Spoiled College Guy Kidnapped for Ransom M/M

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Spoiled College Guy Kidnapped for Ransom M/M

Post by DesertFox »

Part One:

Life was pretty good.

I was a sophomore in college and had turned 20 a few months ago. I got into Duke University and, even better, my parents were supporting me and I was able to afford to go there. When your dad is a surgeon and your mom is a law school professor at a major university, the money is pretty good. I didn't think I was spoiled...I mean, I did some part-time work in high school and my parents bought me a new Mercedes, paid for a loft apartment, I had nice clothes and I wore a stainless steel Rolex Sea Dweller on my wrist, but I wasn't spoiled.

Alright, maybe I was a little spoiled. But I wasn't annoying about it like other kids. I never said "do you know who my dad is" and I never tried to bribe anybody or pay anybody to do my homework. I had nice things and my parents supported me, and I was always incredibly thankful. I did a few charity hours here and there, but let's face it, it kind of sucks and so I paid another kid in my fraternity to do it.

Sure, I wear a $13,000 watch, drive a $40,000 car, and my parents pay almost 4 grand a month in rent, but I'm still not a bad guy or anything. I slept around and didn't have a girlfriend...I'm not really the type.

Well, regardless of how much my parents provided for me, life was about to get rough and made me appreciate life way more.

I drove my parents to the airport and dropped them off; they were going to Mexico for a vacation, and to be honest they deserved it. They worked so hard supporting me, and my sister is a different issue entirely. She goes through 5 grand worth of clothes a month probably and totaled her first BMW, her second BMW, and still texts and drives her in her third BMW. I've only gotten in one accident in my life. I was driving a little drunk and rear ended a guy's and almost went to jail, but my dad's attorney worked his magic and I never ended up going to court. Plus, the guy's car was barely even hurt, just a couple broken lights, a broken bumper and a busted wheel, but it was a crappy car anyway and we gave him the money to fix it, or something.

Anyway, I check my watch as I'm walking to my car and see that I'm 20 minutes late for dinner with friends. I've gotta call them and tell them to wait for me. I tell my car to call my friend Eric:

"Hey Eric...taking my parents to the airport took forever and I need you guys to wait to eat."

"Max, dude, we've been here almost half an hour and the airport is another 30 minutes away. We can't wait an hour to order," Eric replied.

"Dude," I said, getting a little pissed. "Just wait, alright? Be cool for once."

Eric took a deep breath and said: "Max, we waited for you for 45 minutes last time and 30 minutes last week. Then this past Friday you told us to wait and you didn't even show up because you fell asleep! Sorry man, we're eating without you tonight," and I heard him hang up.

"Oh my God, I can't believe this," I said to my empty car. "After all I do for him. Like the time I...okay, but..."

I got quiet as a realized that wait a second, I don't really do that much for my friends and they put up with a lot. I drove the rest of the way to my place in silence.

Wait, my parents are out of town! It's the weekend and I have keys to their really nice house; I can go stay there, hang out and watch TV, and just think about things some. I decided I needed to figure out how to be a better friend, and it's not like I was going to trash the house and have a party! I did that in high school and seeing my parent's reaction made sure I never did it again.

I pulled into my parent's house's driveway and shut off my car. I got out and took a look at the place...whoa. It had 7 bedrooms, a pool out back, three floors and it cost about $2.3m to buy a few years ago, but again, they work hard enough that they deserve a nice place. I check my reflection in the car window as I get out: I'm wearing some simple pants, a white button down with a dark blue tie and a blue long-sleeved sweater with the sleeves rolled up over it. I've got tennis shoes and longer white socks on. I roll my sleeves down, but make sure I leave my watch visible out of the bottom of the sleeve. Whatever, if you have nice stuff you should show it off.

As I'm going inside I nodded at the guy mowing our neighbor's lawn, but he just scowled at me...the car I hit when I was drunk was his actually and I never apologize to him...but whatever, he had a crappy old truck anyway and we helped him buy a better one.

I walked up and noticed the door was pushed open slightly. That's weird, and as I stepped inside I looked at my Rolex again. The maids who clean up every Friday were long gone, so they left the door open! As I fumbled for a light switch I was thinking to myself how I'd have to tell my parents to fire them.

"Of course you can't even find good help the-mmmmph!"

My sentence was cut off as a hand slapped itself over my mouth! I heard someone curse behind me and I reached up to tug the hand away, but whoever this guy was quickly put his arm around my chest and pinned my arms to my side. I heard another guy hiss:

"Dave, close the door! Get the kid to the living room and make sure he doesn't go anywhere!"

They were going to tie me up! As the two guys half-dragged and half-carried me backwards into the huge living room I kept kicking and yelling but I couldn't break their hold and my shouting sounded pathetic through the huge hand over my mouth.

They pushed me up against the wall, one hand over my mouth and another pulling my arms behind me. I felt hard plastic circle my wrists, right above my watch, and then a zipping sound - they were tying me up using plastic zip ties! I had used those at work and I knew that if they picked the heavy duty ones I wasn't getting out easily. I was a decently strong guy and used the gym and immediately tried to twist my arms but the zip tie held them tight and I felt them put another underneath my watch and right above my palms and zip that even tighter than the first one. They put two more around my ankles and then forced me to the ground, keeping a hand over my mouth the whole time.

As I sat there facing the wall I breathed heavily through my nose while I mumbled into the hand pressed over my mouth. I just heard the guy keeping me quiet say "shut up kid" as he pulled my phone, wallet and keys from my pockets and put them behind me. I felt his spare hand grab my wrists and turn them while he looked at my Rolex and laughed quietly to himself, and I didn't like the sound of that at all.

The other two guys came into the room and sat down near me while one knelt in front of me and looked me over. I glared at him and mumbled curse words into the hand still over my mouth.

"Look, kid," said the man who had ordered his friends to tie me up, "there's a safe upstairs and we need the combination to it. We know you know it, so just tell us and we can take it and leave you alone. We'll even call somebody when we leave to let them know you're tied up in here. My friend is going to take his hand off your mouth. I want you to just say the combination and nothing else. We can make your short time tied up here really miserable or it can just be painless. Got it?" I nodded, anything to get a chance to shout for help.

"Alright, go ahead," the guy said and the guy behind me took his hand off my mouth. I took a big breath and said:

"Okay, it's - HELP ME SOMEBOD-HMMMPH!!!" I had barely gotten two words out before the guy behind me clapped his hand back over my mouth again. The guy in front of me frowned at me.

"I'm disappointed in you, kid. John, find something in here to keep him quiet." They were going to gag me! My eyes went wide and I shook my head at him while I mumbled apologies into the hand over my mouth. The main guy looked at me and said:

"Nope, you had your chance. Now we have to keep you like this while we get through the safe and get out of here, and you can just lay here and think while you find some scissors or someone comes by to find you."

"Oh, and John," he called to his friend, "feel free to get creative - he's going to be trouble." He looked at me and smiled when my eyes got wider.

I saw the guy come in from the kitchen holding a big, bright blue sponge. It looked wet and the guy laughed and gave it a squeeze to show me the soap bubbles all over it. I groaned as he handed it to the guy behind me and the hand came off my mouth while I heard the words "open wide, asshole!"

I shook my head and held my mouth shut tight, breathing through my nose. One of the guys sighed and held my jaw in place while he pinched my nose shut. I was able to hold my breath for a few seconds before I was forced to open my mouth.

"HEL-MMMPH" I shouted as the sponge got wadded into my mouth. I thought I would choke as my captors forced it in; it made my cheeks puff out and I tasted the strong taste of dish soap. The sponge was big enough where I couldn't close my mouth, and right when they were done shoving it in and I thought I'd be able to push it out with my tongue, they centered another zip tie between my lips and teeth and zipped it tight around the back of my head, forcing the huge sponge in further. As I looked down I saw soap bubbles trail down my chin as I instinctively tried to bite down on the plastic tie between my teeth. I managed to close my mouth a little more due to the sponge being pushed back further into my mouth.

I made another angry sound as another zip tie got put around my knees and zipped tightly. As I tried to twist my body I heard the guys laughing as the shoved me onto my side and walked off and up the stairs. I saw myself in the mirror: a blonde, blue-eyed college kid in nice clothes, bound hand and foot with white zip ties and with his cheeks bulging with a little blue sponge showing around another cable tie zipped tightly between my teeth. I looked pathetic and, as I twisted my hands and tentatively made some weak sounds into the sponge shoved in my mouth, I started to feel a little scared.
Last edited by DesertFox 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DesertFox »

Part 2:

40 minutes ago, I was dropping my parents off at the airport.

Now, less than an hour later, I'm laying tightly bound and gagged on the floor of my parent's living room, grunting into the soapy sponge in my mouth and twisting my hands, which were tied tightly behind my back with two thick white cable ties zipped around my wrists.

I lay my head on the floor and tried to figure out how to get free. There were three men in the house with me, all of who were upstairs attempting to get into my parent's safe and, I assume, gathering the rest of our valuables. It had taken them all of ten minutes to tie and gag me; I probably would have just earned a rag tied between my teeth if I had just given them the safe combination like they asked, but I had decided to try and yell for help, which earned me a big, soapy sponge zipped into my mouth. I could see soap bubbles running down my chin and I lay my head on the carpet so that they wouldn't stain my shirt.

'I'm tied up and gagged in my parent's living room and I'm worried about staining my shirt,' I thought to myself. 'I need to reevaluate my priorities.'

Suddenly, my phone started to buzz. My captors had taken it out of my pocket but had just placed it on the floor and hadn't taken it with them! I moaned into my gag as I hurriedly crawled towards my phone; thankfully, it was on vibrate and only I could hear it. I finally reached it and used my nose to answer the call. It was my friend Eric!

"Eric!" I said desperately. "Help me!

Unfortunately, it came out as: "Rrrmmph! Hmmph-mmph!" The muffled sounds I made into my gag were worthless!

"Max? Is that you? I can't hear you man," I heard my friend say through the speaker.


"Look, your phone is being weird, but I wanted to call and apologize. I was kind of upset earlier and it wouldn't have been a big deal to wait for you at dinner."

My face was turning red with effort and the muscles in my neck were working overtime as I tried to push closer to the phone so that my friend could hear me. I could still hear him talking and, very suddenly, his voice got very loud.

"-so we wanted to come chill, but your car isn't at your apartment I guess..." I had accidentally put the phone on speaker! I heard feet hurrying down the stairs - I guess the burglars had heard the phone too!

"Hmmmppphh!!" I yelled desperately through my gag as I saw one of the burglars run towards me.

"-and we figured you're at your parents," I heard my friend continue as if nothing were wrong, "so we're gonna head over there and should be there in about 10 minutes. Just text us because your phone is definitely mess-"

My captor had snatched my phone and hung up. I looked up at him and moaned into my gag and shook my head as the other two guys caught up with the first.

"His friends are coming over," the guy named 'Frank' stated flatly. He was easily 6'3" and built of muscle - no wonder I hadn't been able to fight him off!

"Call them back, Frank" said the tall one, 'John.' "Have the kid tell them not to come."

Frank, the leader, looked down at my phone, now in his hand, and then turned his gaze to me and smiled. I shook my head and grunted something angry and unintelligible.

He knelt down next to me and produced a mean looking, serrated knife. My eyes widened as he held it in front of my face and I felt my resistance evaporating.

"I figure you'll do whatever I say, right?" I nodded, turning my attention to his face and making garbled sounds into the gag. Frank laughed, which led the other two to laugh as he produced some scissors and cut the zip tie cinched around the back of my neck. Before I could work the sponge out of my mouth he laid his finger across my lips like he was "shushing" me.

"I swear, kid," he said to me in a low voice, "if you warn them, this could get bad for you." I nodded my assent and he pulled the sponge from my mouth. I gasped for air but didn't say anything.

"Look here," said one of them as he knelt in front of me and held my phone to my face. I raised my head and the facial recognition on the iPhone X unlocked the phone.

"Real secure," I muttered. A glare from Frank shut me up quickly.

I heard them talking briefly before Frank finds my friend's name in my call history, clicks it and holds the phone up near my face, on speaker. I hear a few rings before:

"Hello?" My friend answers. "Max, is your phone work-"

"Eric, listen," I interrupt, my voice only shaking slightly and my eyes fixed on Frank, still sitting in front of me. "I'm at my apartment and I'm pissed off so just leave me alone, o-okay? I'll call you tomorrow but I'm - I just am mad at you guys, so, so, don-"

"Bro," he interrupts. "I apologized already and this is how you act? Like I want you to call me tomorrow? How about I-"

"Eric, listen," I race to say "there's thmmmph!"

Fast as always, a gloved hand closes itself over my mouth and muffles my last-second warning. I hear a confused Eric ask 'hello?' once or twice before Frank ends the call. He glares at me and I glare back.

"John," he said to his friend. "We need to shut up our friend here again. Get into your bag and pick something unpleasant for him."

John laughs and rummages in the duffle bag behind me while furiously shake my head at Frank and tell him "No, please. I'll be good."

"Nmmmph, hmmmph. Himmph bmmph mmmph," are all I can articulate.

Frank laughs and I see him look over my shoulder. He leans in and says "you can call for help for a second if you want."

The hand comes off my mouth and I open wide to breath, but something I can't see is pulled into my mouth almost instantly. It's circular and I taste rubber as it's forced behind my teeth and a strap is buckled behind my head.

John, who has been in charge of shutting me up and who I am fearing may be a legitimate sadist, brings his hand under my jaw and pulls my head back to his chest, then turns my head to the mirror so I can admire his choice of gag too.

I'd never been ballgagged before, but my forced introduction definitely didn't use a beginner's model: the red ball that plugged my mouth and stretched my jaw almost comically open was huge. I had seen cheap little ballgags in seedy gas stations and had even picked them up to read the back and make fun of them: '3/4ths of an inch? Where is your life where you're comparing ballgag sizes in a gas station..."

"Hnngh, aggnnnh" I garbled as John checked my gag and said, as if reading my mind: "yeah, this isn't one of the cheap little 3-quarter-inch gags you get inside a corner store; that in your mouth is just under 2 inches and, when I finish tightening it, you'll see the best part."

FINISH tightening it? It goes furth-

"Hnnnnnnngh!" He tightens the strap one more notch and the ball is forced behind my front teeth, stretching my mouth so far open that my lips at the top and bottom of the gag are pulled back and my teeth visibly dig into the ball. As I try to adjust my jaw to this new horror, I start drooling uncontrollably from the top, bottom, and even both sides of the gag so that drool runs down the front of the ball and pools on my chin before dripping on my chest. He seems satisfied and releases my head so that I'm looking at Frank again.

"Uhhhhnnngh haagnnnnhhh," I garble at him as I shake my head and try and plead with him: don't do all this, just leave me alone, and most of all: please take this gag out of my mouth. Each sound I make starts with wet sputtering as the drool pooling in my mouth is forced out to fall down the sides of my jaw. Frank just raises his eyebrow and almost smiles.

"Alright kid, chew on your gag and think about what you did while we go rob your parents," he says semi-jokingly as I moan into the ballgag. "And maybe, if you're good, when we leave we can take that gag out." I nod and try to say "please," and produce a "hnnnnnuugh."

Frank shakes his head, rises to his feet and walks away, followed by Dave. John starts to stand but again kneels behind me and grabs my jaw, pulling my head to his chest and turning his hand so I'm looking up at him.

"Call for help, kid," he whispers. I make a soft sound and gently shake my head, confused. He lets my jaw go and grabs a handful of my hair, forcing my head back the same way.

"Do it. Yell for someone. Try your best."

"Hnnnnghhhh! Aggnnnnmgh Mnnngh!" My shouts not only sound pathetic, but almost silly. Drool comes from my mouth so profusely that I'm actively blowing bubbles every time I make noise. John nods and almost smiles, before letting my head drop and pushing me onto my side. He stands and walks away and I swear I can hear him hum until he abruptly turns around and looks at me again.

Goosebumps break out on my arms, my eyes widen and I try to inch away from him as he comes towards me again, goes to his bag and then comes back over to me. He rolls me on my stomach and threads a new cable tie between my hands and ankles, zipping it tight and forcing my hands and knees together in a tight hogtie while I grunt wordlessly into my gag. He rolls me onto my side before checking my gag and bonds again, then leans close and says:

"I'll tell you a secret: tying spoiled, bratty kids like you is the only reason I come on these jobs...but my favorite part is always the gagging." He smiles and meets my wide, frightened eyes with a smile before he pats my cheek and walks away. Despite being bound and gagged for...

I try to find a clock, but the hogtie ensures that I stay on the floor so well that I can't see one. I can barely make it to the mirror and see the reflection of the time on my watch in the nearby glass cabinet: somehow, it's only 3 p.m. I dropped my parents off at 1:15 that afternoon and was at their house by 1:45, walked in the door by 1:50 and was promptly ambushed, tied and gagged by 2:00. It seems like I've been living this nightmare all day, but it's barely been an hour...

And to think, it might be another half hour before they leave and call someone to find me! I could be stuck like this until 4:00 p.m.!

Little did I know that I would soon learn to appreciate the meaning of spending "all day"' bound and gagged, not to mention "tomorrow,"' "the day after," "the rest of the week," and "for the foreseeable future."

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Post by Xtc »

Nicely written.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by blackbound »

Love it!

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Post by squirrel »

Nice story and a great plot. I wonder what will happen to our little victim...

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Post by DesertFox »

Thanks for the feedback! Part 3 is in progress.
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Part 3:

Time was crawling by at a snail's pace.

There I lay on the floor of my parent's living room - hogtied tightly with zipties and with a huge ballgag stretching my jaws. My hands are ziptied tightly behind me with one cable tie above my watch around my wrists and another below it, right above my palms. Two more zipties secured my ankles together while a fifth kept me hogtied and brought my hands and feet nearly to the point of touching each other.

This was the first time in my 21 years that I had had a ballgag in my mouth and, as drool dripped from my stoppered mouth and collected on the rug beneath my face, I wished more than anything that the men robbing my parent's house had started me off with a more beginner-friendly model; as one of them had said, the hard silicone ball strapped in my mouth was nearly 2 inches in diameter, basically the same size as a small apple and just as red. I could see my face in the mirror across from me and my jaw was stretched open almost comically wide, so much so that my lips were pulled back from my teeth and you could see both my top and bottom teeth set firmly against the ballgag. I had been drooling essentially nonstop for the 15-odd minutes since my captors had gagged me with it and the the front of the red ball was so wet it was shining while a small puddle was growing next to my head on the rug.

I heard feet stomping down the stairs and I craned my neck up to see Frank, the unspoken leader of the three men robbing the house, walking slowly down the stairs with a blank look on his face. Dave, the biggest of the three, was muttering to himself and had a duffle bag slung over his shoulder as he followed. John, who seemed to have taken an inordinate, even concerning amount of satisfaction in rendering me helpless and silent brought up the rear with an absentminded smile on his face. He met my wide, scared eyes and raised an eyebrow in a look of sarcastic concern.

Frank walked over to me and pulled out his scary-looking knife. I got instantly got goosebumps and started mumbling unintelligible words into my gag but he just cut the zip tie hogtying me and hauled me to a sitting position. My arms and legs burned from keeping that posture for so long and I slumped, my head down. I was just hoping they'd change my gag before they left me there - at this point I'd given up hoping that they would just leave me ungagged. But Frank started talking to me instead...

"So we got into your mom and dad's safe finally...and it was basically empty except for a couple hundred bucks and some pills." I looked at him and felt my stomach drop. Surely they weren't going to blame me for the safe not having anything in it, were they? I made a garbled plea into the gag.

"Hnngh? Annnngh!"

He rolled his eyes and looked me over.

"You want that ballgag out of your mouth?" I nodded fiercely. He jerked his head towards me and John came over and sat behind me. Frank looked at me with a serious look in his eyes.

"You've learned your lesson about yelling for help, I'm guessing?"


He nodded at John, who reached behind my head and unbuckled the gag. Before he took it out he pulled it tightly behind my head one last time forced it even deeper in my mouth so that my molars were forced open. I made some half-choked garble as he chuckled and let the ball fall from my mouth. As it fell my mouth made a wet thwock sound as even more drool spilled from my mouth. I gasped and took several big breaths.

"John, give him some water," Frank said. He turned back to me and asked "You probably want some water I imagine."

"Yes, please," I answered softly.

John tipped a bottle upwards in my mouth and I took five or six greedy swallows before, too quickly, it was pulled away. I started a question:

"Can you just not gag me when yo-mmmph!" John tightly clasped his leather gloved hand over my mouth and I fell silent; I knew the drill by now. Frank nodded and kept speaking.

"We're really disappointed, kid. We expected a lot more when we broke in here. Thankfully, we figured out a way to get your parents to give us some money."

I felt a chill and swore that my heart stopped for a second. Frank looked at my suddenly wide eyes and nodded.

"You guessed it. You're coming with us for a little bit. We're going to get in touch with your parents, ask them for some money and, if they cooperate, we'll get you back to them. If not...well, that's up to them."

I was too shocked to even plead with them to not kidnap me. It barely registered that the third guy was taking off my shoes and socks.

"We know that they're out of town, but we'll still send them our message. We even took the liberty of temporarily removing your sister from the equation so she wouldn't be a distraction until we've talked to them. Here, take a look."

He held up my phone and started a video call. On the screen I saw a guy in a ski mask standing in what I recognized as my sister's apartment. He waved silently at the screen and opened her hallway closet, then flipped the orientation of the video so that the camera was pointed into the closet and I could see the person inside.

Holy shit, Anna?!

There, her hands tied to her feet in front of her, sat my sister. She had obviously been crying and had been grabbed that morning while she was getting ready for the day, because she was wearing her pajama pants and a tank top. She had thin rope around her wrists and ankles, tied tightly above her huge gold Michael Kors watch and fastened to her ankles so that her hands were actually touching her feet and her shoulders were slouched. Something pink and blue was stuffed in her mouth and she had gray duct tape wrapped between her teeth and around her head - the stuffing could be seen sticking out around it. Her makeup was streaked and her eyes were red from crying. I guess she had been shut in there in the dark for a while, because she blinked and squinted as she looked up at the light and the phone. Her eyes shot open and I could see her teeth working at the duct tape as she screamed in surprise - of course, all I heard was a muffled shout.


"Don't bother, kid. You're on mute, though I do need to talk to my partner in there. You should feel lucky - she's been there since about 10 a.m. To be honest, this was more or less our plan all along. We were going to take her originally, but we'd much rather have mommy's first child. I guess you're just lucky that you showed up here when you did." He made a gesture at the phone and the screen flipped again so that I could see the masked man on the video and could only see my sister, all five feet and 110 pounds of her, squirming in the background.

"We'll be out of here in a few minutes, so in half an hour toss a pair of scissors in there, shut the lights off and come meet us. Here, show her the camera again so she can see how much fun we've been having making sure her brother stays quiet; I guess a loud mouth runs in the family because my friend managed to fit two washcloths in her mouth before he taped it shut. Mute your end though - one annoying voice is plenty."

His partner nodded and my sister's gagged screams went away completely. The phone moved slightly and the hand came off my mouth, and suddenly one of my socks was in my mouth.


I regretted not vacuuming my place more, because the bottom of my sock wasn't very clean.

Make that the bottoms of my socks, as the second one was crammed in my mouth. I couldn't quite fit both in and white cotton hung out of the front of my mouth. I heard a rustle behind me and a wide belt was drawn between my lips, then wrapped around me head and doubled over the front of my mouth again so that the socks were firmly held in by two loops of black leather. It was knotted behind my head and then buckled for good measure. It was probably the most thoroughly gagged I'd been so far, as the only sounds I could make were truly pitiful, muffled shouts. And my sister had been treated to an up-close view of the whole process.

"hnnmph!" annnmph!"

"Alright kid, say goodbye to your sister. She's going to be fine and will probably be free in an hour from now, and we might just keep you tied up and gagged for the next few days, depending on the mood we're in."

The next few DAYS?

The phone went dark and Dave hoisted me over his shoulder and carried me out the front door with John shutting off the lights and closing it behind him. My hands and ankles were still zipped tightly together as I was carried casually out to the waiting car.

Wait, the gardener, the guy who I'd seen on my way in the house, was still in my neighbor's lawn! I shouted into my gag to get his attention.


His head rose and his eyes met mine, then a shocked look came over his face. I was saved!

Then...he raised his eyebrows and lowered his head towards his lawn mower again, ignoring me completely.

Wait, all because I totaled your shitty car a few months ago?

I shouted angrily as I was carried to the car in the driveway, parked in front of mine so that the open trunk was partially obscured. I was thrown into the trunk and scissors came out to cut the zipties from my wrists. They were roughly forced in front of me and fastened to my ankles using two more zipties.

"See you in an hour, kid. Or two."

I shouted into my gag as the lid closed and a dim red light came on in the trunk. I felt the engine start and the car move, but I was totally unable to kick at the side or top of the trunk with my hands tied to my feet the way they were. I looked around the trunk for some sort of edge, but there was nothing. My eyes fell on the face of my Rolex.

4:45 p.m. I'd been tied up and gagged for less than three hours, and just a few minutes ago one of my captors had told me I'd spend the next few days the same way. My head fell to the floor of the trunk with a dull "thump" and I felt tears well up in my eyes.
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Post by blackbound »

Love the idea that the guy's shittiness is coming back to bite him. Didn't they take his Rolex earlier, though?

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Post by DesertFox »

Nope, they just noticed it.

For some reason, as long as I can remember, I've had a fetish for watches, especially in conjunction with being tied up. It's like anytime watches are involved with the bondage thing, it raises everything to a much more intense level. I'm 50-50 on being tied up myself or tying women up, but the watches have always been more focused more about women wearing them; I don't get excited by just wearing a watch myself (thankfully, because that could get awkward in real life, but seeing women wear big, masculine watches has always turned me on and when I do fantasize about being tied up, wearing a watch just makes it that much better, and similarly seeing or imagining women who are wearing them while tied up is, overall, the most exiting thing of all. So suffice to say it's going to stick. So suffice to say it's going to stick around in the story for as long as I can manage it.

I'm always self-conscious that the way I always integrate them is way too obvious or awkward though haha.
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Post by MaxRoper »

Hey, watches are cool. Everyone has some sort of weird turn-on.
This is an excellent story. If I were one of the parents I'd tell them to keep the spoiled brat.
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Post by DesertFox »

As secondary fetishes go, it's pretty harmless I guess.

And hey, be nice to me! I'm having a tough day. :D

Thank you for the compliments and feedback! I'm headed on vacation tomorrow so I'm not sure when the next part is coming, but I'm definitely looking forward to writing it!
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Post by dahanband »

Where are you buddy?
Are you still traveling?

What happened to the story of the next episode?
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Post by DesertFox »

Working on it!
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Post by Xtc »

Glad to hear that but please will you gender tag the story? Thanks.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by dahanband »

DesertFox wrote: 4 years ago Working on it!
ahhh thank you, I've been waiting a long time!

I was worried that it would be half-finished, abandoned!
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Post by DesertFox »

6:15 pm.

We've been in the car for two fucking hours.

Correction: my kidnappers have been in the car for two fucking hours. I've been ziptied and gagged in the trunk the entire time. At the beginning of the drive I tried to count the turns and keep track of where we were, but after realizing they were taking me through cul-de-sacs to confuse me I gave up. Instead I've been staring at my watch and grunting into the two socks stuffed in my mouth at every bump in the road.

Suddenly I can feel the car slowing! We must be wherever they're taking me. Now I can figure out how exactly to escape...

The trunk opens and I squint upwards. There's rain falling into my eyes and I hear the crack of thunder in the distance.

"Get him inside," a voice says. It's Frank, the unspoken leader of the three men who have kidnapped me. Dave, by far the biggest of them, snips the ziptie faster fastening my ankles and wrists together and hoists me over his shoulder and hurries me into...a motel room.

'Great, we're traveling even further than I thought.'

I yell into the gag but the sound it makes is pitiful. Two of my socks have been shoved into my mouth and a leather belt is wrapped around my face twice, holding them in tightly. I can’t make any sort of meaningful noise.

There are two beds in the room and I’m thrown onto one of them. I squirm away from the Dave, but he grabs me, snips the zip ties binding my hands and wrestles them above my head, and, using thin, scratchy rope, ties one to the bedpost above my head on my right and the other to my left, repeating the process with my feet so that I'm spread eagle on the bed. It's the most immobilized I've been since I've been kidnapped!

They remove the gag to give me water and a protein bar.

"Please, I absolutely promise I'll be quiet," I say desperately. I hate being gagged and helpless. "I'll stay tied up, I won't try and struggle, I'll do whatever you want. Just please don't gag me...”

I feel pathetic when John, the one who said himself he loves gagging his captives, chuckles and stuffs the bathroom washcloth in my mouth. I can picture myself now - my hair all over the place, wide blue eyes and half a white washcloth sticking out of my mouth. They pull out my phone and put on ski masks - one films me and one stands by me. The one filming narrates.

"Listen, bitch. We have your son. We aren't afraid to hurt him. If you want to see him again, you need to pay us one million, in bitcoin, to an address we'll send you later tonight. If you don't pay within 2 days we send you a finger. Two days later, he's fucking dead. Here, talk to your mom, kid." John takes the washcloth out of my mouth.

"Please mom, I just want to come ho-mmmph!"

The washcloth goes back in immediately.

"I think you get the message. Two days." He shuts the camera off and sends the message.

John takes a roll of gray duct tape and wraps it around my head, sealing the washcloth in. I moan into my gag as the three men leave the room, saying "alright, time to get something to eat! Don't go anywhere, kid."

They shut the door and I lean my head back onto the pillow and feel a few tears come from my eyes.
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Post by dahanband »

i really like this story.
You are a good writer, you write in detail and you engage the reader ...

Unfortunately I feel, You rush to write the story just to finish it.

thank you
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Post by DesertFox »

Well in my defense I haven’t posted in three months! It’s been busy to say the least but that’s more my fault.

But thank you for the compliments anyway!
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Post by bondagefreak »

Fantastic story, mate!
As usual, absolutely love your writing.

I may be missing something, but I don't understand what dahanband is saying about this being "rushed".
IMO the pacing is perfect.

Kudos for coming back to this after your absence.
Hope we get to read more in the coming days/weeks!

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Post by dahanband »

bondagefreak wrote: 4 years ago Fantastic story, mate!
As usual, absolutely love your writing.

I may be missing something, but I don't understand what dahanband is saying about this being "rushed".
IMO the pacing is perfect.

Kudos for coming back to this after your absence.
Hope we get to read more in the coming days/weeks!

i said, that compared to his previous writings, This part is written in less detail!

I like to visualize the kidnapped boy, in my mind
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Post by dahanband »

DesertFox wrote: 4 years ago Well in my defense I haven’t posted in three months! It’s been busy to say the least but that’s more my fault.

But thank you for the compliments anyway!

it's ok dear!

Your stories are my favorite. I'm waiting for the next episodes.
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Post by DesertFox »

I was struggling furiously for all of 30 seconds before the door opened back up and in walked John. I inched away from him, as far as my bonds would allow at least, and shook my head. When he pulled out the roll of duct tape again I moaned into the gag and tried to plead with him.

He laughs quietly to himself and I swear to god that I hear him humming as he unwraps the tape around my mouth.

Oh my god, I'm saved, I think to myself. He's taking pity on me, finally. When he takes the washcloth out of my mouth I gasp for air.

"Thank ymmmph!"

Unfortunately, it wasn't to be. When he's done unwrapping the tape he clamps a hand over my mouth and, using his other hand, reaches into a duffel bag. He pulls out a blue bandana with a knot in the middle that's as big as a fucking lemon and leans over me.

"Just open your mouth, don't make me hurt you."


"Do as you're told." He takes his hand off my mouth and, dejectedly, I do as I'm told. I drop my jaw open while I stare at him, scared out of my life. I've been tightly bound and gagged for...hours now but this is the first time I've actually been threatened with harm.

He stuffs one of - probably - many pieces of cloth in my mouth, then another, then another until they're sticking out of the front of my mouth, then leans over me, smiling, and forces the knot of the bandana between my teeth. I'm chewing on a massive wad of cloth at this point and my teeth bite into the bandana on the top and bottom. I can feel the cloth pushing against the back of my throat and start to choke. He shakes his head and frowns as he unties the bandana, takes a piece of cloth out of my mouth and then, before I can push the others out with my tongue he ties the knot between my teeth again. He stands up, apparently satisfied with his work, and checks my bonds, untying my left wrist and then retying it much tighter to the bedpost.

"I was worried you weren't going to be quiet enough. Here kid, tell me to that you want to go home.

"Hiiimph wmmmph oohmhph gmmmmph hmmmmph..." I mumble into my gag.

"That's better," he replies

He walks out of the room. I turn my head and look at myself in the mirror, spreadeagled on the bed with a thick gag in my mouth, eyes wide and desperate. I crane my head to look at my watch, which is ringed by white rope above and below it, basically touching the bedpost...it's 6:37. I've been tied and since 2:00, yet it feels like years since I've been able to talk freely.


After 20 odd minutes I hear a knock at the door.

"Housekeeping? They said there were new people?"



The electronic key lock beeps and a maid walks in. Her brown eyes widen and her mouth drops open at the sight of me, lashed tightly to the bed with rope with a thick gag in my mouth.

"Oh my god," she says as she rushes over to me and struggles to take the gag out of my mouth. She frees the bandana but my mouth is still stuffed with cloth. I'm pleading with her through my gag but she doesn't seem to even notice that there's still something in my mouth; she's probably seen movies where a captive just has a rag tied between their teeth and they seemed totally muffled and helpless. Well, I'm tempted to tell her (except for the gag in my mouth, of course), real life isn't like that, apparently. I know, because I've been thoroughly gagged in several different ways for hours now.

Just then, three men burst into the room. The woman looks stunned as they rush over, clamp a hand over her mouth and subdue her. John comes over and fixes the bandana back, just loosely tying it over my lips in a hurry, as the three men force the housekeeper into the closet. I hear her muffled cries too as I try to work this new gag out of my mouth, shaking my head furiously to dislodge it and finally seeing it come off. I push the first piece of fabric out of my mouth with my tongue as I hear duct tape ripping off a roll. I've almost pushed the last cloth out of my mouth with my tongue when Dave comes back over and pushes both back into my mouth. I can see the housekeeper on the floor of the closet, struggling furiously against the zip ties tying her hands behind her back and her feet together and shouting through a mouth wrapped in duct tape. The three men turn their attention to me again.

"Great kid, now you've got someone else joining your troubles," John says.

"We've got to leave her here and get the fuck out of here, now.," says Dave.

"Right," replies Frank. "John, make sure she's not going anywhere for a few hours. Better yet, make sure she's not going anywhere until tomorrow."

The woman shrieks through her gag, but it's a sad sound. There's a little bit of blue fabric visible around the duct tape wrapped between her teeth; from the way her mouth is bulging, the packing must be huge.

Dave and Frank untie me while John goes in the closet and hogties the woman, then wraps more tape around her gag and over her eyes as well while she whines into her gag. He shuts the closet door and throws her room keys into the bathroom, shutting that door too. When they've retied me with my hands behind my back, my feet together and, after a bit more work, replace the second cloth in my mouth and give me a matching gag - duct tape wrapped between my teeth.

They throw me back in the car trunk and speed off. I'm stuck back there, moaning into the gag and struggling furiously, but, as usual, I can't get free. I twist around to check my watch. 6:57. So much for rescue.
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Post by dahanband »

poor max ... :D

thank you dear,
I like John , I wish I was in his place. :twisted:
Please highlight John's role!
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Post by DesertFox »

After rolling around in the trunk for another hour, I felt the car slow to a stop. The engine turned off and the doors opened...and then nothing else happened. I heard two men get out of the car and shut the doors, but the third stayed in, seemingly without moving.

I was continuing to struggle in the backseat the entire time we were driving, but now, out of fear that the remaining kidnapper would notice the car moving, I stopped. I remained still in the trunk, breathing heavily into the gag - my mouth stuffed with cloth and wrapped in duct tape.

I was feeling desperate at this point and had nearly felt the ropes around my wrists starting to loosen. They had been tied together quickly as we were leaving the motel where they had left a maid tied up in the closet in the room they had rented to hold us in, and I had a chance.

Unfortunately, it was not to be. Just as my hands come free - well, nearly free - Dave opens the trunk and immediately spies that I've gotten loose. He grunts under his breath, wrestles my hands behind me and wraps duct tape around my wrists nine or ten times. I groan into my gag as I'm hoisted over his shoulder and carried into some small, ramshackle house with a brown front yard and a rickety chainlink fence around the property. It looks like the house I go to to buy my coke.

Dave pushes the door open with his shoulder and closes it with his foot after we've entered. Frank and John are nowhere to be seen until we enter a small, dank room with a bed, a chair and two windows too high up to climb out of, or see through for that matter. Thunder rumbles over our heads and a huge bolt of lightning crashes through the sky, brightly illuminating the room as I'm sat down on the bed. Frank and Dave leave the room.

"John, take care of him," Frank says over his shoulder.

John roughly forces my hands above my head and cuts the duct tape from them. I start to thrash around but he's stronger than he looks and holds my hands steady before zip tying them together then, using a second zip tie, fastens them to the metal bed frame above my head. I look above me to see my new predicament and notice the thick metal bars that make up the bed frame. It's not going to come loose, that's for sure. He repeats the process with my ankles - fastening them together with thick black zipties and then using another to attach them to the bed frame at my feet. I've found myself thoroughly attached to the bed, though there's some room to move around. John sits on the bed and grabs my face, turning my head towards him.

"I'm going to take off your gag. If you're quiet you can have some water."

I nod at him and mumble my assent.


True to his word, he unwraps the duct tape from around my head and gives me a short drink. I quietly start pleading with him before he gags me again.

"Thank you, just please don't gag me. I get that you can't let me go, but if you-hmmmpph!"

"I get tired of your voice so quickly."

He rips a piece off the roll of tape and puts a small bit of duct tape over my lips before leaning over and rummaging in a bag I can't see. He starts tossing things on to the bed - a roll of electrical tape, a sock, a sponge, a fucking lemon, a big pink ballgag - wait!

He looks over at me and my wide eyes.

"Nmph, plmph not thammph," I say. I'm able to speak better through the plain tape on my mouth.

John nods excitedly.

"Oh yes, that's the one I think."
He rips off the piece of tape, but I close my mouth and shake my head fiercely.


"Don't fucking fight me or you'll get slapped again."

I get chills and drop open my mouth out of fear. He pops the ball in my mouth and reaches behind my head, strapping the buckle tight and forcing the big pink ball deep behind my front teeth.


"I won't tighten it all the way, don't worry. I don't want you to drown. Although maybe there's a middle ground..."

He reaches behind my head again and unbuckles the strap, tightening the gag one more time. I feel it forced behind my molars, stretching my mouth wide open, but this time I don't start drooling. It's not quite that tight, I guess. I'm hardly an expert, give me a break; I sure am getting a lot of experience, though.

"This one is even bigger than the last - a full two inches. I hope you enjoy it. By the way, I had something set up for you."

He gestures to the side of the room, where a big full-length mirror has been set against the wall. I can see myself perfectly.

"Just something to look at so the time doesn't pass so slowly. Who knows how long we'll be waiting for your parents...and that just gives you and me some more time together."

He turns to leave but then stops and sits back on the bed. He leans close to me.

"Beg me to let you go."


"Do it."

"Pnnngh....haunnngh eegh gaauhhh..."

My heart drops as he leaves the room, laughing.

I look into the mirror as I thrash around. I look like a porn video - a handsome young guy tied to a bed with a huge pink ballgag stretching his mouth open. I strain to look at my watch. It's 8:05 p.m. I've been tied up and gagged for over six hours.

I groan into the gag as the men, now joined by a fourth, enter the room again. They're all wearing ski masks now. They snap the zipties binding me and, holding me down as I struggle with all my strength, lash me spreadeagle to the bed with thin white rope. John, or who I assume is John at this point, takes out my ballgag and puts his hand firmly over my mouth.


I'm holding my hand tightly over the kid's mouth as Frank holds up his phone.

"Talk to your mom, asshole."

I take my hand off the kid's mouth and he gasps for air before he frantically starts talking.

"Mom, please just give them the money! They won't let me go, they're going to hurt me, they've had me tied up for hours!" He continues to desperately beg for his mom to help him, but at this point I've tuned him out. Frank can take care of the business transaction and have his fun; after all, I've been having mine.

Frank switches the camera to the front facing view, towards his own covered face.

"Look how much fun your son is having."

He jerks his head towards me and switches the camera orientation back towards us. As he opens his mouth to plead some more to my parents, I force the inside his mouth. It fills his entire mouth like a stopper; his wide blue eyes look back at me as I wrap six or seven turns of duct tape around his head, between his teeth and over the lemon. When I'm done you can see a bit of yellow around the duct tape. He groans into his new gag and I smile and admire my creativity.

"Pauuughhhh mmmm!"

Please mom, maybe? It's always so hard to tell when you gag them well.

"Two days," Frank says before he puts the phone down. He leaves the room with Dave and Eric.

I look down at Max and smile.

"Goodnight, Max. Enjoy your new home."

I walk out of the room and turn out the lights and I hear the sound of a creaking bed frame as he struggles against his bonds. Then, with a smile on my face, I close the door.
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Post by Gagman »

Love the constant changing gags in this story. I would love to be in Max's position. Except for the ransom. They wouldnt get much money for me anyway. ;)
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