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Young Master Nicholas, the butler story (M/M)

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 9:25 am
by Deleted User 153
Started it on the old site, in the meantime chapter 2 is ready. So let's give it another go...


Ever since he was a little boy, Thomas wanted to become a butler. He could not explain why, but he loved the idea of serving the rich and famous with grace and dignity. So, after high school, he took classes to become a professional butler.

Right before he graduated, he heard about an opening with a rich family. Although he had no experience, he decided to send his resume. A nice, handwritten letter, offering his services. He had high hopes for it, but realized that, with no experience or references, his chances were very limited.

After a few days, he received a phone call.
“Good morning sir, Mister Reyes received your application and wants to invite you to the open selection next Wednesday. You are expected at 10 am. I wish you a pleasant continuation of your day, and we’ll see you Wednesday”

Thomas had no chance to ask any questions or to express his gratitude and excitement. Before he realized what was going on the line was gone. It took him a few minutes to realize what happened. Then it hit him: I’ve got two days to prepare… I have to make an excellent first impression.

Thomas was 6 foot tall, had a well-trained, not too muscular body, so that was ok. He ran to the hairdresser to make sure his short dark brown hair was decently cut. He ironed a crisp white shirt, and made sure his black suit was well pressed.

Wednesday morning, 9.55 am. Thomas stood in front of the big entrance of the mansion. He checked himself in the window: he looked good wearing his black 3pc suit with a white shirt, black tie and clean polished shoes. He took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. Seconds later, an older man opened the door and guided him to the Livingroom where he saw 5 other men waiting. Damned. Competition… and looking at them made him feel uncomfortable. They were all a bit older and looked more experienced. But although Thomas feared all hope was lost, he remained calm and made sure nobody could see how nervous he was.

At 10 AM sharp, an older man appeared in the room. By the looks of it, he was the headbutler.
“Good morning, welcome to the selectionday of the personal butler of young master Nicholas.”
Young master? Is this a job to serve a child? Goddamned, I did not sign up to become a babysitter.
“Young master Nicolas and his father will be dealing with the selection. I wish you all good luck”.
One by one, the men were called in the office. Five to ten minutes was the average time inside. Damn, this is going really quick. When the other candidates came out, they went back to their seats to wait for a verdict.

Thomas was de last one to enter the office. He was pleasantly surprised to find out that young master Nicholas was a handsome 19 year old guy. He looked fit, about 6 foot 2 with blond hair and piercing blue eyes. And although his father was formally dressed, Nicholas was a bit more casual with brown kaki’s and a light grey shirt that showed a bit of his trained body. Thomas was getting excited to be able to work here.

“So, who do we have here,… Thomas Wilson, 21, recently graduated,… not that much experience I see…” The look on Mr Reyes face was cold and hard. “You think you’re fit for the job?”
“Yes Sir” He wanted to say more, but the nerves got to him. That was all he could reply.
“What do you think Nicholas?” Mr Reyes asked his son.
“Well, I think he’ll manage. He looks like he’s a quick learner.”
“Well then mr Wilson, looks like you have the job. Please follow mister Jones, my personal, he’ll show you your room. We’ll send someone by your house to pick up any items you might need. Just make a list, and he’ll take care of it.
“Present yourself to my quarters in 15 minutes mister Wilson” Nicholas added to his father’s instructions.

Still flabbergasted about the unconventional interview, Thomas followed the butler towards the living room where all other candidates were still waiting in silence.
“That will be all, thank you for coming. You can all let yourself out. Mister Wilson, this way please.”

As the other candidates walked out, Thomas followed mr Wilson to the top floor of the mansion. He opened the door to a rather big room in the attic. It was poorly decorated, just a bed, a closet, a small desk with a phone and a chair. It’s basic, but It will work. I cannot imagine I’ll spend much time here.
“ Kitchen and laundry are on the ground floor, at het end of the hallway. Please write down your address and the items you might require, and I’ll arrange the pickup. Be sure to present yourself in five minutes at young master Nicholas’s quarters. First floor on the right. Behind the double door. Be precisely on time. He’s very punctual.”
Thomas hurried himself to the first floor. He looked at his watch as he arrived at the double door. Right on time. He knocked on the double door.


As he walked in, he saw young mister Nicholas standing in front of the window.
“Well Thomas, right on time. I’ve decided I’ll put your skills and qualities to the test over the weekend. I’ll be staying in our weekendhouse the next few days. You can start by taking my suitcases to the garage.
“Of course master Nicholas, right away”
Thomas looked at a few packed suitcases. As he started to close them, he spotted a roll of ducttape in them. Better not ask any questions… I don’t want to ruin it on the first day. Thomas closed the suitcases, and carried them towards the garage. Nicholas, carrying a small bag followed him.
“We’ll take the Landrover” Nicholas said.
“Excellent choice sir” Thomas opened the trunk of the black Landrover and placed the bags in the car. Right after he closed the trunk, he got pushed against the car, a hand covering his mouth.
“Mmmphmm!” Thomas tried to shout, but the hand muffled his sounds.
“Relax my boy” he heard Nicholas whisper in his ear, “if you keep calm and obedient nothing bad will happen to you. You wanted to serve me, didn’t you?”
Thomas nodded
“Well then, I’ll make sure you get the opportunity to serve me. I saw the look in your eyes when you first saw me. That’s why you got the job”
“mmmph?” Thomas was getting more and more confused. He felt Nicholas hand in his trouserpockets, grabbing his handkerchief. “Now open wide my boy” he said as he shoved the handkerchief in Thomas’ mouth. “Be a good boy, and keep that one in” Thomas nodded again, feeling the fabric of his big handkerchief filling his mouth. Nicholas pulled Thomas’ arms behind his back, crossing his wrists. Thomas heard the sound of ducttape, and felt his wrists getting wrapped together. Ater the wrists, his legs were also bound, making it impossible for him to run or break free. Nicholas turned Thomas around. Thomas stood there, arms and legs all taped up, with his mouth stuffed. He looked into Nicholas’s eyes and could see he enjoys what he’s doing. With a big smile on his face he pulled the duct tape once again, and wrapped it around his head, making sure Thomas could not spit out his gag.

“Let’s go for a little trip”, he said tapping Thomas’ taped cheek. He opened the trunk once again and pushed Thomas in it, next to the suitcases. “we’ll get along just fine my boy”. Nicholas smiled as he threw a blanket over his taped up victim.
As Thomas heard the trunk close, he panicked. What the hell is going on. What did he get himself into? He heard Nicholas taking the driver’s seat and hears the engine start.

“MMMMMPHPM!” Thomas squirmed and fought his bonds. Without result.
“Just be quiet there, and enjoy the ride” he heart Nicholas say when he drove out of the garage.


Thomas felt every bump in the road. They were driving for nearly three hours now. Three hours he spent in total darkness. Nicholas didn’t speak the entire trip. All he could hear was the soft sound of the radio playing. At first, he tried to get rid of his bonds, but after wriggling and struggling for nearly an hour he gave up. There was no way he could tear the layers of tape to get loose. With all his struggling and friction, he realized he was getting quite aroused. He had no idea he would react this way on captivity. The fact that his kidnapper was a handsome guy was a nice bonus.

A few minutes later, he felt the car slowing down. The engine stopped and Thomas heard the door open. The trunk opened, and Nicholas pulled of the blanket. It took Thomas a few seconds to adjust to the light. When he could open his eyes, he saw Nicholas standing at his feet, holding a knife in his right hand. “Let’s continue” he said with a spark in his eyes, pointing the knife towards Thomas
“MMMMPHM!” Thomas was shaking his head, panicking that he was about to get killed. He screamed loudly into his gag, but the layers of tape and the handkerchief kept his attempts to a muffled sound.

Nicholas grabbed Thomas’s legs, using the knife to cut the tape, freeing his legs. “Don’t expect me to carry you around… get out of the car, on your feet.” Thomas tried to get out of the car as quickly as possible. It was quite an effort, since his hands and arms were still taped behind his back. He felt his numb legs as he stood up, but did his best not to fall over. He looked at his captor, his eyes filled with a mixture of pleasure and fear. He quickly realized he still had a bulge in his pants, and tried to turn his body in a position to hide his excitement. Nicholas however spotted his bulge and smiled. He grabbed him between the legs to feel the package. “Looks like someone likes his new position” Thomas looked down, feeling busted and ashamed. Nicholas squeezed his hand a bit “Didn’t they teach in butlerschool you how to respond properly when spoken to?” The tone in his voice changed. Thomas noddes, and tried to form a “Yes sir, certainly sir”, but it came out all muffled and deformed. “mfpm mffmm, mmmphmm mffmm”
“ Remember that from now on. When you don’t address me properly, you will regret it.” Nicholas adjusted Thomas’ tie, making sure his look was flawless again. Apart from the bindings and the gag, Thomas still looked spotless in his outfit. “Now, let’s get you inside” Nicholas grabbed him by the arm and pushed him towards the door. It was a decent sized cabin in the woods, and by the looks of it no neighbors nearby. Thomas was not sure if he was disappointed or pleased with that fact. No neighbors means nobody in the area that could rescue him. But on the other hand, does he wants to get recued?

When he entered the cabin, Thomas was a bit surprised by the interior. There was normal furniture, but all over the ceiling, walls, and on certain points on the floor he could spot some hooks and loops. In the far corner, there was a basket filled with chains. Next to the basket there were some shelves filled with coils of rope, muzzles, ballgags, rolls of duct tape,… the cabin was a perfect mix between dungeon and a normal house.

Thomas got pushed towards the middle of the room. He stood next to an iron loop that was attached to the floor. Nicholas went towards the shelves, and took a long chain with two metal anklecuffs on the end and a pair of handcuffs with a 10 inch chain between them. Thomas felt the cuffs round his ankles, and saw Nicholas locking the end of the chain to the metal loop in the floor. The chain allowed him to walk around the entire ground floor, but stopped him from going outside. Thomas felt a knife slicing the tape holding his wrists and arms together. The moment he got loose, his hands got cuffed in front of his body. Although the chain was just 10 inches long, it allowed him some movement.

“Here’s the deal. You have some freedom now. But there are a few groundrules. You obey me and serve me like you are supposed to do. The gag stays in, unless I decide it can come out. You answer when spoken to or commanded, even when you are gagged. When it is out, you don’t speak whithout permission. You are not allowed to touch yourself. Any violation of there rules will result in a punishment. Do you understand that my boy?”
Thomas nodded yes “MMMMPHM!”
“Good. Now, I stocked the fridge yesterday. Start preparing dinner. I’ll unload the car and go freshen up. You have half an hour to serve it. Make sure it’s on time”

Thomas obeyed, and started cooking. It wasn’t easy with both his hands chained together, but he managed to find a way to work with just 10 inches between his hands. In the meantime, he heard Nicholas enter with the suitcases, placing them in the bedroom. He heard water running and figured his captor was taking a shower. For a split second, the image of Nicholas fit, wet body popped in his mind, but he managed to focus on his dinner preparations.
Thomas looked in the cupboards, finding a small chandelier and a tablecloth. He decided to create a more or less festive table to impress Nicholas. As he heard noise in the bedroom again, he figured Nicholas would come out any minute now. He lit the candle, and as Nicholas entered the room, he brought his plate towards the table.

“Well done my boy. Now, fix yourself a plate and join me.” Thomas took a plate, placed it on the other end of the table and sat down. He was still firmly gagged, and was not sure if he could remove it or not. So he sat there and waited.
“You can take your gag off and eat, on one condition. You remain silent, unless you are specifically asked to answer me. Do you understand?”
Thomas nodded and tried to bring out a ‘Yes sir’, butall he could bring out was a muffled mmmphm. He started unwrapping the sticky tape from his head. Removing it was a bit painfull, but he thought is was best not to show his pain. After the tape, he took out the handkerchief that was stuffed in his mouth. The cloth was completely wet and soggy. Not sure where to leave it, and because he didn’t want to put it on the dinner table, he placed the damp cloth in his lap.

Thomas enjoyed his meal. It was the first thing he ate all day, so he was quite hungry. After a few minutes, his plate was completely empty. He sat there in silence, waiting for master Nicholas to finish his meal. When he did, Nicholas cleared the table and took the dirty plates to the kitchen area. He returned towards the table and stood in front of his master

Nicholas took out the keys to the locks that chained. He unlocked the cuffs around his wrists and ankles. Thomas was confused. Was he released? Could he run away? But where is he? Where would he go?
“Now, walk upstairs, first door on the left.” Thomas obeyed. Slowly he walked towards the stairs, walked towards the first floor and turned left. He entered a big bedroom with an ensuite bathroom, a large double bed, a walk in closet filled with suits and shirts and a big chair in the center.

Nicholas pointed to the chair: ‘Sit down’. As soon as Thomas sat on the chair, Nicholas pulled his arms behind the back of the chair and tied his wrist together with a small piece of white rope. He used more rope to secure his chest, arms, and legs to the chair. He pulled the rope tight to Thomas’ body, making sure his ability to move was unexisting. Thomas tested his movement, but it was a certain fact that he could not escape. Nicholas clearly knows his knots.

Nicolas opened a large drawer, filled with handkerchiefs and neckties. “So tell me Thomas, what color do you like?” he asked when he took out a big white handkerchief. Thomas hesitaded for a while. “ Erm… red sir?”
“Red it is” Nicholas stuffed the white handkerchief in Thomas’ mouth, and tied a red necktie over his mouth to keep it in place. Then he walked towards the bed, got undressed and crawled into his bed to get some sleep. Thomas was left tied on his chair, surrounded by a collection of suits, looking at his master who was asleep… and he wondered if this was heaven or hell.

Re: Young Master Nicholas, the butler story (m/m)

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 2:04 pm
by PhantomThief
This is some good stuff. Love the captor's little taunts towards his submissive servant/captive.

Re: Young Master Nicholas, the butler story (m/m)

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 8:01 pm
by squirrel
Great chapter, very well written. Hope to read more soon!

Re: Young Master Nicholas, the butler story (m/m)

Posted: Fri Mar 02, 2018 12:28 am
by harveygasson
Really great story, I'm very jealous of Thomas!

Re: Young Master Nicholas, the butler story (m/m)

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 8:42 pm
by sniffingyoursocks
Really cool story!

Can‘t wait to hear more about Master Nicholas and his servant.
Hope we‘ll see and hear more about his hit body :)

Re: Young Master Nicholas, the butler story (m/m)

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 12:23 am
by Xtc
OK. But may I suggest that you look at some pics of a Landrover?
Sorry, picky old Brit. here. We were once proud of our native workhorse. It doesn't have a boot!

Re: Young Master Nicholas, the butler story (m/m)

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 1:40 am
by bondagefreak
A few fun and intriguing start!
I very much look forward to seeing this continue and watch the relationship between Nicholas and Thomas evolve.

Just one correction though. If the two characters are 19 and 21 years of age, the title should indicate M/M and not m/m.

Don't keep us waiting too long for the next part!

Re: Young Master Nicholas, the butler story (m/m)

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 1:03 pm
by Deleted User 153
bondagefreak wrote: 6 years ago A few fun and intriguing start!
I very much look forward to seeing this continue and watch the relationship between Nicholas and Thomas evolve.

Just one correction though. If the two characters are 19 and 21 years of age, the title should indicate M/M and not m/m.

Don't keep us waiting too long for the next part!
Woops, it's corrected.

Currently working on a new chapter, hope to get it online soon

Re: Young Master Nicholas, the butler story (M/M)

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 3:05 am
by bondagefreak
[mention]Boundluis[/mention] Don't forget to add this story to the Story Catalogue section!

Re: Young Master Nicholas, the butler story (M/M)

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 2:18 am
by bondagefreak
Any news on this [mention]Boundluis[/mention]? Still waiting for the next chapter ;)

Re: Young Master Nicholas, the butler story (M/M)

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2018 7:00 am
by Deleted User 153
Work in progress, had some busy weeks, hope to get the next chapter up real soon.

Re: Young Master Nicholas, the butler story (M/M)

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 5:45 am
by Veracity
Boundluis wrote: 6 years ago Work in progress, had some busy weeks, hope to get the next chapter up real soon.
We are looking forward to it.

Re: Young Master Nicholas, the butler story (M/M)

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 12:42 pm
by Deleted User 153
finally had the time to finish the next chapter...

The first hour of the night, he spent testing his bonds, softly moaning in his gag. He didn’t want to wake Nicholas, who was asleep in a few steps from him. After realizing he would not be able to escape, he dozed off.

When the first light entered the room, Thomas woke up. He was surprised how well he slept. He looked over at the bed, where Nicholas was still asleep. Thomas kept quiet, the only thing he could do was look at his sleeping master, and look around in the wardrobe.

Nearly two hours later, Nicholas woke up. He got out of bed, walked into the bathroom and took a shower. When he returned, he walked into the dressing, completely ignoring his tied up butler.

“mmmphm?” Thomas tried to grasp his attention without any success. He saw Nicholas pull out a pair of brown kaki pants and a white shirt. Looks like his master went for the casual look. After Nicholas got dressed, he took a navy 3 piece suit, a light blue shirt and navy tie. He took it all back to the bathroom, along with a pair of handcuffs.

When he came back out, Nicolas started loosening Thomas’s bindings. When he was almost done he said “once you’re loose, you have 15 minutes. Go to the bathroom, take your gag out when you enter. Get yourself freshened up. You’ll find your clothes there as well. Get dressed, and cuff your hands behind your back. Then wait for me to get you. You better not be late, understand?”

Thomas nodded, and a muffled “yes sir” left his gagged mouth.

The second he got loose, he walked into the bathroom and took his gag out. He heard the door lock. Nowhere to go, that’s for sure. Thomas used the loo, freshened up, brushed his teeth, and got dressed again. He looked in the mirror to check if his look was flawless. He adjusted his tie, then took the chains and cuffed arms behind his back as told. He stood in front of the mirror for about 15 seconds when he heard the door unlock. It’s a good thing that Thomas had a good sense of time.

Nicholas looked pleased. He grabs Thomas by his arm and leads him downstairs. His legs got cuffed again to the long chain in the middle of the room. He unlocked the handcuffs and ordered to prepare breakfast. They ate in complete silence, and after breakfast, Thomas cleared the table, and while he did the dishes, Nicholas took out some new gear.

“Come over here” he said standing next to the couch. Thomas obeyed, and as soon as he got to the couch, Nicholas pulled his arms behind his back. His wrists got secured, next his upper arms. Coils of rope went round his torso, making sure he could not move his arms at all. The chains on his ankles got off, but his thigs and ankles were bound with a few feet of rope. Nicholas checked the knots, and was clearly satisfied with his work. The knots were strategically placed so no mather how Thomas moved, he could not reach for them. He was stuck, and unless Houdini was somehow a relative, he would not get loose without any help.
Although Thomas would not go anywhere, Nicholas had an extra thing in mind. He put Thomas on the couch, rolled him on his chest. He took another piece of rope and used it to connect Thomas’ wrists and ankles into a firm hogtie. As the rope got pulled tighter, Thomas moaned a bit, feeling the tension in his entire body.

“Well, nice work, even if I say so myself. Are you comfortable my boy?”
Thomas hesitated, but decided to be optimistic “Better than I expected sir, but … “ His words were cut of by a big wad of bandanas being shoved between his lips. Next he heard the sound of tape being unwrapped, and he felt the sticky material being wrapped around his head, sealing his lips shut and keeping the bandana right where Nicholas wanted it to be.

Nicholas, still pleased with his work, took a seat in the armchair. He poored a glass of bourbon, lit a cigar and started reading the novel that was on the table. Every once in a while , he took his eyes of the pages to look at his trussed up victim, struggling on the couch. Thomas felt vulnerable and aroused at the same time. A few hours went by until they heard a car pull on the driveway.

Thomas’ eyes filled with a slight panic, and Nicholas also was surprised by the seemingly unexpected visit… They heard the engine stop, and footsteps on the driveway…

Re: Young Master Nicholas, the butler story (M/M)

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 2:26 pm
by Xtc
Good to see this story progressing.

Re: Young Master Nicholas, the butler story (M/M)

Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 3:31 am
by bondagefreak
Nice! Glad to see an update here!

Anxious to read the next chapter and find out what you have planned for poor Thomas ;)
Keep it up!

Re: Young Master Nicholas, the butler story (M/M)

Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 5:11 am
by TiedNW
Wow, great story!

Maybe I should make a career switch and become a butler as well!

Re: Young Master Nicholas, the butler story (M/M)

Posted: Tue May 15, 2018 11:46 am
by squirrel
Very good cintinuation, I wonder who has arrived...

Re: Young Master Nicholas, the butler story (M/M)

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 9:52 am
by harveygasson
Great to see another part, looking forward to more :)

Re: Young Master Nicholas, the butler story (M/M)

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 6:10 am
by bondagefreak
[mention]Boundluis[/mention] Really enjoyed the gagging scene at the end of the last chapter.
The element of surprise was palpable.

Still holding out for reading the next chapter soon! ;)

Re: Young Master Nicholas, the butler story (M/M)

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 10:57 am
by Deleted User 153
bondagefreak wrote: 6 years ago @Boundluis Really enjoyed the gagging scene at the end of the last chapter.
The element of surprise was palpable.

Still holding out for reading the next chapter soon! ;)
thanks! I'll try to finish the next chapter as soon as possible, but I get distracted by all the stories that pop on the board... not that I blame any writer, but I've spent more time reading then writing. And I'm still deciding who will come through the door. I have two options, two different storylines... the horror!

Re: Young Master Nicholas, the butler story (M/M)

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 4:21 am
by bondagefreak
I'm glad to hear you've been enjoying other stories on the board,
Take your time, don't rush.

Having different possibilities on where to take things is not necessarily a bad thing, quite the opposite.
At the risk of making this sound simplistic, go with your instincts and try to develop things several chapters ahead in your mind.

There are several binary-note/meditation/concentration rhythms on Youtube for when you're feeling easily distracted or lacking inspiration. Just know that so far, I've greatly enjoyed the chapters you've produced, and I know others have as well.

Re: Young Master Nicholas, the butler story (M/M)

Posted: Thu May 31, 2018 6:53 am
by Deleted User 153
bondagefreak wrote: 6 years ago
Having different possibilities on where to take things is not necessarily a bad thing, quite the opposite.
At the risk of making this sound simplistic, go with your instincts and try to develop things several chapters ahead in your mind.
Well, I had the story planned out with scenario one. but during the writing proces, the second came to mind. So it's curently still a battle, but I feel one is taking the upper hand. So it's a mather of time before the writers block dissapears!
bondagefreak wrote: 6 years ago
There are several binary-note/meditation/concentration rhythms on Youtube for when you're feeling easily distracted or lacking inspiration.
Thanks for the tip, I'll give the meditating a go :lol: :mrgreen:

Re: Young Master Nicholas, the butler story (M/M)

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2019 10:23 pm
by bondagefreak
[mention]boundluis[/mention] Now that you're back, you should appeal to [mention]Xtc[/mention] or [mention]BoundJana[/mention]'s abundant mercies and ask either one of them (very nicely) to reinstate you as the author of these story posts.

I'd very much like to see a continuation of this tale in the future.

Re: Young Master Nicholas, the butler story (M/M)

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2019 1:00 pm
by boundluis
bondagefreak wrote: 5 years ago @boundluis Now that you're back, you should appeal to @Xtc or @BoundJana's abundant mercies and ask either one of them (very nicely) to reinstate you as the author of these story posts.

I'd very much like to see a continuation of this tale in the future.
Right, I got an unfinished story here. got to get myself inspired and motivated to get this one going again. I'll see if I can work my "magic" :D

Re: Young Master Nicholas, the butler story (M/M)

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 11:10 pm
by bondagefreak
[mention]boundluis[/mention] You've been real quiet lately, mate.
I understand if you're at a loss for ideas and lack motivation for this tale. It's been a while after all.
But I hope you'll be entertaining us with some new pieces again in the future.

Really enjoy reading your stuff.
Missing your comments by the way.