Tangled the Series: The Endurance Test (F/F)

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Tangled the Series: The Endurance Test (F/F)

Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

Rapunzel, Princess of Corona, was sitting outside in the castle’s courtyard. Having completed all of her princess duties, the princess had no other plans but to just enjoy the lovely warm weather.

Close by was her hand maiden, daughter of the Captain of the Guards, and BFF Cassandra. Like many would do upon seeing her, she was staring intently at the princess. Unlike many, she was staring at the princess’ feet, watching her toes grip onto the blades of grass.

See, Cassandra had a secret: she liked being tickled. She realized this when she was younger and her father tickled her whenever she was upset in order to make her smile. When she got older, a few of her father’s trainees thought it’d be a great prank to pin her down and tickle her senseless. Though she loved every second of it, in order to maintain her image, she’d later pummel each of the ticklers to remind them not to mess with her.

Still, all of her ticklers were of the male variety. She’d never been tickled by a woman before because all of her life, she was surrounded by men. But that changed when she met Rapunzel.

And Cassandra knew that Rapunzel would make an excellent tickler. Her long hair would make for a great restraint if she wanted Cassandra to stay where she was. And though she was usually a sweet girl, Cass knew Rapunzel definitely had a mischievous streak in her, meaning that the blonde could get creative with the process.

Taking a deep breath, the hand maiden approached the princess, deciding that today would be the day that she’d get Rapunzel to tickle her. But how to convince her to do it?

“Cassandra! Hi!”

Drats, she was spotted. Well, it was too late to think up a plan now, so it looks like she had to wing it.

“Hey, Raps. Uh, so...listen. Ok, so I was training with my dad and he said that I needed some endurance training.”
“You need endurance training? You’re, like, one of the most durable people I know!”
“Yea...but my dad is...weird.”

Rapunzel squinted. “Cass, are you ok? You seem uneasy.”
“Yea, I’m fine! Look, will you help me with it?”
“Yea, sure. What do you want me to do?”
“I’m not sure. He wasn’t very specific...”

As they were thinking, Cassandra “accidentally“ brushed her booted foot across the princess’ bare foot, eliciting a giggle.

“Heh heh heh.”
“Raps, I’m so sorry!”
“It’s ok. It was an accident...wait...I got it!”

The blonde grabbed her friend by the arm and dragged her towards the castle. “Where are we going?” the hand maiden asked.
“I came up with the perfect endurance test!”


The two were soon in Rapunzel’s bedroom. “Sit down,” the princess ordered in a playfully authoritative voice, pointing at her head.
“You still didn’t tell me what we’re doing.”
“Cassandra, accidentally tickling a princess is a serious offense,” the blonde informed in the same tone. “If you don’t want to spend the rest of your life in the dungeon, you will sit down.”

When she did, Rapunzel gently pushed her back so that she was lying down. Using the end of one of her many strands of hair, she started to tie Cassandra’s wrists to the bed.

”Ohmygod,” Cassandra thought to herself. ”She’s tying me up. I think she’s actually gonna do it. Yes!”

As her friend used another strand of hair to secure her knees together, Cassandra asked, “Is restraining me part of the test?”

Rapunzel crawled over to her BFF and asked in a whisper. “Are you ticklish, Cass?”

”Yeeeees! Just tickle me all over, please!”

But in order to maintain her image, Cassandra answered, “What?! Is this your idea of an endurance test?”
“Absolutely! I got the idea when your foot accidentally tickled mine.”
“Are you upset about that? I said I’m sorry.”
“Of course I’m not upset about that. It just simply inspired me how to test your stamina.”
“Are you even sure about this? What if someone hears us?”
“Don’t worry, Cass. I told the castle staff that we were having a private conversation. So they’re staying away for right now. That means no one can hear you laugh but me! Muahahahahaha!”

As the blonde tugged off her friend’s boots, Rapunzel commented, “Now, if you want me to stop at any point, all you have to do is tell me that you give up. But I shouldn’t have to, Miss Tough Cookie. You should be able to withstand everything I’m about to throw at you.”
“Pfft, of course I will. Hit me with your best shot, blondie!”
“Very well. Let’s get started, shall we?”

With that, Rapunzel gently started to run her finger’s down her friend’s stockinged feet. Cassandra was able to stifle the laugh, but not enough so that Rapunzel couldn’t hear it.

“Was that a laaaaaaaugh I heard?” the blonde asked teasingly.
“What? No!”
“You know, there’s no shame in giving up right away. If you want to call it quits right now, I’ll understand.”

”Don’t you dare quit right now, Raps! I will never forgive you if you do!” “Pfft, that was a laugh, blondie; a laugh at your feeble attempts to break me!” Cassandra haughtily replied.
“Is that so? Well, I suppose it’s time for me to step it up!”

She ran her fingers down her feet again, far less gently this time. This was enough to get an audible giggle.

“Is that better? Is this effort good enough for ‘The Great Cassandra’?”
”Yessss!” “Perhaps it might...if you have the stamina to do it 50,000 more times.”
“We’re trying to test your stamina, not mine,” Rapunzel reminded her. “Here, let me speed the process up.

The princess grabbed Cassandra’s stockings and pulled them off, pinching her nose closed when she did.

“Pee-yew, Cass! Your feet smell awful!” the blonde. “Goodness gracious, smell these!” she exclaimed as she tossed the stockings into her friend’s face, hitting her right in the nose.

“Ugh, eww! Raps, we’re here to test my endurance via tickling, not by making me smell my own footwear,” the hand maiden replied, shaking her head to try to get the stockings away from her face.

The princess stood up. “I know what you need. Just keep quiet and I’ll be right back.”
“Where are you even going?”
Rapunzel lowered her eyebrows. “I said be quiet.”

The blonde strode over, took one of the stockings, and jammed it into Cassandra’s mouth. “If you don’t keep that in until I get back, it’ll only get worse for you.” With that, Rapunzel left, Cassandra feeling her hair restraints being gently tugged on.

Despite being told not to, Cassandra spat the stocking out. ”Please let the punishment be more tickling. Pleeeeeeeease let the punishment be more tickling...”

A minute later, Rapunzel returned with a few things: a bucket of water, two scrub brushes, and a few towels. Upon seeing Cassandra ungagged, the princess smirked.

“I told you not to spit the stocking out,” Rapunzel chided.
“What are you gonna do about it, blondie?”
“Nothing right now. I’ll dole out your punishment later. But for right now, let’s deal with those stinky feet of yours.” With that, Rapunzel dipped the brushes into the water.

“Nonononono wait! Wait!” ”Aaaaaaahhhh, this is gonna be torture!”
“Sorry, but if you don’t want to take care of your feet, I will. Of course, if you want me to stop-“
“I will never give up! You hear me, Raps? Never!”
“Fine. Just let me know when you’ve had enough.” With that, Rapunzel started to scrub.

“Not until either you give up or your feet don’t smell atrocious!”
“Then I guess I’m not stopping until your feet are sparkling.”

Using one hand to pry the space between her toes open, Rapunzel started to scrub between the spaces with the brush, causing Cassandra’s eyes to almost pop out of her head.

”Wow, between the toes? You are evil, Raps.” “AAAHHHHHAHAHAHAAAAA! THIS IS TAAAAAH-TORTURRRRE”
“If it’s that torturous, then give up, Cass!”
“Name-calling will only make it far worse,” the blonde chided, digging the brushes’ bristles deep into the back of her friend’s feet.
”Maybe that’s what I want.” “I HAAAA-HATE YOUOOEEAAHHAHA!”

The tickling suddenly stopped. “You hate me?” Rapunzel asked in a slightly hurt tone.
“What? No! I’m so sorry. I didn’t-“

The princess suddenly laughed, causing Cassandra to realize her friend knew she didn’t mean it. “Maybe what I need to do is balance out your hatred with a bit of sweetness.”

The princess left the room again. Two minutes later, she returned with a jar of honey.

”Honey? Wha...?”

“Let’s make this more fun...” Rapunzel ominously stated. She suddenly took another one of her strands of blonde hair and wrapped it over Cassandra’s eyes, securing it with a knot.

”Ohmygod, now she’s blindfolding me. AND there’s honey. What’s gonna happen?” “Blondie, any reason why I’m blindfolded?”
“Well, I wouldn’t want the hatred you apparently have for me to leak from your eyes,” Rapunzel sarcastically replied as she started to use her fingers to spread the honey onto her friend’s wiggling feet.
“I was joking, Raps! You know I adore you and would never-“
“I’m aware. It still won’t stop me from doing what I’m about to do. What a shame, really. I just cleaned up your feet too…”
“What are you about to do?”

The blonde ignored her question. “You can always quit if you want-“
“What are you gonna do?!” ”I’m just dying to know what you have planned!”
“Oh, I just want to let Pascal have a snack, that’s all.”
”Pascal? What is she-wait...honey...feet...Pas-“ “Wait! Don’t you-“
“Oh, Pascal!”

Cassandra could hear Rapunzel’s pet chameleon run up to his owner’s room. Though she couldn’t see, she would bet anything that he was eyeing her honey-slathered feet as if they were Christmas gifts.

“Rapunzel, please don’t do this! This is crossing the line!” ”Yet at the same time, I kinda want this. Wait, do I? Ok, kind of.”
“Listen, Cass, it’s really simple: if you don’t want Pascal to do what he’s about to do, just give up.”

From what she was about to experience, she wanted to give up pretty badly (despite her love of tickling), but her confidence and ego refused to let her. “No, I will endure through whatever you throw at me.”
“Suit yourself, Cass. Oh, Pascal...”
“No!” ”Yet kind of yes at the same time!”
“Snack time!”

Without hesitation, the chameleon shot his tongue right onto Cassandra’s big toe and quickly dragged itself downwards.

“AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Cassandra shrieked out, her eyes nearly bugging out of her hairy blindfold. Desperately trying to do anything to make this torture end, she tried using her fingers to pick at the knots of the hair around her wrists. But her tickler saw her escape attempt and swatted the fingers away, thwarting the attempt.

“Uh-uh-uh,” Rapunzel chided. “You’re not allowed to escape from your restraints during your endurance test. The only escape you’re allowed is by giving up.”

Cassandra gave it legitimate thought. On one hand, this was absolute bliss; being tickled to the brink of insanity by her best friend. But on the other hand, this was a bit too much, even for her. And she needed a break.

Thus, she swallowed her pride and shouted, “OOOOOK-K-KAAAAAY! I GI-HAHAHAHAHA-I GIVE UP!”

As soon as she cried that out, Cassandra felt the tongue leave her foot. “Thank you, Pascal. I’ll give you some extra sweets at dessert time for your assistance with this test.” The chameleon nodded and scampered out of the room.

The hair over her eyes was removed as Rapunzel grabbed the scrubbing brush and, much more gently than before, cleaned off the honey from her pal’s feet. As she did, a thought occurred to the blonde regarding his friend’s behavior.

“You did it on purpose, didn’t you?”
“You brushed against my foot on purpose to give me the inspiration to...”

The princess gasped and broke into a giant grin. “You...you like to be tickled.”
“Wha-no! No, that’s stupid!”
“So, you think it’s stupid when I do...I dunno...THIS!”

Rapunzel started to scrub like mad, eliciting a high-pitched squeal from her friend.


The scrubbing stopped and the blonde straddled Cassandra’s hips. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Because I thought you’d think I was weird,” the hand maiden admitted in a murmur.

Rapunzel placed her hands onto her pal’s cheeks, almost immediately turning them beat red. “Hey, I have 70 feet of hair. I’d be in no place to call anyone weird,” she joked. “You could’ve just told me about this secret love of yours and I would’ve gladly helped you out with it.”
“That’s what friends are for, after all.”

Rapunzel started to untie her friend’s wrists and ankles when she thought of something else. “I still have to punish you for disobeying my orders.”
“For spitting that gross thing from my mouth? I had to! It tasted awful!”
“It doesn’t matter, Cass.”

The princess stood up and spoke in a regal voice. “Cassandra, for disobeying the Princess of Corona, for tickling her, and for keeping a secret of such magnitude from her, I sentence you to be locked in the dungeon all day tomorrow where you will be subjected to a lengthy-yet-similar endurance test to the one you’ve experienced today.”

Rapunzel straddled her once again, breaking into a mischievous grin. “I didn’t even get the chance to test out your tummy’s endurance yet,” she answered with a playfully predatory tone as she slowly stuck her hands up her friend’s tunic, inching closer and closer to her belly button...

The End
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Post by slackywacky »

Think I need to work on my endurance too :-)
Thanks for the story, it was a fun read.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to comment.
Slackywacky, also @DeviantArt

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Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

slackywacky wrote: 4 years ago Think I need to work on my endurance too :-)
Thanks for the story, it was a fun read.
Thanks a lot!
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Post by Solarbeast »

This was a great story as usual from you and it seemed to open up other opportunities to write stories with these 2 characters.
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Post by Caesar73 »

Solarbeast wrote: 4 years ago This was a great story as usual from you and it seemed to open up other opportunities to write stories with these 2 characters.
I second that motion! :)
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