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Taina, the failed spy m/f

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 1:00 pm
by lasse672000
Late one afternoon, Taina hid in the bushes, watching David and his friends fool around in the yard. She knew she had to talk to him when he was alone. The problem was (and it frustrated the hell out of her); he never seemed to be! He always seemed to be surrounded by his friends and/or his family!
"Oh, well," she sighed, "I'll just have to wait, then; won't I?"

"You know you're being watched; don't you?" Les noted, tilting his head slightly to his right.
"Mm; I do." David nodded, and lifted his right eyebrow ever so slightly. "She's been standing behind those bushes for days. I know they have thorns, and as she's only been wearing a sleeveless leotard, she has to have scratches pretty much all over her body by now."
"Don't you wanna know why?" Charlie wanted to know.
"No; not really." David shook his head. "She can stand there till winter, for all I care."
"Well I do. And I'm going to go and bring her here!" Charlie determinedly said, as he got to his feet and started walking.
"Yea, well; Good luck catching her, bro!" David sarcastically laughed. "She may look sweet and innocent, but boy; when she gets mad, she can be all nails and teeth! And she's faster and more agile than a weasel!"
"Thanks for the warning , but I know how to handle an angry girl! I have a sister too; remember? And I'm pretty agile myself."
This time, David laughed out loud. He made a sweeping motion with his hand towards the bushes. "Well then; go right ahead, if you're so eager, my friend! But don't you ever let me hear you say I didn't warn you."
"I won't."

Taina looked on as the boys talked, convinced they couldn't see her. She saw Charlie leave the others, and disappear from view.
"Wonder where he's going?" she thought, and when he didn't return for a while she assumed he'd had to use the bathroom. Therefore, it came as quite a surprise, when an arm was put around her stomach, pinning her arms to her ides, and a hand was pressed over her mouth.
"Gotcha!" Charlie hissed, as he tackled her on her stomach. He had tied her wrists behind her back, and pushed a handkerchief in her mouth, before she had time to react.
"MMMMM!" she angrily protested.
"Yea, something like that!" he smiled, yanked her to her feet, and started pushing her. When he saw her trying to push the handkerchief out with her tongue, he took another length of rope and tied it around her head to keep it in. "That'll do for now." he grunted.
"Yea. That, too!"

David and Les were surprised, when Charlie returned so quickly, with Taina as his prisoner.
"That was quick?" Les remarked.
"As I said; I've got a sister too, and know that speed is of the essence when trying to capture them." he explained. "Otherwise, they'll discover you and are gone before you have time to react and you'll be lucky if you're able to catch them off guard again."
He turned to David, and asked: "What do you want to do with this one?"
He gave his sister a thoughtful look.
"Let's put her in the hut, shall we?" he said. "No one will hear or see her there, and we can interrogate her for as long as we want, using whatever means necessary."
'Interrogate me?' Taina terrified thought. 'About what? I haven't done anything!'
"MMMM! MMMM! MMMM!" she started protesting, and shook her head.
"You don't want to go there; do you? Because you know what's going to happen; don't you?" David said, with an evil smile on his face. "Well, tough, sis! You know something I don't, I want to know what that something is!"
He grabbed one arm, and Les the other, and they dragged her to the hut.

Inside, they put her on a bench, and released her wrists, pushed her on her back, and retied them and her ankles, to the legs. It wasn't ideal, but it was all they had, and they compensated by stretching her out as much as they could.
Suddenly, Les and Charlie looked terrified, and said they had to go home.
"No, you don't!" David disgusted said. "You just don't want to see a poor girl suffer, as I'm going to make this poor girl suffer. Well, then; get out of here; cowards!"

When they had left, David knelt beside his sister and took her gag away.
"Now; here are the rules." he gently told her with a smile. "I'm going to ask you some questions, and you will answer immediately. Every time you hesitate for more than two seconds, give me a wrong answer, or one I don't like or even suspect is wrong, I will punish you." He wiggled his fingers to illustrate what he meant. "Is that clear?"
"Yes." Taina said in a trembling voice, because she suspected what was to come. And she was right; David confused her, sometimes by interrupting, sometimes by asking two, seemingly unrelated, questions, or changing subject, so she had a hard time keeping up. And all through the "interrogation" he kept lightly poking her on the stomach or in the ribs or sides which irritated her, and gave him an excuse to tickle her as punishment for not answering a question.

He ended the session by pouring ice cold water on her leotard, before releasing her. He let her go with a warning that if she told anybody about this, she'd be in a whole lot of trouble.

Re: Taina, the failed spy f/m

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 10:17 pm
by David Han
Good story

Re: Taina, the failed spy f/m

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 11:06 pm
by Andris
Well written story!

Re: Taina, the failed spy f/m

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 11:16 pm
by wolfman
Excellent. Would have liked to see more of the "interrogation" though

Re: Taina, the failed spy f/m

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 11:29 pm
by Roboticrobin20
Great story but you got the tags wrong. I got my hopes up xd

Re: Taina, the failed spy f/m

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2020 12:01 am
by Mineira1986
I fell for the wrong tag as well!! But other than that, good story!