School's Out, Ropes Out - f/f - Part 4 added!

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School's Out, Ropes Out - f/f - Part 4 added!

Post by Sheriff »

Hey guys, the below is a story inspired by a story request from [mention]ColonelShuffle[/mention] . I hope he and the rest of you enjoy the start of it.

More coming soon!

Part 1

“Oh my God, that was such a blast,” laughed Rachel, pushing the door open and holding it for her friend.
“I know right! Last and best day of school ever,” agreed Lauren as she stepped over the threshold into Rachel’s house.
“I really don’t like Claire, but it was a great idea for everyone to put their old uniforms on. A real nostalgia trip,” smiled Rachel, looking down at herself. She was wearing a white blouse, her striped school tie, a too short skirt, navy tights and black ballet pumps.
“That’s cus you filled out,” teased Lauren, punching her friend in the arm and then giving one of her breasts an accusatory poke.

“Would you stop that!” gasped Rachel, slapping the athletic blonde away from her, “I get that enough from Tommy. And yours are fine, they just don’t pop buttons.”
Lauren laughed and began to slip off her own pumps.
“No, stop right there. We’re keeping this crap on all night. We’re off to college soon. Last chance to enjoy school.”
Lauren looked at the brunette staring plaintively at her from the open door, her shoe dangling from her toes above the pile of shoes, her eyebrow raised.
“It’s a billion degrees out there, and these are my old shoes. My feet are pretty sweaty, Rach.”
“Come on, if we take our shoes off then it’ll be the ties, then we’ll be putting on our pjs. It’ll lose the effect. Plus, I don’t wanna have to smell your feet,” pleaded Rachel.

Lauren stuck out her tongue but kept her shoe on.
“So what we gonna do, Rach?” she asked, “Wanna hit up Jenny’s party?”
“Nah, we’ve got parties the rest of the week. I figured it’d be nice to hang out just the two of us this evening. Eat some ice cream, watch some movies, talk about boys. You know, like we used to.”
Lauren smiled, “You had me at ice cream.”


“Stupid internet,” sighed Rachel through a mouthful of rocky road.
“Least you got the good ice cream,” Lauren frowned at her tub of vanilla.
“I was gonna split them, you were the one who wanted to make a bet for it.”
Lauren shrugged and readjusted herself on the sofa. She had her legs dangling off the arm and had her head propped up on one hand while she ate her ice-cream with the other. She peeked enviously down at Rachel, sitting in the floor in front of her, struggling uselessly with the controls to try and get Netflix working again.

“I didn’t know you were good at poker.”
“You’ve known me my whole life, Lolly, you’re just too stubborn to remember not being the best at something.”
“What we gonna do then, Rach? Mediocre ice cream only has so much mileage.”
Rachel set the control aside and swept a strand of dark brown hair out of her eyes with the handle of her spoon.
“We could have a competition, play a board game or something?”
“Eurgh, no. Not after the pass go fiasco. Hey, I know, wanna see a magic trick?” asked Lauren, her lips jerking up in a sudden smile.

Rachel took another mouthful and turned round to narrow her eyes at Lauren.
“Since when did you know any magic?”
“That guy in the drama department, he kept showing me some. Come on let me show you. Please.”
“He was sweet, you should have gone on a date with him. Fine, show me your trick.”

Lauren grinned and swung her legs down to the floor and pulled off her tie.
“Ok,” she said, untying it and then tying an overhand knot, “now, see this knot.”
“I see it,” agreed Rachael, eyeing it distrustfully.
“Right, now if I pull on it, it knots up,” she said, yanking to prove her point.
“I see why you didn’t go out with him now.”
“Hush,” she untied the knot and then tied a bow. She pulled the second knot taught and it disappeared.

“Ok, Lolly, when does the trick happen?”
“You saw how that one disappeared? It’s cus it’s a magic knot. It always comes undone, whatever you put in it,” Lauren informed her.
“Fine, I give in. I’m a little interested.”
“Brilliant, now put your hands behind your back, I’m gonna make it go through your wrists.”

Rachel’s face twisted as waves of disbelief and voracious curiosity fought for control of her face.
“What?! No…you…eurgh, fine,” she blurted. She put her ice-cream on the side table and scooted forward so she could cross her wrists at the small of her back.
Lauren allowed herself a sly grin and bent down, pulling the tie tight between her hands.
“You’ve done this before haven’t you?” chuckled Lauren, winding the tie round her victim’s wrists, cinching and knotting it tight.
“None of your business, and it feels like you have too!”

“Feel secure, Rach?”
“Too damn right,” she replied, struggling a little.
“One more thing.”
Lauren reached round in front of her friend and loosened her tie.
“What are you… mmm?!” Rachel was cut short as the tie was pulled tight again between her teeth.

“Good trick right?”
“Mhhtt right rrgou rggring?” mumbled Rachel through her makeshift gag.
“And here’s the best part,” said Lauren, lunging for the Rocky Road ice cream and taking a huge spoonful.
“Rrgou ggreitch!” laughed Rachel through the gag, starting to struggle against her bonds.
Lauren lay back on the sofa with her legs over the arm of the sofa, digging into her stolen dessert.

“This is literally the best ice-cream I’ve ever tasted. It’s all the crime”
Rachel shifted round onto her knees and glared at her friend, strands of dark hair falling over her face and in front of her gag. She gave a final grunt and pulled one of her hands free. She brought the other one in front of her and triumphantly untied the tie.
“Ha,” she said after she’d pulled her tie from between her teeth, holding her hand out expectantly.
“It was fun while it lasted,” replied Lauren, pulling an exaggerated frown and handing back her spoils.

“It was actually,” nodded Rachel, sitting back on her heels with the tub.
“Yeah. It was kinda like a challenge.”

There was a moment of silence. The corner of Lauren’s mouth twitched up and she swung her legs back round to the floor and leaned forward.
“So watya wanna do, Lolly?”
The twitch broke into a full grin and Lauren held up the tie.
“Fancy a challenge, Rach?”
Last edited by Sheriff 4 years ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by damsel »

Fun story!
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Post by Deleted User 1665 »

Good start! Please continue.
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Post by Steak in a Tree »

Very nice, thanks for doing this(despite it not being my request heh)
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Post by DTbound »

I’m liking where this story is going!
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Post by Tieup1 »

A nice start, they sound like two game girls :)
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Post by Sheriff »

Thanks everyone, I'm glad you're all enjoying it, Lauren and Rachel will be continuing their evening fun soon!

And @[mention]Tieup1[/mention] they very much are!! :D
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Post by Deleted User 1255 »

Awesome start man very much looking forward to how his one continues, thanks again for doing this!
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Post by Sheriff »

[mention]ColonelShuffle[/mention] Thanks man. It was a great story idea and I'm glad to be writing it.

Now onto part 2!!

Part 2

“Fancy a challenge, Rach?”

Lauren held the tie out in front of her, pulled tight between her hands. Rachel looked from the tie to her friend, her blonde hair in a loose plait draped over one shoulder, a grin lighting up her eyes.
“What sort of challenge?” Rachel’s dark hair hung loose round her shoulders, rumpled slightly from Lauren’s last idea.
“What do you think? We try and tie each other up! See who’s better at tying up, who’s better at escaping. We could make a bet on it. Come on, there’s not much else we can do till the internet comes back.”

Lauren began to twirl the tie round her fingers.
“Ok, I’ll give it a try.”
“Ok, Rach, hands behind…”
“Whoa girl! You tied me up already. It’s my turn. Lie on your front on the sofa,” ordered Rach, snatching the tie from her friend.

“Oooo, look at you. Alright, Miss,” replied Lauren, making a mock face of shock as she turned over to lay on her stomach and put her hands together behind her back. Rachel got up and sat beside her. She pressed her wrists together more firmly together and then started to wrap the tie around them, binding them tightly together.
“I’m gonna win you realise,” said Lauren, turning her head to look at Rachel as she sat at the other end of the sofa with her feet on her lap.

Rachel just smiled and took off her own tie so she could bind Lauren’s ankles. She pulled the knot tight and looked down at her work, the pale blue and yellow stripes standing out brightly against the navy tights.
“So what we wagering?” asked Lauren, shifting her hands experimentally.
“Well if you can’t get out, I could always tickle you,” answered Rachel, slipping a finger into Lauren’s pump and stroking her nail up her instep. This was met with bucking and a shriek of laughter.

“Not a fan, Lolly?”
“Are you kidding? I love that idea!”
“Really? Ok, maybe I should get your shoes off.”
“Oh no you don’t. You wanna torture me, you gotta win,” instructed Lauren, bending her knees and bringing her feet clear of Rachel’s questing nails.

“Didn’t I already win? I got out.”
“No, it’s a tying up competition more than an escaping one. If your victim can’t get out, you get to torture them.”
“Ok, Lauren. Deal. We’ll take it in turns. Same materials and position each round.”
“Talking of which, Rach,” grunted Lauren, pulling her hands free from the knots round her wrists, “we need better things.”


The two girls sat on the floor across from each other sorting through the surprisingly wide variety of materials to bind and gag each other that they’d scavenged.
“Duct tape is fine for the gag but I don’t think we’ll have enough to tie both of us up.”
Lauren nodded in agreement.
“Not got any rope, Rach?”
“There’s a ton in the garage but I figured we’d work up to that. Start with old tights, belts, ties and crap.”

Lauren nodded, looking intently at the materials in front of her.
“Ok, Lolly,” said Rachel, “Where do you want me?”
Lauren chewed her lip a moment and cast her eyes round the room.
“Go grab a chair from the dining room, I’ll tie you to that.”
“Ooo, interesting,” said Rachel, springing to her feet and heading out of the room.

“Is your mom coming home tonight?” Lauren called through to her friend, taking out the ties from the pile.
“Nah, just you and me,” she replied, dragging in a heavy wooden dining chair, “she’s giving an evening lecture out of town and work got her a hotel.”
“Cool,” she nodded, pointing to the chair. It was a dark wooden, straight-backed chair with decorative bars making up the back.
Rachel complied, sitting down with her back pressed against the back of the chair.
“Why, wanna tie her up too?” teased Rachel offering her hands to be bound in front of her.
“First off, absolutely,” laughed Lauren, wrapping the tie round her wrists and knotting it tightly. She took a second tie and tied it between her wrists and then stood to pull Rachel’s arms over her, causing her chest to push out.

“Your mom’s hot and she’d definitely be up for it. It’d be a great evening. But no, I meant are we gonna have to be ready to hide or anything. But looks like I get to torture you all evening.”
“You wish. I was in the girl guides, you don’t got shit on me, Lauren.”
“Watch your mouth or I’ll gag you,” she replied, tying the other end to the bars at the back of the chair, securing her hands behind her head.
The blonde girl moved round to the front of the chair and knelt in front of her friend. She took one navy, tight clad calf in one hand, the ankle in the other and crossed it over the opposite leg.

Rachel watched as her captor picked up a pair of old nylons and tie it round her right ankle then pull it towards the left chair leg. She repeated the process with a matching pair of nylons and the other ankle. Finally, she took three belts. One she buckled around the brunette’s crossed knees, the other two above and below her breasts, fastening her torso to the back of the chair.
“Is this really necessary?” asked the bound victim, looking down at her chest.

“I think so. This probably isn’t though,” she answered, loosening the shoe on Rachel’s crossed foot so that it dangled precariously off the toes.
“What was that for?”
Lauren grabbed a silk scarf, a grin on her face, and tied a large knot in the centre.
“An extra challenge,” she answered, standing and pressing the knot into Rachel’s mouth then pulling the gag tight.
“You have to keep that shoe dangling, and if it drops, I’m gonna tickle in between your toes!”

Rachel’s eyes went wide and she tried to swear at her friend. It came out muffled and garbled round the knot of scarf in her mouth.
“And if you don’t get out Rachel,” whispered Lauren, leaning in close, “it’s going to be so much worse.”
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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Can’t wait to see if Rachel gets out of if Lauren will tickle her to death! :D
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Post by Deleted User 1255 »

Awesome continuation man keep it up!
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Post by Tieup1 »

Another good chapter, girls having fun, I like it :)
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Post by Sheriff »

Thanks for the lovely comments guys, I really appreciate it :D

Currently working on part 3! I'm gonna finish this story completely (4-5 parts most likely) and I've already foreshadowed a possible sequel if people end up wanting to see it.
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Post by Tieup1 »

This story is really good, please continue :)
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Post by Sheriff »

Wow, I am so sorry it's taken this long, the last few months have been a bit crazy.

Finally though, here is part 3!! Hope you enjoy.

Part 3

“And if you don’t get out Rachel,” whispered Lauren, leaning in close, “it’s going to be so much worse.”

Rachel’s muffled swearing through her gag turned a shade more frantic and she started to struggle, trying to rock her torso back and forward against the belts binding her chest to the high-backed dining chair. Lauren let out a chuckle and sat on the floor next the brunette’s bound legs, one crossed over the other, her school shoe dangling off of her toes.

“Grrrwwt org rggue ggrring?” demanded Rachel through her gag.
“Just showing you I’m serious. Giving you a little … incentive,” smiled Lauren, her eyes flashing. She delicately rubber a finger along Rachel’s instep.
“Seriously, Rach, your feet are sweaty too, we should have taken our shoes off.”

Rachel rolled her eyes and went back to struggling. She moved her hands back and forward a few times, trying to slip wrists free. Lauren had done a much better job this time though and with the little leverage she could get with her hands pulled back over her head. She tried to look at her hands or turn round to bring her hands over shoulders. The two belts strapping her chest to the chair prevented her from turning round.

She grumbled incoherently to herself and started to push her chest back and forth, pushing it up and against the belts.
“You trying to seduce me, Rach?”
Lauren’s captive snorted with laughter and carried on. It took her a couple of minutes but she managed to slowly work the belts up the back of the chair. By the time she finished she was breathing hard but she managed to get the belts off the back of the chair.

“Good job girl!”
“Ffrrnnk rroo.”
She managed to bring her bound hands down to she they could reach her mouth. She pulled the knotted scarf out of her mouth and then quickly set to picking at the knots with her teeth. It wasn’t long before first one tie and then the second came loose from Rachel’s wrists.

“Ta-da!” grinned Rachel, doing some jazz hands. The celebration caused the precariously dangling shoe to fall off of her dark nylon clad toes.
“Not out yet though,” shrugged Lauren, digging her fingers in between the brunette’s toes.
“Lauren, no, what are you, argh, doing?” shrieked Rachel, screaming and trying the fend off her friend.
There was a few seconds of frantic screaming while one girl struggled to free her legs and the other tried to keep up the barrage of tickling.

They ended up in a sweaty heap on the floor, panting and giggling.
“You’re a real shit, Lauren,” said Rachel.
“You’d have done the same.”
“Well I’m sure as hell gonna! Come on, your turn, get in the torture chair.”

“Ha, what? Whoa! When did it become the torture chair?” demanded Lauren as she extricated herself from the tangle on the floor and sat on the chair.
“Since you started torturing me. And you sure sat on it pretty quick,” said Rachel while she gathered up her capturing supplies.
Lauren winked and jokingly bit her lip.
“Jeeze, Lauren, you’re really into this aren’t you.”

“Maybe. Maybe not.”
Rach just shook her head and pulled the blonde’s wrists to the sides of the chair. She followed this up taking the belts and wrapping each of them several times round her captive’s elbows and then buckling them to the chair’s back bars. Next she pulled Lauren’s legs apart.

“Maybe you’re the one enjoying it, Rach, whatcha doing?”
“Oh calm down. I’m just tying them apart so you can’t get as much leverage to struggle.”
“Eurgh, you and your physics.”
“Right, hold on one second, Lolly, I’m just gonna grab something.”

Rachel took a second to look at the girl she had tied up. Her feet were up on the balls of her feet, her heels peeking out of her school pumps. The angle of her legs was hitching her skirt up around her thighs. Shapely thighs.

She shook her head and walked out of the room and jogged to her bedroom. She pulled open her underwear drawer and pulled out a pair of clean ankle socks she normally used for the gym. She jogged back to Lauren and brandished the sock.
“Oh come on, Rach, your feet are always so sweat…ggmmphh.”

“Ok,Lauren, three things,”began Rachel as she tied the sock firmly into place, “One, mean! Two, it’s a clean. Three, your’s are no picnic either.”
Rachel demonstrated her point by pushing her fingers into her captive’s shoe and wiggling them up and down.
Lauren screamed with laughter into the gag but did very little else to fight back.

Rachel cocked an eyebrow when realised this but said nothing. Instead she sat back on the sofa to watch as Lauren began to struggle against her bindings. It took about five minutes in total but was pretty clear from the off the way it was going to go.

She managed to get her left hand free and after untying her other arm and then her feet she triumphantly removed her gag and took the sock out with a flourish.

“Very well done,” applauded Rachel.
“Why thank you. So I’m getting tied up again in a new position?”

Lauren looked thoughtful for a moment then leaned forward conspiratorially.
“First off, we need some rope. Second. If I can’t get out, I want you to gag me with one of your used, sweaty gym socks.”
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Post by Caesar73 »

I enjoyed the third part very much! The playful banter :D
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Post by ravish »

really well written story, I love the dialogue and the attention to detail! hope the fun continues
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Post by ArrestedForever »

Glad to see this story continuing!
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Post by Sheriff »

Thanks for the lovely comments guys :)

I'll try and get the next installment out a lot sooner than this one took!
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Post by Deleted User 4409 »

Fantastic story - love the escalation between each tie.
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Post by Beetlebailey13 »

Good Story
" No use to struggle, my dear, you're tied up much too tight for escape! However, I'd be in your debt if you would try... "
Deleted User 1255

Post by Deleted User 1255 »

Super happy you’re continuing with the story!! And I love this part you added, especially the cliffhanger at the end
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Post by Sheriff »

Oh my god guys, I'm so sorry about the huge gaps between segments! I'm the worst :(

Anyways, here is part 4!

Lauren looked thoughtful for a moment then leaned forward conspiratorially.
“First off, we need some rope. Second. If I can’t get out, I want you to gag me with one of your used, sweaty gym socks.”

Rachel was silent for a long few seconds.
“What the hell?” she asked eventually.
“The extra risk’ll make it so much more exciting. We’ll take it way more seriously if we’ll get a sock in our mouth. And if we’re being tickled then we’ll need to be gagged so we don’t disturb the neighbours.”

“I’ve been wearing those all week Lolly, and I’ve been training for the triathlon, they’ll be awful!”
“That’s the point. A forfeit should be as bad as possible.”
Rachel shook her head.
“You are way too into this. Alright then, cus I love you. You grab some rope, I’ll go grab your gag from inside my gym shoes. I’ll tell you what, If you lose I’ll tie my shoe over your nose too.”
“Gross, Rachel. I love it.”

Ten minutes later the girls reconvened. Lauren set down an armful of rope from the garage and Rachel set down Lauren’s potential forfeit, her own, still wet with sweat, shoes and socks.
Doing her best not to touch them any more than necessary, Rachel fished out one of the socks.
“Now let’s get this straight, Lolly. You’re the one who wants to taste my feet for some reason, not me. I do not want this thing in my mouth if I can’t get out.”
“Cross my heart,” smiled her friend, miming the action as she did.

“Ok, on the floor Lauren. Hands behind you.”
Dutifully, and trying not to smile too much, the blonde girl lay on her front and crossed her wrists at the small of her back. Rachel grabbed a length of rope and knelt at her side. She began wrapping the rope around and between her friend’s wrists, crisscrossing it and finishing with a tightly pulled knot. Next she took a second piece of rope and threaded it under Lauren’s waist, attaching it to her wrists and knotting it tight.
“Oi, Rach, you can feel me up if you win but not before!”
“You wish,” said Rach, shaking her head and reaching for a third piece of rope. This one bound Lauren’s crossed ankles together and then, with the few inches of remaining slack she bent her legs and brought her feet up to meet her hands. Lauren was surprisingly flexible and when Rachel was finished her captives fingertips were brushing against the sides of her feet.

“I had no idea you could bend that way!”
Lauren grunted and tried to shrug.
“I think it might be more of a hinderance than a help right now, Rach.”
“Agreed,” said Rachel, grabbing the chair and pulling it over to face her friend.

“Time starts now,” she smiled wickedly, sitting down on the chair and placing her feet directly under Lauren’s face, in such a way that meant if she’d have to raise her head off the floor to keep from having her face touch to tight-covered tops of Rachel’s feet.

“You have got to be kidding me,” sighed Lauren, letting her face slump down onto the feet.
“Start struggling or I’ll make it even worse,” threatened Rachel, slipping her right foot ever so slightly out of the black leather flat.

“Rach, no fair, you haven’t won yet!” whined Lauren, starting to pull and struggle against her bindings. She didn’t move her face though.

Lauren spent several minutes tugging at the ropes, trying to slip or pull her way free but only succeeded in working up a sweat and popping open a button on her blouse while she arched her back in her struggles.

“Not looking promising for you, Lolly,” grinned Rachel.
“It’s not over yet, I can do this.”
“You better hope so,” grinned Rachel, grabbing one of the socks and dangling it in front of Lauren’s nose.

The tied up blonde gave a shriek of laughter.
“Right, game on.”
Lauren stopped struggling and pulling wildly and closed her eyes. She took some deep breaths and let her fingers start methodically searching round all the rope she could reach.

After a minute she found the knot that was attaching her hands to her feet. Her nails pinched at the rope and she began, painfully slowly to unpick it. The moment the first knot came undone, Rachel knew she was gonna get tied up again. She sighed as, knot by knot, Lauren picked her way to freedom.

“You did a real good job there, Rach. I wasn’t sure I was gonna get out.”
“Not good enough,” she sighed as she watched Lauren unknotting the ropes.
“Right, kneel down in front of the chair,” ordered Lauren.
“What? I’m meant to be in the same position.”
“Oh I’m gonna hogtie you. I just want to do your arms properly first.”
“Eurgh. I don’t think I’m gonna get out of this.”

When Rachel was kneeling Lauren set to work. The first thing she did was loop some rope round her friend’s elbows and pull them towards each other.
“What are you doing back there?! Where the hell did you learn to...mmggrph!”

Lauren had pulled the knot tight and grabbed the second clean gym sock, the partner to the one she’d been gagged with, and jammed it into Rachel’s mouth. The sock was tied in with her tie, meaning all Rachel could do was look plaintively at her.

“None of those big, sad eyes either,” smirked Lauren, grabbing a scarf and blindfolding her friend. Next she tied the brunette’s wrists, palm to palm, followed by rope round her waist to pull her hands tight to her back. She added some more binding above and below the breasts, knotted at the elbows for good measure. This caused quite a lot of muffled protest from her captive.

“You had your chance, Rach,” sha said, “now, on your front.”
With some difficulty and some accidental hiking of her skirt, Lauren helped Rachel lie face down on her stomach. Rope went round her knees, her ankles, and a final piece ran from her bound feet to her elbows.

Lauren took a step back and admired her work. Rachel looked completely helpless. She was trussed up from head to toe and even though she was struggling furiously she could barely move.

A smile crept over Lauren’s face. She was enjoying this. She was really enjoying this. She opened up her phone and flicked the video camera on before settling down to watch and enjoy.

It had started out as a bit of fun but Lauren was enjoying herself more and more. And she had some real plans for Rachel if she couldn’t get out...
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Post by ryan »

Thanks for continuing this story.
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Post by Sheriff »

Glad you're enjoying it!
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