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Where No One Has Gone Before (M/MF)

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 7:34 pm
by havonar
“Where No One Has Gone Before”

Paula and Steven were excited to attend the Star Trek convention being held at the convention center downtown. They have been seeing each other for the past four years. They spent hours preparing their costumes for the event just as they had done for the last three conventions they attended together. In fact, they met and fell for each other at their first convo.

Paula, an attractive tall slender girl with dark hair and an ample bosom, wanted to play a Vulcan science officer. Her outfit was designed in the fashion of the original 1960s TV series: a sky blue short dress, black nylons, shiny faux leather boots and, of course, plastic pointed ears. And a must have accessory: a tricorder. Steven, an average looking well built guy slightly taller than Paula, dressed as an Original Series engineer with a red shirt, black trousers, and dull black faux leather boots.

“You look great, Paula,” Steven said. “Have you thought of a name for your character?”

“It’s only logical to call myself Saavik,” she replied.

“Ah, yes. The first female Vulcan Starfleet officer to appear in the Star Trek universe. Makes sense.”

“What about your name?” Paula asked.

“Steven is just fine… We need to leave now in order to get in when the doors open.”

“Well, beam us up, Steven,” Paula joked.


The parking lot of the convention center was filling up fast. Once Steven parked his car, the two trekkers briskly walked to the main entrance. People dressed as all kinds of aliens and starship personnel began to file into the venue just as Steven and Paula reached the stairs leading to the doorway.

“We made it,” Paula said. “I can’t believe a convo is finally being held here in our city!”

“It beats driving a couple hundred miles like we did last year,” Steven added.

“Let’s get in line to register. Let’s not forget our ID tags like we did two years ago.”

“Aye, aye, Commander Saavik.”

As Paula fought her way to get in line, she stumbled into the back of a rather large man dressed impressively as a Next Gen Klingon.

“Sorry,” Paula said.

The Klingon turned around and grimaced at her.

“How dare you assault Chug, a member of the Klingon High Council!” the man barked.

“Ha, ha. Great costume, Chug! Did you make it yourself?” Paula said.

Another Klingon ahead in the line, Noth, joined his comrade. Noth stared intently at Steven.

“Silence! You must properly atone for your dishonorable act!” Chug demanded.

Paula was getting a little worried. She glanced at Steven.

“Hey, hey, enough with the performance. We get that you’re into being Klingon, but I think you’re going overboard,” Steven said.

“Overboard? Overboard? We’ll see about that! Come, Noth.”

The Klingons fell out of the line and exited the building.

“Boy, that was weird,” Steven remarked.

“And scary,” Paula added.

“Let’s forget the whole thing. The Klingons left. We’ve got the whole day to enjoy ourselves.”

“You’re right, Steven. I’ll put the confrontation out of my mind.”


“Do you think the girl was convinced that we were seriously pissed off at her?” Noth wondered.

“Absolutely. She looked worried, like we were about to get violent,” Chug said.

The two Klingons were leaning against Chug’s pickup truck drinking a couple cans of beer.

“And now for Part 2 of the plan.”

Chug opened the driver side door and removed a large tote bag from behind the seat. He showed Noth the contents.

“Man, you sure have a lot of belts and straps in the bag. What are they for?”

“I usually use them to bind and gag my girlfriend Leann during our intimate moments, if you get my meaning,” Chug said. “But today I’ll have another use for them. Let me explain to you how this is gonna go down…”


Paula and Steve were having a great time at the convo. They began the day browsing the Star Trek collectibles in the large exhibition hall. Then they attended an interview with several actors featured on the currently running TV series. After the interview concluded, they inspected the information tables lining the hallways.

“Steven, I need to visit the ladies’ room. Here, hang on to my tricorder.”

“Okay. I’ll wait for you at this table.”

Paula followed the signs leading her to a dark, vacant hallway. The restroom was at the end. She was about to open the door when a hand covered her mouth while an arm pinned her arms to her waist.

“Don’t make a sound or you will be hurt,” Chug ordered.

He removed his hand from her mouth and opened the door opposite the restroom. It was stocked with cleaning supplies. A tote bag was sitting on a table. Chug yanked Paula’s arms behind her back, holding them together palm to palm. He pulled out a 30” belt, wound it around her forearms, and then fastened the buckle.

“Why are you doing this to me? I told you I was sorry for bumping into you.”

“Let’s just say I don’t accept your apology.”

Chug used a 52” belt to secure her upper arms and then her chest just below her breasts.

A 40” belt was wound around her wrists and over her waist.

A 30” belt bound together her legs just above the knees and another 30” was used on her ankles.

Paula pleaded with the Klingon to let her go as he gently lowered her to the floor. He reached into his bag to reveal a leather panel gag. He pulled the panel over her mouth and buckled it tightly at the back of her neck. His package was now complete. He dragged her to the wall at the opposite side of the cramped room.

Paula squirmed, fighting the severe loops of belt. She tried to scream but the gag reduced her cries to a dull squeak.


There were two quick raps on the door. Chug opened it and Steven was forced inside by Noth.


“Shut up and stand straight,” Chug commanded.

Chug removed a 2’ rubber strap from his tote bag. He held Steven’s arms together palm to palm behind his back. He tied the strap around his wrists. Additional straps were applied in the same manner as Paula’s belts.

Finally, four handkerchiefs were each wadded up and then stuffed into Steven’s mouth. They were held in place by the last rubber strap which was pulled between his teeth and knotted at the back of his neck.

“Mmmppphhh!” Steven said.

Chug and Noth slowly lowered Steven to the floor and dragged him next to his girlfriend.

“I think our work is done for now. We’ll see you in a few hours. Don’t go anywhere!”

Chug and Noth chuckled as they left the storage room.


The two Starfleet crew members struggled mightily with their bonds. They sat back to back trying to unfasten buckles and untie knots. They were unsuccessful. Escape seemed impossible. Exhausted, they sat with their backs (arms) against the wall. Paula laid her head on Steven’s shoulder and they both fell asleep.

“Aw, isn’t this adorable? Have you had enough, Steven?”

Steven, now awake, shook his head yes.

After the Klingons untied Steven, the guys all gave each other high fives. Paula, still bound and gagged, had a confused look on her face.

“Paula, I’d like to introduce you to my longtime friends, Brandon and Wayne. I asked them to participate in this little drama. Do you remember when you and your girlfriends played that practical joke on me with the itching powder? This is payback. By the way, being tied up beside you was one of the most pleasurable experiences of my life!”

Paula’s face was beet red. She shook with anger. Paybacks are a bitch.