The long weekend. ffff/m

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The long weekend. ffff/m

Post by barefootprisoner »

“By the way, your sister is having a few friends over for the weekend.” I look surprised. “What?!” I exclaim, not knowing about this. “I’m leaving you in charge of everything.” My mom says to me. “Well that makes things a little bit better.” I reply. “Great, they should be here in a little while. Your father and I will be back Monday night so behave yourself!” With my father waiting in the car, she left quickly and there I was standing there perplexed.

I was finally looking forward to having some relaxing time for the weekend with my parents going away. Now I’d have to watch my sister and her friends. I’m 15 and my sister (Natalie) is 2 years younger than me. Her friends are all the same age and have grown up together. “Maybe if I just let them do their own thing they will leave me alone.” I thought to myself. Around 7 p.m the doorbell rang. It was them. “Well, there goes my weekend.” I walk to the door and open it.

“Hey guys.” I say to them as I let them in. They all greet me with a “hello.” And bring their stuff inside. “Natalie is up in her room.” “Thanks!” They say as they head up. Her 3 friends are Rachel (blonde), Melanie (also blonde), and Steph who is a brunette. All the girls are already wearing their pajama pants and shirts. The girls are also wearing flip flops. I yell up to them, “I ordered a few pizzas, they should be here soon.” After the pizzas came we sat together and ate. I mentioned to the girls “Look I know I’m in charge, but as long as you girls don’t act crazy. I don’t have a problem with whatever you do.” They looked at each other and agreed. “Awesome!” I say. “I’m gonna head to my room. If you need anything just let me know.” I put my plate away and head upstairs to play some video games. Hoping not to be bothered. I kick off my shoes and change into sweatpants and a t shirt. “Finally I can relax.”

I’ve been playing video games for a while now. I stop for a minute and look at the time. It’s 9:45. “Wow, I’ve lost track of time. I should go check on the girls and make sure they’re alive.” I get up and head down the hall to my sisters room. The door is closed and I can hear giggling. “Hmm I wonder what they’re talking about. This should be interesting.” I quietly lay on the floor and get close to the crack under the door so I can sort of see a little bit and hear them a little better. They’re mainly talking about boys and who has a crush on who. “How boring.” I think to myself. As I was really only paying attention to what they were saying I didn’t notice that one of the girls wasn’t o in the room. “That’s weird, I only count 3 pairs of feet. Where’s the 4th?”

All of a sudden, I feel a foot on my back. I turn around and it’s Melanie. I hadn’t realized she had gone to the bathroom, and when she returned, she saw me snooping. “What do you think you’re doing?” I try to explain myself but I just stutter and too over words. “Spying on our slumber party huh? There’s no surprise. Stand up!” I quickly stand up, hoping she won’t say anything. “I’m sorry, this wasn’t planned I was just curious.” I explain. “That’s enough.” She says. “Girls! Come out here.” The girls quickly open the door. “What’s wrong Melanie?” Natalie asks. “Well Natalie. When I returned from the bathroom I caught your creepy brother here laying on the floor listening to your conversations!” “Is that so? Well well well now the shoe is on the other foot.” Natalie says.

Before I go any further. I should explain what she means. When we were a few years younger, I used to have fun taking my sisters friends hostage. I would tie them up in my room with various ropes and mostly tickle their feet for hours. I always had a thing for feet. Rachel was the friend I used to tie up most, so I could imagine what she had planned.

“What should we do with him?” Steph asks. “I know!” Rachel says loudly. “Let’s tie him up and make him our slave for the weekend.” “Let’s not.” I say. “I’m in charge. I’ll just go back to my room.” I try to walk away but I’m quickly stopped. “You’re not going anywhere.” Rachel says. “We can finally get you back. Let’s take him downstairs to the basement where there’s more room. But first” Rachel pulls out an old jump rope from my sisters closet. “Steph, tie his wrists. Tight!” Melanie and Natalie hold my arms behind me as Steph ties my wrists tightly. “Excellent!” Rachel says. “Now, March!” With two girls in front of me and two girls behind me. This was really happening. They were getting revenge on me.

We reach the basement. We have a finished basement with a few couches and a tv. There’s plenty of room down there for the 5 of us. “Being him here! Kneel him down and let’s stand around him.” I’m silent as the girls surround me. Rachel was loving every minute of this. She’s naturally the one who takes charge in the group so this fit her perfectly. “Gather round gather round!” Rachel says. My sister and her two other friends giggle. “We must make this boy officially our slave. Before we proceed. We must state his crimes.” “Crimes?” I ask. “What is this?” “Natalie, please remove your brothers socks and stick them in his mouth. Then take that duct tape over there and cover his mouth with it.” “Absolutely!” My sister says excitedly. “Hey! There’s no need for that!” I protest. But my sister manages to get both socks off and effectively stick them in my mouth. I’ve been wearing them all day so it wasn’t pleasant. She then covers my mouth with thick duct tape so I am unable to speak. “Mmmpph! Mmphhh!!” Is all I manage to get out. “What was that? We can’t understand you!” Natalie says and the other girls laugh. “Okay!” Rachel says. “Let’s begin.”

“Before we can make this boy our slave for the weekend, we must officially make him guilty! Melanie please explain to us what you saw him doing in the hallway.” Melanie speaks. “I saw him laying on his stomach really close to the bedroom door. He was trying to listen in on what you were saying.” She explains. “So he was spying?” Rachel asks. “Yes he was.” Melanie says. “What do you think girls? Natalie, was your brother spying on our slumber party?” I try to protest again. I shake my head but nobody listens. “Yes I believe Melanie is telling the truth!” I hang my head. “Then it’s official!” Rachel says. “Natalie, your brother is guilty of spying on us. He is now officially our slave for the weekend. Let’s keep him locked in the closet over there for now until we decide what to do!” My sister and Steph bring me to my feet and lead me to the closet. They push me inside and close the door. They are both guarding it. I couldn’t believe it. I was taken hostage by 4 girls that were all younger than me. I’m now kneeling in a dark closet with my wrists tied, gagged heavily and barefoot. I could only imagine what they had in store for me. Especially since I used to do this to them in the past.
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Post by Mike »

i loved the trial!! can't wait to read more
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Post by Shadesflirty »

Very nice start. Well done
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Post by barefootprisoner »

Thanks for the good feedback!
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Post by barefootprisoner »

Part II

Sitting in the dark made me lose track of time. It felt like I was in there for hours. Hopefully I would be let out soon. It was uncomfortable kneeling there for a long period of time. “Natalie, please bring out the slave.” I hear Rachel say. The closet door was open and I was blinded by light after being in darkness for a while. “On your feet slave!” My sister says. I could tell she was enjoying this as much as Rachel was. Getting to boss around her big brother for once. “Kneel him here.” Rachel was on the other side of the room with the other two girls standing next to her. Natalie leads me over to them and I’m knelt in front of them.

The tape was finally ripped off my mouth and I spit out the socks. “How were the socks slave boy? Hahaha” Rachel laughs and the other girls laugh with her. “Ughh what time is it?” “It’s 11!” Steph says. “11?!” I say surprised. “You guys had me locked in there long enough. You had your fun now let me go. Besides, you guys are supposed to be in bed by now.” “Oh no no no!” Rachel cuts me off. “We’re in charge now. Your parents come home Monday night so the way we see it, you’re our slave until then!” I hung my head. Knowing there was no way out of this. Maybe if I did what they say they would let me out sooner. I look up at the four of them. “Okay fine. I’ll be your slave. But you let me go before they come home Monday! And we never speak of this again.” The girls look at each other and smile.

“Great! Now kiss our feet!” Rachel demands. “What?! Absolutely not.” I play it off like I’m grossed out. “Why not? You’re our slave. You have to show your loyalty to us. Now kiss them!” Rachel put her foot on my chest and pushed me back. I was now laying on my back with my wrists still tied. The four girls surrounded my head. “You’ll do what we say slave. Or this weekend will be worse for you. Now we’re gonna make you!” All four girls started rubbing their feet on my face. I tried to fight but I was overpowered. “Look at him squirming!” Melanie laughed. Even though I somewhat enjoyed it, I couldn’t let them know. “Kiss each one of our feet, don’t forget the toes!” Steph says. The girls were loving every minute of this. The power they felt having an older boy tied up as their slave kissing their feet. They enjoyed it more than they thought they would.

After a few minutes of kissing their feet, they finally stopped. “Okay girls. It’s getting late. Let’s bring him upstairs and get him ready for bed.” Rachel says. The girls bring me to my feet and lead me upstairs. “Finally, I’ll be let out of here and get some sleep.” I think to myself. Only I was being led to my sisters room instead of my room. “Shouldn’t I sleep in my room?” “Absolutely not. We need to keep an eye on you. You’re staying here where we know you won’t escape.” Natalie explained. I let out a sigh. We got to the room where the girls had their sleeping bags set up in front of the door. “You’ll be back here slave.” Rachel says. “Natalie will get the bed because it’s her room, and the 3 of us will set our sleeping bags up in front of the door so if you try to leave you’ll have to step over us and we’ll wake up!” I had to admit these girls were smart.

I was given a pillow. “Steph, untie his wrists then retie them in front of him. You’ll be sleeping like that tonight, Slave.” At least it’s was better than having my hands behind me. I laid down on the floor ready to get to bed. “No slave, your head will be by our feet.” Melanie said. “Good idea Melanie!” Rachel says. “That way he can smell our feet all night!” “Ugh whatever.” I was too tired to argue and laid down the other way. I just wanted to sleep. “Sleep tight slave! Hope you enjoy the smell of our feet all night! We have more fun in store tomorrow!” Rachel laughs and the girls put their feet in my face and the light turns out. I wasn’t looking forward to what was in store tomorrow, but I’d be lying if said I wasn’t a little excited.
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Post by Luyan »

Wow! This looks like a great story!
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Post by Mike »

i really like this story!! you should add more bondage but this is only my opinion.
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Post by barefootprisoner »

Part III

Morning. I was the first one up, I looked at the clock on my sisters bedside table. 7:15. “Ugh it’s gonna be a long day.” I thought to myself. The girls still had their feet in my face, my wrists were still tied tight. I tried to slowly and quietly get up so I could at least use the bathroom. The girls were sleeping so close to the door I couldn’t open it without waking one of them up. Once I stood up, Steph was the first one to start to wake up. She rolled over and saw me standing there. “Going somewhere?” She asked. “Yes. The bathroom.” I said sternly. At this point the other girls started to wake up. “Great. Just what I needed.” “Oh stop. You love it.” Steph teased. “Okay slave. We’ll Give you time to wash up. Natalie and I will guard the door while you get ready. Well untie your wrists. You have 10 minutes then we’re coming in!”

I went as quick as I could. I was still their prisoner so I didn’t want to make my punishment worse. I came out of the bathroom wearing sweatpants, a t shirt and black socks. Steph quickly stops me. “No no no. Take off your shirt and socks.” I look puzzled. “Why?” I ask. “You’re our slave. Slaves are supposed to go shirtless and barefoot. Rachel’s rules!” I say nothing and remove my shirt and socks. “Good boy. Now hold your wrists out in front.” I do as I’m told. “We found some more rope in the garage.” Steph starts to tie my wrists together again tightly. “Wow not behind my back?” I ask. “Ha ha not yet.” She says. “You’re gonna cook breakfast for us!” I should have seen that coming. Steph takes some more rope and ties my ankles together, but keeps them separated a bit so it’s easier to walk. Kind of like prison shackles. “Okay slave. To the kitchen!” Steph leads me down with Natalie behind.

We reach the kitchen. “Look at our slave boy tied up and looking the part.” Melanie says. The girls laugh together. “Very funny.” I say sarcastically. “Natalie, he seems to be missing something.” What’s that Melanie?” “Hmm how about a gag! I don’t want to hear him talk while he cooks breakfast.” “Good idea! I think I have some dirty socks somewhere!” Natalie hurries off. “Please don’t, I’ll be quiet.” I begged. “Get on your knees slave!” Rachel demanded. I did as she was told. “We’re in charge here now. Remember that. You should be punished for spying on us.” I hung my head. Natalie came back with some dirty socks and a bandana. “Go ahead Natalie. Do the honors!” Rachel says. “Gladly! Open up!” With that, she shoved them in my mouth and tied the bandana around my head. “Excellent! Rachel says. Now cook us some pancakes!”

It was pretty difficult cooking pancakes while my wrists were tied. But I did my best. I made a bunch for the girls and brought them to the table. “Natalie you can remove his gag. He was a good slave for cooking us breakfast.” I spit the socks out and sit at the table. “No slave. Your spot is under the table. On your back!” I don’t argue and do as I’m told. The girls have breakfast while I lay under the table rubbing their barefeet on my face. “Do you like that slave?” They laugh and tease me. They also feed me pancakes with their toes. At one point I grab Rachel’s foot and start tickling it. “How do you like that?!” I tease. She is able to pull her foot away after a few seconds. “Big mistake slave!” The girls all get up and drag me from under the table. I’m put on my knees. My hands are untied and tied again behind me, tightly. “You will be punished for tickling me. We have a surprise for you.” Rachel says slyly. “Take our dirty barefoot slave boy to the dungeon!” She demands. I’m dragged away.

Once in the basement, two folding chairs are set up facing each other. “Sit him down!” I’m sat in the chair. With my arms tied behind me. The girls add more rope around my waist to secure me to the chair. “Put his feet up.” Rachel says. The girls put my feet up on the other chair. They tightly tie my ankles together. Then they tie a rope around my ankles and the chair so they don’t move. They also tie rope above and below my knees. To finish it off they take a shoelace and tie my big toes together. “Natalie go get those socks you used to gag him with before also get some duct tape! Then go get your makeup kit from your room!” I instantly protest “Absolutely not Rachel. You’re not putting makeup on me.” “Be quiet slave. From now on you’ll address all of us as Princess. Because we are all Princesses and you are a filthy slave boy.” I begin to get nervous. “Come on Rach..” I get cut off. “Uh uh uh.” She waves her finger at me.” I correct myself. Feeling humiliated. “Come on Princess. I’m sorry I tickled you please don’t do this.” Natalie returned with the socks, tape and kit. “Shut this slave boy up, Natalie!” Rachel says. Natalie instantly shoves the socks in my mouth and covers it with tape. “Now let’s have some fun. “Mmmphhhh!!” Is all I can get out, as the girls open up the makeup kit. They weren’t really going to put makeup on me, were they?
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Post by rafeylovesbonds »

This is developing nicely, well-written and entertaining. Looking forward to the next instalment!
Is she out there, she who ties you up and then you stay tied up?
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Post by barefootprisoner »

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it
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Post by harveygasson »

Great story!
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Post by ryan »

Really enjoying this story.
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Post by barefootprisoner »

Part IV

“What color should we paint his toes?!” Natalie says excitedly. I fight against my bonds but there’s no use. I’m not going anywhere. “How about hot pink?” Steph suggests. Rachel smiles. “Good idea! Melanie hold his feet still while I paint his toes. Natalie, you and Steph can start on his face!” “Mmmppphhhh!!” I yell into my gag. “Oh hush! You’re going to look pretty!” Rachel teases. She then took some lipstick and drew some lips over the tape on my mouth.

Rachel starts to paint my toes as Melanie holds my feet still. “Don’t move Slave, you don’t want to get polish all over your feet!” They laugh at me as she takes her time painting each toe. “Our slave boy will have pretty feet like us girls!” They all giggle as they’re really enjoying themselves. At the same time Natalie and Steph begins to apply makeup to my face. I try to turn my head but Natalie holds it still. “Go ahead Steph! Make him look nice!” I try to plead with my eyes hoping the girls will shows mercy but it’s no use. They’re having way too much fun and they’re not stopping. “That’ll teach you to disobey! You deserve this slave!” Rachel says. I was humiliated by 4 younger girls and there was nothing I could do.

After a while the girls were finished. “Such a pretty slave boy!” They laugh together. “Natalie, go get my phone. I still have one more thing!” Rachel says. I knew what she was up to. I started shaking my head vigorously. “Sorry slave we can’t understand you.” Natalie returned with Rachel’s phone. She did exactly what I knew she’d do, and started taking pictures. “Now we have the upper hand. If you never want these pictures to get out you’ll agree to be our slave when we get together for a slumber party. Do you understand?” Defeated I slowly nod my head. Rachel Rios off the tape and I spit the socks out. I just give her a dirty look. “We want to hear you say it!” I let out a sigh. “Fine. I agree to be your slave anytime you girls get together for a slumber party.” They all smile and each hold a foot up to my face. “Kiss them to show your devotion!” I do as I’m told. “Very good! Now let’s leave him here for a while girls to think about his new life as our slave.” The girls head upstairs as I’m left alone tied to the chair to ponder my thoughts.

“Okay slave time for bed!” The girls came down to get me. I was already nodding off in the chair since it’s been so long. The girls untied me and let me wash up before bed. They led me to my sisters room again and I laid on the floor. “Not tonight slave.” Natalie said. “You’ve been a good boy so we’ll let you stay in the bed tonight, on one condition.” When I looked at the bed I noticed there were ropes tied to each end of the headboard and footboard. They were going to keep me tied spread eagle all night. “Ugh fine, tomorrow is the last full day and then this is over.” I lay on the bed and the girls each tie a limb. “Yes but tomorrow is the best day.” Rachel says. “Why’s that?” I ask. “Well remember when you used to tie us up all the time?” “Yes” I say. “And what was your favorite thing to do to us?” As she says that, she runs her finger slowly up my left sole. I flinch instantly. “Please don’t.” I beg. “That’s right! You used to love tickling our feet! Now we finally get revenge!” The girls laugh together. “Sleep tight slave! Tomorrow is the finale!” The lights go out and I’m left there to dread the next day.
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Post by Lucien »

Looking forward to the continuation of this! Please keep going!
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Post by barefootprisoner »

Part V

“He’s waking up!” I slowly open my eyes to see Natalie and Melanie standing over me. I’m still tied spread eagle to the bed. “Finally, slave. We’ve been waiting forever!” Natalie says. I stay silent. “Us girls have decided that today will be your last day as our slave for the weekend. But not until the finale!” I groaned knowing what was to come. “Oh hush you’ll love it!” Melanie smiles. They untie me from the bed. “Stand up!” I quickly do as I’m told. Maybe obeying will make them go lighter on me. My hands are quickly grabbed and tied behind me with rope. “Let’s go. To the dungeon!” As they led me down to the basement.

Once we reach the basement it’s dark. There are candles lit all around the room. The girls brought a table into the middle of the room. Rachel and Steph are already standing around it. “This looks more like a sacrifice than anything else.” I say sarcastically. “Haha! You’ll wish it will end that easy when we’re done with you.” Rachel says. I give her a scared look. I knew she couldn’t wait for this. “Get him on the table! Lay him on his stomach.” The girls help me on the table. “Secure him right!” Rachel is telling the girls how to tie me. Steph ties my ankles tightly with thick rope. The other girls tie a rope around my already tied wrists to connect them to my ankles. A last bit of rope is tied around my knees. I was now tightly hogtied atop the table. “One last thing.” Steph brings over a bandana, she secures it over my mouth and ties it tight behind my head. I was unable to speak. The girls all stand around me.

Rachel speaks. “Okay slave boy. This is your final punishment for the weekend for spying on our slumber party. Us girls have decided on tickle torture as a proper punishment.” She pulls out the feather duster from behind the couch. “Mmpphhhh!!” I struggle and shake my head. “I’m sorry slave boy, we don’t know what you’re trying to say! Hahaha!” Steph teases me. “Let’s see how ticklish this slave boy really is.” “Go ahead girls!” Rachel gives the order and the girls all start tickling me simultaneously. Melanie and Natalie both get my ribs, and Rachel and Steph each get a foot. They’re ruthless. I thrash around and laugh into my gag. I can’t get the laughter out fast enough. My feet are the most ticklish. Rachel is enjoying herself with the feather duster. “Haha looks like the slave boys feet are the most ticklish!” She teases. “Our slave boys are not allowed to have dirty feet! Remember that for our next slumber party!” Rachel was right, I was starting to wish this was a sacrifice.

After what felt like hours, I i was brought from the table to the floor. I was taken out of my hogtie and laid on my back. My ankles were tied together, my knees were also tied. My wrists were tied in front and they were secured to my body with a rope going around my waist. Kind of like what they do to transport prisoners. My gag was removed. “Okay slave boy, the tickling is over.” “Oh thank god. Can you let me go now?” I start to plead. “Not just yet.” Rachel smiled. I knew she was up to something. All 4 girls pull up a chair and set them up around my head. They all take a seat. “Kiss our feet!” Rachel demanded. “No thanks!” I stammer back. “You’ve had your fun for more than enough time. I’ve served my punishment now it’s time to let me go.” “Okay then, looks like I’ll have to send those pictures to all of our friends. You’ll never be able to leave the house again.” They had me, they knew it and I knew it. “Okay okay, no need for that. I’ll do what you say.” I surrender once again to them.

The girls have their fun rubbing their feet on my face. Each getting their turn having their soles kissed. “Good boy! Do it like you mean it!” Melanie demands. She’s usually the nicest one of the bunch but even she was starting to get used to being pampered. They continued to have their fun for a little while longer. They eventually let me go after I made them all lunch. I retired to my room where I stayed for the rest of the time we had. In my mind I knew it wasn’t over. As long as they had those pictures I would be their slave boy every time they got together. Which was pretty often. I really was their barefoot prisoner.
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