Exploring self bondage (self/M) Part 2 added

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Exploring self bondage (self/M) Part 2 added

Post by guy_with_rope »

Well I figured I’d share my first couple experiences from the last few months in trying out self bondage. I apologize ahead of time, they’re not too eventful overall, just ideas I thought were fun to try and how I learned to make sure to double check that I know exactly how I’ll get out of something.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy

Most of my life I’ve loved the idea of tugs. I’ve fantasized over having friends who ask me to tie them up, or just having the guts to just ask someone outright, but I frankly don’t feel that my friends would be too keen on the idea, so I’ve never brought it up.

Regardless, in my head I’ve always thought out the perfect ways I would tie a damsel in distress to be comfortable yet completely trapped, and always wanted to try out something for once to get a feel for it.

Self bondage was always the suggestion when I frequented chat rooms and other articles, but that wasn’t ever really something I was interested in, so I didn’t really try it until recently when all this pandemic stuff started.

Until a little over a month ago, I’ve never had an apartment all to myself. I’m in my 4th year at a university and always opted for cheaper housing, so I’ve always had numerous roommates, which never bothered me. However, all of them decided to go home when all the classes changed to online, so I was alone for several weeks, and I would be until I decided to do the same after the end of the semester.

Realizing I had to find some way to occupy my time, I figured this would be the perfect chance to try self bondage, so I figured why not and began.

Despite my username, I don’t actually have any rope, just lots of neckties and belts and a roll of duct tape one of my roommates had bought, barely used once, and left behind, so my options weren’t great, but I was willing to try a few things.

I sat down my first day in the evening, laying on my bed with a bundle of ties sitting beside me, grabbed one and began wrapping it around my ankles, cinching it off and pulling it tight. I tugged against it gently, making sure it would hold, and similarly tied my knees. Then came my hands, and I wasn’t very good at this one. I had an idea how I would do it with too free hands on someone else, but couldn’t fathom how to translate that into tying my own hands.

Nevertheless, I tried a few things and got the tie wrapped around my wrists in front of me. With a bit of effort I could pull one hand out, so I moved my hands behind me and pushed it back in. I struggled around a bit on my small bed for a few minutes, thinking the sensation was okay but nothing I would have gone out of my way to do again. Regardless, I had only just started, and hadn’t even tried my favorite tie yet.

So naturally, I had to hogtie myself somehow.

Surprisingly enough, it was easier than I thought with my good friend, the internet. I googled some self bondage advice and found an image that described tying a noose in one rope, and a simple wrist coil with another (just rope looped around in a circle several times). Putting the coil in the loop of the noose and pulling it tight made it extremely tight, and if the other end were tied off to my ankles, I had a hogtie that would work perfectly.

The recommendation was that when it was pulled tight it wouldn’t come loose again, but with the ties in place of rope it still came loose if I twisted it right, so after a bit of testing I figured I was ready for a full tie.

I made sure my doors were locked, set down a pair of scissors I had practiced cutting tape with earlier nearby on the floor for emergencies, and set to work.

I wrapped tape around my thighs several times, and then around my calves as well, leaving space around my ankles which I tied a tie around, figuring it would be easier to attach the end of my “noose” to (which is was). I tied off the end of the noose on my ankles and reached out for a clean sock that I was planning to gag myself with....before immediately spitting it up and gagging for a few seconds.

Sadly, as much as I love the idea of a thickly stuffed mouth on someone and sealed in with tape, my own mouth cannot handle it, so I sadly just put a few strips of tape over my mouth as a quick substitute instead before rolling onto my stomach on the floor and slipping my hands behind me into the coil. Then I pulled with my legs and tightened it, making my wrists feel more secure than anything else I tried. I rolled around, tugging and pulling every which way I could think, enjoying it for quite a bit longer than any other attempt. Even my pseudo gag was making me enjoy it all the more as I laid there for nearly half an hour before working my hands out the way I had practiced and began cutting the tape away on my legs.

I listened carefully for any sounds from the walls. I had made sure not to make too much noise, knowing people were still in the adjacent apartments, but I was still making sure I didn’t hear anyone commenting on the “noises coming from next door.” I threw away the tape and put away all my ties for the night, excited that the new idea had worked as well as it did, and already thinking of ways to make it even better, which, from a certain point of view, I did.

However I think that will have to wait till next time, since I think this has already gotten a bit longer than I thought it would. I’ll try to finish the next part as soon as I can, hopefully in the next few days at most. Also if you have any ideas on how I can improve my writing (or my bondage for that matter) go for it, I’d love to do better
Last edited by guy_with_rope 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TapeBondage123 »

Thank you for sharing!
Duct tape will fix that cut under your nose.
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Post by DomTiesMen »

Indeed it was a really amazing first story and experience! I guess never is too late to play some self-bondage for a while when you want that so much but don't have a partner to pratice! For your first self-bondage experience, you made dificult positions like the hogtie and actually managed to do that secure enough to give you some sensation of helpless! I do get what you mean about the stuff on the mouth, when I was young I also didn't liked it and just enjoyed a few strips of duct tape over the mouth, hehe! Duct tapes and ties are really amazing to begin with! Ties can be a excellent way to tie up someone, blindfold or even gag! I am glad that you enjoyed the first experience and thank you for describe it to us!

Hope you have more oportunities to be bound and gagged in the future and you tell us your experience again! I am looking foward it!
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Post by guy_with_rope »

Alright then, I guess I should add a follow up to this :D

So the next few days after this initial attempt were pretty busy so I only tried it a few more times afterwards for a while, and it had pretty similar results to the hogtie I described before. However I saw a small clip on instagram (believe it or not) describing a way to tie your hands together with a belt really easily.

I had pretty much avoided belts cause all the attempts I had made never really worked out very well, and I figured that if I screwed it up and made it too tight it would be way harder to get out of if I made a mistake. However I decided I should try it at least once just to see how it would go, and at that point I remembered that I had another kind of belt I could try.

I looked through my stuff and found 3 belts that I would use. One was what you'd expect, normal leather belt with a buckle. the other two were D ring belts that I had gotten a few years back for some reason or another. I took one of them and looped it once before putting it through the rings and pulling it. I experimented with it for a bit, putting my hands through the loop so when the belt was tightened it would be wrapped around my arms twice, and it took a bit more work to get it loose by just moving my arms, so I figured it would work really well for what I had in mind.

I first took the leather belt and put it around my ankles. It was a bit long, so I started by putting it in a figure 8 around my ankles before wrapping it around them both once, and it was the perfect length to keep them secure. Then I knotted the ring belt that I would use for my arms to the leather belt, with the loop big enough to fit my arms through when the time came. then I took my last belt and put it around my upper arms and torso to pin them down. This part wasn't super secure, but it worked well enough. With that I laid on my stomach, lifted my legs up to get the belt, put my arms through opposite sides of the loop and pulled with my legs to tighten it, effectively box tying my arms while hogtying my legs.

I was really happy with how it had turned out, and I struggled on the floor for a good while before deciding I probably needed to get out. However, I realized very quickly that it had worked a bit too well, and my hands were completely stuck. I had made the hogtie part a bit shorter than I expected so my legs were pulled pretty close, and I’m not a flexible man, so I couldn’t really pull them any closer to give me any slack. And even when I did, it was still really hard to get the belt to loosen at all.

I ended up laying there for another half hour at least trying to figure something out. It felt great but there was always a part of me kind of worried I was going to be stuck for a while, and my arms were getting really tired (though not numb or anything so that was fortunate).

Finally, I managed to rub the belt pinning my arms to my sides off, giving me a bit more movement with my arms, then I slowly crawled over to the wall and rolled onto my side and pushed my legs against the wall, forcing them closer to my arms than I normally could. It hurt a bit, but it gave me some slack I could work with and I managed to loosen the belt just enough to slip an arm free, so the second one came out no problem.

When I finally got free I laid on the floor for another few minutes, proud of my accomplishment and taking note how short the belt would need to be in the future if I ever do it against, which, since then, I have done multiple times, and I’ve yet to get stuck as badly as I did then.

Overall, I know some people have had much more climactic self bondage nightmare stories on here, I just wanted to share my own here now that I finally understand how good it feels. I always thought self bondage seemed kind of pointless since you could never be really helpless without being in actual danger, but I understand the appeal now and I can’t wait to try other methods when I get a chance

Post by Ropelover28nj »

Nice! I've had some fun with self bondage,almost had a close call too,that wouldnt have been cool hahaha its funny how it can spark the desire to be the one bound though🙂
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