The Further perils of the Amazing Wanda (COMPLETE!!!) (MF/MF)

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Deleted User 769

The Further perils of the Amazing Wanda (COMPLETE!!!) (MF/MF)

Post by Deleted User 769 »

Introducing the very first, some say debut, chapter of an all new Amazing Wanda adventure.
I'm going to try to write/ release this story periodically - hopefully once a week (like Charles Dickens, but different!) so any feedback, suggestions, comments will be greatly appreciated and may well shape the future of this tale.

So, let us begin,..

In the school holidays, days are endless,.. stretched out as if on a rack. Beneath an unblemished sky, changing yet changeless as canal water, the sun seemed to be trapped in the narrow streets between the houses. Even the birds were silent and still, as though it were too hot to even consider bursting into song. Sadly however I was in no position to enjoy the weather as I was currently the hostage (albeit a willing one) of a face painted Indian brave armed to the teeth with a suction cup bow and arrows.
The muggy, oppressive heat pressed down on me as I tried to get comfortable in my improvised tent prison. Sweat trickled down my neck and back like warm soup as my hands and feet were securely bound with cotton clothesline. It was high noon in the Wild West and I (in the guise of the arch gunslinger/ internationally ignored magician Wanda Daniels) was waiting to learn my fate at the hands of the murderous tribe.

“Nicky,” I exclaimed, addressing my youngest captor and shattering the fourth wall into the bargain “If you are going to insist on running around without a shirt, can you at least put on some sunscreen?”

“Aww, no fair!” He sulked “Must I?”

“If you want me to continue playing” I explained
Reluctantly Nicky agreed to the terms, shuffling back to the house to avail himself of the facilities, leaving me alone in my cell.

It was, in case the jelly, cake and ice cream weren't enough of a clue, it was the Birthday of one of my regular babysitting charges Nicky (see previous installment) and apparently what he wanted, what he really, really wanted,.. was a Cowboy and Indian themed party and just guess who he wanted to cast in the role of the helpless damsel in his game?
Of course, being something of a budding escape artist with ropes on the brain I had happily acquiesced to taking part in his little role-play scenario, even dressing up in some Western duds for the occasion. Raiding my Mother’s closet I had liberated a pair of old cowboy-boots, some tight fitting wrangler jeans, a long sleeved white blouse with large black pussy blow, and a leather waistcoat with a tin sheriffs badge.
In truth I looked a little less like a fearsome cowgirl and more like an extremely low-budget Dolly Parton, but still,..
In truth, the ropes pinning my arms behind my back, whilst snug, were not uncomfortably tight, however despite my notable prowess as a budding (if distinctly amateur) escape artist, getting free was the last thing on my mind. The part, as written didn't call for an escape, but rather a stoic, somewhat feisty character performance and so that is what I intended to deliver.
The Olivier of Damsels in Distress performances if you will.
The plot, such as it was, was almost childishly simple (which wasn't really an insult since its author was scarcely out of short trousers and still hid behind the sofa whenever he saw a Dalek on TV) I was playing the part of Wanda, a brave frontierswoman in the American Old West who had been kidnapped for ransom, whilst Nicky, was pulling double duty as both the Indian chief who took me hostage, and later, the heroic cowboy rancher who rescued me.
Shifting my position slightly to avoid a stony patch of grass (no easy feet with your hands pinned) I waited patiently for the Birthday boy to return,..

Next episode: The return of Germaine
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Post by Solarbeast »

Interesting idea for a continuation of these great storylines and character lines. I can't wait to read the next part, the Return of Germaine, as I expect that she must have learned something about tying someone up from the past stories.
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Post by jayarieldrillowup »

Great opening chapter. Keep it up.
'And behold one arose who once was thought to be dead and he spoke saying,"Heaven said I was too evil and hell said I was too good." Now he wanders forever as an immortal with magic as his birthright and as his curse.'
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Post by Veracity »

Thanks for sharing your story. Please remember that all stories must be tagged for gender. Guidelines are here:
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Post by Deleted User 769 »

Solarbeast wrote: 6 years ago Interesting idea for a continuation of these great storylines and character lines. I can't wait to read the next part, the Return of Germaine, as I expect that she must have learned something about tying someone up from the past stories.
Glad you enjoyed the opening salvo of this brand new adventure.
Hmm, maybe you're right. Do you think I made a mistake delivering myself into Germaine's clutches?,.. ;)
Last edited by Deleted User 769 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

Veracity wrote: 6 years ago Thanks for sharing your story. Please remember that all stories must be tagged for gender. Guidelines are here:
Done and done.
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

jayarieldrillowup wrote: 6 years ago Great opening chapter. Keep it up.
Glad you're enjoying it thus far.
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

Here be Dragons,..

Welcome friends, and thanks for tuning in.
So, to summarize,.. as part of my babysitting duties I had agreed to play the part of the captive gunslinger in a game of Cowboys and Indian’s.
As we rejoin the story I remained under armed guard in the Chieftain's hut, awaiting rescue (or something worse,..)

“Hey there paleface,..” Came a familiar, raspy voice from just outside the tent.

“Germaine?” I replied with a mixture of excitement and rising terror.

“In the glorious flesh. Live and in living colour” She said stepping inside

For those of you with short memories Germaine was Nicky’s somewhat sadistic, albeit extremely charismatic elder sister (equal parts Bellatrix Lestrang and Alice Cooper) who had vowed to exact a bloody revenge on me ever since I had left her bound and gagged during my last visit (see: The Perils of the Amazing Wanda for finer details)
Today she was dressed in a pair of leopard skin ankle length boots, red and green stripped leggings beneath a voluminous black skirt and a figure hugging Black Sabbath tour shirt and short, black fishnet gloves. It wasn’t immediately apparent if the streak of black war paint beneath her eyes was part of a Native American costume or simply a happy coincidence.

“All tied up and no place to go I see”

“We’re playing a game of Cowboy’s and Indian’s” I explained, rather needlessly.

“I assumed there was a reason you were dressed like a librarian from the 18th century and my Brother was stripped to the waist and covered in animal fur”

“Did he remember to put on sunscreen?” I found myself asking

“He did indeed. Although he might have put on a little too much,.. last time I saw him he looked like Casper the Friendly ghost. I sent him back inside to clean up”

“Thanks” I said laughing, imagining the scene.

“Don’t mention it”

“So Sheriff, how are you enjoying your stay so far?” Germaine asked cheerily, adopting the tone of hotel receptionist.

“Well, now that you mention it, I have a few complaints,..”

“Such as?”

“Well, for starters this mattress is incredibly lumpy, the air conditioning appears to be malfunctioning and when I arrived this morning there were none of those tiny mints on my pillow,..”
“Anything else?” She asked, pretending to write down my list of complaints.

“Also, yes, I believe I was promised a room with a ‘Sea view’,..”


“So imagine my surprise when I discovered that the nearest ocean is 10,000 miles in that direction?” I said indicating a location somewhere over my left shoulder.

“Is that everything?” She asked, sounding bored.

“Well, also is it standard practice to keep your hotel guests tied up?”

“I assure you that this is a service we only extent to our favourite clients”

“I’m flattered” (I wasn’t lying)

“Okay, so what happens now?”

“Well, as I understand the facts you’ve been accused of desecrating an ancient Indian burial ground”

“Okay, point of order. One: I suspect native American’s don’t refer to their own graveyards as an ‘Ancient Indian burial grounds’ and Two: I’m only here because your goons kidnapped me and bundled me into the back of a stagecoach”

“Well, if you didn’t want to visit our Holy site then maybe you should have raised your objections at
the time”

“I tried. But someone had put tape all over my mouth – speaking of which, I may not have paid a great deal of attention in Science (which was true. My mind/ gaze often drifted to watching the boys soccer practice that took place below our class room,..) but I don’t think duct tape was even invented yet,..“

“Would you rather we used a more authentic measure of restraint next time, a leather strap gag for instance,..” She said taunting me

“Fine. Use the tape. But the fact remains that I was bought here against my will”

“So you’re arguing a technicality,..?”

“Do you think that would help?” I asked hopefully.

“Almost certainly not”

“How disappointing. And do they take that sort of thing seriously?” I asked hopefully.

“The desecration?,..”


“Well I’d certainly think about canceling any dinner plans,..”

It was at this point that Nicky, the palest native American in the Old West decided to make his return.

“Princess Tiger Lilly. Have you finished interrogating the prisoner?”

“She still refuses to talk” Germaine reported back.

“How disappointing” He said, eyeing me up and down in a way that made me feel a little uncomfortable.

“Might I suggest a new form of torture for our hostage?” Germaine suggested.

“Is it wicked and devious, sadistic and unspeakably cruel?”

“Of course”

“Then I’m all ears” Nicky replied happily.

And with that the pair snuck out of the tent and walked back to the house (all the better to discuss their evil plans away from prying eyes/ ears)

Playing the part of the feisty damsel I that this was the perfect opportunity to launch my escape bid. Working quickly I began to tug at the ropes around my wrists, kicking my legs together furiously in an effort to shake myself free of my bindings. After a few moments of frantic rolling around on the rug I had finally managed to slip my hands free of my ropes and was just in the middle of untying my ankles when my kidnapper returned.

“Well, well, well,.. free already. A new record?” Germaine said happily.

“You almost sound impressed. Where’s Nicky?”

“Oh, he’s run off to have some cake. He left me in charge”

“So, you’re here to keep me prisoner until he returns?”

“In a manner of speaking,..” She said flashing a lopsided grin that reminded me of a cat toying with its lunch.

So, I take it you two have cooked up an overly elaborate escape for me to perform?,..”

“Don’t we always?”

“And would you care to enlighten me on some of the finer details?”

“I wouldn't want to ruin the surprise”

“Color me intrigued. So how soon can we begin?”

“Well, you’ll be delighted to learn that we’ve scheduled your headline act for thirty minutes from now,..”

“How exciting. Do I get access to catering, hair and make-up, my own dressing room,..?”

“No. No and definitely not. You know you really should consider hiring a better theatrical agent,..”

“You’re telling me. Last week I performed an escape at a church fete and got paid in corn,..”

“That’s funny” She said in a flat laconic tone “However, I don’t have time to stand here gossiping all day. I need to get the stage ready,..”

“Excellent. How can I help?” I asked, eager to join in.

“Ah, well, like I said, we want your next escape trick to be a surprise,..”

“Yes, you had mentioned that,.. but don’t worry, you can trust my discretion,..”

“No doubt. No doubt. But, just to be sure,..” And with that Germaine threw me over a pair of solid steel handcuffs.

“Cool!” I exclaimed happily, turning them over and studying the lock mechanism “Where did you find them?”

“In my parents bedroom”

“You didn’t tell me that one of your parents were with the police”

“That’s because they’re not. Why do you ask?” She asked in a manner that suggested she was not unfamiliar with the concept of deadpan humor.

“What do you intend to do with these you fiend?!”

“Why me, nothing,.. at least not yet. Why? Do you think I should?” She teased
Feeling sheepish I declined to answer.

“However when I said I wasn’t going to use the handcuffs,..” with that Germaine passed me a black scarf.

My curiosity was piqued. It was difficult to conceal the mounting excitement in my voice

“Tie that over your eyes”

I did as I was told, blindfolding myself.


Next she placed another scarf in my hands.

“Now put this in your mouth. Make it good and tight or I’ll have to do it myself”

Seeing little alternative. And frankly having far too much fun to consider saying ‘no’ I took the scarf and tied it firmly between my teeth, cinching the knot as tight as I dared.

“My, my” She cooed admiringly causing me to blush a deep shade of crimson. “what an eager young hostage you are,..”

“Now, if you’ll just put your hands behind your back,..”
Seconds later I felt the steel bracelets snap shut around my wrists.

“There” She exclaimed in triumph, planting a quick kiss on my cheek “That should keep you occupied. For at least a few minutes,..”

Silently I had to agree. Game or not, I was utterly helpless.
Only time would tell what fiendish escape the terrible twosome had in store,..

In the next, exciting episode we learn the horrifying truth about my latest escape.

In the meantime please feel free to offer any feedback (gushing praise) or even guesses/ suggestions/ speculations as to the nature of my next, death defying escape.
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Post by Solarbeast »

Yet another great continuation. I can’t wait to read what you have in mind for the next continuation.
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Post by jayarieldrillowup »

Hmm I highly suspect she will not be burned at the stake but who knows hehe.
'And behold one arose who once was thought to be dead and he spoke saying,"Heaven said I was too evil and hell said I was too good." Now he wanders forever as an immortal with magic as his birthright and as his curse.'
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Post by MaxRoper »

Bondage plus humorous writing equals an excellent story. Thank you! Continue in any manner you choose, I'm sure it'll be quite enjoyable.
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

Solarbeast wrote: 6 years ago Yet another great continuation. I can’t wait to read what you have in mind for the next continuation.
Super happy that you're enjoying reading about my (all new) adventures - the only question that remains is what exactly do my pint-sized captors have in store for me this time,..?
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

jayarieldrillowup wrote: 6 years ago Hmm I highly suspect she will not be burned at the stake but who knows hehe.
Holy Joan of Arc! Let's hope that I don't find myself served up as the main course of a family barbecue with an apple in my mouth (especially because I hate fruit!)
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

MaxRoper wrote: 6 years ago Bondage plus humorous writing equals an excellent story. Thank you! Continue in any manner you choose, I'm sure it'll be quite enjoyable.
Aww, you think I'm funny? Thank you kindly Good Sir.
I really appreciate the vote of confidence. Hope you enjoy the concluding chapter (s) of this latest adventure in which I make my grand escape from,.. well, that would be telling,.. :D
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

I feel like Nicky and Germaine are gonna have u do this escape on public. They take off ur blindfold and u see a crowd of neighbor kids (and maybe parents) watching u. Or even worse, they find out who you're crushing on and make you perform for him...
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Post by jayarieldrillowup »

Stiletto Amore wrote: 6 years ago
jayarieldrillowup wrote: 6 years ago Hmm I highly suspect she will not be burned at the stake but who knows hehe.
Holy Joan of Arc! Let's hope that I don't find myself served up as the main course of a family barbecue with an apple in my mouth (especially because I hate fruit!)
Just remember Native Americans sometimes did that to Caucasian captives in the old ancient days and besides aren't you the one who first called Germaine "a gothic Wednesday Adams?"
'And behold one arose who once was thought to be dead and he spoke saying,"Heaven said I was too evil and hell said I was too good." Now he wanders forever as an immortal with magic as his birthright and as his curse.'
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 6 years ago I feel like Nicky and Germaine are gonna have u do this escape on public. They take off ur blindfold and u see a crowd of neighbor kids (and maybe parents) watching u. Or even worse, they find out who you're crushing on and make you perform for him...
Hmm, funny you should say that,.. ;)
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

jayarieldrillowup wrote: 6 years ago
Stiletto Amore wrote: 6 years ago
jayarieldrillowup wrote: 6 years ago Hmm I highly suspect she will not be burned at the stake but who knows hehe.
Holy Joan of Arc! Let's hope that I don't find myself served up as the main course of a family barbecue with an apple in my mouth (especially because I hate fruit!)
Just remember Native Americans sometimes did that to Caucasian captives in the old ancient days and besides aren't you the one who first called Germaine "a gothic Wednesday Adams?"
An excellent point well made! Hmm, I’m starting to think I need to resolve myself to being tied to a stake of some description in the not too distant future,.. :D
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

Hail Caesar!

So, to recap,.. after (foolishly) agreeing to play the part of the helpless captive of a bloodthirsty tribe of Native American’s in a game of make-believe I was currently sat in a tent, dressed in an improvised cowgirl costume with my hands shackled, my eyes covered and my mouth gagged.
Of course, as a seasoned babysitter with extensive experience being taken hostage by the under twelves this was a situation not entirely without precedent and so I was largely content to ride out my capture and silently await my rescue.
It didn’t take long.
After a few moments of imprisonment I became aware of a set of footsteps immediately outside my prison.
Cautiously the zip was unfastened and somebody stepped inside.
“Nnggn?” I grunted, fully expecting to find my dashing young hero (Nicky – the Birthday Boy) had finally returned to set me free.

“Not quite” Came the amused reply.
It was a male voice. One I didn’t recognize.
All at once my blindfold was removed by a dexterous set of fingers and I found myself confronted by the sight of a slim, muscular young man with tousled red hair, thick and lustrous, and a set of cheekbones so high they should be illegal.

“I take it you were expecting someone else” he said, flashing a pearly white smile that transformed him from merely handsome into something approaching divine. In that moment I felt my body flush warm.
I was smitten.

“Nhh ghhld fhn thht!” I replied pathetically

He laughed warmly “Sorry I’m struggling to understand you with that thing in your mouth. Would you like me to take it off?
I mumbled something incoherent that he took to be a sign of ascent.
After a quick struggle he managed to unhook my gag so it hung uselessly around my neck
I was horrified to see it was covered in saliva

“Wow!” He said, gallantly pretending not to notice my drool soaked rag “that was really tight. Did Germaine do this to you?”

“In a manner of speaking,..” I replied, deciding, for the moment at least not to share the uncomfortable truth, that I had bound and gagged myself,..

“I’m sorry, where are my manners I don't think we've been formerly introduced, I’m Har-,..”

“You play in goal for the school football team!” I cut in, suddenly remembering where I had seen those legs before.

“You’re a fan?”

“I certainly am,..” I purred “I’ve watched all your matches.”
(At this point I wanted to add, ‘in fact you’re the reason I’m failing Science’ but decided this might make me sound too ‘stalkerish’,..)

There was an uncomfortable silence which I used to begin mentally planning for our imaginary wedding.

“So, what are you doing here?” I heard myself ask.

“Apart from rescuing you, you mean?”

“Yes” I replied sheepishly, “apart from that”

“Well I should probably ask you the same question. After all, this is my house”

“You mean?”

“I’m Harry,.. Germaine and Nick’s step-brother” he prompted me

“Oh” I replied “Well, I’m Samantha, I’m the babysitter”

“Pleased to meet you Samantha. But you didn’t explain how you came to be tied up in my brothers wigwam”

“Well,” I replied with a confidence I didn’t feel “Isn’t it obvious?”

“Not to me at least”

“We’re playing a game of Cowboys and Indian’s” I explained

“So, I guess that makes you the captured cowgirl?

“No kidding Sherlock” I teased

“No need to be rude, I can put the gag back in if you prefer,..”

“Sorry, sorry” I apologized hurriedly “I’ll be good”

“Pleased to hear it. So,” He said, glancing round “If you’re locked up in here, where are your captors?

“Well, I believe Nicky is back at the house blowing out the candles on his cake and,.. well, I’m not 100 percent sure where Germaine is, but I assume she’s off pulling the legs off some insects in a darkened corner somewhere,..”

“You don't sound too sore about being left, tied up in here, all alone”

“As a babysitter this happens more often than you might think”

“Really?” He said, sounding surprised, not to mention more than a little intrigued

“Oh yes, being bound and gagged is very much par of the course, an occupational hazard if you will,.. (which was true – hence why I loved my job so much)

“Well, nevertheless, it’s still really is very irresponsible of them to leave you all alone like this,..”

“But I’m not all alone silly, you’re here with me”

“I guess,..” he said sheepishly

“So, now the formal introductions have been made you need to decide what happens next”

“How do you mean?”

“Well, are you going to untie me, or keep me locked up?” I said wriggled experimentally in my bonds and glanced up at him with a coquettish look in my eye.
“Erm,..” He stammered, unsure how to proceed.

“Why Mr Darcy, I do believe you’re cheeks are turning red,..”
(That’s right readers, the Captain of the football team visibly blushed at the sight of me tied up)

“But I really shouldn't tease. If you agree to play I promise to be a well behaved hostage”

“Well, you had better hope that if I do decide to play I am also a lenient jailer,..” He said with a lopsided grin.

So dear readers, we are faced with a choice, is Harry friend or foe? Will I be set free? Will my footballing beau join me in captivity? Or am I to be left to face Germaine’s inescapable death trap alone? Answers on a postcard please. All votes/ suggestions will be counted and independently verified.
Until the next time,..
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Post by jayarieldrillowup »

Ah yes. Was wondering when her/your romantic interest would return. But wait doesn't Wanda already have a boyfriend? Cheating girlfriends deserve extra punishing bondage especially if tied tightly to who they are thinking of cheating with. And I know Germaine well enough she would never hesitate to take advantageous usage of this blackmail scene you have delightfully presented us with today.
'And behold one arose who once was thought to be dead and he spoke saying,"Heaven said I was too evil and hell said I was too good." Now he wanders forever as an immortal with magic as his birthright and as his curse.'
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

I feel like Harry is going to keep Sam that way, but be really sweet to her. Or, he'll want to go on her phone to see what she thinks of him. So he tortures Sam (either through tickling her into submission or getting Germaine to scare the passcode out of her) until she gives the passcode and he learns her infatuation for him.
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Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

jayarieldrillowup wrote: 6 years ago Ah yes. Was wondering when her/your romantic interest would return. But wait doesn't Wanda already have a boyfriend? Cheating girlfriends deserve extra punishing bondage especially if tied tightly to who they are thinking of cheating with. And I know Germaine well enough she would never hesitate to take advantageous usage of this blackmail scene you have delightfully presented us with today.
Try to think of it less as cheating per say, and more as something akin to window shopping - did I mention that he has cheekbones that could cut glass?
As for being tied to Henry? Well, you wouldn't hear any objections from me (gag, or no gag!)
Here's hoping,.. :)
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

TamatoaShiny123 wrote: 6 years ago I feel like Harry is going to keep Sam that way, but be really sweet to her. Or, he'll want to go on her phone to see what she thinks of him. So he tortures Sam (either through tickling her into submission or getting Germaine to scare the passcode out of her) until she gives the passcode and he learns her infatuation for him.
Well, keeping a damsel tied up doesn't sound very chivalrous,.. ;)
Not that I'm complaining you understand,...
As for my phone, I would never give up the passcode - even under threat of torture!!
(*Not least because there are literally dozens of pictures of a certain footballer who shall remain nameless,..)
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Post by jayarieldrillowup »

Stiletto Amore wrote: 6 years ago
jayarieldrillowup wrote: 6 years ago Ah yes. Was wondering when her/your romantic interest would return. But wait doesn't Wanda already have a boyfriend? Cheating girlfriends deserve extra punishing bondage especially if tied tightly to who they are thinking of cheating with. And I know Germaine well enough she would never hesitate to take advantageous usage of this blackmail scene you have delightfully presented us with today.
Try to think of it less as cheating per say, and more as something akin to window shopping - did I mention that he has cheekbones that could cut glass?
As for being tied to Henry? Well, you wouldn't hear any objections from me (gag, or no gag!)
Here's hoping,.. :)
:shock: If I had done that, my ex would have filed for divorce first. No thanks XD.

Now as for you and Harry Horrible (hehehe), don't you think it best he leaves before Germaine comes back and decides to practice her knive sharpening on you both?!
'And behold one arose who once was thought to be dead and he spoke saying,"Heaven said I was too evil and hell said I was too good." Now he wanders forever as an immortal with magic as his birthright and as his curse.'
Deleted User 769

Post by Deleted User 769 »

jayarieldrillowup wrote: 6 years ago
Stiletto Amore wrote: 6 years ago
jayarieldrillowup wrote: 6 years ago Ah yes. Was wondering when her/your romantic interest would return. But wait doesn't Wanda already have a boyfriend? Cheating girlfriends deserve extra punishing bondage especially if tied tightly to who they are thinking of cheating with. And I know Germaine well enough she would never hesitate to take advantageous usage of this blackmail scene you have delightfully presented us with today.
Try to think of it less as cheating per say, and more as something akin to window shopping - did I mention that he has cheekbones that could cut glass?
As for being tied to Henry? Well, you wouldn't hear any objections from me (gag, or no gag!)
Here's hoping,.. :)
:shock: If I had done that, my ex would have filed for divorce first. No thanks XD.

Now as for you and Harry Horrible (hehehe), don't you think it best he leaves before Germaine comes back and decides to practice her knive sharpening on you both?!
Ha, ha! Okay, I conceed that this is something of a grey area (morally speaking) but I'm not sure it even counts as cheating if I'm tied up (and the footballer in question looks like a young Johnny Depp)
Hmm, now that you mention it, I am a little concerned that we haven't heard from Germaine in some time,..
I just hope she isn't busy building a bonfire,.. or possibly a Wicker man,.. :D
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