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THE OWNED DOLL(m+doll/f)(Complete)

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 2:18 am
by Amm1973es
It was the third time in the year that for family reasons his family moved in the year and Samantha had been angry in the backseat by car from Chicago with her parents.

- Daughter, this has guaranteed me that it may be the last transfer and that I remain fixed in the position. You should be happy! .- his father told him.

- That position would have been in Chicago, not in a lost town that nobody knows. I already had my friends in the other school, and you know how hard it is for me to relate to others at the beginning.- She replied.

- What do you care more, Have you lost your friends, or is it a small town? If it is for the second, both your father and I grew up in one, and I can assure you that life is quieter.- The mother said.

Samantha put her hands on her legs nervously and her mother chose not to insist on the subject anymore.

- When we arrive there will be a day for Halloween and I can assure you that you will enjoy it more than the last year in New York, you can go out in disguise with other children and look for treats with the trick or treat.

- Mom, I'm almost fifteen, don't you think I'm older to walk in disguise that night looking for candy?

- I do not think so, I did it in my town until almost seventeen with the excuse of accompanying my brother.- said his father.

- I don't have brothers to do it, and I don't even want them dad.

- It's seen that there's no way to cheer her up, honey, leave her alone. You will change your mind when you see the town.

- I don't think that happens. - The daughter answered.

A few hours later they spotted the town in the distance down the mountain.

- It's beautiful, it looks very calm and safe. - The mother commented.

- And that you say it, nothing to do with Chicago.- The father added.

- You can be sure of that, there was everything there and there will be no shopping center here.

- No need to live princess, you will soon get used to it.- his father said.

- To that surely I will have no choice.

It did not take long to cross the town cartel in the “Pristown, population 1050 inhabitants”

- My company has large construction projects for this area and they have relied on my ideas, this population may increase soon.- The father said.

- That last part I do not like at all, is to spoil such a peculiar people. - The mother replied.

- Something will change of course, but you know my project and it is integrating with the current environment honey.

- On paper, then surprises arise.

- Not under my direction, I guarantee it.

His father kept driving until he reached a two-storey house with a green attic, which was almost identical to the rest of the street.

- We have arrived !, What do you think? .- Asked his father.

His mother got out of the car in amazement and seeing her Samantha liked me to her regret, although her anger allowed her not to show it to her parents.

- It's beautiful honey, you didn't exaggerate when you described it to us.- said the mother.

- Take the keys, and go ahead. What are you going to do Samantha, are you going with your mother or with me? .- I ask passing the keys to his wife.

- I'll go with her. - He said getting out of the car.

In the street it was good weather and he was glad to have opted for a T-shirt, Texan miniskirt and sandals as a wardrobe.

- See you inside.- Said his father getting off to go to the trunk.

His mother opened the door and inside it was even better than outside, the first floor was a large almost unique space completely renovated. His father entered with several boxes that he left by the stairs.

- I could use some help to bring the rest of the boxes, you will admire the house later.- He told both of them.

- I'll go for my things, dad, you don't need to tell me twice. - Said the girl.

Her mother approached her husband smiling.

- She liked the house, although for now Paul refuses to admit it. - She said to her husband.

- Good news, since we will surely spend a lot of time in it Jessica.

Both kissed repeatedly hugging each other until their daughter entered with a box.

- Weren't you in a hurry before we helped you, dad?

- Our daughter is right, honey, we must go for the boxes. - Said his father kissing his mother for the last time.

The three returned to the car and finished emptying it of the remaining boxes that were still in the trunk.
Satisfied parents watched their daughter's mood quickly change when she went to explore the second floor on her own happily.

- I think she is no longer angry, even though she can still refuse to show it to us.- Paul said quietly to his wife.

- You know that she has my character, I get very angry like her, but when we do we are stubborn to recognize our mistake. I already knew enough that by her character she would love to live in this environment, despite not being as introverted as she grew up in a similar one and I loved it as a child.

- It was normal, I had only seen villages on television and did not finish getting an idea of ​​how peaceful and peaceful they are. That is why I requested this project at the headquarters and present my proposals.

- And I am very excited to be accepted, although I did not dislike living in a city ... I longed for this tranquility that I enjoyed in my childhood.- She said giving a kiss to her husband.

- If I have a happy wife, I can continue to enjoy his company for many more years. Now I will drive into the garage and organize it a bit, while you prepare the meal for us.- He replied smiling.

Paul went outside leaving her organizing the kitchen a little to at least be able to prepare the basics for the meal, in the afternoon with her husband and some help from her daughter they would finish putting everything in its place. Until now they had lived with what was necessary and did not have many things to transport in a move, and she hoped that would change on this occasion and could create a stable home in this town.

For his part Samantha came up with one of his least heavy boxes and was inspecting the different rooms, they had told him that he could keep the one he wanted least with the main one that was for them. The first one I checked turned out to be the main one, so I close the door to see the other three that were left, the next one being decorated as an office decided to leave it as an office for her father, the other two were practically equal in size and color as per location near the plant sink was the closest to the stairs

I leave the box on the bed and check the furniture that was included with the house, the bed had a mattress and although for hygiene it would cover several times, it would serve to sleep several days until they were replaced by new ones. He opened the built-in closet, astonished by its size, it would fit his spare clothes of how big it was inside.

A piece of wood caught his attention as it was almost completely covered by several sheets, it seemed that, on digging it up, he saw that it was a horrific life-size doll of a child with a smile on his shocking face, he threw back the sheets for on top and close the closet horrified by the discovery.

- The previous owners should have left it on purpose, and it doesn't surprise me! .- He said out loud.

He kept checking his room stopping at the dressing table, apparently this room belonged to a girl before and sat down to observe his reflection in the mirror after cleaning it, he would not qualify as the most beautiful girl in the world, but he had a nice face with some beautiful blue eyes, brown hair and good proportions in general, body was not very fat or thin with normal breasts and beautiful legs. Although he did not leave the boys indifferent, it was never one of his first options to seduce him by his somewhat introverted character and she also had a hard time relating to them.

He got up from the dresser chair and placed the contents of the box on the empty bedside table that was next to his bed, when he emptied it and unloaded it to the main floor.

- Is this Pope at home? .- She asked her mother not to see him.

- He is in the garage, he has put the car and has taken the opportunity to place the tools. Do you need it for anything?

- Yes, in my closet I discovered a horrible doll of real size of a child and I wanted to ask him to raise it to the attic or down to the basement.- she said.

- Can't you do it ?, you will not be able to go up to the attic alone, but if you can leave it in the basement.- your mother asked.

- I don't want to touch it, the smile on his wooden face is horrible. - She explained.

- Well, now we can't do either, he is busy in the garage and you already see me as I am in the kitchen. Take the opportunity to upload the rest of your things and so we will finish before placing the kitchen this afternoon, your father before we start with the kitchen will take it out of your room.

He took another of his boxes to raise them and his mother stopped her halfway up the stairs.

- How is the upstairs?

- Need some other reform, but they are aesthetic. I keep the room next to the stairs, it is the closest to the sink on that floor.

- Well, your father seems to be that I accept with this house, I was to enter to live.

- Except for little things upstairs, don't forget! .- she insisted.

- Nothing we can't do for ourselves Samantha.

The girl, seeing that she was returning to the kitchen, continued climbing to the upper floor to place the box in her room, continuing with the rest of her boxes until there were none left. I watch from the door as it had been and satisfied under the stairs putting the rest of its boxes already undone with the first one that came down.

- I already have everything placed in my room! .- He told his mother that he had finished making the meal.

- Help me set the table then, your father will be about to finish in the garage.- He asked.

Shortly after finishing putting it on, I enter the garage door.

- I have already placed all the tools in a very utilitarian closet that they have put in the garage! .- He said upon entering.

- So we only have the kitchen for this afternoon, our daughter has already chosen a room and placed her things. Although he found something unpleasant that you want you to take out of his room.- Jessica said.

- What is it, daughter? What was there? - I ask, washing my hands.

- An old and horrible wooden doll with a horrific smile, take it to the attic or basement. - She explained.

- I will do it after eating, don't worry daughter.- He said sitting at the table.

His mother brought the food that consisted of a single plate of mashed potatoes with a pork steak.

- I regret that it is a unique dish, is that with the tangle of the kitchen is the fastest and easiest thing I could do, I go for the drink.- He said walking away.

- Absolutely madam, let the man of the house take care of that. - Said his father rising.

His mother sat down and returned with several beers and a bottle of soda.

- Our first meal in this house and I hope we have many more, if everything goes as I expect with my company.- He said sitting down.

- I hope so, after all this house as the people are not bad at all.- Samantha said.

His parents looked at each other smiling, although they preferred not to say anything so that his anger would not come up again.
While her parents began to prepare the kitchen boxes after finishing eating, she went to throw away the remains of the food so they wouldn't bother while they put everything in the cupboards. A ball went to his feet to close the garbage can and a voice called.

- Could you bring it to me? .- Asked the voice of a boy in the next house.

Samantha picked it up and went to him to give it to her.

- Thank you! And I'm sorry that it went to your property. When have you moved? .- the boy asked.

- This morning, my name is Samantha.- She said handing him the ball.

- I Stephen, forgive my manners. I had to introduce myself first.- He said taking it.

- Are you playing alone? .- Said to see him before a basket to himself.

- I don't have many friends. - He answered.

- Well, nice to meet you and we'll see each other.- She said turning to go home.

- If you have nothing to do, would you like us to go for a walk through the town? I could show you a little.- Stephen said

She turned slowly upon hearing it.

- I would love that ride !, although this afternoon we still have to place everything in the kitchen and I will not be able to. Do you mind if it's tomorrow morning?

- Not at all! What time do you want to go out? .- Asked the.

- At ten you can come find me, do you think it's good time?

- For my perfect! Then see you tomorrow Samantha.

- See you tomorrow, Stephen! And don't miss the appointment.- He said smiling.

Samantha turned leaving the boy there watching her walk away and entered the house, her parents had already begun to put things in the closets.

- It was time daughter!, The cubes are not so far.- said his mother.

- I'm sorry I was late, but a boy lost the ball and I've been talking to him for a while when he handed it over. I wanted to show the people a walk right now, I would have agreed not to have you help to put things in the kitchen.

- But daughter, you should introduce us first! We still don't know him.- His mother exclaimed.

- He lives in the house on the right and I found it very nice, tomorrow you will meet him since we have met at ten in the morning. - She said putting the cups in the cupboards.

- It seems to me that your mother and I can take care of this, if it makes you look forward to going on that walk with that boy you see, although first ask him to come to introduce himself.- Said his father.

- But honey, we still don't know his parents! - Said his wife reproving him.

- Quiet honey !, what can happen ?. Daughter you go look for that boy.- He insisted.

Without giving time for her mother to object, the girl ran out of the house, and the enraged wife turned to her husband.

- Have you gone crazy, Paul? How do you think of such a thing!

- Honey, I met that boy when he visited the properties with his parents and because of his cause I ended up deciding on this house, he is the perfect friend for our daughter and I regret not being able to tell you before. But I didn't want Samantha to know it beforehand, excuse me because he would recognize me.- He said entering the garage.

His daughter entered with the boy shortly after, and immediately realized that he was also somewhat introverted by his character upon entering.

- Good afternoon ma'am, your daughter told me they wanted to meet me. I am Stephen. - Said the boy politely.

- Good afternoon Stephen, I am Jessica Samantha's mother. He has told me that you have offered to teach him the town.

- Only if it seems good to you, madam, do I understand that you are new to the neighborhood and still do not know me or my family.

- You see a polite and formal boy so I do not see any problem, go for that walk. But come back before it gets dark Samantha.

- Thank you mom. - Said her daughter excited.

- Thank you for your confidence, I will try to get you back before nightfall. Goodbye ma'am.

Both boys left the house and walked down the street, their father left the garage just as they left and looked at his wife smiling.

- I was willing to buy another house when I met that family and when telling me that there was a house for sale right next to yours, I contacted the agent practically willing to buy it and even in the end it turned out to be better than the one I initially intended to buy from first. I couldn't tell you anything before because I couldn't be alone with you to tell you, without her suspecting anything.

- You did well, you see a formal and polite boy. In addition, both being of the same character, they will get along better than with their friends in Chicago. Although in the end he will discover that it was something that you had prepared in advance honey.

- By then they will know each other and it will matter little, let's continue with our thing or we will not finish at dinner time.

The marriage continued to place things in closets meticulously and neatly.

On the other hand both boys were going to one of the main streets of the neighborhood where they lived.

- This is the main avenue of this neighborhood, if you can call it that! - Stephen said.

Obviously it was a main street, judging by the difference in traffic and people circulating on it.

- Compared to where he lived is any street, in Chicago the main avenues are much busier. - The girl answered.

- Well, you've had the misfortune of coming to a worse place.

- I don't think so, it's quieter than where I lived and I start to like it.

- You like it now, on Tuesday when you have to go to school and you'll see how beautiful it is.

- Do they mess with you? .- I ask alarmed.

- Not long ago, but I'm not the most popular boy in high school. And you'll appreciate that you can't see me here.

- I would never be ashamed of being seen with you Stephen, I like you and I don't care what they say later in high school. I would also be doomed to be a weirdo likewise, in case you have not noticed I am also somewhat introverted and I have trouble relating to others.

- I already got that impression when I met you at home, and that is why I was encouraged to ask you to give us this ride, the most certain thing is that I would not have dared if you were more outgoing.- He said.

- Is the center far from here? I guess that is where the most interesting thing in this town will be.

- From here a little over a quarter of an hour, I don't like that area very much. There is a lot of fuss.

- And you want to go to live in a city ?, just in a normal street and you would have multiplied the one that may be in the center by twenty.

They passed one of his father's urban expansion banners and he looked at her suspiciously.

- What's the matter with you? .- she asked.

- I don't like that project too much, it will alter the population.

- Do not worry about it, my father Paul is in charge of it and will ensure that it is inclusive with the type of population that is Pristown.

The boy turned to her in surprise.

- Your father is Mr. Paul who was looking for a house ?, Yesterday my parents were talking to him and told him about the property you bought. I am glad that in the end he ended up doing it, thanks to that we are neighbors.

- After all it is not quite casual that we ended up being neighbors, my father opted for that surely so that I could meet you and he didn't tell me anything about you.

- I would suspect that if he told you, you could refuse to even know me.

-And it would have ended up being like this, this morning when we were coming I was very angry about my father's transfer, I almost completely missed it when I saw the house and when I met you and you offered to go for a walk, it disappeared completely.
In my previous school, my few friends were outgoing and in spite of getting tired of keeping up with him, I did it to keep them, knowing you has been a relief for me.

- I understand you, some time ago I had a friend and I just left because I couldn't go to as many parties as he did. And the few that went, I ended up getting tired right away.

- That happened Stephen, we will not have those problems and now I want to go to a local downtown to take something. You take me?.

- I warn you that we will cause a sensation! It is a small population and immediately the rumors spread.

- Why won't they believe that you can have a friend like me? - Samantha asked.

- I will miss you a lot.

- They will not last long, as soon as they know me they will not be missed at all.

- Okay! Let's go to Walter's place for a drink. Anyway sooner or later they will have to get used to seeing us together.- Stephen said.

- I do not like too much to draw attention Stephen, but sooner or later we will end up doing it and it is better to arm the mess as soon as possible so that they end up ignoring us sooner.- Samantha said.

Without further delay, they went to the place mentioned by their friend to have a drink.
Shortly before nightfall Stephen said goodbye to Samantha at the door of her house and she entered seeing her parents and finished setting the table, both turned to greet her.

- Hi daughter, how was your walk with the neighbor? .- Asked his mother.

Without answering, he approached his father and kissed him on the cheek.

- Thank you very much dad, for choosing this house at the end! .- He said after hugging him.

When he released his father looked at her smiling.

- I see you've already heard the truth. - He said.

- He is a nice and understanding boy, with him I should not pretend to be what I am not like with my friends in Chicago. - She answered.

"Well, we're glad for you daughter, but now we're going to dinner and you should wash your hands." His mother interrupted.

I wash them in the kitchen and sat at the table where the dishes were already placed, this time they had french fries with franfurk sausages.

- By the way daughter, I've already climbed into the loft that awful doll in your closet. Maybe after all it's worth something, he looks very old. - Said his father.

- Thanks dad, do what you want with him. While I'm not in my room I don't care.

- I suppose you will have stayed to go tomorrow together on Halloween night? .- Asked the mother.

- We have not yet specified the time and in principle I did not plan to go out alone, we will surely do it together tomorrow.- Samantha replied.

- I'm glad you go with a friend and not alone as you could have gone from not knowing him.- His mother replied satisfied.

- Me too mama, and also with someone who understands me and should not pretend a false sociability to like them.- Samantha said.

- By the way, daughter! Tomorrow your mother and I must leave home at least in the morning. My boss has called me and investors want one last visit on the ground to talk about the construction project.- said his father.

- Must Mom also go with you? .- Asked the girl.

- You already know what those meetings are like! Some of you had to attend with the children of the other attendees by commitment. On this occasion your presence will not be necessary.- The mother replied.

- Well, I'm glad of that, such acts were boring. - Samantha replied.

- They are also for my daughter, and if it wasn't for your father, I don't know how I would bear to be in them until the end.- The mother replied.

After dinner they picked up the table between the three and put everything in the dishwasher.

- What costume are you going to wear tomorrow? .- Asked the mother.

- I suppose that the same one of Supergirl of the last year, in spite of not being convinced by its quality ..., I do not see myself walking disguised as a princess at my age.- Samantha said.

- Your mother and I are going to sit and watch Samantha TV for a while, you could bring the last box in the kitchen of the car. I forgot this morning to pick it up, and you put it in a moment.- Said his father.

- No problem, Dad, after all I left you with all the work this afternoon.- she replied.

He entered the garage through the inner door for the first time, noting that the garage was spacious with a large closet for storing tools. He opened the trunk of the car and quickly found the box that his father mentioned to him, behind him he saw a wrapped package that immediately imagined what it would be and excited he took it to return to the living room of the house.

- Thank you both! I didn't like to go with that costume tomorrow.- He told them.

- It's your father's thing that he saw it and I bought it for you daughter.

- I knew you wouldn't want to go with the princess who is of more quality and you hated the one you have as a supergirl, I saw this one and I bought it for you.

Samantha opened the package and it was another supergirl costume, although of a much better quality than he already had.

- Is it your taste? .- Asked his father.

- Of course, yes, it looks much more worked than the one my friend April gave me in Chicago.

- Last year we had the intention of buying you a better one, but the different commitments that came up to all three of us to attend different events made it impossible to look for you anything.- His mother said apologizing.

- Quiet that I understood it at the time, and do not blame you at all for it.- the girl replied.

Leaving the box on the table he sat with them to watch television for a while until it was time to go to sleep and climbed with the box saying goodbye to them saying good night.

He climbed the stairs and put the costume box in his closet, changed by putting on his pajamas falling asleep shortly after.
CHAPTER 5-Intimating with Stephen
He woke up when he heard the alarm on his cell phone and discovered when he went down that his parents had already left him leaving a note in the kitchen:

“Dear daughter, we are sorry to tell you that we will not be able to return until tomorrow night as investors want to inspect the projects of nearby towns as well.
We hope you understand the inconvenience that this may cause you and in compensation we have left you in the money envelope so you can order food at home or go out to eat what you want.
We are sorry to miss this Halloween, although we wish that this is not an impediment for you to have a good time with your new friend Stephen. Although remember not to do any madness in our absence. ”

He left the letter and when he checked the envelope again he found 40 dollars inside which he put back inside.

- It was to be expected that it would happen, I hope that at least it will help your projects to excite you and we can take root for a while in this town! - Express out loud.

It was about nine o'clock and he had met Stephen at ten, so he went up to shower and change his clothes to go for a walk with him, dressed in black shorts, a red top and red sneakers cloth.

He prepared a glass of cocoa and sat at the table to take it easy when they knocked on the door and when he looked at the clock he saw that it was almost ten o'clock in the morning, he got up to go to open the door and saw Stephen in the door dressed in jeans, a green shirt and sports shoes greeting her.

- Hi Samantha, ready to go?

- I'm still having breakfast, although it comes in and if you want to have a glass of cocoa with me.

The boy entered doubting a little and seeing that his parents were not in the kitchen was restless.

- Are your parents at home? .- I still ask at the door.

- They have gone to a meeting with the investors of the projects in this town and those of some close to it, they would like to have a first impression with the project manager on the ground to see what they were investing in. They will be back tomorrow night.

- In such a case, better than even enter, it could bother your parents to do so. I wait for you in the street.- He said turning around to leave.

- Don't be silly and come in! I'll make you a glass of cocoa powder.

Still undecided he closed the door and sat down at the table where Samantha left her glass.

- What can we do today? .- she asked.

- I had thought about showing you the part of the town where the school is located and its nearby places.- Stephen replied drinking something from the glass.

- Sounds interesting, although we could also stay here watching something on television. If I only have that to see relevant, I will get tired of seeing it since Tuesday classes begin.- She answered.

- It wouldn't be better if we went to my house then, my parents are there and I would find myself more comfortable. I don't want your parents to bother us being here alone.

Samantha had planned at the last moment that change of plans today without counting on him, and it was obvious that being so polite bothered him that they were there alone without her parents.

- You don't have to worry about that, for my part I won't tell you. Although if it doesn't seem right, we can always do what you said.
I would love to see some movies with you, it is not so strange that two friends of our age watch TV together.

Stephen finally seemed to give in to his last argument, although the seductive tone in which he said it helped somewhat.

- Okay, what movies did you think we saw? .- Asked the

- Some of those at the end of the shelf, those that are after the science fiction ones.

The boy went to inspect the ones he said and when he checked them he turned to his friend, surprised.

- Samantha, do you like kidnap movies?

The girl after washing the glasses approached him slowly.

- Maybe what I'm going to say sounds strange to you and you want to run after I tell you, and I wouldn't blame you for it at all. You are the first person I know who inspires me with enough confidence to tell him, despite only knowing us since yesterday. I am attracted to the idea of ​​being tied and gagged like those damsels in danger of those films, I would have liked to ask you this in a less forced way in the style of the stories I read on the Internet, but I recognize that I have been unable to create the same situation. He said something embarrassed at last.

Stephen looked at her for a few seconds, not knowing that he responded by being surely that the first time he saw himself in a similar situation.

- Please, tell me something!. You don't know what it took me to tell you that.- Samantha insisted.

- And you want me to be your playmate? .- Stephen asked at the end.

- That was my idea, although I know that it is something unusual among boys who are attracted to these things. I will understand that you would not want us to remain friends if you are not attracted to those things.

The boy approached to take her hands and she allowed it.

- I would never stop being your friend for something like that, and I appreciate that you think you can trust me to such an extent. I have to confess that in part that was one of my ideas to see you yesterday dressed in that Texan mini skirt, and I felt partly guilty for thinking that of someone with whom I was getting along so well. I don't know if I will be the best playmate, but I would love that we tried at least.

Samantha watched him almost crying in excitement at seeing his proposal correspond.

- Nor do I think I am the perfect playmate right now, we must learn on the fly both.- I exclaim excitedly.

Both looked pleased to take that weight off and be able to express their concerns to each other without problems about those tastes.


Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2019 11:27 pm
by Amm1973es
Samantha made him go up to his room, where he took a bag from his closet that he left on the bed and when he opened it he revealed several rolls of rope still wrapped with his paper and several colored silk scarves. He reached into it and took out an old cell phone that, when turned on, showed in his gallery several photos of women tied to both movies and models that he apparently had been collecting for some time.

- Let's sit on the bed to see what we can do, do you have experience with the ropes? .- she asked.

- My older brother spent some time in the boy scouts and showed me some knots, although I suppose that these will not be exactly the same as those I have practiced. Although I suppose I can adapt them.- He said.

- I also have some videos so you can get an idea. - He said putting a shibari video.

Stephen saw him until the end showing interest in the shapes of the knots.

- I do not think there are problems, although leave me the mobile in case I need to see in detail any specific point. We can start with something simpler like tying your hands behind your back and ankles, then we will go to the most complicated.

- I think it's a great idea, although I am more attracted to Japanese ties. I don't want to stop trying the simplest ones. From now on I am all yours, although I expect education and chivalry on your part.- She said offering him the bag.

Stephen opened one of the packages of blue 6mm nylon ropes and with a short scissor which in his opinion should be enough for the dolls with the scissors of the bag.

- Put your hands on Samantha's back, the gag will be the last thing you use for security at the moment. So you can tell me if they squeeze you too much.- I order you.

He obeyed complacently, letting himself tie his wrists without any resistance, and with the rest of the rope that he had left, he fixed them at his waist, knotting her in front of him to avoid reaching any knot with his fingers.

- For the moment well? .- Asked the end.

He tested his ties and smiled pleased with the result.

- It seems that you have done this more times, I notice my immobilized hands but the ropes do not cut off my circulation at all. Now to see how you do with my legs.- He said sitting on the bed.

There the boy seemed to hesitate after cutting the piece of rope and fold it in half by joining both ends.

- What's the matter! I thought you said you like my legs? .- she asked.

- And I love them! That's why I respect you touching them.- He said half ashamed.

- You don't have to worry about that, as my playmate I don't care if you do it.- He said encouraging him.

In the end he armed himself with courage and grabbed his ankles with his hands to pass the rope that he wrapped several times by tying it in the middle, then he followed with more confidence tying his knees above and below. At the end he could not help stroking her thigh a little and seeing that it did not bother Samantha smiled gratefully.

- I don't have sisters and they are the first legs of a girl I play, I hope it doesn't bother you if I tell you they are very soft.

- Not at all Stephen, I take it as a compliment from you. You have done a good job with my legs, I am looking forward to how you do with the shibari. - He said struggling with his ties.

- That will cost me a little more, although for now if the ropes do not bother you I will proceed to gag you with this green silk scarf. Open your mouth.- He said rolling it up.

She was pleased with that initiative of his and without hesitation obeyed her, introduced the handkerchief between her teeth and tied it tightly behind her head.

- I guess now is the time to let you enjoy your helplessness, and mine to admire how beautiful you are tied and gagged. - He said sitting in a chair next to his bed.

I try to get up and jump as I had seen in several videos, but the balance failed him and if not for the child the subject had fallen sharply in his bed.

- Maybe we should leave that for later and you may need my help at first to get it, for now it would be better for you to lie in bed- he saw the cell phone and took it nervous-, what would you think to take some photos ?, you can even pose a little if you wish.

He was immediately attracted to the idea of ​​seeing himself later in photos and even posed in some photos with postures that blushed the boy and made him feel uncomfortable, she smiled after each of them so that he felt less annoyed. Again he was surprised to take off his shoes on his own initiative to be able to take pictures with his bare feet, he was losing his shyness towards her by having her helpless very quickly. After another series of photos, she dropped into bed tired and left the phone on the table to massage her legs a little and pleased closed her eyes for half an hour she was giving it to him.

- I think it's time to untie you, I'm looking forward to trying the shibari. - He said starting to untie his legs.

One part of her regretted being freed, and another was glad to feel her free limbs again when she finished untying her and removed her gag.

- Have I lived up to what you expected from me ?, I had a good time.- He said.

- I can not compare you with anyone else to be the first to let me tie and gag, although I have certainly enjoyed every moment that you have had me helpless and part of my longing to be again.

- I don't know if you want to take a break for breakfast or to continue with the shibari.

- I leave it to your choice, as I said I am yours until we have to stop to allow time for the marks of the strings to disappear. Tonight we have to go out together for the trick or treat. Now let me go to the sink so that the physical needs do not spoil our game later.- She said leaving the room.

Stephen stayed there ordering the ropes for when the girl returned.

Re: THE OWNED DOLL(m+doll/f)

Posted: Tue Oct 29, 2019 5:05 pm
by Amm1973es
When he returned he saw him examining the videos carefully.

- I'm ready Stephen. - Samantha said entering through the door.

- It may cost me a little more, I hope you have patience. - He replied.

- For both of us it is the first time I already told you before we started, we both learn on the fly. - He said giving him a kiss on the cheek before turning to offer his arms on his back.

- What did that come from? .- Asked the stranger.

- A little incentive, you can return it with interest when you get me tied and gagged.

With that extra incentive he got down to work and despite having no problems tying his arms, when he went to the point of passing the ropes over and under his breasts it cost him to remain tense at first.

- Take your time, and if you need to watch the video again do it. Do not worry if you rub my breasts, I'm dressed.

It still took him a couple of attempts to fix the tension of the rope for the first time, to practice undoing it to redo it and excitedly he saw that it was coming out correctly and finally he could pass the rope over and under his breasts with tension without problems, it still cost him a little to finish the final tie on his back and as he repeated it several times before it started to go well. The whole process would not take more than half an hour, although the impatience of seeing it finished made it seem like hours to Samantha.

- That's it! What do you think? .- Asked the

The girl struggled in front of her bedroom mirror to check her resistance as he prepared the leg ropes.

- It's very good! They hold my arms without cutting off my circulation at any time. - She answered satisfied looking at her chest, checking the effect they produced.

He turned to his playmate and he had obviously noticed the same detail, but he was very polite to let him know. No doubt he was a boy who began to like him little by little, he imagined the same scene with one of his former friends in Chicago and frankly he would not have liked to be in such helplessness in front of them.

- Come, I'll help you lie in bed.

I let him be the one who placed her legs without making her almost force, so that she would get used to having the active role of the relationship. Like the first time he tied them by ankles, above and below the knees, although this time he introduced another one a little below where his shorts ended.

- If you have no problem now I will proceed to gag you.- He said rolling up the same green silk scarf.

As he did not get an answer from her, he assumed that there were no problems and introduced the handkerchief between his teeth by tying it behind his head strongly after removing his hair. I watch her carefully pleased with her work, in part she felt like a piece of furniture that they were admiring and another part enjoyed that he was seeing her so helpless.

- Breakfast time has already passed us, do you want me to go down to eat something or do you prefer to stay up here?

- We'll eat later! .- She said through her gag.

As before he took the phone and took several photos in different positions until he got tired lying down, he left the device on the table and lay beside him kissing her on the cheek several times.

- You are beautiful immobilized, although you are already very beautiful. - He said kissing her again.

He gently stroked her hair and forehead, she loved that deal and put her head on his shoulder to prove it. At one point they were about to kiss their mouths, but at the last moment they both stopped by the roar of their stomachs.

- It's already two in the afternoon, we have spent an hour in a sigh. It would be better if we go down to the lower floor to do something to eat my prisoner.

He helped her to sit on the bed before carrying it on her shoulder and with her other arm she picked up her shoes.

- You can't complain! I even take you so you don't get tired. You are lighter than I imagined, I must prepare a good meal for you to gain weight.- He said leaving her room.

- mmmpppphhhhh !! .- she moaned as she laughed at his comment.

On the lower floor I leave her on the sofa and ran to run all the curtains of the windows so that they could not see her from outside, when she returned she removed the gag from her mouth.

- Aren't you afraid your prisoner shrieks? - she joked.

- I doubt you do, what do you feel like eating? .- Asked the.

- My parents have left some money in an envelope that is in the kitchen, is there any hamburger or pizzeria nearby here cheap? .- she asked.

- A couple of streets away there is an economic place, they are not as good as Walter's, but they cost only five dollars and include drinks and potatoes.

- Then take ten dollars and go for two, I invite you to eat.- She answered.

He seemed to doubt at that request a few moments, although I ended up putting the gag back on again. Before leaving, he took the keys to the entrance and went out closing the door leaving her there alone. Again I try to stand up to try the jumps and on this occasion I manage to give a few before losing my balance and having to drop on the couch on my back, for safety I choose not to try anymore when being alone and fear getting hurt.

After about ten minutes he realized that he had left her alone and immobilized, and part of her could not help but get angry at the carelessness of her playmate by not having unleashed her before leaving. Although he could not say that he did not enjoy that strange feeling of being helpless and alone in his own home.

The front door opened a few minutes later and Stephen entered with a bag in his hand greeting her.

- Your captor is here with your food, beautiful!

I leave the bag on the coffee table next to the sofa and proceeded to untie it quickly when I saw her looking with canine anxieties at the contents of the bag, when I removed the jaw I think it was annoying.

- You shouldn't have tied me alone at home! - Annoying exclamation.

- It was not going to take more than a quarter of an hour Samantha, as soon as I left I called for them to start doing them and when I arrived at the place I didn't wait for two minutes.- He said justifying himself.

- Even so you shouldn't have done it, something could have happened to you and I had no means of letting go of myself. - She insisted.

- I'm sorry! You're right and I didn't think it was imprudent. Failure to be a rookie playmate, next time it won't happen.

- I suppose that when nothing has happened, it is not necessary to insist more on the subject. Let's eat, I don't know about you but I'm starving to death for not having breakfast.- she said taking her thing.- Was there only pepsi cola? .- Asked to see the can.

- They only give that soda or a couple of beer brands, it's the only bad thing they have, their limited choice of drinks.- he replied.

So far both had dodged the issue that they had been about to kiss up being an awkward topic for both of them, they ate in silence and at the end they were watching between the two what movie to put until it was half past five to six that they would give The game is over for today. In the end they opted for the first part of the extended version of the lord of the rings.

When he returned to the couch Stephen picked up the ropes and she turned around offering her arms together on her back, this time having already more practice I finish before and without problems the ties that framed her chest, when tightening the last knot she could not avoid emitting a Little groan because of how tight they were on this occasion.

- Do they bother you or cut off the circulation? .- Asked the.

- Not at all! I like the little slack you left on this occasion. It makes me feel even more helpless.

He bent down and began to tie her legs starting at the ankles and ending in the middle of his thighs as he had done before, he sat her on the couch and when he was in charge of her he took courage to ask him once for the kiss.

- Would you like Samantha to have kissed you before? .- I ask relieved to take that weight off.

- You're missing the gag Stephen, I'll give you the answer later.- I request her.

He rolled up the green silk scarf and inserted it between his teeth without hesitation, then tied it behind his head, removing his hair. Instead of the answer she expected, she kissed him with her lips gagged in her mouth almost instantly.

-So I dreamed that it would always be my first kiss, thanks for making it possible! .- He said through the gag.

Stephen for a moment was left without knowing what to say and returned it doubting a little of that gesture of his as it would be received, she gladly accepted and corresponded.

- I don't know if this had been my first dream dream, but of course I liked Samantha very much.- He said excitedly.

He got up to put on the bluray and turn on the television, when he sat back she put her legs on her lap waiting for pampering in them while they watched the movie.

- I love having you so helpless and at my mercy, I hope you do not consider me a bad boy for feeling something like that seeing you right now.- He said stroking her legs.

She responded with a complicit smile and they both got involved in the movie as soon as it started, at the end of the first part he removed the gag and deposited his legs on the couch.

- Thank you, I was beginning to be a bit annoyed. - She answered gratefully.

- What will you disguise yourself tonight? .- he asked.

- From Supergirl, my parents gave me yesterday a good quality costume inspired by the original movie.

Stephen who had already stored the first blutay in the box and was about to take the second part turned a little disappointed.

- I would have liked to tie you with that costume, why didn't you mention it?

- In an upcoming game I promise that I will wear it for you, I dressed like this at first to go for a walk with you. Although I thought last night to propose these games, telling you was something very improvised as you realized. I also wanted to wear the dress tonight with you.

The boy had already put the second bluray in the player and sat on the couch putting the girl's legs back on his lap so he could caress them.

- To put on my long teeth? .- he asked.

- This way you will be motivated for our next games knowing what awaits you.

At the beginning of the second part they both focused on the film until it was over and the credit titles came out.

- It would be better to start untying your legs and massage them a little, so they will recover the circulation sooner.

- What if I don't feel like that massage?

- I don't think you have a choice with the upper part of your body still tied. - He replied smiling.

I pretend to be angry at the comment, but deep down I enjoyed Stephen every second. At the end of the massage he put her shoes on and helped her to her feet, leaving her there, she took out the disc of the player to put it in its box and put it back in its place on the shelf.

- Let's go up to your room, I still have three minutes left and I want to see that dress before I go to my house.

- Not to mention that, I want it to be a surprise when we leave at nine o'clock. - She replied refusing to move towards the stairs holding her legs.

He tickled her legs to force her to lift them more as her own enjoyment than as an intention to achieve her goal, they arrived just at half past five in her room and she declared herself victorious by having managed to avoid her intentions.

- Next time you won't get away with it.- He said smiling at him while he winked at her.

She kissed him on the mouth again as a reward for the excellent day she had provided. Finally I untie her arms and massage them to reactivate the blood circulation that was somewhat slow.

- It would be better if I left, if I stayed I would be able to have you kidnapped until your parents returned, see you at nine at the door of your house.- He said leaving his room.

"It's not that I disliked you doing it Stephen, but it would be difficult to explain to your parents where you had been all night." She told him from the doorway as he went down the stairs.

- I will be happy that in the next game you dress in the costume of tonight, that green rope from your bag can serve to keep the steel girl helpless.

Without responding, he returned a playful smile, after a while I heard how they put some keys in reception and closed the door of the street. He lay in his bed excited to have connected so well with his new neighbor, of course his father would never know how successful he had been in opting for this house over others when he thought that boy would like it.

Re: THE OWNED DOLL(m+doll/f)

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2019 11:20 am
by Amm1973es
As he climbed, he removed the cloak of his disguise that he left on the bed, suddenly he felt himself pushed hard on his bed by a great force that immediately dominated her.

- It would be better for you to behave if you do not want to get hurt, I only seek shelter for one night before my partner comes to pick me up with his vehicle. And you better not try to look at me for the moment, I don't want to have to kill you.- I listen to his back.

- Neglect not to cause problems, you can wait for your partner without problems in the basement. My parents will be back in an hour and I will cover it up until I come to pick it up, there is an exit from the back of it by a trapdoor.

- A suggestive proposal on your part but the note of your parents do not think it forces me to accept it:
“Dear daughter, we are sorry to tell you that we will not be able to return until tomorrow night as investors want to inspect the projects of nearby towns as well.
We hope you understand the inconvenience that this may cause you and in compensation we have left you in the money envelope so you can order food at home or go out to eat what you want.
We are sorry to miss this Halloween, although we wish that this is not an impediment for you to have a good time with your new friend Stephen. Although remember not to do any madness in our absence. ”

Although it is to praise your cunning by suggesting something similar, instead I think it would be better to tie you up and gag you to keep you safe.

Soon I noticed how he put his arms together on his back and tied them meticulously, then proceeded to run the rope over and under his breasts, fixing his arms tightly behind his back. At the end of the tumble face up on her bed and she immediately closed her eyes so as not to see her face, noticing how they sat on her waist.

- Now you can open your eyes girl, I've put on a mask.- Said his captor.

Slowly he opened them and upon recognizing the figure he entered an unspeakable terror that made her scream in his lungs several times.

- I love this reaction that I produce when you discover who has actually caught you. - Said his captor smiling.

Actually it was not a criminal, it was the horrific wooden doll that had asked his father to get out of his room yesterday, which had somehow come to life and had tied him at his mercy.

- Wwwhhhaaattt aaarrreee yyyooouuuu? .- I ask trembling.

- Just a spirit or ghost as you prefer to call me, every Halloween I take possession of this doll and if there is a candidate to be trapped in the house in the way you are right now ..., then I enjoy some hours of fun with my victim .

- What type of fun?.

- It depends on the victim and her age, if you had a few more years ..., but I don't like being spread with the girls.

- Someone will have heard my screams and will come to my aid, you better let me go. Bastard.

The undeterred doll took a green silk handkerchief from his bag of ropes that he levitated to his side and began to roll it slowly in front of his eyes.

- Nobody has heard those screams of yours, there is a sound damping field around the young house. No one will come to your aid, yet it is necessary to gag you.

He let her sit on the edge of the bed and placing himself on his back he introduced the rolled handkerchief between his teeth, to tighten it thoroughly behind his head. At least in bad he was grateful he removed his hair before tying it.

- Let's go down to the lower floor, we will continue the fun in front of the television. I'm curious to know how far these devices have advanced!

Samantha could do little to resist that being, even if she had not been tied ..., her brief struggle with him showed that despite her size she exceeded her in physical strength and apparently her power was not limited to that. So he got out of bed and followed the captor doll down the stairs that led to the lower floor, once there he seemed immediately interested in the television that despite being a 1080p device managed to surprise him for its image quality. Taking advantage of that carelessness, he ran to the door with the intention of opening it and leaving the house, but it did not open when the knob was activated.

- Do not strain, until six in the morning my powers will not diminish enough so that you could have opened it.

He rose as if by magic a few centimeters from the floor, being carried by air to the sofa where he was sitting.

- I'll have to make sure you can't run again. - He said making rolls of green rope appear like the one he had used before in his room.

His fingers gradually seemed more fleshy and less wood to the touch with his skin as he tied his legs by ankles and above and below his knees. At the end he gently stroked her immobilized legs.

Losing a little interest in her, she went to examine the boxes on the shelves and opening one of her she was surprised by the size of its contents.

- Does this contain a movie? .- I ask showing it to you.

The girl was initially reluctant to cooperate with him, although after asking her several times she understood the uselessness of her attitude and confirmed it by nodding. He approached her and removed the gag from his mouth.

- Where do you enter ?.

- In the bluray player under the TV, your remote control is right next to the television. If you untie me I can show you how it works.

- Don't even dream it !, you stay tied girl. Explain it to me verbally. - The doll answered.

Somewhat disappointed by that failure in its initial strategy, I explain it by simulating doing it willingly. Since his goal was still to gain his trust.

Re: THE OWNED DOLL(m+doll/f)

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2019 11:57 am
by Amm1973es
The good gesture he had served to earn the right to dispense with the gag for a while to the girl, which was great to find out things about the doll. To increase this confidence even more, he had told her the title of a horror film that he would love to tell me about, while he saw her he put the girl's legs in his lap to caress them with fingers that were completely fleshy.

- Since when are you a ghost? .- she asked.

- Since 1890, I was born in England and died because of an epidemic at age 12.

That answer earned the girl to realize that her spirit was linked to the doll and not to the house itself, although of course she did not imply her discovery. Having seen the Supernatural series had its benefits right now.

- Did you suffer in this disease or was it a quick death?

- As little as I can remember, at first they were quite minor pains and only the last few days I suffered any stronger.

- I am sorry to hear that.- she replied.

He looked at her incredulously at such an answer and chose to refer the issue to another question.

- I can see that you like rope games, did you play with someone in your old house?

- Sometimes with the daughter of a maid of my age when we could, the pity is that she did not put her .... - There he shut up instantly when he realized that he was going to reveal something important.

She pretended not to know the importance of what she had almost relieved, although it was something she had previously sensed.

Despite having rested several hours of ties to his limbs, the only part of his body that supported them better were the legs and because the doll enjoyed constantly massaging them. His arms were clutching in spite of his continuous efforts to avoid him by moving them as much as he could, when he realized in one of those movements he removed the legs from his lap and placed the trunk upside down to gently massage his arms.

- Thank you, if it wasn't because you caught me against my will, I couldn't enjoy these helpless moments in your hands. - Samantha said trying not to notice his deception.

The dream ended up beating her and she woke up when she heard the TV go out, slowly she opened her eyes and when she tried to say something she noticed that she had the gag between her teeth again. Although the ropes seemed to have lost some tension with respect to a few hours ago, struggling a little with them.

- Samantha, in just an hour and a half my body will be a wooden doll again, surely you are not the one to see next Halloween. You will be thinking of throwing me or burying me well away from any inhabited place, you can save yourself the effort since it will be useless and will also end up in the nearest house in the vicinity of Halloween.

Obviously she did not want to go through that same the next Halloween, but neither did she want anyone to do it and struggled with the ropes already looser in her arms until she managed to let go. The doll with the few remaining forces was thrown over him with the intention of tying his hands behind his back, but all he managed to do was do it in front of him by resisting her with all his strength. The doll is clearly still, except for his eyes, stiff by his side on the sofa, the girl with difficulty managed to take off the gag.

- I don't think you're going to do the same thing next year damn doll, somewhere there is a personal item of yours that you introduced for yourself in this wooden body in life. I just have to find it and burn it, so you can't do the same thing next year. ”She said angrily over the past last night.

This time the eyes of terror were put on by the already almost inert doll while he removed the clothes he examined thoroughly, he had to reach the same wooden frame to see a small tongue that revealed a hidden compartment with a wooden clip that held a bunch of hair. Showing a triumphant countenance, I turn it to see how the little that was left of life disappeared when the hair was removed from the clip, its fleshy eyes became wooden at that moment.

The ropes that tied his legs lost tension at the same time and with difficulty I managed to stand up and walk a little to leave the strand of hair in the metal ashtray of the dining table, went to the kitchen for salt and matches to burn it as I had seen a thousand times in the Supernatural series. The only thing that did not lose its tension, were the ropes that tied its wrists to the front, which despite their efforts to loosen or cut them resisted release.

- It must be the last act of evil of that doll, he must have used all the strength he had left to make sure I could not free my hands for a while. - He said thinking out loud.

She fell half asleep on the sofa until the sound of the doorbell woke her up, got up to see who it was and, being Stephen, she let him pass even with her hands tied to the front and without losing almost any tension yet.

- Hi Samantha, what the hell ... how do you have your hands tied? .- I ask strangely.

- It would be better to explain it to you sitting on the couch, it's a long story.

After explaining what happened, the child still believed nothing and tried to untie his hands, until he discovered that it was completely useless.

- If I had known, I would have come to your rescue tonight Samantha! .- I exclaim.

- Surely you would have tried Stephen !, but it would have been completely useless it seems to me.

- You cannot spend your entire life with your hands tied in front, there must be a way to unleash yourself.

- They are already somewhat less tense, I suppose they will have released at this rate before my parents return.

- I came to tell you something, although I fear that the only way I can tell you is by tying and gagging you. But better after what happened I do it another day.

Samantha rose determinedly from the sofa and walked toward the stairs, before Stephen's perplexed gaze.

- Come playmate, I also have something to tell you and I need to feel helpless to do it.

Stephen got up from the sofa and accompanied her to his room where he took rolls of rope from the bag to tie his feet by the ankles and over and under the knees, finally he gagged her again and lay on the bed laying the floor string bag He got by his side nervously for what he needed to say.

- Samantha I know that we have known each other only since yesterday and it is very short time, even so you opened up to me confessing your tastes and giving me the opportunity to be your playmate ...- she took strength to continue and she looked forward to the continuation- . I will say it bluntly and I hope you apologize for my lousy way of telling you, I liked you since I saw you for the first time, and even more after these games that we both share .... Do you want to be my girlfriend? .- He said finally arming himself value.

- Of course it is! .- She answered through her gag.

The boy heard the answer bewildered, and tried to hug her just as she lost her tension in the ropes that held her hands. Even so he continued in his effort to hug her, but she stopped him by offering his arms on her back to be tied.

- There is no hug, if you don't tie me before! .- I request her.

Anxious Stephen hurriedly tied his arms and made the chest harness with the ropes so that he could finally hug the girl, they remained kissing a few minutes until she asked him to remove the gag.

- We will not say anything to anyone until in a minimum month Stephen, nobody would believe that we can get intimate enough to be boyfriends in such a short time ..., without thinking the worst.- Samantha said.

- I understand and it seems reasonable, honey, you do not know the weight that I have taken off, last night I could hardly sleep!

Listening to “Sweetheart” in the mouth of her boyfriend (although still secretly), she likes me and snuggles up beside her.

- Hold me a little longer!

- I should go unleashing, you've been tied for many hours and you need a break.

- Just one more hour, and then we burn that damn doll in the back of the house. - She replied.

- But only one! In a month we will be the sensation of the entire population. And Carl may try to seduce you again before the official announcement. - He said hugging her tightly.

- Well, for me to try, the mere idea of ​​being helpless before him as I am with you right now terrifies me. - She replied.

- I understand you perfectly, although I still stop being something gentlemanly with you now.

- You will always be a polite gentleman for me.-Samantha said kissing him.

After the hour the desert and both went to burn the wooden frame of the doll in the back of the house, while burning they held hands to be aware that no one could see them there.

So far my Halloween story of 2019, have a fun Halloween!

Re: THE OWNED DOLL(m+doll/f)(Complete)

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2019 12:29 pm
by Amm1973es
I missed the eighth chapter, I'm sorry.
After taking a short shower, he returned to his room where he already had the supergirl costume spread on his bed. Without being late, being a little late, he quickly changed and, looking at himself in the mirror, smiled in pleasure.

- I look great with him, if it were not Halloween I would not see myself with enough courage to go out dressed like this in the street. - Express out loud.

As he went downstairs, the bell rang and as he expected it was Stephen dressed as a vampire, in a black suit and a cape.

- Very original costume!, It shows that you went to the simplest.

- I no longer have costumes that suit me, it is the best I could prepare. Instead you look great with yours, you will attract the eyes of many boys when we walk. On Tuesday you will have many waiting for you to arrive at school.

- Does that make you jealous? .- she asked.

- If I have to be honest, a little if that meant the end of our games.

She pushed him into the house and closed the street door kissing him.

- Don't be silly! I don't like superficial boys like the ones you say. I like you.

I leave the boy there confused while he took the keys and his cell phone that happened to Stephen to keep it because he did not have pockets in his costume, they both left and after closing the door he also passed the keys.

- Now my disguise does not seem so bad if it is useful for you to keep what yours does not allow you.- He joked.

- It is not bad, simply the simplest resource. I haven't told you that I didn't like it at any time.

If the surprise at Walter's place was already considerable, that of the different houses they visited was no less surprising when they saw them together and almost none could stop asking her who she was.

- We will be the center of all the rumors for a few days without being able to remedy Samantha, although shortly we will be replaced by another that arises soon. This is a small population and things work like this. - Stephen said looking at her.

- It does not stop having its small charm that is so, a sign that for better or worse there is more relationship between the inhabitants of the population. In a city we were all strangers among us, for me it is not so bad.

They met a group of boys from the school and the group leader stopped by them when closing the fence of a house.

- Stephen, aren't you going to introduce me to your friend? .- Said a boy.

- Hi Carl, Samantha is my new neighbor. They moved yesterday to the house for sale next to mine.

- Nice to meet you Samantha, if you want I can show you the town tomorrow.

- It is not necessary, Stephen did it yesterday and we even went to Walter.- She answered.

That seemed to catch him by surprise at not having even heard the rumor of his visit to the premises.

- In that case it would be an honor for me to agree to be taught by the school on Tuesday.

- Thanks, but it's not necessary Carl. My friend Stephen has already offered to do so and I have accepted.- He said declining politely.

Some girls approached her group and immediately the boys seemed to change their attitude towards her, as she discerned they were his girlfriends and Samantha not wanting to cause them problems with them made as if they had never said anything. They said goodbye after talking with them for some relieved minutes of being alone again.

- Is that Carl someone important? .- Samantha asked.

- The star of our rugby team, they have their eyes set on the various universities.- Stephen replied.

-Well, I should be flattered to have received that offer from you, although for me you can go and make them to other new girls. Anyway to know me better, I would not hesitate to leave me without problems.

- Or he would try harder to seduce you !, Samantha.

- It is also possible, something similar happened to me in other schools. And the only time I gave in to the claims of someone similar I ended up regretting it shortly. Anyway, a little more than a month will know how my character is and end up ignoring me, which is a relief for outgoing girls who see me as a rival.

- Even if it sounds a little selfish, I'm glad that it does, because it gives me the opportunity to be your friend.- Stephen said.

- It doesn't bother me that you think like that, it's just the opposite.

They traveled several more streets until it was nearly ten o'clock and they had to return to their homes.

- I had a great time with you tonight.- Stephen said.

- I've enjoyed it too, and I hope we can go out more times.

Both were realizing that the relationship was rapidly moving towards another definition, but neither dared to say it out loud for the moment. He dismissed the boy and closed the door leaving the bag with the goodies he had got on the kitchen.

He took the remote control of the television by switching on just in a channel where they gave a film about Dracula of the hammer saga, sat down on the sofa with intention to watch it quietly. Having caught the movie just could see the last twenty minutes and tired of all the experiences today, I turn off the television ready to go to his room to bed.