All in the family (f/m, mm/FF, F/mff, F/f, f/mfF, FF/f, mf/FF and more)

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Post by slackywacky »

18. Tape challenge

Tim walked down the stairs dressed in grey sweatpants and a blue Adidas t-shirt, barefoot and with his hair wet, just as Tamara, Karen and Miranda walked into the house.

“Hi sleepy head.” Tamara greeted him.

“I did not sleep; I trained and took a shower. What have you been up to?” He said, eyeing the roles of duct tape in her hands.

Miranda told him about the escape attempt. Just as she finished, Sally came out of the bathroom.

“Hey little brother.” She greeted him, knowing well that he did not like the reference.

“Ready?” Tamara asked her.

“Ready for what?” Tim asked, looking at his sister and his girlfriend.

Karen and Miranda had walked into the kitchen area, leaving the three youngsters in the hallway.

“Sally says she can escape my tape bondage.” Tamara replied to Tim.

“Oh, does she?” He replied, grinning. “Maybe we should make it a competition, I’ll tie the both of you and whoever gets out first is the winner.”

Sally and Tamara looked at each other, they both smiled and looked back at Tim.

“Sounds like a plan. Let’s head to the basement.”

“Mum, we’re downstairs.” Sally called out to the kitchen.

“Okay. Just a reminder that Carrie will be here at 3 PM.”

“Does you mother know about these games?” Sally asked Tamara.

“Yeah, she found me tied up a couple of times.” Tamara confirmed. “As long as we played safe, she was fine with it. She has no idea how much we’re playing though.”

Tim looked at the clock that showed 1 PM.

“We’ll better get a move on, if your mom is here at 3, we have 2 hours.”

“That should be enough to escape.” Tamara stated.

Together the girls walked downstairs, leaving Tim to trail them. They moved some of the furniture aside in the family room to create an open space. Tamara is still dressed in her red shorts, white t-shirt, while Sally is still dressed in her black two-piece fitness set. Both left their shoes in the hallway upstairs.

“Did you guys agree to any rules?” Tim asks, before picking up a role of grey duct tape.

“Not really, no.” Sally replied.

“The rules could be simple, first one out wins.” Sally said and Tamara agreed.

“You tie us the same and we’ll have to escape.” Tamara agreed.

Tim smiled. He looked forward to this.

“Gags? Blindfolds?” He asked.

“Duh, a gag is part of this. There are some clean hand towels in the bathroom, you could use those.” Sally stated, not giving Tamara a chance to disagree.

She stood in the middle of the cleared-out area and held her hands behind her back, palms together. Tim picked up the first role of tape and wrapped ten wraps around his sister’s wrists, pulling the tape snug. Tamara stood next to Sally and held her hands the same way. Using a second role, he wrapped ten wraps around her wrists, a mirror image of Sally’s bonds.

“Elbows?” Tim asked and both girls looked at each other, before agreeing.

Ten wraps went around Sally’s elbows, touching them, just above the elbows itself, and the same amount of tape was used on Tamara elbows, also touching her elbows. He could tell neither woman was wearing a bra, as pulling their arms together behind their backs, pushed out their chests.

“Ready for gags?” He asked, while walking to the bathroom in the basement and grabbing two clean washcloths.

Sally sighed and willingly opened her mouth, letting Tim stuff the wadding in her mouth. The things were reasonable big, so he had to help his sister with pushing it in.

“Okay?” He asked, looking her in the eyes.

She just nodded. Tim took the duct tape and wrapped it five times around her head, covering her face from just under her nose to her chin, making it impossible to push out the wadding.

“Hmmpppppffff.” Sally tried her gag, but it worked well, as she was not very loud.

“Any last words?” He asked his girlfriend, holding the second cloths up to her mouth.

She kissed him, before opening her mouth and let him stuff the wadding in and wrap the tape around her head, like Sally.

“Hmmpppfffffff.” She also tried her gag, and it was similar top Sally.

“Silence at last.” Tim said, grinning, while grabbing the role of tape that he had been using for Sally.

He wrapped four wraps around her upper body, just above her breasts and 4 below her breasts. Another 4 wraps went around her waist and wrists, keeping her arms pressed against her back. Using the other role, he did the same to Tamara, making sure the tape was pulled tight at every wrap.

“Sit down ladies, I don’t want you to fall.” He said, pointing to the couch they had moved out of the way.

The girls sat down next to each other, grinning when Tamara bumped into Sally by accident. Tim took the tape again and wrapped Sally’s legs at ankles and knees, before he did the same to Tamara, using the other role. Both women were wrapped up pretty good, but Tim was not done, as he still had another role of tape left for each of them.

“On the ground please.” He ordered his prisoners.

With a little effort and a few grunts, both girls made their way to the carpet. They had to be careful, as they could not use their arms to balance themselves and with their legs tied, they could not use their legs to sit down on the floor. The kinda had to fall sideways, as Tim was not helping, he just watched them make their way to the floor from the couch, a smile on his face.

“You guys are fun to watch.” He said after the girls made it to the floor.

Sally was sitting, Tamara was lying on her side, but both were looking at Tim. He pushed his sister, so that she also was lying on the floor, rolling her over so she was lying on her stomach. He wrapped a couple of wraps of tape around her fingers, which caused her to grunt angrily, as she knew without the use of her fingers, she would never escape. Tamara reacted much the same, she tried to get away from him, but bound as she was, it was an uneven fight and soon both women had their fingers taped.

“Want some more tape?” He asked the helpless females on the floor, waving the two unused rolls of tape.

Both Sally and Tamara shook their heads. They knew it would be hard enough, if not impossible, to escape from what Tim had done so far, using more tape would make it even harder, but Tim was not done. He helped his sister sit again and started to wrap the second roll around Sally’s torso. Soon she was wrapped in tape from her neck to her waist.

“One down, one to go.” He said, grabbing the other role of tape and, after sitting her up too, wrapping his girlfriend in the same way as he had his sister.

Both girls looked angry at Tim, but both knew they were helpless to do anything about it.

“Just a few more wraps.” Tim said, after which he finished the role by wrapping Sally’s legs.

Except for her butt, she was almost completely wrapped up in tape. Tamara looked the same a few minutes later. Tim had saved two pieces of tape and stuck one over Sally’s eyes and the other one over Tamara’s eyes, carefully pushing the tape down so it covered their eyes completely.

“Hmmmpppfffff.” Sally grunted, not enjoying the fact see had lost her vision.

“I know, fun isn’t it?” Tim asked, reacting to his sisters grunting.

He checked both girls over, but the tape was snug, and he didn’t expect them to be able to escape from it, but it never hurts to double check. He cleaned up the leftovers from the tape.

“Now all you have to do is escape.” He said, sitting down on the couch, watching the two women.

Both Sally and Tamara felt they had been cheated; Tim knew well that they would never escape from this. Though, they tried to escape, but it was useless, although Tim was enjoying the struggles. Suddenly footsteps came down the stairs.

“Hi Tim, what are you doing?”

It was Jacob and Lucas.

“Hi guys, how was the trip?”

The boys did not look like they were interested in telling how their trip with their father had been, they seemed more interested in the two taped up women on the floor.

“Did you do this?” Jacob asked, keeping his eyes on Sally and Tamara.

“They are trying to escape. The first one who gets out wins the bet.”

“Does not look like they can get out.” Lucas added.

“We’ve just started. We’ll give them am hour or so, they need to get a chance to try for real.” Tim replied.

This caused both women to grunt and shake their heads. They did not want to stay tied that long.

“You know what?” Tim said. “I’ll go get some lunch, why don’t you two watch these two, so they do not get in trouble. Remember, they need to escape themselves, no helping them.”

“Okay, we’ll keep an eye on them. Can we play a game on the TV?”

“Sure, you know how it works.”

Tim walked to the stairs leading up to the main floor and looked back at the two kids sitting on the couch playing a computer game, while his sister and his girlfriend were lying on the floor, helplessly taped.

“This is fun.” He said, before walking upstairs.
Last edited by slackywacky 4 years ago, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Mask6190 »

The family is back!

Hmmm....Let two kids watch your taped up sister and girlfriend. What can go wrong...
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Post by Caesar73 »

I like this contest 😊 Tim is a little devious - but just a little:) Very good new Chapter!
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Post by Luyan »

Sounds like a fun family!
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Post by slackywacky »

Thanks guys, let's see what happens next...

19. Departure time

“Coffee or tea?” Karen asked Carrie.

Carrie had come straight from the hospital in town, still in her scrubs from the 12 hours shift she just completed, her long auburn hair done up in a ponytail.

“Tea is fine, I had enough coffee during my shift. It was a busy shift, which makes time fly, but I could use a nap when I get home.” She said.

Miranda sat next to her at the kitchen table and selected tea too, which was the common drink for most afternoons in the house. Tim had made himself a sandwich and was finishing the last pieces. When he came upstairs, he caught the end of an argument between Miranda and Danny, something about Danny going out for the rest of the weekend, as his father had invited him, but they could not take the kids. Tim just walked by them and went into the kitchen. Danny had left, Miranda had come back into the kitchen and a fifteen minutes later Carrie arrived. She had come to pick up her daughter, as they had a family event that evening.

“You okay, Miranda?” Carrie asked, seeing that Miranda was a little upset.

“Yeah, I am just pissed at Danny. We make plans and then he changes things around again. He was supposed to be at his dad with the boys, but they are going out to a game and the boys could not come along.”

“You can still stay here, we have enough room for the boys.” Karen said, feeling sorry for her friend.

“I know, thank you. I just hate that I can’t rely on Danny.”

“Ever thought about family counselling?” Carrie asked, her role as a nurse kicking in.

“Yeah, can’t get Danny to participate, so that was useless. I’ll be okay. Where are the boys?” She asked Tim.

“They are playing a game and watching Sally and Tamara in the basement.”

“Tamara and Sally are watching the boys?” Carrie asked, thinking she misunderstood what Tim said.

“No, the boys are watching the girls.” Karen laughed, seeing the confusion on Carrie’s face. Maybe you should go and have a look. You might need this.”

Karen handed Carrie a pair of scissors.

“What do I need those for?”

“You’ll see.” Karen said, laughing.

Confused Carrie got up and walked to the hallway and down to the basement. First thing she saw was the two boys sitting in front of the big screen, playing a game. Then she noticed the two silver packages on the floor.

“Oh my, what happened here?” She said.

Jacob and Lucas looked up from their game.

“They are trying to escape. First one out wins.” Lucas said. “But they are not very good at it.”

Carrie grinned at that response and walked over to the restrained girls and examined them. Whoever had tied them up had done a hell of a job. She did not think either would escape.

“Hmmmppppppffffffffff.” Tamara said in her gag when she heard her mother’s voice.

Carrie ignored her, turned around and walked back to the kitchen, handing the scissors back to Karen.

“These kids play weird games.” She stated after sitting down with her tea again.

“As if you did not play these games when you were young. Did you leave them tied up?” Karen asked.

Carrie nodded.

“If they want to be tied up, they can stay that way. I have another 30 minutes, if Tamara has not escaped by then, I’ll take her home as she is. That might teach her a lesson.”

“I think Sally spend more time tied up while she is at the house then anybody else.” Miranda said, adding to the conversation.

“She has had her fair share of bondage.” Karen agreed.

“I can’t remember when the games stopped when I was young, well for me, you never stopped.” Carrie said to Karen.

“I think you were only once tied up when I was modelling.” Karen said, thinking back to many years ago.

While they talked about a simpler time, Tim left them alone and he walked down to the two prisoners and the boys. The boys were playing their game, hardly paying any attention to the two taped females on the floor. Neither had made any progress.

“Come on Sally, Tamara is winning.” Tim stated, even though both women were still as helpless as when they started.

Sally could hardly move, taped up as she was, and she hated the fact Tim had taped her eyes, so she could not confirm that Tamara was ahead. She had tried to escape her bondage, but there was very little she could do. With her fingers taped, she could not get a grip on the tape and the tape itself was way to strong to be torn. With her arms taped up as they were, wrists and elbows together, a customary position it seems for her, she had no chance of getting out. The gag filled her mouth and the tape around her head was tight and prevented her from spitting out the wad, making using her teeth to escape another dead-end.

“Hmmmpppfffff.” She grunted.

Tamara wondered why Tim said she was ahead of Sally, as she had not made any headway. She felt a little uncomfortable, knowing that her mother saw her taped up like this, but she also knew that she could do nothing to change the situation. She had, while moving around, bumped into a couch and had tried to use it to get the tape of her face, but it had not worked, so she was still helplessly tied and tightly gagged and blindfolded.

“No escape yet?” Carrie asked, as she entered the basement again, stopping next to Tim.

“Nope.” He said.

“Well, we’ll have to leave, so I figure I’ll have to take Tamara as is.”

When she heard her mother state in so many words that she was not going to be freed from the tape, her hopes of getting out were shattered.

“Hmmmpppfffff.” She grunted, shaking her head.

Sally had to grin as she heard Tamara’s complaints, although she also figured there would be no escape yet from the tape.

“Come on, young lady, time to go.” Carrie said, walking up to her daughter.

Tim helped Carrie pick up the taped-up female from the floor and standing her up.

“I can carry her.” Tim stated.

Carrie signaled he could go ahead with that and he lifted his girlfriend over his shoulder, his shoulder pushing into her waist, her head at the back of Tim and her feet at the front.

“Say bye to the others.” Carrie said with a smile on her face.


It was unclear if she complained about her mothers joke or that she said goodbye. Carrie walked close behind Tim, making sure he did not drop her daughter on the floor. Without incidents they made it to the hallway. Karen and Miranda were standing there, looking at the procession coming from the basement.

“Oh wow, you did not go easy on them.” Miranda said when she saw the amount of tape on Tamara.

“I’ll give her a few more hours to escape. Maybe that will teach her to be better at it.” Carrie grinned.

“Hmmpppfffffff.” Tamara protested.

Karen opened the outside door and Tim walked out with Tamara. Carrie had opened the tailgate of the car and moved some stuff to the backseat, making room for the taped-up woman.

“Just put her in the back, Tim.” She said.

Tim placed Tamara carefully in the rear of Carrie’s Ford Edge, closing the tail gate by pressing the button on the gate itself.

“I’ll get her bag with stuff, she put it on the bed, ready for when you were here.”

“Thanks, Tim.”

While Carrie waited for the bag, Karen and Miranda joined her out by the car.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Karen asked.

“Like you never drive with bound people in your car.” Carrie replied, hinting to the trip Karen made with Sally bound and gagged in the car.

“You have a 30-minute ride.”

“She’ll be fine. I’ll drive safe, as always, and there is hardly any traffic between here and my place. I’ll call when I get home. Okay?”

Karen nodded. She knew the drive, there was not much that could happen during the trip, but as with Sally’s trip, she was always a little nervous.

“Here’s the bag.” Tim said, when he came back from the house.

“I’ll see you guys soon.” Carrie said, climbing into her car.

The engine came to life and the car drove away, leaving Tim, Karen and Miranda behind in the yard.

“I should start thinking about dinner.” Karen said, while they walked back to the house.

“I will look after the boys.” Tim said, indicating that he would go down to the basement again.

“And I will drink some more tea.” Miranda added, closing the door behind her and heading for the kitchen behind Karen.

“And look after your sister.” Karen told Tim before he walked down.

“Will do, she’s not going anywhere for the moment.” He grinned.
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Post by Luyan »

Cool update!
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Post by slackywacky »

20. Stuck again

“You are not really good at escaping, are you?” Lucas asked the tightly taped female on the floor of the family room.

“Hmmpppffffff.” Sally responded, not being able to do much else.

She had heard how Tamara had been taken away and then all she heard was the boys playing on the game console. After a while, the boys stopped playing and she could hear them sitting down next to her.

“Should we release you?” Jacob asked her.

Sally nodded.

“Not sure what Tim will say if we do that.” Lucas dashing her hopes.

“I will say what about what?” Tim asked, while coming down the stairs.

“Jacob asked if we should release Sally.” Lucas replied. “And she was nodding.”

“You think we should release her?” Tim asked Jacob.

He looked at the bound female on the floor and his brother before answering.

“Not really, but could we move her, she is distracting us from playing our game?”

Tim thought that was not a bad idea. He knew Sally would never get out of her tape bondage and it was probably not very comfortable to be taped up like this.

“Not a bad idea.” Tim replied.

“Hmmpppffffff.” Sally interjected, not agreeing to the unfolding events, but she knew she was helpless, again, to do anything about it.

“Hush, sis. We’ll get you out of most of the tape, okay?” Tim said to Sally.

That did sound fine to Sally, but she was wondering what Tim had in mind, as she knew her brother well enough and he did not sound like he was willing to release her completely. It took some time for the boys to undo most of the tape as they did not cut the tape, but unwound it, but after patiently waiting, the bulk of the tape had been removed from her body. Only her wrists, elbows, fingers and the wraps Tim had applied in the beginning just above and below her breasts and around her waist were still present. The gag was also still in place, as was the tape over her eyes, so she was still their helpless prisoner. At least they had lifted her up and she was standing again.

“Hmmmppppppffffff hmmppfff.” Sally said, meaning to thank the boys for getting rid of most of the tape. 

It felt good to be out of the sticky mess, even if her arms were still useless stuck behind her back. She wondered what the boys, or more specifically Tim as the ringleader, had in mind. She did not have to wait long.

“Where are we moving her?” Lucas asked, holding on to Sally on one side, while his brother stood on her other side.

“Upstairs to her room might be good.” Jacob suggested.

“But we need to keep an eye on her, at least occasionally.” Lucas said.

“She has been bound and gagged before without anybody even close to where she was, maybe not the greatest thing to do, but it happened. But why don’t we put her on a chair in the dining room, my mum and your mum can keep an eye on her.” Tim suggested.

Sally didn’t want to be tied up somewhere alone, so being in the kitchen/dining room area was not too bad, at least she could hear people talk. She would have liked to be untied completely, though.

“Maybe we can kidnap our moms again.” Lucas suggested.

“Oh, that would be fun.” Jacob added.

“I don’t know. I don’t know if your mother wants to play again.” Tim said.

“Hmmpppffff.” Sally said in her gag, shaking her head, not liking that plan.

“Let’s bring Sally up first, we’ll see how things are upstairs.” Tim suggested. “It might be close to dinner time anyway.”

The young boys walked their prisoner to the stairs, guiding her, as Sally could not see. She knew the layout of the room, as she lived in the house, but Tim wanted to be sure she would not fall and stayed close behind them. Without incidents they reached the kitchen.

“There they are.” Karen said when they saw the procession enter the kitchen. “I see Sally has not escaped yet?”

“I don’t think anybody can escape from that, let alone from how Tamara was taped.” Miranda added.

“I bet Sally was looking much the same, right Tim?”

“Both girls were taped identical, yes. But we figured we give Sally a break. She was distracting the boys from playing their game and we did not want to leave her alone, so we figured we tape her to a chair in the dining room.”

“You are not taping anything to my good chairs.” Karen warned. “I don’t mind if you use rope.”

Sally could not believe her ears, being betrayed by her mother again. She was going to try to tell them about the kidnapping plans the kids had, but now she was not so sure she wanted to do that. If her mother didn’t care she was kept tied longer, they could end up in the same position, for all she cared.

“Sit her down on the chair at the end of the table, boys.” Karen said to Jacob and Lucas.

The boys sat Sally down on the chair, they had to remove the tape around her hands, as she could not sit straight with her fingers taped up. Without the tape she could bend her hands so she could lean against the back of the chair.

“Hmmppppfffff.” She said, thanking the kids, although nobody understood what she said.

Tim had brought the box with ropes into the main area of the house that comprised living room, kitchen and dining room. Both Lucas and Jacob sorted out some of the ropes and put them ready to be used on Sally, who was patiently sitting on the chair.

“Dinner is almost ready, 5 more minutes.” Karen said, looking at the pots and pans on the cooker.

The kids were wrapping a long rope around Sally’s torso, tightly pushing her to the chairback. She could feel how they wrapped the rope from just above her breasts to her waist. More rope followed around the seat and her hips and upper legs.

“We’ll be done soon.” Lucas said, while wrapping a rope around Sally’s legs at her ankles, his brother tying her knees.

It did not take long for the boys to tie Sally to the chair. It seemed to her she ended up tied in the same position regularly, as it wasn’t too long ago both Tim and she had been fed dinner, while sitting tied at the dinner table. It looked like, at least for her, it was happening again.

“Wash your hands.” Karen told the others, while putting the food on the table.

The boys washed their hands, while Karen and Miranda finished the table, and once everybody was seated, they ate dinner. Sally was surprised nobody offered to feed her.

“Hmmmppppffffffff.” She complained.

“If you cannot eat yourself, you will have to wait.” Her mother told her.

She couldn’t see what dinner was, but it smelled good and her stomach was grumbling, but it was obvious she would not get fed yet. She grumbled annoyed in her gag, but she got ignored. Lucas and Jacob told the others about the game they were playing downstairs and neither Karen nor Miranda understood any of it. Tim used to say that if it was not Pacman, they had no clue as to what kids played nowadays. And Karen would agree with him, as she had no idea.

“Thanks for dinner.” Tim said once they were done.

They helped clean up the table, still ignoring Sally. Once they were done, Tim and the boys asked for permission to go downstairs. Karen said they would look after Sally, but she told them they would have to release her, as they had tied her up.

“Yes, Karen.” Lucas stated.

The boys ran downstairs, while Karen and Miranda had coffee at the dining table.

“You okay?” Miranda asked Sally, who just nodded.

Sitting on the chair, although still tightly tied, was better than being wrapped up like a mummy. At least she was not overheating now. The cocoon of tape had been warm.

“Hmmpppffff.” Sally said, but Karen and Miranda had no idea what she meant.

“I need to get better at gag talk.” Miranda said.

“During my modelling we got pretty good at it, as we kind of developed a system, but I have no clue what she is saying.” Karen replied.

Sally had to grin, it was that she knew what she wanted to say, otherwise she would also not have understood what she was saying.

“More coffee, Miranda?” Karen asked after sitting at the table for a while, chatting about their kids.

Before she could answer, Lucas and Jacob ran into the kitchen, their faces covered with a scarf and a toy gun in their hands.

“Police. Hands up. You are being arrested for kidnapping.” Lucas said, pointing his toy gun at Karen, while Jacob aimed his at his mother.

“Kidnapping? Who, what?” Karen asked, acting surprised, which she partially was as she had not expected the kids to come up with this plan.

“Kidnapping this woman.” Lucas said, pointing at the tightly tied Sally.

Miranda sighed and raised her hands in surrender, looking at Karen with a smile on her face.

“Here we go again.” Karen thought, raising her hands too.
Last edited by slackywacky 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Nice! Again :) So the mothers get tied up again -this will be fun :)
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Post by Alisonlovesropes »

And poor Sally's still not been fed. :(
Sometimes gagged, sometimes blindfold. Always barefoot.
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Post by Beaumains »

Poor Sally. Again tied much longer than she wanted. Those two little seem to be able to get away with anything they try. Any chance they get what they deserve?
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Great story!

But not only the kids... Tim also hasn't been tied up since page 2 I think. I would love to see that changing =)
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Post by slackywacky »

They will all get what the deserve, just have to finish this chapter. Will be 2 more installments. Then I'll do some with my other story again.
Thanks for the comments, it feels good to know people read my ramblings and enjoy them.

The new editor makes posting a little tricky, as a straight copy and paste from Word seems to lose my layout. But it won;t stop me from posting :-) Just have to go to Notepad++ first before pasting here.
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21. Visitor
“Hmmppppfffff, hmppff hmmpppffff.”

“Hmmppff hmmppffff.”


For any bystander, this discussion must have sounded strange, but to the three tied, gagged and blindfolded women in the dining room, it was the only thing they could do. Sally was still sitting on the chair the boys had tied her up on, but she was joined by both Karen and Miranda. Both were tied almost identical, hands and elbows behind their backs, Karen’s elbows touching, Miranda’s getting very close, sitting on similar chairs as Sally, with their bound arms over the chair backs. A massive amount of rope wrapped around their upper bodies, not allowing them any movement. Both had their legs tied together and fixed to the rung under the chair seat, keeping their feet almost of the floor. A rope from their tied ankles to their wrists completed the picture.

“Hmmmppppfffffff hmmpppffff.” Karen said in her gag.

The gags were similar as to their last kidnapping, a small kitchen towel in their mouth and a scarf to hold it in place. Both Karen and Miranda were blindfolded. Karen suspected it had been at least half an hour since the kids had finished tying them after they came into the kitchen with their guns and arresting them. Since then, they had been left alone, or at least that was what she believed. Tim had been up several times to check on them, just doing it very quiet and none of the prisoners had detected him.

“Hmmpppffff.” Sally responded to Karen’s grunts.

All three women knew that they would not get out without help. Again, they suspected that Tim had played a role in their bondage, because Lucas and Jacob had blindfolded both women right after tying their wrists behind their backs. Suddenly Karen’s phone started ringing.

“Hmmmppppfffffff.” She called out for Tim.

It took a few moments before somebody came into the room from downstairs. The phone had stopped ringing.

“What’s up?” Tim’s voice asked.

“Hmmpppffff, hmmppff hhhmmmmppppffff hhhmmpppffff.” Karen tried.

“I have no idea what you are saying.” He replied.

Karen got a bit frustrated. She wanted to know who called her.

“Hmmppppfffff.” She tried again.

“Let me get your gag out.” Tim said, walking up to his helpless mother.

It only took a few moments before the wad was pulled out of her mouth.

“My phone was ringing. I wonder who it was.”

Tim looked at the phone.

“It was Carrie. She left a voicemail. Your phone provider converted it to a text message. It says that she got home safe, had to stop on the way to pick up some milk. She will call back later.”

“Oh, okay, that is… hmmmppppffffffff.”

Before Karen could finish the sentence, Tim had stuffed the wadding back into her mouth, and he tied the scarf around her head again. She gave him an angry grunt. The other women in the room grinned, as they could figure out what was happening, even blindfolded.

“Be quiet.” Tim just said to his mother, a bit stern.

He knew quite well not to talk to her like that under normal conditions, but he figured having his mother bound and gagged made this situation different. He was in control now and that changed the dynamics of their relation.

“Hmmppppfffff?” Sally asked.

Tim ignored her and walked down to the basement, checking on the kids playing their game. He sat down on the couch, checking his messages. He was expecting a message from Tamara, but so far there was nothing.

“Can we have a drink?” Lucas asked.

“Yes, go ahead, they are in the fridge in the kitchen.”

Both boys ran upstairs, leaving Tim alone downstairs. He was thinking about how the bondage had escalated in the last two weeks. Before that he would play games with Sally occasionally, but not as often as they did now, plus the group of people that was involved seem to be growing too.

“Tim, there is somebody at the door.” Lucas yelled from the top of the stairs.

He looked up, as far as he knew there were no one coming. With 2 steps at the time he ran upstairs. Both Lucas and Jacob were standing at the outside door.

“Oh, hi Tim. Sorry to show up unexpected, but I have something for Sally that she needs before college on Monday.” The woman at the door said in a sultry voice.

“Good evening, Bridget.”

Bridget, 19 years old, was a classmate from Sally. Tim had met her once when she worked with Sally on some stuff for school while at the house. She was tall, a little taller than Tim, and well-shaped, dressed in black leggings and a yellow blouse. She looked great with her shoulder length red hair, which Tim figured was colored, hanging loose around her pretty face.

“She is a little tied up, can I give her a message?” He said with a big smile.

“I can tell she is tied up, as she is sitting in the dining room.” Bridget pointed towards the open door from the hallway.

Tim turned around and he could see his sister sitting on her chair, fully bound and gagged. When he came up from the basement, he forgot to check the door. His cheeks turned red.

“Not sure what is going on, but after I saw rope marks on Sally’s arms last week, I knew something was going on, so I asked her, and she told me she got tied up. Just didn’t know she did it more often. Can I see her?”

“Go play your game, boys.” He told Lucas and Jacob, sending them downstairs, before stepping aside and letting Bridget into the hallway.

They walked into the dining room. Bridget gasped when she saw it was not just Sally being tied up.

“Oh wow.” She exclaimed.

The three prisoners reacted to the strange voice, as their blindfolds prevented them from seeing who was in the room with them. Sally thought she recognized the voice.

“Hmmpppfffff?” She asked.

Bridget walked over to the prisoners and inspected their bonds. They looked tight. And their gags looked massive.

“I assume they cannot escape?”

“No, if they could, they would have done so by now. They have been tied for a while.”

“I would have been surprised if they could escape form this. Pretty good work. When are you letting them go?” She asked.

“Later.” Was all that he said.

Bridget put the bag she was carrying on the table and looked at Sally some more. Suddenly Lucas and Jacob came running back into the room, holding their toy guns and having their scarfs cover their faces again. They pointed their guns at Bridget.

“Hands up, lady. We caught you while you tried to rescue our prisoners and we can’t have that.”

Looking surprised at Tim, who just raised his shoulders in an ‘I don’t know’ gesture, she slowly turned to them and raised her hands.

“Do you need to tie me up?” She asked the boys.

Tim figured that when he said to the boys that they should go back to their game, they interpreted it as going back to their kidnapping game, instead of their computer game. Not that he minded, Bridget was good looking.

“Sit down in that chair.” Lucas said, pointing at one of the free chairs at the table.

“Hmmpppfffff.” Sally said in her gag, shaking her head as to indicate to Bridget not to let herself get tied up, but she got ignored.

“Tim, tie her up.” The boys ordered.

“You okay with this?” He softly asked her when he stepped behind her with a piece of rope.

She just nodded and Tim moved her hands behind the chair back and expertly tied her wrists together. Holding her breath when he tied her, she slowly breathed out when he tied the last knot. She gasped when he wrapped a rope around her elbows, pulling them together. They went easily together all the way, even easier than with his mother. He noticed that her full chest was pushed out and her blouse was tight over her breasts.

“Feels like you know what you are doing.” She told Tim.

Her breathing became deeper, the more rope Tim added to her bondage and it did not take long before Bridget joined the other women in being completely helpless. The ropes around her upper body made her breasts even more prominent.

“You should gag her too.” Jacob added.

“Yes, Tim. You should gag me too.” Bridget said, smiling at him while he stood next to her chair.

Wondering what was going on, Tim applied the same gag as his mom and Miranda had, a tea towel and scarf. Bridget had opened her mouth wide to let him push the wadding in. A blindfold, using another scarf, was the last item he applied. He looked at the four bound women and tried to figure out how Bridget was fitting into all of this. How often did a woman you hardly knew asked to be tied up as stringently as Bridget was now? It was either his lucky day, or something else was going on.

“We’re going down.” Lucas and Jacob said, leaving Tim alone with his four helpless prisoners.

He stood there, looking at the scene in front of him. He looked at the clock, it was just past eight in the evening and it was getting dark outside. He figured that he could keep the four females’ prisoner for a while longer and sat down on the couch. He did not turn the TV on, the scene in the dining room was way better than what was on TV.

“Now, if only Tamara would text me.” He thought, relaxing on the couch.
Last edited by slackywacky 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by slackywacky »

Bonus chapter today... :-)

22. Memories

“Tim, wake up.”

Lucas shook Tim’s arm to wake him up.

“Uh, what?”

Tim suddenly remembered where he was. He looked to the dining table, all four prisoners were still tightly tied, sitting on the chairs. He gasped when he looked at the clock, it was almost 11 PM, he must have been tired, or maybe it was the peace and quiet in the kitchen.

“Thanks guys. It might be bedtime for you guys. Can you get yourselves ready?”

Jacob and Lucas nodded and walked away. Tim got up from the couch and removed the blindfold and gag from his mother.

“Sorry, I fell asleep, it was not planned to keep you tied this long.” He said.


Tim’s phone got a message. Karen worked her jaw to get the stiffness out, she looked at the clock and sighed. Tim was laughing when he opened the message.

“What’s so funny?” His mother asked.

He showed his mother his phone, it showed a picture of Tamara, still tightly taped, lying on her bed. Her alarm clock showing 10 PM.

“Looks like Carrie did not release her.” Tim said.

Karen looked around at the new person in the room.

“Is that Bridget? Sally’s school friend? I never caught her last name.” Karen asked, pointing her head to the tightly tied Bridget.

“Yes, she came at 7:30 and wanted to work with Sally, but when the boys came into the kitchen and arrested her too. She let me tie her up without any complaints.” Tim replied, while he removed the gag and blindfold from Miranda.

“Oh, that feels better.” Miranda said when her jaw worked again. “I am not as fit as I used to be.”

Karen laughed and looked at her friend. Her blond hairs were a mess, but the tight ropes showed a well-shaped body and her breasts were straining against the material from her blouse, although she probably should have opted for a long sleeved blouse, instead of the shirt sleeved blouse she was wearing now.

“More rope marks.” Miranda sighed. “I am going to charge you for skin care products.”

Both women laughed.

“Hmmppffff.” Sally screamed in her gag when Tim removed the tape from her eyes.

“Free eyebrow waxing.” He stated with a grin, but Sally was not laughing.

Removing her gag took a little longer and resulted in several grunts from Sally, as the tape stuck to her hair, but eventually Tim had all the tape removed from her head. She spat out the wadding, which was completely soaked.

“What is Bridget doing here?” Sally asked Tim.

“No clue. She said she needed to work with you on something. I forgot to close the kitchen door when she got here, and she saw you tied up. When the twins arrested her, she let me tie her up. Let’s ask her.”

Bridget had been patiently sitting on her chair, not making any sounds. Tim removed the blindfold and noticed her brown eyes looking at him with a sparkle in them. The gag was next and soon all prisoners were able to talk and see again.

“I’m sorry, Sally. After you told me last week you got timed up, I wanted to talk some more about it to you, but when I arrived I noticed you were tied up again. When the young boys ‘arrested’ me, I played along. Tim knows how to tie somebody.” She said.

“You let yourself be tied up by an almost complete stranger?” Miranda asked.

“I trust Sally, so I trusted her brother. None of you looked like you were in any danger or that you were tied up against your will. Plus, I like tight bondage.”

Everybody looked surprised at Bridget.

“I probably never introduced myself with my full name, and Sally knows but doesn’t know the history, but my last name is Colonel.” She said, while looking at Karen.

It took a few moments before she could see recognition in Karen’s face.

“Are you related to Harold Colonel?” Karen asked.

“Yes, he was my father.” Bridget replied.

“Who is Harold Colonel?” Sally asked.

“Harold was the photographer who introduced me to bondage modelling.” She told her daughter. “You said ‘was’, I assume that means he is no longer alive?”

“No, he died in a car crash three years ago. Mom took over the business and I assist her, mostly as a model, but also as a rigger.”

“That explains why you let yourself get tied up so easily.” Tim said.

“Yeah, being tied up is nothing new for me. I spend hours in our studio restrained in some way from when I was a young kid. I never saw your mother though, she stopped modelling before my dad allowed me to be tied up.”

“So, how did you connect back to us?” Karen asked.

“When I met Sally at start of the school year, who is doing almost the same courses as I am, I thought she looked familiar. Now that I see both of you, I can see the resemblance. Sally looks a lot like you when you were modelling. After I saw her with rope marks last week, I dug up some of dad’s photos and I was going to show them, they are in the bag I brought.”

She nodded in the direction of the bag on the dining table.

“Wow.” Sally said. “Sometimes things happen for a reason.”

“I knew something was gong on.” Tim said. “I was wondering why you let yourself being tied up that easily. Not that I am complaining.”

They all grinned.

“I would not mind being released.” Sally said. “As usual, I have been tied for more than 5 hours again, which seems to be typical nowadays. At least most of my restraints are tape, so no rope marks. And I am hungry, I have not eaten yet.”

“I’ll heat something up for you.” Tim said, walking to the kitchen.

“I rather have you untie me, and I’ll do that myself.” Sally said.

“Oh, don’t worry, it is no bother.” He replied.

Sally sighed. Tim grinned, as he knew darn well probably all of them wanted to be released, but he was milking it for as long as he could.

“Where are my boys?” Miranda asked.

“Upstairs, getting ready for bed, as I presume they have school tomorrow.” Tim said.

“I have, oh, sorry, we have school too.” Sally added, including Bridget into the conversation.

“We don’t start till 1 PM tomorrow, remember.” Bridget added.

“Great, now he will just leave us tied up longer.” Sally sighed.

“I’ll have a quick look at the boys, while your food heats up.” Tim said, leaving the four bound women alone in the dining room area.

“Sorry to hear about your dad.” Karen said to Bridget. “He was a kind man.”

“Unless he was in his naughty mood and he would not untie you.” Bridget added.

“Oh, I remember those times. His favorite line was that if you did not like what he did, you should tell him right there at that moment. Which was always when you had a big gag in your mouth, so you could not complain. But he cared for his models.”

“Yeah, I never was old enough to model for him, but that did not mean I was not tied up a lot. He taught me how to rig, taught me about limitations that models could have, taught me how to be a photographer. I miss him, but that is life.”

“So, the studio still exists?” Karen asked.

“Yes and no. We can’t compete with the professional outfits out there. Bondage is big business. We are just a mom and daughter shop, doing occasional work for private clients mostly and some stock images. Oh crap, I have an itch.”

Bridget tried to rub her cheek with her shoulder, as that was were the itch was, but she could not reach it.

“One of the drawbacks of being tied up.” Miranda added, still sitting tightly tied to her chair.

At that moment the microwave beeped, and Tim came back down from the twins.

“The twins are in bed, Miranda.”

“Thank you.”

“Tim, I have an itch, can you help me. Left cheek.” Bridget said.

Picking up a towel, he walked over to Bridget and held the towel to her cheek, allowing her to rub the itching spot.


After putting the towel back, he walked over to the microwave. With the heated bowl, Tim walked over to Sally and sat down next to her.

“Really, you are going to feed me?” She asked.

He just nodded and held a spoon full of food in front of her. She sighed and opened her mouth and Tim spoon fed her. It was a bit weird, 4 women sitting tightly tied to chairs, while one of them was being fed. Karen and Bridget talked more about her father, while Miranda just sat in her chair with her eyes closed, waiting for things to come, like freedom.

“Okay, who wants out?” Tim asked when he was done feeding Sally.

Sally just nodded. At least she was not hungry anymore, but her arms had been tied for almost 10 hours and they were completely numb. She needed a bathroom and a bed, as she had to go to college tomorrow. To her chagrin, Tim started with Bridget.

“Let’s get you out of this.” He said, walking over to the young woman.

“I am fine, you can do the others first. I was only tied for 2 hours, I am good.”

“Nah, guests first is what my mother told me.” He said and started to untie her.

It took some time as he had used a lot of rope and had done what his mother always did, use multiple knots, but after 15 minutes Bridget was free.

“Shall I do Sally?” She asked.

“No, do Karen, I’ll do Miranda.” He replied, which resulted in a grunt from Sally.

It took another 20 minutes before Sally was finally freed as the last one. The clock almost showed midnight.

“I better go.” Bridget said. “We have school tomorrow. But I will leave the photos here. I do want them back, the are a memory of my father, but feel free to look through them. I can always scan them.”

“Thank you.” Karen said, walking Bridget to the door.

They talked a little more, before opening the outside door.

“See you tomorrow.” Sally shouted down from upstairs where she had been to the bathroom.

“Today.” Bridget replied, it was past midnight.

“Okay, today. Good night all. I need sleep to recover from this experience, I thought I was never going to be released.” Sally said, before disappearing into her room.

“Good night, Bridget.” Karen said, closing the door and heading back to the kitchen where Miranda was pouring two glasses of wine.

“I am not sure I should stay here.” Miranda said jokingly. “Being tied up for this starting to become a habit.”

“I know what you mean, and I apologize that you got roped into these games.” Karen said with a smile on her face. 

Both women were rubbing their arms, which were stiff from being tied behind their backs for so long.

“Poor Sally got the brunt though. Almost 11 hours of being tied.” Miranda said, after sipping her wine.

“Yeah, I might have top put some restrictions in place, otherwise this will get out of hand pretty quick and we might be spending 24 hours in bondage.” Karen said.

“You want to spend 24 hours in bondage?” Tim asked when he walked back into the kitchen.

“No, been there, done that.”

“Oh, come on mom, if you done it once, you can do it again.”

“Being tied that long is mostly just boring and there are lots of things to consider.” Karen added.

“I don’t mind seeing you in bondage for 24 hours.” Miranda said playfully.

“Yeah, I bet. But if I do it, you will too.”

“Okay, maybe not then.” Miranda said, although she was still smiling.

Tim laughed and said his goodbye’s, it was time for bed. Both Karen and Miranda finished their wines before they followed him upstairs. It had been a long day.
Last edited by slackywacky 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mask6190 »

Nice job as always slackywacky!  Another girl enters the games, and it looks like someone could get the 24 hour treatment...
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Post by Beaumains »

Great addition. Bridget is an interesting addition to the bunch. I'm sure you will be able to use her experience and talents in some further chapter. Perhaps even a bondage shoot with Karen. Not necessary to be uploaded online.
They will all get what the deserve
I better hope so :D. Even Sally notices it now.
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Post by Gaggedgeekgirl »

Maybe Tim can,be the first to make 24 hours in bondage.  He deserves it :twisted:
but should he be tied up with someone? Sally or Tamara.  Maybe Bridget could demonstrate her skills on him.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Beaumains wrote: 4 years ago Great addition. Bridget is an interesting addition to the bunch. I'm sure you will be able to use her experience and talents in some further chapter. Perhaps even a bondage shoot with Karen. Not necessary to be uploaded online.

Great idea! I second that motion :)
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Post by slackywacky »

Thanks for the comments, it gave me some ideas for the next chapter(s).
But I'll be updating my other story first, have to get Linda out of the hands of the kidnapper...  :-)
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Post by Siena37 »

This is another good story with plenty of twists  and turns, a good extra element to consider adding is Tim being made to wear female clothing 
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Post by Luyan »

Siena37 wrote: 4 years ago This is another good story with plenty of twists  and turns, a good extra element to consider adding is Tim being made to wear female clothing 

That would be really great!
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Post by Solarbeast »

Although I like to see males wearing female clothes in other stories, I would very much not like to see it in this story.  I, personally think it would take away from the dynamics of this story.
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Post by Mineira1986 »

Agreed as well. But I do think he does deserve more than just simply get tied up ;)
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Post by Solarbeast »

I do agree with you, Mineira1986, that he does deserve some sort of torture as well as being tied up.
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