The new girl (f/ff, f/f) PART 3 POSTED

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Deleted User 266

The new girl (f/ff, f/f) PART 3 POSTED

Post by Deleted User 266 »

Rachel walked to school on a day like any other. She attended a private school a few blocks from her apartment in the city, so there really wasn't an excuse to drive unless it was raining. She was dressed in her usual school uniform, a pale blue button up shirt with a red necktie,and a knee length black skirt, as well as her knee length socks and black leather boots. The school year had only started a month or so earlier, so her course load was still pretty light, and she usually would spend a few hours with some friends after school before heading home. She did it so often that her parents hardly even bothered to check on her as long as she was back by a decent hour.

As she approached the front door of the school she heard her name being called behind her. As she turned, she saw it was Emily, her best friend since elementary school. She was dressed the same as Rachel with the exception of her black flats instead of boots. "How are you, beautiful?" Emily asked as they entered the building. As they talked they continued down the hall like any other day, until Rachel saw something out of the corner of her eye that caught her attention. She saw a head of bright pink hair walking across the hallway a few feet in front of them. Rachel was surprised, since their private school normally would never tolerate anything as extreme as that, but as she looked around, none of the teachers said a word. She approached the nearest teacher, her math professor, and asked, "Was there a rule change or something recently?" The teacher looked at her and replied, "Oh, no she just moved here yesterday and transferred in today. The schoolboard was fairly accepting of her hair simply because it was already there and not much could be done in one day to get rid of it, so they asked her if she could change it back as soon as she could. She agreed, as far as I understand," he turned to Emily with a joking grin on his face, "So i better not see you starting a new trend here, understand Emily?" Emily laughed. Emily had been popular for years, so it wasnt strange for some of the girls to try some of her ideas for themselves.

Rachel and Emily arrived in class, and Rachel immediately noticed the pink haired girl sitting by the window in the second row, looking outside. The girls approached her and offered there hellos, and the new girl turned to look at both of them, and smiled. "Hi" Emily called out enthusiastically, "I'm Emily and this is Rachel, whats your name?" She looked at Rachel, then to Emily, then back, smiling the whole time. "Im Rose. Wow, Im surprised, I was expecting my hair to be either the center of attention or the excuse everyone would use to shun me, but so far it seems pretty normal here, even if they do want me to change it as soon as I can." They continued to talk and converse until the bell rang and they took their seats for class.

The day continued, and Rachel discovered she had several classes with Rose, and also learned that she seemed to be a really nice girl. By the end of the day, the three girls walked out together, chatting like they had all been friends for years.

Finally, Emily said, "Hey Rose, we were going to go to my place for a while to hang out, you should come with us. I dont live far from here." Rose perked up at that. "I would love to, but what if we went to my place. My Dad is still moving some of our stuff from our last house, and my mom has to work until late, so it wouldnt be a problem at all. I could even drive us there." She reached into her bag and pulled out a set of keys and jangled them in front of the others. Rachel and Emily looked at eachother, nodded and turned back to Rose, who was smiling as big as ever.

They drove to Rose's house and walked inside. It was an actual house, with one main floor and a basement. It was also bigger than the apartments Rachel and Emily lived in, so the space was nice as well. "I love it!!" Emily said, "Now wheres the bathroom??" Rose pointed it out to her and ran off in that direction. Rose turned to Rachel, "Im going to change real quick. Do you have spare clothes with you?" Rachel shook her head. "No, I dont mind the uniform so much, so Ill usually wear it at my friends houses." Rose smiled again, "Perfect, I think you look good in that anyway." And turned away, saying she would be back in a minute as she walked out. Rachel walked around, admiring the house until Rose and Emily came back, at about the same time. Rose had changed into jean short shorts and a pink tanktop, while also wearing a black scarf on her neck and a thinner white scarf tied around her waist as a belt, and Emily came back, still in her uniform, but she had taken off her shoes.

"We should play a game." Rose said. Rachel asked what she had in mind, and said she had a few ideas. After throwing some ideas around for a while, they eventually settled on poker. All of them had played before, and Rose seemed excited to play. She left and came back with a deck of cards and a set of poker chips that she had. As they set it up and Rachel started dealing, Rose said, "We should make it interesting. Like, something for the winner, or something for the losers." Emily replied jokingly, "losers pay for lunch tomorrow." Rose and Rachel chuckled at the remark, and Rose shook her head, "No that's obvious. We should do more." She sat, thinking for a moment, then continued. "What if the losers got tied up?" Rachel and Emily looked at Rose, mostly surprised but partly confused. "What?" Replied the girls. Rose smiled, and got up, and came back with some rope in her hands. "When we lose our chips we get tied up. I'm sure I've got more stuff around her somewhere." Rachel looked at Emily, who looked back and smiled. Rachel responded, "Why not, I'm not planning on losing anyways."

As Rose sat down, they agreed on all the conditions for the losers. It wouldn't last more than an hour, and they established signals to let the winner know if there was an emergency. But if they were faking an emergency just to get out, or only needed to use the bathroom, they would be tied up again for an extra hour on top of the first. Rachel dealt the cards first, and the game began.

(I don't know enough about poker to give a detailed play by play, and I'm sure you guys just want the bondage now anyways)

"Full house!!" Called out Rose triumphantly. With the last hand, she had taken the last of Rachel's chips, and Emily had lost several hands before. "I win, so now we get to play the best part of the game." At this, Rachel started to realize this had been Roses plan from the start. Rose looked at Rachel, and gave that same smile as always. Emily seemed excited for some reason, and Emily noticed Rachel's look as Rose went to find more rope. Emily leaned close to Rachel and whispered, "I've actually wanted to try this for a while. That's why I lost so early." Then she leaned back in her chair giggling. Rachel let out a sigh, smiling. 'Same old Emily,' She thought, 'unpredictable as always.' Rose came back with a lot more rope, and began to set to work on the two of them. "Do you want to be on the ground or in a chair?" She asked both of them. The girls thought for a moment and both decided on the floor. "Okay then, Ill start with Emily." She tied Emily's hands behind her at the wrist, then said, "You know, I've actually done this a lot with some of my friends back home. Do you mind if I try some other things or do you want it simple." Emily responded, "Oh have fun Rose, do what you want." With that Rose continued. In the end, Emily was on her stomach in a tight hogtie, with her feet almost touching her butt. Her arms were tied at the wrists and elbows, with a chest harness weaving its way around her torso. Her legs were tied at the knees and ankles. Rachel could see Emily was enjoying herself, even if she was initially surprised by how well Rose could tie her. Rose looked at Rachel, and calmly said, "Your turn." with that smile on her face.

Rachel turned around and put her hands behind her for Rose to tie. Rose began to wrap the rope around Rachel's wrists. Suddenly Rachel felt nervous. She couldn't tell why, but she suddenly wanted no part in this. "Okay, wait." She said as she pulled away from Rose, who looked surprised, right as she had been about to tie off the rope, so it fell to the ground as Rachel pulled on it. "I'm not so sure about this anymore. Cant i owe you lunch as a punishment or something tomorrow?" Rose gave a look to Rachel as though she had been offended, and the look in her eyes slowly turned to a look of anger. Rose replied coldly, "You already agreed to this Rachel, now lets get on with it." The tone in Roses voice made Rachel take a step back. She already would have ran if Emily wasn't on the ground tied up already. She felt she shouldn't leave her alone, but she didn't want to be there anymore. Rose took a step forward, taking the rope in her hands and getting ready to tie Rachel. Rose took another step, and Rachel stepped back in turn. As they continued, Rachel was so focused on Rose that she didn't see the couch behind her as she took a step back and tripped onto the seat. As she began to fall, Rose immediately rushed to the fallen Rachel and pinned her down. "Come on Rachel, just for a little bit." Rose said with cold tone in her voice, "You just look so beautiful today, Id rather not miss out on this chance to see you tied up." Rachel froze at the way she spoke, and was so surprised she barely even realized she had been flipped over onto her stomach until Rose pulled the ropes on her wrists tight and knotted them off. She started to pull on them but it was too late, and Rose picked her up and laid her on the ground, and set to work tying the rest of her.

Within minutes, Rachel was tied in a similar manner to Emily, only with some of the ties having extra rope to keep her captured. Rose stood before her prisoners, giving that same smile Rachel used to like, that now she couldn't stand to see anymore. "Now what?" Rachel said sharply to Rose. Rose looked at her, "Now? Well I suppose that first I should take care of the last thing." Rachel was about to ask what she meant until she saw Rose take off one of her socks. At that point she tried to stop Rose, but failed at that as well before the sock went in her mouth and silenced her. Rose took the scarf from around her neck and tied a knot in the middle before shoving it in Rachel's mouth and tying it off. Rachel squirmed and pulled but to no avail, she was stuck, and now she was silenced. Emily, while obviously surprised at everything that had happened, still seemed like she wanted to enjoy the time she would spend tied up. She also decided that making Rose mad probably wouldn't help the situation, and continued to act as she had been, even as Rose removed her other sock and put it in her mouth, and removed the scarf from her waist to cleave gag her with. Rose stepped back one more time, admiring her work. "Alright girls, your hour starts now. Have fun." Rose chuckled lightly and walked down the hallway out of sight. Rachel and Emily looked at each other, and Emily tried to smile to reassure Rachel that everything would be fine.

Rose returned a few minutes later with her phone in hand. She then smiled and held up the phone, and then started to take pictures of the girls. Rachel moaned in protest, but could do little more as Rose walked around them, taking picture after picture. "Don't worry girls, these are for me more than anyone. I wouldn't ever hold these against you." She leaned down near Rachel's face. "If I got kicked out of school, Id never see you again, and I would hate that so much." She pouted her lips slightly in a sad expression, and stood up. "Ok girls, we said an hour, but if you're good and quiet I may consider letting you out early." Rachel perked up at this, hoping it wasn't just a sick joke. "I want you to be nice and quiet for me, and stay still. If I hear anything, and I mean anything, I may just forget to untie you. Understand girls?" Rachel and Emily both nodded, and Rose smiled, and let out a small giggle before sitting down on the couch, watching the girls closely.

They waited, neither wanting to make a sound. Even Emily was getting tired of it and wanted to get out. Rose occasionally walked around them, but they were careful to be as quiet as they could. After nearly 40 minutes of being tied, Rose said, "I admire that you two are so determined, but you're getting boring. Honestly I'm done watching you anyway at this point. Ill let you out now, but you have to do one thing first." Rachel listened anxiously. "I want you to struggle as hard as you can for a minute. Do that, and Ill let you out." Rachel wasn't sure if this was a trick or not, but at this point she didn't have a choice. She began to pull and tug at the ropes, trying in vain to pull at the knots she already knew wouldn't come out. She moaned and squealed into her gag, while Emily did the same next to her. They rolled about on the floor, trying desperately to appear convincing enough to be let out. "Stop." said Rose," I think that's enough for now. The girls stopped struggling and looked up. "Okay then. Times up I suppose." She stooped down next to Emily and began untying her. When the ropes were off of her arms and torso, she left her to take care of her legs while she went to untie Rachel. In a few moments, the girls were freed and standing a circle in the living room.

"Hey guys, that was fun right?" Rose said. "So, I know I get a little crazy when I'm in charge of something, especially when its people tied up, but I didn't mean any harm or anything." She turned to Rachel, who was obviously not happy, and not accepting the apology. "I probably shouldn't have tied you up. Especially after you said you didn't want to. Any way I can make it up to you?" She sounded as sincere as could be expected after everything. Rachel looked at Emily, who looked back, and gave a look that said, "Whatever you want." Rachel turned back to Rose, who still looked back, only with half a smile now. Rachel sighed, "Okay, on one condition." Rose listened eagerly. "Does your mom know about these games?" Rose nodded, "Sure she does. She doesn't always approve that I do it, but she knows about it." Rachel nodded, "Good, then I wont have to explain the whole thing to her. Rose tilted her head, confused, until Rachel picked up a bundle of rope off the floor and said, "Turn around."

Within minutes, Rachel and Emily were picking up their bags, ready to leave. Rachel had called her mom to pick them up, since Rose was "busy" at the moment, and she had just shown up. Rachel turned around, looking at the hogtied Rose on the floor. She was tied with all of the rope that had been used on both Rachel and Emily, in as tight a hogtie as they had been put through. She had been gagged with both socks and the white scarf, and blindfolded with the other. A note had been left on the nearby table for her mother that said, "Call/text me for the whole story if you want to know" with Rachel's number written down on it. "Bye Rose, see you in school tomorrow!" Rachel called as she slammed the door shut.

As Rachel sat at home, few hours later, her mom asked her, "So what exactly did you do at Rose's house?" At that time, Rachel received a text from an unknown number, she looked at it, read the words, "No need to explain. Good rope work." Rachel smiled, "Nothing much, just hung out."
Last edited by Deleted User 266 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.

Post by freyjaceleste862 »

very nice.
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Post by TightsBound »

Great story! It might be fun to see more adventures with these news friends. :)
Deleted User 93

Post by Deleted User 93 »

Nice story! A great setup for future adventures.
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Post by Beetle bailey13 »

Nice and Good Story
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Post by Plueschbabycd »

I would say that scream after payback with possibly more games. :twisted: :D
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Post by SelenaGfan425 »

Will there be more for these girls?
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Post by MaxRoper »

Excellent story, well written and edited. Proving once again that payback's a bitch.

Thanks for posting!
Deleted User 266

Post by Deleted User 266 »

Rachel wasnt entirely sure to make of the last incident with Rose. On the one hand, Rose apologized for getting out of hand, and even let Rachel leave her tied up. She never even mentioned what happened outside of that group, so no one else in the school even knew. As the week went on, Rose continued to act like nothing had happened, and tried to be friendly with Emily and Rachel, which Emily seemed okay with. However, Rachel couldn't get over the fact that she had been tied against her will, even if it was part of the bet they all agreed to, Rose didn't even try to hold back with how much she had tied her up. Emily seemed to enjoy herself somehow, but Rachel couldn't seem to understand the appeal. Tying up Rose had been satisfying enough, but mostly out of revenge than anything else.

These thoughts went through her mind constantly. She wanted to be Roses friend, but couldn't figure out how she could bring herself to trust her when Rose could just turn on her and tie her up again. Finally, on Friday, Rose approached Rachel at lunch.

In a quiet voice to make sure no one overheard, Rose said, "Rachel, I know you're probably mad, but Id like to make it up to you." Rachel looked at Rose, intrigued by whatever her idea might be. "Would you like to come by my place this afternoon? Ill let you do whatever you want." Rachel wasn't sure how to respond to that. She had already tied her up once as payback, so she wasn't sure why she would want to do it again. Regardless, she could tell Rose was being genuine, so she nodded in agreement, figuring that maybe she would figure out what to do. Rose smiled and walked away.

After school, Rachel said goodbye to Emily, who had homework to do that night, so she wouldnt be joining them. They entered Rose's house, and her mom was in the kitchen putting something in the oven for dinner. "Hi, you must be Rachel. To be frank, I definitely did not let Rose off the hook for what she did. I left her tied up for at least another hour after I got back when she told me why she was tied up." Rachel was surprised, she had assumed that her mom had simply untied her when she arrived, and Rose had said that she wouldnt be back for at least two hours, so Rose had been left in a tight hogtie for what was probably around 3. Rose spoke up at that point, "Im letting Rachel get whatever revenge she wants on me today, so we'll just be going to my room." Roses mom laughed, then looked at Rachel and said, "Give her hell."

In Roses room, Rachel asked, "Were you really stuck for 3 hours? Now I feel kinda bad for that." Rose shook her head, "It wasnt too bad. I enjoy being tied up most of the time, and you did well enough that I had fun for a while with it." Rachel gave a slight nod, pretending to understand what she meant, but couldnt fathom it herself. Rose reached under her bed and slid a cardboard box out from under it. "Use whatever you want, Im your slave for the afternoon. Just let me out for dinner at 6." Rachel opened the box and saw a collection of rope, different colored duct tape, zipties, and even a few pairs of handcuffs. She wasnt even sure where she would start, but decided on a roll of black tape. Rose first bowed her head, and said, "Do you mind if I change into something else master?" Rachel looked at her, taken aback a bit. "Umm, sure I guess." Rose moved to the closet, "Any preference?" Rachel shook her head and stepped out of the room. She waited a moment then came back in to find Rose in a pink romper, barefoot. Rose spoke up, still bowing her head, "You may begin master." Rachel figured she should start before it got weirder, so she reached into the box and pulled out a rag, "Put this in your mouth, Im tired of hearing you call me master." Rose nodded and did as she was told while Rachel started wrapping tape around her ankles. As she started, Roses legs didnt come as close as she wanted them to be. "Put your feet closer together." Rachel remarked, sounding a bit harsher than she had intended. Roses legs snapped together, and Rachel wrapped the tape around them. Then she was about to take Roses hands gently, but then wanted to try commanded her again. "Give me your hands now!" She snapped, to which Rose reacted quickly. She wrapped the tape around her wrists quickly and firmly.

Rachel wasnt sure why, but she found she enjoyed giving Rose orders, and as she moved in front of Rose, she could see a small smile in her face, despite the rag in her mouth. "Are you enjoying me telling you what to do?" Rachel asked. Rose looked up for a moment, and winked at Rachel before dropping her head back down. Rachel decided to keep going with the idea of Rose as her slave, just to see how it felt. "Get on your knees." Rose immediately did so. "Face on the ground." Rose did so. "Now dont move a muscle until I return, or Ill bind you much harder. Rachel walked out of the room to go to the bathroom, and as she walked in, she looked in the mirror. Hm, she thought to herself, Maybe this is a little more fun than I gave it credit for.
Last edited by Deleted User 266 6 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bondagefreak »

Great stuff!

Just have to point out though, that it would be MUCH better for your readers and followers if you posted a story in one thread and avoided creating different threads for each chapter.
Most readers subscribe to a topic/story they like and wait for a "new chapter" notification before returning to said topic.

Splitting "New Girl" up into different topic is not a good idea unless you plan on linking the previous threads to the new ones each time you publish a chapter.

One of the mods can surely merge the story together for you if you asked.

Deleted User 266

Post by Deleted User 266 »

Hey guys, Im taking Bondagefreak's advice and Im just going to consolidate everything with these characters on this one topic. Ive been busy lately so I havent had anything to continue with, so this is just the last story I wrote. Ill continue whenever I get a chance.

Rachel wasnt entirely sure to make of the last incident with Rose. On the one hand, Rose apologized for getting out of hand, and even let Rachel leave her tied up. She never even mentioned what happened outside of that group, so no one else in the school even knew. As the week went on, Rose continued to act like nothing had happened, and tried to be friendly with Emily and Rachel, which Emily seemed okay with. However, Rachel couldn't get over the fact that she had been tied against her will, even if it was part of the bet they all agreed to, Rose didn't even try to hold back with how much she had tied her up. Emily seemed to enjoy herself somehow, but Rachel couldn't seem to understand the appeal. Tying up Rose had been satisfying enough, but mostly out of revenge than anything else.

These thoughts went through her mind constantly. She wanted to be Roses friend, but couldn't figure out how she could bring herself to trust her when Rose could just turn on her and tie her up again. Finally, on Friday, Rose approached Rachel at lunch.

In a quiet voice to make sure no one overheard, Rose said, "Rachel, I know you're probably mad, but Id like to make it up to you." Rachel looked at Rose, intrigued by whatever her idea might be. "Would you like to come by my place this afternoon? Ill let you do whatever you want." Rachel wasn't sure how to respond to that. She had already tied her up once as payback, so she wasn't sure why she would want to do it again. Regardless, she could tell Rose was being genuine, so she nodded in agreement, figuring that maybe she would figure out what to do. Rose smiled and walked away.

After school, Rachel said goodbye to Emily, who had homework to do that night, so she wouldnt be joining them. They entered Rose's house, and her mom was in the kitchen putting something in the oven for dinner. "Hi, you must be Rachel. To be frank, I definitely did not let Rose off the hook for what she did. I left her tied up for at least another hour after I got back when she told me why she was tied up." Rachel was surprised, she had assumed that her mom had simply untied her when she arrived, and Rose had said that she wouldnt be back for at least two hours, so Rose had been left in a tight hogtie for what was probably around 3. Rose spoke up at that point, "Im letting Rachel get whatever revenge she wants on me today, so we'll just be going to my room." Roses mom laughed, then looked at Rachel and said, "Give her hell."

In Roses room, Rachel asked, "Were you really stuck for 3 hours? Now I feel kinda bad for that." Rose shook her head, "It wasnt too bad. I enjoy being tied up most of the time, and you did well enough that I had fun for a while with it." Rachel gave a slight nod, pretending to understand what she meant, but couldnt fathom it herself. Rose reached under her bed and slid a cardboard box out from under it. "Use whatever you want, Im your slave for the afternoon. Just let me out for dinner at 6." Rachel opened the box and saw a collection of rope, different colored duct tape, zipties, and even a few pairs of handcuffs. She wasnt even sure where she would start, but decided on a roll of black tape. Rose first bowed her head, and said, "Do you mind if I change into something else master?" Rachel looked at her, taken aback a bit. "Umm, sure I guess." Rose moved to the closet, "Any preference?" Rachel shook her head and stepped out of the room. She waited a moment then came back in to find Rose in a pink romper, barefoot. Rose spoke up, still bowing her head, "You may begin master." Rachel figured she should start before it got weirder, so she reached into the box and pulled out a rag, "Put this in your mouth, Im tired of hearing you call me master." Rose nodded and did as she was told while Rachel started wrapping tape around her ankles. As she started, Roses legs didnt come as close as she wanted them to be. "Put your feet closer together." Rachel remarked, sounding a bit harsher than she had intended. Roses legs snapped together, and Rachel wrapped the tape around them. Then she was about to take Roses hands gently, but then wanted to try commanded her again. "Give me your hands now!" She snapped, to which Rose reacted quickly. She wrapped the tape around her wrists quickly and firmly.

Rachel wasnt sure why, but she found she enjoyed giving Rose orders, and as she moved in front of Rose, she could see a small smile in her face, despite the rag in her mouth. "Are you enjoying me telling you what to do?" Rachel asked. Rose looked up for a moment, and winked at Rachel before dropping her head back down. Rachel decided to keep going with the idea of Rose as her slave, just to see how it felt. "Get on your knees." Rose immediately did so. "Face on the ground." Rose did so. "Now dont move a muscle until I return, or Ill bind you much harder. Rachel walked out of the room to go to the bathroom, and as she walked in, she looked in the mirror. Hm, she thought to herself, Maybe this is a little more fun than I gave it credit for.
Deleted User 266

Post by Deleted User 266 »

Rachel returned to the bedroom, where Rose remained on the ground, not having moved at all. Upon entering the room Rachel snapped, "Get your head off the floor and face me." Rose looked up, anxiously waiting for her next command. Rose looked around the room and in the Roses box for something she could use, and settled on a pink scarf that was in Roses closet, and tied it around Roses head, cleave gagging her. "Now, stand up servant." Rose did so, and Rachel said, "Now, I want you to try to get your hands free while standing. If you cant get out in 5 minutes or you fall over, Ill make it worse. Now get started!"

Rose immediately started pulling and tugging against the tape as the time passed. She almost fell over at the beginning, but managed to right herself. The time ticked on and on, but Rose managed to free her hands, and Rachel looked at the clock, seeing she had only had a few seconds to spare. Rachel gave a slow sarcastic clap, "Well done my servant. You have avoided being wrapped in enough tape to cover your whole body." Rachel wouldnt have actually done it, since she had to let her out in a few hours for lunch anyway, so it would have been a waste of tape to use it for only that long. Either way, Rose looked like she believed her, and breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, dont think youre done." Rose perked up. "You just avoided a worse fate, now sit down by the bed, and put your back to the leg at the end." Rose did as she was told, and Rachel reached into the box, and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. "Put these on your wrists, and if it doesnt look like they're tight enough Ill make it even tighter for you." Rose put the handcuffs on as commanded, and Rachel examined them, noticing that one of the wrists was secure, but the other was still slightly loose. "I cant believe you would try to defy me!" Rachel snapped, and grabbed a second pair from the box, a slightly larger pair of cuffs with a longer chain, that looked like they were designed for the legs. Rachel locked the cuffs on Roses legs and pulled on the chain between them, pulling Roses back from the bed and stretching out her arms, making her wince a little from the suddenness of it. Rachel pulled a little more, and Rose was stretched out even further from the bed, now obviously in a bit of pain. Rachel saw this and immediately let go, coming to her senses. "Oh my gosh, Im so sorry Rose, I dont know what came over me!" She quickly moved to Roses side and pulled the gag out of her mouth as Rose sat back up against the bed. She looked back at Rachel, no longer as the submissive girl she had been previously, but with that familiar smile.

"No no, its okay Rachel, I was having fun. I think you understand why I acted the way I did the other day. Its really easy to act in ways you wouldnt normally when you act as a dominate in these games." Rachel finally realized why Rose had acted so cruel (in her eyes) before. Rose had just gotten carried away, no different than she had. "Now, you were doing great, I was having fun, and I liked where you were going with it. Just tone it down a tad with the painful parts, Im not into being stretched." She started giggling to herself and pulling on the cuffs on her arms and legs. "Now, lets keep going. Just keep doing what you were doing." Rose smiled again, that same smile Rachel was coming to adore.

Rachel gave a serious glare again, trying not to smile, "Dont tell me what to do servant. I gave you a chance to speak and you dare command me! That wont go unpunished!" She snapped. She shoved the rag back into Roses mouth, then replaced the scarf, then used a black scarf to blindfold her, and tied the ends of the scarf to the leg of the bed, pinning her to the bed. She moaned in protest, but Rachel wouldnt hear it. She looked back into the box and noticed some zipties in a bag. She grabbed two of them and connected them, making one that was twice as long. She put it around the chain on the handcuffs, then pulled Roses legs up as close as she needed to close the loop around both chains. When the loop was made, Roses legs were bent, but not severely, not even halfway. "Now, " Rachel began, "Every time I hear you make even the slightest noise, Im going to tighten this. If you keep making noise after Its as tight as it can get, Ill find another way to punish you. Do you understand?" Rose tried to nod, but the scarf kept her from moving much. "What was that? Answer me with one moan for yes, and two for no." Rose moaned once, indicating her acknowledgement, but Rachel smiled and said, "Come on, you're already making noise?!" Rachel reached down and pulled on the ziptie, making it tighter. Rose shook her head, which was a bit easier, and moaned in protest, obviously trying to say that shouldnt have counted. "Well then, you just love making noise dont you. maybe you just dont remember what Im going to do to you." Rachel pulled it even tighter, and Rose moaned again in protest. "More? Okay, you asked for it." Rachel pulled again, and now Roses legs were almost to her hands. She finally stopped making noise at that point, and Rachel laughed to herself, while Rose sat in silence, submitting to the master.

Time passed quicker than Rachel was expecting. Rachel checked the time. It was now 530, and Rose had been like this for nearly an hour, and needed to be let out soon. Rachel wanted to think of something else she could do, and said, "Hey Rose, question." Rose responded with a single inquisitive mmph, and Rachel laughed, "Youre so easy Rose." And pulled the ziptie the rest of the way closed, leaving Rose more restrained than before. Rose continued to moan in protest, since it was getting uncomfortable. Rachel laughed, pulling the gag out of her mouth. "Okay, the last rule is rescinded, you can talk now. So heres the plan, Im going to drop the key in front of you, and if you can get out before dinner, you may get a treat afterwards. If not, I suppose Ill just let you free for dinner, then well see afterards." Rose nodded (as best she could) and responded with "Of course, thank you master." Rachel placed the key on the ground, just out of reach of Rose. Rose pulled against the ziptie to give herself more reach, but couldnt get enough leverage to break it. She twisted and pulled as best she could, but eventually changed tactics, and started pulling on the blindfold. It was attached well to the bed, but Rose pulled under it and slipped out of the blindfold entirely, since apparently it hadnt been as tight as Rachel had thought. Rose looked up at Rachel and smiled. She maneuvered her body so she was lying on the ground, extending her reach just slightly, and just enough to get the key with her toes. She sat back up and got the key to her handcuffs, letting herself out with 5 minutes to spare before dinner. Rose stood up, victorious, and Rachel smiled, "Looks like you may get something after all." The two smiled as they went to dinner, discussing their plans for the evening.
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Post by Solarbeast »

Great story. I do hope that both the story and these characters have continuation ideas already in mind for the future.
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Post by Veracity »

Nice job. Thanks for posting.

Post by freyjaceleste862 »

Are you sure this story is non-adult people?
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Post by Johnsnow »

[mod]This post has been merged to current post. Please just add on to this post changing the title to "... Part 3 added" or something around that to help keep stories together.[/mod]
Deleted User 266

Post by Deleted User 266 »

freyjaceleste862 wrote: 6 years ago Are you sure this story is non-adult people?
Dont worry. This is the most I was really planning on taking it. The story wont involve anything more risque than what Ive already put in.

Post by freyjaceleste862 »

gaggedgal wrote: 6 years ago
freyjaceleste862 wrote: 6 years ago Are you sure this story is non-adult people?
Dont worry. This is the most I was really planning on taking it. The story wont involve anything more risque than what Ive already put in.
Ok I see
Deleted User 266

Post by Deleted User 266 »

The girls went to the kitchen to eat dinner. Roses mom was setting the table when she saw them walking in. "It sounded like y'all were having fun." Rose and Rachel looked at each other, smiling. As they ate, they talked about school, life, boys, and just about everything in between. Knowing that Roses mom wasn't the biggest fan of their little game, they made sure to avoid the topic to make sure it wasn't awkward at the dinner table.

When they finished eating they helped clean up and went back to Roses bedroom to continue their little game. "So," Rose said, "Where do we want to go from here? You said I would get a treat for escaping, so what do I get?"

"Hmm, well...I have an idea for that." Rose looked on eagerly. "Well, seeing you have as much fun as you did made me kind of want to try being tied up again, but I also really want to keep going with what we were doing, since that was fun too."

Rose perked up at hearing that, then sat thinking for a moment. "Well then, just find a way to work it into the game." Rose said as she winked, before bowing her head, going right back into the submissive Rose she had been earlier.

Rachel thought for a moment, then figured she had an idea. "So, my servant did something slightly worthy of praise? Well then, your reward will be slightly lighter bonds for the next few hours. Enjoy it while it lasts you scum." Rachel went to pick up the handcuffs from before. "Don't think I'm planning to let you simply untie your hands though." She put the cuffs back on Roses wrists, and had her sit on the ground as she grabbed some rope and tied her ankles and knees together. Then, she flipped her on her stomach and used another rope to pull her into a hogtie, but not nearly as tight as she had done before. Still crouching down, she grabbed a scarf from off the ground and gave Rose a simple cleave gag. "Now, Id better find you like that when I wake up from my nap. If it even looks like you loosened it, There will be hell to pay." Rachel stood up, turned around, and lied down on Roses bed, putting the key to the handcuffs in her pocket. She turned away from Rose, pretending she had fallen asleep, but she simply waited for Rose to escape. She had tied all of the knots on her legs in the most accessible positions that Rose could surely untie her legs without too much effort. She heard Rose moaning and thumping around on the floor. Rachel giggled, wondering whether she should turn around so she could watch. She turned over onto her back, pretending to be half asleep. She smiled as she saw Rose untying the rope on her knees, after having already untied the ankles and hogtie. Rose looked up, with a look of worry in her eyes, which was dispelled quickly when she saw Rachel trying to smile. Rose is much better at this than I am, she thought to herself. I should practice more. She turned back over on her side away from Rose, and heard her slowly getting to her feet. She expected to feel her putting her hand in her pocket soon, but only felt a slight movement on the bed behind her. Rachel moved her hand over her pocket and sighed to herself. The key had fallen out of her pocket when she had rolled on her back...

She heard the clinking of the handcuffs unlocking, and began to sit up, still acting half asleep, asking "What was that?' right before Rose locked the cuffs on her wrist, then pulled it quickly behind her and grabbed her other arm, locking the other cuff on the wrist. "Hey, whats going on you filth?!" Rachel called out, before Rose grabbed the nearest thing she could, which was a sock, and shoved it in Rachel's mouth. "MMmpph!!" Rachel tried to spit out the sock but Rose put her hand over her mouth and jumped on the bed behind her, wrapping her other arm around Rachel's torso.

"Alrighty then 'Mistress,' listen up. I am sick of following your every command, and I am going to have my way with you today like you always have with me!" Rachel tried to pull away but Rose held firm. "Now, we're going to have a little fun, and you're going to do everything I say." They struggled against each other for a while, but Rachel couldn't make any progress, and eventually gave up. Finally, Rose whispered in Rachel's ear, "If you really want out, hit your feet on the ground 3 times in a row. Ill try not to make it hurt, but I may be a bit rough so let me know if I go overboard okay?" Rachel nodded, and right after she said it she pulled Rachel off the bed and onto the floor, where she grabbed a scarf off the ground and cleave gagged Rachel with it. She then grabbed some rope and began to tie her. She wrapped rope tightly on her ankles and above her knees. Then, she grabbed an especially long length of rope, looked Rachel in the eye, gave that familiar smile, and tied a chest harness on her, going above, below, and in between her breasts, and pinning her arms to her sides, with the ends of the rope both ending up in the front just below her chest as Rose pulled it tight. Rachel winced a bit. It didn't hurt, but it was a bit uncomfortable. Then, Rose used the ends of the rope and tied them off on the rope on her knees, pulling them tight so her chest was a little more than 2 inches from her knees. Rachel could barely move under it all. The only thing still relatively free was her lower legs, which were only left alone so she could alert Rose. "Well 'mistress,' what do you think of that?" Rachel moaned into her gag defiantly, still trying to act like the mistress she had been earlier. "What's that? You want more rope? No wait, was that gag for tape? Oh man, I can barely understand you under all that hahaha!" Rachel pulled on the rope and tried to find the knots, but they were all in places her cuffed hands couldn't reach. She wasn't even sure she could get them if her hands were free. "Yeah, take some of your own medicine 'ma'am'" Rose said as she laughed at Rachel's predicament. She gently pushed Rachel onto her side, then grabbed a piece of rope and doubled it over, putting the ends through the loop on the chain in the cuffs, then pulled Rachel on the ground towards the bed, and tied the ends on the top of the bed frame, well out of her reach. Rose stood over Rachel's completely bound body and couldn't help but give that lovable smile. "Well then, what if we made it a game?" She picked up the key off the floor and tossed it to the other side of the room. "If you can get free, Ill give you a treat." Rachel looked up at Rose, tried to glare menacingly, but more than anything trying not to laugh at Rose using the same phrase she had used earlier.

Rachel tugged and pulled on the ropes and cuffs as best she could, but made no progress whatsoever. After about half an hour of that, Roses mom walked in, looked around, smiled, bowed and shook her head slightly, as mothers do. "Rachel your mom just called. She was wondering when you were coming home. What should I tell her?" Rose pulled the gag out so she could talk. "Well, I'm not entirely sure." She looked at Rose, who was wondering the same thing, before Rachel had an idea, and began to smile. Rose began to smile as well, seemingly having the same idea. "Sleepover?" both girls said at the same time. Roses mom laughed out loud. "Ill call your mom back and tell her." and walked out the door. The girls looked at each other again, smiling from ear to ear. "Call Emily. Surely shes done with her homework by now, and we would have so much fun." Rose nodded, then asked "Should I let you go?" Rachel looked down at her bonds, "Hmm, maybe just a tad longer, I think I'm starting to understand why you seem to like it so much." Rose smiled, "Well then, better put this back." As she shoved the gag back in Rachel's mouth. "Enjoy your stay." Rose said as she stood up and walked out, leaving Rachel to her rope and handcuffs.
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Post by harveygasson »

Hadn't seen this story till now but it's really good! Hope you keep on with it
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Post by Beetle bailey13 »

Good Update
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Post by TightsBound »

Great new chapter! I’m looking forward to seeing what happens during their sleepover. :)
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