Adventures in Babysitting (m/m+)

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Adventures in Babysitting (m/m+)

Post by fratboydanny »

It is so good to have this board up and running. I agree with [mention]bondagefreak[/mention] that this board has quickly become much more active than the old board. That said, the old board was quite active early on too. We can all only hope this board stays that way.

With the ability to retrieve some of the stories from the old board it provides an opportunity to see if the one true story I wrote was available. Thanks to [mention]Jason Toddman[/mention] for informing folks this was possible. Thanks to [mention]GMen[/mention] for cutting and pasting and sending the story to me.

It was always my intention to finish these adventures but never got around to it for a variety of reasons. Now, with the excitement everyone has for the new board and to fulfill my old promises to some of the guys who read them at the old board and are now members here, I will endeavor to finish telling the story.

What takes place in these adventures happened during the summer of my 16th year. It certainly was an exiting time. I hope you like hearing about them. Please let me know what you think.
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Adventures in Babysitting — Chapter 1

When I was 16 I made money taking care of peoples yards. I would also, from time to time, do some babysitting. One family whose yard I cared for was a three person family of a single mom, a 13 year old boy, Sean, and 10 year old girl, Alicia.

One day I was cutting the grass and grooming their yard, Sean and his friend Doug from down the street were playing with Alicia and two of her friends. At one point as I turned a corner, much to my surprise I saw Sean and Doug sitting back to back on the front porch being tied up by the girls. This tweaked my interest as I had played tie up games since I was younger and would love to still be playing them but, other than my cousin Landon, no one seemed much interested in playing any more. As a result, I played tugs with myself when home alone or late at night in my room.

As I worked the lawn mower up and down the front of the yard I watched as the guys were first bound and then left to escape. I could see them moving their hands and struggling to get free. Their ankles had been tied and their hands were tied behind their backs. Rope also was lashed about their chests and arms holding them together. It was ok but I didn't think it would hold them long. I noted that they worked their hands together searching for the knots to tug at. As I made a final pass in the front yard they were just undoing the wrists. They were then able to undo the ropes about their chests. As I was turning off the mower they were working on their feet. It was definately a site to see but I sure wish they had been tied up better.

"Alot of help you were Danny," Sean said to me as I walked the mower back up the driveway.

"Well, I didn't want to interfere with your game," I said in reply. "Besides, it didn't take long for you guys to get loose."

Doug chimed in that, "well, it would have been nice to have some help anyways. Wouldn't you want us to help if we saw you tied up?"

Now my first reaction was to say, no just leave me to get loose by myself. But, I offered a quick, "sure I would if it was part of the game," just to cover myself and my own desire to participate in a good tie up game.

Nothing more was said as I worked to complete my tasks for the day. Later that night my mom told me that Ms. Parker was on the phone. I took the phone and Ms. Parker thanked me for the work on her yard and asked if I could help her out. "My usual sitter is sick and I need someone for tomorrow night. Could you possibly help me?"

It was a Friday night but I had no plans and I needed every penny for college some day. I said, "Sure Ms. Parker I would be happy to watch the kids."

On Friday night I arrived across the street at 6:30 p.m. Ms. Parker went through a short list of things and on her way out the door told me that Doug would be spending the night. "That isn't a problem for you is it Danny?" she asked.

"Oh, no. Not at all," I replied. And I quickly began to think of how to repeat what I had seen the day before with Doug and Sean.
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Post by cj2125 »

I remember this story! Glad you are reposting it! You were really lucky to have those two kids to babysit 😁
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Post by Xtc »

Good to see you writing again.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Fratboydanny is back folks!
Aw, now the world of TUGs makes sense again.

You haven't written anything for the board since what? 2011?

Welcome back to what [mention]Xtc[/mention] commonly refers to as "The League of Writers" 8-)

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Post by GMen »

This is one of those many orphaned stories that started out so well and it captivated an entire audience...only for the author to shirk out on his fans for no reason! (That's a joke there, folks, no need to write nasty PMs to me about raking Danny over the coals!)

Now that we are able to be reintroduced to FBD and his teenage shenanigans - exploits I dare say that certainly helped to blossom his continued interest in all things ropes and gags - my hope is that he can utilize this newfound enthusiasm to keep up his splendid work for all of us to read.

Until then, [mention]fratboydanny[/mention] , we await your next installment with bated breath.
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Post by fratboydanny »

Thanks, guys, for the comments. Always helpful to hear. So as not to keep anyone in too much suspense, here we go with the next chapter.

Adventures in Babysitting — Chapter 2

So here I was babysitting for Alicia and Sean and I just learned that Doug is staying the night. I had to figure out a way to repeat what I saw the day before with Sean and Doug tied back to back by Alicia and her friends. The image of the two of them had entered into my dreams the previous evening.

Sean and Doug stayed to themselves and I watched over Alicia. Soon it was her bedtime. She went up to get herself ready and when she called down I went to make sure she was set for the night. When I returned back downstairs Sean and Doug were hanging out playing a video game.

I started to read a book that I had brought with me but knew that if I were going to enjoy a TUG I had to act soon. There were only a few hours left before Ms. Parker would arrive back home. I watched as Sean, black haired with green eyes and Doug, blond and blue, played their game. They were both in athletic shorts and t-shirts with black no-show socks. Sean was wearing some Addidas and Doug was wearing a pair of Vans. i too was wearing athletic shorts and a t-shirt with white no-show socks and a pair of Nike's on my feet.

When they were between games I said, "so, you guys got out of those ropes pretty easy yesterday. Your captors didn't do a very good job of keeping you in check."

"Well, we've helped them out playing with them before," said Sean. "They're just girls and we can easily get out of what they put us in."

"So they have tied you up before?" I asked.

"Sure," said Doug. "A few times. But I think we could get out of just about anything." he said.

"Really?" I asked. "Is that why you guys were yelling at me that I should have helped you out?"

"Well, we got out of it," they said together.

"What about a bet," I said knowing this was my only chance.

"What kind of bet?" asked Sean.

"Well, I would tie you guys up like you were yesterday, and we would see if you could get loose as quick as you guys think you can. You name the time. If you can't get loose or I have to help you, you guys will each owe me.....a dollar," I said.

Sean and Doug looked at each other. Then Doug said, "what if we get loose. What will you owe us?"

"I will pay you each the same. A dollar." I said.

They looked at each other again shaking their heads. I looked at them and saw that the dollar was not going to be enough. So, I said, "how about 5 dollars each? That will be almost as much as I make watching over you two tonight."

"We will take the $5 but, if we get out, we get to tie you and see if you can get out of our knots," said Sean.

My stomach was filled with butterflies. This was too good to be true. If they did get out of my ropes, they were going to rope me up, I thought to myself. Wow. Who cares if it costs me some money. For a TUG game, I'd do this job for free.

"Ok." I said. "$5 each and you get to tie me up."

Sean said, "great. I will be right back." He went down to the basement. He returned with a box and when he opened it he began pulling out ropes and some bandannas. "Everything you will need is in this box," he said to me.

I was amazed. Sean had a box full of TUG material. As I searched through it I found ropes of various lengths, about a dozen bandannas a roll of duct tape and a roll of athletic tape. I looked at both Sean and Doug with what had to be question marks in my eyes.

Sean quickly chimed in, "we used to play alot of cops and robbers but we haven't played in a long time. "

By the looks of it, they played alot. This was almost too good to be true. I tied their hands behind their backs. I told them to sit back to back on the floor. I wanted to recreate the scene from yesterday only make it better. Rope was then used to bind their wrists together and then more to tie around their elbows. They were now linked together. I used rope to tie around their knees and then around their ankles. I pulled their shoes off telling them, "we don't want you walking away" In reality it would give me a chance to see them struggle in their socked feet something I loved to do when caught as part of a TUG game.

"Hey, you are using too many ropes," Doug said.

"What's wrong, don't think you can get out?" I taunted.

"Oh," said Sean, "we will get out of this and then we will tie you up so tight you'll be begging for release."

"Really, well, lets see about that," I said grabbing a red and a white bandanna.

"Doug, lets talk our way threw this," Sean said not seeing me with the bandannas in my hand.

"There will be no talking," I said as I pulled the white bandanna threw Sean's mouth and tied it off behind his head. "" was his response.

Seeing this and hearing how Sean was now reduced to mmmpphhs, Doug said, "wait, you don't have to gag me. I promise not to talk."

"Too late for your tricks Doug," I said getting the red bandanna through his lips and tying if off behind his head.

I watched as my two "captives" began to struggle in their ropes swaying from side to side, mmmppphing into their gagged mouths and flexing their socked feet. This was great.

I looked down at the two bound and gagged boys and said, "hold on now, the clock is not ticking yet. I need to get you guys good and ready for the challenge to begin." This was responded to with a couple of mmmmppphhhhhhing grunts.

I released the rope binding their wrists together and then each of their own hand ties. As they were sitting back to back I took rope and tied Sean's left wrist to Doug's right and then the opposite side. I did the same with their elbows. As I was tying Sean's right wrists to Doug's left I felt like something was not right. That I did not get the rope fully tightened and tied off. Just your imagination. You are doing a fine job I thought to myself.

Next I wound rope around their chests tying it off in front of Doug's chest. They could not have the rope slip down and use their hands tied to their sides on this one. I stepped back taking a good look at them. They were tied up good and I was going to win this bet and enjoy the struggle at the same time.

"Ok, it is 9:45. You have 20 minutes to get loose. I went over and sat on the floor next to the couch watching them and the baseball game on the tv at the same time. They were writhing in their bonds and mmmpphhhhing along. It was all music to my ears.

After about 10 minutes and them seemingly getting no-where I started to taunt them. "Sure, bragging about getting out of ropes tied by your sister and her friends...but can't get out of this. Punks."

Sean let out a "mmmmmppuuuuubmmmphhtthheeempunkmmmmpphh" Which without the gag sure sounded like it might have been "you will be the punk."

At the 15 minute mark they were beginning to sweat. "Only 5 minutes left," I said. Bending near them I continued my taunting and couldn't resist taking my index finger and running it along the bottom of their socked feet. This elicited some strong mmmppphhsss and I got the distinct feeling that neither of them, but Sean in particular, liked having his feet even remotely tickled.

As I pulled away to sit back toward the couch and watch them in their bound and gagged state I noticed movement around Sean's right wrist. "Darn it," I thought. They may just get loose. And, it was at the wrist I thought was trouble. How could I have been so stupid I thought. But, they only had a few minutes left. Would they get untied fully by the time 20 minutes was up.

I sat and watched as Sean and Doug got their right and left wrists respectively free and begin working on the other ropes binding them tight. First the chest ropes, then the rope around their other wrists. Then their knees and feet. They jumped up and pulled the gags out of their mouths with :30 seconds to spare.

I looked at them and my jaw dropped.

"Not so hot now are you Mr. High School boy," Doug said. Smiling broadly he chimed "I told you we could get out of anything."

"Ok guys, you won fair and square." I went to reach into my pocket to get the money and Sean said, "forget about the money. We're just gonna tie you up."

"Ya," Doug added. "Mr. mouthy is gonna see what it is like."

I looked at the time. It was now almost 10:20. Looking at Sean I said, "Well, you mom said she'd be home between 10:30 and 11. I don't know if we have enough time."

"You trying to get out of the bet?" Sean asked as Doug was holding some rope and a fresh black bandanna.

"No," I said really wanting to be tied up right there by these two rope fiends. "I just don't want us to get caught. I mean, what would you say to your mom if she came home and you guys had me tied up on the floor?"

"Good point," Sean said. "Fine we won't fully tie you. Come over here." I walked over to him and they twisted my body around. Doug began looping the ropes around my wrists. When he was done I tried moving my hands. They would not budge. They shoved me onto the couch.

"We will untie your hands when mom pulls in the driveway," Sean said. "And, you will come back tomorrow afternoon for the rest of the bet."

"Wait a minute," I began to say, "mmmmpphhhhh" but was cut off as the black bandanna was now cleave gagging me.
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Post by mikeybound »

Pretty good. Hopefully someone will finish this!
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Post by GMen »

Another fantastic installment, if I do say so myself.

Anxiously awaiting part III!
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Post by Xtc »

mikeybound wrote: 6 years ago Pretty good. Hopefully someone will finish this!
Why not ask [mention]fratboydanny[/mention] ? He might do it!
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Post by fratboydanny »

Adventures in Babysitting — Chapter 3

My mind is now racing. Here i am responsible for watching these two plus Alicia up stairs sleeping. Ms. Parker is due home almost anytime yet i am sitting on the couch with Doug and Sean on either side of me, hands tied behind my back and this bandanna gag in my mouth.

"mmmmpphhhhhlet me gommmmphhh," I attempt to say.

"Oh be quiet. You agreed to this Danny, you lost the bet," said Sean. Each of them grabbed a foot and removed my Nike's. "Mom doesn't care for people wearing shoes in the house. Besides, we don't want you going anywhere," he added making fun of what I had said to them earlier.

I sat there trying to work the ropes around my wrists. These guys were good. They began to talk as if I wasn't even there. They began to play another video game with me sitting in between them. Every now and then one of them would nudge me in the ribs and ask how I was doing. "How's the tough high school boy now?" Sean would keep saying. "I told you we would see who the punk was," he said. He won the game and then my ears perked up. Sean suggested they bet on the next game. Loser would get tied up with Danny. Doug declined saying Sean always won the game they were playing and he did not feel like being tied up again tonight. I was sitting there, working my ropes, thinking how fun that might be.

I began to feel some slack. It had been about 30 minutes. Just as I thought I would be untying myself and being done with this, though I had certain ideas of what I was going to do once alone in my bed that night, the phone rang. Sean reached over and pulled the gag from my mouth and held the phone to me. It was Ms. Parker.

"Oh, hello Ms. Parker," I said. "Ya, everything is fine here. Alicia is asleep and the boys are playing a game." She said they were having a very nice time and would I mind if she arrived home around 12:30. I told her no I did not mind at all and said good-bye." Sean took the phone away.

"What did she say?" he asked.

"She won't be home till 12:30," I said.

"Great!" he said. "Now we can complete the bet and make another."

"What do you mean?" I asked as Doug just looked on.

"Well, we have time now to finish tying you and see if you can get out. If you do we are done. But, if you can't get out, I say you should come back tomorrow and get tied again. Mom and Alicia always go shopping on Saturdays. They are gone for a good 3-4 hours."

"Well," I said, "that would be if I didn't get out." At that moment I produced my now free hands holding the rope.

"Nice," said Doug.

"Ok, so you have proven you can get out so what do you say?" asked Sean. I submitted, saying ok cause this was just too much fun. I suggested I check on Alicia first as we did not need her finding us either. I did and she was sound asleep.

When I returned down stairs, I was grabbed from behind and a sock was shoved over my face. I mmmmphhed into the sock. It did have a used smell about it. Sean walked up to me which meant Doug was holding me.

Sean said, "That is what we like to believe is a chloroform rag. We are knocking you out. You can smell the fumes right?" I knodded. Sean continued, "This is what we used to do when we would play. It tries to make it more real than just tying each other up. Are you ok with this?"

Doug released the sock from my face. As Sean was saying what he said and as I was held by Doug, my mind was once again racing that this was too good to be true. These guys truly did get into the whole tie up thing and even added the notion of being kidnapped into it. I looked at Sean and said, "ya, I am ok with this. It adds a little to the game."

Sean said, "Good. So while you are "out" you must keep your eyes closed so you can't see what we are doing to you." I agreed and Sean nodded to Doug who placed the sock back over my mouth and nose. It was smelly alright, but in a good way. I mmmphhhed into it and stuggled for a minute before faking my collapse.

They proceeded to hogtie me and reuse the bandanna gag. When I "awakened" I was told I had 45 minutes to release myself. If I did not I would return to be retied tomorrow. Sean and Doug went back to playing their game while I struggled on the floor. Their socked feet not too far from my head and face. They were a distraction. I made like I was working the ropes but was really just watching their socked feet: stretching, flexing, moving all around. So they did not think something was up with me, I began to work in earnest on the ropes. Again, these guys had done a nice job of tying me. This was far better than anything I had ever done to myself and not even my cousin Landon had tied me up this tight, at least not yet.

After about 30 minutes I was sweating and mmmphhiiing and working on those ropes. Doug lost again and walked over toward me, standing above me looking down to see how I was doing. Sean joined him before they went back to playing a different game so Doug would have a chance to win something.

I could feel the ropes begin to loosen. And, I was left with a dilemma. I thought to myself, do I get untied and have this over with, or do I make it look like a good effort but return for more. You can imagine which image won out. I did work the ropes and began to work at untying them. I was still gagged and working on my ankles when the timer went off. I had lost, or won depending on how one looks at it. The boys made fun of me for losing. And were all high and mighty that I would have to come back tomorrow.

As I finished the ropes and removed the bandanna from my mouth, Sean quickly took everything and placed them in the box and returned it to his room.

We planned that I would return after my morning jobs and baseball practice. They went up stairs to bed. Ms. Parker arrived home about 12:15 and I made my way home knowing that I would be returning and having more TUG fun.
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Post by cj2125 »

To this point is where I remember the story. Thanks for sharing it Danny! Will there be a next part?
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Post by fratboydanny »

Yes, [mention]cj2125[/mention] , there will be a few more chapters. I am really happy to know you are enjoying it.
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Post by MaxRoper »

I missed this on the old site so am glad to find it now. This is similar to games I played as a kid and a lot of fun to read. Thanks for putting it back together and posting. I'm definitely looking forward to future installments.
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Post by fratboydanny »

Adventures in Babysitting — Chapter 4

I quickly ran across the street to my house. I made my way in and up to my room. I could not wait to relive the nights events in a more private way. I stripped and pulled on some soccer socks and grabbed some rope and tied up my ankles. I took a red bandanna to match the socks, tied a knot in the middle and then used it to gag myself. I put my ear buds in and turned on some music and nestled into my bed. i then used some long dress socks to create "sock cuffs" for my hands and tied them in front of me. Then I thought about the guys tied together and them tying me and their socked feet and how I was going back for more. It did not take long for me to produce an explosion onto myself. I pulled the gag from my mouth leaving it about my neck and I drifted off to sleep a short time later. I awoke still tied and quickly discovered how excited I was yet again and took care of the morning business at hand.

I got ready for the day and went out to take care of the three yards I cut and groomed every Saturday. Then I changed for baseball practice at noon. When practice was over I rode my bike directly to Sean's house. I was a bit excited wondering what Sean and Doug were going to to with me. Even though I was wearing a jock my excitement made sitting on the bike a bit awkward. But, I sprinted there as quick as possible. When I arrived I placed my backpack down next to my bike in the back yard and knocked on the back door. Sean came to the door and opened it and smiled. I walked in to his house trying not to be too excited and certainly not wanting to "show" any excitement. I kicked off my slides leaving me in black baseball socks, black underarmour shorts and a grey t-shirt.

"Glad you came to pay off the bet, loser," Sean said. He was wearing white no-show socks, black Nike shorts and a red t-shirt.

"Ya, whatever," I said. "Why wouldn't I show up? A bet is a bet."

"Just follow me," he said. "Doug is already down here."

With that I followed him into the basement. When we arrived Doug too had a big smile on his face offering, "well, he did show up. Sean wanted to bet me that you wouldn't show up. But I wasn't sure myself so I didn't take it." Doug was wearing black no-show socks again along with white shorts and a Carolina blue t-shirt.

"What would have happened to the loser?" I asked. They both smiled.

"Come on let's get started," said Sean while grabbing a piece of white rope.

He told me to turn around and he began to tie my hands behind my back in a crisscross fashion. Then he told me to climb on on this table and pulled out a chair to help me up. When I was standing on the table I realized they had a lot of planning into this particular TUG for me. I was standing on a net of some sort. They then told me to sit down and I did. Doug grabbed my socked legs and his hands trailed down them and across my feet and began to tie my ankles.

"Hey, what's with this net?" I asked.

"This actually holds our laundry when it falls down the laundry shoot," Sean said. "We have wondered what it would be like to be tied up in it while it is hanging in place. But, Doug here is a coward. So, we thought we'd try it on you to see if it will actually hold. If it holds you it will certainly hold Doug."

"It will hold you too," added Doug.

"Whatever," was Sean's response to Doug. He then looked at me and said, "once we have you set we will give you 1.5 hours to get free. If not, well, let's just say you will owe us another one."

I was about to protest but a black no show sock was shoved into my mouth by Sean. I mmmpphhed as he wrapped tape around my head holding it place. All I could get out was, "mmmmmmphhhh"

"Ya, we thought you'd like the sock," said Sean.

"MMMMPMMPHHHHMMPPHHH" was my articulated response to get this out of my mouth and yet secretly I was loving it.

So last night I was babysitting these guys and now they pretty much were my captors. How things change so fast. They then drew the net closed around me with the opening drawing closed above me. They then pushed the table out from underneath me and I was left to sway and swing while bound and gagged in the net. This was going to be very difficult indeed to get out of I thought to myself. These guys were good with the ropes as my wrists and ankles could attest and then there was this net. Now, I was a bit excited and was grateful my position did not lend itself to my excitement being noticeable. I had long fantasized about being captured in a net but never tied up inside one. This was pretty unreal. My socked toes kept getting stuck in the meshes of the net as did my bound hands. I struggled but did not seem to be getting anywhere. I was happy that the net was strong enough to hold me in this way cause crashing on the cement floor would not have been fun.

They laughed at me and made comments about the big baseball jock being so helpless. All I could do was mmmppphhhh. They left me for a while too. To struggle and to sway. But all of it was to no avail. I was not getting loose.

They returned and watched as I was resigned to loosing yet again. Sean said to Doug, "guess what will happen to you the next time I tie you up?" Doug did not respond. It was becoming clearer to me who the more dominant of the two was and that Doug seemed to be a bit more like me.

When the time was up they pushed the table back and undid the net and then untied me. Sean was all smiles.

"So, the next time you sit for us, you get tied up again," he said laughing.

"A bet is a bet," I said. As I was getting my legs back after being scrunched in the net so long I watched as they put the laundry back in the net and then hung it back under the shoot. It was interesting to note that Sean did not put the sock that had been in my mouth in the laundry but rather kept it with all the other TUGs equipment.

We went upstairs. Sean went to put the stuff away in his room. Doug and I played a video game before I headed home wondering when I would next be able to sit. Ms. Parker could not call soon enough.
Last edited by fratboydanny 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by FelixSH »

As fun as I remember it to be. I think that was the part where it stopped? I would like to read more. :)

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Post by cj2125 »

Yeah, this is as far as I got now that I remember, really a fun story to read! Hope you get to finish it! :D
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Post by MaxRoper »

So, Danny - Isn't it about time for some more?
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Post by GMen »

[mention]MaxRoper[/mention] Hear, hear!
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Post by Veracity »

I have to apologize for taking so long to respond to this story, Thanks so much for sharing it!
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Post by harveygasson »

I'm so glad this story got posted from the old site, it's one of my favourites! Even if it doesn't get any new parts thanks for posting it here :)
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Post by TightropesEU »

I just loved this story from the old site, often re-read it, and felt I missed out. Should have volunteered to babysit.

Hope you will continue. Thank you for bringing it back....
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Post by fratboydanny »

TightropesEU wrote: 6 years ago I just loved this story from the old site, often re-read it, and felt I missed out. Should have volunteered to babysit.

Hope you will continue. Thank you for bringing it back....
Thanks for liking the story. I am so glad you like it. Can i ask, what you liked best about it?

I do plan to continue. I am working on editing the next chapter right now. The story should continue for another 2-3 chapters.
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Post by fratboydanny »

Veracity wrote: 6 years ago I have to apologize for taking so long to respond to this story, Thanks so much for sharing it!
Thanks [mention]Veracity[/mention] for the comment. I am happy to know you have it enjoyed it so far.
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Post by TightropesEU »

fratboydanny wrote: 6 years ago
TightropesEU wrote: 6 years ago I just loved this story from the old site, often re-read it, and felt I missed out. Should have volunteered to babysit.

Hope you will continue. Thank you for bringing it back....
Thanks for liking the story. I am so glad you like it. Can i ask, what you liked best about it?

I do plan to continue. I am working on editing the next chapter right now. The story should continue for another 2-3 chapters.
For me it is about knowing you like bondage, and really want to be tied up, but not quite sure how to go about it. The older guy sets up a trap for himself, and he is enjoying every moment of it.
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