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Members of Scout Supporter Association captured (mmmMm/FFMfff)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2020 4:40 pm
by pogolsky
It was a Friday afternoon about 2:00 pm when my wife, our friend Diana and I arrived with our car at the parking of a large wooded area about more or less 50 kilometres far from Cologne centre. Diana was the president of the so called Girl and Boy Scout Association and my wife was the treasurer of the association and I was the vice-president. I have always been fascinated by the scout movement and unfortunately I not had been a boy scout in my childhood and youth and later on I became quite attached to the Catholic Church and so when I heard about the Scout Supporter Organization I was glad to become a paying member and after a few years I became member of the board and when my wife after years which we had lived separated rejoined me in Germany she joined the association, too, and as she has worked a long time as a bank teller in Brazil she was quite appropriated for the treasurer position. With the years we did a quite good job and collected a lot of donations for the Girl and Boy Scouts and as a kind of reward for our work, we were invited to spend the Pentecost week-end together with some Girl and Boy Scout Groups at their annual Pentecost camp. We were kind of guest of honours and it was agreed that we should participate at some activities and assist them during the preparation of meals and do some other tasks. We were looking forward to a pleasant stay and my wife and I were really glad to become kind of scouts for some days. As we did not have a proper scout outfit we decided to dress some safari wear which in our opinion was quite similar to the scout uniforms. My wife choose a classic khaki safari style shirt-dress with button closure, shoulder epaulettes and two button flapped pockets at chest and two at hip. Beneath her unbuttoned shirt-dress my wife was wearing another brown beige button front safari blouse which was also equipped with two button flapped front pockets and shoulder epaulettes. My wife’s outfit was completed by khaki pants in the same khaki colour as her shirtdress, brown boots and a neck scarf with leopard printing. My outfit was quite similar, I was wearing an unbuttoned beige coloured safari jacket with four button flap front pockets and shoulder epaulettes with a khaki safari button front safari shirt underneath, matching beige trousers, brown low shoes and a red bandanna. It turns us on when we see us both dressed in this kind of safari wear and we feel a little vulnerable when we wear it, but we thought it was kind of showing our support for the scout movement. To be honest, we also had some fantasies how it would be to be tied up in this outfit and we had heard that it could happen to people to be tied up in a scout camp and we were quite aroused in imaging that it could happen to us, too. Our board fellow Diana was a former Girl Scout and scout leader and after that she had become adult she joined the Scout Supporters Association. Today she was wearing a bright red short sleeve button front blouse with two button flap front pockets at the chest and shoulder epaulettes, light blue low-rise jeans, brown boots and a dark blue bandanna. It was a quite hot early June day and we were now waiting for the welcoming committee which should show us the way to the camp.

It was agreed that two of the group leaders should welcome us at the parking slot in the woods at two o’clock in the afternoon and now it was about a quarter past two and nobody had appeared. We decided to wait yet a little before trying to find the way to the camp at our own. Finally a boy of about fifteen years appeared at the parking slot and asked us if we were the members of the Scout Supporters Association board. He apologized for the late arrive and told us that the original welcome committee had been prevented for some reasons and they had asked him to welcome us and to lead us to the camp. We were a little amazed and prepared to take our luggage out of the trunk compartment, but he told us that we could get our luggage later on, there was a special welcome planned for us and we were already late, so it would be better to head of immediately. We got even more astounded about this kind of welcome. He apologized once again for the delay and told us, that later on, there would be really enough time to get the luggage and asked us to follow him. He was wearing an unbuttoned Boy Scout shirt with a black t-shirt underneath, a typical scout bandanna and black shorts. Still surprised about the strange welcome we agreed to follow him and we head off in direction of the woods. For about one kilometre we followed a broad forest track and than we turned into a smaller tortuous narrow wood path. Our guide told us that this was a short cut and we would arrive at the camp very soon. We followed the path for maybe ten minutes and we thought really that it was time to arrive to the camp. The guy told us to have a little more patience, we would arrive very soon. It became all a little strange and my wife nestled to me in search of protection. She felt that something quite unexpected was about to happen. We had meanwhile come into a densely forested area with a lot of brushwood and shrubberies.

So we only remarked very late the three figures dressed in black t-shirts and shorts which were emerging out of the brushwood. They had black caps on their heads and their noses and mouths were covered with black scarves. And each of them had a bunch of rope in one of his hands. Soon we were encircled by these three guys clad in black aged between 15 and 17. On their black t-shirt there was printed AP in big white capital letters. My wife snuggled her soft body to my body and it became quite obvious that our arrival to the Scout’s camp would be even much more delayed than expected up to know. Our guide turned to us and grinned mockingly. He told us that he and his side kicks were “Anti-Pfadis”, which means in English, Anti-Scouts. They were the natural enemies of the scouts and as we were Scout Supporters, we were their enemies to. So they had decided to capture our welcome committee and to kidnap us, too. As board members of the Scout Supporters Association we were very valuable hostages and for sure they would get a good ransom for us. We would only be freed after full payment of the ransom and during our capture time they would give us a large demonstration of their tying up skills. And the first part of this demonstration would start right now. They ordered us to put our arms behind our backs and to cross our wrist. Well, what should we do, against four quite well muscled  teenager guys it makes absolutely no sense to play the hero, so we decided to go along with the game and obeyed without any resistance. Our wrists were bound behind our back and as they had a lot of extra-rope, several loops of rope were wounded around our chests and bellies so that our arms were pinned very severe to our upper bodies. Then they made us kneel down and they loosened our neck scarves and used them as an over the mouth gags. Then we had to rise up again. They took another long piece of rope and used it to connect us one to each other. We were now connected one to each other by sloops of rope wound around or upper bodies like it may be happened to the African slaves in former times. Then we were pushed forward through the woods and they told us that they would bring us to their hideout deeper in the woods.

We went along the tortuous forest path which seemed to lead deeply in the woods. After a while we came to a crossroads. But instead of choosing one of the paths, we were forced to move into the brushwood. After more or less twenty meters, we saw a Girl Scout and a Boy Scout, both around 16 years old, who were bound with several loops of rope to a tree. Both were wearing their button down scout shirts with various emblems and matching shorts and had been cleave-gagged with their own bandannas. Nearby was another black clad anti-scout guy who stand sentinel over them. As the two tied up scouts saw us approaching they started to whimper and moan into their gags. Our guide told us to sit down at the feet of the bound scouts because he wanted to make a nice group photo with all prisoners. Our captors took a lot of photos and short videos with all of us struggling and whimpering through our gags. Then they ordered us to rise up again. He told to the captive Girl and Boy Scout that they expected three full crates of beer and a refrigerator box full of escalope, cutlets and sausages as ransom for us. They would be freed in two hours when we had been brought to the hideout of the anti-scouts. They ransom should be brought to this place at 7 o’clock in the evening. If everything would be done as ordered we would be released in the evening after having served the meal to them. If their would be any delay of the ransom or any attempt to free the hostages we would be their prisoners during the whole Pentecost weekend and they would apply some naughty soft torture methods on us, so that it could be very imaginable that after that kind of treatment our enthusiasm in supporting the scout activities could decrease drastically.

After that announcement to our real welcome committee our captors pushed us forward and we head off to their hide-out deep into the woods. We returned to the crossroad from where we had penetrated the brushwood to join the captive Girl Scout and Boy Scout. They forced us to enter an even narrower small forest path and they pushed us forward from time to time giving us slight spankings on the bottom with some twigs they had collected from the forest ground. We were really tightly bound and connected one prisoner to each other by a loop of rope they had wound around or chest. I got quite aroused by this kind of quite humiliating treatment and I guess my wife too and maybe also our fellow board member Diana, who, as a former Girl scout and group leader had surely experienced such events several times during her scout career. For my wife and me, who had both a lot of hot bondage fantasies which for a long time we even had not the courage to confess for one another, this experience was like being in paradise. In secret, we had hoped that it could happen to us to be bound during our stay at the scout camp, e.g. on occasion of a scout game or something like this. But what we were experiencing now was far beyond everything we ever would have expected. And it seemed that this was only the beginning and there were for sure other thrilling experiences to come. Our captors several times told us quite roughly to move faster, but it seemed that this was only an excuse to give us a new spanking. We still were following the narrow, tortuous forest path, I think we had walked now for quite half an hour. Then our captors forced us to leave the forest track and to move into the brushwood. We walked across dense undergrowth for other ten minutes and arrived finally to a small clearing in the middle of thick woods. We saw three tents, two under the shadow of some trees and one in the middle of the clearing which was exposed to the full sunshine. We arrived at the clearing and our captors declared us, as we had supported their enemies, the Girl and Boy Scouts, for so much time and in such successful way it was quite obvious that we had to be punished very severely. So we would be tortured in several ways and the first torture we would suffer would start right now. One of our captors opened the entrance of the tent which was exposed to the full afternoon sunlight and we were forced to kneel down and to enter the tent on our knees. The tent, which had exposed to the full sunlight during the whole morning and noontime, was very hot and stuffy. After entering the tent, we were ordered to sit back to back and several loops of ropes were wound around our chests and bellies so that our upper torsos were tightly bound one to each other. Then our captors ordered us to bend our knees and to put our thighs close to our bellies. Then our ankles were bound with several loops and connected with some rope very tightly to the ankles of our fellow prisoners whose ankles also were bound in the same way. So we were in a quite uncomfortable position, our thighs pressed against our bellies and our ankles tightly bound so that we were not able to stretch out our legs. After having bound us in this severe way our captors left the tent without paying any more attention to us.

We were alone and so severely tied up one to each other that we could barely move. Even though we were only gagged with a more symbolic over the mouth gag none of us pronounced a single word. We suffered our torture in silence and after a few minutes we were sure that it was actually a torture because the hot and stuffy air of the tent became nearly unbearable. After only a few minutes our sweat got flowing and very soon our shirts, blouses and trousers and also our underwear were completely soaked with sweat. It’s difficult to describe how we felt, on the one hand our position was very uncomfortable, we were so tightly tied that we even couldn’t stretch out our legs, the air in the tent was so hot and stuffy und our clothes were completely soaked with our own sweat. One the other hand, it was nearly a mystique or meditative experience, I felt the soft body of my wife and of our fellow prisoner Diana, our hands touched each other and we felt very close to one another, so as if our individuality would merge into a higher unity, an experience which a couple may have lived when they have very good sex or which you may experience for moments in deep meditation or in fervent ecstatic prayer when you merge for instants with the totality of all being, when you have an idea of the Face of God. I think the early Christians, those ones who were captured, bound and fed to the lions; they may have had similar experiences, too. Well, I don’t know, how much time we spend like this in the tent, but after a while, our captors entered again into our prisoners’ tent. They told us that the time had come to increase our torture, but before they would take some pictures and video clips of us. So they filmed us with their smart phones and ordered us to do some whimpering and moaning to make a good show. Then they took the gags from our mouths. One had brought a jar with kind of a spicy barbecue sauce. He opened the jar, put a spoon in it and started to feed us one after the other with the content of the jar. It was a really spicy hot chilly sauce and each of us was forced to eat a full spoon of it. Then our gags were put again over our mouths and our captors left the tent once again. We spend another eternity bound and gagged in the hot and stuffy tent, with our clothes completely soaked with sweat and now suffering a thirst beyond all bearing. After a while we very really tented to ignore our more symbolic than real over the mouth gags and to call them and to beg for mercy.

But then, finally, they came back and to our astonishment they freed us from all our bonds and ordered us to leave the tent. They gave us some water to drink and asked us if someone had to pee. We were allowed to pee in the nearby brushwood and than we came back to the clearance. Meanwhile they had put some blankets at the forest ground in the middle of the clearing and we were ordered to lie down on our backs with our arms and legs outstretched in all four directions. Our feet were tied to the feet of our fellow prisoners and our wrists were tied with some long pieces of rope to some of the trees which were surrounding the small clearing. Our captors used now our bandannas to blindfold us. We were now lying spread-eagled and blindfolded on our backs and were wondering what would come next.  For some time nothing happened and then we felt the cold water which was poured upon our sweating bodies. We yelled as the water touched our bodies because due to our blindfolds it came completely unexpected. Our captors started laughing and said that they were sure that we would really appreciate a cold shower. Some more water was poured upon our helplessly bound bodies. Then we felt that some sunscreen was applied on our faces. Our captors told us that we would stay for a while in this position in order to dry our clothes. So we lay there in our tied up spread-eagle position for a good while, the late afternoon sun was shining upon us and we tried to relax as far as possible. As we were still blindfolded we were not aware where our captors were and what they were doing.

After a while we heard voices again, our blindfolds were removed and our bonds were loosened. Our captors gave us some water again and allowed us to pee once again in the nearby brushwood. When we returned they told us that we would be bound to some trees for the rest of the afternoon. My wife and I, we were tied to some close-by trees on one side of the clearing and Diana was bound to a tree at the opposite site. We had to stand spread-eagled with our back against the tree. The made a sort of tie with some rope and then our wrists and ankles were put into the ties and then the ties were severely lashed and knotted together tightly on the back side of the tree. After that, several loops of rope where wounded around our chest, our waist, our thighs and our calves and then our captors lashed quite tightly the rope with which we were bound so that our whole body was pressed tightly against the rough bark of the oak trees. I had a quick glance at my bound wife who looked really sexy helplessly bound with several loops of rope in her safari wear and also Diana looked great all tied up to the tree in her red short sleeve blouse and her blue jeans and boots. I got really aroused and I guess my female prisoner fellows had similar feelings. Once again our captors used our scarves as over the mouth gag. It was now late afternoon and they told us it was time to head off and to collect the ransom. Before they head off, they took some more photos of the tree of us bound in spread-eagle position to the oak trees. Then one of them stayed with us as our guard and the others head off.  One hour later they came back and they were carrying three crates of beer and one cool bag with meat and sausages and vegetables. They approached us and they told us that the ransom had been paid and that they had decided to release us only in the morning, because during the late afternoon they had captured some Girl and Boy scouts who had tried to search for us und to free us. They had them send tied up and gagged back to the Scout’s camp and for this reason we would be their captives during the whole night.

Then they freed us from our ropes and they ordered us to prepare the meal for them. My wife and Diana prepared a salad with some vegetables which were in the cool box and I acted as the grill master. It was a quite stressful task because we were in a wooded area and I was afraid that some sparks of the fire could get in touch with the nearby brushwood but thank goodness it was a windless evening so that there was no great danger. We had to serve them beer and meals and after a while they offered us some sausages and beer, too and we got some mocking comments when we refused both and asked for salad and water. We sat together for a while and we asked them why and how they had become anti-scouts and they told us they were former scouts and good ones and they had also had struggle with anti-scouts and they had found that anti-scouts were cooler than scouts because they had no rules and that real scouts needed anti-scouts who attack them, otherwise the camp life would be too boring and it would not make any sense for the scouts to have sentinels who guard the camp during the night if there were no real danger of assaults during the night. And when they had learnt by a spy in the scout camp that important members of the Scout Supporter Association were to visit the camp they had decided that it would be a great fun to kidnap the board members and to give them a lesson they would never forget. We had some more conversation with our captors who were quite nice guys and then they told us that it was time for our last punishment.

We should spend the whole night bound and gagged in the tent and this time they would hogtie us. So we were ordered to enter once more into our prisoner’s tent. We had to lie on our stomach and our wrists and ankles were bound and then they connected our ankles with some short rope to our wrists so that we found ourselves in a severe hogtie position. Once again we were gagged with our scarves which this time were used as cleave gags and pressed deep into our mouths. They told us that one of them would stay outside as a sentinel and that we should moan if we had to pee or if we had a muscle spasm or something similar. My wife, Diana and I, we found ourselves now face to face, in a severe hog-tie position, and we knew that we had to stay in this quite uncomfortable position during several hours. We tried our best to relax as far as this was possible and to enjoy the last hours of our time as captives. And to be honest, we enjoyed it a lot and we will remember it for the rest of our life with a pleasant shiver. After having spent more or less two hours on our stomach, we finally managed to get into a lateral position for the rest of the night which was more convenient to bear. Early in the morning, our captors entered into our tent and freed us from our ankle bonds. They told us that it was time to head off to the scout’s camp and that they had the intention to give a big surprise to the Scouts. We left the tent with our wrists still bound and we were still cleave-gagged. It was really early in the morning and we followed during more or less one hour several narrow forest tracks. After some more minutes our captors told us that we were close to the scout’s camp and that they first had to overpower the camp guards. One guard stayed with us while the other four head off. Some ten minutes later they came back with the camp guards, a Girls Scout and a Boy Scout, both tied up and gagged with their own scarves. Now they pushed us forward and we entered the still sleeping Scout Camp.

In the centre of the maybe twenty tents was the pole with the Scout’s flag. They told us five prisoners to sit back to back and we did as we were ordered. Then the anti-scouts fetched a long piece of rope and wound it in several ropes around our upper torsos and lashed it thoroughly so that we were tightly bound one against each other. Our captors ordered us to wait yet some time before making any sound and head off to the woods. We did as we were told because we wanted to play along with the game. So it lasted more than an hour before the first sleepy scouts came out of their tents and discovered us. It was really a big surprise to find five bound and gagged prisoners beneath the flag pole in the middle of the scout’s camp and soon the whole camp was in a flurry of excitement. It still lasted some time before we actually were freed from our bonds because most of the scouts wanted to make a photo of us before that we were released. Finally we were freed and we got some good breakfast and had to recount all the events that had happened to us during our capture. Then we were escorted by a large group of scouts to the parking slot and we got our luggage out of the car and returned to the camp. We spend some very pleasant days a the Scout camp and the solemn Holy Mass on the Pentecost Sunday with all the united Girl and Boy Scouts was the absolute highlight of our stay there. On Pentecost Sunday evening, there was a big party at  night to which the anti-scouts which had captured us, were invited, too, and on this occasion they gave us a CD-Rom with all the photos and videos they had made from us during our capture, and you can believe, my wife and I, from time to time we have a look on it and it’s a really delightful souvenir which we do not want to miss.

Re: Members of Scout Supporter Association captured (mmmMm/FFMfff)

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2021 11:59 pm
by Tiengag5
Mmmmmmm, oh yes..another great story of you and your wife tied and tightly gagg ed in various ways.

Re: Members of Scout Supporter Association captured (mmmMm/FFMfff)

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2021 9:08 pm
by pogolsky
Tiengag5 wrote: 2 years ago Mmmmmmm, oh yes..another great story of you and your wife tied and tightly gagg ed in various ways.
Thanks! Glad you like it!

Re: Members of Scout Supporter Association captured (mmmMm/FFMfff)

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2021 12:35 pm
by Helena14
Used to be a scout... Kinda wish I had run into those Anti Scouts at one point... Nice story.