Curse of the Mummy - Complete (5 parts) (m/m)

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Jason Toddman
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Curse of the Mummy - Complete (5 parts) (m/m)

Post by Jason Toddman »


Part 1

Billy McAllister was one of the most popular boys in eighth grade. He was tall for a 13-year-old (5’ 10” or about 175 cm), athletic and muscular (165 pounds or 75 kg), and skilled in wrestling, swimming, football, basketball, and soccer. He was also drop-dead gorgeous in a movie-star way that had most of the girls (and not a few of the other boys) gazing at him with admiration. His parents were wealthy and gave him a generous allowance. Best of all, he was not vain about his good qualities; he had a ready smile and was friendly with everyone who was friendly to him.

If he had any faults, it was that he was totally oblivious to how jealous of him some of the boys were of him; especially his own best friend Steven.

Steven was himself a tall, well-built, handsome boy, and were Billy not around it would probably be he who would have been considered the most admirable boy at Reed Middle School. But Billy *was* around, and unwittingly he left Steven in the shade when it came to getting the coy looks and wistful sighs from the girls. At that, Steve could have lived with this, for he was normally not the envious type and was fully aware (perhaps too aware) of his own good qualities.

But there was a girl in class named Linda whom Steven adored, and wanted to get close to. But Linda scarcely knew Steven even existed, because her attention was centered entirely on Billy. Even when Steve and Billy were together, she would walk up and talk with Billy quite suddenly (sometimes interrupting Steven if he were talking) and monopolize his attention as if Steven were not even there. It’s not like she disliked Steven; she just simply didn’t see or hear him at all if Billy were around. And sometimes Billy would talk back with her as if he’d forgotten all about Steven being there; not even noticing if Steven walked on in a huff. If Steven tried to talk to Linda when Billy was not around, she’d say “Hi!” casually (and even friendly) enough but would then just move on before he could began an actual conversation with her.

Being only human, Steven began to get insanely jealous of Billy. One day, after Billy spent the entire lunch period talking with Linda and not saying one word to Steven (and barely even glancing at him ), he decided that he’d have to do something about it.

One day Steven’s parents told him that they were going to spend Halloween weekend with a relative who lived a couple of hundred miles away, and offered him the option of coming with them or having the house to himself for the weekend. Naturally, like any normal teenager, Steven decided he would like to stay home. His parents agreed to this, as Steven was (normally) a well-behaved and responsible boy for his age.

Even then, Steven’s scheme did not occur to him until his parents also offered to let Steven invite a friend over for the weekend to keep him company.

At that moment, Steven’s plan to teach Billy a lesson was born!

Steven invited Billy to spend the weekend at his house. As the two were good friends, Billy readily agreed. The parents of both were informed of these plans and approved, and Steven’s secret plan was further developed until it was fool proof!

That Friday after school Billy walked with Steven to his friend’s house. The two immediately changed into their gym clothes to play a game of Hoops out in Steven’s backyard. It was a very vigorous game (which Billy easily won, much to Steven’s secret disgust), and afterward the two boys needed a shower. As guest, Billy got to take his first.

He had just finished his shower, wrapped a bath towel around himself, and was walking into the guest bedroom set aside for him when he was tackled from behind by two unseen assailants. Unexpected as this development was, Billy might have been able to ward off his attackers were he not engaged in toweling his hair dry at the time with a second bath towel.

Billy struggled and managed to get a good look at his adversaries. These turned to be Ned Travers and Michael Bates; classmates and mutual acquaintances of his and Steven’s. Both were heavily built for eight graders, and were among the strongest boys in Middle School. They had an inordinate love for football, and had tackled him as if he were carrying a football straight to their goal line.

“Hey! What’s up?!” Billy demanded with understandable outrage but little fear. Although these two boys weren’t the brightest stars in the sky, they were friends if his (though they were closer friends with Steven) and quite unlikely to mean him any serious harm. Therefore he didn’t put up much of a struggle once they got him down on his belly and pinned down his arms and legs. Besides which, he was wearing only a bath towel; not exactly the best apparel for putting up a determined struggle in.

“They’re just here to help me make you comfortable for your stay,” Steven replied as he walked into the room behind them and closed the door. He had three large rolls of Duct tape in one hands, a clean set of Speedos in the other, and an evil grin on his face that Billy had never seen directed at him before.

Billy was rather quick on the uptake and began to renew his struggles.

Steven bent casually down and, before Billy knew what was happening, unknotted the bath towel around the captive boy’s waist and yanked it away!

Chagrined, Billy stopped struggling for fear of exposing himself.

“That’s better,” Steven said with an even wider grin as he held out the set of Speedos he had brought. “Now, I don’t really want to humiliate you *too* much, so I’ll just give this to you, and you can slide it on right where you are, okay?”

Billy settled for nodding his head in affirmation; not trusting himself to say anything out loud that might tempt Steven to make his situation even worse than he’d already planned it.

Steven hunkered down by Billy’s bare feet and calmly threaded them through the Speedos while the other two boys continued to keep Billy pinned down. Billy cooperated to the extent of lifting up his legs as far as modesty allowed while Steven swiftly pulled the Speedos up him to where they needed to be. Steven wasn’t unnecessarily cruel about it; he simply did it without comment as fast as he could in order to get to the main event he had planned. However, he gently slapped Billy’s butt a couple of times and laughed when he was finished.

“Okay, let’s wrap this up!” Steven told Ned and Mike as he handed them each a roll of duct tape, grabbed Billy’s legs, and held his lower legs vertically in the crook of one arm while proceeding to wrap coil after coil of duct tape around Billy’s ankles with the other.

“Hey! What are you doing?!” Billy yelped frantically.

“Hush up!” Ned replied with mock menace as he grabbed a rolled-up (and, mercifully, clean) pair of ankle socks Billy had planned to wear after his shower and jammed them into Billy’s mouth. Before Billy could try spitting the wadded up mass of fabric out of his mouth, Ned followed up by wrapping the entire lower half of Billy’s face in duct tape – carefully leaving his nostrils free to free but covering up virtually everything else from his Adam’s-apple to his eyes. He made no effort to spare Billy’s rather short hair from this tape imprisonment either. Then, as if deciding that a simple gag was insufficient, he began taping up the rest of Billy’s head as well – leaving only his eyes and nostrils clear of the tape.

Billy suddenly decided that he was in a dire situation and began struggling harder than ever, but it was far too late for any such attempt to have a hope in Hell of succeeding now. To reduce Billy’s desire or ability to resist, Michael simply put Billy’s arms into a grip that made Billy feel as if his arms were going to be torn out of their sockets. Fearing he would get two dislocated shoulders if he continued to struggle, Billy went completely limp and let his three captors do what they wished to him. After all, Steven and the others were his friends, not enemies. Surely they’d just have a little fun with him, haze him for a while, and then let him go!

So, with Billy no longer actively resisting them, Steven and the others quickly and efficiently mummified their victim in duct tape literally from head to toe. Steven began at the ankles and worked his way up to Billy’s knees. Ned, after covering the rest of Billy’s head with duct tape except for his nose and eyes, moved on (with Mike’s help) to tape Billy’s forearms together behind his back, leaving each hand palm downward beneath the opposite arm’s elbow. He also taped over Billy’s hands and fingers like they were tight mittens. He then proceeded to wind the tape around Billy’s upper arms as well – securing them immovably against his sides.

Once both these procedures had made enough progress to keep Billy relatively immobile without need of being held down, Mike took his own roll of tape and began wrapping it around Billy’s waist and proceeded downward. He spiraled coil after coil down Billy’s thighs and met Steven going the other way just above Billy’s knees. At this point he cut off the end of his own tape and returned to Billy’s waist with the new end. He then began winding tape upward toward Billy’s arms, which Ned was covering with a second and even a third layer of tape. In the meantime, Steven reached the point where Mike had left off and wrapped more coils of tape over Billy’s already-tape-covered thighs in a second layer of his own.

All three boys continued winding tape around Billy’s mummified body until they ran completely out of tape. By this time there was little of Billy that was visible at all besides his eyes, nostrils, and the soles of his feet; and little else that was not trapped within at least two or three layers of tape. Billy was so thickly cocooned with stiff, almost totally unyielding duct tape that he could hardly move or bend at all.

Once they were finished, the three boys rolled Billy onto his back and stood up to look down at their handiwork. Billy, unable to do more than wriggle about like a semi-paralytic caterpillar, looked back up at them with as much calm as he could manage under the circumstances. He felt little fear… at first. But though Ned and Mike looked at him with little more than sardonic amusement, the crafty leer on Steven’s face was starting to make Billy break out in a cold sweat!
He even began to tremble and feel some nervousness then; but his being so well-taped kept these hidden from his three amused captors.

“Looks sort of like The Mummy, doesn’t he?” Ned commented dryly.

“Except nowhere near as scary-looking,” replied Michael. “More like funny-looking!”

Bill tried to glare at them but it didn’t come off too well while he was duct-taped into immobility and his expression was completely hidden.

“Thanks for the help, guys!” Steven said to Ned and Michael as he handed each a $10 bill and walked them out of the room to the front door.

“What are you planning to do with him?” Ned asked a possibly too loud voice; trying not to sound like he’d been coached beforehand to ask this question at this time.

“I’m going to torture the s**t out of him all weekend,” Steven replied with a sinister-sounding laugh as the three boys walked to the front door.

A muffled but distinctly panic-filled squeal could be heard from behind them; followed by the unmistakable sounds of a duct-taped boy thrashing about on the floor while frantically trying – but miserably failing – to free himself.

“Make sure you remember to send us plenty of pictures through your web-cam,” Michael reminded Steven in a much lower voice to prevent Billy from overhearing him. “I want to see everything you do to him!”

“No worries,” Steven replied casually; “It’s recorded everything we did since you jumped him, and it’s recording his struggles even as we speak!”

The three boys exchanged high fives by the front door as Ned and Michael made their goodbyes.

Once they had left, Steven causally locked the front door and slowly walked back to the guest room. “To the victor go the spoils!” he thought to himself happily.

Returning to the guest room where Billy still flopped about on the floor like a freshly-landed fish, Steven smiled as he stood directly over his captive friend. “I’m going to take my own shower now,” he told a hapless Billy. “Make yourself comfortable! Back in a few!”

Billy’s reply didn’t sound very grateful as Steven closed and locked the door behind him.

Steven could still occasionally hear Billy’s movements as he took a leisurely shower – which he badly needed after the exertions of playing basketball with Billy and then helping to mummify him. He took longer than necessary; not only did the shower feel good, but he wanted to let Billy stew in his own juices a while as he contemplated his fate. Finally though, his own eagerness to proceed with the torture games he had planned overcame him. He hastily finished his shower, toweled himself off, put on a clean set of undershorts and rather brief gym shorts, and – wearing nothing else – returned to Billy’s room.

As expected, Billy had succeeded only in further tiring himself out trying to free himself while Steven took his shower. Now the real fun would begin!


Steven stood directly over his taped-wrapped prisoner and smiled down at him.

“Hope you’re comfy down there,” Steven said with an evil grin.

Billy decided not to dignify this with an answer; especially as he still had a pair of socks jammed into his taped over mouth and couldn’t have said anything coherent anyway. He simply looked upward and glared at Steven as fiercely as he could manage under the circumstances.

“You know, you’d make a great doormat,” Steve told Billy as he suddenly began to wipe the bottom of his still wet feet against Billy’s taped-up chest.

Billy squealed angrily and began to writhe and thrash about. All he accomplished was to tire himself out even more and make Steven laugh.

“You like that?” Steven asked with a grin. “Here, have some more!” And with that, he planted the sole of a bare foot right up upon Billy’s face; completely covered his nose.

Billy squealed even more loudly than ever, and tried to turn his head away. There was so much duct tape wrapped around his head and shoulders however that turning his head was almost impossible without turning his entire body as well. However, he did his best to turn himself away from his tormentor’s foot.

Giggling, Steven simply planted his other foot on top of Billy’s face, causing him to turn to face the other way – whereupon he got the original foot in his face again. Billy growled angrily but ineffectively as he vainly sought to roll himself out of Steven’s reach.

Steven desisted for a moment, picked up a small wooden chair, and planted it directly over Steven’s tape wrapped body so that two wooden legs were on each side of him and the front facing his head. Steven then sat in the chair, placed one foot on Billy’s chest, and – carefully – planted his other foot so that Billy’s nose would be trapped in between his big toe and the second toe. Steven gently ground his foot down to make Billy smell his foot between his toes.

Billy growled in sheer frustration but was unable to turn his head away enough to get Steven’s foot off his face. Finally he just gave up and let Steven have his fun in hopes that his captor would soon tire of his fun and let him go.

Steven apparently did tire of it because he stopped after only a few minutes and stood up. But rather than let Billy go, he bent down, picked up one of his old, very smelly sneakers, and approached Billy with an evil grin on his face. Billy looked back at his friend with wide, staring eyes and tried to shake his head back and forth. But Steven was relentless as he grabbed a new roll of tape, squatted beside his captive, and taped the mouth of the sneaker directly over Billy’s face. Once he was finished, Billy was still able to breathe okay, but every breath he took was redolent with the smell of Steven’s sweaty foot odor and other smells that had been built up into it from the first day Steven had worn it up until then.

While Billy was still trying to adapt to this new misery, Steven squatted down by Billy’s helpless feet and began to tickle the undersides of them. Billy was unable to laugh out loud while gagged so thoroughly, but his sudden high-pitched squealing and frantic thrashing about showed how ticklish he was. Smiling, Billy continued to tickle the undersides of Billy’s feet without mercy for a full ten minutes.

When it seemed like Billy was on the verge of hysteria, Steven relented for a moment. He stood up, took a pair of Billy’s socks, sprinkled what seemed to be foot powder into them, and then placed the socks onto Billy’s feet!

Within seconds, Billy’s feet developed an intense itching sensation all over them… and it got worse by the second!

Billy squealed incoherently for mercy, but Steven simply watched him with amusement. “You’re lucky you’re all taped up, or I’d sprinkle that itching powder all over the rest of you, too,” Steven told him with a grin as Billy continued writhing helplessly. “Well, you have some fun with that, while I get us something to eat!”

Steven stepped away from his writhing captive, put on a fresh (and un-dosed of course) set of socks of his own, slipped a T-shirt over his slender torso, and causally walked out of the room – closing and locking the door behind him as he did so.

Billy continued to squeal as he frantically but futilely tried to relieve the itching in his feet. Unfortunately, attempts to rub his feet along the floor merely ground the itching powder deeper into his skin and the crevices between his toes and under his nails – steadily making the itching ever more maddeningly intense and widespread.

Little did Billy know that Steven’s plans for him had just barely begun.


Inordinately pleased with himself, Steven walked away from the guest room to leave his prisoner to suffer all by himself for a while as he went into his own room. He grabbed his cell phone and ordered a pizza and two sodas to be delivered.

Steven went to the bathroom to comb his rather long, auburn-brown hair (worn in a pageboy cut made popular in the 60’s and 70’s but relatively rare these days). He was rather proud of his hair; though people said Billy’s short, blond flat-top hair style was even nicer. Steven was jealous of that, as well as Billy’s brightly blue eyes. Well, there was nothing Steven could do about his own hazel eyes, but before he was done Billy’s hair was going to undergo some serious re-styling!!!

Once he finished primping himself, Steven put on a sleeveless blue T-shirt and then calmly watched TV in the living room while he waited for the pizza to be delivered.

Time passed quickly for Steven as he waited for the pizza. Not so for Billy as he continued to writhe upon the floor in vain attempts to loosen his bonds and relieve his damnable itching. The cold hardwood floor was now getting quite uncomfortable to lie upon as well, but there was nothing Billy could do about *that* either. Finally, tired and miserable, he merely lay there in silent misery as he waited for Steven to return and – hopefully – get tired of his prank.

Billy had never imagined himself in such a situation as this before, and he had no idea how to react. Oh, he and Steven had played practical jokes on each other before lots of times. Just the other day he’d shoved the shorter (5’ 6” or 165 cm) and lighter (150 pounds or 68 kg) Steven into his own gym locker after gym class, locked him inside, and let him stay in there all through lunch period – letting him out however before he’d missed any classes. Afterward, he’d told Steven how he had a lovely, quiet lunch with Linda without any distractions – something that had (unknown to Billy) made Steven seethe with even more anger than the prank itself had done.

Billy had known to eventually expect some sort of revenge prank on Steven’s part; perhaps flushing the toilet while he took a shower, or something along those lines. But he certainly had never expected Steven to do something like *this* to him! How long did Steven plan to leave him cocooned up like this, anyway?

As he lay there on the floor, seemingly out of sight and earshot of anyone else in the world, Billy began to ponder his situation. He’d never felt (or imagined to feel) as utterly helpless as he did now. Being helpless, and at the complete mercy of someone else – even if, usually, his best friend – was a totally new sensation to him. It had been completely frightening at first once he realized how thoroughly trapped he was; and frankly it was still more frightening now that the initial shock had worn off. But at the same time Billy found himself experiencing a faint glimmer of a new sensation he’d never expected to feel under such circumstances: excitement.

In fact, a new tightness in his tightly bound groin area was making it felt for the first time; almost making Billy forget about the intense itching of his feet. Almost!

“No! NO! This is totally nuts!” Billy thought to himself as he renewed his feeble, tape-hindered writhing on the floor. “No one in his right mind enjoys something like this!”

And yet the fear wasn’t quite as great as it once was as he waited for Steven to come back in and take notice of him again. “It’s just because it was Steven who did it, and I know he won’t *really* hurt me!” Billy thought hopefully to himself. In any case, he was still righteously annoyed with Steven; especially for sprinkling what now felt like must have been a ton of itching powder into his socks!!!

Billy vaguely heard the door-bell ring (the tape wound over his hears interfered with his hearing somewhat but not completely), and vaguely hoped it meant rescue – or at least relief - was at hand. He was slightly disappointed when he heard the caller announce the delivery of a pizza, the exchange of money for money, and the immediate sounds of the delivery man’s departure. But perhaps now that food was at hand Steven would call an end to this prank and let him go free.

A minute later, Steven unlocked the door, turned the light on in the now darkened room (it now being evening) and walked in carrying a small, metal, folding table in his arms. He unfolded it and placed it on the floor so that the legs were directly beside Billy’s head and the table itself directly over his head, so that he looked straight up at its underside. Billy then watched with soundless dismay as Steven stepped out, came back in with a pizza and two sodas, set them onto the tray, placed the chair back over Billy’s belly, and sat down in it.

Billy was just about to protest when the soles of both of Steven’s bare feet suddenly dominated his vision and planted themselves gently but firmly upon Billy’s upturned face. He could now see nothing else. Even worse, he could now *smell* nothing else either but the smell of Steven’s (thankfully freshly washed) feet!

Billy started to writhe and squeal in protest, but Steven cut him off before he got well started. “If you want to have any of this pizza tonight, you’d better just shut up and lay there quietly!” Steven told him with a tone of voice that made it clear that he was not kidding. “Make any more noise or wiggle around, and not only do you get nothing tonight, but you can just lay there on the floor all night tonight instead of spending tonight in a bed as well!”

Billy immediately went as quiet as if he’d been turned to stone.

With a satisfied grin Billy could not see, Steven grabbed the TV remote, turned on the small TV on the dresser that he was conveniently facing, and watched an episode of his favorite TV program while he opened the box, pulled out a slice of pizza, and take a huge bite out of it. It was the best tasting pizza he’d ever had, because it was spiced with revenge!

Billy lay there quietly, in hopes Steven would free him before the pizza was all gone and they could finally have a fun evening together.

Little did Billy know that Steven’s revenge had barely even begun!
Last edited by Jason Toddman 4 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by The slave »

I remember this story it is really too too great this little Billy really too too many chances I really want to be in his place lol
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Post by bondagefreak »

I for one do not remember this tale!
Really excited to read the next part Jason.

The plot is believable, the characters are cool and Steven's frustration at being kept in Big Billy's shadow feels real!
Loving this, and absolutely love the fact that Steven "hired" two buff cronies to help with the mummifying process.

Handsome-boy Billy never stood a chance, did he? 8-)

The sockgagging and rank shoe sniffing was simply the cherry on the cake for me.
Can't wait for part II

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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Glad you guys are enjoying this one. I have loads of other stories from the old site as well, which I'll be posting every few days. ;)
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Post by bondagefreak »

Jason Toddman wrote: 4 years ago Glad you guys are enjoying this one. I have loads of other stories from the old site as well, which I'll be posting every few days. ;)
Glad to hear it!
I think it's time you opened up your own project portfolio in here:
When you do, I'll add your url-username to the opening post.

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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

bondagefreak wrote: 4 years ago
Jason Toddman wrote: 4 years ago Glad you guys are enjoying this one. I have loads of other stories from the old site as well, which I'll be posting every few days. ;)
Glad to hear it!
I think it's time you opened up your own project portfolio in here:
When you do, I'll add your url-username to the opening post.
I'm not really sure what to do to get started with that. Hit the post reply tab i saw there, or what?
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Post by bondagefreak »

Jason Toddman wrote: 4 years ago I'm not really sure what to do to get started with that. Hit the post reply tab i saw there, or what?
You just have to do what everyone else did.
Post a list of your stories and edit your post when you have new stuff to add.

I take care of the rest.

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Post by Jason Toddman »

bondagefreak wrote: 4 years ago
Jason Toddman wrote: 4 years ago I'm not really sure what to do to get started with that. Hit the post reply tab i saw there, or what?
You just have to do what everyone else did.
Post a list of your stories and edit your post when you have new stuff to add.

I take care of the rest.
Well, I'm not sure I know what everyone else did but I will give it a try. ;)
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Post by Johnsnow »

Great to see another story from you, I think I must have missed this story if it was posted on the old board so it's great to see a "new" story!
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Johnsnow wrote: 4 years ago Great to see another story from you, I think I must have missed this story if it was posted on the old board so it's great to see a "new" story!
Lots more of those to post here before i even begin to get into anything new.

The Curse of the Mummy Part 2

Billy lay on the floor in silence as Steven continued to slowly eat his pizza, sip a soda, and rub his feet in Billy’s face while watching his TV program. He wanted to yell in frustration, but – knowing that’s probably what Steven wanted in order to have an excuse to treat him even worse – rigidly kept himself from yielding to the impulse.

During a commercial break, Steven suddenly pushed his chair back and bent down to look at his helpless prisoner for the first time since he sat down to eat. “Bet you’re ready to have something to eat by now, aren’t you?” Steven asked with apparent solicitude.

Billy nodded his head as much as he was able to and made as affirmative sounding a grunt as he could manage through his multi-layered tape gag.

“Okay then… hold still,” Steven told him as bent way down from where he sat in his chair with a pair of scissors in his right hand. Billy looked upward in some trepidation and did his best to remain perfectly still.

Steven worked slowly and carefully to snip away a portion of multi-layered tape away from Billy’s face from just beside his nose so that his mouth was entirely uncovered. Once he did this, he told Billy, “Open wide as much as you can.” Billy was able to open his mouth only with some difficulty, as the tape that still remained under his chin made moving his jaws an effort. He was still able to open up somewhat, allowing Steven to reach inside with his fingers and gingerly pull out the pair of socks Billy’s mouth had been stuffed with. He immediately tossed them off to one side with a half-smile of disgust.

Billy felt immediate relief; with the tape cleared away from under his nostrils (his nostrils hadn’t been covered, but the tape over his upper lip had still made breathing a bit harder) and his mouth free of obstructions, it was now one hell of a lot easier to breath.

“Feel better?” Steven asked him kindly.

“Yes,” Billy replied with a low, barely comprehensible croaking sound. He groaned. “Water!” he asked with a trifle more volume.

Steven reached up to the small table that still stood over Billy’s head and pulled a plastic-lid covered pint container of soda into view. He held the container up to Billy’s mouth and aimed the tip of the straw between Billy’s lips without having to move Billy’s head. Without complaint, Billy closed his lips over the straw and sucked liquid in greedily. His mouth was as dry as cotton after having been gagged and sock-stuffed for the past hour!

Steven yanked the soda away before Billy got quite as much soda as he’d wanted. “Not all at once, now,” Steven said tauntingly. “You don’t want to drink too much while you have no way to get rid of it again, you know.”

Billy moaned but did not comment; obviously Steven planned to keep him taped up for at least a while longer yet!

“Read for a tasty treat?” Steven asked Billy as he put the soda back on the tabletop and then held out a slice of pizza in the same hand where Billy could see it.

Billy nodded eagerly and licked his lips; at least Steven didn’t plan to starve him!

But rather than hold the pizza down to Billy’s mouth, Steven sat up straight and placed his foot gently over Billy’s face instead.

“Hey!” Billy squawked in protest; his voice a bit stronger now that the worst of his thirst had been alleviated and he was no longer gagged. “What are you doing?”

“Giving you your first course,” Steven replied with a chuckle as he rubbed his foot in Billy’s upturned face. “If you want any pizza for a second course, then you’re going to have to finish the first course!”

“What are you talking about?” Billy growled, although he already knew perfectly well what Steven was driving at.

“Don’t play dumb!” Steven insisted as he ground his foot down slightly to put pressure on Billy’s nose. “Lick my foot, and lick it good, or you get nothing to eat and nothing more to drink tonight.” He ground his sole into Billy’s nose a bit harder for emphasis.

“Oww!” Billy complained. “Stop that, you bastard! No way am I licking your feet !”

“Do it,” Steven told him warningly, “or not only do you go hungry and thirsty, but I’ll torture you even harder than I’d planned to as well!”

“You… you wouldn’t dare!” Billy replied with a lack of conviction and somewhat foolishly.

Steven didn’t answer as he pulled away his foot, pushed his chair back, and then stood up over the prone body of his friend; one foot on the floor to either side of him. Then, slowly and deliberately, Steven lifted up one foot and placed it upon Billy’s stomach – gradually putting more and more of his weight on it. Billy looked up nervously but defiantly and said nothing.

Steadying himself by holding onto the table (which was small but heavy; thus it was sturdy enough to hold his weight), Billy then lifted up his other foot and placed it upon Billy’s belly just above the first. He leaned heavily on the table at first but - over the next few seconds - let his entire weight settle directly into his feet and onto Billy. Bill began to grunt in discomfort; Steven was smaller and lighter than he was, but not *that* much smaller and lighter. He was starting to feel like he was being crushed by an elephant!

At first Steven held his arms out as if to balance himself, but soon – growing more confident – he placed his hands on his hips and, humming happily to himself, stood on his tip-toes for a few seconds. He then lifted one foot and lowered it again and then did the same with the other; alternating back and forth as he kneaded Billy’s stomach and chest underneath his feet… gently at first but slowly and steadily harder and faster. Billy’s grunts and groans of wordless protest were music to his ears.

“I can keep this up all evening,” Steven told Billy as he began to tromp on Billy’s belly harder -almost as if he were in a winepress and crushing grapes. “How about you?!”

Billy managed to hold out a few seconds longer before he finally decided that Steven was indeed serious about torturing him mercilessly in this fashion. “All right! I give up!” Billy declared with what breath Steven hadn’t managed to crush out of him. “I’ll do whatever you want! Just get *off* me!”

“You’ll have to ask me more nicely than *that*!” Steven said warningly as he continued tromping Billy’s stomach underneath his feet.

Billy held out a few more seconds before bowing to the inevitable. “I’m sorry!” he declared with imperfect sincerity. “I’M SORRY!” he cried out louder and with more sincerity as Steven continued tromping on him without pause. “Please stop! Please! I’ll do whatever you want! Please!”

Steven finally relented, stepped off of Billy, pulled his chair back in place, and sat down in it. He gave Billy a few seconds to recover his breath, and then placed his foot back atop Billy’s face. “Lick it good, slave!” he told Billy with a snicker.

Reluctantly, Billy began to do as he was told.


After a while Billy’s mouth started to get dry, and the taste on his tongue was absolutely horrid. Billy’s thoughts during this time were chaotic, confused, and mostly indescribable if not downright unfit to print in public. The less incoherent ones tended to involve various scenarios of revenge that Billy considered taking upon Steven the moment he got free; most of these thoughts were as lurid as a harassed 13-year-old boy’s imagination could make them. If Steven was aware of any of the revengeful thoughts passing across his victim’s mind however, he showed no signs of concern about it. In fact, he had no worries at all that Billy would try to turn the tables on him later; he’d already taken steps to insure that such a thing would not ever happen.

He was leisurely enjoying the pizza he was eating, the TV program he was watching, and the tongue bath his feet were receiving until he show ended. At that point, he decided it was time to move along to the next phase of his plan.

Pulling away his foot and pushing his chair back, Steven looked down at his glaring captive with a happy smile. “Okay, Billy… time for the main course,” he told him. He gave Billy a sip of soda (now somewhat warmer and flatter with all the ice melted) and a narrow slice of pizza – now rather cold and with the grease on it somewhat congealed.
Billy did not care; he was so hungry and thirsty that he consumed these as if they were fresh. He then began to plead for a second slice without being prompted.

“Sorry, Billy,” Steven told him with a marked lack of sincerity. “That was the last one.”

Billy’s reply was loud and almost unprintable. The gist of it involved Steven’s dubious maternal ancestry, an accusation that he regularly committed fellatio, another that he was born out of wedlock, and that his eventual fate was to be consigned to the infernal regions. He then demanded to be set free of his mummification with more boldness and far less tact than was wise under the circumstances.

Steven simply listened to Billy’s tirade with amusement; not feeling the least annoyed. Then, once Billy had wound down, Steven reached down with more tape in hand and taped Billy’s mouth shut again; winding several more layers of tape over what was already there. Billy was still rather loud and obnoxious but his words were muffled sufficiently to satisfy Steven.

Steven then took a pair of scissors and carefully cut off the tape around the upper part of Billy’s head so that his distinctive blond flat top and face were perfectly visible. He then took his cell phone, set it to camera mode, and began taking numerous pictures of the helpless green mummy at his feet from all angles while Steven looked upward in growing dismay.

“So Billy, I suppose you’d like to be set free now?” Steven asked him.

Somewhat less belligerently now, Billy nodded in the affirmative.

“Okay, I’ll give you a set of choices,” Steven said to him with a smile that sent shudder shivers of dread up and down Billy’s spine. “Choice one: I’ll let you go home without further torment… provided I send all these pictures I just took to Linda’s cell phone, and she agrees to come and pick you up just as you are now. Then she can free you and you can…”

Billy’s muffled cries of protest became so loud and strident by this point that Steven stopped, and looked downward at Billy with a quirk in his smile. “Don’t like that idea, huh?” he asked with a show of insincere kindness.

Billy shook his head as much as the tape trapping his neck would allow to emphasize that he most definitely did not want to let Linda see him like THIS!

“Okay, choice number two is this,” Steven continued; quite obviously unsurprised by Billy’s reaction to choice number one. “Ned and Mike come back for an overnight visit with us. They take all the pictures they want, we get to make you do whatever we want you to do all night, and let you go free in the morning.”

Billy didn’t like his option much better; the thought of being totally at the mercy of not just one but three of his classmates for the next twelve hours was enough to make even the bravest boy shiver in terror. He made a questioning noise; apparently asking if there were any further options.

“Choice number three is this,” Steven continued with a grin. “We keep this to ourselves, but you have to remain my prisoner and my slave the entire weekend. You stay taped up the whole time, I can tickle and torment you all I want to, feed you only whatever I want to when I want to… in short, I *own* you until just before my parents come home late Sunday evening.”

The eyes that looked up at Steven were wide and bright with fear.

“So which will it be, Billy?” Steven asked his mummified friend when no coherent answer seemed to be forthcoming.

His only answer was a pathetic, muffled whine of fear.


“Come on, Billy, give me your answer,” Steven told his captive friend in a gently chiding voice.

Billy couldn’t or wouldn’t give a coherent answer.

“Okay, I’ll call up Ned and Mike and see what they think,” Steven told him. “Maybe if I send some of these pictures I took to some other guys from school, I can let them help you decide…”

“Naaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!” Billy squealed in sudden panic; his voice only moderately muffled by the tape that covered his mouth and hindered the movements of his jaw. “Doooonnnn!”

“What’s that, Billy?” replied Steven as if pretending not to hear while he bent down and removed the fresh layers of ape that covered Billy’s mouth. “Speak up!”

“Don’t tell anyone else about all this! PLEASE!” Billy virtually begged.

“So you agree to spend the entire weekend here as my prisoner?” Steven pressed.

Billy nodded unhappily.

“And my slave?” Steven added gleefully as he twisted the psychological knife.

Billy nodded again, even more unhappily and less vigorously.

“And you won’t try to escape or cheat?” Steven pressed.

Billy paused noticeably before nodding on agreement.

“Hmmm…. Not that I don’t trust you, but I’m going to give myself some insurance here,” Steven told his captive as he stood up, took a few more pictures with his camera. Then he sat down in his chair and planted his feet on the sides of Billy’s face; leaving his features clearly recognizable as a few more digital pictures of him were taken.

“Open wide if you know what’s good for you!” Steven bade his captive sternly. Billy complied with extreme reluctance, and got a mouthful of toes for his trouble. Steven then took several more pictures of this utterly humiliating scene.

With an evil grin, Steven pulled his foot out of Billy’s mouth and took his camera over to his computer. He spent a few minutes doing something at his computer that Billy, lying on the floor on the opposite side of the bed, could not see.

Billy came back over and squatted down beside Billy. “Okay, listen up! I just downloaded all those pictures onto an external site similar to Megaupload. No one knows the file name or password but me. Do whatever I tell you until I let you go Sunday night, and no one else ever will see those pictures but me. But try anything funny, or cross me in any way, and I’ll make sure *everyone* in school sees those pictures… and most especially Linda!”

Billy glared up at his captor but dared not say a word. He knew he was well and truly trapped.

For added insurance, Steven had lied slightly; he had sent the filename and password to both Ned and Michael. But he knew the secret would go no further than his two best friends without his say-so. Meanwhile, they were undoubtedly adding the pictures to their own private files. They were also monitoring everything that was going on via web-cam so that if anything went wrong and Billy got the upper hand, they’d be over to help Steven out within minutes.

But Billy planned no treachery; the threat of having Linda ever finding out about any of this left him totally defeated and all but resigned to his fate.

“Well, time to get you ready for bed,” Steven announced to his captive as he grabbed a roll of tape to wrap Billy’s head up again.

“Wait! Please, wait!” Billy pleaded in desperation that Steven paused to hear him out. “Do whatever else you want to me, but for the love of God get those socks off of me and wash off that itching powder you put on me! Please! That itching is driving me *insane*!!!”

Steven considered denying Billy’s request out of hand but quickly changed his mind; Billy would be more likely to behave himself and comply with his wishes if he extended a sliver of mercy to him now. Besides, Billy was so cute when he begged!

“Oh, all right! I’ll let you get more comfortable!” Steven told his friend as he stood up, bent down, gripped tightly on the tape that encircled Billy’s shoulders, and dragged him across the floor to the adjacent bathroom. “But favors like that will cost you!”

Once he had Billy inside the bathroom, Steven slowly pulled the socks off his captive’s bound feet and - careful to let none of the itching powder get on his skin - washed them off inside the sink and then tossed them into the laundry hamper. He then washed Billy’s feet clean with a wet washcloth and tossed that into the hamper too.

“Now that your feet are nice and clean, it’s time for another tickle attack!” Steven announced as he straddled Billy’s tape-bound legs and subjected them to a ten-minute tickle torture assault.

Billy laughed long and hard as he writhed and thrashed about in his bonds, until he was so tired that he was beginning to cry rather than laugh. “Stop! Hahahaha! STOP! Hahahahaha! PLEASE! Hahahahaha! I’m… Hahahahaha! I’m gonna wet myself! Hahahahaha!” Billy pleaded.

“If you do, you’ll have to lay in it all night!” Steven threatened as he continued his merciless foot tickling.

*Mercy! Hahahahaha! MERCY! Hahahahaha!” But he got none until the ten minutes were up. At the end of that time, Billy was still dry – if only barely. He was also nearly exhausted and was panting for breath almost like a dog.

“Okay, time for bed!” Steven announced as he bent down to drag Billy back to his room.

“Wait!” Billy pleaded. “I need to take a wiz after all that!”

“Nothing doing!” Steven asserted. “It’d take too long to unwrap you so you could go, and then wrap you up again so you can’t escape.” Steven paused dramatically. “Unless…”

“Unless what?!” Billy asked suspiciously.

“Unless you want me to just free you down there, and aim it for you!” Steven said with a sneer. He had no intention of doing such a thing, and was pretty sure he knew what Billy’s response to his so-called offer would be anyway.

Billy stared at him with eyes wide and jaws agape. “I’d rather wet myself!” Billy said with a growl after a moment’s pause; just as Steven had expected.

“So would I!” Steven assured him as he bent down and dragged him back into his room. Then, with a mighty heave, he lifted Billy up bodily and eased him down atop the spare bed. Deciding that further restraint was unnecessary, Steven settled for laying Billy face up in the middle of the bed. Once assured that his guest was reasonably comfortable there, Steven moved over to his own bed next to Billy’s and lay down on top of it to watch television for a while.

After all, the night was still young and the Sci-Fi Channel was showing the entire original Star Wars trilogy!


It was utterly impossible for Billy to sleep while the Star Wars movie marathon was playing. This was not because he especially liked Star Wars (not being a sci-fi fan by any stretch of the imagination, he had never seen it before), but because Steven kept the volume up so high that anything like restful repose was utterly out of the question.

Bored almost out of his mind, Billy patiently lay there through the entire first movie without making a sound.

“How’d you like the movie?” Steven asked Billy cheerfully.

“That movie was sooo stupid!” Billy groused. “The princess knew she and the others were being followed, but she led the Empire’s forces straight to the rebel secret base anyway? And once they got there, the Death Star needed something like an hour to maneuver around that big planet that was in their way so they could blow up the moon the rebels were on. They had a ship capable of blowing up planets, right? So why didn’t they just blow up the BIG planet right from the start? Then, even if the rebel base somehow survived *that*, they could just haul off and blow away the little one right afterward!”

“But then the bad guys would’ve won!” Steven pointed out.

“Being bad guys, that’s what they would’ve naturally wanted!” retorted Billy.

“You need to learn proper appreciation for a sci-fi classic,” Steven replied as he suddenly jumped off of his bed, climbed onto Billy’s bed, straddled Billy’s chest, and began to torment a loudly protesting Billy’s face. Nose twists, ear flicks, mild but stinging face slaps, vicious cheek pinches and stretches, hair mussing, and other such delightful childhood torments assailed a helpless Billy while a commercial break ran. Finally the barrage let up when the second movie began, and Billy was left to his own devices again.

By the time there was another commercial break; Steven decided that, despite the earlier pizza pig-out, he was hungry again. So he ran downstairs and grabbed a new bottle of soda and some snacks for himself, and began to greedily eat while an even hungrier Billy watched him with envious eyes and a watering mouth.

“Please… can’t I have some of that?” Billy finally asked piteously.

“Sure!” Steven agreed, somewhat to Billy’s surprise, as he grabbed his snack tray, moved back over to Billy’s bed, and straddled his friend’s taped up chest again. “Have some chips!” And he held some potato chips up to Billy’s mouth.

Suspicious of a trick (Billy figured Steven would simply pull the chips away once he opened his mouth), Billy hesitantly opened his mouth. But Steven simply let the chips slide in, and Billy munched on them almost contentedly. Steven offered a second handful, and then a third, and Billy began to relax.

Then Billy began to get really thirsty, he knew he’d been had! The salty chips were making his mouth as dry as cotton!

“Wanna drink?” Steven asked as he held a fresh one-liter bottle of juice.

“Uhhh… just a sip,” Billy replied mildly; concerned about adding stress to his already stressed bladder.

“Nuh uh!” Steven told him. “It’s the whole bottle or nothing. If you drink, you chug it!”

“But if I do that, my bladder is gonna blow for sure!” Billy protested.

“That tape is pretty water resistant, so I doubt it’ll leak,” Steven replied with an evil grin.

“That would be a real load off my mind,” Billy replied sarcastically; it was of course the load on his bladder that he wanted to relieve however.

“Don’t wanna a drink? Fine… have some more chips!” Steven offered.

“No thanks. They’re too salty! They make me thirstier!” Billy retorted. “Let me have something else!”

“How about some pretzels?” Steven offered.

“No… too salty!” declared Billy.

“Salted peanuts?” asked Steven.

“NO! Too… Shoot! You’re doing this on purpose!”

“Well, duh!” Steven retorted cheerfully. “Okay, since we’re watching a movie you can have some popcorn!”

“I don’t’ *want* any popcorn!” Billy protested.

“Peanut butter cups?”


“Oh well… suit yourself!” Steven retorted he as he picked up his snack-tray, carried it back to his own bed, settled in comfortably, and continued eating his own snacks (well lubricated with fruit juice) as he watched the Rebel Alliance deal with the Empire invasion of the icy world of Hoth.

There’d be plenty of time left to torment his guest after the movie was over…
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Post by Xtc »

I'm glad to see this again.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Jason Toddman
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Xtc wrote: 4 years ago I'm glad to see this again.
Thanks. :D
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Post by The slave »

I still love this story so much, it's incredible, who wants to make me his personal mummy lol
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Post by bondagefreak »

Jason Toddman wrote: 4 years ago Well, I'm not sure I know what everyone else did but I will give it a try. ;)
That's great, Jason!
I've just added your portfolio to the opening post on the M/M Story Index

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Post by Jason Toddman »

bondagefreak wrote: 4 years ago
Jason Toddman wrote: 4 years ago Well, I'm not sure I know what everyone else did but I will give it a try. ;)
That's great, Jason!
I've just added your portfolio to the opening post on the M/M Story Index
Cool.Thanks. So, when i want to update the list with stories i just add them to the same place I did before, is that correct?
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Post by bondagefreak »

Jason Toddman wrote: 4 years ago Cool.Thanks. So, when i want to update the list with stories i just add them to the same place I did before, is that correct?
Yup. That's it! ;)

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Post by Jason Toddman »

bondagefreak wrote: 4 years ago
Jason Toddman wrote: 4 years ago Cool.Thanks. So, when i want to update the list with stories i just add them to the same place I did before, is that correct?
Yup. That's it! ;)
Okay,I think even a semi-clueless-in-modern-tech old duffer like me can follow that. :D Thanks again.
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Post by Johnsnow »

Jason Toddman wrote: 4 years ago Lots more of those to post here before i even begin to get into anything new.
New to me haha
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Post by Jason Toddman »

Johnsnow wrote: 4 years ago
Jason Toddman wrote: 4 years ago Lots more of those to post here before i even begin to get into anything new.
New to me haha
Then to somewhat paraphrase Game of thrones; you ain't seen nothing yet, Jon Snow. :D
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Still trapped in his own cocoon of tape, Billy watched as Han Solo was trapped inside a block of carbonite by the bad guys. “I can relate to that!” Billy thought to himself somewhat morosely.

If anything, Billy thought he was worse off than the movie character. At least Han Solo was now blissfully unaware of anything while he was frozen; no hunger, no thirst, no need to relieve himself, no worries about being tormented by his captors… no nothing! Billy, on the other hand, was feeling steadily increasing discomfort from being confined underneath several layers of the hot sticky tape. He was getting hot and sweaty, his mouth felt like a dried out sewer (especially since it was stuffed with dirty socks and taped over again), his stomach felt empty, his bladder felt like it was ready to burst, he was vulnerable to tickle torture on his feet and assaults on his face, and… Oh God!... he was getting an abominable itch all over his feet again thanks to a fresh dose of itching powder placed on his socks which had been placed back on his feet!

Billy writhed feebly like a fly caught inside a web cocoon and tried to express his misery to his captor. But even though Steven glanced his way every so often, he merely smiled and continued to focus his main attention upon the movie he was watching.

‘The Empire Strikes Back’ came to an end. During the long commercial break that followed, Steven – now clad only in pajama bottoms – calmly straddled Billy’s chest again and played with Billy’s face some more. “Having fun?” Steven asked with an evil grin as he mercilessly flicked Billy’s ears and then squeezed Billy’s nose shut.

As Billy’s mouth was completely blocked, he could breathe only through his nose. Billy began to struggle again as Steven relentlessly kept his nose squeezed shut for a good thirty seconds before Steven finally let go of it again. “Now answer my question!” Steven demanded with a grin.

“Ummmm-ummm-ummm!!!” Billy replied; sounding as angry as he was incomprehensible.

“Good!” Steven retorted as he pinched Billy’s nose tightly shut again for another thirty seconds.

“Eeeee-eeee-eeeeeeee!!!” Billy tried to scream, but the gag muffled his outcries so much that he was almost drowned out by the TV. He struggled as hard as he could to turn his head and to throw Steven off of him, but Steven merely laughed and had no trouble maintaining his seat as he continued to play with his captive.

Mercifully, ‘Return of the Jedi’ finally came on, and Steven desisted in his torments, got off of Billy, and climbed back into his own bed to watch the movie. To distract himself from his own dilemma, Billy watched the movie along with him.

He watched Jabba the Hut slobbering over a slave girl… something which seemed to amuse Steven a great deal. Billy silently decided that Steven was getting too much into some of the scenes in this movie! Steven even laughed when the girl fell into a pit and was apparently being devoured by a monster of some kind. Well, at least *that* was something Billy didn’t have to worry about!

A slightly later scene showed a droid inside some kind of dungeon and having a red-hot slab of metal pressed against the soles of its feet while the droid cried out in distress. “How ridiculous!” Billy thought to himself.

“Hey, that looks like fun!” Steven suddenly said with a grin. “Think you’d like to try that?”

Billy broke out into a cold sweat, even though he was sure Steven was only joking. He made no attempt to make a sound through his gag but simply glared at his smiling captor.

Jabba the Hutt began slobbering all over a captured and chained Princess Leia. “Lucky for you that you aren’t a girl!” Steven commented with a grin, and then he made exaggerated licking motions into empty air with own tongue like a juvenile Gene Simmons. “You deserve a lickin’!”

Billy tried his best to show his disgust, but Steven was unfazed. Instead, he came sauntering over to Billy’s bed as if he decided to try tongue-licking Billy’s face after all. Billy looked at his approaching captor in wide-eyed horror as Steven climbed onto the bed and shoved his face quite close to Billy’s. Billy shivered and futilely tried to back away.

“Psych!” Steven declared gleefully as he gave Billy’s nose a playful squeeze, and then he went back to his own back without bothering Billy any further.

Billy had some unpleasant images in his mind that Steven might not have appreciated when he watched the scene where Princess Leia throttled Jabba the Hutt to death with her own chains.

At about this time Steven belatedly decided that since Han Solo had spent some time being blind after being released from the carbonite, it was time for Billy to go sightless for a while too. So during the next commercial break he tied a blindfold over Billy’s eyes; rendering his captive unable to see the movie or much of anything else afterward. Billy listened to the movie as it progressed with only half an ear; not being particularly interested in the proceedings.

Steven removed the blindfold after a while, so that Billy could watch Han and Luke being tied up by what seemed like a group of animated teddy bears and be threatened with being burned alive. “That’s it!” Billy silently decided. “There’s *way* too much kink in these damned movies!”

He repeated this assessment when Luke was being tortured by the emperor’s force lightning. “The Marquis de Sade would’ve loved this movie!” Billy said to himself; frustrated that he couldn’t voice this opinion out loud.

The final movie of the trilogy finally ended, and Billy began to wonder what new horrible torments Steven had planned for him now that there was no longer anything on TV to divert his captor’s attention away from him. But apparently even Steven decided that he’d been up late enough – it was past 4 in the morning by this time. He merely pulled a blanket over Billy, patted his cheek gently with the palm of his hand, wished him a cheerful “Good Night!”, turned off the light, and went to bed.

From the sounds Billy heard, Steven was soon fast asleep.

Sleep was a lot longer coming to Billy however. None of the sources of his discomfort had been taken care of, and he seriously began to wonder if Steven was really going to make him hold out until the end of the weekend!


Billy continued to find it impossible to sleep.

It was scarcely any wonder. It was a warm and humid night (summer was not too long ago and this was southern California), he was wrapped in several layers of heat-trapping duct tape underneath a couple of layers of blankets, and Billy was sweating like a pig! In addition he’d had little to eat and less to drink, so his mouth felt like dry cotton while ironically his bladder felt ready to burst! He lay on his back; a position he was not used to sleeping in, and he couldn’t even roll over to make himself more comfortable.

And that damnable itch in his crotch was winding him up no end!

Muttering underneath his breath – a sound that was almost completely muffled by his tape gag and the socks stuffed inside his mouth – Billy tried once to shift to a more comfortable position despite a hundred previous complete failures.

A faint but unmistakable sound of ripping tape came to his ears. It was so muffled by the blankets covering him that he almost didn’t hear it at all and thought it was his imagination at first. Then, scarcely daring to hope, Billy carefully repeated the same motions he had attempted before while at the same time looking at Steven to make sure no sounds reached his ears and disturbed his sleep.

There it was again. The sound of tape ripping! Or, rather, the sound of duct tape that had lost much of its stickiness separating from the layers beneath it. At the same time, Billy realized that his movements down by his lower arms were not *quite* as tight or as restrictive as they had been up to now.

Billy immediately realized what was happening. He was sweating so much from the heat and humidity – and had been doing so for such a considerably long while by now - that it was making the duct tape lose its stickiness, stretch, and even weaken considerably.

Any trace of sleepiness Billy had managed to feel up to then vanished in an instant as he suddenly realized what a golden opportunity he suddenly had – and had been wasting for the past hour and a half since Steven began snoring. He had hours of time in which he was virtually alone and unsupervised to pull and twist at the tape to get himself free. At the same time he had to be careful, for Steven – though apparently sound asleep – was in the same room with him and too much noise would awaken his captor and destroy Billy’s chances of escape.

Billy’s arms and hands were taped to his sides, but now felt like they were coming slightly loose. Doing his best to work carefully and quietly, Billy concentrated on trying to pull free his hands and fingers from the rest of himself and from the tape which trapped them.

When Bill had been taped up, his torso had been thoroughly wound over with tape underneath his arms prior to his arms being pinned to his sides and subsequently taped in place to his sides.
With small tugs and twisting of his arms and wrists, Billy managed to pull his hands away from his sides. When intense effort, he pulled his hands closer and closer together. It was tiring and made Billy sweat more than ever, but the additional sweat helped further weaken the tape faster than Billy was tiring.

Two hours after that first tell-tale ripping sound had reached his ears and given him new hope, Billy managed to get his hands and fingers together. His fingers were taped up (and together) however; so that he had less dexterity in his fingers than if he’d been wearing thick mittens. But one forefinger managed to poke its way through his tape prison thanks to a sharp and untrimmed fingernail, and then another finger on the opposite hand achieved the same result. After that, work on freeing the rest of his fingers proceeded at something better than a snail’s pace.

It was now just past five in the morning, and the darkness of night was giving way to the first light of morning. This gave Billy a new advantage: now he could see what he was doing, once he managed to get the concealing blanket off of himself! It also gave him a new urgency; Steven could wake up at any time now, and if he did he’d be able to see what Billy was doing with a single casual glance and act to put a stop to it!

With desperation giving him new strength and determination, Billy managed to pull his lower arms away from his sides with slow and careful jerks – seeking to avoid the sounds of ripping tape that might awaken Steven and alert him. His upper arms remained trapped however, as there were more tape layers there and he lacked the leverage there to more his arms apart.

Billy still looked like a mummy whose bandages had become threadbare, for even with his arms somewhat free to move his torso underneath was completely taped up.

Moving with great care, Billy sat up in his bed and attempted to tear away the tape that bound his feet. However, his success here was limited. His arms and body were still stiff and hard to bend because of all the tape still covering (and hindering) him, and just touching his ankles – let alone pulling at the tape wrapped around them – took great effort that he could not maintain for long. However, with great patience fueled by desperation, Billy managed to tear up the tape sufficiently so that he could move his feet apart a little. He could not move them very far apart, but enough so that he could take small baby steps instead of hopping like a one-legged bunny!

If he could just get out of this room and find something sharp to cut away this tape, Billy could make much better progress!

Steven began to stir and moan slightly in his sleep.

Casting caution to the winds, Billy strove to stand up on his feet. It took some effort to do this without making noise, as all the tape around his middle made it quite stiff. But finally he managed to get his legs over the side of the bed, put his weight down on them, and stand up straight (more or less). Then, with great trepidation and unable to move either foot forward or backward more than a few inches at a time (and scarcely an inch from side to side), Billy began to laboriously waddle toward the bedroom room.

It took him two minutes to reach the bedroom door, and another thirty seconds to manipulate the doorknob with his taped-up fingers enough to turn it and open the door. From there, Billy aimed himself toward the stairs, with the front door of the house in sight and with freedom beyond now seeming less distant than the mountains of the moon.

But along the way he passed the bathroom, and suddenly his bladder reminded him of a more immediate goal!

For a moment Billy considered sticking it out and trying for the front door. Once past that obstacle rescue was only a matter of being spotted by a passer-by; surely even as early as this someone would see him and at the very least try to find out what was going on! But then his bladder got even more insistent… Now, Billy…. NOW!!!

And then Billy spotted a nail file inside the bathroom on top of a shelf, and that decided the matter. If he could use that file to cut this tape, progress from where he was to the front door would be considerably faster and easier – and his tortured bladder would find peace at last!

Billy waddled into the bathroom and grasped the file in his taped-up hands. Then, with desperation tempered by caution, he sawed away at the tape covering his undershorts until a patch of white was plainly visible. Then, unable to bear it another moment, Billy dropped the nail file, grabbed the edges of the hole and pulled with all his strength.


Billy let go of the tape, grasped the white fabric, found the opening he was looking for, clawed at it to open it up, pulled out what he was looking for, and…

“AHHHHH-hhhhhhhhhhhhhh…” he exclaimed with incautious ecstasy as a stream of liquid carried away all of his troubles into the toilet bowl before him.

He also made the fateful blunder of flushing afterward out of sheer force of habit before a return of good sense saved him. If Steven had heard *that*, it’d be all over!

Billy fumbled for the nail file he’d let fall onto the top of a nearby laundry hamper (thank goodness, he’d never have managed to bend enough to pick it up off the floor!) and began to try cutting apart more of the tape binding his legs when he suddenly froze… was that the sound of movement coming from Steven’s room?

Fighting a surge of panic, Billy sought to lock the bathroom door so that he could free himself from the tape that still hindered him so badly. Once free, he’d have a much better chance of getting away from here… and Steven’s blackmail threats be damned!

Oh my God; the bathroom door had no lock!

What idiot designed a bathroom door without a freaking lock?!

Horrified that Steven would catch him before he could free himself from the tape, and having no delusions that he could fend Steven off while hindered like this, Billy decided to make a break for it. Looking toward Steven’s room and seeing or hearing nothing suspicious, he began to waddle in the opposite direction toward the stairs as rapidly as his feet could take him.

At the top of the stairs Billy faced a new dilemma; there was no way he could walk down those stairs with his feet and ankles taped up like they were; he’d only break his neck trying!

With an effort, Billy sat down at the head of the stairs and propelled himself down the stairs with his feet – with many a painful bump of his rump. The front door was now mere feet in front of him. He stood up. He waddled to the door. He grabbed the doorknob. He turned it. He opened the door and shoved it wide open.

Right in front of him was a paperboy no more than ten years old.

“Help me!” Billy tried to say as he held out his tape-covered arms in appeal. He forget for the moment that he was still gagged, so all that came out was a menacing-sounding “Huururrrraaarrrrrraaaaraaaraaaeeeeeeeeeeee!”

It did not help Billy that his face and virtually his entire body was covered in now rather grimy-looking duct tape. The tape had long since lost its shiny green color and now looked a dirty shade of gray, making the whole thing look like a mass of ancient bandages. Numerous tattered and dingy-looking streams of tape dangled from his arms and blew in the early morning wind.

As far as the young paperboy knew, what he was facing was nothing else but an ancient Egyptian mummy somehow come back to life and wandered improbably far from its hidden tomb.

The paper boy therefore replied “Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!” in as loud a voice as he could manage while his eyes threatened to fly from their sockets.

“Hey, wait a minute!” Billy tried to say as he lurched forward. “Huurrr-RARARUH!” is what the paperboy actually heard.

“Yaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” the paperboy said as he dropped the newspaper he was about to place inside the newspaper holder by the front door, backed away rapidly, and almost fell down the porch steps.

“Wait! I’m not a mummy!” Billy insisted. This was completely unconvincing to the paperboy however; especially as what he heard sounded like “Haarrrr-nuuuaaa-mmmmummmmiieeee!”

“Get away from me!” the paperboy replied with a high-pitched shriek as he grabbed a second rolled-up newspaper and batted the mummy over the head with it several times. When this proved ineffective, he then backed away a few steps and flung the newspaper with all his strength at the approaching apparition and hit it in the face.

Apparently undeterred, the mummy lurched forward again – reaching the top of the porch steps while going, “Huuaarrr-rrurrr-rraaa-raaa-reeee!”

“Help! A mummy’s after me!” the young paperboy (who had perhaps seen one horror movie too many) yelled as he turned around and fled hastily. He frantically pulled off his shoulder pouch full of newspapers and flung it away from himself so he could run faster. He reached his bike, grabbed it, gave himself a running start, climbed onto the bike, and sped away down the street without a single backward glance. He was still screaming at the top of his lungs and could be heard long after he was out of sight.

The semi-rural street was otherwise completely deserted at this hour of a Saturday morning.

“Wait a minute!” Billy exclaimed (or, rather, tried to exclaim) as he tried to follow the paperboy – or at least get some distance away from Billy’s house and reach the street. There was still a chance of getting help if he could get closer to the street; from there he could be more easily seen by anyone passing by or investigating the commotion from the safety of their own houses. From the porch itself, any view of him from anywhere other than straight ahead of him was obscured by numerous tall bushes and the trees that lined the front yard.

But before Billy could get down any of the porch steps, a pair of arms grabbed him in a tight bear hug from behind and began to pull him backward again.

“Noooooooo!” Billy screamed as he tried to struggle against a pajama-bottom clad Steven.

But a taped up mummy was no match for an athletic boy with full freedom of movement and determination in his heart virtually equal (if opposite) to Billy’s. The reluctant mummy found himself wrestled back through the front doorway and then flung into a writhing heap upon the carpeted floor beyond. One arm flung the front door closed; blocking all further sight and sound of the outdoors from the hapless and unintentional bogeyman.

To Billy, it was like the ponderous door of an Arabian Nights tomb closing shut upon him and sealing his doom!


Billy made a last-ditch effort to struggle free and get away from his captor, but it was no use. Although Billy was normally as strong as Steven was, his arms were still stuck to his sides from the elbows on up, his legs were still taped firmly together, and he was weakened from hunger, thirst, lack of sleep, and his recent exertions.

Steven easily wrestled his captive down to the floor, straddled his belly, and pinned his shoulders down by putting much of his weight into his arms. “You’d better behave yourself, mummy!” he told the writhing Billy, “or I’ll have to call Ned and Mike over to help me again. You want me to let them have some fun with you the rest of the weekend, or do you want to keep it between just the two of us?”

Defeated, Billy stopped his struggling; he was getting too tired to continue and was getting nowhere anyway.

“All right, Billy boy, now that you’ve had some morning exercise it’s time to get you squared away!” Steven said with a tone of voice Billy found to be rather ominous. “Come with me!”

Steven stood up but, instead of helping Billy to his feet, grabbed Billy’s feet and proceeded to drag the hapless mummy along the floor. Billy was merely puzzled at first when Steven dragged him away from the stairs rather than up them… but when he saw that Steven was taking him to the door leading down in to the cellar he began to struggle again.

“Quit it, or by God I’ll take more pictures of you like this with your own cell phone and send them straight to Linda!” Steven told Billy sternly.

Billy immediately went limp, but a haunted look worthy of the real mummy crept into his eyes.

Grabbing a fresh roll of duct tape, Steven eased Billy down the cellar steps – careful not to let his captive be hurt but not sparing him from all discomfort either as he bumped him down the steep wooden stairs. The cellar was dark, dank, and musty, with only the early morning light streaming in from a small window at the far end and a dust-speckled old-style light bulb of low wattage providing a thin, yellowish light to the scene.

Seating Billy on the bottom step of the stairway, Steven found a 100-foot coil of clothesline he had previously hidden down there and proceeded to bind Billy’s wrists behind his back with it – adding several loops around Billy’s arms and torso for good measure – cinching it all as tightly as he could and without regard to Billy’s comfort. “There, let’s see you get out of *that*,” Steven said with a sly smirk when he finished this step.

Steven cut off the rope he’d already used and began winding half of the rest of the rope tightly around Billy’s arms and torso – and the remaining half around his lower legs - without bothering to remove any of the previous layers of tape first. By the time he was finished, Billy was even less capable of movement than he’d ever been before!

Steven then reached for the duct tape and bade Billy to close his hands into fists. Once Billy complied (with a little persuasion from Steven involving some mild slaps to the face), Steven briskly wrapped Billy’s closed fists within a newest of tape mittens; rendering Billy’s fingers completely and hopelessly trapped and useless. There’d be no using his fingernails to laboriously claw the tape off of himself *this* time!

Once this was done, Billy acquired a brand new layer of duct tape from the base of his neck down to his ankles; applied as tightly as Steven could manage. As the previous layers remained in place, Billy found himself even hotter and more restricted than ever.

“Now, you sit right there and I’ll get you some breakfast!” Steven told his captive as he stood up, patted him gently on the face, and climbed back up the stairs. Billy heard him tinkering in the kitchen for a few minutes.
Upstairs, Steven was preparing breakfast for Billy when the phone rang. Suspecting he knew who was calling and why, he answered the phone with a casual hello.

“Steven? This is Mrs. Overlock… Kyle’s mother,” a woman’s voice replied at the other end. “My son said he was delivering your newspaper to your house when – he said - a mummy jumped out of the front door at him and…”

“Yeah, Mrs. Overlock… I’m sorry about that,” Steven cut in with all the contrition he could fake into his voice. “I had a friend over and we were horsing around with Halloween costumes. We thought it’d be funny if he opened the door and went ‘Boo!’ at Kyle. We had no idea Kyle would be *that* upset, and he ran off before I could come outside and explain that it was all a gag! I’m sorry that we scared him. We didn’t’ mean any harm. Is he all right?”

“A little shaken up, but he’s fine,” Mrs. Overlock replied with a small laugh. “His story was so wild though, I didn’t know *what* to make of it! He swore he saw a real mummy lurching toward him making horrible noises! I knew he doesn’t tell lies like that, but a *mummy*…” She laughed again in apparent good sportsmanship. “Well, I’ll tell him it was all a joke. But he was so scared he never finished his paper route!”

“Well, tell him to come on back and finish delivering his papers and I’ll give him a five-spot for the scare when he gets here, okay?” Steven suggested with well-practiced innocence in his voice.

“All right, Steven, I’ll tell him,” the woman replied. The two made their polite good-byes and hung up.

Smiling wryly and whistling a tune, Steven came back down the stairs carrying a tray. On the tray was a bag of BBQ-flavored potato chips, a bowl of salty popcorn, a bag of corn chips, and other examples of the saltiest food Steven could find. There was also a two-quart pitcher full of lemonade and an empty glass.

“Oh nooo, not this trick again,” Billy groaned the moment his gag was taken off of him.

“What are you complaining about?” You got to go to the bathroom, now didn’t you?” Steven replied with a grin. “Now eat up, and drink all you like.”

As he was famished by this time, Billy allowed his captor to feed him as much salty food as he could hold. But before long, he noticed that there was something distinctly odd about the lemonade. It tasted sickly sweet, and seemed kind of greasy. The salty food covered much of the taste, but it was still noticeable. Still, Billy was not especially suspicious until he tried to decline drinking any more after one glassful and was told he’d have to drink down the entire pitcherful of it.

“I don’t want any more of it,” he insisted. “It tastes funny. What’s in it?”

“It’s nothing nasty, if that’s what you’re thinking! My dad drank this same stuff just last week,” Steven told him with a smile that brought no comfort to Billy’s heart even though he was sure Steven was telling the truth. “It’s perfectly healthy! Now drink it, and I’ll leave you alone! Otherwise I’ll spend the entire morning making you miserable!”

Certain that misery would be his fate anyway, Billy complied.

Steven suddenly produced two pills. “Now take these,” Steven insisted.

“What are they?” Billy asked with alarm as if he thought they were poison.

“Laxatives,” Steven replied with a grin.

“Oh no! You’re not making me swallow those things” Billy exclaimed loudly.

“I don’t give a shit what you think… but *you’ll* be giving a shit once these take effect!” Steven proclaimed with triumph as he squeezed Billy’s nose shut with the fingers of one hand while holding the pills close to Billy’s stubbornly-closed mouth with the other.

It was a losing battle; despite a valiant resistance that lasted for several minutes and the quick-witted dodge of breathing only through the sides of his mouth, Billy was forced to swallow the pills. He was then forced to chug down the sickeningly-sweet lemonade.

“By the way, the reason why the lemonade tastes so funny is because it has some Miralax in it,” Steven told him was the last drop was safely down Billy’s throat. “Dad had a colonoscopy last week, and had to drink that junk to... ummm… clean him out inside. Apparently that stuff goes right through you. You’re really going to have a fun afternoon!”

“Please! Let me out of this tape!” Billy pleaded. “I’ll do anything!”

“What you’re going to do is rest in your sarcophagus now!” Steven told him as he pointed to a large wooden chest that sat on the far corner of the cellar. “Just like a good mummy!”

Billy struggled feebly as Steven stuffed his mouth with a pair of ankle socks and then thoroughly taped his mouth shut again. Then Steven bent down and lifted Billy up, carrying him with considerable effort to the chest rather than drag him along the rough and dirty cellar floor. The thick-walled chest was already wide open and ready to receive its new occupant. Large as it was, it could barely hold Billy as he was carefully laid down inside of it on top of a set of blankets and a pillow beneath his head.

“Good morning, mummy!” Steven said with a playful grin as he looked down as his helpless captive. Then, with deliberate slowness, he grabbed the lid of the cedar chest and slowly closed it shut.

Despite a set of small but numerous air-holes built into the lid, Billy already felt like he was suffocating as Steven slowly walked away and climbed up the steps. Then what little light came in through the air holes vanished as the light was shut off and the door to the upstairs was closed shut and locked.

Billy indeed felt like a mummy sealed up inside its sarcophagus deep inside its pyramid tomb!

Except that a mummy wouldn’t be dreading the doom of needing to use the bathroom and having no way to get to one!
The slave
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Post by The slave »

excellent this suite i really love
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Post by Mummyboi »

Better and better
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Post by blackbound »

This is a superb story, hope to see the final two parts soon!

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Jason Toddman
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Post by Jason Toddman »

The slave wrote: 4 years ago excellent this suite i really love
Mummyboi wrote: 4 years ago Better and better
blackbound wrote: 4 years ago This is a superb story, hope to see the final two parts soon!
Thanks guys, and yes Blackbound here's one of them now. :D

Later that morning, Steven was outside his house playing Hoops with Ned and Michael. All three were dressed in tank tops, gym shorts, socks, and sneakers. Even though it was late October, it was southern California and therefore still a very warm day.

Even if it had been much cooler, Steven would have been very warm, and not just from his exertions playing Hoops with his two friends either.

Right now he had Billy all wrapped up in duct tape like a mummy and locked inside a chest down in his cellar. Billy was helpless; completely at Steven’s mercy. Even while Steven was outside casually playing Hoops with his friends, a short distance away his chief rival was trapped down in his cellar awaiting Steven’s pleasure. For the time being, Steven had total control over him. He could do anything he wanted to Billy – short of anything permanent anyway – and completely get away with it! It gave Steven a huge rush just thinking about it!

It was a good thing he was wearing such baggy shorts, or his excitement would have been even more noticeable than it already was from his cat-ate-the-canary grin and hyperactive (even for him) movements!

“So, where’s your mummy?” Ned asked Steve idly as he dodged past him to score a basket.

“Relaxing in his sarcophagus down in his crypt,” Steven replied with a grin as he retrieved the basketball and began to dribble it. “Hopefully he’s contemplating all of his sins.”

“Do you really intend to keep the poor bastard wrapped up like that all weekend?” Michael asked as he attempted to get the ball away from Steven.

“Sure, why not?” Steven retorted unsympathetically. “Serves the bastard right! If it weren’t for him, I’d be the guy Linda and the other girls would be fighting one another over; not him!”

“Well, since he’s out of the way right now, why don’t you try asking Linda out?” Ned asked as he watched the other two vie for control of the basketball.

“It’s not enough for Billy to be out of sight,” Steven retorted as he managed to outflank his guard and score a basket. “Linda doesn’t know what’s going on. So she would still prefer him to me. But I’m going to change all that. By the end of the weekend, I’m going to see to it that Billy is so deeply humiliated in public that he won’t dare show his face at school ever again! Everyone will see him as a bungling fool. His rep will be ruined, Linda won’t want to have anything to do with him, and I’ll finally have my revenge for all the humiliation that *he* has caused *me*!”

“Well, sending those pictures of him to Linda and all his buddies would probably be a good start,” Ned replied with a grin as he retrieved the basketball as it bounced away. “Why haven’t you actually done that yet?”

“Because then my power over him would be lost,” Steven replied evenly as he stretched his muscles to get some of the kinks out. “After all, I have to let him go free sometime. I can’t keep him prisoner forever; much as I’d love to! But if I keep those pictures – and I plan to take lots more of them before I’m through with him - he won’t dare to retaliate. Moreover, he’ll have to do as I say! If he doesn’t break up with Linda for instance, she’s going to get a copy of every demeaning picture I’ve made of him all bandaged up, sucking my toes, and so on. And even after I let him go tomorrow night, he’ll still be completely under my control. Any time I want, he’ll have to come to me and let me tie him up and keep him prisoner again for as long as I want to – or at least as long and as often as I dare. And he won’t be able to do a thing about it!”

“But won’t Linda be sore at you for putting him into that spot?” Michael asked in puzzlement.

“She won’t know I had anything to do with it,” Steven replied confidently. “He isn’t going to tell her what happened. Even if I wind up sending her the photos by e-mail or by phone, she won’t know *I* had anything to do with his degradation. My face doesn’t show up in any of the pictures. Just my feet and legs when I took pictures of him sucking on my toes; that’s about all. He’s alone and all wrapped up in most of them. And even if the pictures come out, he won’t tell her who humiliated him. He’ll probably try to save face by blaming a whole gang of strangers who ganged up on him and kidnapped him rather than admit he was bested by a mere classmate…even one who had help. More likely, he’d just avoid everyone rather than face the shame of having been owned like that. Anyway, while no one else but us has the pictures, Linda will never know a thing that’s happened. Billy will be ordered to break up with her, and then the way will be clear for me to move on in.”

“Sounds good, Steven,” Ned replied with a grin, although he had some inner doubts about the soundness of Steven’s schemes that he wisely kept to himself. “By the way, are you really going to make Billy stay where he is until he’s forced to relieve himself and make a mess on himself?”

“I was at first,” Steven replied candidly. “But I’ve decided that this would be way too messy. Even if I made him do all the cleaning up himself, it’d be impossible to get everything clean and stink-free again. No, I’ll just let him stew a bit longer down in the cellar and then chain him to the toilet so he can do his business properly. But I *am* going to put him through more of the worst degradation I can think of, and I’m going to document it all. After tomorrow, he’ll never dare get in between Linda and me ever again. Even better, he’ll have to let me do the same things to him all over again anytime I want in order to keep those pictures from becoming public!”

“I wish I could get in on that,” Michael exclaimed with a grin.

“Me too!” Ned agreed.

“Why not?” Steven suddenly replied. “I told Billy all this would remain between him and me, but promises were made to be broken. Besides, I’ve always liked sharing with my friends, and since you two already know what’s going on anyway, why shouldn’t you have some fun too?!”

“You’re a great guy, Steven; always thinking of your friends!” Ned replied happily as he and Michael both clapped Steven amiably on the shoulders and back.

“Let’s go have some fun with that jerk right now!” suggested Michael.

“Not just yet,” Steven replied. “I’m waiting for someone first.”

Before he could explain, a ten-year-old boy suddenly appeared down the street and rode his bike right up into the driveway; stopping just a few feet away from where Steven, Ned, and Michael were gathered together in front of the Basketball net-pole.

“Hey, Kyle,” Steven greeted him. “Your mom said you were coming. Look, I just wanted to apologize for the scare you got this morning. My friends and I were just testing something we had planned for you trick-or-treaters tonight.”

“Yeah, after my mom talked she said it had something to do with Halloween,” Kyle said a bit warily. “Who was it in that mummy outfit? One of you guys?”

“Naw, a friend of ours,” Steven answered smoothly. “See, since Halloween is tonight, we wanted to make something special for the trick-or-treat crowd. So we’ll place the Halloween candy out here, and the mummy is going to guard it from anyone who tries who tries to more than his or her share, you see? He’ll let kids take their fair share, but if any greedy kids try to take it all, he’ll come alive and scare them off! Neat, huh?”

“I guess so,” Kyle replied, somewhat less warily.

“You see, we wanted to see if it would really scare away anyone,” Steven added. “So we tested it out on you. Nothing personal; you just happened to be handy. So what do you think; was our mummy scary enough?”

“Yeah, he was,” Kyle admitted with a rueful grin. “Sure scared *me* anyway.”

“Good,” Steven replied as he pulled out a ten-dollar bill and offered it to the younger boy. “Now, keep it a secret, okay? Don’t tell the other kids the mummy is a fake. Heck, he can hardly move in that get-up. If every kid knew he was not only fake but couldn’t really stop him from taking extra candy, they’d likely make fun of him… maybe even throw garbage at him. We wouldn’t want that to happen, now would we?”

“Nope, we sure wouldn’t,” Kyle replied with a sardonic grin as he grabbed the ten-dollar bill and hastily stuffed it into his pants pocket.

“See you trick-or-treating tonight?” asked Steven.

“You bet!” Kyle replied as he turned his bike and began to ride off with a wave. “See ya!”

“Now what was that all about?” Ned asked curiously as Kyle rode off out of sight.

“I know Kyle,” Steven replied with a satisfied grin. “Now, when he comes trick-or-treating tonight with all his little friends, they’ll not only try to take all the candy for themselves, but do their best to make our guardian mummy thoroughly miserable in the process!”

All three boys laughed evilly at the thought of what Billy was going to go through that night. But in the meantime, it was still only late morning. They had a good eight hours to kill before then, and all of them would be devoted in tormenting the helpless Billy even further.

Ned and Michael were already coming up with new ideas as Steven led them into his house and down into the cellar to check up on their mummified captive.


The three boys entered Steven’s house, laughing and exchanging jokes (some rather coarse) about the captive Billy and his predicament. Ned and Michael followed Steven closely as he led them to the door leading down into the cellar and then unlocked the padlock that locked it from the outside. Although there was no danger that Billy could have escaped his mummification in his masking task cocoon, all three boys thought it was funny for Steven to have also locked him inside the cellar. There was, after all, no other way for him to get out than through this door; the cellar windows being too small for even a small child to have crawled out through them.

“I’d have locked him inside that chest too if it had a lock on it,” Steven told them as he unlocked the padlock and opened the cellar door. “But the old toy chest inside my room has a lock on it, and happens to have small slits built into its sides that can serve as air holes. It’s pretty sturdy, so I plan to keep him inside it for the night after the trick-or-treaters have gone. He had the bed last night since it was right there and I didn’t want to be *too* unnecessarily cruel to him, but hopefully you guys can spend the night tonight and use it instead while he sleeps in there.”

“I’m in!” Ned declared at once.

“Sounds like fun!” Michael agreed just a split second later.

Steven flicked the light switch at the head of the stairs and the three of them casually descended into the elevator. The cellar was so silent that no one would ever have guessed that there was a tape-wrapped boy lying inside a chest just twenty feet away, waiting to be released.

Steven walked up to the chest, bent down, and swung open the lid as if opening up a vampire’s coffin; or an honest-to-goodness mummy’s sarcophagus. Inside lay an unmoving figure wrapped like a mummy from head to toe in bandages made of duct tape; leaving only his eyes and nose visible to view. That it was a live young boy and not an dead (or undead) ancient mummy was immediately evident however when its limpid blue eyes immediately opened and looked at them with mute pleading rather than with menace. There were some vaguely incomprehensible sounds like mummies used to make in the old horror movies; but this was simply because this mummy’s mouth was taped shut and filled with wadded up (and by now ancient tasting) old socks. Rather than raising itself up and lifting its arms in a threatening manner, it merely writhed like a maggot as its legs were tightly and abundantly taped together and its arms equally securely taped to its sides. This mummy was just as harmless as a real (not a movie version) one would be.

“Laxatives taking effect yet?” Steven asked his taped-up prisoner in a kindly but mocking voice.

“Oh, dude!” Ned laughed. “You fed him laxatives?”

“I fed him a TON of laxatives!” Steven replied with a grin. “That’s probably why he’s writhing so much!”

“You gonna make him stayed wrapped up in that tape while he has to go?” Michael exclaimed with sardonic amusement rather than scorn. “Jeez; remind me never to get *you* mad at me!”

“That’s gonna make an awful mess to clean up though, isn’t it?” Ned asked somewhat more pragmatically. “You sure you want him inside the house when he finally has to go?”

“Good point,” Steven admitted after a moment of silent reflection. “Besides, a pooping mummy as a Halloween display might be just a little TOO scary! Okay, let’s get him out of here and carry him into the back yard. It’s all fenced off, so no one will see him out there.”

“You mean we have to carry him up those stairs?” Michael squawked. “That’s hard work!”

“It’s less work than freeing his legs so he can walk on his own, and then taping them up again,” Steven replied. “Besides, it’ll be fun bumping him into the walls and shit as we go!”

“Oh, well that’s all right then,” declared Ned as he bent down to lift Billy Mummy by the legs. “Let’s get started.”

Working together, the three boys carefully and gently lifted Billy up out of his makeshift sarcophagus and stood him upright. They tried to urge him to help himself along as much as he could, but he was completely incapable of any independent movement. He could not even stand upright without being supported by at least one of the others; let alone hop along like a one-legged mummy or take even the smallest of baby steps. His feet were simply incapable of any movement whatever; he could not even flex his toes, let alone balance.

Well, they all admitted; at least there was no danger of his trying to run away again!

Steven and the others therefore had to do all the work. It was quite an effort even for the three of them to carry Bully up the stairs carefully enough to avoid hurting him. Despite their joke of bumping him into things, they were very careful to avoid doing this in actuality; they wanted to humiliate him not hurt him. And although it was a mild late October day, by the time they had gotten Billy out of the cellar they were all so sweaty that all three had removed their light jackets and even their shirts as if it were a hot and humid day in mid-July.

Once inside the kitchen, the three boys laid their burden down upon the kitchen floor to take a rest break. Ned and Michael sat in kitchen chairs next to Billy’s cocooned body while – resting their dirty-sneaker-covered feet upon him while Steven fetched drinks for all three of them from the refrigerator. Billy was face up, and looked up at them in keen yearning as his captors drank their fill of fruit juices while sharing none of it with him. Despite the increasing fullness of his bladder and an equally ominous pressure in his bowels, Billy was by now very thirsty; and the dry and dirty socks in his mouth only further aggravated the situation immensely.

Steven sat down in a third chair, kicked off his own sneakers, and began rubbing the soles of his stocking feet along the front of Billy’s face. Billy tried to avert his face, but the tape covering his head, neck, and shoulders made turning or nodding his head more than a very tiny amount all but impossible. Then Steven removed one sock, placed his foot square over Billy’s face with his heel over Billy’s mouth and his toes against his nose. He braced Billy’s nose in the gap between his big toe and the second toe and squeezed them together as hard as he could. Billy squirmed and groaned in protest in his gag as Steven rubbed his foot in-between his toes on his face, but there was nothing he could do about it as Steven forced him to smell his toe jam.

At least, thought Steven to himself, I don’t have to lick his damned toes this time!

As if reading Billy’s mind, Steven suddenly smiled wickedly, withdrew his foot, bent down, and looked at the helpless Billy from just a few feet away. “Would you like to go to the bathroom?” he asked his captive with deceptive tones of kindness.

Billy went rigid as stone and looked alertly back up at Steven; his captor definitely had all of his attention!

“I’ll get you free of the tape – temporarily, mind you – and let you have unassisted and unsupervised access to the bathroom for a few minutes,” Steven said to him carefully; “IF…” Steven then paused dramatically for a few moments as an evil smile played across his handsome young face. Billy found himself filling with dread that almost overwhelmed his need for relief from other pressures. Steven could demand of him almost anything… anything at all… and he would have to go along with it. There was no choice! Anything Steven would likely demand would be better than the fate that soon awaited him if he could not use the bathroom very soon!

“You have to lick clean all of our feet,” Steven told him triumphantly. “Top and bottom, toes to instep; sucking our toes; doing everything to our satisfaction!”

Steven had briefly considered forcing Billy to lick/suck much different and even more disgusting parts of his anatomy than his feet, but then rejected the idea. Although it was rather tempting – or would have been were this still just between Billy and him – and he was rather curious about what such a thing would feel like, he decided he couldn’t go *that* far. Yes, he had a mean streak a mile wide and he had his chief rival for Linda’s affection completely in his power; but there were limits even to Steven’s sadism. Forcing Billy into such acts definitely crossed the line even by his low standards. This would have greatly surprised his captive could he have read his captor’s mind.

Unaware of what Steven had been considering, Billy was rebellious at first. But then his bladder and his bowels reminded him that he few options open to him. And since it was more than likely he’d have to perform his required service before he got his reward, the sooner he gave in the sooner he could give way – hopefully before his innards gave out!!!

Gagged and still so thoroughly taped that he could barely nod or shake his head, Billy strove to answer in the affirmative; nodding his head the tiny fractional amount that he could over and over and grunting into his gag in a way that he hoped made clear his compliance.

Steven climbed off of his chair, hunkered down beside his captive, and carefully peeled away the tape that covered his mouth. He had been careful to apply it separately from the tape that had covered the rest of Billy’s face, but now he cleared away all the tape covering Billy’s head; from his scalp down to the base of his chin and the back of his neck as yet another new evil idea flooded into his sadistic mind. Once this was done, he immediately reapplied some tape over Billy’s mouth; keeping the socks in his mouth and leaving him effectively gagged.

“Get my phone camera and Billy’s phone camera for me, would you Ned?” Steven asked his friend politely. “Michael, there’s a barber’s kit my mom uses to cut my hair in the bathroom cabinet. Could you go fetch that for me, please?”

Sensing that some wicked entertainment was soon forthcoming, Ned and Michael eagerly complied with Steven’s requests. Billy on the other hand felt even more feelings of dread and gathering doom than before as Steven also left the kitchen briefly and came back in a moment alter with a plastic bottle in his hand. Billy could not see what was in the bottle, and Steven set it on the table out of his sight before he could read the label, but he was certain that whatever it was, he wasn’t going to like it one bit.

Steven stepped out again and came back with an old newspaper, which he began to pull apart. Crouching back down, he spread the newspapers all over the central part of the kitchen floor. He then dragged and half lifted Billy along the floor with Ned and Michael’s help until Billy’s head was more or less in the center of the newspaper-covered area. He also rolled his captive over so that Billy was lying face down upon his belly rather than on his back.

“Before the foot washing begins, you’re going to get a haircut,” Steven told his captive as he plugged in a set of electric barber’s shears and a razor at the nearest outlet and mounted Billy’s lower back. “Ned and Michael; you guys make sure to document this for posterity. Be sure to get plenty of pictures clearly showing Billy’s face. At the same time, make sure NOT to record my face; or each other’s face. Hands, feet, and so on are okay; just not our faces. We want the pictures to plainly show Billy here being owned; but NOT by WHO! Got it?”

Ned and Michael nodded happily; Steven wanted blackmail pictures that would show Billy in all his humiliation but not directly incriminate any of them as well. And so they watched and recorded everything with glee as Steven shaved Billy’s head into a Mohawk. He then grabbed the bottle of fluid he’d put on the table. It was full of bright green dye. Steven squirted a generous dollop of this onto his other hand and then vigorously rubbed the stuff into the narrow strip of hair that Billy still had left to him. After a while, Billy’s once-gorgeous blond hair turned into a bright-green mess almost worthy of The Joker character from the Batman comic books.

Steven quickly washed the remaining dye stains off of his hands before the stuff set; once set in Billy’s hair, it would never wash out. He would be stuck with the results of this little barber session until he got the Mohawk shaved off and his hair grew back.

“All right, time for the foot washing,” Steven announced happily as he and the others rolled Billy over onto his back again. Steven then placed a kitchen chair standing directly over Billy’s chest – two legs each on either side of his body but not touching him – and sat down in it; his own feet on the floor to either side of Billy’s head. He then bent down low enough to reach Billy’s tape gag and tear it off.

He wasn’t very gentle about it. In fact, he simply pulled and tore it right off!

The only reason why Billy’s resulting scream wasn’t ear-piercing was because his mouth was still full of old socks. He began to choke on them when he tried to scream and tried to spit them out. He had little luck until Steven reached down again, pulled the socks out of his mouth, and tossed them quickly to one side.

“All right, Billy… if it’s good enough for the Pope, it’s good enough for you,” Steven told him. “He kissed and washed the feet of some guys, now it’s time for you to follow his example!”

Billy wanted to point out that the Pope hadn’t washed those feet with his tongue, but decided that it would be worse than pointless. If he did not comply, he wouldn’t get free of this awful tape cocoon or get to use the bathroom before he soiled himself. Swallowing his pride with great difficulty, he opened his mouth to comply as Steven’s bare (and not terribly clean) right foot approached his face to receive the adoration that was expected from him.

Steven’s foot tasted of sweat and some dirt, for he had not washed them this morning. This is largely due to circumstance; he’d had to hastily dress and run outside to pull Billy back into the house and out of sight when his captive had briefly managed to give him the slip. After that, he’d had to hastily dress and take care of other matters without taking his usual morning shower; setting for a sponge bath that hadn’t included his feet. So now Billy was going to do at least a little of his foot washing for him.

Billy was revolted by what he had to do. The taste of Steven’s foot in his mouth was sickening to me. But the ever-growing, harder-to-ignore pressure in his bladder and in his bowels compelled him to ignore it, swallow his pride (and the awful taste in his mouth), and do as he was told with as much energy as he could manage. The sooner he satisfied his tormentors, the better.

During all this Ned and Michael enthusiastically squatted on either side of him, taking numerous pictures of his ordeal. They shifted constantly around him, trying to get close-ups of his face that weren’t too badly obscured by Billy’s foot. They got lots of pictures of Steven kissing Billy’s feet, of him sticking out his tongue to lick the bottoms and the sides of Billy’s feet (lying down as he was, he couldn’t get to the top of them), and of Billy’s toes jammed into Steven’s mouth while he sucked on them. In them all, Steven looked unusually ashamed but was immediately recognizable despite his new hair-do to anyone who knew him (and especially anyone who saw his new look afterward). He knew now with a feeling of dread that with such blackmail material in hand, Steven would have total power over him forever! Billy would remain his slave even after he was finally released and free to go home. His life would never be the same again!

It took fifteen minutes before Steven was satisfied with his foot washing and pulled away his feet. He then stood up, walked away, and let Ned take his place. He took the camera from Ned and crouched down to take pictures of the proceedings on his own.

Ned’s feet were even worse. Unlike Steven’s usually well-cared-for feet, Ned’s had evidently not been washed for a very long time. They were blackened with dirt; especially the undersides. The nails were long, cracked, and had dirt trapped under them. They were redolent with the smells of sweat, unwashed socks, foot fungus, and old, gamey, never-washed sneakers. And his feet, like his legs, were very hairy. It was all Billy could do to keep going; were his bladder and bowels not in such imminent peril of betraying him, he would have revolted.

‘As it was, it’s Ned’s feet that are revolting!’ Steven thought to himself wryly. He admitted ton himself that it was a poor joke, but he needed his sense of humor badly at a time like this.

Almost as bad, they obviously belonged to a different person than Steven’s; so anyone who saw those pictures would know he had been worshipping two – and ultimately three- different peoples’ feet. It would look like he made a regular habit of licking feet and sucking toes. It would be the ultimate humiliation if anyone ever saw those pictures. And if they were kept secret, the power they had over him would force him to continue doing whatever Steven and the other boys told him to do whether they kept him tied up again or not!

Finally the ordeal of washing Ned’s feet was over, but only after forty minutes that felt more like forty years. And he still had Michael’s feet to deal with before he could receive his reward.

Despite his need for relief, his thirst was becoming agonizing too, and he begged for a drink of water before having to proceed with doing Michael’s feet. Michael obliged, more because he wanted Billy to do the best job he could than for the sake of Billy’s comfort; Billy wouldn’t be at his best licking feet if his mouth was too dry after all!

Thankfully Michael had the cleanest set of feet of the three to begin with; having had time to wash them before coming to Steven’s house and wearing cleaner socks and sneakers than either Ned or Steven did. So dealing with those only took Billy ten minutes; and even then because Michael insisted on a thorough job despite already having clean feet to start with. After all, the real goal was Billy’s utter degradation – and a new set of photos featuring a third set of distinctly different feet!

Even after this was done, Billy’s tormentors debated among themselves for an agonizingly long time (at least to Billy’s perceptions) about whether to keep their promise or not. Ned and Michael both voted to simply drag Billy out to the yard at once and leave him dare to soil himself at leisure, and then they could change the bandages that cocooned him out there and bury them. But Steven vetoed this plan; wickedly cruel as it was. It felt it was a point of honor to keep a bargain with his captive once it was made – if only so that Billy’s continued compliance with his wishes would be rendered easier by knowing that Billy’s promises could be trusted as much as his threats of punishment would be.

The fact that he had already broken his word about leaving Ned and Michael out of the fun if Billy agreed to stay the weekend with him as his captive did not seem to occur to him. It occurred to Billy, but it also occurred to him that openly pointing this out would likely not be in his own best interests. Especially not while the matter of whether or not he’d get to be temporarily freed and use the bathroom was in question!

Although out-voted two to one (Billy of course did not get to vote in this matter), it was Steven’s house and he made all the rules. And so it was decided. Billy would be completely freed of his tape and all other bonds (including his gag) and given complete freedom for thirty minutes to use the bathroom, take a shower, and put on a fresh Speedo (supplied by his kindly host, Steven). He would then allow himself to be re-tied and taped back up from head to toe for re-mummification. If he tried to renege and run away, all the videos that had been made of him while he was tied up, cocooned, sucking toes, and licking feet in the past day would appear on YouTube, and all the pictures would be posted in other places online that featured such pictures. His social life would be destroyed; seemingly forever. As least, forever as a teenager understands the concept.

Billy nodded his agreement when the offer was put to him, and the deal was sealed. His captors immediately began the process of untying him.

It was still only twelve noon. Billy had several more hours of mummification and humiliation to endure before the main event for the night was to take place!
The slave
Centennial Club
Centennial Club
Posts: 461
Joined: 5 years ago

Post by The slave »

really too too excellent this sequel I really love this story
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