Brother & Sister Hostage Game (m/mf)

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Brother & Sister Hostage Game (m/mf)

Post by Detective-Gag »

A common thing both myself and my sister observed in crime shows is when the bad guys managed to break into a home while it was just the kids who were home alone; the kids almost always got tied up or kidnapped.

Either the crooks were looking for something or robbing the place, and they would simply tie the kids up to keep them out of the way…or the intruders were trying to get something from the parents; and decided to hold the kids hostage as bargaining chips. Either way, the brats usually ended up locked up in a room somewhere in the house; tied, gagged & struggling.

Having seen this pattern on TV more than a few times, my sister and I were well aware of the trope; and since we were pretty cool with acting out “distress” scenes ourselves, it was only natural that we would roleplay a home invasion in our own games every now and then.

It was another afternoon to ourselves, and I suggested that we recreate a scene from a detective show we’d watched a few days ago…in that scene, the police had received word of a disturbance at a dwelling; and when they arrived, they’d found a brother & sister with their hands tied, and mumbling through two blue OTM gags. We’d exchanged knowing glances at that time; as the show had been on with our parents home that night, but we had made a mental note of it.

“Wanna try that tie up game from the other night?” I invited. “The one from that cop show where the brother and sister got caught by the psycho?”

“I dunno,” my sister had pondered, though it wasn’t for a lack of interest. “That scene was pretty short.”

True; the scene had almost been a “blink & you’ll miss it” moment, where the actual kidnapping had occurred off screen.

“Maybe we can make it longer,” I insisted. “C’mon!”

“How do you wanna do it?” my sister replied, still on board with trying it out.

“Let’s see…” I mused. “I’ll pretend to be the crazy kidnapper, and sneak up on “us”…I gestured for us both… “and then I’ll tie you up first, and then I’ll just do myself.”

“Then what?”

I shrugged. “We’ll improvise.”

“Gotcha,” my sister confirmed, grinning wickedly. “Where do we wanna do it?”

“Let’s do my room,” I offered. “All the stuff is in my closet, anyway.”

We rushed upstairs from the basement and got started: my sister sat in my desk chair, while I retrieved the supplies from my closet. Once we were prepared, my sister turned the wheeled chair around so her back was to the bedroom door, and I left the room to get into “character”.

My sister started humming unassumingly, and I quietly crept back into the bedroom. I got the sense that my sister knew what was about to happen; but she still pretended she didn’t see me yet.

That was when I placed my hand over her mouth, and my sister started making noises into my palm.

“Mmm-mmmph!” she cried out, as she half-heartedly reached up with her hands to her face as she swerved in the office chair.

“Don’t panic, kid,” I said in my gangster’s drawl. “Nobody’s going to hurt you…but we are gonna rob your place.”

“Mmmmnnn!” my sister droned.

“First things first…anybody else in the house?” I asked, taking my hand off her mouth.

“Just my brother,” my sister answered.

I clamped my hand back over her mouth. “Go find the brother and bring him here,” I said to my invisible partners.

Then I pulled the office chair away from the desk, with my sister still seated, and wheeled it to the center of the room, closer to the bed.

I had laid out the supplies for tying us up on the covers…reaching for a light blue pillowcase that I had cut into a square cloth, I removed my hand from my sister’s mouth and began folding the material into a band.

“No screaming,” I warned, as my sister sat silently in the chair as I finished folding the cloth. “Just gotta keep you quiet so you don’t wake the neighbors.”

I spun my sister around in the chair so she was facing away again. “Why are you doing this…? HMPH!”

I pulled the gag over my sister’s mouth, tying the blue band over her brown hair. “We need to keep you two brats out of the way,” I told her as I gagged her, cinching the knot behind her head.

This sparked a fresh round of mumbling from my sister, as I took the bundle of rope from the bed and began tying her to the chair, pinning her arms to her sides. Then I took a shorter rope to tie her feet together.

I stepped away once I was finished, and my sister stared back at me, secured to the chair & her “angry” eyes furrowed over the OTM gag.

“Mmph! Mmph!” she grunted, swiveling in the office chair left & right, the seat shuddering & creaking as she fought the bindings.

“Right; now to go find your brother,” I cackled, grabbing the binding supplies & exiting my bedroom, shutting the door behind me as I left my sister alone.

I could hear my sister inside, walls muffling her voice & the creaks of the office chair. As I listened, I waited for a minute or two, playing out the portion of the story in my head of how the intruders would find me, then capture me.

When I felt that enough time had passed, I got to work: getting out the duct tape, I took the roll, sat down, and began encircling long strips around my ankles, the light grey sweatpants I was wearing keeping the material from sticking to my skin. Then I did the same just below my knees; thus binding my legs together.

Tape was trickier to remove, but it was easier to put on, and I didn’t have to worry so much about it loosening. Then I took two fitness wristbands, slipping them onto one wrist.

“Alright, we found the brother!” I called out, making sure that my sister could hear me through my bedroom door. “Get a gag on him; and put him with the other brat!”

Once I’d said my line as the “bad guy”, I took the duct tape and tore off a few strips; smoothing them over my mouth. Then I took an identical blue cloth that I’d fashioned as my sister’s gag, folded it, and then tied it over my taped lips, cinching the knot behind my head.

I then grabbed the handrail post at the top of the stairs just outside my bedroom door, and gently pulled myself back up to a standing position. Then I placed my wrists behind my back, and slipped my other hand through the armbands on my opposite wrist; giving the illusion that my hands had been bound behind me.

Now fully tied up, I gingerly pushed the exterior door handle of my room down, pushed the door open, and hopped back into my bedroom.

“Mmph! Mmph!” I grunted to my sister, making my eyes go wide when I saw her sitting in the chair, as though for the first time. “Whmph hppmphd!?”

“Thvmp gmpht ymph!” my sister responded, with her own muffled worry.

I jumped over to my bed, and threw myself on the mattress; as though the kidnappers had tossed me on top of it. Then I started wriggling like a fish, kicking out with my taped legs, mumbling for help through the two layers of gags.

My sister joined in; and together, we both struggled in our respective positions; with her rocking against the office chair, and myself rolling around on the bed.

Some minutes passed, and we had begun attempting to speak to one another through our gags.

“Wmph ndmph tmph gmph ummph omf hrmph!” my sister said to me.

“Cmph clsrmph!” I told her, jerking my head in a motion that indicated that she need to get closer to the bed.

My sister spun around, and with her back to me, pushed the wheeled chair towards the bed with her feet.

I inched my way to the edge of the mattress, and started to undo the knots I’d tied in order to hold her to the chair…after a minute of fumbling, the knot came loose, and my sister started pulling the ropes away.

“Hang on!” she cried, after she untied her gag. “I gotta do my feet!”

“Mmkymph,” I responded, encouraging her as she quickly unfastened her ankles.

“Alright, I’m free!” she said breathlessly. “Now lemme do you!”

I nodded, sitting upright on the edge of the bed. My sister pulled the blue cloth down from my face. “Ha, they taped your mouth, I see!” she laughed, and then carefully started to peel the duct tape from my mouth.

“They snuck up on me!” I said, once I could speak. “We need to get away before they come back!”

I pulled my hands free of the wristbands, and started to pull the tape away from my pant legs. My sister went over to the door, peeking through the crack, acting as though the bad guys would return any second.

“Hurry up!” she whispered.

“Got it!” I said, and stood up from the bed. “Let’s get out of here!”

Giggling, we both ran out of the room, barreling down the stairs. “Get to the phone…!” my sister cried, as we headed for the kitchen.

My sister made a bee-line for the handset, taking the phone from its cradle & pretending to dial for help.

“Not so fast!” I barked, slipping back into my “bad guy” persona. “What do you think you’re doing!?”

My sister shrieked, and hung the phone back up. “Nothing!” she lied, putting her hands in the air in surrender.

“You kids thought you could slip away, huh?” I growled, pointing a finger like a gun. “Get back upstairs; no more games!”

Suppressing a grin, I escorted my sister back up to my bedroom. Once we were there, I grabbed one of the fitness arm bands.

“Turn around,” I said gruffly, and my sister put her back to me as I crossed her wrists behind her back, and slipped the wristband over to hold them together.

“We won’t try to escape again,” my sister assured, as I went to grab the duct tape roll.

“I’m going to make sure of that,” I answered, tearing off a piece of the tape, and pressing it over her mouth.

“Mmph!” she murmured in reply, as I added a second piece, before turning her around once more, and re-tying the blue cloth back over her mouth.

“Sit down,” I commanded, and she sat down on the carpet, as I re-tied her ankles with the discarded rope.

“Now I’m going to tie up your brother; and you two are going to stay put this time!” I warned, and proceeded to take the duct tape and smooth fresh tape over my mouth, and re-tie my own handkerchief gag.

My sister watched expectantly while I bound my feet, and placed my hands back behind me through the wristband. Then we both exchanged glances, and renewed our struggling from before; this time emulating the scene from the TV show.

Partway through our individual struggles, I turned to my sister, undoing one hand from my wristband, and then mumbled to her “Lmph gmn bnck-to-bnck!”

My sister understood, as she slipped out of her own wristband, and we put our backs against one another. Then, we linked both our wrists through each wristband, so that our left & right hands were interconnected.

Now stuck to each other, we continued pretending that the kidnappers had taken us hostage, calling for help through our gags, as we tugged against our wrist bindings.

Eventually, we tired of the ruse, and with muffle grunts, we started to end the game; removing the bindings & the gags.

“Guess the cops eventually found us,” she said to me, as she peeled off the duct tape.

“Maybe next time they take us back to their hideout,” I suggested.

“Sure,” she agreed. “But maybe on another day.”

…thus ended what became a “part 1” of sorts for our sibling hostage-scenario.
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Post by Dpsiic »

What an amazing game, wish I had a sister to play like that. i hope there's more
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Post by Canuck100 »

Such a cute story. Seems like you and your sister had a lot of doing these scenarios. Looking forward to your next adventures!
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Post by Tiengag5 »

Mmmmm, Great siblings bondage scenario.
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Post by harveygasson »

Very cool story
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