Trial and Punishment (mm/mm)

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Trial and Punishment (mm/mm)

Post by cj2125 »

Rick threw his t-shirt on the laundry basket, picking up a towel to dry the sweat from his skin and collapsed on his bed letting out a satisfied sigh. There was nothing like spending the morning playing basket with his friends and returning home to find it empty, no parents or annoying brothers, only a leftover pizza waiting for him, it was going to be a great day.

“I’m home!” and… it was ruined! Rick rolled his eyes listening his brother’s footsteps making their way upstairs, followed by a second set of footsteps. At least he wasn’t alone; they had an unspoken agreement to not mess with each other when friends were involved, granted he kinda broke the agreement a week ago when he held one of his brother’s friends for ransom but in his defense, it had been justified, Tom really went low that time; still he hoped that perhaps he could still enjoy his day unbothered.

Rick had just closed his eyes and leaned his head back when his door burst opened and in walked his annoying little brother “Get out before I murder you” Rick sighed opening his eyes, just as he thought, Tom wasn’t alone. Behind him was a taller, brown-haired boy but it wasn’t him what caught his attention, it was the items they were carrying on their hands: a couple of white zip ties and a roll of clear tape; Rick didn’t have to be a genius to know what they were planning on doing with those

“Hell no! Tom, you better don’t do what you are planning to do…”

“Sorry bro, but you can’t mess with my best friend without repercussions” Tom and Dylan gave a step forwards and Rick immediately jumped off his bed backing against the wall

“Hey! I told Dylan I was sorry, besides it was Tom’s fault, why aren’t you mad at him?”

“He already made up” Dylan shrugged “and I can stay mad at this loser forever” he added teasing Tom who merely rolled his eyes “Now, are we gonna do this the easy way or the hard way?”

Rick replied dashed forwards, shoving Tom aside and making it pass Dylan. He managed to startle them long enough to make it to the corridor but his escape ended abruptly when a pair of arms wrapped around his waist and a whole extra weight knocked him to the ground

“What the hell?” Rick screamed trying to get rid of Dylan “How are you so strong?”

“I’m not… you are… just embarrassingly… weak…” Dylan panted, struggling to keep him down. The fight was over the moment Tom caught up with them. Between the two they held Rick’s wrists together, wrapping the zip tie around them and tightening it until the plastic was digging into his flesh

“That’s too tight!” Rick winced through grinded teeth

“That’s what happens for putting up a fight” Dylan panted while getting off him

Rick sat up examining his bindings while Tom and Dylan exchanged high fives “Now let’s go bro, and you better no try to run or we’ll tie your legs and make you bunny hop!” Rick decided that it would be on his better interest to cooperate with those kids, at least until he found a way of escaping so he reluctantly followed them downstairs, through the kitchen and into the backyard. A shiver ran down his spine as his bare feet stepped on the wet grass of their garden

“Can’t we just have a laugh about this?” Rick asked nervously as he watched the boys pick up the tape

“Oh, we will, after this we are all gonna laugh” said Tom shoving him towards the end of the yard were an old tree was waiting for them.

“You’ve got to be kidding me” Rick grunted as his little brother shoved him against the three, his back feeling the harsh bark. Dylan held his hands down, resting over his groin while Tom wrapped the clear tape around his waist, above and below his chest so he was not only taped to the tree but he was unable to lift his arms “Is this really necessary?” Rick asked giving the tape a slight tug while the boys wrapped more tape around his legs.

“Can I at least know what you are gonna do to me?” Rick asked trying to pull his arms free, even though scotch was weaker than duct tape, it still worked on keeping his body pinned down

“You’ll find soon” Tom grinned deviously “But if you manage to escape well forget about everything” he added
Rick nervously struggled against the tape, it tensed and loosened up a little bit but not enough to be helpful. The two boys watched him wanting to be sure he wasn’t going to escape at any time soon. “Okay guys, you got me good, now what… hey that’s mine!” Rick exclaimed noticing Tom pull out his phone from his pocket

“I know, I just need you to give me your password so we can call Peter to join you” he smiled innocently.

“No way! Come on guys! You already got me, keep Peter out of this!” Rick pleaded, he was willing to take whatever punishment his brother had thought, it was part of their ongoing war after all, but he didn’t want to get his best friend into that mess

“What an idiot! He thinks he has a say on the matter” Tom chuckled, the daggers Rick shoot him seemed to have no effect on him

“You see buddy...” Dylan leaned closer and tugged at his hair forcing him to look at them “You are telling us the password whether you like it or not” Rick glared at them defiantly and suggested a place where they could stick the phone which the boys didn’t find funny. Luckily for them, they had foreseen his refusal and were ready with a second counteroffer. Rick decided that betraying his best friend would be better than having his every hair from his body waxed off (head included).

Peter had just come out of the shower when he got Rick’s message, the teenager grinned at the thought of having free pizza (and of course spending time with his best friend). In retrospect there were a few odd things about the message, like the fact that he referred to him by his first name instead of a derogatory adjective for his intelligence or his specific request to meet him in his backyard, but at that moment nothing raised an alarm for him. Since he didn’t have anything better to do he decided that might as well visit his friend.

The ride in his bike only took ten minutes. He leaned his bicycle against the white wooden wall and walked by the side of the house taking the driveway. He didn’t suspect anything was amiss until he peeked over the white fence that surrounded Rick’s backyard and noticed his friend’s predicament. Apart from his awkward position, the boys had taken care of wrapping several layers of clear tape around his head, sealing his lips and keeping his head still against the tree

Being a good friend, Peter laughed at his friend’s predicament and took out his phone to take pictures of him, ignoring the deathly glares he was shooting at him. “Let me guess, your brother did this to you?” Rick nodded as best as the tape left him, his cheeks bright pink, his lips comically pressed together “Man, you are lame! Can’t believe a twelve-year-old boy did that to you”

“Hm whfn't hlhnm!” Rick tried to warn him, from his position, Peter couldn’t see the two kids hiding behind the garage building, holding the roll of tape and a black sport sack, ready to pounce at any moment

“And I guess you want me to help you out…” Peter grinned milking the situation for all its worth. Rick kept trying to warn him of the incoming danger but Peter didn’t even made an effort to decipher his gagged moans “I’ll help you with two conditions” he grinned raising two fingers “One that you admit that I’m the most awesome person in the world and two, that you carry my books for a month” Rick stopped his struggles looking at Peter offended; suddenly keeping his friend safe didn’t seemed like a priority. After taking a quick glance at his captors, he smiled at Peter and nodded

“Nhh hrm thm mhft hmhzhnng pmrfhn Hmn thm whrld”

This time Peter did understand what he said. Cockily, he opened the gate going about how awesome friend he was and stepped inside just in time for the two kids to jump on him knocking him to the ground. Now, unlike Rick, Peter wasn’t a wimp, on the contrary, he had the building of a football player so he was well aware that he could easily get two twelve-year-old boys from him. The kids knew that too so they were prepared. Instead of trying to restrain Peter’s limbs, Tom slid the black sack over his head, pulling the opposite drawstrings, tightening them around his neck until they were touching each other. Dylan wasted no time and snapped a padlock around them, keeping improvised hood in place.

By the time Peter managed to get both kids off him it was too late, he could only blindly flail his arms around while the kids (and Rick for that matter) laughed at his attempts to remove the sack

“Get this dam thing off me!” he demanded frantically tugging at the lock, his voice slightly muffled by the fabric obscuring his face

“Sure, you just have to do exactly what we say” said Tom crossing his arms over his chest

“What about you take this off and I don’t kill you?” Peter threatened swinging his fist on the air, that would have looked threatening if he wasn’t swinging it at the hose on the wall instead of his captors

“Nah, I like our plan” Peter said a few words that suggested their mothers liked to have fun “Fine, have fun getting home like that” Tom smiled “let’s go inside Dylan”

“No wait…” Peter hesitatingly looked around, nervously fidgeting the edge of the sack, he could see some blurred shapes but there was no way he would make it safely back to his home “Fine… what do you want me to do?”

Dylan stepped forward with an ear-to-ear grin “I think it went: We need you to strip down to your undies!” clearly, he hadn’t forgotten the treatment he received

Peter froze for a moment and then nervously tugged at his collar but he didn’t seem to find a way out of his predicament “I guess that’s fair” Peter sighed defeated and reluctantly stripped down to his boxers. Dylan and Tom chuckled as Peter stood in the middle of their backyard with his arms crossed over his chest. “Just do whatever you are planning” he complained, they couldn’t see them, but his cheeks were bright red at that moment. Each boy grabbed one of Peter’s arms and pushed him against the tree, next to Rick “Woa! Me and Ricky are close friend but this is ridiculous!” Peter joked awkwardly while the kid’s held his hands together and wrapped tape around his wrists. The proceed to pull them down letting them rest on his lap and taped him up just like Rick although they didn’t bother to gag him, nobody would hear his screams after all

Once they were trapped, Tom hurried inside while Dylan stood in front of them, a cocky smile on his face, revenge truly was sweet! The prisoners stood against the tree, awkwardly rubbing each other’s elbows as the squirmed. Peter haven’t given up on escaping and was vigorously trying to flex his arms and bulge his muscles in a a vain attempt to break the tape. Rick, who had plenty of time to accept the hopelessness of their situation, stayed still, resting against the trunk, looking at Dylan with eyes wide open as he wondered what they were planning to do to them.

After making sure Peter wouldn’t break free, Dylan cleared his throat and started speaking with his most solemn voice “Richard Turd Sherman (he might have gotten wrong Rick’s middle name), you are accused of assault, kidnapping, stinking and being a lame dork, how do you declare yourself?”

“Hmnnhgmnt!” Rick tried to cry but his voice was muffled by the tape

“The record, he has claimed guilty” said Dylan deadpan, the tape prevented Rick from even shaking his head! “Peter Buckethead Montego (again, Dylan should have been more careful in his research for their full names) you are accused of assault, kidnapping, being an annoying brat and a pompous bastard, how do you declare yourself?”
Peter nervously shifted on his place, looking at were he hoped was Dylan “Umm… not guilty?”

“How does the jury found them?” asked Dylan just as Tom emerged from the house. Rick saw what he was carrying and his eyes opened wide and he let out a panicked gasp

“What was that? I didn’t like that sound” Peter muttered shaking his head, unable to see, Tom grinned deviously and uttered his verdict


“Being found guilty of the crimes you are accused, we condemn you to death by firing squad!”

“You said what?” asked Peter alarmed “Rick, they are joking right? RIGHT? They aren’t going to really shoot us RIGHT?” Rick wanted to assured his friend that they were joking but the evidence pointed to the contrary, there were no other uses he could think for the rifle Tom was carrying

“Dylan, would you like to make the honors?”

“Gladly Tom” said Dylan picking up the rifle, since it was his, he had more experience handling it and aiming it at Peter’s chest, he fired the first shot. Immediately a splatter of green paint appeared on his chest

“AAAAHHHHGGGG! YOU MOTHER…” the number of curses he threw made the boys consider gagging him but it was to much work for them. Dylan aimed the next shot at Rick. The poor guy closed his eyes and tried his best to turn his back on him but the green splatter soon appeared on his stomach


Dylan fired a few more shots at the helpless teens, taking special pleasure in their screams before handling the gun to Tom. Peter was lucky he couldn’t see or else he might have noticed the paint bullet exploding on the trunk between them, just inches from their heads. Rick wasn’t that lucky.

Despite this first blunder, Dylan helped his friend improve his aim and soon he was hitting the prisoner’s bodies. Peter and Rick were at least grateful for the position their hands had been tied since several times they shielded their more sensitive parts from being shot.

The kids continued torturing them; when they ran out of green bullets, they started using the orange ones and then the pink ones. The teens screamed each time they were shot, increasing the strength of their struggles. Rick even managed to stretch his jaw enough to loosen the tape, allowing him to join Peter on his threats and curses towards those little brats. So entranced were the boys with their punishment that they didn’t notice the tape was starting to give in and loosen until, accompanied with a roar, Peter managed to pull free one of his arms

“I suggest we continue this at my house” Dylan suggested noticing how he was angrily ripping the tape from his and Rick’s chests

“I like that idea” said Tom and both dashed as far as their legs allowed, laughing all the way and not stopping until they were safe and sound in Dylan’s’ house.

It took Peter and Rick half an hour to get rid of all the tape, leaving one with his wrists zip tied and the other with his head trapped on a sack. Once finally free, the two collapsed on the ground, sitting back to back, trying to recover their breaths, their bodies, covered in green, orange, pink and purple (the last one product of the nasty bruises they had gotten)

After a few minutes in silence, Rick finally got up and gave his friend a hand in standing up
“I’m going to kill Tom” Rick sighed picking up his shorts

“I won’t stop you” Peter replied holding Rick’s shoulder for guidance “but I must add this time they overdone themselves! That was brutal!”

“That was low” Rick said bitterly looking at the paint splashes on his chest

“It was low to drag Dylan and I into your stupid fight” Peter pointed, Rick gave him a sheepish smile that his friend, unable to see, missed

“Sorry about that, I guess you are not helping me anymore?”

“Nah, it’s fun messing with Tommy” Peter laughed “he is even more of a wimp than you” he pulled Rick in a headlock and ruffled his head

“I get it! I get it! Geoff me!” Rick laughed weakly punching Peter’s arm with his still zip tied hands

“Do you know how to get this off?” he asked tugging at his sack, unfortunately in their rush the kids had forgotten to leave the key behind. Rick leaned forward examining the strings

“I think I can cut it, come on, there are scissors in the kitchen” Rick smiled and led his friend inside but Peter tripped over the stairs falling face flat on the porch

“Oops, look out for the steps” said Rick not sounding too sorry

“I hate you” Peter laughed, his smile hidden by the sack and let Rick lead him inside, both teens laughing at each other’s predicament; true, Rick would make sure Tom paid for that, but vengeance wasn’t one of his priorities at that moment. He just wanted to enjoy what remained of his day with his best friend.
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Post by Xtc »

Nicely told. I hope that there are further accounts to render.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
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Post by FelixSH »

Nice one. I like stories were guys get tied up by their younger brothers, and "blinding" someone stronger so you can take him on is a neat idea. I also love how you created the atmosphere of a lazy summer day at the beginning and the end.

Well done. :)

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Post by drawscore »

Very good. A solid "A" (96-97)

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Post by harveygasson »

Fantastic story!
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Post by Chris12 »

Nice! I have a very big soft spot for little brothers capturing their big bro's :D
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