Prom Night (M/M) - First little snippet

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Prom Night (M/M) - First little snippet

Post by FelixSH »

Hey, I'm back. To get back into writing, I decided to write a few short one-offs (I call them "little snippets"). Nothing great, just some supershort stories, inspired by pics or short videos. It's not high quality, it's more stream of consciousness than anything really worked out, but there is no reason not to share it here. Maybe some people get a bit of joy out of it.

Prom Night

„Come on, why are you doing this, Jake. Let me go!“

Adam struggled, trying to get up from the chair, but a few pieces of rope, placed on his hands, both of his feet and his upper body, made that an exercise in futility. He could feel the frustration and anger making his neck swell a bit. An uncomfortable experience, as it started to press against the collar of his dress shirt, even more restrictive through the added, black bow tie.

Jake put his hands on the shoulders of his classmate. He took a bit of time, enjoying the feeling of the muscled body and the smooth fabric of the shirt. Good that it was too hot for the jacket inside, this way it was easier to feel the actual body. „Dunno, I like you this way. It fits my vision of this night very well.“ An evil grin, one might even say creepy, embellished his face. It was probably better that Adam couldn't actually see it.

„The most popular guy of the whole school, all dressed up, for the best night of his life. But incapable of enjoying it.“ Adam had started to struggle again, but got nowhere. „Dude, you are starting to creep me out. Did I take your lunch money, and forgot about it, or what? Why the hell are you doing this to me?“

Jake finally came around, and looked his prisoner into the eyes. He seemed a bit hurt. „You don't even realize, that you never gave me the attention I so desperately wanted from you? I...just...“ He put his hand on his lower face, while shutting his eyes and looking away.

Adam couldn't help but roll his eyes. „Ugh, would you stop now, drama queen? I don't even know what you mean, we did talk from time to time, didn't we? I even came today, to spend a bit of time with you. What's your problem?“

He had stopped fighting against his bonds, but started immediately, when Jake answered. „You don' Why?“ He had raised his arms into the air, shaking them dramatically. After a few seconds, his eyes met his victims', again. „Look, I, uh,...“ Jakes face took on the very same shade of red, that one would expect from a ripe, delicious tomato.

And Adam, finally realizing what was up, stopped fighting the rope, and looked at his classmate, actually seeing him for the first time.

„Look, that's...I'm not sure what to say. But...“

Adam looked down on his sitting body, focusing on the rope that held his torso captive.

„You could have said something? I mean, I'm not interested in you in that way, but we could have been friends. There was no need to tie me up.“

Jake looked sheepishly, straightening his tie, while thinking. Adam smiled, having finally gotten through to his captor. Except that, no, he didn't. The sheepish look on Jakes face vanished. Dramatically, he put his dark grey suit jacket on, making a scene out of every movement, right until the button was done.

“Nah, you're just saying that. Come on, admit it. Admit it!” The slight, crazy shimmer was right back in Jakes eyes. Adam shivered. How could he get out of this. The bonds didn't budge, at all.

“I'll take your silence as an agreement. Very well! I'll celebrate with our classmates, while you can think about what you did. And then, when I come back, you will hopefully have learned your lesson.”

Adams struggle intensified. “Come! On! Just let me go, and I will forget all about this. Promise! No one will ever hear about you taking me prisoner. Just let me out, and we can celebrate the night together. How about that?”

But the moment of clarity was gone, and so was Adams chance of getting free tonight. Jakes sigh made him growl in frustration. “No, sorry. If I let you go, you will spend all your time with the others, and I won't have a pretty guy in his fancy clothes to look at, when I come back.” And suddenly, a bit of clarity came back into Jakes eyes. Look, I love how you look in these clothes, and I love how you look tied up, and I only have this one chance. I want this one night, being able to look at you, in all your beauty. I just...sorry, I can't let you go. It's just for one night, and I just want to enjoy your presence. Promise! Please?”

Adam grew more and more irritated, and had a hard time not showing any of it. This was bonkers! Did this guy really think, he would agree to spending the whole night tied up, instead of going to a party that he had looked forward to for such a long time?

“Look, tell you what. You let me go, we have a fun night at the prom together. You can stay with me, look at me how long and often as you want, we can take a few pictures, and, for all I care, we can spend an hour afterwards here, just you and me. You don't need to tie me up, seriously.”

But Jake didn't buy it. “You liar! And that's why you have to learn a lesson. Look, it's getting late, I have to go.” Without another word, he went to the closet and grabbed a pair of socks. Adam was unsure, what exactly was happening. “Dude, come onggh!” was all he got out, before his mouth was filled with the rough fabric. His captor didn't lose any time, and started wrapping white tape around his face.

Adam put on one last fight, struggling with all his might, throwing his body and head around. But there was no escape, and soon, the lower part of his head was wrapped in white, elastic duct tape. His protests turned into unintelligible grunts. Which didn't stop Adam from continuing, of course.

“Come on, take it as a compliment. Oh, just for the record, there isn't really a point in screaming. No one will be at home for the night, except for you, of course. But, damn, you look so good with a nice gag, you know? God, you are way too handsome.”

Adams struggle intensified one last time. He desperately wanted to get away from this psycho, and got more and more frustrated, as he finally realized, that there was absolutely nothing he could do. Whatever Jakes decision, it would happen. But than, Jake seemed to be sincere, at least. He just wanted something pretty to look at.

“Here, you can watch Netflix, while I'm gone. Wait a second...” Jake took some time, to position the laptop in a way, that was easy for Adam to look at. Adam just rolled his eyes. What a weirdo! But he should probably be thankful, that he would have some form of entertainment.

“Well, that's it. I'll tell you everything about the prom later, PROMise. Hehehe.”

If looks could kill, Jake would be full of daggers, by now. But he didn't even recognize the anger, and just walked out the door. “So, have fun! I certainly will! See you later!”

And with these words, the door was opened and closed, and the prisoner was alone. Multiple thoughts played through his head. He was thankful, that he had gone to the toilette not too long ago. He wondered, how long he would be alone. He wished, the collar of his shirt wasn't so stiff, and that he would prefer to wear something more comfortable. He made plans, how to say “Thank you” to his captor, when he would get the chance.

But for now, there was nothing to be done, but watch some Netflix. At least, Jake had actually listened – it was a show, that Adam had wanted to watch for over a year. Now, he at least had some time.

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Post by KidnappedCowboy »

Great story [mention]FelixSH[/mention] 8-)

Why do I love it? The utter helplessness of Adam. He cannot break free of his bonds. Jake, his captor, won't free him. There is nothing he can do about it. Jake is keeping him from the prom, and all he wants is to be there. But he cannot...

The frustration, the anger, the disappointment, the sheer helplessness of it all. Soon, he'll break, and he'll be putty in Jake's hands! :twisted:
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Post by FelixSH »

Thanks, especially for the feedback. I appreciate that you took time to go into detail.

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