One Fun TUG Tale Weekend (mm/mm)

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Deleted User 122

One Fun TUG Tale Weekend (mm/mm)

Post by Deleted User 122 »

SPECIAL NOTE: This is a story I wrote and posted on the original TUGs board. For some reason - mostly in chapter three - there is some ASCII text garage that may make parts difficult to read. I don’t know yet how to correct this but I decided, nonetheless, to post the story for now. My apologies if a few areas are interrupted but most of the story is intact!

This short story was a request from another user who wrote me an outline of the plot and the characters…

One Fun TUG Tale Weekend (mm/mm)

Growing up as boys together -- Ryan and Connor -- was the best of times. The two brothers were tight-knit.

Ryan, 14, loved basketball and air-soft guns. He was lean and fit. Dusty blonde hair and blue eyes. An energetic, All-American boy full of mischief. He looked up to his brother, Connor.

Connor, 18, was well-behaved but a strong, determined teenager. He had blonde hair like Ryan, although not shaggy like his brother. Connor loved everything military and had buzz tight hair and big brown eyes. His close circle of friends were school jocks but Connor was dedicated to young ROTC and martial arts.

Their parents trusted Connor so much, they didn't think twice to leave him in charge when they took a two week cruise to Mexico. Their sprawling home, that slice of summer, became the main hangout for both their groups of friends. They all knew one another too.

Ryan was an unapologetic hyper, sometimes naughty young boy who instigated Connor. They grew up playing War Games like paintball in the woods behind their home. Ryan always insisted anyone shot was a prisoner who had to be tied up. He loved it either way but when he was tying the ropes, it was always agony for the prisoner. Especially when he caught his older brother. There'd be some form of humiliating element like gagging him with used socks or tickling him till he broke down. Being a good sport though, Ryan always took his punishment like a trooper. He was a tough little man.

One afternoon early into the parent's vacation, events would take place that sparked a week long experience of Ryan's brand of mischief. Ryan's friend Justin was spending the day over. They played video games and shot baskets in the back.

Justin, 14, was a skinny boy like Ryan with thick brown hair and blue eyes. He was coordinated but not muscle toned like Ryan. He was more shy than Ryan as well.

After the round of basketball, Ryan got frisky and broke out some of the ropes. He tied up a reluctant Justin in the basement playroom. He made him play more video games and watch TV while Justin was restrained. He also made him keep a squishy, foam made Nerf ball in his mouth. It was them just goofing off.

Connor returned from his martial arts class to see his younger brother's latest mischief. He felt a little sorry for Justin and made Ryan take the ball gag out of his mouth. The conversation wandered into "revenge" which Connor was eager to help Justin in tying up his little brother. They all agreed it would be a lot of fun. Ryan even helped untie Justin so he could be next.

Ryan kicked off his dirty sneakers and assumed the position on the floor, face down. Although Justin wanted to help the older boy, Connor did most of the tying. He had learned how to properly tie up guys from some of his martial arts and ROTC training. Connor was something of an expert.

An excited Ryan was tightly subjected to a hogtie with plenty of ropes applied all over his body. He loved it. Justin was equally excited to participate, being that it was his first time to restrain his typically dominate friend.

"How's that lil' man?" Connor smiled, poking his feet at Ryan's exposed, sensitive areas.

"Ugh… man, ha hah pretty good job. You done?" Ryan laughed.

Connor leaned into Justin's ear and told him, "That means he wants more. Probably a gag. He loves being pushed and tested!"

Ryan, hearing his brother, indirectly gave them a hint saying, "Ya, but no sweaty socks! No sweaty socks!"

"Ha hah, see dude! He likes weird shit. I gotta go upstairs. Some friends are coming over. Have fun," Connor smiled with a pat on Justin's back.

As Connor walked up the stairs, he nudged Justin a last time to proceed. Justin nodded and pulled off his skater sneaks. A warm odor carried in the air. He peeled off his moist, sheer thin Puma ankle socks. Waving them before Ryan face, he said, "How about these?"

"You wouldn't!" Ryan laughed, still indirectly suggesting he do that very thing. "I dare you!"

Justin shoved the rank footies into Ryan's mouth. Ryan made a modest protest but took his friend's foul socks deep into his mouth. He kept them gagged in his mouth while he had more fun bucking and struggling on the floor. Justin didn't have to secure any tape or bandana to hold the stinky socks. Ryan was role playing, pretending he couldn't spit them out. A normally reserved Justin slowly got more in to the hazing as he say Ryan pleased. He tickled Ryan like nuts on his sides and on his socked feet. Justin stepped up the torment when he gripped one of his own sneakers and cupped it to Ryan's face. "These stink?" he chuckled. Ryan took deep breaths. The inside of the shoe was overwhelmed with Justin's muggy, sweet smelling foot odor. This went on for good amount of time.

Meanwhile, Connor was changing clothes in his room upstairs. It had the typical adornments and smell of an active teenage male. He was was standing at his dresser mirror in his underwear. Connor had a soft, tanned smooth body. He was muscular and proud of the hard work he did to achieve it. A freshly cleaned Polo was draped over his head.

Before he could finish dressing, his close bud Jimmy came over and rushed upstairs to Connor's bedroom. "What up, foo'!" Jimmy shouted, bumping fists with Connor.

Jimmy, 17, had a build that was striking, near-perfect. Wearing a tight, sleeveless grey t-shirt that said "Hawks Wrestling" and jammers, he looked like a Ken doll. Milky white skinned, dash of freckles and a square jawed face with a pug nose. His red hair was a military crop, much like Connor's cut. Most of the younger boys at school and on his team saw Jimmy as menacing. But friends like Connor knew he was a spunky, carefree goof off.

"Let's bust out, C-Money! " Jimmy playfully jabbed away at Connor.

"Dude I'm still dressing" Connor laughed.

"I can see that. Tighty-whiteys?" he chuckled looking at Connor's white briefs.

"Go fix us some sandwiches in the kitchen. I'll be down," Connor suggested.

Jimmy shot downstairs like a rampaging horse. Connor shook his head and smiled as he slid in to his designer jeans. He reached for his same pair of dirty socks and shoes he wore earlier.

In the kitchen, Jimmy was making ham and cheese sandwiches with a helping of mayo. He heard the commotion in the basement from the kitchen accessible doorway.

Justin was in the middle of tickle assaults on Ryan as Jimmy ventured down to them eating his sandwich. "Whooaa!" he gasped, half-stuffed with bread in his mouth.

Justin and Ryan looked back and nodded casually at Jimmy.

"You dudes are gay," Jimmy laughed.

Connor soon marched down the stairs behind Jimmy and proudly explained his hand in the mischief.

"What's in his mouth?" Jimmy asked, referring to the Ryan's bloated cheeks.

"I put my socks in his mouth, dude," Justin proudly boasted.

"Rock on!" Jimmy applauded.

"Should we roll now?" Connor turned to Jimmy who gave him a sandwich to munch on.

Jimmy's face lit up with an idea and he whispered into Connor's ear. "You're just as bad as my bro! But I like it," Connor replied.

"So hey… you should keep him company while we're out, dude," Jimmy nudged at Justin. "Why don't you get permission to spend the night and we'll be back later. We'll continue the fun!"

"Really?" Justin smiled eagerly. He was excited to be accepted by the cool, older boys of his school. He couldn't say no.

But after Justin called his mother and got the okay to stay over, it backfired on him. The elder boys grabbed him.

Jimmy was the first to attack. Jumping Justin and easily pinning him to the floor. After all he was a champion wrestler. Connor got more rope out. Justin didn't put up much resistance either and let the older teenagers tie him up at the wrists and the ankles. They removed Ryan's dirty socks and told Justin to "open big!" The socks were crammed inside his mouth, gagging him good. Justin heeded the warning not to spit them out or it would be worse.

Connor and Jimmy hoisted their tied captives over their shoulders and carried them upstairs. They decided they'd be more comfortable in Ryan's bedroom while they were out. They were left side by side bound and gagged safely. "Don't spit 'em out unless you REALLY REALLY have to guys!" Connor warned.

They left the younger boys like that and took off to the movies to meet other friends, and some girls.


After a good hours worth of fighting against the ropes that hogtied them, Ryan was the first to break loose. They had already spit out the socks in their mouths, speaking freely.

"Well that was fun," Ryan sighed after the last bit of rope was off his body.

"I guess. Now help me out," Justin gushed, still hogtied.

Ryan straddled over his friend and unmercifully assaulted him with tickles all over. "Oh yea? Should I? Should I really let you go?" Ryan teased attacking his friend like nobodies business.

"Ha hah ha! Heh heh! Oh stop ha hah!" Justin begged. "Please please!"

"You're a punk for ganging up on me like that!" Ryan scolded. "You're gonna stay like this."

Ryan tightened up the loosened knots around Justin so he was back to being firmly hogtied. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna put my socks back in your mouth," Ryan grinned as he stepped back into the soaked, dirty socks. Ryan found another pair of his shoes from the closet and straightened up.

"Come on dude! I gotta pee too! Please!" Justin gasped, adjusting again to the tight grip the ropes had on him.

"I'm gonna fix something to eat. I think I'll just ponder a bit on what to with you later," Ryan gleamed. "Open up, slave!"

Ryan took Justin's socks, the one Ryan was punished with, and shoved them into Justin's mouth. Justin took them like a sport, not spitting them out after Ryan stood up. But what he didn't suspect was Ryan ensuring those nasty things would stay put. Taking a long tube sock from his dresser, Ryan returned to Justin and wrapped the tube sock over Justin's mouth. He pulled tight and double knotted the tube sock behind his head, preventing his friend from any further attempt to spit the ankle socks out.

"You have some pretty stinky bad boys! Your turn!" Ryan snickered.

Justin bucked around the floor helplessly as Ryan waved goodbye, heading for the kitchen.

Ryan made a sandwich and a glass of Gatorade and returned to his bedroom to babysit his trussed up friend.

Justin didn't seem to be as irritated as he displayed. Even with the wide band of the sock sealing his mouth, Ryan was pleased to see Justin smiling back at him. Ryan enjoyed teasing Justin with his feet while he ate the sandwich and drank Gatorade. He took pity on Just eventually, pulling down the tube sock so Justin could eject the rank socks. He gave him a few swigs of Gatorade.

"Can we play some Mario Brothers?" Justin nicely asked from below Ryan's attacking feet.

"Sure dude," Ryan shrugged. He untied Justin and even helped remove the tight knots from the tube sock around his neck.

As if nothing had happened, the two boys returned down to the basement and engaged in a game of Super Mario Kart.

However Ryan's older brother returned with Jimmy. They also had a couple of other friends, older boys too, in tow. Connor, Jimmy and their two buddies Chase and Brody filed down the stairs into the basement. It appeared the had been drinking or even smoking pot.
Ryan foolishly assumed Connor and Jimmy would be over the roughhousing from earlier. No such chance!

Chase, 17, was Jimmy's teammate on the wresting team. He was well built like Jimmy with long black hair and a mean looking face. Brody, 18, was a resident bad boy who lived on the poor side of town. He was something of a stud on campus though and hung out with the cool crowd. That included Connor and Jimmy.

"You little fellas were supposed to be tied up and eating each other's socks!" Jimmy taunted, letting out a long burp.

"Ah guys, we got kind of uncomfortable, sorry," Ryan sheepishly responded. "Ya, we tried to stay like that but it really hurt," Justin added.

"Ahhhh… the little men couldn't tough it out?" Jimmy heckled. Looking at Chase and Brody, Jimmy added, "You like our piggly-wigglies?"

Jimmy looked particularly ominous, throwing his arm around Brody's shoulder and cocked his head back in a tough manner. Brody and Chase, newly introduced to the scene, seemed pumped up to pick up where Jimmy and Connor left off. "Maybe we want to play too," Chase grinned Ryan's direction.

Ryan looked at his older brother and pleaded, "Connor? Come on."

Connor seemed bought into his friends' anticipation. He said nothing as Jimmy lead the assault, motioning Chase and Brody to join him. "Let's wrangle them up, men!" Jimmy exclaimed.

The three older boys, piled into Ryan and Justin. The smell of beer and weed was on their breath as they scuffled with the two young friends.

Ryan once again put up no resistance. He resigned to Chase and Brody manhandling him on the floor as they gathered rope in their hands. They praised him for being a good sport though and took their time figuring out how to tie him up. They were clearly inexperienced at the task but eager. Connor stepped in and instructed them how best to tie a body up. A calm Ryan looked up at his brother while he was being hogtied. Connor knelt down to him and quietly spoke, "You love the attention lil' bro. This will be fun."

Justin however didn't seem to have any more interest in being tied up. Jimmy, being his devilish hazing self, was relentless. Justin resisted and yelled at the top of his lungs. The red-headed muscular wrestler easily kept Justin pinned face down. He forced Justin's wrists behind him and tied them with rope. Sitting on Justin's butt with his body weight, Jimmy reached down to his own shoes and removed them. Jimmy was wearing Nike branded, white socks that had an nylon, cotton blend. They were soiled with odor stains and stunk to high heaven. They were so worn, one of them was withered down to a cheese cloth condition on the bottom. As Justin squabbled underneath, Jimmy took off the socks and tied them together by a knot at the toe ends. The smelliest part.

Chase and Brody paused to watch the fun. "Do it Jimmy!" they cheered on their friend. Connor and Ryan also watched.

Jimmy gripped the tied socks between his hands, stretched them wide apart and draped reached in front of Justin's head. Justin tried to resist but quickly found the knotted center, the smelly toe ends, being pressed between his lips until he gave up. They jammed into his mouth. "Mmmmmhh!" Justin grunted. Jimmy gloated intently as he pulled back on the socks with his firm grip and tied the soft ends tightly behind Justin's head. As Justin protested with agony from the freshly applied cleave-gag, Jimmy jokingly kissed him quickly on the cheeks and said, "You're mine, bitch!"

"Poor kid," Chase grinned. "I feel sorry for him. I can smell those toxic things from here!"

Powerless to do anything about it, Justin gave up his fight and accepted the nasty gag between his teeth. Jimmy returned to tying him up.

Meanwhile Ryan was still getting taken care of by Chase and Brody while his big bro watched. He was spared the same fate of being gagged with disgusting socks or a hogtie. Instead, at Connor's suggestion, he was sat into a chair and tied down. Hands already bound behind the chair, he was strapped down with rope from chest, to waist, to thigh, to legs and finally by his ankles. He wrestled around for a moment to feel how effectively they tied him down.

"You're being a good sport about this. You should try out for the wrestling team. You got the balls!" Brody smiled at Ryan, ruffling his shaggy blonde mop of hair. "You want a gag?"

"Uhmmmm… I do!" Ryan told him.

"Man! Ha hah. Your bro can't get enough," Brody exclaimed Connor's way. Connor smiled down at Ryan.

"I guess some socks," Chase shrugged. "I don't wanna get mine ruined though."

"How about Connor's socks? I'm used to that," Ryan suggested.

Connor pushed off his Nikes and removed his black ankle socks. He carefully but decidedly pulled his littler brother's head back by the hair. As the warm, moist socks were pushed into Ryan's mouth, Ryan tasted the familiar aroma of Connor's sweet scented smell. "Hmmmm mmm," Ryan muffled.

For goo measure, Connor gave Ryan a titty twister. Ryan whimpered, squinting his eyes. He strained side to side briefly against the ropes restringing him in the chair. Chase patted Ryan on the cheeks.

"Let's get some more grub and alcohol," Connor perked.

The other three followed Connor up the stairs to the kitchen. Ryan was left neatly tied head to toe with rope in his chair. Poor Justin was fighting like a restrained animal on the floor once again at Ryan's feet. He desperately tried to shake free the rank, stinky socks cleave gagging him. It was no use escaping that torment. How he so regretted spending the night now at Ryan and Connor's house. It was going to be a long, torturous evening for him.

Chapter 3

Ryan and Justin had been coerced into bondage feats since six o’clock. Now it was past one in the morning at the start of the most intense challenge. They rolled into each other like jammed logs on a riverbank. The teenage mummies neatly bound by miles of duct tape. Only their bare feet were spared of the body taping. 

What went through their minds? Exhausted, frustrated and humiliated were among many emotions. Ryan loved the sensation of being restricted and put to a test, but not this intensely. In the back of their minds, they were terrified by the thought of being doused with itching powder. They had to succeed at any cost with one exception. Ryan didn’t dare consider having a friend reach into his crotch to pull out the scissors. Off the table! For now… 

Ryan whimpered meekly under his gag. He didn’t mind tasting dirty socks in his mouth. He hated having to take breaths through his nostrils. The more he drew in air, the more it forced him to inhale the warm, stinky cup taped over his nose. Hearing his displeasure, Justin put his mouth to Ryan's face to find the source. "Chill bro, keep your head still, I’ll help you man," he promised Ryan. Justin awkwardly pulled on the outer tape that secured the nasty cup. 

"Justy helping his BFF, ahhhhhh!" teased Chase. 

Their devilish tormentors kicked it on a nearby couch to watch the fun. They turned on ESPN in the background and drank more beer. 

Meanwhile Justin focused on helping his friend. Some of the tape was compromised at last. It wasn't easy being blindfolded. "My bad," he said bumping into Ryan's head. Anytime he gripped the cup with his teeth, he got his own taste of how smelly that thing was. After a few minutes, Ryan remained gagged but finally free of the grody "air mask." 

Back on the couch, the boys found a Tivo'ed UFC fight and got more comfortable. Jimmy and Chase progressively got annoyed with Brody however. He was wasted and annoying them with belches in their face. 

"Dude that cup is worse than a Dutch oven. Jimmy has one disgusting nut sack," Justin repealed. He started breaking Ryan's tape gag with his teeth. Ryan looked at a nearby clock and saw five minutes already passed! There was little time. He could the gag for fifteen more minutes, but not that itching powder later. Useless to tell Justin, he shook his head and moaned. He buckled against Justin's body. He wanted to tell him to work on his left hand. He couldn't. How could he translate what he saw? "My bad, my bad… you're right. Let's just try to work ourselves free I guess," replied Justin. 

"Mmmm uhmmm mmm hum!" Ryan grunted. He was so mad at Justin for not figuring out that he should use his teeth to work on Ryan's hand. 

"Ryan being a hater?" laughed Jimmy from across the room at Justin. 

Justin ignored the taunts. He wasted another precious two minutes on himself while Ryan hopelessly tried to redirect his efforts. He bucked and bumped against Justin's body. 

"Legit, Jimmy," praised Chase. "They don't have a clue what to do!"

Finally Ryan couldn't take the stupidity longer. He let out a continuous grunt and strongly shoved up against Justin a last time to get his attention.

"Hardcore," Jimmy and Chase smiled. They lost interest in the UFC match to watch their brave victims. Meanwhile Brody was being a dumb ass. Drunk and pissed off they were distracted from the fight. His boy Kendall Grove was sparring. Clumsily Brody tried to dog pile his buds, accidently pulling Chase’s hair. “You ho’s! <Burp>” he slurred.

"Let's just get his drunk ass in the chair," Chase frowned. Although Brody was a tough dude, he was too far-gone to stop them. Jimmy and Chase handedly did light rope work and tied him to a chair. They ceremoniously gagged their pal with one simple application of a bandana. Nothing fancy like the younger boys endured. They gave him the remote to DirecTV and said, "Their big guy." Brody didn't seem bothered left bound and gagged. He watched his UFC fight, hiccupping through the bandana. 

Back to the helpless mummies…

After a few more awkward minutes, Jimmy finally got the hint, working with Ryan as a team effort. He told him to grunt once for yes, two for no, when he asked a question. "Mmmm!" a relieved Ryan confirmed.

However Ryan was faced with a dilemma. They had less than eight minutes. Working his hand free with Justin's choppers assisting would probably not give enough time. That left the option he swore he'd avoid. The scissors. 

They were well fortified down his crotch. The only way to get them was for Justin to reach inside and take them! The thought of his best friend digging down past his sweaty balls was impossible to imagine. 

"Is there something you see that we could use?" "Mmmm!" Ryan signaled as a yes. "Uhh huh…. can I reach it??" "Mmmmmm!" 

"Man, off the hook! No way Justin will go there!" an excited Chase watched by Jimmy's side. "Twenty bucks says he will," Jimmy challenged. Chase replied, "You're on!"

Justin narrowed it down to something attached to Ryan. By now though, Ryan saw a mere three minutes left! It would be useless. He was ready to give in and spare himself the unnecessary humiliating ordeal of being fondled while the other guys would just ridicule him.

However Jimmy stepped in, telling them, "Okay! Ha hah. This is too good. We're giving you an extra ten minutes! Its tool time!"

Oblivious to the precise location, a blindfolded Justin eagerly replied, "Tight! Thank you!" Ryan was just bracing himself now, the poor kid. 

Justin shimmied his body positioning perpendicular to Ryan. He lifted his head and inched up Ryan’s body until his face planted top of his chest. "Ugh, on your front side somewhere I hope?" Justin panted. "Mmmm!" Ryan grunted yes. "Lower?" -- "Mmmm!" Ryan grunted. Justin strolled his chin downward stopping at the stomach. Unfortunate for Ryan, this body contact was getting him hard once more. "Lower still?" quizzed Justin. Ryan hesitated a moment, swallowed his pride and let out the familiar single grunt. Here it goes.

Justin continued downward, brushing over Ryan's crotch, encountering his sweaty underwear beneath the torn opening. He pretended to ignore the obvious boner. It happens. He continued on. “Mmmm! Mmmm!" Ryan indicated no. "Oh man! Really? Stop here?" Justin gasped. "Mmmm!" poor Ryan affirmed. 

Jimmy and Chase were fixated. "Will he go for the key to their freedom or is it gonna be the itching powder? Moment of truth," Jimmy called out like a sports broadcaster. 

Justin rested his chin just below Ryan's bulge. He pressed down gently and felt the solid surface of the scissor handles. "This is wacked! Down here? Letting out his last affirmative grunt, Ryan dropped his head to the floor. It was out of his hands now. Justin reluctantly surveyed how to get inside and the obvious route was through the cutout. This required going past Ryan's crotch. 

“Sorry… I got to do it!” Justin sheepishly told his friend. Ryan responded “ok” with a muffled sound. They were going for the shortcut. Happily Justin realized he didn’t have to bury his face down there. He could use his left hand to do the job. It was left with enough mobility. Justin moved to Ryan’s side, rolled over and lapsed his body partially over Ryan. As he was pressing against him, Ryan could feel Justin excited too! Thank god he wasn’t the only weirdo. 

“Fork it over chump,” Jimmy smiled as Chase handed him twenty dollars.

The first moment he reached in awkwardly with his hand, Ryan jerked from the sensation of his fingers touching his privates. He made some remarks of disgust but kept reaching. It was stimulating Ryan as well as Justin. He moaned with his head back collapsed back and let the ordeal progress. Justin could not prevent indirectly fondling Ryan as he reached under the briefs and pushed past his nuts! It was difficult to get a firm grip for a couple of embarrassing reasons.

“How’s the ball butter, Justin? Making things… uh… hard?” roared Jimmy as he bumped fists with Chase.

After an agonizing four minutes of slip-ups and uncomfortable contact, Justin grabbed the scissors and triumphantly removed them. The boys sighed, collapsing side by side as sweat poured down their blushing faces. But, Ryan saw it was already 1:40AM! No more time!

Jimmy and Chase, beaming with satisfaction stood directly over their humiliated victims. “Tsk, tsk. Ha hah. You failed to beat the clock!!” Jimmy snickered.

“You know what that means boys!” Chase followed up showing Ryan the infamous bottle of itching powder.

“Mmmmhhh uhmmm! Mmmm uhmmm…” Ryan pleaded, with big watery eyes. “Fuck you guys! Don’t put that on us please!” Justin protested, more terrified, as he couldn’t see if they were already spraying them. They continued there pleading.

Chase was kneeling down, first towards Ryan’s exposed underwear. Jimmy stopped him and interrupted, “Well… boys. Tell you what. You did a heroic thing. I’ll give you a break… IF you answer correctly to this question.”

Ryan and Justin quieted down to listen to the bargain.

“If you stay good sports and don’t’ tell Connor about this, we’ll let you go. Deal?”

Without hesitation the boys feverishly nodded. Ryan grunted and Justin said, “We promise.”


By the time it was past 2AM, most of the tape was cut off. Their gag and blindfold removed. The older boys even helped them out. Ryan and Justin peeled off their soaked Under Armour protection. Though their boners were gone, they remained in their drenched underwear. Their bodies were covered in sweat and beet red. 

Meanwhile, Brody was in the background still tied to the chair, happy as a clam watching Kendall dominate his UFC opponent. 

Jimmy told the younger friends to sit up on their butts with their backs in front of him and Chase. They reluctantly complied. Then pleasantly surprised as the older duo gave them a sports rub down to settle them and relax their tensed muscles.

“You boys are legit. Impressed for sure,” Jimmy told them. Chase chimed in with how they had a similar rite of passage their first year on the wrestling squad.

This admittedly flattered Ryan and Justin, who were earned some kind of acceptance from the older teenagers. To some degree at least. After they wrapped up the massage, they all said goodnight. Ryan and Justin headed for Ryan’s bedroom upstairs. Jimmy and Chase were crashing in the basement on the couch. And the useless Brody was nodding off in his chair, comfortably restrained. 

Ryan and Justin grabbed a huge one-gallon jug of bottled water. They were dehydrated. They shared it, chugging the entire container in a New York minute. Ryan gave his buddy a pair of fresh underwear and they changed. Settling down for bed. Ryan enjoyed some of the moments tied up and gagged with his friend. When he hinted at the fact, Justin shyly admitted in round about ways he did as well. 

“Hey Ryan, what’s ‘ball butter’ anyway?” Justin asked referring to Jimmy’s remark during the degrading last moments.

Ryan chuckled, “I’ll give you a hint,” as he reached into his underwear with one hand and rubbed it on Justin’s face. 

“Hella funny, ha hah,” Justin pushed him away. “Ya it was pretty gross.”

Ryan awkwardly added, “I was sporting so much wood. Kind of weird but kinda cool.”

They switched the subject to the very thing in the backs of their minds. Getting even. In a strange sort of way, they saw it as something the older boys might admire. They'd have to keep their word not to tell Connor however. But they agreed it certainly would help them go about revenge if Connor "accidently" discovered what happened on his own. 

The schemed into half the night before falling asleep. 

Revenge was coming.


Again, as I said at the top of this story, my apologies for some of the ASCII text garbage in chapter 3. It was from the old site.

If there is enough interest with comments, I may continue this story in to Chapter 4...
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Post by cj2125 »

Another masterpiece from the old forum! Glad to see it back! Liked Ryan and Justin friendship and the brothers’ relationship!

Also find the idea of one, putting his mouth close to the other’s crotch to escape diabolical and fascinating at the same time! Hope you get to post the other parts (and if my memory doesn’t fail me, you get to finish the story)
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To get rid of the unwanted symbols, simply hit the "edit" icon and edit the text.
They all say boxer shorts are cool,
but little Speedos always rule.
Deleted User 122

Post by Deleted User 122 »

cj2125 wrote: 6 years ago Another masterpiece from the old forum! Glad to see it back! Liked Ryan and Justin friendship and the brothers’ relationship!

Also find the idea of one, putting his mouth close to the other’s crotch to escape diabolical and fascinating at the same time! Hope you get to post the other parts (and if my memory doesn’t fail me, you get to finish the story)
Sorry on long delay in responding. Yea, I've not yet continued this story but hopefully I'll get around to it. I've certainly posted many others though w/ similar predicaments of the heroes.
The slave
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Post by The slave »

i really love this story
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