My parents asked me to shovel the driveway, but then I have nothing else to do"

"Sure, I'll even help you out, I can use a workout. I'll be there in a few minutes".

So I dress up for winter, put on my metallic blue, purple and grey ski jacket, my snow pants, ski gloves, navy blue tuque (beanie) with its big pompom, and my matching neck warmer - basically a stretchy woolen tube that stretches over your mouth and nose to protect you from the cold. I then went outside, grabbed a shovel and started clearing up the driveway while waiting for my friend to arrive.

Now for those of you who are not familiar with colder climates, when it snows, it usually means that it is a warm winter day - as in warmer than average for a winter day. It's when it's sunny that the temperature is really cold! So it was actually a very comfortable day to be outside. There was at least 35 cm of fresh snow on the ground - on top of the snow that was already on the ground before the snowstorm! It was still snowing, but the most intense part of the storm was over, so light snow was still falling, but it did not accumulate quickly on the ground.

When there is a snowfall, the city snowplows come and push the snow on the side of the street, so there was a huge snowbank to shovel through on the street before actually clearing the driveway. A few days later the snowblowers come and the snow is loaded into big trucks and taken away. But this process takes a few days, so if you want to use your car during this period, you still have to clear your driveway.

I had been shoveling for a few minutes when Yannick arrived. He was dressed similarly to me. For the next hour or so he helped me out with the shoveling. It took forever!

We're almost done and I'm resting for a few seconds, when suddenly he arrives from behind, wraps his arms tightly around my chest, pinning both of my arms to my body in a bear hug. I have no time to react before he uses one of his legs to trip me. I lose my balance and fall on the snow, face first, with Yannick on top of me. It doesn't hurt, as my fall has been cushioned by the snow and the thick winter clothes I'm wearing. So of course I fight back. We roll around in the snow, throw snow at each other, each one of us trying to overpower the other. The battle goes on for a good 5 minutes. But as Yannick is stronger than me, the battle eventually ends up with him straddling me, my arms pinned under his knees, and him torturing me by putting snow on my face, pulling on my beanie, giving my light slaps in the face, just being annoying, really.

"Hey not fair!" I complained. "You're older and stronger, so you always win!".

"Haha" he says while pulling up my neck warmer so that it covered my face and trapped some snow there. "I'd still beat your ass up with an arm behind my back".

I froze for a second. I had to seize the opportunity. I just had to.

"How about if both your arms were behind your back? Still think you'd beat my ass up?". I knew he couldn't resist a challenge. But I was still nervous, and probably beet red when I said this. My hearth rate must have increased by 50%. Would he think I was a freak? My interest in TUGs was something that I had kept very, very quiet until then.

"You mean if my hands were tied? I'm sure I'd still beat you!" was his reply.

YESSSS... VICTORY! This was going exactly like I was hoping for!

"Let's go inside and you'll see!", he added. "You have handcuffs or something? I've got some at home"

WHAT? He has handcuffs? How come I had never seen those?

"I don't have handcuffs but I have stuff I can use to tie your hands with".

What he didn't know is that for a long time I had been practicing self-bondage and became quite an expert at it, so I knew my knots and I knew what to use. But I didn't want to scare him off either, so I thought I should go easy on him and not reveal the exact extent of my knowledge about tugs...

We went inside and took our outdoors winter clothes off and put them on the hooks by the entrance. Yannick's short blondish hair was all dishevelled, as was my longer brown hair, due to us wearing a beanie for the past hour. He was wearing an olive green British army commando wool sweater (the ones with the patches on the shoulders), grey sweat pants and grey crew socks. I was wearing a navy blue Roots sweatshirt with the beaver logo (every teen had one of those at the time in Canada) over a white cotton turtleneck, matching sweatpants, and white socks.

We got something to drink and headed for the finished basement. It had a big living room / play room in the centre, and this was pretty much my own private space. My parents and my sister mostly used the living room on the main floor. My bedroom was also in the basement. It was originally on the first floor but I moved there when my parents finished the basement. I allowed for more privacy.

"Let's get the foam mattresses out" I told Yannick while walking towards the storage room where we kept our sports equipment. We used those mattresses when we wrestled / grappled.

After we placed the two mattresses in the centre of the room, we also put some cushions and pillows around them. This gave us a big wrestling "ring" that was surrounded by sofas on two sides.

"So let's get this over with. Get something to tie my hands and I'll beat your ass". My, my, was he ever confident. "Make it tight, because If I get out before our wrestling match is over, I'll tie YOU up".

Oh... this is getting better and better, I thought. Maybe he's into this as much as I am? I hesitated a second.

"Ok, but if I win you stay tied up", I dared to say.

"Deal! But you won't anyway" I was surprised to hear him say enthusiastically.

I went to my bedroom and came back with my terry cloth bathrobe belt.

"Turn around", I ordered. He crossed his wrists behind his back. I wrapped the bathrobe belt around his wrists, cinched it and tied a double knot on top, where, I hoped, his fingers wouldn't be able to reach. For a minute, I debated internally whether or not I should make the knot slack, so that he would get free and tie ME up. But I figured I might get a chance eventually, seing how enthusiastic he was about the whole tie up thing already, so I might as well tie him up securely.

"Not bad" Yannick said, flexing his arms behind him, testing his bonds. "Now let's start".

We took position on each side of our home-made "ring", ready for the grappling match.

Well, for once, the wrestling match didn't go too well for Yannick, even though he tried his best. He lunged at me and tried to push me with his shoulders, but I put him in a headlock and managed to wrestle him to the floor. We wrestled for a while, just for the fun of it, even though I was a clear winner, for once. He used his legs and his weight and managed to land on top of me a couple of times, but I managed to buck him off or push him over every time, since he couldn't use his arms to hold me down.

Eventually I decided that I had enough. I pushed him over, made my way on top of him, straddled him and pushed his shoulders down on the mattress. His hands were trapped behind him. He tried to topple me, but was unsuccessful. I moved my knees just above his shoulders, and he couldn't move.

"Ok", he sighed, exhausted. "You win!"

"Oh yeah I won!" I rejoiced.

I lay down on the mattress beside him. We lay there, panting, for a while.

"That was fun", Yannick said. "But having my hands tied is the only way you can win against me".

"Hey! Not true!" i said, and I gave him soft slaps in the face to prove that I was in charge.

"Now that you've won, wanna tie me up for real?" Yannick asked. "We'll see how long it takes before I can get out, and then when I do, I'll tie YOU up".

Yeah, right, I thought to myself. I don't think so, my friend.

"You're on!", I said excitedly, and went to my bedroom to get stuff what was, until now, part of my self-bondage inventory. I came back with another bathrobe belt and white cotton ropes that I had "borrowed" from my father's tool room over time.

"Ok do your worst!" Yannick taunted me, while I was helping him in a sitting position. "I want to know what it feels like to be tied up". He was really asking for it. Could he be as much into tugs as I was myself? I couldn't believe my good luck.

I proceeded to wrap a long rope around his upper body. I wrapped once around his torso, and the next loop was around his arms, behind his back.

"Wow you're better at this than I expected" he said, a bit surprised.

I didn't reply but I repeated the tying process 3 or 4 times, biting my lower lip as I always did when I am concentrating at a task. I double-knotted the ends behind his back. His arms were now completely immobilised, with very little wiggle room.

"Ok, your legs now. You'll need to be standing up for this part" I told him. I helped him stand up.

I kneeled behind him and grabbed more rope. I used one to tie his legs together just above his knees. I wrapped the rope around his thighs, cinched it between his legs. The ends of the rope were now in front of his legs, so I moved around him in order to be better positioned to make the knots.

And that's when I noticed... it. I had... well... visual confirmation that he was indeed enjoying being tied up. His sweatpants didn't conceal this fact very well. But I didn't say anything about it, as I was enjoying the situation just as much, and in the same way. Seing that he was enjoying this just made my own enjoyment grow even more. Something I tried to hide from him by readjusting the bottom of my sweatshirt. A luxury he couldn't afford. But he didn't look worried about it and even seemed to be having fun.

"Oh you're so dead when it's your turn!" he threatened, smiling.

"Shut up!" I said, and proceeded to tie his ankles in a similar manner as I had done to his thighs. I stood up. "Ok, I'm done. Try to struggle, I want to see if you can get free"

He pulled on his wrists and tried to twist is legs, but the bonds held fast. Before he had time to realize what was happening, I gave him a push.

"HEEEY!" he said as he fell backwards on the couch, laughing. He struggled a bit, apparently enjoying being helpless.

"You know, you can gag me too. To make it more "real"..." he asked.

I understood that this was what he really wanted. I didn't need to be told twice! I went back to my bedroom to fetch some bandannas and long sport socks.

During my self bondage sessions, one of the most efficient gagging methods I used on myself was to tie a sock into a knot in the middle part of a rolled up bandanna, to insert it in my mouth and tie the bandanna behind my neck. To make sure it stayed in, I used another bandanna or sock as a cleave gag. So that's the method I used on Yannick. I could see in his eye that he was curious as to what I was doing when I tied the sock on the bandanna.

"Ok open up!" I ordered, while holding the gag in front of his mouth.

"Oh... I understand now" he said, grasping the concept of my gag. He opened his mouth, ready for the gag, which I quickly inserted in his mouth. I tied the bandanna behind his neck, as tightly as I could so that it wouldn't be too uncomfortable for him.

"I chink I khan shtill push it hout" he said, pushing out the gag with his tongue.

"Not after I do this...". I stood behind him and used the second sock to push the gag further in his mouth.

"Mppphhh!" he tested the gag but nothing intelligible came out of his mouth at this point.

"Do you want me to blindfold you too?" I offered. My offer was for him to enjoy his predicament, but also to prevent him from noticing my own "enjoyment" of the situation - if he didn't notice already. I was a bit self-conscious about this.

Before he even answered, he had a gleam in his eyes that told me he would indeed very much enjoy this, which he promptly confirmed by an enthusiast nod.

I went to a cupboard where we kept our some of our winter clothes and came back with a black woolen beanie, made of thick soft fuzzy wool. It had belonged to my mother but she didn't use it anymore. It had a wide hem and could be worn either "normally" with the hem folded up, or as a slouchy hat if the hem was unfolded. I pulled the wool hat down over his head, which it covered completely. Basically it was as if he was wearing a balaclava, but with no hole for the eyes or mouth.

I took him by the arms and helped him lie down on the mattresses.

I stood back and surveyed my work. I was very satisfied to have my older, 15 old friend tied up in front of me. I felt very powerful.

"Still think you can get free?" I asked him while I straddled him. I gave his sides a quick tickle.

"MMMMPPHH!!!". He strained against the ropes, but remained fully restrained.

"Ok that was just to see if I tied you up well", I told him. "Now I'll give you some time to struggle, we'll see if you can get free..."

I grabbed an Astérix comic book and sat down on the mattress, my back resting on the sofa, while he started struggling to get free. And what a show it was. He strained against his restraints, wiggled like a worm, tried sitting up - that didn't work, bumped into the couch, rolling around on the mattresses, grunting and moaning into his gag.

His struggles slowed down after maybe 10 minutes. He remained completely, utterly helpless.

But I didn't want to push my luck - if I had found a tug-buddy, I had to make sure he was enjoying this. So after 20 minutes, I asked him : "Had enough? You give up?"

He shook his head.

"Ok, as you wish, I'll give you more time then".

So I went back to reading my Astérix. Yannick lay there, not struggling much, apparently just enjoying his helplessness, changing position from time to time.

At one point I noticed that he tried rubbing off the beanie from his face, but it didn't work and he moaned in frustration.

Every now and then, I asked if he had enough, but every time he would shake his head and grunt an unequivocal "No".

Finally after about an hour, he seemed to have enough and he nodded when I offered to untie him. I started with his legs. Then removed the beanie from his head. His hair was even more dishevelled than before. His eyes, however, told me he had enjoyed the whole thing. I purposely left the gag in and untied his arms and finally his wrists. When his arms were free he rubbed his wrists and then untied his gag.

"Whoaaa... feels good to be able to move my mouth..." and then before I had time to react he jumped on me. He put me in a headlock and wrestled me down on the mattresses. We play-fought for a few minutes, with him all the while telling me things like "I'M... GONNA... GET YOU... GOOD!" and "YOU'RE SOOOO DEAD!". The battle ended with him lying on me, my head trapped by his arm and my face crushed by his sweater-covered pecs, his legs wrapped around mine. We lay there for a minute before he let me go.

"Wow that was awesome! I never thought you'd tie me up so well! It really felt like I was your prisoner" he said. "What time is it now? Four? Darn it's already too late, I don't have time to tie you up, your parents could arrive anytime soon".

"What? You lost, you don't get to tie me up!" I objected.

But in reality I was looking forward to his revenge.

Things would take a strange twist later in the week, but that story is for another episode...

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Post by Killua »

That's a great story. I wish I had a friend like that :lol:

The gag seems quite creative. I guess if Yannick played these games before he surely was surprised about the gag and the whole way of tying, especially because he couldn't get out.

I'm curious if you had more experiences like that.
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Post by Axeljohansson »

Wow, what a good story, I loved it, all of it. Specially the gag and the blindfold. Really looking forward to more stories from your experiences :)
I like to be blindfolded when I’m tied up :)
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Post by overkneesoccersocks »

Great Story! Love the sock/bandana gag. I used to do that as well. Often still do.

Looking forward to what happened later that week...
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Post by overkneesoccersocks »

Great Story! Love the sock/bandana gag. I used to do that as well. Often still do.

Looking forward to what happened later that week...
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Post by Paris_bondage »

Fantastic story. I particularly loved the "my face crushed by his sweater-covered pecs" part. You won't be surprised, I guess.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Thanks guys! Glad you enjoyed the story! I should be able to post the next one shortly

[mention]Killua[/mention] Yannick was indeed surprised about the gag, something he had not experienced before. And yes I did have other experiences like that with Yannick.

[mention]Paris_bondage[/mention] I'm not surprised, en effet! Keep following my stories, I think you'll enjoy the next ones too... :)

[mention]Axeljohansson[/mention] I think you'll enjoy the next few stories - we got quite creative with our gags and blindfolds ;)
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Post by drawscore »

Nice. Read this, and one other story so far tonight, and being the board's resident "grammar nazi," I gotta say that the writing and formats have shown considerable improvement.

Spelling errors are nearly non-existent, and the authors have obviously become aware of how line spacing between paragraphs makes a huge difference in making the story flow.

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Post by jafib »

I'm not that much into m/m usually, but this was a great one and I can only second [mention]drawscore[/mention] - very well-written and formatted.
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Post by tufriend »

This is cute and well written. Looking forward to the sequel.
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Post by Canuck100 »

drawscore wrote: 3 years ago Nice. Read this, and one other story so far tonight, and being the board's resident "grammar nazi," I gotta say that the writing and formats have shown considerable improvement.

Spelling errors are nearly non-existent, and the authors have obviously become aware of how line spacing between paragraphs makes a huge difference in making the story flow.

Thanks for the compliment. It might be because English is not my first language, but I try to pay more attention to spelling and grammar. I’m sure I got some of the casual dialog wrong, and the way we talked may sound a bit formal, but it’s a bit hard to translate conversations that actually happened in another language - French in my case - in a language that I don’t use everyday, except on the internet.

But writing these stories has been an interesting experience. I’ll be back with more chapters of my tug-filled teen and young adulthood years.

[mention]jafib[/mention] and [mention]tufriend[/mention] Thanks, glad you enjoyed it.

Jafib, some of my futures stories are of different types, i.e m/f, f/m etc. Hope you’ll enjoy them too.
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Post by Jb99 »

Great story, looking forward to Yannick's revenge!
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Post by Canuck100 »

Jb99 wrote: 3 years ago Great story, looking forward to Yannick's revenge!
Thanks [mention]Jb99[/mention] . I told the story of Yannick's revenge in "This Time, I Get It! :D Hope you'll like it
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Post by Jb99 »

:P :P
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Post by Xtc »

It's good to see you posting your own stories as well as acting as the site's archivist. It's even better to see you receiving such, well deserved, positive reactions.
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Post by xler479 »

I don't know why, but this story reminds me of a commercial I saw a long time ago that I think was for a basketball shoe. I don't even remember the NBA player. But the guy was playing a non-pro in a one-on-one game and the pro kept winning.

So they decide to up the ante by tying up the pro with duct tape, like one limb at a time. Eventually it gets to a point where the basketball player has BOTH arms tied behind his back and his feet tied together so he can't even move. And even when the commercial ends, the poor guy still can't make a shot even though he's not being defended.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Xtc wrote: 3 years ago It's good to see you posting your own stories as well as acting as the site's archivist. It's even better to see you receiving such, well deserved, positive reactions.
Thanks XTC, much appreciated coming from you.
xler479 wrote: 3 years ago I don't know why, but this story reminds me of a commercial I saw a long time ago that I think was for a basketball shoe. I don't even remember the NBA player. But the guy was playing a non-pro in a one-on-one game and the pro kept winning.

So they decide to up the ante by tying up the pro with duct tape, like one limb at a time. Eventually it gets to a point where the basketball player has BOTH arms tied behind his back and his feet tied together so he can't even move. And even when the commercial ends, the poor guy still can't make a shot even though he's not being defended.
:lol: I understand why my story reminded you of this commercial! I don't think I have seen it, though. I would remember, for sure!
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Post by xler479 »

I've been searching for the commercial on YT but haven't had much luck finding it.
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Post by FelixSH »

I didn't realize you were writing again yourself, after all this time. Well done, takes me back to 2001 or so, when I first found your old Dreambook site. Thanks, BTW, for starting this site so long ago, I'm glad to have this place.

Anyway, nice story. Must have been great, to have found a TUG-buddie.

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